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Background: Staff-directed aggression represents a considerable concern in mental health and substance abuse services, and presents a substantial challenge to the quality and continuity of service provision for people with mental health... more
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Background: Staff-directed aggression is a concern for service providers in mental healthcare, frequently affecting both the quality of services and staff wellbeing. This also applies to supported housing services for people with mental... more
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Background: Staff-directed aggression represents a considerable concern in mental health and substance abuse services, and presents a substantial challenge to the quality and continuity of service provision for people with mental health... more
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      Mental health systemsPsychology and Cognitive SciencesMedical and Health Sciences
This article describes the use of phenomenological pedagogy in the higher education of mental health workers. The mental health field is an immensely complex professional field. To create access, the conventional education of mental... more
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      Transformative LearningMental Health
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The current agreement that evidence-based practice is a merger of research evidence, clinical expertise and patient preferences has made service user involvement and participant research not only acceptable, but also called for and... more
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      SociologyPublic Administration and Policy
This article describes the use of phenomenological pedagogy in the higher education of mental health workers. The mental health field is an immensely complex professional field. To create access, the conventional education of mental... more
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      Transformative LearningMental Health
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can existential themes, such as anxiety, the will to die, or our simultaneous will to live forever be logically described? does a literary language or philosophical and psychiatric term exist that can express phenomena nonreferential to... more
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KroniKK sendes til Maks 7000 tegn, inkludert ordmellomrom. Redaksjonen betinger seg retten til å forkorte innsendte manuskripter. Frist for innlevering tirsdag kl. 10.00.
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Hvordan og hvorfor velger Foucault å endre sine analyser av psykiatrihistorien? Artikkelen viser Foucaults filosofiske reise mellom marxismen og Nietzsches maktforståelse, og hvordan begreper og filosofiske ideer oppstår i så vel... more
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In his lecture Le pouvoir psychiatrique Michel Foucault analyses the origin of psychiatric power based on military concepts and metaphors and specific political structures and functions. This article highlights three important facts... more
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The development of the self and behavior toward others were heavily discussed during the French postwar era. According to Foucault, Sartre, and Merleau–Ponty, intersubjective social relations are physical and bodily connections. The... more
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Karl Jaspers’ medical and philosophical approach to mental illness, as outlined in his seminal 1913 book General Psychopathology (Allgemeine Psychopathologie), shows that as early as the beginning of the twentieth century, he had... more
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    • Karl Jaspers
Intervju- og samtalemetodikker der poenget er å gjenta det klienten sier, brukes mye i barnevernet i Norge. Stikk i strid med sine intensjoner om empowerment og motivasjon, virker teknikkene i mange tilfeller demotiverende,... more
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    • Social Research Methods and Methodology