Socio-legal studies
Recent papers in Socio-legal studies
This article considers local-level disputing in Papua New Guinea by bringing two theories into play: spatial justice, borrowed from the ‘geographical’ turn in legal theory, and relational justice, from the anthropology of law. Disputes... more
The essay deals with the judicial activity of a criminal court of the Regno Lombardo-Veneto in the firs half of nineteenth century. It is particularly analysed the legal reasoning of the judges in front of crimes which were submitted to... more
Unlike the bulk of penological scholarship dealing with managerialist reforms, this article calls for greater theoretical and research attention to the often pernicious impact of managerialism on criminal justice professionals. Much in an... more
This paper explains why so much soft law is widely adopted and followed despite lacking legal and coercive force. It argues that legal standards are susceptible to network effects. Network effects occur when the value of a standard to a... more
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more
The major aim of this article is to examine how migrations affect private governance, taking as a case study the Prud'homie de pêche, a private order that has governed the fishery of Marseille for the past six centuries. Scholarship... more
The period when corporate social responsibility (CSR) only referred to corporate philanthropic donations has passed. Present day CSR is intimately intertwined with sustainable development, and its growth in the last several decades has... more
Randall Trapp, et al. v. Commissioner DuBois, et al. was filed in 1995 on behalf of a group of inmates who were part of a Native American Spiritual Awareness Council in a Massachusetts prison. The Council maintained a weekly Circle and... more
This is a commentary on the book, "Embedded Courts" by Kwai Ng and Xin He (my commentary is the first piece).
This article addresses the implications of a new resistance to hate crime legislation that has yet to be addressed in the mainstream legal debate in Canada or the United States. It comes mainly from groups in the US that represent lgbtq... more
This paper aims to describe the asymmetric interactions between lawyers and lay people in courtrooms, The hearings are an interesting environment where we can observe these interactions between experts and lay people. The research is... more
Dalam perspektif sejarah, hukum pada dasarnya untuk pengaturan kehidupan dalam konflikkonflik antar masyarakat dengan komponenkomponen kehidupan. Dalam hal ini, dengan menggunakan kebijakan-kebijakan lokal, masyarakat mampu menata sistem... more
This dissertation is a social, political, and cultural history of the organized Chilean legal profession in the first half of the twentieth century. It explores the causes for the creation of the Chilean Bar Association and its Legal Aid... more
Un maldito derecho. Leyes, jueces y revolución en la Buenos Aires republicana, 1810-1830 aborda la emergencia de un problema nacido al calor de la revolución que llevó a la independencia: ¿qué es derecho?, ¿qué es lo justo?, ¿cómo... more
Following the death of 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn, a transgender teen who committed suicide after forced “conversion therapy,” President Barack Obama called for a nationwide ban on psychotherapy aimed at changing sexual orientation or... more
Objective We examine whether affective, verbal, and restitutive displays of remorse are associated with perceived offender immorality, as well as whether displays of remorse exert indirect effects on preferences for criminal sentencing... more
Cet article analyse la façon dont les promoteurs de la discipline "anthropologie juridique", ont, dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, fait du rejet de l'ethnocentrisme juridique la pierre angulaire de leur fondation disciplinaire. En... more
Эта книга – очередное издание известного труда историка советской и пост-советской правовой системы, профессора университета Торонто Питера Соломона. Впервые на русском языке эта работа была опубликована в 1998 году, на английском книга... more
Considering the law as a social phenomenon intrinsic to political economy is key to engaging the work in this new volume of scholarly articles edited by Professor Poul Kjaer – The Law of Political Economy: Transformation in the Function... more
Published in Vauchez and De Witte (eds), Lawyering Europe – European Law as a Transnational Social Field (Hart Publishing, 2013) 55-72
Romanian constitution-making since 1989 has been of an uneven and recently evermore conflictive kind. In the 1990s, no significant changes to the 1991 Constitution were made, and the role of the Romanian Constitution could be said to be... more
Whilst the condition of a damaged ethical life has received due scholarly attention to date, only rarely is resistance to it conceived as an actual possibility with the potential of real effects on a macro-social scale. This is not just a... more
Local public services affect citizens’ life quality. For this reason, their privatization meets in Italy a strong opposition in public opinion and in the movements and associations which express active citizenship. The results of the... more
Marriage practices in the Islamic Republic of Iran have evolved in the twenty-first century as unfulfilled expectations of emotional intimacy in marriages have caused an increase in divorce rates and the tendency to postpone marriage and... more
In this essay, I describe the movement of an affidavit across different sites – from its first manifestation in a legal submission before an appellate court in India, to my own rewriting of the story in theatrical form, to its subsequent... more
Efforts at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst illustrate how academic programs such as Legal Studies can form the basis for conflict resolution in the local community as well as on campus. The study of conflict and its resolution... more
Serve o pensamento jurídico como meio para recuperar a imaginação de alternativas institucionais, que minguou na cultura e na política contemporâneas? O movimento dos estudos jurídicos críticos foi a mais importante corrente de ideias... more
Pierre Noreau et Samia Amor, « Médiation familiale : de l’expérience sociale à la pratique judiciarisée », dans : Marie-Christine Saint-Jacques, Daniel Turcotte, Sylvie Drapeau, Richard Cloutier, Familles en transformation. La vie après... more
This article examines the reaction by the Australian Federal Government to the protest movements of the 1960s–1970s and their attempts to use public order legislation to thwart radical discontent in Australia. It argues that the Public... more
Results of the Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act
Questo volume raccoglie i risultati di alcune ricerche condotte negli ultimi anni sui fenomeni migratori e sulla loro percezione a livello locale, sia da parte della popolazione residente e degli stessi migranti, sia da parte delle... more
The theme running through this analysis is the medium, rather than the content, is the most important aspect of communication and command. The paper thinks of law through the lens of communication theory and cybernetics. Law is... more
We are living in a time of changing consciousness about the meaning and function of authority. Law, which is often taken to be the backbone of authority structures in society, has come increasingly under scrutiny, both for its role in... more
This chapter makes a close reading of a short vignette in Eyrbyggja saga - the attempted forced marriage between the Swedish berserk Halli and Víga-Styrr's daughter Ásdis - exploring the ways that various norms and normative expectations... more
A presente obra é disponibilizada pela equipe Le Livros e seus diversos parceiros, com o objetivo de disponibilizar conteúdo para uso parcial em pesquisas e estudos acadêmicos, bem como o simples teste da qualidade da obra, com o fim... more