Drawing on the evolution of socio-geographical imaginaries of scholarly journals published in Chi... more Drawing on the evolution of socio-geographical imaginaries of scholarly journals published in Chile, this article provides a picture of the socio-historical trajectories of internationalization of scholarly journals and communities in that part of the (semi-)periphery of science. In order to break with the presentism of many contemporary discussions, the analysis covers a relatively long period of time, from the end of the nineteenth century until the first decades of the twenty-first century. However, based on an inductive analysis of the journals, the article particularly focuses on the rise of nationalist and regionalist orientations in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the intensification of the pressures for internationalization in more recent decades. Building on the findings, the article concludes highlighting key elements and making some general observations on the internationalization processes in the semi-periphery of science.
Narrativas de encuentro 08 38 personajes, de ahí su valor patrimonial, que es importante defender... more Narrativas de encuentro 08 38 personajes, de ahí su valor patrimonial, que es importante defender. Una ciudad no es nada sin sus habitantes. sonoro, son: Escuela Diego Portales: Sonido ambiente de los niños y niñas jugando en el recreo.
The discussion of teaching and learning in nursing has been prolific. Whereas most of the debate ... more The discussion of teaching and learning in nursing has been prolific. Whereas most of the debate tends to focus on core contents of nursing programmes, little has been discussed about the teaching in 'supporting subjects' with relevance to both nursing education and nursing practice. This article offers a perspective on sociology scholarship for applied professions by using the case of nursing programmes. Syllabus is a rich source of data, and in its representational capacity it becomes both a discursive construction and a vehicle of ideology. Accordingly, we present a Critical Discourse Analysis of syllabi of nursing schools in Chile as to identify core contents and ideologies, and implied challenges for nursing education. We argue that while the syllabus as a discourse discloses a significant cleavage, the biggest challenge is precisely to challenge the ideologies constructed by and embedded in the syllabi. Our reflection thus points to a better interdisciplinary dialogue as to enhance the actual contribution of sociology to nursing.
Despite being in a competing epistemological ground, sociological ethnography has been gaining mo... more Despite being in a competing epistemological ground, sociological ethnography has been gaining more value and acceptance amongst sociologists in the development of theory, especially in the understanding of everyday life at a micro social level. Following Grounded Theory (Glaser and Strauss, 1967) it can be said that inductive orientation has a role of great importance in theoretical statements formulation as hypotheses emerge continuously during data gathering and processing within the theory-data interplay. Whether or not statements of this kind are cogent shall not be argued here, but we assume reality has no absolute line between particular cases logic and universal patterns. Although systematic observation is by far the main and most common data gathering technique in inductive enquiry, deep understanding requires a set of research tools beyond observation scope, so that non-conventional methods can support this within ethnographic research in a further step to triangulation. S...
This article examines the dynamics of collective behavior in Santiago, Chile every September 11, ... more This article examines the dynamics of collective behavior in Santiago, Chile every September 11, the date of the 1973 coup that brought General Augusto Pinochet to power. It uses a multiple-method strategy that includes participant observation, personal interviews, and content analysis of three major newspapers during the period 2003–8. The theoretical approach emphasizes time and space coordinates of specified social actors, sociocultural emergence, a limited range of dominant emotions, and dramaturgy to describe the complexity of ritualized commemorations. It shows that incidents occurring on this date are not primarily caused by the actions of social movement organizations. Moreover, the dichotomy of “day and night” used to understand the peaceful and violent commemorations is an oversimplification of a complex network of events, actors, and scenarios that has the effect of denying any legitimacy to actions that fall outside the state-approved practices.
Achievements and tensions derived from the internationalization of national scholarly communities... more Achievements and tensions derived from the internationalization of national scholarly communities have attracted extensive attention. However, very little is hitherto known about the effects of these processes on specific situated communities. Through a multi-method approach (bibliometrics and interviews), we provide a nuanced description of these effects on the becoming of universitybased sociology in Valparaíso, Chile, during the last fifteen or so years. The paper pays special attention to the emergence of a particular form of internationalization based on international indexes and rankings that has gained influence on the dayto-day practices of the scholarly communities in that part of the scholarly (semi-) periphery. We thoroughly described the entanglements of individual trajectories and institutional framings in the practices and discourses of sociologists in Valparaíso. The article concludes by highlighting the tensions arising from the encounter of traditions and some trade-offs of the current form of internationalization for (semi-) peripheral communities.
