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AI-generated Abstract
This document provides a detailed guide on setting up a Linux-based wireless Access Point (AP) and hotspot using command line interface (CLI) tools. It includes step-by-step instructions for scanning networks, configuring DHCP, and establishing connections between devices. Key commands and configurations are outlined to enable a seamless setup for sharing internet access with other clients.
Currently, the technology trend indicates that billions of handheld gadgets as well as other types of mobile devices will be coming online in the next few years. Mobility is important in mobile communication. While the existing Internet mobility standards, namely Mobile IP, is waiting for a wide adoption, cell phone networks are providing the ubiquitous mobility services on a global scale as of today. This paper will explain how to implementing IP Mobile in wireless access point. It can be done by two methods that are Distributed DHCP (MAC reserved) and Centralized DHCP (Bypassed DHCP) with maintaining IP. However, in the movement of IP mobile from one access point to another access point there is delay time that we called delay IP and delay activity
Fifth IEE International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies (3G 2004) The Premier Technical Conference for 3G and Beyond, 2004
ABSTRACT The following paper describes the challenges of providing consistent authentication procedures across WLAN hotspots owned by different operators, where the set of credentials that the user should present to the network can be quite large depending on user subscription and inter-operator roaming agreements. This paper provides a description of the set of features that are needed to support secure, authenticated access to the network, and highlights how current authentication solutions provide at least some of these features. Finally the paper introduces two new techniques for enhancing the operation of these authentication solutions to provide a consistent "look and feel" and level of security across different hotspots.
Computer Networks, 2009
The Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points (CAPWAP) protocol is under definition within the IETF to enable an Access Controller (AC) to manage a collection of Wireless Termination Points (WTPs). CAPWAP aims at simplifying the deployment and control of large scale, possibly heterogeneous, wireless networks. We present the first open source implementation of the CAPWAP protocol along with early experimental results aiming at the assessment of its reliability and performances. The paper ends describing applications of the CAPWAP protocol to management and QoS scenarios and discussing benefits and technical issues concerning its use.
In this paper we propose and describe a unified solution for interoperability between mobile cellular network and WLAN. The integration between two networks, cellular and WLAN, is performed on the Authentication, Authorization and Accounting i.e. AAA side. For that purpose we developed WLAN Access Controller and WLAN AAA Gateway, which provide gateway-type access control as well as charging and billing functionalities for the WLAN service, respectively. In the development process of these elements we have considered current development stadium of all needed network entities and protocols. The developed solution provides costeffective and easy-to-deploy PLMN-WLAN internetworking scenario.
Int'l J. of Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2014
The growing ubiquity of Wi-Fi networks combined with the integration of low-cost Wi-Fi chipsets in all devices makes Wi-Fi as the wireless technology the most used for accessing to internet [1]. This means that the development of a Wi-Fi strategy has become an imperative for almost all operators worldwide. In this context, APs (Access Points) have to become as secure as cellular networks. Furthermore, authentication process between a mobile device and an access point has to be automated, without user constraining configuration. For reaching this purpose, client must have different credentials depending on authentication method. Our goal is to create an architecture that is both ergonomic and flexible in order to meet the need for connection and client mobility. We use NFC technology as a radio channel for starting communication with the network. The communication initiation will instantiate a virtual Wi-Fi AP and distribute all policies and access certificates for an authentication based on EAP-TLS (it could be extended to any EAP method for 802.1X standard). The end result of our new topology is to allow access to services through a virtual Wi-Fi AP with an enterprise-grade in a public hotspot.
Liberar el Nuevo Mundo, 2024
Liberar el Nuevo MundoLiberar el Nuevo MundoLa fundación de las primeras repúblicas hispánicas (Colombia y Venezuela, 1780-1820) Clément Thibaud Rosario, Prohistoria Ediciones, [2024], 480 p. Entre las Independencias latinoamericanas, el caso de las actuales Colombia y Venezuela (Tierra Firme), es excepcional y ejemplar. Excepcional porque los territorios patriotas de la región combinaron el rechazo del constitucionalismo gaditano con la primera constitución, la primera república moderna y la primera declaración de independencia del mundo hispánico. Ejemplar porque el separatismo y la elección republicana se extendieron por todo el continente en la década de 1820, a pesar de la fuerza teológico-política de la Monarquía católica. La creación de las primeras repúblicas en Tierra Firme reviste así una dimensión continental, ya que anticipa el futuro del resto del hemisferio. Pero también una dimensión atlántica porque, a ojos de sus actores, prolongaba el ciclo iniciado por las revoluciones norteamericana, francesa y haitiana. Sorprende que esta precocidad, tan excepcional como enigmática, no sea tomada como una anomalía que merece un esfuerzo… ¿Cómo explicar esta elección cuando ningún otro territorio del imperio la consideraba posible? ¿Cuáles son los vínculos entre la opción republicana y el proceso constitucional de Cádiz? ¿Por qué la Tierra Firme fue el escenario de esta revolución republicana? ¿De qué tipo de republicanismo se trataba? ¿Quiénes fueron sus defensores y detractores? Estas y otras preguntas son las que orientan las líneas rectoras de esta obra fascinante y fundamental para comprender el proceso de las revoluciones americanas a comienzos del siglo XIX. Traduction en espagnol de Felipe Gracia de l'ouvrage, Libérer le nouveau monde. La fondation des premières républiques hispaniques. Colombie et Venezuela (1780-1820), Bécherel, Les Perséides, Le monde Atlantique.
Critical thinking, 2014
Humanity & Society, 2020
British Archaeology , 2021
Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2011
Research, Society and Development
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem, 2005
Applied Physics Letters, 2000
CoInspiração - Revista dos Professores que Ensinam Matemática, 2022
Journal of Solid Mechanics, 2021