Papers by Hugo Selma Sánchez
Cuadernos de Neuropsicologia, Oct 1, 2008
La neuropsicología ha tenido un explosivo crecimiento en las últimas décadas. Su aportación a cam... more La neuropsicología ha tenido un explosivo crecimiento en las últimas décadas. Su aportación a campos como la psiquiatría ha tenido también un crecimiento exponencial. Respecto a la esquizofrenia existen numerosas investigaciones que han brindado una nueva visión acerca de la naturaleza de la enfermedad, aunque no exentas de contradicciones e interrogantes sin resolver. En el presente trabajo se exponen los hallazgos más relevantes respecto a la neuropsicología de la esquizofrenia (alteraciones neuroanatómicas, neurofuncionales, del neurodesarrollo, alteraciones en los neurotransmisores y déficits cognitivos), así como áreas cuya exploración es aún deficitaria. Palabras clave: Neuropsicología-neuropsiquiatría-esquizofrenia-psicología clínicapsicología cognitiva Summary: Neuropsychology has had an explosive grow in the last decades. It contributions to the fields of Psychiatry are growing in an exponential rate. Research related to schizophrenia has bringing new views of the nature of the disease, at the same time offering contradictions and questions pending to resolve. The present article exposes the most relevant discoveries in the neuropshychology of schizophrenia (neuroanatomy dysfunctions, development neurofuntionality, alterations in neurotransmitters and cognitive deficiencies) and areas for exploring.
Mental health during the COVID-19 outbreak: the impact of healthy lifestyle behaviors and sociode... more Mental health during the COVID-19 outbreak: the impact of healthy lifestyle behaviors and sociodemographic factors. Minerva Psychiatry.
Cuadernos de Neuropsicologia, Sep 17, 2016
Nearly a hundred years since its inception, Rorschach test remains one of the worldwide reference... more Nearly a hundred years since its inception, Rorschach test remains one of the worldwide reference psychological tests. In the last years we have observed processes of deep transformation in models and theories in clinical psychology and psychiatry and neurosciences have an increasing role. There is growing evidence supporting the relationship between psychopathology and cognitive functions, where Executive Functions (EF) represents a core target. It is essential to assess relevance and validity of the Rorschach in that new landscape. This paper presents the correlations between Rorschach´s variables, a psychopathological scale SA-45, and EF scales DEX-Sp and FAB in a representative (N=80) Uruguayan sample.
Cuadernos de Neuropsicologia, Dec 22, 2015
Abstract The Rorschach remains one of the worldwide reference psychological tests, about hundred ... more Abstract The Rorschach remains one of the worldwide reference psychological tests, about hundred years since its creation. Moreover, in recent years there are processes of deep transformation in the models, theories, diagnostic criteria and types of interventions in clinical psychology and psychiatry. In this process the neurosciences have a central role. It is, therefore, essential to assess the relevance and validity of the Rorschach in this new background. Part of these new paradigms is the dimensional psychobiological personality models. In this paper, we work with two of them, the Cloninger and Zuckerman personality models. This paper presents the correlations between Rorschach s variables, TCI-140 and ZKPQ-50-CC scales in a representative (N=80) Uruguayan sample. We found that all dimensions of TCI-140 and ZKPQ-50-CC show significant correlations with at least 6 Rorschach variables. We conclude that the Rorschach test could be a relevant research and assessment tool, but some improvements are necessary. Key words: personality; Rorschach test; temperament; character; empirical research; psychobiology. Resumen El Rorschach sigue siendo uno de los test psicologicos de referencia a nivel mundial a casi cien anos de su creacion. Por otra parte, en los ultimos anos se estan produciendo procesos de profunda transformacion en los modelos, teorias, criterios diagnosticos y tipos de intervenciones en psicologia clinica y psiquiatria. En dicho proceso las neurociencias ocupan un rol central. Resulta por lo tanto indispensable evaluar la pertinencia y vigencia del Rorschach en ese nuevo panorama. Parte de estos nuevos paradigmas son las teorias dimensionales psicobiologicas de la