Arumugam Raman
I am a faculty member at the School of Education and Modern Languages, Universiti Utara Malaysia. My research interests include Educational Technology, Instructional Technology, Computers in Education, Educational Research Methodology, Technology and ICT, Statistics for Educational Research and Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). I have engaged in many research projects and have received a total of five grants from the university, national (FRGS, RAGS) and college (Leads). I am better known as an Educational Technologist and I am currently teaching ICT in Education, Research Methods and Statistics in Education. Besides, I have written international articles and books which have been published at national as well as international levels. I am also a member of a few Editorial Boards for International Journals such as Journal of International Education Studies, Malaysian Journal of Learning
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Papers by Arumugam Raman
Nowadays computer is considered as means of achieving the educational goals where teachers role is as like a
facilitator. However, the teachers‟ attitude is an important issue on integrating computer in modern classroom teaching learning process. The aim of this study was to investigate the prospective teachers‟ attitude toward computer use in classroom practice. The current study was followed by survey research design. Selected items from different Computer Attitude Scales (CAS) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) were used to collect data using 5 point Likert type scale. The population was the students enrolled in Information Technology under Educational Studies discipline [B. Ed. (Hons.)] in UUM, CAS and the sample were the final semester students of same discipline. This study were covered the minimum number of sample size. The overall results illustrate that the prospective teachers are intended to use computer in classroom practice. However, the attitude toward computer use differed by male and female. The result also suggests
that the prior computer experience is another factor toward computer use in education. It also can be concluded that the
perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and affective component are considered as important factors in acceptance of computer in classroom practice. The results may useful of professional development of prospective teachers and teacher educators. It may be a source of supportive paper to the policy makers, curriculum developer, administrator. as well as it also may helpful of achieving. Therefore, the findings of the study has significant effect in computer integration into curriculum instruction as well as useful of attaining the goal of national policy of education which aimed at the Malaysian vision 2020
university students-athletes in one of the public university in Malaysia were randomly selected for this study. The age of the student-athletes (M=22.09, sd=1.35 Out of the number, 210
represented college dormitory, 51 represented university at National level, and 46 represented state at national level, and representing Nation at International level.. The Athletic Coping
Skills Inventory – 28 was used to measure the psychological coping skills for athletes. The instrument consisted of a 28-item scale measuring seven classes of sport-specific psychological
coping skills including freedom from worry, coping with adversity, goal setting, coachability, concentration, peaking under pressure, confidence, and goal setting. Result shows that all of theseven coping strategies were significantly different with the four level of participations. However, the freedom from worry and coachability among college representative seem to be very low and needed distinct attention from the coaches. Results were further discussed and recommendations for future research also suggested in this paper.
of this study is to find whether the students trained to read animated and interactive maps via web are able to perform better than students using printed static maps in problem solving and explaining symbols. Students in form four were tested on three aspects of geography: map reading, feature recognition and geographical concepts. Students were not randomly assigned to instruction but randomly assigned for posttest. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) indicated that students performing using animated maps outperformed students using computer delivered static maps. This study reveals that students using web-based animated and interactive maps exhibit stronger understanding of geographical concepts and improve their map reading skill.
ease of use (ß=0.25, p<0.01), and subjective norm was (ß=0.15, p<0.05) were positively related to computer usage. The findings also revealed that gender was not a moderator in the mentioned
relationship but can be considered as significant independent predictor of usage. Male students
exhibited higher usage of the computer compared to the female students.
