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Nowadays modern computer GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) became widely used to improve the performance of a computer, which is basically for the GPU graphics calculations, are now used not only for the purposes of calculating the graphics... more
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      Memory StudiesGPGPU (General Purpose GPU) ProgrammingCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDAMassively parallel processing with CUDA
Sparse coding of image patches is a compact but computationally expensive method of representing images. As part of our SenSIP consortium industry projects, we implement the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit algorithm using a single CUDA kernel... more
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    • Compute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDA
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      Parallel ComputingCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDA
The computational epidemiology is the development and use of computational models that aims to understand the proliferation of diseases of the dynamic point of view. The computational models are capable to simulate the behavior of an... more
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      EpidemiologyModeling and SimulationGPU ComputingMathematical Epidemiology
This Research aims to compare the execution time of processing raw data (K-Space raw data) into images on CPUs that are processed in serial and processing on GPU processed in parallel. There is one method on the serial implementation of... more
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      Optimization AlgorithmsCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDAOpenCL
CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) is a parallel computing platform developed by Nvidia which provides the ability of using GPUs to run computationally intensive programs. This presentation provides a brief overview of CUDA,... more
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      Compute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDAMassively parallel processing with CUDACUDACUDA Programming, GPU Computing
Spiking neural network (SNN) models describe key aspects of neural function in a computationally efficient manner and have been used to construct large-scale brain models. Large-scale SNNs are challenging to implement, as they demand... more
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      Computational ModelingComputational ModellingGPU ComputingGPGPU (General Purpose GPU) Programming
Abstract—CUDA is a platform developed by Nvidia for general purpose computing on Graphic Processing Unit to utilize the parallelism capabilities. Serpent encryption is considered to have high security margin as its advantage; however it... more
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      Parallel ProcessingDevelopmentCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDAParallel Computer
The present paper discusses digital filter banks in the context of wideband radio monitoring tasks including DFT-modulated filter banks and the weighted overlap-add (WOLA) algorithm. Filter bank software-hardware implementations are... more
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      Digital Signal ProcessingCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDACUDA Programming, GPU ComputingFilter Banks
This thesis focuses on the development, implementation and optimization of pattern-matching algorithms in two different, yet closely-related research fields: malicious code detection in intrusion detection systems and digital forensics... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceGPU ComputingIntrusion Detection SystemsGPGPU (General Purpose GPU) Programming
The aim of this master thesis is to develop, implement and adapt a neural model for bio-inspired segmentation of color images. This model is based on BCS/FCS and previous works developed by the research group, but incorporating... more
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      GPU ComputingBio-Inspired SystemsGPGPU (General Purpose GPU) ProgrammingCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDA
To the existence and influence, health related parameters and issues are at most importance to man. Various systems have been developed that are able to capture and monitor changes in health parameters. A real time remote monitoring of... more
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      Medical Device DesignSemiconductor DevicesIntrusion Detection SystemsCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDA
As both CPU and GPU become employed in a wide range of applications, it has been acknowledged that both of these processing units (PUs) have their unique features and strengths and hence, CPU-GPU collaboration is inevitable to achieve... more
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      Computer ArchitectureComputer EngineeringPower ManagementSurvey Research
In this paper, we investigate computing systems and network architectures, dedicated to high frequency trading applications and evaluate their performances. Both a high processing speed and low network latency are important for... more
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      Compute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDAHigh frequency tradingHigh speed networks
A B S T R A C T With the technology development of medical industry, processing data is expanding rapidly and computation time also increases due to many factors like 3D, 4D treatment planning, the increasing sophistication of MRI pulse... more
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      Parallel ComputingCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDAMassively parallel processing with CUDACUDA Programming, GPU Computing
In this paper we have analyzed the comparison of radix sort algorithm on sequential and parallel procedures across three programming language platforms namely C, OpenMP based C++ and CUDA programming fixtures. The importance of radixsort... more
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      AlgorithmsParallel ProgrammingCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDA
Graphics processing units - or GPUs as they are more commonly known - are specialized circuits historically designed to efficiently handle computer graphics. They are highly parallel computers which can process large amounts of data... more
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      Computational EconomicsGPU ComputingAgent-Based Computational EconomicsGPGPU (General Purpose GPU) Programming
The present paper discusses radio monitoring tasks and their solution using DFT-modulated filter banks. Filter bank software-hardware implementations are studied on the basis of Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Compute Unified Device... more
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      Digital Signal ProcessingCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDAAdaBoostBinary Tree
Stereo matching is an important research topic in virtual reality.Existing research mainly focuses on improving accuracy,concerning less on run time of the algorithm.In order to facilitate the speed comparison of stereo matching... more
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    • Compute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDA
This paper presents a parallel implementation of the hybrid BiCGStab(2) (bi-conjugate gradient stabilized) iterative method in a GPU (graphics processing unit) for solution of large and sparse linear systems. This implementation uses the... more
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      Parallel AlgorithmsParallel ComputingParallel ProgrammingGPU Computing
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      Information RetrievalSemantic Web TechnologiesSemantic Web technology - OntologiesSemantic Web
This GPU book teaches both CUDA and CPU Parallel Programming using pThreads.