Drawing on the evolution of socio-geographical imaginaries of scholarly journals published in Chi... more Drawing on the evolution of socio-geographical imaginaries of scholarly journals published in Chile, this article provides a picture of the socio-historical trajectories of internationalization of scholarly journals and communities in that part of the (semi-)periphery of science. In order to break with the presentism of many contemporary discussions, the analysis covers a relatively long period of time, from the end of the nineteenth century until the first decades of the twenty-first century. However, based on an inductive analysis of the journals, the article particularly focuses on the rise of nationalist and regionalist orientations in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the intensification of the pressures for internationalization in more recent decades. Building on the findings, the article concludes highlighting key elements and making some general observations on the internationalization processes in the semi-periphery of science.
Internationalization pressures are omnipresent in the world of science. Scholars and administrato... more Internationalization pressures are omnipresent in the world of science. Scholars and administrators now often make use of international impact as a yardstick by which to assess the quality of national scholarship. However, little is hitherto known about the effects of the internationalization incentives at the level of specific national scientific communities. This article presents an analysis of the forms of internationalization in Chile over a period of four decades, from 1976 to 2015. Using Web of Science data, the article looks at the evolution for both publications and citations and examines the internationalization pressures on Chilean scholars and Chilean journals in relation to changes at the level of publication language and co-authorship. The article particularly focuses on the differences between the three cultures (humanities, natural sciences and social sciences). Building on the findings, the article concludes with some suggestions for research policy.
Revista Chilena de Estudios Regionales, 2010, Nº2: 44-53.
El artículo analiza el quehacer del “Comité Nueva Región”, organización ciudadana que tras 33 año... more El artículo analiza el quehacer del “Comité Nueva Región”, organización ciudadana que tras 33 años de movilización, logró la modificación de la regionalización vigente en Chile desde 1974 y la creación en 2007 de la Región de Los Ríos. Se analiza el proceso de movilización ciudadana desde sus orígenes hasta la actualidad, destacando la capacidad de actores sociales para dar continuidad al movimiento al reorientar sus objetivos y participar en nuevas formas de control ciudadano de la gestión pública.
El trabajo se inserta en una construcción teórica a partir de los conceptos de identidad, capital social, movilización y control ciudadano. Su objetivo es identificar, en una línea de tiempo que se extiende desde 1974 al presente, los principales hitos o acontecimientos que marcan social, cultural y políticamente el actuar del Comité Nueva Región. Para tal identificación se recurre a fuentes primarias a través del relato obtenido en un grupo focal y entrevistas individuales con los principales integrantes del Comité Nueva Región, información complementada con fuentes secundarias, especialmente documentos y prensa de la época.
Los principales resultados son de carácter descriptivo y analítico: la reconstrucción del proceso de movilización de actores para la creación de una región a partir del relato de los protagonistas y la periodización del proceso en etapas a partir de las acciones del Comité, lo que permitirá abrir el análisis hacia tres dimensiones conceptuales.
El artículo problematiza las disyunciones epistémicas entre
los diversos campos disciplinares en ... more El artículo problematiza las disyunciones epistémicas entre los diversos campos disciplinares en el contexto universitario, como consecuencia de flexibilidad limitada, sobreespecialización del currículo y sistemas de conocimiento disciplinares autorreferenciados. Se levantaron indicadores de desplazamiento e interactividad disciplinar estudiantil, lo que permitió generar una óptica parcial de discusión en torno al fenómeno de la inter/transdisciplinariedad en espacios universitarios. En términos globales, fue posible evidenciar una significativa rigidez y clausura operativa del currículo flexible, lo que configura un nodo crítico que condiciona parcialmente la emergencia de matrices comunicativas más densas y de esquemas de docencia con mayores grados de inter/transdisciplinaridad.