There are four factors which influence this problem, namely: gender, social economic status, parents’ level of education and also the number of siblings who further study at higher level institutions. This study is an exploratory study where the samples areof random sampling consisting of 105 Form One
students in the year 2012. (Mean age = 12.92, S.D. = .34). The instrument used is “The Michigan International Student Problem Inventory” (MISPI) which is used to measure the adaptation problem among students. The statistical analysis comprising of t-test and correlation coefficient are used totest
the hypotheses at a significant level of p<.05. The findings of the study showed that there is no significant difference in terms of gender. There is also no relationship between adaptation problem and social economic status, parents’ level of educationand the number of siblings who further studies at
higher level of institution. Nevertheless, the coefficient correlation showed that there is a positive significant relationship between adaptation problem with the effectiveness in counseling given by the school counselor (r=.36, p<.100). Therefore, the researchers conclude that to cater for students who have problems in adapting themselves to the hostel life, a suitable system is needed in order to help
them such as counseling session or mentoring programs and an effective orientation week because these can help students get accustomed to the hostel life easily and quickly.
recent years been increasingly questioned with the emergence of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF). Accents that do not conform
to NS standards are termed as ‘foreign’ and are usually considered to be something to get rid of by training. This study examines
how non-native speakers (NNS) of English view NNS accents in relation to NS accents. The findings show that the respondents
consistently ranked NS accents higher than NNS in terms of correctness, acceptability, pleasantness and familiarity.
Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model proposed by Venkatesh, Morris, Davis and Davis (2003).
These five constructs are performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions and behavioral intentions. The respondents for this study were 210 secondary school students who were randomly selected in the Kulim
district. The data for this study was elicited through questionnaires adapted from Venkatesh etal. (2003). The data were
analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) and Partial Least Squares (SmartPLS). The results
showed that performance expectations (PE) (ȕ=-0.018, p > 0.01), effort expectations (EE) (ȕ= 0.242, p > 0.01) facilitating
conditions (FC) (ȕ= 0.330, p > 0.01and for social influence (SI) (ȕ= 0.260, p >0.01) do not have a significant positive impact
on behavioral intentions (BI). The value for R2 = 0.532 indicates that 53.2 % of the variance in the use of Facebook
applications for communication and collaboration can be explained by the BI. The study also revealed that the either PE, EE, SI
or FC showed a significant correlation with the BI. These findings have an important implication for the development of
education. The use of Facebook applications and other social media as a medium for collaboration and communication in the classroom could not promote quality teaching and learning. This studyonly examines the four constructs of the UTAUT model proposed by Venkatesh et al. (2003). However, given the model’s robustness in predicting user acceptance of technology, it is recommended that future studies look at different constructs such as attitudes and motivation, and also examine the moderating effects of age and sex on the BI and Use Behavior.
Nowadays computer is considered as means of achieving the educational goals where teachers role is as like a
facilitator. However, the teachers‟ attitude is an important issue on integrating computer in modern classroom teaching learning process. The aim of this study was to investigate the prospective teachers‟ attitude toward computer use in classroom practice. The current study was followed by survey research design. Selected items from different Computer Attitude Scales (CAS) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) were used to collect data using 5 point Likert type scale. The population was the students enrolled in Information Technology under Educational Studies discipline [B. Ed. (Hons.)] in UUM, CAS and the sample were the final semester students of same discipline. This study were covered the minimum number of sample size. The overall results illustrate that the prospective teachers are intended to use computer in classroom practice. However, the attitude toward computer use differed by male and female. The result also suggests
that the prior computer experience is another factor toward computer use in education. It also can be concluded that the
perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and affective component are considered as important factors in acceptance of computer in classroom practice. The results may useful of professional development of prospective teachers and teacher educators. It may be a source of supportive paper to the policy makers, curriculum developer, administrator. as well as it also may helpful of achieving. Therefore, the findings of the study has significant effect in computer integration into curriculum instruction as well as useful of attaining the goal of national policy of education which aimed at the Malaysian vision 2020
university students-athletes in one of the public university in Malaysia were randomly selected for this study. The age of the student-athletes (M=22.09, sd=1.35 Out of the number, 210
represented college dormitory, 51 represented university at National level, and 46 represented state at national level, and representing Nation at International level.. The Athletic Coping
Skills Inventory – 28 was used to measure the psychological coping skills for athletes. The instrument consisted of a 28-item scale measuring seven classes of sport-specific psychological
coping skills including freedom from worry, coping with adversity, goal setting, coachability, concentration, peaking under pressure, confidence, and goal setting. Result shows that all of theseven coping strategies were significantly different with the four level of participations. However, the freedom from worry and coachability among college representative seem to be very low and needed distinct attention from the coaches. Results were further discussed and recommendations for future research also suggested in this paper.
