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is associate professor and associate dean of the School of Management at the University of San Francisco. Her research focuses on energy policy implementation, specifi cally the network of stakeholders infl uencing government... more
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      Public AdministrationPolitical SciencePublic Administration and Policy
"Rethink the theoretical foundations of the IS discipline" is one of the grand challenges for IS research identified in a Delphi study in Business Information Systems Engineering (Becker et al., 2015). This draft addresses that challenge... more
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsInformation ScienceInformation Technology
This conceptual contribution introduces the idea of “facets of work” and explains how it can be applied to challenges in today’s IS discipline. The notion of facets of work emerged from earlier attempts to bring more knowledge and richer,... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceSystems Analysis and DesignWork Systems
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This paper presents a current, accessible, and overarching view of work system theory. WST is the core of an integrated body of theory that emerged from a long-term research project to develop a systems analysis and design method for... more
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      Information SystemsBusiness and Managementwork system
This paper uses work system theory (WST) and two of its extensions to provide an integrated perspective on engineering enterprises for emergent change. This paper starts by explaining six basic assumptions and distinctions related to... more
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      Enterprise Transformationwork system
The" IT artifact" and debates about the core of the IS field received a lot of attention in the last several years. This paper is a response to Benbasat and Zmud's June 2003 MISQ paper" The Identity Crisis within the... more
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      Information SystemsCompetitive advantageIS researchInformation System
This paper combines ideas from separate research streams to identify high-level design choices related to the scope and content of enterprise models. It summarizes the work system modeling method (WSMM), an extension of a long research... more
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This essay presents a new approach for visualizing and organizing IS-related knowledge and expanding that knowledge. It mentions several approaches that might seem relevant before proposing a new approach that combines ideas from two... more
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      Computer ScienceConceptual ModelWork system theory
Rethink the theoretical foundations of the IS discipline" is one of the grand challenges for IS research identified in a Delphi study in Business Information Systems Engineering (Becker et al., 2015). This draft addresses that challenge... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorInformation SystemsInformation Science
Rethink the theoretical foundations of the IS discipline" is one of the grand challenges for IS research identified in a Delphi study in Business Information Systems Engineering (Becker et al., 2015). This draft addresses that challenge... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorInformation SystemsInformation Science
This paper summarizes a framework for describing theoretical perspectives (an FDTP) and uses it to describe the work system perspective (WSP) in a way that integrates ideas that often had been discussed in isolation from each other. It... more
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      Computer ScienceTheoretical PerspectivesDigital Transformation
This paper explores linkages between work system theory (WST) and central concerns of the SIGPrag community related to theorizing the IT artifact and its organizational and societal context. The first part of the paper provides background... more
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      EpistemologyPragmatismSystems Analysis and DesignWork system theory
Work system theory (WST) provides a bridge between managerial and technical perspectives on BPM that often seem distant from each other. In combination, the work system framework, underlying work system metamodel, and the work system life... more
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      BusinessEngineeringComputer ScienceBusiness Process Management
This article presents work system theory (WST) as a body of theory for analysis, explanation, prediction, and design and action (Gregor, 2006) related to systems in organizations. It provides background about how WST evolved, summarizes... more
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      Computer ScienceTerminologywork systemWork system theory
The work system method (WSM) is a systems analysis method for thinking about systems in organizations whether or not complete data and technical expertise are available. WSM's goal is to help business professionals understand and... more
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      EngineeringManagement Information SystemsSystems ThinkingSystems Analysis
This document is relevant to both teaching and research. It explains how a "work system" perspective on systems in organizations illuminates many service topics in an understandable and broadly applicable way. It contributes to ISSIP... more
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      BusinessService DesignService ScienceService
Note: This draft is a working document. It will be improved based on feedback.
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      BusinessGeographyService DesignService
This paper explains a type of knowledge-supported design thinking related to systems in organizations. It shows how work system theory (WST) provides the basis for the work system method (WSM), various versions of which have been used by... more
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      BusinessComputer ScienceManagement Information SystemsKnowledge Management
This paper explores how work system theory (WST) and related core ideas in various versions of the work system method (WSM) overlap with enterprise engineering and with the DEMO methodology. Based on the definition of work system, an... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsComputer ScienceSoftware Engineering