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      Parallel ComputingParallel ProgrammingGPU ComputingCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDA
Cell metabolism is the biochemical machinery that provides energy and building blocks to sustain life. Understanding its fine regulation is of pivotal relevance in several fields, from metabolic engineering applications to the treatment... more
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      MetabolismComputational BiologySystems BiologyCancer
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) offer tremendous computational power. CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) provides a multi-threaded parallel programming model, facilitating high performance implementations of general-purpose... more
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      Compiler ConstructionCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDACode GenerationCompiler Optimization
GPGPUs have recently emerged as powerful vehicles for generalpurpose high-performance computing. Although a new Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) programming model from NVIDIA offers improved programmability for general... more
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      AlgorithmsDistributed ComputingDesignModeling
Graphic processing Units (GPUs) are gaining ground in high-performance computing. CUDA (an extension to C) is most widely used parallel programming framework for general purpose GPU computations. However, the task of writing optimized... more
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      Compute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDAMassively parallel processing with CUDACUDACUDA Programming, GPU Computing
Zur Entstehung dieser Studie haben viele Kollegen und Freunde beigetragen. Mein erster Dank gilt meinem Doktorvater Eckart Conze. Er hat die Arbeit nicht nur von Anfang an konzeptionell begleitet, sondern ist mir darüber hinaus stets... more
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      Neural NetworksCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDAArtificial Neural NetworksIEEE
Recent development in Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) has enabled inexpensive high performance computing for general-purpose applications. Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) programming model provides the programmers adequate C... more
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      Distributed ComputingParallel ComputingData MiningCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDA
Статья посвящена разработке алгоритма взвешенного перекрывающегося сложения (weightedoverlap-add‑WOLA) для обработки векторных сигналов при проведении радиомониторинга в широком частотном диапазоне (ШЧД). Алгоритм предназначен для... more
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      Digital Signal ProcessingCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDAFilter Banks
This paper presents a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) based parallel implementation for the All Pairs Shortest Paths problem. The implementation is based on the Floyd-Warshall algorithm and takes full advantage of the highly multithreaded... more
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      Parallel AlgorithmsParallel ComputingGraph TheoryParallel Programming
A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method for free surface flows has been implemented on a graphical processing unit (GPU) using the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) developed by Nvidia, resulting in tremendous speed-ups.... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringAlgorithmsMethodology
The paper is devoted to the development of a WOLA-algorithm (weighted overlap add algorithm) for processing vector (multichannel) signals. The algorithm is considered as a generalization of one-dimensional WOLA with certain modifications.... more
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      FPGADigital FPGA implementationCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDADigital signal processing, Multirate signal processing and wavlet filter banks
We present a fast and accurate 3D hand tracking method which relies on RGB-D data. The method follows a model based approach using a hierarchical particle filter variant to track the model’s state. The filter estimates the probability... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer VisionCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDAMassively parallel processing with CUDA
The coding efficiency of the H.264/AVC standard makes the decoding process computationally demanding. This has limited the availability of cost-effective, high-performance solutions. Modern computers are typically equipped with powerful... more
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      Compute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDAPerformance EvaluationCost effectivenessReal Time
This paper show an advanced computer graphic techniques for laser range finder (LRF) simulation. The LRF is the common sensor for unmanned ground vehicle, autonomous mobile robot and security applications. The cost of the measurement... more
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      Compute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDAComputer GraphicObstacle AvoidanceLaser Range Finder