of this study is to find whether the students trained to read animated and interactive maps via web are able to perform better than students using printed static maps in problem solving and explaining symbols. Students in form four were tested on three aspects of geography: map reading, feature recognition and geographical concepts. Students were not randomly assigned to instruction but randomly assigned for posttest. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) indicated that students performing using animated maps outperformed students using computer delivered static maps. This study reveals that students using web-based animated and interactive maps exhibit stronger understanding of geographical concepts and improve their map reading skill.
ease of use (ß=0.25, p<0.01), and subjective norm was (ß=0.15, p<0.05) were positively related to computer usage. The findings also revealed that gender was not a moderator in the mentioned
relationship but can be considered as significant independent predictor of usage. Male students
exhibited higher usage of the computer compared to the female students.
There are four factors which influence this problem, namely: gender, social economic status, parents’ level of education and also the number of siblings who further study at higher level institutions. This study is an exploratory study where the samples areof random sampling consisting of 105 Form One
students in the year 2012. (Mean age = 12.92, S.D. = .34). The instrument used is “The Michigan International Student Problem Inventory” (MISPI) which is used to measure the adaptation problem among students. The statistical analysis comprising of t-test and correlation coefficient are used totest
the hypotheses at a significant level of p<.05. The findings of the study showed that there is no significant difference in terms of gender. There is also no relationship between adaptation problem and social economic status, parents’ level of educationand the number of siblings who further studies at
higher level of institution. Nevertheless, the coefficient correlation showed that there is a positive significant relationship between adaptation problem with the effectiveness in counseling given by the school counselor (r=.36, p<.100). Therefore, the researchers conclude that to cater for students who have problems in adapting themselves to the hostel life, a suitable system is needed in order to help
them such as counseling session or mentoring programs and an effective orientation week because these can help students get accustomed to the hostel life easily and quickly.
recent years been increasingly questioned with the emergence of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF). Accents that do not conform
to NS standards are termed as ‘foreign’ and are usually considered to be something to get rid of by training. This study examines
how non-native speakers (NNS) of English view NNS accents in relation to NS accents. The findings show that the respondents
consistently ranked NS accents higher than NNS in terms of correctness, acceptability, pleasantness and familiarity.
Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model proposed by Venkatesh, Morris, Davis and Davis (2003).
These five constructs are performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions and behavioral intentions. The respondents for this study were 210 secondary school students who were randomly selected in the Kulim
district. The data for this study was elicited through questionnaires adapted from Venkatesh etal. (2003). The data were
analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) and Partial Least Squares (SmartPLS). The results
showed that performance expectations (PE) (ȕ=-0.018, p > 0.01), effort expectations (EE) (ȕ= 0.242, p > 0.01) facilitating
conditions (FC) (ȕ= 0.330, p > 0.01and for social influence (SI) (ȕ= 0.260, p >0.01) do not have a significant positive impact
on behavioral intentions (BI). The value for R2 = 0.532 indicates that 53.2 % of the variance in the use of Facebook
applications for communication and collaboration can be explained by the BI. The study also revealed that the either PE, EE, SI
or FC showed a significant correlation with the BI. These findings have an important implication for the development of
education. The use of Facebook applications and other social media as a medium for collaboration and communication in the classroom could not promote quality teaching and learning. This studyonly examines the four constructs of the UTAUT model proposed by Venkatesh et al. (2003). However, given the model’s robustness in predicting user acceptance of technology, it is recommended that future studies look at different constructs such as attitudes and motivation, and also examine the moderating effects of age and sex on the BI and Use Behavior.