This article examines the dynamics of collective behavior in Santiago, Chile every September 11, ... more This article examines the dynamics of collective behavior in Santiago, Chile every September 11, the date of the 1973 coup that brought General Augusto Pinochet to power. It uses a multiple-method strategy that includes participant observation, personal interviews, and content analysis of three major newspapers during the period 2003-8. The theoretical approach emphasizes time and space coordinates of specified social actors, sociocultural emergence, a limited range of dominant emotions, and dramaturgy to describe the complexity of ritualized commemorations. It shows that incidents occurring on this date are not primarily caused by the actions of social movement organizations. Moreover, the dichotomy of "day and night" used to understand the peaceful and violent commemorations is an oversimplification of a complex network of events, actors, and scenarios that has the effect of denying any legitimacy to actions that fall outside the state-approved practices.
El presente documento es un intento de acercamiento hacia un modelo de observación de las diversa... more El presente documento es un intento de acercamiento hacia un modelo de observación de las diversas tematizaciones que realizan los sistemas involucrados en la escuela (estudiantes, profesores, directivos, padres y apoderados, comunidad) a partir de la perspectiva sistémica en la versión de Niklas Luhmann. Este trabajo se encuentra compuesto por dos partes: la primera tiene por propósito servir de breve introducción a la teoría de sistemas de Luhmann y sus posibles implicancias para la investigación en educación; y en la segunda, se busca explorar las posibles aplicaciones teóricas al modelo de observación de la tematización en la escuela aquí propuesto.
El presente artículo tiene como finalidad mostrar resultados parciales del proyecto `El valor de ... more El presente artículo tiene como finalidad mostrar resultados parciales del proyecto `El valor de cuidar', conducido por los autores durante el año 2009. De este modo, se entrega una versión preliminar de la escala Caring Behaviors Assessment en lengua castellana, mediante el ...
Drawing on the evolution of socio-geographical imaginaries of scholarly journals published in Chi... more Drawing on the evolution of socio-geographical imaginaries of scholarly journals published in Chile, this article provides a picture of the socio-historical trajectories of internationalization of scholarly journals and communities in that part of the (semi-)periphery of science. In order to break with the presentism of many contemporary discussions, the analysis covers a relatively long period of time, from the end of the nineteenth century until the first decades of the twenty-first century. However, based on an inductive analysis of the journals, the article particularly focuses on the rise of nationalist and regionalist orientations in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the intensification of the pressures for internationalization in more recent decades. Building on the findings, the article concludes highlighting key elements and making some general observations on the internationalization processes in the semi-periphery of science.
Narrativas de encuentro 08 38 personajes, de ahí su valor patrimonial, que es importante defender... more Narrativas de encuentro 08 38 personajes, de ahí su valor patrimonial, que es importante defender. Una ciudad no es nada sin sus habitantes. sonoro, son: Escuela Diego Portales: Sonido ambiente de los niños y niñas jugando en el recreo.
The discussion of teaching and learning in nursing has been prolific. Whereas most of the debate ... more The discussion of teaching and learning in nursing has been prolific. Whereas most of the debate tends to focus on core contents of nursing programmes, little has been discussed about the teaching in 'supporting subjects' with relevance to both nursing education and nursing practice. This article offers a perspective on sociology scholarship for applied professions by using the case of nursing programmes. Syllabus is a rich source of data, and in its representational capacity it becomes both a discursive construction and a vehicle of ideology. Accordingly, we present a Critical Discourse Analysis of syllabi of nursing schools in Chile as to identify core contents and ideologies, and implied challenges for nursing education. We argue that while the syllabus as a discourse discloses a significant cleavage, the biggest challenge is precisely to challenge the ideologies constructed by and embedded in the syllabi. Our reflection thus points to a better interdisciplinary dialogue as to enhance the actual contribution of sociology to nursing.
