
Showing posts with the label ISIS

2018-04-13: Web Archives are Used for Link Stability, Censorship Avoidance, and Traffic Siphoning

ISIS members immolating captured Jordanian pilot Web archives have been used for purposes other than digital preservation and browsing historical data. These purposes can be divided into three categories: Uploading content to web archives to ensure continuous availability of the data. Avoiding governments' censorship or websites' terms of service. Using URLs from web archives, instead of direct links, for news sites with opposing ideologies to avoid increasing their web traffic and deprive them of ad revenue. 1. Uploading content to web archives to ensure continuous availability of the data Web archives, by design, are intended to solve the problem of digital data preservation so people can access data when it is no longer available on the live web. In this paper,  Who and What Links to the Internet Archive , ( Yasmin AlNoamany , Ahmed AlSum , Michele C. Weigle , and Michael L. Nelson , 2013), the authors show that the percentage of the requested archived pag...