Arash Rayegani
Address: Tehran, Iran
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Papers by Arash Rayegani
design of isolation systems, especially in pulse-type near-field earthquakes. This paper puts forward the seismic
probability assessment of structures equipped with passive and smart hybrid isolation systems by considering
pounding possibilities. This investigation is performed on isolated structures equipped with a high damping
rubber bearing (HDRB) considering stiff moat walls around the structure. In the Hybrid isolation system, mag-
netorheological dampers (MR) are considered an adaptive dissipation energy device along with isolators using an
optimized novel interval Type-2 fuzzy logic controller with adaptive red-zone function (IT2FS + RZF) to reduce
pounding possibilities. The fragility curves of the building for various cases are determined using incremental
dynamic analysis (IDA), and possible damage costs are evaluated by using exceedance probability in each
damage level. This study concludes that the collapse probability of the isolated structures with restrains at the
code-based distance is over the acceptable limit of ASCE 7–22. The smart additional damping system with the
proposed controller reduces the possible damage cost of the building by about 64 % compared to the uncon-
trolled system and puts the collapse probability of the structure in the acceptable range.
as a smart dissipating device in the isolated buildings for prevention of
seismic pounding. To that end, an isolated building was modeled by considering the pounding effect with different gap distances. Multi-objective
optimization was performed to optimize the fuzzy logic control of damper
for each gap distance. The results showed that the optimized semi-active
control system can prevent the pounding of the building and greatly
improve the structure’s behavior as compared to the isolated pounded
building and even to the case without the pounding at some considered
gap distances.
design of isolation systems, especially in pulse-type near-field earthquakes. This paper puts forward the seismic
probability assessment of structures equipped with passive and smart hybrid isolation systems by considering
pounding possibilities. This investigation is performed on isolated structures equipped with a high damping
rubber bearing (HDRB) considering stiff moat walls around the structure. In the Hybrid isolation system, mag-
netorheological dampers (MR) are considered an adaptive dissipation energy device along with isolators using an
optimized novel interval Type-2 fuzzy logic controller with adaptive red-zone function (IT2FS + RZF) to reduce
pounding possibilities. The fragility curves of the building for various cases are determined using incremental
dynamic analysis (IDA), and possible damage costs are evaluated by using exceedance probability in each
damage level. This study concludes that the collapse probability of the isolated structures with restrains at the
code-based distance is over the acceptable limit of ASCE 7–22. The smart additional damping system with the
proposed controller reduces the possible damage cost of the building by about 64 % compared to the uncon-
trolled system and puts the collapse probability of the structure in the acceptable range.
as a smart dissipating device in the isolated buildings for prevention of
seismic pounding. To that end, an isolated building was modeled by considering the pounding effect with different gap distances. Multi-objective
optimization was performed to optimize the fuzzy logic control of damper
for each gap distance. The results showed that the optimized semi-active
control system can prevent the pounding of the building and greatly
improve the structure’s behavior as compared to the isolated pounded
building and even to the case without the pounding at some considered
gap distances.