Despite being in a competing epistemological ground, sociological ethnography has been gaining mo... more Despite being in a competing epistemological ground, sociological ethnography has been gaining more value and acceptance amongst sociologists in the development of theory, especially in the understanding of everyday life at a micro social level. Following Grounded Theory (Glaser and Strauss, 1967) it can be said that inductive orientation has a role of great importance in theoretical statements formulation as hypotheses emerge continuously during data gathering and processing within the theory-data interplay. Whether or not statements of this kind are cogent shall not be argued here, but we assume reality has no absolute line between particular cases logic and universal patterns. Although systematic observation is by far the main and most common data gathering technique in inductive enquiry, deep understanding requires a set of research tools beyond observation scope, so that non-conventional methods can support this within ethnographic research in a further step to triangulation. S...
This article examines the dynamics of collective behavior in Santiago, Chile every September 11, ... more This article examines the dynamics of collective behavior in Santiago, Chile every September 11, the date of the 1973 coup that brought General Augusto Pinochet to power. It uses a multiple-method strategy that includes participant observation, personal interviews, and content analysis of three major newspapers during the period 2003–8. The theoretical approach emphasizes time and space coordinates of specified social actors, sociocultural emergence, a limited range of dominant emotions, and dramaturgy to describe the complexity of ritualized commemorations. It shows that incidents occurring on this date are not primarily caused by the actions of social movement organizations. Moreover, the dichotomy of “day and night” used to understand the peaceful and violent commemorations is an oversimplification of a complex network of events, actors, and scenarios that has the effect of denying any legitimacy to actions that fall outside the state-approved practices.
Achievements and tensions derived from the internationalization of national scholarly communities... more Achievements and tensions derived from the internationalization of national scholarly communities have attracted extensive attention. However, very little is hitherto known about the effects of these processes on specific situated communities. Through a multi-method approach (bibliometrics and interviews), we provide a nuanced description of these effects on the becoming of universitybased sociology in Valparaíso, Chile, during the last fifteen or so years. The paper pays special attention to the emergence of a particular form of internationalization based on international indexes and rankings that has gained influence on the dayto-day practices of the scholarly communities in that part of the scholarly (semi-) periphery. We thoroughly described the entanglements of individual trajectories and institutional framings in the practices and discourses of sociologists in Valparaíso. The article concludes by highlighting the tensions arising from the encounter of traditions and some trade-offs of the current form of internationalization for (semi-) peripheral communities.
Drawing on the evolution of socio-geographical imaginaries of scholarly journals published in Chi... more Drawing on the evolution of socio-geographical imaginaries of scholarly journals published in Chile, this article provides a picture of the socio-historical trajectories of internationalization of scholarly journals and communities in that part of the (semi-)periphery of science. In order to break with the presentism of many contemporary discussions, the analysis covers a relatively long period of time, from the end of the nineteenth century until the first decades of the twenty-first century. However, based on an inductive analysis of the journals, the article particularly focuses on the rise of nationalist and regionalist orientations in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the intensification of the pressures for internationalization in more recent decades. Building on the findings, the article concludes highlighting key elements and making some general observations on the internationalization processes in the semi-periphery of science.
Internationalization pressures are omnipresent in the world of science. Scholars and administrato... more Internationalization pressures are omnipresent in the world of science. Scholars and administrators now often make use of international impact as a yardstick by which to assess the quality of national scholarship. However, little is hitherto known about the effects of the internationalization incentives at the level of specific national scientific communities. This article presents an analysis of the forms of internationalization in Chile over a period of four decades, from 1976 to 2015. Using Web of Science data, the article looks at the evolution for both publications and citations and examines the internationalization pressures on Chilean scholars and Chilean journals in relation to changes at the level of publication language and co-authorship. The article particularly focuses on the differences between the three cultures (humanities, natural sciences and social sciences). Building on the findings, the article concludes with some suggestions for research policy.
Revista Chilena de Estudios Regionales, 2010, Nº2: 44-53.
El artículo analiza el quehacer del “Comité Nueva Región”, organización ciudadana que tras 33 año... more El artículo analiza el quehacer del “Comité Nueva Región”, organización ciudadana que tras 33 años de movilización, logró la modificación de la regionalización vigente en Chile desde 1974 y la creación en 2007 de la Región de Los Ríos. Se analiza el proceso de movilización ciudadana desde sus orígenes hasta la actualidad, destacando la capacidad de actores sociales para dar continuidad al movimiento al reorientar sus objetivos y participar en nuevas formas de control ciudadano de la gestión pública.
