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La palabra clave es flexibilidad, tanto en la vivienda como en los servicios. Esto significa que las instituciones deben ser sustituidas por viviendas apropiadas para los mayores y atendidas mediante servicios externos y flexibles que se... more
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      Diseño UniversalAtención centrada en la persona
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Factory made free-form external envelopes in architecture are a major demand. Recent advances both in computer generated 3D forms and in digital fabrication offer a new opportunity of mass production free-form panels for architectural... more
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    • Additive Manufacturing and 3D printing
Free-form architecture is one of the major challenges for architects, engineers, and the building industry. This is due to the inherent difficulty of manufacturing double curvature facades at reasonable prices and quality. This paper... more
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Free-form architecture is one of the major challenges for architects, engineers, and the building industry. This is due to the inherent difficulty of manufacturing double curvature facades at reasonable prices and quality. This paper... more
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      Free Form SurfaceFree Form ConstructionDigital Manufacture
Factory made free-form external envelopes in architecture are a major demand. Recent advances both in computer generated 3D forms and in digital fabrication offer a new opportunity of mass production free-form panels for architectural... more
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    • Digital Manufacturing
Factory made free-form external envelopes in architecture are a major demand. Recent advances both in computer generated 3D forms and in digital fabrication offer a new opportunity of mass production free-form panels for architectural... more
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      Digital FabricationBioclimatic Architecture
The purpose of this thesis is to research on the viability of industriali- sing opaque free-form architectural envelopes by using no-mould GRC panels. Because the automation, digitalisation and computer numerically controlled processes... more
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      Architectural EngineeringEnergy Efficiency BuildingsGRCAdditive Manufacturing and 3D printing
This paper focuses on the manufacture of architectural free-form GRC panels with 3D printed internal grid. Since double-curvature formworks and molds could account for up to 40 to 80% of the production cost of the pieces, especially in... more
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      Additive Manufacturing and 3D printingGlass Fiber ReinforcementDigital ManufacturingFreeform Surface
- Malas Prácticas profesionales en Accesibilidad - La Accesibilidad en sistemas de evacuación - Perspectivas profesionales de la accesibilidad cognitiva - A.U., un asunto de derechos - El diseño para todos: un nuevo paradigma -... more
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    • Accessibility and universal design (Architecture)
Tesis Doctoral. UPM
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    • Accesibilidad
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    • Accesibilidad
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      Computer ScienceEducationTrainingVirtuality
Today, achieving quality higher education in Universal Accessibility and Design is a difficult task. There is a lack of development in this regard within higher education study programmes, so training components must be added to... more
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      Computer ScienceEducationTrainingVirtuality
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      ArquitecturaPatrimonio CulturalSiglo de OroArquitectura Tradicional
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El estudio analiza los aspectos geométricos, históricos y detalles constructivos de la bóveda del lucernario de la Capilla de Villaviciosa localizada en la Catedral-Mezquita de Córdoba, España. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio in... more
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      ArchitectureMosque ArchitectureCordobaMezquitas
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      ESTRUCTURASTensile Membrane Structures
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      Viabilidade EconômicaEstudo De Viabilidade
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