Papers by Ramūnas Vilpišauskas
Politologija, Dec 30, 2022
Viewed in light of democratic corporatism literature, Lithuania is a deviant case. Although it la... more Viewed in light of democratic corporatism literature, Lithuania is a deviant case. Although it lacks essential institutional prerequisites deemed important for export success and flexible adaptation to external shocks, the small Baltic country has been among the best performers in the European Union on these dimensions. Lithuania has become very internationally integrated and has managed to quickly adjust to numerous shocks, such as the Russian financial crisis of 1998-99, the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-2009, and the COVID-19 pandemic. In this article, we analyse Lithuania's export specialization and show how particular institutional elements have supported flexible adaptation and competitiveness improvements: we cover the labour market, state's involvement in terms of domestic compensation and public goods provision, education and skills, and the role of Contents lists available at Vilnius University Press
Springer eBooks, Dec 2, 2022
The article analyzes the development of Lithuania’s foreign trade policies, characterizes the rol... more The article analyzes the development of Lithuania’s foreign trade policies, characterizes the role of multipartite and regional trade agreements to the regime of Lithuania’s foreign trade, provides a detailed discussion of the development of Lithuania’s negotiations regarding its membership in the World Trade Organization and the factors, which had influence on it, the role of agreements on free trade with the European Union Member States and the Baltic States in liberalization of Lithuania’s foreign trade policies, analyzes the potential influence of the membership of Lithuania in the European Union on its foreign trade, especially the trade relations with Russia and evaluates the factors of the domestic policies of Lithuania, influencing the return to the protectionism and the response of the Government of Lithuania to the economic crisis in Russia in 1998. At the end of the article the further directions of development of foreign trade, beneficial to Lithuania’s economy are summarized
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021
Two main questions regarding differentiated integration (DI) in Greece are the focus of the repor... more Two main questions regarding differentiated integration (DI) in Greece are the focus of the report, how salient was DI for Greek governments and what positions Greek governments have on DI. First, the salience analyses show that differentiated integration (DI) was a low salience issue in Greece during most of the years in this analysis. Parliamentary debates were the most likely arena for discussions on DI. By contrast, references to DI in government programmes, prime minister speeches and European Council statements were sometimes relevant. Second, the positions of Greek governments with regard to DI were determined by considerations of how Greece was positioned regarding EU membership before and after the economic crisis. Before the crisis, as a member of the eurozone and following EU policies and directives in the fields of defence, taxation and justice and security, Greece belonged to core Europe. During the crisis, Greek governments, especially the SYRIZA-ANEL coalition government, were concerned that this approach jeopardised the Greek path to recovery and would ultimately hurt the national interest. This dilemma made the Greek position highly context-dependent and pragmatic: the expressed desire to remain at the 'core of Europe' did not always correspond with actual policy choices.
Public Policy and Administration, 2018
Previous studies of policy reforms that were undertaken during the recent global financial crisis... more Previous studies of policy reforms that were undertaken during the recent global financial crisis mostly focused on fiscal consolidation, with much less attention paid to other structural reforms. Although the impact of such external shocks as crisis or change of government on systemic change is widely acknowledged, little agreement exists on which intervening factors can best account for successes or failures of reform commitments. In this article, we propose an innovative explanation that focuses on the variables of political attention and change leadership, and which analyses temporal political and policy dynamics of reform decision making. We conduct a comparative analysis of the four performance priorities of the 2008–2012 Lithuanian Government led by Prime Minister A. Kubilius. The article concludes that a combination of persistent high political attention to policy reforms and strong reform leadership aimed at mobilising coalition support are essential factors in fulfilling r...
integration, 2014
Litauen hatte seine erste rotierende Präsidentschaft des Rates der Europäischen Union vom 1. Juli... more Litauen hatte seine erste rotierende Präsidentschaft des Rates der Europäischen Union vom 1. Juli bis 31. Dezember 2013 inne. Die Präsidentschaft begann unter schwierigen Umständen: Es war die letzte Legislaturperiode in voller Länge vor der Europawahl im Jahr 2014, die ausnahmsweise auch mit der letzten Ratspräsidentschaft für die Annahme der erforderlichen Rechtsakte zur Umsetzung des mehrjährigen Finanzrahmens 2014-2020 (MFR) zusammenfiel. Darüber hinaus wird die erste Präsidentschaft oft als ultimativer Test betrachtet, ob ein Land ein vollwertiges EU-Mitglied ist. Das relativ kleine Budget für die Präsidentschaft in Höhe von 62 Millionen Euro und die Tatsache, dass die neue Koalitionsregierung erst ein halbes Jahr vor dem Beginn der Präsidentschaft ins Amt kam, senkten die Erwartungen an die Effektivität der litauischen Präsidentschaft. Innerhalb dieser Rahmenbedingungen entwarf Litauen ein ehrgeiziges Arbeitsprogramm, mit dem Ziel eines "glaubwürdigen, offenen und wachsenden Europas". 