personalidad. En el presente articulo, trabajamos con dos de ellas, las teorias de personalidad de Cloninger y Zuckerman. El presente trabajo expone las correlaciones entre variables del Rorschach y de las escalas TCI-140 y ZKPQ- 50-CC en una muestra representativa (N=80) uruguaya. Encontramos correlaciones significativas entre todas las dimensiones del TCI-140 y el ZKPQ-50-CC con un minimo de 6 variables del Rorschach. Concluimos que el Rorschach puede ser una herramienta de investigacion y evaluacion relevante, pero es necesario mejorar algunos aspectos del mismo. Palabras clave: personalidad; test de Rorschach; tempera- mento; caracter; investigacion empirica; psicobiologia. Resumo O Rorschach ainda e um dos testes psicologicos de referencia a nivel mundial ha quase cem anos da sua criacao. Por outro lado, nos ultimos anos se produzem processos de profunda transformacao nos modelos, teorias, criterios diagnosticos e tipos de intervencoes em psicologia clinica e psiquiatria. Em dito processo as neurociencias ocupam um rol central. Resulta no entanto, indispensavel avaliar a pertinencia e vigencia do Rorschach nesse novo panorama. Parte destes novos paradigmas sao as teorias dimensionais psicobiologicas da personalidade. No presente artigo, trabalhamos com duas delas, as teorias da personalidade de Cloninger e Zuckerman. O presente trabalho expoe as correlacoes entre variaveis do Rorschach e das escalas TCI-140 e ZKPQ-50-CC em uma mostra representativa (N=80) uruguaia. Encontramos correlacoes significativas entre todas as dimensoes do TCI-140 e o ZKPQ-50-CC com um minimo de 6 variaveis do Rorschach. Concluimos que o Rorschach pode ser uma ferramenta de investigacao e avaliacao relevante, mas e necessario melhorar alguns aspectos do mesmo. Palavras chaves: personalidade; teste de Rorschach; tempe- ramento; carater; investigacao empirica; psicobiologia.
Current Psychology
Longitudinal studies have reported decreased mental health symptoms throughout the COVID-19 crisi... more Longitudinal studies have reported decreased mental health symptoms throughout the COVID-19 crisis, while others have found improvements or no changes across time. However, most research was carried out in developed countries, with a high incidence of COVID-19 and, in several cases, mandatory lockdowns. Considering that Uruguay (a developing country) had a low COVID-19 incidence at the moment of this study and has implemented a mild lockdown, we aimed to evaluate the effect of time and mobility (using Google mobility data) on symptoms of anxiety and depression. A longitudinal panel study with six repeated measures was carried out to evaluate depressive (BDI-II) and anxiety (STAI-S) symptoms during the pandemic. A decline in symptoms of anxiety and depression was found across time. Interestingly, this effect was modulated by age; a greater difference in the symptomatology between age groups was found at the beginning of the measurements than at the end, with the youngest reporting the most severe symptoms. Finally, we found that depressive symptoms decreased as mobility increased. Overall, our findings indicate an improvement in mental health as quarantine passed and mobility increased but following a different pattern depending on age. Monitoring these trajectories is imperative moving forward, especially in vulnerable groups.
Background: Numerous studies have reported high rates of depressive and anxiety symptoms related ... more Background: Numerous studies have reported high rates of depressive and anxiety symptoms related to the COVID-19 crisis and the measures implemented to contain the virus spread. Even though restrictive measures, such as mandatory lockdown were not applied in Uruguay, mental health could be affected. Moreover, sociodemographic and lifestyle factors could modulate this impact. We aimed to evaluate the impact of the pandemic on depressive and anxiety symptoms among Uruguayan people and examine the associated factors.Methods: This study was conducted in a non-probabilistic sample of 1051 adults (aged ≥18 years). Depressive (Beck Depression Inventory-II) and anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) symptoms were assessed along with isolation conditions, sociodemographic factors, and lifestyle behaviors. Linear models were adjusted to analyze the data. Results: Participants in our sample reported mild-to-moderate depressive symptoms and severe anxiety symptoms. Those who did total isolatio...
