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Aims and Objectives: To give students an understanding of the following: the principles of traffic engineering and infrastructure design; skills in the analysis of issues and interrelationships between them; skills in the collection,... more
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    • Civil Engineering
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This paper investigates the performance of the Magnetorheological damper as a smart dissipating device in the isolated buildings for prevention of seismic pounding. To that end, an isolated building was modeled by considering the pounding... more
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      Structural EngineeringSeismic Base IsolationDampersSeismic Pounding
The possibility of pounding on isolated structures with surrounding moat walls is one of the concerns in the design of isolation systems, especially in pulse-type near-field earthquakes. This paper puts forward the seismic probability... more
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      Seismic HazardStructural ReliabilityRisk ManagementSeismic Base Isolation