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Objectives-We examine how the racial/ethnic and generational status composition of Latino students' friendship groups is related to their academic achievement and whether there are differential effects by gender.
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      Social CapitalMultidisciplinaryAcademic achievementCapital social
In an era of accountability focused primarily on academic outcomes, it may be useful to reconsider the other original aim of U.S. schools: citizenship development. Using longitudinal, nationally representative data (Adolescent Health and... more
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      EducationSocial SciencesSocial StudiesAmerican education
Programs and policies related to the education of English learners are often based on the belief that fluency in English is the primary, if not sole, requirement for academic success. While English is in fact necessary for academic... more
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      EducationEnglishAcademic PerformanceHigh School
Placement of some students into the courses needed only for high school graduation and others into those that prepare them for college constitutes academic stratification. This study uses data from the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002... more
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    • Education
This study explores the postsecondary pathways of Latino language-minority young adults in the United States. Using data from the Texas Higher Education Opportunity Project (THEOP) and controlling on background characteristics as well as... more
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      Higher EducationImmigrantsLanguage UseHigh School
The language in recent education policy equates academic achievement with reading proficiency for English language learners (ELLs). In response to federal and state accountability efforts focused on reading, California high schools began... more
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      English languageEducation PolicyHigh SchoolIntervention
English as a second language (ESL) is meant to provide a meaningful education for students learning English (ELLs); however, its effects remain largely unexplored. Using longitudinal, nationally representative data from the Educational... more
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      Statistical AnalysisAcademic achievementSchool EffectivenessSecond Language
In this study, the authors explore English as a Second Language (ESL) placement as a measure of how schools label and process immigrant students. Using propensity score matching and data from the Adolescent Health and Academic Achievement... more
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      Education PolicyAdolescent HealthSecondary EducationImmigrants
The disproportionate identification of learning disabilities among certain sociodemographic subgroups, typically groups that are already disadvantaged, is perceived as a persistent problem within the education system. The academic and... more
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      Mental HealthPredictionPublic HealthLanguage
Objectives-Immigrant adolescents' academic achievement is crucial to our future economic stability, and Mexican-origin linguistic minority youth in U.S. schools generally demonstrate lower levels of achievement. English as a Second... more
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      LanguagesMultidisciplinaryAcademic achievementSecond Language
Socialization into the dominant civic and political discourse lies at the heart of social studies. As they become proficient in the discourse of home and school, Latino immigrant youth demonstrate the potential to uniquely benefit from... more
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      BioinformaticsLife SciencesSocializationGrounded Theory
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      Political ParticipationSocializationAdolescent HealthSocial Studies
Prior research suggests that high school experiences shape young adult political behaviors, particularly among immigrant youth. The U.S. social studies classroom, focused on democratic citizenship education, proves an interesting... more
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      LinguisticsLinguistics Teacher EducationEnglish Language Learner
Under the Lau decision (1974), schools must ensure an equitable education for linguistic minority students identified as English learners (ELs). To meet these federal requirements, schools provide linguistic support services, most... more
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The Williams vs the State of California class action suit on behalf of poor children in that state argues that California provides a fundamentally inequitable education to students based on wealth and language status. This article, an... more
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      Education SystemsAssessment and EvaluationIndexation
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Bilin gu a l E d u c a t i o n a n d B i l i n g u a l i s m
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      Cognitive ScienceLinguisticsBilingualism and bilingual educationCurriculum and Pedagogy
Students identified with learning disabilities experience markedly lower levels of science and mathematics achievement than students who are not identified with a learning disability. Seemingly compounding their disadvantage, students... more
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      Learning DisabilitiesSpecial Education TechnologyComparative AnalysisCommunications