Revista Interamericana de Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology
La escala de Consideración de las Consecuencias Futuras (CCF) evalúa el grado que las personas so... more La escala de Consideración de las Consecuencias Futuras (CCF) evalúa el grado que las personas son influenciadas por las consecuencias inmediatas o distantes de sus comportamientos. En una muestra representativa de Montevideo, este estudio procuró explorar sus propiedades psicométricas, establecer sus baremos poblacionales, explorar su distribución territorial y evaluar las asociaciones de la CCF con el consumo de sustancias psico-activas. En este estudio, la solución de dos factores provee mejor ajuste, con adecuada confiabilidad. Las CCF presentan diferencias significativas según edad y sexo por lo que se ofrecen baremos específicos. Asimismo, encontramos evidencia mixta sobre su distribución territorial y un efecto pequeño sobre el consumo de algunas sustancias psicoactivas. Se discuten los resultados en función del rol de la CCF para explicar el comportamiento con consecuencias intertemporales.
Psicología Conocimiento y Sociedad, 2017
Summary: Neuropsychology has had an explosive grow in the last decades. It contributions to the f... more Summary: Neuropsychology has had an explosive grow in the last decades. It contributions to the fields of Psychiatry are growing in an exponential rate. Research related to schizophrenia has bringing new views of the nature of the disease, at the same time offering contradictions and questions pending to resolve. The present article exposes the most relevant discoveries in the neuropshychology of schizophrenia (neuroanatomy dysfunctions, development neurofuntionality, alterations in neurotransmitters and cognitive deficiencies) and areas for exploring.
Cuadernos de Neuropsicologia, 2015
The Rorschach remains one of the worldwide reference psychological tests, about hundred years sin... more The Rorschach remains one of the worldwide reference psychological tests, about hundred years since its creation. Moreover, in recent years there are processes of deep transformation in the models, theories, diagnostic criteria and types of interventions in clinical psychology and psychiatry. In this process the neurosciences have a central role. It is, therefore, essential to assess the relevance and validity of the Rorschach in this new background. Part of these new paradigms is the dimensional psychobiological personality models. In this paper, we work with two of them, the Cloninger and Zuckerman personality models. This paper presents the correlations between Rorschach s variables, TCI-140 and ZKPQ-50-CC scales in a representative (N=80) Uruguayan sample. We found that all dimensions of TCI-140 and ZKPQ-50-CC show significant correlations with at least 6 Rorschach variables. We conclude that the Rorschach test could be a relevant research and assessment tool, but some improveme...
Cuadernos de Neuropsicologia, 2008
Neuropsychology has had an explosive grow in the last decades. It contributions to the fields of ... more Neuropsychology has had an explosive grow in the last decades. It contributions to the fields of Psychiatry are growing in an exponential rate. Research rela...
Cuadernos de Neuropsicologia, 2008
Resumen: La neuropsicologia ha tenido un explosivo crecimiento en las ultimas decadas. Su aportac... more Resumen: La neuropsicologia ha tenido un explosivo crecimiento en las ultimas decadas. Su aportacion a campos como la psiquiatria ha tenido tambien un crecimiento exponencial. Respecto a la esquizofrenia existen numerosas investigaciones que han brindado una nueva vision acerca de la naturaleza de la enfermedad, aunque no exentas de contradicciones e interrogantes sin resolver. En el presente trabajo se exponen los hallazgos mas relevantes respecto a la neuropsicologia de la esquizofrenia (alteraciones neuroanatomicas, neurofuncionales, del neurodesarrollo, alteraciones en los neurotransmisores y deficits cognitivos), asi como areas cuya exploracion es aun deficitaria. Palabras clave: Neuropsicologia – neuropsiquiatria – esquizofrenia – psicologia clinica – psicologia cognitiva Summary: Neuropsychology has had an explosive grow in the last decades. It contributions to the fields of Psychiatry are growing in an exponential rate. Research related to schizophrenia has bringing new view...