1 Der vorliegende Beitrag beurteilt die litauische Präsidentschaft in drei Schritten: Zunächst wird ein kurzer Überblick über die Vorbereitungen und die Festlegung der Prioritäten gegeben, wodurch aufgezeigt wird, wie Litauen zu EU-Themen steht und wie seine Regierung sich darauf vorbereitete, ihren Beitrag für die Europäische Union zu leisten. Zweitens werden die wichtigsten Erfolge der Präsidentschaft kurz vorgestellt, dabei wird besonderes Augenmerk auf die Ziele der Stärkung der Glaubwürdigkeit, der Offenheit und des Wachstums in der Europäischen Union gelegt. Der Beitrag konzentriert sich auf die wichtigsten Leistungen zur Erreichung jedes dieser Ziele. Dies sind die Schaffung einer europäischen Bankenunion, die Einigung über den neuen MFR und eine Stärkung der Beziehungen der Europäischen Union mit den Ländern der Östlichen Partnerschaft. Anschließend werden diese Erfolge mit den Rollen verbunden, die Litauen während seiner Präsidentschaft und in den verschiedenen von ihm bearbeiteten Dossiers spielte. Der Beitrag schließt mit einer Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Ergebnisse sowie einigen Überlegungen zu den Auswirkungen der Präsidentschaft auf die Position Litauens in der Europäischen Union. Prioritäten und Vorbereitung auf die Präsidentschaft Der nationale institutionelle und politische Rahmen Seit der letzten Reform des Systems zur Koordinierung der litauischen Europapolitik im Jahr 2009 nimmt das Ministerium für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten die Rolle eines Koordinators wahr. Es spielte auch während der Vorbereitung und Durchführung der Präsident
International Review of Administrative Sciences, 2015
This article analyses the inputs, decisions, outputs and outcomes of fiscal consolidation and str... more This article analyses the inputs, decisions, outputs and outcomes of fiscal consolidation and structural reforms undertaken by the Lithuanian authorities in the period 2008–2012. Our research was based on desk research, which was supplemented by interviews with government decision-makers. The article found that Lithuania successfully pursued fiscal consolidation, which contributed to stabilising its economy and public finances. If economic factors largely explain the timing of fiscal consolidation decisions, political factors are more powerful in accounting for the expenditure-led nature of fiscal consolidation in Lithuania. However, despite bold and ambitious plans, Lithuania's structural reforms proved to be fragmented and incremental due to the absence of a stable base of political support, sustained political attention and persistent political leadership. Points for practitioners First, Lithuania's experience shows the importance of previous policies and the constraints ...
Keturi konkrečių sprendimų įgyvendinimo atvejai: fiksuoto telefono ryšio paslaugų reguliavimas, ž... more Keturi konkrečių sprendimų įgyvendinimo atvejai: fiksuoto telefono ryšio paslaugų reguliavimas, žemės reforma, Saulėtekio komisijos veikla bei Ignalinos AE pirmojo ir antrojo blokų uždarymas.
Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjamas atvirasis koordinavimo metodas kaip Europos Sąjungos valdymo metod... more Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjamas atvirasis koordinavimo metodas kaip Europos Sąjungos valdymo metodas. Pirmiausia pristatomas pats metodas, svarbiausi jo bruožai ir taikymo Europos Sąjungoje motyvai. Paskui aptariamas atvirojo koordinavimo metodo analizės pagrindas, kurį sudaro ES ir nacionalinio lygio veiksniai (nepriklausomi kintamieji), atvirojo koordinavimo metodo įtakos mechanizmai bei viešosios politikos ir institucinė kaita (priklausomi kintamieji).
Šis studijos skyrius suskirstytas į keletą dalių. Pirmoje dalyje („Vertinimas kaip reiškinys“) na... more Šis studijos skyrius suskirstytas į keletą dalių. Pirmoje dalyje („Vertinimas kaip reiškinys“) nagrinėjami teoriniai vertinimo požiūriai, vertinimo plėtros etapai, vertinimo tikslai bei vertinimo santykis su kitomis veiklos valdymo priemonėmis. Antroje dalyje („Vertinimo sistemos Lietuvoje esamos padėties analizė“) nagrinėjama Lietuvos vertinimo sistema, kuri suskirstyta į tris svarbiausias posistemes (nacionalines vertinimo priemones, ES paramos vertinimą bei veiklos auditą), bei kitos vertinimo priemonės, kurios nėra įtrauktos į vertinimo sistemą. Trečioje dalyje („Vertinimo sistemos Lietuvoje integralumas“) pagal tam tikrus kriterijus nagrinėjamas vertinimo sistemos Lietuvoje integralumas bei pagrindinės vertinimo sistemos problemos. Ketvirtoje dalyje („Vertinimo Lietuvoje alternatyvos ir rekomendacijos“) nagrinėjami vertinimo modelių privalumai ir trūkumai, pateikiama tinkamiausia vertinimo alternatyva bei pateikiamos rekomendacijos jai įgyvendinti.
The views expressed in the Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review are solely those of the authors. Lith... more The views expressed in the Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review are solely those of the authors. Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review accepts two types of publications: Academic articles are those articles that comply with the requirements set for scholarly works of a larger size. The articles should formulate a clear definition of a problem and review the extent to which the problem has been researched and how innovative and relevant it is. Well founded arguments, analysis, results of the research and conclusions should be presented. References should be presented in accordance with the requirements for scholarly referencing. Recommended length of the articles is 25,000-40,000 characters (i.e. approximately 15-20 pages). Opinions are articles of a smaller size that present the attitude of an author and his or her suggestions with respect to a certain problem. Such articles do not call for a strict structure (introduction, section titles and conclusions) or specification of the objectives of academic research, etc. Yet, references in such articles should be presented in accordance with the requirements for scholarly referencing, and text format requirements listed in these guidelines should be observed. Recommended length of opinions is 10,000-20,000 characters (i.e. 5-8 pages).
Papers by Ramūnas Vilpišauskas