El trabajo se inserta en una construcción teórica a partir de los conceptos de identidad, capital social, movilización y control ciudadano. Su objetivo es identificar, en una línea de tiempo que se extiende desde 1974 al presente, los principales hitos o acontecimientos que marcan social, cultural y políticamente el actuar del Comité Nueva Región. Para tal identificación se recurre a fuentes primarias a través del relato obtenido en un grupo focal y entrevistas individuales con los principales integrantes del Comité Nueva Región, información complementada con fuentes secundarias, especialmente documentos y prensa de la época.
Los principales resultados son de carácter descriptivo y analítico: la reconstrucción del proceso de movilización de actores para la creación de una región a partir del relato de los protagonistas y la periodización del proceso en etapas a partir de las acciones del Comité, lo que permitirá abrir el análisis hacia tres dimensiones conceptuales.
El artículo problematiza las disyunciones epistémicas entre
los diversos campos disciplinares en ... more El artículo problematiza las disyunciones epistémicas entre los diversos campos disciplinares en el contexto universitario, como consecuencia de flexibilidad limitada, sobreespecialización del currículo y sistemas de conocimiento disciplinares autorreferenciados. Se levantaron indicadores de desplazamiento e interactividad disciplinar estudiantil, lo que permitió generar una óptica parcial de discusión en torno al fenómeno de la inter/transdisciplinariedad en espacios universitarios. En términos globales, fue posible evidenciar una significativa rigidez y clausura operativa del currículo flexible, lo que configura un nodo crítico que condiciona parcialmente la emergencia de matrices comunicativas más densas y de esquemas de docencia con mayores grados de inter/transdisciplinaridad.
This article examines the dynamics of collective behavior in Santiago, Chile every September 11, ... more This article examines the dynamics of collective behavior in Santiago, Chile every September 11, the date of the 1973 coup that brought General Augusto Pinochet to power. It uses a multiple-method strategy that includes participant observation, personal interviews, and content analysis of three major newspapers during the period 2003-8. The theoretical approach emphasizes time and space coordinates of specified social actors, sociocultural emergence, a limited range of dominant emotions, and dramaturgy to describe the complexity of ritualized commemorations. It shows that incidents occurring on this date are not primarily caused by the actions of social movement organizations. Moreover, the dichotomy of "day and night" used to understand the peaceful and violent commemorations is an oversimplification of a complex network of events, actors, and scenarios that has the effect of denying any legitimacy to actions that fall outside the state-approved practices.
El presente documento es un intento de acercamiento hacia un modelo de observación de las diversa... more El presente documento es un intento de acercamiento hacia un modelo de observación de las diversas tematizaciones que realizan los sistemas involucrados en la escuela (estudiantes, profesores, directivos, padres y apoderados, comunidad) a partir de la perspectiva sistémica en la versión de Niklas Luhmann. Este trabajo se encuentra compuesto por dos partes: la primera tiene por propósito servir de breve introducción a la teoría de sistemas de Luhmann y sus posibles implicancias para la investigación en educación; y en la segunda, se busca explorar las posibles aplicaciones teóricas al modelo de observación de la tematización en la escuela aquí propuesto.
El presente artículo tiene como finalidad mostrar resultados parciales del proyecto `El valor de ... more El presente artículo tiene como finalidad mostrar resultados parciales del proyecto `El valor de cuidar', conducido por los autores durante el año 2009. De este modo, se entrega una versión preliminar de la escala Caring Behaviors Assessment en lengua castellana, mediante el ...
Papers by Tomás Koch
break with the presentism of many contemporary discussions, the analysis covers a relatively long period of time, from the end of the nineteenth century until the first decades of the twenty-first
century. However, based on an inductive analysis of the journals, the article particularly focuses on the rise of nationalist and regionalist orientations in the late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries and the intensification of the pressures for internationalization in more recent decades.