Nearly a hundred years since its inception, Rorschach test remains one of the worldwide reference... more Nearly a hundred years since its inception, Rorschach test remains one of the worldwide reference psychological tests. In the last years we have observed processes of deep transformation in models and theories in clinical psychology and psychiatry and neurosciences have an increasing role. There is growing evidence supporting the relationship between psychopathology and cognitive functions, where Executive Functions (EF) represents a core target. It is essential to assess relevance and validity of the Rorschach in that new landscape. This paper presents the correlations between Rorschach´s variables, a psychopathological scale SA-45, and EF scales DEX-Sp and FAB in a representative (N=80) Uruguayan sample. We found that all dimensions of SA-45, DEX-Sp, FAB and sociodemographic variables shows significant correlations with many Rorschach variables. We conclude that the Rorschach test could be a clinical and cognitive test that could be useful in the new scientific landscape. We discu...
El presente trabajo expone los recientes avances en intervenciones de rehabilitacion cognitiva en... more El presente trabajo expone los recientes avances en intervenciones de rehabilitacion cognitiva en personas con esquizofrenia. Se realizo una revision de literatura en la tematica, seleccionando aquellos articulos mas recientes y mas relevantes. Ademas de ser herramientas terapeuticas, las intervenciones de rehabilitacion cognitiva han aportado evidencia importante sobre la naturaleza de la esquizofrenia, integrando aportes de la psicologia, la psiquiatria y las neurociencias. Se han logrado resultados terapeuticos esperanzadores en algunos casos, modestos en otros. Se hace por lo tanto una exposicion sobre las distintas modalidades de intervencion y los resultados obtenidos. La mayoria de las modalidades de rehabilitacion cognitiva han producido mejoras significativas en distintos dominios cognitivos. La principal dificultad radica en la manera en que dichas mejoras cognitivas se vuelvan clinicamente significativas a nivel funcional. En este sentido, las modalidades de intervencion ...
R e S u m e n El presente trabajo expone una revisión bibliográfica sistemática sobre el test de ... more R e S u m e n El presente trabajo expone una revisión bibliográfica sistemática sobre el test de Rorschach y la psicobiología de la personalidad. El Rorschach sigue siendo uno de los tests psicológicos de referencia a nivel mundial después de casi cien años de su creación. Por otra parte, en los últimos años se están produciendo procesos de profunda transformación en los modelos, teorías, criterios diagnósticos y tipos de intervenciones en psicología clínica y psiquiatría. En dicho proceso las neurociencias ocupan un rol central. Resulta por lo tanto indispensable evaluar la pertinencia y vigencia del Rorschach en ese nuevo panorama. Una vez analizada la bibliografía relevante, se presentan hallazgos que afirman dicha pertinencia y vigencia, pero aún quedan más interrogantes y líneas de investigación por explorar. Palabras clave prueba de Rorschach; personalidad; diagnóstico; neuropsicología; neurociencias
Universitas Psychologica, 2016
R e S u m e n El presente trabajo expone una revisión bibliográfica sistemática sobre el test de ... more R e S u m e n El presente trabajo expone una revisión bibliográfica sistemática sobre el test de Rorschach y la psicobiología de la personalidad. El Rorschach sigue siendo uno de los tests psicológicos de referencia a nivel mundial después de casi cien años de su creación. Por otra parte, en los últimos años se están produciendo procesos de profunda transformación en los modelos, teorías, criterios diagnósticos y tipos de intervenciones en psicología clínica y psiquiatría. En dicho proceso las neurociencias ocupan un rol central. Resulta por lo tanto indispensable evaluar la pertinencia y vigencia del Rorschach en ese nuevo panorama. Una vez analizada la bibliografía relevante, se presentan hallazgos que afirman dicha pertinencia y vigencia, pero aún quedan más interrogantes y líneas de investigación por explorar. Palabras clave prueba de Rorschach; personalidad; diagnóstico; neuropsicología; neurociencias a b S t R a c t This paper presents a systematic literature review on the Rorschach test and the psychobiology of personality. Rorschach remains one of the worldwide reference psychological tests, about to be a hundred hears since its inception. Moreover, in recent years there are processes of deep transformation in models, theories, diagnostic criteria and types of interventions in clinical psychology and psychiatry. In this process neurosciences occupy a central role. It is therefore essential to assess relevance and validity of the Rorschach in that new landscape. After analyzing concerning literature, there are findings that claim that relevance and validity, but even more questions and research trends to explore.