Con metodo Monte Carlo su GPU Cuda
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      FinanceMonte Carlo SimulationGPGPU (General Purpose GPU) ProgrammingCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDA
In recent years the graphic processing units (GPUs) programmability has increased and this lead to use in several areas. GPUs can tackle enormous data parallel issues at a higher speed than the conventional CPU. Moreover, GPUs considered... more
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      GPGPU (General Purpose GPU) ProgrammingCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDAOpenCL on CPUsParalell with CUDA
GPGPUs have recently emerged as powerful vehicles for generalpurpose high-performance computing. Although a new Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) programming model from NVIDIA offers improved programmability for general... more
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      AlgorithmsDistributed ComputingDesignModeling
The analysis and the understanding of object manipulation scenarios based on computer vision techniques can be greatly facilitated if we can gain access to the full articulation of the manipulating hands and the 3D pose of the manipulated... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer VisionParticle Swarm OptimizationCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDA
Processing of human faces finds application in various domains like law enforcement and surveillance, entertainment (interactive video games), information security, smart cards etc. Several of these applications are interactive and... more
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      High Performance ComputingInformation SecurityCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDALaw Enforcement
In this paper, we present a multi-level programming model for recent GPU-based high performance computing systems. Involving cooperative stream threads and symmetric multiprocessing threads our model gives a computational framework that... more
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      Parallel ComputingComputer Graphics3D ReconstructionGPGPU (General Purpose GPU) Programming
a b s t r a c t Granular flows are extremely important for the pharmaceutical and chemical industry, as well as for other scientific areas. Thus, the understanding of the impact of particle size and related effects on the mean, as well as... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringGranular FlowParallel Processing
Todays commercial off-the-shelf computer systems are multicore computing systems as a combination of CPU, graphic processor (GPU) and custom devices. In comparison with CPU cores, graphic cards are capable to execute hundreds up to... more
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      Compute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDARandom access memoryProgramming languageCommercial Off-The-Shelf
Recently, graphics processing units (GPUs) have had great success in accelerating many numerical computations. We present their application to computations on unstructured meshes such as those in finite element methods. Multiple... more
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      EngineeringFinite element methodFinite ElementCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDA
Overview • Intro to Mathematica and its API • CUDA + Mathematica • Some examples
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      GPGPU (General Purpose GPU) ProgrammingCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDA
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      Computer EngineeringWireless CommunicationsMultimediaEmbedded Systems
Cycles count in a graph is an NP-complete problem. This work minimizes the execution time to solve the problem compared to the other traditional serial, CPU based one. It reduces the hardware resources needed to a single commodity GPU. We... more
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      Computer ScienceApproximation AlgorithmsCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDAInformation
Current GPU computational power enables the execution of complex and parallel algorithms, such as Ray Tracing techniques supported by kD-trees for 3D scene rendering in real time. This work describes in detail the study and implementation... more
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      Parallel AlgorithmsGrid ComputingComparative StudyPoint-Based Rendering
This work has the goal to study how an efficient deep packet inspection (DPI) algorithm may be implemented using the graphical processing unit (GPU) CUDA (Computer Unified Device Architecture) enabled boards existing in personal... more
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      Compute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDADeep Packet InspectionCUDA Programming, GPU ComputingPacket Analysis
Data mining place viral aspect in many of the applications like market –basket analysis, fraud detection etc. In data mining association rule mining and frequent pattern mining, both are key feature of market-basket analysis. In a given... more
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      Data MiningDynamic programmingDesign and Analysis of AlgorithmsCompute Unified Device Architecture NVIDIA CUDA