Numerical Simulation of Spark Ignition Engines
Arash Mohammadi
KNToosi University of Technology
1. Introduction
Optimization processes for internal combustion engines requires application of advanced
development tools. In addition to experimental method, numerical calculations are needed
in order to obtain an insight into the complex phenomena in-cylinder processes. This
chapter was organized for advances in computational fluid dynamic, heat transfer, and
chemical reactions as applied to internal combustion engines. It provided an opportunity for
specialists in the area of modeling flow and combustion in SI engines to provide powerful
computational tools in the area of endeavor surrounding fluid dynamics. We examine
computations for reactive flows in general with computational combustion in particular. In
reactive flows, the conservation equations for chemical species are added to the Navier Stokes system of equations. This addition also requires a modification of the energy
equation. Furthermore, the sensible enthalpy is coupled with the chemical species, which
contributes to the heat source and diffusion of species interacting with temperature. Thus,
the chemically reactive flows and combustion require significant modifications of not only
the governing equations, but also the existing computational methods discussed in this
chapter. The aims of these computational developments have been: (1) to develop reliable
engine tools for predicting the flow, temperature, etc fields; (2) to reduce the cost of current
experiments that are used for most of the relevant engineering design; (3) to allow for a
better understanding of physiochemical processes involved. Details of turbulent fluid
motion in engines are required for determining combustion, thermal efficiencies, and level
of emissions for development of cleaner, less noisy, and more efficient engines for a variety
of designs and fuels.
2. Model building
The first step in numerical simulation consists in the construction of model describing and
the technical processes. The perquisite for this is that real process can be divided into single
procession sections and hence broken down into partial problems. These partial problems
must be physically describable and mathematically formulable. For the construction of
parametrical models and for the simulation of temporally and spatially variable fluid,
temperature and concentration fields with chemical reactions, the knowledge of
thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, and combustion technology is an essential perquisite.
Essentially, the modeling procedure can be subdivided into the following steps:
1. Define the system and boundaries from the environment, determine the relevant
reservoirs as well as mass and energy flow between them.
Numerical Simulations - Examples and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics
Draw up balance sheets according to the unified scheme.
With the help of physical laws, describing the mass, momentum and energy flows.
Integrate the governing equations of model numerically, i.e. execute the simulation.
Validate the model, i.e. compare the calculated data with experimentally that existed or
3. Computational mesh
The discrete locations at which variables are to be calculated are defined by the numerical
grid which is essentially a discrete representation of the geometric domain on which the
problem should be solved. It is divides the solution domain into a finite number of sub
domains. Mesh generation is often the most decisive and most strongly limiting factor in
CFD calculation today. A good computational mesh should consist of hexahedrons, be well
adapted (i.e. also keep to the y+ rule that will discuss in 4.1.3) and sufficiently fine and
adapted, so that the flow structure (free jet, flames,..) can be resolved. Another problem is
mesh movement, which is solved by CFD code specifically, so that one has to rely closely in
generating moving mesh.
3.1 Grid generation
Regular or structured grid consists of families of grid lines with the property that members of
single family do not cross each other and cross each member of the other family at once. The
position of any grid point (or control volume) within the domain is uniquely identified by set
of two or three indices for two or three dimensional problem, e.g. (i, j, k). An example of
structured grid is shown in Fig .1. The disadvantage of structured grid is that they can be used
for geometrically simple domain and for complex geometries like internal combustion engine
with complex head and chamber geometry, intake and exhaust port and with valves that are
needed to move in simulation, advanced grid generator like, ICEM-CFD should be used.
Fig. 1. Example of structured grid generation (Ferziger & Peric, 2002)
It has been shown through analysis and examples that the necessary of the numerical
solution is strongly dependent on the grid or mesh used for the discretisation of the
computational domain. Large mesh lengths lead to larger truncation error, whereas smaller
mesh lengths increase the number of mathematical operations, resulting in larger CPU time
and generate round of error. Also, larger gradients in a particular region demand finer grids
that those needed coarse grid for regions where the gradients are smaller in order to resolve
the changes in the variables. Complicated geometry and have smooth and finer mesh for the
Numerical Simulation of Spark Ignition Engines
regions with large gradients of variable that expected of the solution of the physical domain
also passes challenge for discretisation, particularly near boundaries. Because of all these
considerations, it is important to employ a grid which closely approximates a given geometry.