Psicología, Conocimiento y Sociedad, 2017
In recent years important there have been important developments in the
models and theories on me... more In recent years important there have been important developments in the
models and theories on mental health (the DSM-5, the CIE-11 and the
proposals of the NIMH are good examples). A central feature in this
process is the incorporation of the neuroscientific approach, with the
psychobiological model of R. C. Cloninger and colleagues being a
salient example. For this reason, Latin American researchers and professionals should have instruments adequate for this new paradigm at their disposal. The TCI-R is a scale developed by Cloninger and colleagues for the assessment of the personality dimensions he proposed. This paper presents the preliminary results of the adaptation process of this scale in a sample of Montevidean adults,and is
the first in Spanish-speaking South America.
En los últimos años se está viviendo un proceso de transformación muy
importante en lo que refier... more En los últimos años se está viviendo un proceso de transformación muy
importante en lo que refiere a los modelos y teorías en salud mental (DSM-5, CIE-11 y las propuestas del National Institute of Mental Health son claros ejemplos). Un componente central de dicho proceso es la
incorporación de los aportes de las neurociencias a la salud mental, siendo el modelo psicobiológico de R.C. Cloninger un referente fundamental. Por ello, los investigadores y clínicos de nuestra región (América Latina) deben contar con instrumentos de evaluación adecuados a esta nueva realidad. El Inventario de Temperamento y Carácter revisado (TCI-R) es la escala desarrollada por Cloninger y su equipo para la evaluación de las Dimensiones de Personalidad que su teoría propone. El presente artículo presenta los resultados preliminares del proceso de adaptación de dicha escala a la población montevideana, siendo la primera adaptación realizada en la América del Sur castellano parlante.
Nearly a hundred years since its inception, Rorschach
test remains one of the worldwide reference... more Nearly a hundred years since its inception, Rorschach
test remains one of the worldwide reference psychological
tests. In the last years we have observed processes of
deep transformation in models and theories in clinical
psychology and psychiatry and neurosciences have an
increasing role. There is growing evidence supporting
the relationship between psychopathology and cognitive
functions, where Executive Functions (EF) represents a
core target. It is essential to assess relevance and validity
of the Rorschach in that new landscape.
This paper presents the correlations between
Rorschach´s variables, a psychopathological scale SA-
45, and EF scales DEX-Sp and FAB in a representative
(N=80) Uruguayan sample.
Papers by Hugo Selma Sánchez
models and theories on mental health (the DSM-5, the CIE-11 and the
proposals of the NIMH are good examples). A central feature in this
process is the incorporation of the neuroscientific approach, with the
psychobiological model of R. C. Cloninger and colleagues being a
salient example. For this reason, Latin American researchers and professionals should have instruments adequate for this new paradigm at their disposal. The TCI-R is a scale developed by Cloninger and colleagues for the assessment of the personality dimensions he proposed. This paper presents the preliminary results of the adaptation process of this scale in a sample of Montevidean adults,and is
the first in Spanish-speaking South America.
importante en lo que refiere a los modelos y teorías en salud mental (DSM-5, CIE-11 y las propuestas del National Institute of Mental Health son claros ejemplos). Un componente central de dicho proceso es la
incorporación de los aportes de las neurociencias a la salud mental, siendo el modelo psicobiológico de R.C. Cloninger un referente fundamental. Por ello, los investigadores y clínicos de nuestra región (América Latina) deben contar con instrumentos de evaluación adecuados a esta nueva realidad. El Inventario de Temperamento y Carácter revisado (TCI-R) es la escala desarrollada por Cloninger y su equipo para la evaluación de las Dimensiones de Personalidad que su teoría propone. El presente artículo presenta los resultados preliminares del proceso de adaptación de dicha escala a la población montevideana, siendo la primera adaptación realizada en la América del Sur castellano parlante.
test remains one of the worldwide reference psychological
tests. In the last years we have observed processes of
deep transformation in models and theories in clinical
psychology and psychiatry and neurosciences have an
increasing role. There is growing evidence supporting
the relationship between psychopathology and cognitive
functions, where Executive Functions (EF) represents a
core target. It is essential to assess relevance and validity
of the Rorschach in that new landscape.
