Câu hỏi về câu ví dụ, định nghĩa và cách sử dụng của "Lookout"
Ý nghĩa của "Lookout" trong các cụm từ và câu khác nhau
keep on the lookout có nghĩa là gì?
Be alert, in case [whatever you are expecting] appears. Also, a lookout is a person on a boat, for instance, whose job it is to look out for danger, land, storms, etc.
• "Hey, we'll be there just after lunch, so keep a lookout."
• "I'm hoping to buy a good used car, so keep a lookout and let me know if you see one for sale"
• "Hey, we'll be there just after lunch, so keep a lookout."
• "I'm hoping to buy a good used car, so keep a lookout and let me know if you see one for sale"
"on the lookout, baby won't you look out (from a song)" có nghĩa là gì?
To be on the lookout for something means to keep watch. You are expecting something to happen so you are observing everything.
'Baby won't you look out'. So the singer is asking someone to literally look out of a window, for example. Or they are figuratively saying it and just want the person to be aware.
'Baby won't you look out'. So the singer is asking someone to literally look out of a window, for example. Or they are figuratively saying it and just want the person to be aware.
I'll keep a lookout up here có nghĩa là gì?
"Keep a lookout" means to "keep an eye on the situation"
You will keep watch for anything unusual or wrong from up there.
You will keep watch for anything unusual or wrong from up there.
Be on the lookout for … có nghĩa là gì?
"Watch out for"
"It's snowing, so be on the lookout for ice!"
"If you're driving really fast, watch out for the police"
"It's snowing, so be on the lookout for ice!"
"If you're driving really fast, watch out for the police"
Câu ví dụ sử dụng "Lookout"
Hãy chỉ cho tôi những câu ví dụ với “be on the lookout for”.
Jessica's on the lookout for a new computer. She's been checking all the advertisements and waiting for a good sale.
Be on the lookout for my lost cat. She's medium sized, has orange fur and is wearing a black collar.
After a heavy rainstorm, drivers need to be on the lookout for flooded roads and fallen trees.
Be on the lookout for my lost cat. She's medium sized, has orange fur and is wearing a black collar.
After a heavy rainstorm, drivers need to be on the lookout for flooded roads and fallen trees.
Hãy chỉ cho tôi những câu ví dụ với "be on the lookout".
“ There are a lot of bad people out there, so be on the lookout. “ hope this helps :)
Hãy chỉ cho tôi những câu ví dụ với lookout .
Look out for anything suspicious and stay safe!
When you're over there, look out for Jim because he's pretty angry right now.
Hey, while I'm inside be the lookout.
When you're over there, look out for Jim because he's pretty angry right now.
Hey, while I'm inside be the lookout.
Từ giống với "Lookout" và sự khác biệt giữa chúng
Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa to stay on the lookout và to stay alert ?
Great question! there's ALMOST no difference. The one difference is that "stay on the lookout" can imply that the person is meant to actively look for danger. they are turning their bodies every which way to keep an eye on everything. "stay alert" just means you should be paying attention to what is directly around them.
Not much difference at all, but that's the context of them. Use them interchangeably! 👍
Not much difference at all, but that's the context of them. Use them interchangeably! 👍
Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa It’s a poor lookout for our society. và It’s a poor outlook for our society. ?
Only "poor outlook for our society" is correct.
Những câu hỏi khác về "Lookout"
1. I'm on the lookout for pickpockets.
2. I'm looking out for pickpockets.
Question: Are both natural? and do they mean the same? cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?
2. I'm looking out for pickpockets.
Question: Are both natural? and do they mean the same? cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?
× 1. I'm on the lookout for pickpockets.
✓ 1. I'm on the lookout for pickpocketers.
× 2. I'm looking out for pickpockets.
✓ 2. I'm looking out for pickpocketers.
Both are correct.
"lookout" is a real noun in the dictionary, and "I'm on the lookout" is a natural phrase we use :)
Both mean the same thing.
✓ 1. I'm on the lookout for pickpocketers.
× 2. I'm looking out for pickpockets.
✓ 2. I'm looking out for pickpocketers.
Both are correct.
"lookout" is a real noun in the dictionary, and "I'm on the lookout" is a natural phrase we use :)
Both mean the same thing.
1. They're on the lookout for each other now.
2. They're on the watchout for each other now.
Question: Are both natural? and do they mean the same?
cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?
2. They're on the watchout for each other now.
Question: Are both natural? and do they mean the same?
cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?
Watch out is wrong, “They’re looking out for each other now” is correct and natural
In the lookout, Ron called together all of the soldiers and told them what was going on at the beach.
In the lookout, Ron called together all the soldiers and told them what was going on at the beach.
Are both correct?
What's the deference between "all of the soldiers" and "all the soldiers" ?
In the lookout, Ron called together all the soldiers and told them what was going on at the beach.
Are both correct?
What's the deference between "all of the soldiers" and "all the soldiers" ?
During the lookout, Ron called all the soldiers *together* and told them what was going on at the beach.
For your second question, did you mean 'difference'? If so, to answer your question, there's not much of a difference, they are quite the same. :)
For your second question, did you mean 'difference'? If so, to answer your question, there's not much of a difference, they are quite the same. :)
being easily startled, and/or being constantly on the lookout for danger. what does startled mean and what does on the lookout for danger mean?
To be "Startled" is an immediate physical reaction to being suddenly scared, for example by a sudden loud noise, or someone suddenly jumping towards you. "Being constantly on the lookout for danger" is being extra careful and hyper-alert for signs or proof that you're not in a safe place.
I've been on the lookout for a job. cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?
use ive been looking for a job instead
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