3.2 Multi zone grids
Multiple sub domains, each consisting of a specified mesh length, may because to subdivide
the given region in order to concentrate grid points near a thermal source or boundary,
where large changes are expected to occur. In a block structured grid, there is two or more
level subdivision of solution domain on the coarse level, there are blocks which are
relatively large segments of the domain and they may or may be not overlap. In Fig.2 a
block structured grid with matching at interface is shown that is example of multi block
structured grid.
Fig. 2. Example of multi block structured grid (Ferziger & Peric, 2002)
3.3 Complex boundaries
In many practical problems, the boundaries are curved or have a shape that cannot be easily
modeled by a regular mesh. Specialized discretisation equations may have to be developed
for points near or on the boundaries. For more information, interested reader can refer to
advanced books of grid generation like (Thopson, 1985).
4. Fluid mechanical simulations
CFD simulation is playing an increasingly important role in the simulation of engine
processes, as it makes possible the most detailed physical description of the relevant processes.
The most diverse processes in the engine field are considered, like charge changing, in cylinder
flow, combustion, exhaust gas recirculation, and out flow process. A relatively costly process
is still necessary: firstly, computational meshes must be generated, and after a definition of
initial and boundary conditions, the actual calculation can be finally be started.
4.1 Governing equations
4.1.1 The three dimensional flow fields
The basic equations that govern convective processes are obtained from conservation laws of
mass, momentum, and energy. In the following, the basic equations of fluid mechanics will be
briefly recapitulated. Considering a given location in the flow, the conservation of mass gives:
ρ is the density of the fluid and the local vector velocity of fluid.
The principle of conservation of momentum, which equates the rate of change of
momentum to the forces applied, (Navier - Stokes equation) gives:
Numerical Simulations - Examples and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics
Where is operator of gradient, p the local pressure, σ viscous stress tensor for Newtonian
fluid, is a body force per unit volume and may arise from gravitational, μ is the first
coefficient of viscosity, and λ is the second viscosity coefficient, related to the bulk viscosity
μ' = λ+2/3 μ. Therefore, is bulk viscosity is taken as zero, λ = -2/3 μ.
The energy equation is obtained from the principle of conservation of energy, as applied to a
differential fluid element:
∂( ρ I )
+ ∇ ⋅ ( ρ vI ) = − p∇ ⋅ v + ∇ ⋅ [ −k∇T − ρ D∑ hk∇ck ] + σ : ∇v + S
Where I is the specific internal energy, exclusive chemical energy, k is thermal conductivity,
T absolute temperature of fluid, D diffusion coefficient of mixture, hk enthalpy diffusion of
species k, and ck concentration of species . (–k T) is the contribution due to heat
conduction. S the thermal source per unit volume and time,
. the pressure work, and
v the viscous dissipation effects that representing the irreversible part of energy
transfer due to viscous forces.
The equation set must still be completed. In compressible case however, the density must be
determined. We obtain the density from the pressure by means of thermal equation of state.
This equation now contain the temperature in addition, which by means of caloric equation
of state:
That is linked with internal energy where is the internal energy at reference state.
The transport equation for the concentration c(k) of the particular species must be
Also, an additional diffusion term appears in the energy equation (4). If we have N species,
only N-1 equations of (7) should be solved. The last one obtains from equation (8).
4.1.2 Turbulence models
Turbulent flows, which are of great practical importance, are three dimensional and timedependent. Computer methods of solving the differential equations of fluid dynamics are
well advanced even for three-dimensional time-dependent flows. For most engineering
purposes it is unnecessary to resolve the detail of turbulent fluctuations. Only the effects of
the turbulence on mean flow are usually sought. For turbulence model to be useful in
general CFD code, it must have wide applicability, be accurate, simple and economical to
Numerical Simulation of Spark Ignition Engines
run. A turbulence model is a semi-empirical equation relating the fluctuating correlation to
mean flow variables with various constants. When this equation is expressed as an algebraic
equation, it is referred to as the zero equation models. When partial differential equations are
used, they are referred to as one equation or two equation models depending on the number
of PDE which utilized. These consist of sets of differential equations, and associated algebraic
equations and constants, the solutions of which, in conjunction with those of the Navier-Stokes
equations, closely simulate the behavior of real turbulent fluids. Two equation models of
turbulence determine both the turbulence kinetic energy k and the characteristic length L from
transport equations. Fortunately, the increased computational complexity is compensated by a
dramatic increase in universality. The best known and most extensively tested two equation
model is the so called κ-ε model, although several turbulence models have been developed for
solving various turbulent flows. Among these, κ-ε model, where κ is the turbulent kinetic
energy and ε the rate of dissipation of turbulent energy, widely used. Both of these quantities
are calculated from their governing differential equations. (Lander & Spalding, 1974) discussed
this turbulence model. The equations for κ and ε are solved simultaneously with the
continuity, momentum, and energy equations to yield the flow and temperature distributions.
