Digital Transformation
Recent papers in Digital Transformation
This study analyses toy unboxing videos, used in child influencer marketing, as an example of digital transformation in marketing practice. In these videos, the experience of the child while opening the toy box is combined with the... more
En plena revolución del conocimiento, ante el auge y madurez de la transformación digital en las instituciones, el gobierno de datos como programa tiene un desafío común, sin importar el tipo de organización que se analice: el ciclo de... more
We analyze and compare eight city cases in three continents to find out differences and commonalities in smart city governance and public policies globally: Shanghai (China), Japan, Iskandar (Malaysia), New York (United States), and... more
The German automotive sector’s strong global position is one of the country’s greatest economic success stories. In 2018, two out of the three top global automakers achieving the highest sales volumes originated from Germany, and 80% of... more
İşletmelerde ilk olarak analog verilerin dijitale dönüştürülmesiyle başlayan dijitalleşme süreci, zamanla iş süreçlerinin ve rollerin dijitalleştiği bir aşamadan iş modellerinin kökten değiştiği bir dijital dönüşüm seviyesine ulaşmıştır.... more
The digital transformation of organizations and society has created a set of novel challenges for leaders. To succeed in this new context, “digital leaders” require new competencies: new technological competencies to lead in organizations... more
Finansal Teknolojiler, aslında bir konsept olarak online alışverişin başlamasıyla 2000’li yılların başında ortaya çıkmaya ve 2008 Finansal Krizi ile önem kazanmaya başlamıştır. Kimse o günlerde bunu “finansal teknoloji” olarak... more
This paper reports on the first stage of an international comparative study for the project “Digital educational architectures: Open learning resources in distributed learning infrastructures–EduArc”, funded by the German Federal Ministry... more
In this introductory essay, we build on the articles in this special issue to provide a novel theoretical framework for the understanding of current and future trends in the digitalisation of teaching and learning in Nordic higher... more
Az üzleti szolgáltató szektor az elmúlt 15 év legdinamikusabban fejlődő szektorra volt nem csupán Magyarországon, de az egész közép-kelet európai régióban. A Magyarországon működő mintegy 110 üzleti szolgáltató központ nagyjából 55.000,... more
I presented my paper on Wittgenstein, Hegel, Arthur Danto, aesthetics and digital transformation at the 9th Annual Conference of Europe's Sciences and Arts Leaders and Scholars: All About People 2021: Digital Transformation in Science,... more
Реквизиты: Международный форум "Цифовые технологии в инженерном образовании: новые тренды и опыт внедрения" (Москва, 28-29 ноября 2019 г.) : сборник трудов / Московский государственный технический университет им. Н.Э. Баумана... more
The Customer Experience is a crucial key aspect for the function of companies. It ensures the trust between the customer and the company itself. Moreover it enables the organisation to improve by analyzing the comments from feedback, in... more
The digital transformation, driven by the third industrial revolution, forces companies to adapt continuously to their surroundings, which requires people not only with technical capabilities but also with soft skills that encourage... more
South Africa is still confronted with widespread poverty, unemployment and high levels of income inequality along racial lines. To counteract these issues, South Africa implemented an extensive social welfare system. However, both... more
The fact-paced evolution of digital technologies, termed the 4th industrial revolution (4IR), influence organisations to realise digital technology potential from a holistic point of view. In this context, organisational competitiveness... more
Управление музейными проектами в эпоху цифровой трансформации затрагивает не только теоретические вопросы распределения данных в электронных ресурсах. Необходимые для выполнения музейного проекта базовые знания из теории управления и... more
O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal a análise das iniciativas de transformação digital e do uso de aplicações de Inteligência Artificial na área do Direito. Serão examinados os impactos da automação de atividades jurídicas, as... more
The last two decades are marked by business transforming technologies such as cloud computing and mobile digital business platforms based on smartphones, notebook computers, and social networks, which aid managers to achieve their... more
Destination Earth (DestinE) is an initiative initiated and coordinated by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CNECT) in support of the European Green Deal1 and as... more
Art framework for the industrial revolution 4.
Se analiza el grado de madurez en la transformación digital de las agencias de Relaciones Públicas y Comunicación españolas asociadas a la Asociación de Directivos de Comunicación (Dircom), mediante el modelo de transformación digital de... more
Purpose The rapid digital transformation (DX) that airlines experienced during the past decade has been proven to be the driving force of significant benefits for the airlines when it comes to cost reduction, branding and revenue... more
Digitalization has penetrated air transport industry conquering airlines and airports as well. Air services are now accessible easily and conveniently through user friendly online distribution channels that carriers are continuously... more
The digital transformation of biopharmaceutical manufacturing is continuing at a rapid pace as companies attempt to mine the sources of data available. Innovations include predictive analytics, big data analytics, and creating the digital... more
This research focuses on providing insights for a solution for collecting, storing, analyzing and visualizing data from customer energy consumption patterns. The data analysis part of our research provides the models for knowledge... more
This is an introduction to Impact, a book on change management, behavioral science, the future of work and digital transformation. The full version is on Amazon on Kindle for $9.99. Using dated "analog" change methods in 21st century... more
Maszyny, przetwarzające gigantyczne ilości informacji w czasie krótszym od mgnienia oka, wyposażane z naszej własnej woli w moduły, które pozwalają na autonomię działania, w tym wybór celu ataku, zmieniają nie tylko przebieg działań... more
Purpose –Digital transformation planned, underway or even a reality for many businesses. Quality management, as an organizational activity or function, should be also transformed and quality managers should be aware of the new... more
This research makes a major contribution to the current body of digital transformation knowledge. Firstly, develop a comprehensive understanding of the required distributions and barriers that have prevented the successful digital... more
The relationship between digital transformation and strategy formulation in the context of new digital technologies is emerging as a research area which is ripe for investigation. Recently, information system researchers have focused... more
A two-tier model for CBDC would empower public-private partnerships and enable Digital Cash to be designed by central banks but distributed by commercial FI’s. Digital currencies, denominated in the domestic unit of account, would be... more
The required skills and knowledge expected from human capital is affected by Industry 4.0. In order to keep up with this movement and graduate qualified human resources, universities need to update themselves and transform to University... more
This second of two volumes details how pharmaceutical and healthcare manufacturers have ben embracing digital technologies as part of the transformation of their business models. It contextualizes current developments and future... more
Das Buch beschreibt die Erfolgsfaktoren von innovations- und veränderungsfähigen Unternehmen und liefert wissenschaftlich fundierte wie praxiserprobte Tools und Fragebögen für die eigene Standortbestimmung. Anhand anschaulicher... more
Par Yasser Monkachi – Tous droits réservés. Papier publié sur Linkedin : La résistance au changement est connue des cercles de consultants pour être un phénomène incurable. Lequel nécessite beaucoup... more