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2012, 2012 International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
5 pages
1 file
In this paper we propose a novel method for the extraction of signatures from document images. Instead of using a human defined set of features a part-based feature extraction method is used. In particular, we use the Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) to distinguish the machine printed text from signatures. Using SURF features makes the approach generally more useful and reliable for different resolution documents. We have evaluated our system on the publicly available Tobacco-800 dataset in order to compare it to previous work. Finally, all signatures were found in the images and less than half of the found signatures are false positives. Therefore, our system can be applied for practical use.
Automatic signature segmentation from a printed document is a challenging task due to the nature of handwriting of the signatory, overlapping/touching of signature strokes with printed text, graphics, noise, etc. In this paper we propose an approach towards the problem of signature segmentation. The method first detects the signature blocks and then segments them from the document image using word level classification. Gradient based features are used for word-block feature extraction and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is used for classification purposes. From each of the detected signature blocks, the included isolated printed characters (if exist) are removed using context information. For this purpose, bounding box information of neighboring printed words and local linearity of character strings near the signature block are used to detect hypothetical zones of existing printed characters. To detect the overlapping/touching printed strokes in the hypothetical zones of signature blocks, the corner points of contours are found by Douglas Peucker polygonal approximation algorithm and skeleton junction points are used. Finally, the touching strokes of signature are separated from text characters using the contour smoothness information near skeleton junction points. The experiment is performed in ``tobacco'' dataset{1} and the results obtained from the experiment are promising.
Automatic signature verification is an active research area today. For training and testing of signature verification systems, usually pre-segmented/extracted signatures from document images are used. Such systems, when applied to real world scenarios, often fail to deliver expected results. This is because in real world scenarios signatures are mostly available on complex documents, e.g., bank checks, forms, and wills etc. Such documents contain other information, like background text, ruling lines, and logos. In order to have effective authentication of these documents via signature verification, first segmentation of signatures is required. This paper debates on these issues in detail, surveys the various approaches which have been presented to that effect, and reports on current research challenges we are pursuing in order to develop systems for real world applications.
Transforming a paper document to its electronic version in a form suitable for efficient storage, retrieval, and interpretation continues to be a challenging problem. Signature is an individualistic identification of a person. It is an authentic identification because a signature cannot be copied by others. Signatures are a special case of handwriting subject to intra personal variation and inter personal differences. To counter check fraud and forgery of handwritten signatures, Signature extraction from printed text background and signature based document retrieval from a large dataset is necessary. A lot many techniques have been implemented successfully for both signature extraction and signature based document retrieval. This paper present techniques and methods evolved for signature extraction and signature based document retrieval.
A new approach for document image analysis and verification is presented. The approach utilizes connected component analysis and geometric properties of labelled regions for region of interest extraction. Document images containing PersiadArabic text combined with English text, headlines, ruling lines, trade mark and cursive signature are used as a test data. PersiadArabic signature extraction is investigated as 3 case study. The proposed method uses special characteristics of such signatures for extraction and verification procedures. A set of efficient, invariant and compact features is extracted utilizing spatial partitioning of the signature region. Comparative results exhibit high extraction and verification rates. 0-7803-8603-5/04/$20.00 02004 IEEE a87
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2009
As one of the most pervasive methods of individual identification and document authentication, signatures present convincing evidence and provide an important form of indexing for effective document image processing and retrieval in a broad range of applications. However, detection and segmentation of free-form objects such as signatures from clustered background is currently an open document analysis problem. In this paper, we focus on two fundamental problems in signature-based document image retrieval. First, we propose a novel multiscale approach to jointly detecting and segmenting signatures from document images. Rather than focusing on local features that typically have large variations, our approach captures the structural saliency using a signature production model and computes the dynamic curvature of 2D contour fragments over multiple scales. This detection framework is general and computationally tractable. Second, we treat the problem of signature retrieval in the unconstrained setting of translation, scale, and rotation invariant nonrigid shape matching. We propose two novel measures of shape dissimilarity based on anisotropic scaling and registration residual error and present a supervised learning framework for combining complementary shape information from different dissimilarity metrics using LDA. We quantitatively study state-of-the-art shape representations, shape matching algorithms, measures of dissimilarity, and the use of multiple instances as query in document image retrieval. We further demonstrate our matching techniques in offline signature verification. Extensive experiments using large real-world collections of English and Arabic machine-printed and handwritten documents demonstrate the excellent performance of our approaches.
Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2022
In this paper, we present an effective method for signature extraction from bilingual (Kannada and English) printed/handwritten documents using the contour and blobs-based method. Experimentation is carried out on our own dataset containing 150 real-time documents. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated using parameters like., accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. The proposed method performs better than the existing methods considered for comparison purposes and obtained an accuracy of 84.41%.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology
The signing process is one of the most important processes used by organizations to ensure the confidentiality of information and to protect it against any unauthorized penetration or access to such information. As organizations and individuals enter the digital world, there is an urgent need for a digital system capable of distinguishing between the original and fraud signature, in order to ensure individuals authorization and determine the powers allowed to them. In this paper, three widely used feature detection algorithms, HARRIS, BRISK (Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints) and FAST (Features from Accelerated Segment), these algorithms are compared to calculate the run time and accuracy for set of signature images. Three techniques have been applied using (UTSig) dataset; the experiment consisted of four phases: first, applying the techniques on one image, then on four images, then on eight images, finally applying the techniques on ten images where time and accuracy were...
The Diaspora at 100, The Armenian Weekly Magazine, 2024
“Armenian Studies in America: Past, Present, and Future” (co-authored with Marc A. Mamigonian), in Hayg Oshagan and Khachig Tololyan, eds., “The Diaspora at 100,” The Armenian Weekly special magazine issue, June 2024.
Prambanan temple compounds, named after the village nearby, has 5 major temples complexes and more than five-hundred temples. The major temple complex is Prambanan temple complex with 240 Hindu temples.
The plan of the Selpils Castle (Selburg, Zelbork) from 1702 should be known, but it is not used. The presentation aims to present the drawing and discuss its groundbreaking value in the context of the state of knowledge about the fortress.
Kocaeli İlahiyat Dergisi, 2024
Alternativas. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 2024
Chemical Engineering Science, 2015
Revista médica de Chile, 2008
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Annals of Plastic Surgery, 1994
Revue Française d'Allergologie, 2018
Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination, 2015
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Proplétání světů. Mezinárodní filmový festival Karlovy Vary v období studené války., 2023