Belarusian Studies
Recent papers in Belarusian Studies
Опубликовано в коллективной монографии: Т.Щитцова, Т. Артимович, Е. Ковтяк. И. Полещук: Без будущего. Депрессия и авторитарное общество. Вильнюс 2020. Глава 1.
Les Slaves de l'Est (Biélorusses, Russes et Ukrainiens) possèdent une très riche tradition de chants épiques et religieux qui bien souvent renvoient à un fond très archaïque, un fond mythologique qui n'a de chrétien que l'apparence. Ces... more
Background: This study examined the use of wild plants in the food, medicinal and veterinary areas within a small territory limited to one village council in the Liubań district of Belarus. The objectives of the research were to document... more
The article describes the archaeological research at the cemetery near the village Dubrovka Gorodok district in 2014. The area of the prospect hole was 16 m2. 15 burials that contained the remains of at least 24 people, including 11... more
bardzo ważny fragment historii ruchu komunistycznego, działają-cego na obszarze międzywojennego państwa polskiego. Od jesieni 1923 r. organizacja ta stała się formalnie jedyną emanacją owego nurtu politycznego na terenie województw... more
биоэтика, биоэтика в Беларуси, биоэтика и экуменизм, биоэтическое законодательство, христианская биоэтика, репродуктивные технологии, bioethics, Christian bioethics, Christian bioethics in Belarus, REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES
The article explores the conditions under which incumbent leaders in initially competitive political systems manage to offset democratic resistance and establish an authoritarian regime. Autocratisationthe transition from a competitive... more
Belarus at Sea
(review of Альгерд Бахарэвіч. 2020. Апошняя кніга пана А. Менск: Янушкевіч / Alhierd Bacharevič. 2020. Apošniaja kniha pana A. [Mr A.’s Last Book]. Miensk: Januškievič, 500pp, ISBN 9789857210541, 9788090735927)
(review of Альгерд Бахарэвіч. 2020. Апошняя кніга пана А. Менск: Янушкевіч / Alhierd Bacharevič. 2020. Apošniaja kniha pana A. [Mr A.’s Last Book]. Miensk: Januškievič, 500pp, ISBN 9789857210541, 9788090735927)
Ukraine is an outsider in terms of political values and standards of governance. Transparency, efficiency and accountability, rubber-stamped in official papers and declarations, are superseded by other standards: informal networks,... more
Почему белорусский язык – исчезающий язык?: Языковая ситуация в Беларуси из анализа данных переписей населения В настоящее время, несмотря на то, что белорусский язык является государственным языком в Республике Беларусь, ЮНЕСКО считает... more
From 2007 and throughout the 2010s the role of the Belarusian diplomatic service has grown in importance following the adoption of a new foreign policy strategy. The new strategy moved away from focusing solely on Russia and involved... more
Short text on the activities of gallery Brama in Minsk, Belarus. Published in Minsk. Non-conformism of the 1980s, eds Taciana Arcimovich and Artur Klinov, Galiafy, Minsk, 2016.
The Freedom of the Press ranking recently published by Freedom House has found Belarus’ media environment to be Europe’s most restrictive. The ranking placed Belarus as 192nd out of 199 countries and territories within the “worst of the... more
государственное учреждение образования «республиканский институт высшей школы» кафедра историко-культурного наследия беларуси studia historica europae orientalis исследования по истории восточной европы научный сборник Основан в 2008 году... more
Приватизация в Беларуси за 2011 год: результаты аукционов, ведущие субъекты, социальные последствия Содержание Введение Методология, ограничения исследования, замечания 1. Государственная программа приватизации и приоритеты покупателей... more
This article offers a contribution to the comparative democratisation literature by analysing the use of nonviolent methods of resistance in a repressive political regime. It focuses on the role of youth movements in elections in Belarus.... more
As protests continue to galvanize Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko is consolidating his grip on power. Volatile domestic dynamics – and Russia’s reactions to them – will shape the discredited regime’s future. This paper outlines four... more
On 20 July 2016, the Republic of Belarus adopted its new military doctrine, replacing the old document of 2002. A closer look at the new doctrine reveals that, despite the widespread hopes in many Western capitals about Belarus distancing... more
These voices of utopia, inseparable from the experience of dislocation, are a unique contribution to the literature of testimony. With her cycle Svetlana Alexievich has established herself as the first major postcolonial author of... more
Some historical and political aspects of Belarus-Lithuania relations are discussed
Ostatniego ćwierćwiecza polskich przemian politycznych dotyka i niniejsza publikacja, która jest zbiorem artykułów przygotowanych przez pracowników naukowych i doktorantów z różnych ośrodków w kraju. Prace dotykają zarówno polityki... more
À partir du succès de la Révolution orange en Ukraine et de l’échec de la Révolution de Jeans en Biélorussie, cet ouvrage propose une étude rétrospective des transformations politiques et identitaires dans ces deux États issus de la... more
Археалагічныя раскопкі дазваляюць атрымаць звесткі аб познесярэдневяковым пахавальным касцюме насельніцтва Беларускага Падзвіння. Пахаванні ХIV–XVIII стст. пераважна безынвентарны, што сведчыць аб незахаванасці тканіны і дэталяў касцюма,... more
Temčinas S., Języki kultury ruskiej w Pierwszej Przeczypospolitej, in Kuczyńska M. (ed.), Między Wschodem a Zachodem: Prawosławie i unia, Warszawa, 2017 (Kultura Pierwszej Przeczypospolitej w dialogu z Europą: hermeneutyka wartości, t.... more
This monograph analyzed the topic of mass media education in Commonwealth of Independent States. * The authors address the goals, objectives and concepts of the project on mass media education in Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).... more
The aim of the article consists in the research of transformations of ethnic identity in descendants of Belarusian peasantsmigrants of Siberia and the Far East. The source basis of the research includes field data collected by the author... more
Guest editor of a special issue of the Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society 2(1) (2016), ‘Gender, Nationalism, and Citizenship in Anti-Authoritarian Protests in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine’.... more
Belarus, as one of the least reformed post-Soviet countries, needs a large-scale privatization. Two attempts of privatization (1990-1996 and 2007-2013) failed, market reforms were stopped and reversed by Nomenklatura and President... more
Небольшая статейка про лампочки)
У чарговай публікацыі палявых фальклорна-этнаграфічных матэрыялаў, сабраных у 2007 г. у мястэчку Лаварышкі, вёсках Масцішкі, Няверышкі і Дзеканішкі (Віленскі раён, Літва) , прадстаўлены разнастайныя звесткі па рэгіянальнай ідэнтычнасці,... more
There is a stereotype that such former Soviet republics as Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are totally Orthodox. However, this statement is not entirely correct, as part of the population in these countries belong to many different churches,... more
The language situation in contemporary Belarus is characterized not only by mass Belarusian-Russian bilingualism among the minority Belarusian-speaking segment of the population, but also by a significant division within the Belarusophone... more
Abstract. This article addresses the ways in which the systemic transformation of the former Soviet republics has been reflected in urban development in two capital cities, Minsk (Belarus) and Astana (Kazakhstan). Changes taking place in... more
The article covers the issue of Belarusian social advertising. This media segment is divided into three groups (1) social advertising regulated by the governmental order and public announcement strategy; (2) social advertising that is... more
...В этом контексте интересна новая книга “Национальность – беларус”, написанная доктором истории из Белостока Олегом Латышонком, одним из лидеров беларусского исторического общества. Автор пытается ответить на вопрос “Откуда пошла... more
Автореферат кандидатской диссертации. Пусть будет под рукой, мало ли кому понадобится.