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Il volume si riferisce a un disegno sperimentale nell'ambito del programma "In intellectu et in sensu". L'edizione è bilingue (Verba sequentur. Thinking and writing for a critica development of competencies at secondari school).
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      Educational ResearchSecondary EducationResearch Writing
Numerous scholarly works extol the use of LGBTQ themed literature as part of English language arts instruction with the implication that its use may improve the school climate for LGBTQ students; however, there is a dearth of research... more
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      LGBT IssuesLGBT YouthLGBT LiteratureSecondary Education
Qu’est-ce que la laïcité ? Comment, dans un contexte scolaire, faire observer la laïcité, comme cadre neutre respectueux de tous ? Comment, dans le cadre de cours, aborder la laïcité comme principe structurant de notre société, mais aussi... more
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      ReligionEducationTeacher EducationReligious Education
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      HistoryInternational RelationsLearning and TeachingPolitical Science
"(From the Executive Summary...) Introduction This report presents the findings of an evidence review designed to summarise what is known about good practice concerning the content of, and access to, the school curriculum for students... more
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      Special EducationCurriculum DesignEducational TransitionsSpecial Educational Needs and Transitions
Seven high school students with emotional disturbance were interviewed regarding their perceptions of their school experiences in preparation for transition. Students received support services from a behavior intervention program but... more
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      Successful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping OutEmotional/Behavioral DisordersSecondary EducationEducation Systems
Today, teachers are expected to develop complex skills, such as research skills, in their students while implementing new views on learning and teaching and using authentic assessment strategies. About these new assessment strategies... more
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      EducationLearning and TeachingSecondary EducationQuality Criteria
This paper presents interim findings from two current studies of Australian vocational education and training in schools (VET in Schools). The first examines how schools are implementing vocational programs and how students are using... more
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      Vocational EducationSecondary EducationVocational education and trainingYouth Transitions
INTRODUCTION The present day educational sector is becoming increasingly dynamic. The determination of every individual is to attain success and this success affects the personal and social dimensions of life. In this regard, academic... more
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      Academic WritingNigeriaSecondary EducationStudy Habits
People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorManagementCultural Studies
Moving Beyond Personal Loss to Societal Grieving considers how secondary English language arts teachers can thoughtfully teach pieces of literature in their classrooms in which large-scale deaths are a significant aspect of the texts.... more
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      Teacher EducationDeathEnglish Language ArtsTeaching Methodology
The use of digital media is increasingly being promoted in school teaching. Since this aspect changes the interaction between teachers and pupils, this research is concerned with the development of a prototype of a mobile application for... more
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      EducationHigher EducationWritingTechnology Enhanced Learning
This paper explores the relationship between different levels of education and poverty through an analysis of household-level data from 60 villages in Bangladesh. First of all, it depicts the overall trend in school enrollment at primary... more
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      Functional AnalysisPovertyPolitical ScienceRural Poverty
In search of 'best practice' in school self-evaluation: An exploratory study in secondary schools' 1 Statement of the problem and objective of the research Recent developments in secondary education are increasing school autonomy. This is... more
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      Qualitative MethodsVocational EducationSecondary EducationSelf Evaluation
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      African StudiesEducationSpecial EducationTeacher Education
Computer Science (CS) Education research, specifically when focusing on secondary education, faces the difficulty of regionally differing political, legal, or curricular constraints. To date, many different studies exist that document the... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceInformaticsSecondary Education
En el desarrollo de un proyecto de enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales en un aula de 4o de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria en un centro escolar de Sevilla, se investiga la evolución de las concepciones de los alumnos y se constata una... more
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      SociologySocial ProblemsSecondary EducationLearning
This article focuses on the need for expanded stakeholder involvement as a means of enhancing the Botswana Department of Secondary Education (DSE) HIV and AIDS strategic plan. Research has indicated that the effects of HIV and AIDS on the... more
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      EducationSecondary EducationAfrica EducationStakeholder Involvement
a. Wat is de stand van zaken m.b.t de ordeningsprincipes die binnen de genoemde vakken warden gebruikt? b. Hoe is de onderlinge afstemming en aansluiting tussen de genoemde vakken w.b. de leerstofordeningsprincipes? c. Warden de... more
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      Teaching and LearningCurriculum DesignCurriculum StudiesCurriculum Development
The target audience for both of these texts include education professionals, policy-makers, educational planners, NGOs and other agencies, teachers and activists. Read together, the annotated bibliography (Jha) and handbook (Subrahmanian)... more
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      Educational DevelopmentSecondary Education
The use of ability grouping is frequently justified on the grounds that it is an effective means of raising attainment. Little large-scale quantitative research has been undertaken since the introduction of the National Curriculum in... more
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      EducationQuantitative ResearchSecondary EducationEngland and Wales
Leherarbeit Ziele formuliert. Mittels einer Umfrage wurde in dieser Studie ermittelt, welche pädagogischen Ziele Lehrer sich im Bereich der sozialen Kompetenz setzen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Lehrer einstimmig pädagogische Ziele aus... more
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      Secondary EducationSocial Competenceteaching Strategies
Like many countries in the developing world gender inequity remains a staggering problem in The Gambia, particularly at the secondary school level. In this study, we focus on the relationship between girls ’ education and heavy domestic... more
