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      NeuroimmunologyNeuroimageTransgenic Mouse Technology
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Objective To identify factors associated with the quality of primary medical care incentivised under the new UK general medical services contract. Design Cross sectional study. Setting NHS Ayrshire and Arran area, Scotland. Participants... more
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      General PracticeQuality of Mental Health CareFamily PracticeBritish medical history
Background: Health policy in the UK has rapidly diverged since devolution in 1999. However, there is relatively little comparative data available to examine the impact of this natural experiment in the four UK countries. The Quality and... more
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      GeographyGeneral PracticePrimary Health CareEvidence Based Medicine
Background: Health professionals, policy-makers and researchers need to be able to explore potential associations between prevalence rates and quality of care with a range of possible determinants including socioeconomic deprivation and... more
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      Human GeographyPrimary CarePrimary Health CareHealth Care
This study presents specific ahadīth (sing. hadīth) which inform neighbourly relations on a day-to-day basis. I interpret my actions towards a neighbour, who was experiencing personal problems, as lived-hadīth citizenship. That is, my... more
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This study examines the emotional dynamics of the written and oral texts of Tabligh Jama’at—respectively, Faza’il-e-A’maal (Virtues of Good Deeds) and bayan (religious sermon). In them, the study identifies emotion work—the attempt to... more
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    • Religions
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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This study investigates Ayaan Hirsi Ali's view that adherence to Islam is not viable in secular liberal societies of the West, owing to a so-called clash of norms and values. For Hirsi Ali, this clash causes cognitive dissonance in... more
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      Cognitive DissonanceIslamHeresyMisrepresentation
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      Gender StudiesEnglish LiteratureWomen's StudiesSexuality
IN THE late 1940s, George Orwell wrote his nightmarish novel 1984, depicting a future world where an all-seeing but unseen tyrant, Big Brother, ruled over his citizens by watching their every move. In this paranoid dystopia, surveillance... more
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      Surveillance (Sociology)Surveillance StudiesSurveillance, personal data, social sorting, privacy, camera surveillance, identification systems, internet surveillance, biometrics
CHANCES are you entered this world screaming your head off, and your poor mum was likely doing the same: birth is seldom a quiet event. From that rowdy start, life requires us to navigate a complex love-hate relationship with noise to... more
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      Noise And MusicNoiseNoise Pollution
"Knowing history is how a society knows itself. If you just pluck out the pretty elements of the story and ignore the darker side, that’s a perversion of history. There’s a reason why those buildings were built that way, and if we as a... more
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      ArchitectureSpace and PlaceArchitectural HistoryArchitectural Conservation
This paper explores the nexus of superstition and architecture - what I call "spatial magic" - with a focus on multicultural Australia.
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      HistoryCultural StudiesPsychologyFolklore
Melbourne’s famed laneways are becoming contested territory, with the city’s growing number of rough sleepers being depicted as a threat to tourism and business interests. Following the recent evictions of people sleeping in ‘homeless... more
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      HomelessnessUrban StudiesMarginalized IdentitiesUrban Sociology
The Finished People is a thought-provoking, unusual and unsettling film. It follows a group of dispossessed young people struggling to survive on Cabramatta’s tough streets; they are living homelessness in its most raw form, sleeping... more
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      HomelessnessDocumentary Film
In Australia, the AEC is currently looking at how voting can be made more accessible for people experiencing homelessness, and says it plans to consult with the homelessness sector on this issue. It is important to ensure already... more
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      HomelessnessSocio-legal studiesMarginalised communities
The Columbine High School massacre lasted sixteen minutes and left a total of fi fteen people dead. For a stunned America, denied the chance to seek an explanation from the boys who had pulled the trigger, one question resounded in the... more
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      Popular CultureDocumentary FilmGun Violence