Smart Grid Cyber Security Requirements
Emiliano Pallotti
Federica Mangiatordi
Fondazione Ugo Bordoni
Rome, Italy
Fondazione Ugo Bordoni
Rome, Italy
Abstract—The transformation of the traditional power grid into a
network of intelligent energy distribution able to meet the
growing needs of efficiency and environmental impact involves,
not only a historical and technical development, but also a
profound transformation of the entire existing infrastructure.
Given the undeniable benefits introduced, the new smart energy
network vulnerabilities are found both in the communication
system and power distribution. This paper aims to explore
requirements for the smart grid security issues.
Keywords-Smart Grid; Security Standards; Electrical power
grid; Cyber Security;
In recent years, the electricity grid is undergoing a profound
transformation whose primary purpose is to increase energy
efficiency, reliability and sustainability. The driving factors of
this renewal are the growing electricity demand by civil society
and economies and the need to mitigate climate change by
reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The gradual depletion of
fossil fuels and their rising costs are pushing new technologies
for energy production based on renewable resources. The
introduction of these new forms of generation in existing
distribution networks and transmission raises new challenges in
the local monitoring and control. New forms of generation
have much smaller electricity outputs than traditional type and
also exhibit greater intermittency. Distributed generators cause
reversal of power flows and variation of local grid voltages and
other technical parameters necessary for secure operation so
new active power balancing will be implemented. Numerous
research paper analyze the reliability impact of distributed
generation [17-21] since the electricity grid traditionally was
not designed to accommodate active power generation and
storage at the distribution level. These issues requires the
improvement of accountability and responsiveness of resources
highly distributed within electric power system through
realization of wide-area measurement and control networks for
efficient energy management and automatic adaptive
reconfiguration of the power infrastructures in case of threats
or disturbances.
An effective approach is suggested by microgrids and
remote mini-grid architectures [26-29] which enable the
electricity consumers to have some degree of energy
independence, provide customized power quality level and
open the bulk power system to small distributed energy
resources and storage devices.
This work is supported by Electronics Dpt. of the University Roma TRE
where the authors are PhD students at the doctoral school EDEMON
Microgrids are defined as low voltage networks consisting
of interconnected controllable loads (e.g. water heaters, air
conditioning) and distributed generation units (e.g.
photovoltaic cells, wind turbines, fuel cells, geothermal plants),
which are normally connected to bulk electric grid. When the
micro-grid is in connected mode, loads receive power both
from the bulk power grid and local micro-sources. During
disturbances, the generation and corresponding loads can
separate from the main distribution system to isolate the
microgrid’s loads from the disturbance protecting consumers
from power outages. Micro-grids are automatically and
smoothly reconnected to distribution network after faults are
To ensure distributed control with decision making done
locally with each power source and load, several papers discuss
the implementation of a multi-agent technology in microgrids.
In this context each component in the microgrid can be
represented as an autonomous agent, which must be able to
respond effectively to system changes [30-33].
Reliability a sustainability of the electricity grid can also be
improved through customer’s involvement in decisions about
his energy consumption, adjusting both the timing and quantity
of his electricity use. This capability, called demand side
management, includes load shifting and energy conservation.
Shifting customer load during periods of high demand to offpeak periods flattens the load curve, saving the building of
additional generation capacity and minimizing climate impact.
Demand management can be treated as a form of indirect
generation. Smart metering, with two-way communications
allow utilities to collect and analyze usage
information at narrow interval rather than relying on manual
monthly reading. This data can be used by utilities to verify
impact of new planning strategies or build targeted programs to
appeal to specific segments of customers [34-36].
Several security and privacy issue arise in deploying the
smart grid. In fact customers share more information about
how they use energy exposing them to privacy invasion.
Moreover customer grids are connected over a vast network of
computerized infrastructure that can be used to move largescale attack on the electrical infrastructure.
The electric power grid is world’s largest and oldest
interconnected machine. In Europe and North America is the
most capital-intensive infrastructure. To achieve the desired
goals of reliable, efficient, and clean energy distribution, smart
grids employ a combination of different technologies [1]:
The more interconnections exists the
opportunities for system compromising exist
Two-way communication framework
Advanced control systems
The growing of smart nodes involves larger number
of entry points for DOS
Advanced hardware components
Many Network link can increase potential cascading
Smart sensing technologies
New technologies can introduce new issue.
IT applications
With the convergence of the smart grid between power
network and IT infrastructure smart grid have to consider the
typical vulnerability in an IT contest with additional
vulnerabilities due to a more complex interaction, different
operational requirements.
The principle of least privilege requires that a user be given
no more privileges than necessary to perform his/her job
function. Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) are
the core principles of information security [2].
Figura 1 - Smart Grid Domains Electrical and Communication Flows
This system is undergoing tremendous change shifting from
few end points with little intelligence to many end points with
large amounts of intelligence. The goal is the achievement of
more Availability – Integrity and confidentiality of the network
[41,42]. Bidirectional communication and advanced control
systems can fix blackouts remotely saving time and cost. Thus,
the penetration of smart end points into the power network will
raise new security issues and they may become portals for
intrusions and malicious attacks [43-44]. Security issues
involve not only human factor but also natural calamities and
material failure.
