Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Resumen. El presente artículo se posiciona en la brecha existente entre una múltiple proliferación de métodos de diseño asistido por computador, y una prácticamente nula innovación en los procesos constructivos que los materializan. Se... more
Desarrollo de Competencias Avanzadas en Computación en la Formación de los Arquitectos Latinoamericanos del Siglo XXI
This article reports on our current explorations on systemizable tasks of architectural design and parametric design supported by rule-based generation methods of spatial configuration alternatives to assist user-design processes of... more
The ongoing research is focused on the development of a low-cost solar tracking system to improve domestic fixed PV installations which performance is dramatically diminished due to the absence of reorientation mechanisms to maximize... more
En esta ponencia contrastaremos la utilización desde el punto de vista analítico de la maqueta arquitectónica y el modelo científico en los trabajos desarrollados en la asignatura de tercer año, Historia de las Estructuras y la... more
This article describes a systematic implementation of an explored technology-transfer model, looking for an optimization of building, enlargement or equipments processes in the housing industry. For achieving that optimization, a... more
Palabras clave/ Representación, plan de estudio, reproducción a escala, modelación. Keywords/ Representation, study plan, scale reproduction, modeling. Recepción/ 2 marzo 2015 Aceptación/ 6 abril 2015 RESUMEN/ En este artículo... more
The architectural heritage of Valparaíso, Chile is disappearing before our eyes while all the conventional resources to reverse this situation seem to have been exhausted. A large portion of the existing historic building substance... more
We present a proof of concept of parametric 3D models of fully associative geometry and milling tool paths for the robotic machining of traditional timber joints, using a visual robot-programming environment integrated into a popular CAD... more
Máquina CNC de 7 ejes para cortar poliestireno expandido (EPS) obteniendo superficies de doble curvatura en una sola pasada. 7-axis CNC machine to cut expanded polystyrene (EPS) for obtaining double-curved surfaces in a single pass.
We present an ongoing research project focused on the development of more efficient setups for cooperative multi-robot systems in 3D-printed construction. Early kinematic simulations of a mobile robotic cell prototype with two... more
We present a novel workflow for timber joinery robotics in low-rise building construction. A parametric 3D model that associates architectural design, structure geometry and robotic fabrication information was implemented using only... more
In the last few years, scattered experiences of the application of additive manufacturing in the construction of buildings using 3D printing with robots or automated equipment have emerged around the world. These use a variety of... more
This article provides support for Universities dedicated to Architecture and Urbanism to implement a Robotic and Digital Fabrication Unit, based on the experience of laboratories in Chile and Brazil. Public funding agencies often promote... more
In the field of construction, human-robot collaboration and mixed reality (MR) open new possibilities. However, safety and reliability issues persist. The lack of flexibility and adaptability in current preprogrammed systems hampers... more
Juan Luis Menares Rodríguez
Arquitecto Quintero
Arquitecto Quintero
Viento 4.3.-Sismo 4.3.1.-Datos generales de sismo 4.4.-Hipótesis de carga 5.-ESTADOS LÍMITE 6.-SITUACIONES DE PROYECTO 6.1.-Coeficientes parciales de seguridad (γ) y coeficientes de combinación (ψ)