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      PsychologyGender EqualityGender and DevelopmentSecondary Education The first time that children in England have a meaningful choice about whether and what to study at school is at age 16. What an opportunity to dream big, seek advice... more
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      Coaching (Education)International BaccalaureateSecondary EducationCurriculum
[Spa] La educación secundaria ha sido identificada como un obstáculo para lograr la inclusión real y eficaz de todo el alumnado. La formación del profesorado es crucial para alcanzar dicha educación inclusiva. Por ello, nuestro estudio... more
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      Teacher EducationInclusive education (Learning And Teaching)Inclusive EducationSecondary Education
El objetivo principal de la investigación fue estudiar el nivel de actitud hacia la matemática de los padres y las madres de familia de estudiantes de la educación secundaria oficial diurna costarricense, analizando la existencia de... more
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      Mathematics EducationCosta RicaEducation (Mathematics)Secondary Education
Een Pedagogisch-Didactische KernStructuur® (PDKS®) bestaat uit een diagnostische, met name op kerndoelen en curriculumspecificaties gebaseerde systematiek voor het ontwerpen en realiseren van ‘Optimaliserend Onderwijs’ en de bijbehorende... more
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      Information TechnologyTeaching and LearningCurriculum DesignEarly Childhood Education
An innovative vertical integration model for recruiting to GIS education was introduced and tested following four driving forces: curriculum development, GIS presentations, institutional collaboration, and faculty training. Curriculum... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyInformation ScienceTeacher Training
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      Information TechnologyTeaching and LearningMultimedia LearningCurriculum Development
In this paper we are giving an example of how Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can enhance the process of Teacher training, and how this can be used for Lifelong Competence Development of teachers. We show how one... more
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      EngineeringActive LearningLearning DesignTeacher Training
Learning History by Playing a Mobile City Game Jantina Huizenga1, Wilfried Admiraal1, Sanne Akkerman2 and Geert ten Dam1 1University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2University of Utrecht, The Netherlands jc huizenga@ uva. nl wf admiraal@... more
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      Digital GamesExperimental DesignSecondary Education
En afgørende drivkraft i andetsprogstilegnelsen er hypoteseafprøvning. Tosprogede børn danner og afprøver hypoteser om, hvordan de kan udtrykke det, de gerne vil på målsproget. Det tosprogede barn har til en hver tid et intersprog eller... more
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      LiteracyEducationEarly Childhood EducationApplied Linguistics
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryModern HistoryEconomic History
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science
Los tiempos de descanso cumplen una función importante en el desarrollo social del alumnado, disponiendo de momentos de interacción libre donde ponen en práctica habilidades para poder relacionarse. El alumnado con discapacidad no se ve... more
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      Inclusive EducationSecondary EducationDisabilityEducación Secundaria
Die Stärkung der MINT-Fächer und daher auch insbesondere der Informatik ist ein zentrales Anliegen der (politischen) Bestrebungen im Bildungsbereich, wie einerseits die Digital Roadmap oder der Regierungsplan zu Bildung 4.0 fordert. Dabei... more
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      EducationComputer Science EducationSecondary EducationMassive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
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      AlgorithmsInformation TechnologyEducationScience Education
Жукова Н. А., Щукина Н. И. Индивидуальные образовательные маршруты как условие развития субъектности обучающихся./Проблемы современной науки и образования 2016. № 33 (75) В статье анализируются возможности индивидуального... more
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      PsychologyRussian StudiesIndividualityPedagogy
Findings from two recent NSW research studies demonstrate that students aged 5 to 12 years old develop more enthusiasm for content knowledge in STEM subjects, have a greater willingness to experiment and engage in hands-on learning, and... more
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      PedagogySecondary EducationSTEM EducationPrimary Education
Hispanic English-language learners and other students learning English are failing in K–12 mathematics. The field has not responded with mathematics curricula designed for this population, especially at the middle grades. In response to... more
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      PsychologyEducationMathematics EducationPedagogy
Hispanic English-language learners and other students learning English are failing in K–12 mathematics. The field has not responded with mathematics curricula designed for this population, especially at the middle grades. In response to... more
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      EducationMathematics EducationPedagogySecondary Education
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryEconomic HistorySocial Movements
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryModern HistoryEconomic History
What is Universal Design for Learning? "Disability exists in the curriculum and the environment not necessarily in the learner" (Meyer, Rose, and Gordon 66). Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a research-informed theory and pedagogy... more
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      Composition and RhetoricUniversal Design for LearningSecondary EducationCritical Literacy
Teachers are frequently advised to respond when they hear remarks that reflect anger, contempt, or disgust towards members of historically marginalized communities. However, there is little research on how teachers respond to such... more
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      Critical PedagogyEnglish Language ArtsSocial Justice in EducationSecondary Education
Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto de investigación financiado por el Plan Nacional de I+D+i del MINECO (EDU2015--65621--C3--1--R) y cofinanciado con fondos FEDER de la UE. more
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      Teacher TrainingSecondary EducationDidactics (History)History Teaching
Objectives: To determine the factors associated with domestic violence against pregnant Palestinian refugee women residing in Lebanon and currently using the United Nation Relief and Work Agency's (UNRWA) primary healthcare services.... more
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      Domestic ViolenceUnited NationsLebanonHistory of Physics
In questo lavoro presentiamo i dati di una ricerca sul campo che ha coinvolto 515 studenti di scuola secondaria di primo grado del territorio di Bergamo, con l’intento di indagare frequenza e modalità d’uso delle tecnologie telematiche a... more
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      Educational TechnologySocial NetworksSecondary Education
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawSocial SciencesSocial Studies Education