A secure and reliable operation of the power network is
fundamental to economies and quality of life, and the growing
complexity makes the grid vulnerable to regional and global
disruptions [45]. The increasing use of smart endpoints raise
important security hole in systems where, for an historical fact,
security provisions isn’t a design criteria.
Utility communication infrastructure will be transformed
from a star network with centralized command and control to a
communication infrastructure component of a smart grid is
critical. A new scenario lies ahead, the convergence of the
communication infrastructure with the electric power
introduces new security and privacy challenges. In fact, the
more heavily power system rely on computer communication
the more dependent on system security becomes.
A. Availability
Availability is the response to the question why smart grid.
Losses of reliability have impacts on all actors involved, this
includes: customer, utilities and government. Security have to
preventing out-of-service (DoS) due at human factor,
redundancy can mitigate environmental threats.
Security had to prevent peripheral attacks through specific
DoS toward smart meter terminal equipment (non-professional
hacking through script kiddie).
The attack at the utility companies interest the availability
of the power to their location and it will certainly be malicious
and for extortion.
B. Confidentiality
It’s about protection of the information about unauthorized
disclosure. It’s customer side requirement. They are
concentrated at the utility companies and it’s an important
target for the hackers. It’s a collection of all data about
customer, personal information, consumption data and
confidential billing data. This data are not only available on the
smart grid but in a Web Application too (customer self monitor
and configuration). Data collected can reveal lot of information
about costumer’s activities (Figure 2) [38-39]. It’s a typical IT
security problem like SQL injection.
Here some potential risk:
Greater complexity increases accidental errors and
potential attackers
Figure 2 - Device Load
C. Integrity
From the side of the utility companies an authorized access
to confidential data will manifest a service theft and fraud.
Element involved are smart meter. Hacking this smart end
point is for manipulating the net data metering. The aim is to
steal service through modification of the reporting data to the
company or fraud reporting wrong generated electricity data
for collecting money.
The utility companies have to consider if they have still a
security program to upgrade after a gap analysis or have no
security program yet so an exhaustive adaptation of the
frameworks is needed.
An important certified security program is the ISO/IEC
27000 series [14-16], which is set of 6 standard of best practice
for information security suitable for every organization. An
other important but not certified security program is the
Information Security Forum ISF [22] a non profit organization
that distribute free of charge the Information Security Forum’s
standard of Good Practice
Risk assessment
Security policy
Organization of information security
Asset management
Human resources security
Physical and environment security
Communications and operations management
Access control
Information systems acquisition, development, and maintenance
Information security incident management
Business continuity management
A code of technical practice for helping companies in in
information security can be briefed in 12 sections [37].
1) Threat modelling
II architects and consultant attempt to identify the potential
attack vectors investigating Use case vs Abuse case.
2) Segmentation
For minimize the impact of attacks, the utility companies
have to use segmentation. For example if data traffics would be
limited in a geographical location through a stateful firewall, an
attack would be contained in that location only.
3) Firewall rules
A typical implementation in an IT environment is a deny all
firewall rules with proxy server and continent filtering.
on smart grid environments and perimeters area they will be
able to better understand the weaknesses of the infrastructure.
6) Encryption
Adopting encryption on transport layer, data archive and
control network can safeguard sensitive information from
7) Vulnerability management
It’s a control center in the company for ensure that the
security policies are effective and constantly upgraded.
8) Penetration testing
Exploiting, periodically, the weakness issue found in a
vulnerability scanner test.
9) Source code review
It’ s an important software quality development
requirement especially oriented through code vulnerabilities
and fixing patch.
10) Configuration hardening
Smart Elements on the grid have to be tested with
vulnerability scanner and hardened before enter in production.
CIS standard con be used for benchmarking [25].
11) Strong Authentication
The companies have to adopt at least 2 authentications
method between (password - hardware key – biometric id)
12) Logging and monitoring
Logging and Monitoring provide information for identify
attacks or reconstruct events in case of natural calamities.
Interesting researches are still in progress in signal processing
analysis, mixing typical data-mining technique with Multiresolution analysis of wavelet transform. Analyzing and mine
the data security log can detect a larger numbers of attacks on
different time scale. [23]
Smart grid technologies provide great benefits to the utility
companies and customers. However, the highly connected
nature of smart grid allows hackers and attackers to identify
and exploit vulnerabilities of the power grid, moving attacks
from many different locations. The utility company needs to
implement new security policies and procedures for customer
authentication and data encryption. Wavelet techniques could
be a valuable method for compression and encryption of
customer's data and for identification of fraud in the electrical
power distribution.
4) Signing
Software on smart grid device has to implement signing. It
does validate the integrity of the code to be executed.
5) Honeypots
Used as trap attackers a honeypot can identified an attack
alerting the organization in time for countermeasures. Placed
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