This paper presents the correlations between
Rorschach´s variables, a psychopathological scale SA-
45, and EF scales DEX-Sp and FAB in a representative
(N=80) Uruguayan sample.
models and theories on mental health (the DSM-5, the CIE-11 and the
proposals of the NIMH are good examples). A central feature in this
process is the incorporation of the neuroscientific approach, with the
psychobiological model of R. C. Cloninger and colleagues being a
salient example. For this reason, Latin American researchers and professionals should have instruments adequate for this new paradigm at their disposal. The TCI-R is a scale developed by Cloninger and colleagues for the assessment of the personality dimensions he proposed. This paper presents the preliminary results of the adaptation process of this scale in a sample of Montevidean adults,and is
the first in Spanish-speaking South America.
importante en lo que refiere a los modelos y teorías en salud mental (DSM-5, CIE-11 y las propuestas del National Institute of Mental Health son claros ejemplos). Un componente central de dicho proceso es la
incorporación de los aportes de las neurociencias a la salud mental, siendo el modelo psicobiológico de R.C. Cloninger un referente fundamental. Por ello, los investigadores y clínicos de nuestra región (América Latina) deben contar con instrumentos de evaluación adecuados a esta nueva realidad. El Inventario de Temperamento y Carácter revisado (TCI-R) es la escala desarrollada por Cloninger y su equipo para la evaluación de las Dimensiones de Personalidad que su teoría propone. El presente artículo presenta los resultados preliminares del proceso de adaptación de dicha escala a la población montevideana, siendo la primera adaptación realizada en la América del Sur castellano parlante.
test remains one of the worldwide reference psychological
tests. In the last years we have observed processes of
deep transformation in models and theories in clinical
psychology and psychiatry and neurosciences have an
increasing role. There is growing evidence supporting
the relationship between psychopathology and cognitive
functions, where Executive Functions (EF) represents a
core target. It is essential to assess relevance and validity
of the Rorschach in that new landscape.
This paper presents the correlations between
Rorschach´s variables, a psychopathological scale SA-
45, and EF scales DEX-Sp and FAB in a representative
(N=80) Uruguayan sample.
test remains one of the worldwide reference psychological tests. In the last years we have observed processes of deep transformation in models and theories in clinical psychology and psychiatry and neurosciences have an increasing role. There is growing evidence supporting the relationship between psychopathology and cognitive functions, where Executive Functions (EF) represents a core target. It is essential to assess relevance and validity of the Rorschach in that new landscape.
This paper presents the correlations between
Rorschach´s variables, a psychopathological scale SA-
45, and EF scales DEX-Sp and FAB in a representative
(N=80) Uruguayan sample.
We found that all dimensions of SA-45, DEX-Sp, FAB and
sociodemographic variables shows significant correlations with many Rorschach variables. We conclude that the Rorschach test could be a clinical and cognitive test that could be useful in the new scientific landscape. We discuss some results that were
not expected at all.
psychological tests, about hundred years since its creation. Moreover, in recent years there are processes of deep transformation in the models, theories, diagnostic criteria and types of interventions in clinical psychology and psychiatry. In this process the neurosciences have a central role. It is, therefore, essential to assess the relevance and validity of the Rorschach in this new background. Part of these new paradigms is the dimensional psychobiological personality models. In this paper, we work with two of them, the Cloninger and Zuckerman personality models. This paper presents the correlations between Rorschach´s variables, TCI-140 and ZKPQ-50-CC scales in a representative (N=80) Uruguayan sample. We found that all dimensions of TCI-140 and ZKPQ-50-CC show significant correlations with at least 6 Rorschach variables. We conclude that the Rorschach test could be a relevant research and assessment tool, but some improvements are necessary.