Building on the findings, the article concludes highlighting key elements and making some general observations on the internationalization processes in the semi-periphery of science.
El trabajo se inserta en una construcción teórica a partir de los conceptos de identidad, capital social, movilización y control ciudadano. Su objetivo es identificar, en una línea de tiempo que se extiende desde 1974 al presente, los principales hitos o acontecimientos que marcan social, cultural y políticamente el actuar del Comité Nueva Región. Para tal identificación se recurre a fuentes primarias a través del relato obtenido en un grupo focal y entrevistas individuales con los principales integrantes del Comité Nueva Región, información complementada con fuentes secundarias, especialmente documentos y prensa de la época.
Los principales resultados son de carácter descriptivo y analítico: la reconstrucción del proceso de movilización de actores para la creación de una región a partir del relato de los protagonistas y la periodización del proceso en etapas a partir de las acciones del Comité, lo que permitirá abrir el análisis hacia tres dimensiones conceptuales.
los diversos campos disciplinares en el contexto universitario,
como consecuencia de flexibilidad limitada, sobreespecialización
del currículo y sistemas de conocimiento disciplinares
Se levantaron indicadores de desplazamiento e interactividad
disciplinar estudiantil, lo que permitió generar una óptica
parcial de discusión en torno al fenómeno de la inter/transdisciplinariedad
en espacios universitarios. En términos globales,
fue posible evidenciar una significativa rigidez y clausura
operativa del currículo flexible, lo que configura un nodo crítico
que condiciona parcialmente la emergencia de matrices
comunicativas más densas y de esquemas de docencia con
mayores grados de inter/transdisciplinaridad.
la primera tiene por propósito servir de breve introducción a la teoría de sistemas de Luhmann y sus posibles implicancias para la investigación en educación; y en la segunda, se busca explorar las posibles aplicaciones teóricas al modelo de observación de la tematización en la escuela aquí
break with the presentism of many contemporary discussions, the analysis covers a relatively long period of time, from the end of the nineteenth century until the first decades of the twenty-first
century. However, based on an inductive analysis of the journals, the article particularly focuses on the rise of nationalist and regionalist orientations in the late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries and the intensification of the pressures for internationalization in more recent decades.
Building on the findings, the article concludes highlighting key elements and making some general observations on the internationalization processes in the semi-periphery of science.
El trabajo se inserta en una construcción teórica a partir de los conceptos de identidad, capital social, movilización y control ciudadano. Su objetivo es identificar, en una línea de tiempo que se extiende desde 1974 al presente, los principales hitos o acontecimientos que marcan social, cultural y políticamente el actuar del Comité Nueva Región. Para tal identificación se recurre a fuentes primarias a través del relato obtenido en un grupo focal y entrevistas individuales con los principales integrantes del Comité Nueva Región, información complementada con fuentes secundarias, especialmente documentos y prensa de la época.
Los principales resultados son de carácter descriptivo y analítico: la reconstrucción del proceso de movilización de actores para la creación de una región a partir del relato de los protagonistas y la periodización del proceso en etapas a partir de las acciones del Comité, lo que permitirá abrir el análisis hacia tres dimensiones conceptuales.
los diversos campos disciplinares en el contexto universitario,
como consecuencia de flexibilidad limitada, sobreespecialización
del currículo y sistemas de conocimiento disciplinares
Se levantaron indicadores de desplazamiento e interactividad
disciplinar estudiantil, lo que permitió generar una óptica
parcial de discusión en torno al fenómeno de la inter/transdisciplinariedad
en espacios universitarios. En términos globales,
fue posible evidenciar una significativa rigidez y clausura
operativa del currículo flexible, lo que configura un nodo crítico
que condiciona parcialmente la emergencia de matrices
comunicativas más densas y de esquemas de docencia con
mayores grados de inter/transdisciplinaridad.
la primera tiene por propósito servir de breve introducción a la teoría de sistemas de Luhmann y sus posibles implicancias para la investigación en educación; y en la segunda, se busca explorar las posibles aplicaciones teóricas al modelo de observación de la tematización en la escuela aquí