The University of Texas at Austin
Asian American Studies
Late last month, Malaysians at home and abroad participated in extended public demonstrations.
Highland Tales in the Heart of Borneo (2015) documents Indigenous oral histories and mythologies which span half a dozen Orang Asal communities across East Malaysia and Indonesia. In this article, I propose two interconnected readings of... more
In this article, I focus on a 2012 performance by Jo Kukathas titled "The 1Malaysia Virus." In the role of Ribena Berry, an ex–beauty queen of mixed Chinese and Indian heritage, Kukathas delivers an unflinching diagnosis of the effects of... more
In this essay, I examine the rapid rise of Southeast Asian digital theatre in the early months of the pandemic. I trace how three theatre makers – Jo Kukathas (Malaysia), Sim Yan Yang (Singapore), and Kwin Bhichitkul (Thailand) – designed... more
Call Her Ganda (dir. PJ Raval, 2018) chronicles the murder of transpinay Jennifer Laude by a US marine, and the subsequent court case. This essay draws from theories of necropolitics and hauntology, as well as the author's experience as a... more
Queercore is a queer and punk transmedia movement that was instigated in 1980s Toronto via the pages of the underground fanzine ("zine") J.D.s. Authored by G.B. Jones and Bruce LaBruce, J.D.s. declared "civil war" on the punk and gay and... more
In 2011, the State of Hawai‘i completed a 630-meter conservation fence around Ka‘ena Point, with the stated purpose of keeping out predators to protect endangered wildlife. However, lawai‘a (fishers), who are Native Hawaiians and... more
Review of Katherine Irwin's and Karen Umemoto's, Jacked Up and Unjust: Pacific Islander Teens Confront Violent Legacies, University of California Press: Oakland, CA, 2016
This article approaches "ea"--a Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian) concept meaning life, breath, and sovereignty--as a vital mode of abolition ecologies, and proposes accompaniment as a methodology for mutual collaboration toward this... more
Hawai'i faces a crisis of homelessness due to the high cost of housing across the islands. Many without formal housing establish interdependent communities unsanctioned by property regimes and refer to themselves as "houseless" because... more
Maui residents are reckoning with tourism in the aftermath of the 2023 fires. Drawing from historical sources and popular media reports, we argue that beyond the island's strained relationship with the tourism industry, residents are... more
"Asian settler colonialism" calls attention to the simultaneous denial of Kanaka 'Ōiwi dispossession and the celebration of descendants of Asian immigrants as industrious members of Hawai'i's multicultural middle class. While we... more