For the further details see (Launder & Spalding ,1974). This model has been used by many
investigator and compared with experimental data, and continues to be a popular choice for
the study of turbulent flows of practical interest. At high Reynolds numbers, the transport
equation for κ turbulent kinetic energy may be expressed:
∂ρ k
)∇k ] − ρε
+ ∇ ⋅ ( ρ uk ) = − ρ k∇ ⋅ u + σ : ∇u + ∇ ⋅ [(
with a similar one for the dissipation rate, ε:
+ ∇ ⋅ ( ρ uε ) = −( cε 1 − cε 3 )ρε∇ ⋅ u + ∇ ⋅ [(
)∇ε ] + [cε 1 σ : ∇u − cε 2 ρε s ]
The standard values of κ-ε turbulence model constants cε1, cε2, cε2, Prk , and Prε are constants
whose values are determined from experimental and some theoretical considerations. The
standard values of these constants are often used in engine calculation is given in below
cε1 = 1.44
cε2 = 1.92
cε3 = -1.0
Prk = 1.0
Prε = 1.3
So far we have considered convective process related to laminar flows, in which the flow is
well ordered in which fluctuations and disturbances are small compared to the mean flow.
Most of the convective processes that occur in industry especially, internal combustion
engines, are not laminar and characterized by disturbances of large magnitude. Such flows
are termed turbulent, and governing equations, may be obtained by taking the velocity,
pressure, and temperature as fluctuating components superimposed on the mean values,
e.g., u= ū + u′, where u is the instantaneous value of velocity component, ū is time-averaged
value, and u′ fluctuating quantity. The total instantaneous quantities are substituted in the
governing equations. Due to complexity with the determination of these turbulent
fluctuations near solid boundaries, several simple models have been developed for the
study of turbulent transport mechanism.
Numerical Simulations - Examples and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics
4.1.3 The turbulent law of the wall
However, there is still a problem concerning the boundary conditions. On the walls, a
boundary layer is formed, in which the velocity decreasing because of friction to zero, i.e.
the flow, becomes laminar. Thus in a turbulent flow the boundary layer consist of typically
of laminar sub layer and a turbulent zone. The κ-ε model cannot be applied across the entire
boundary layer. Moreover, the boundary layers are often so thin (especially in engines) that
they are hardly numerically solvable anyway. Then usual way to overcome this problem is
by deriving the so-called law of the wall. We now need a turbulent law of the wall i.e. an
analytical boundary layer model, in order to calculate shear stress from the local velocities in
the cell closest to the wall logarithmic law of the wall.
In engine calculations, ordinary uses turbulent law of the wall velocity condition with fixed
temperature walls. For turbulent law of the wall conditions the tangential components are
determined by matching to logarithmic profile:
7 /8
v ⎪ Ln(c lwς ) + B
u * ⎪ 1/2
Where ς =
ς > Rc
ς < Rc
ρ yv
is the Reynolds number based on the gas velocity relative to the wall
μair (T )
which is evaluated at distance y from wall, and u* is the shear speed, it is assumed that y is
small enough to be in the laminar sub layer region of the turbulent boundary layer. The Rec
defines the boundary between these two regions. The constant κ, clw, Rc and B are related to
κ-ε model constant by :
B=5.5, clw =0.14, κ=0.437, Rc=114 that commonly accepted values of the κ-ε constants.
For the numerical solution, the node nearest to the wall must remain within the boundary
T − Tw =
qw Pr
ln y + + const
κ c p ρ vt
A law of the wall can be derived quite analogy for the temperature. For fixed temperature
walls using the turbulent law of the wall condition, Jw is determined from the modified
Reynolds analogy formula:
⎪⎪1 /(Prε u * )
ρ u*c p (T − Tw ) ⎪
1 / {Pr[ * + ( l − 1)Rc 1/2 ]}
ς ≤ Rc
ς > Rc
Tw is the wall temperature and Prl is the Prandtl number of the laminar fluid.
5. Foundation of reaction
5.1 Chemical equilibrium
A general chemical equilibrium reaction with v′i,s and v′'i,s representing the stoichiometric
coefficients of reaction and products for the chemical species Mi
Numerical Simulation of Spark Ignition Engines
i =1
i ,s
Mi R ∑v′′i , s M i
i =1
Since every chemical reaction can be in principle run both forwards as well as backwards,
the reaction arrow in (14) can be replaced with an equal sign. We hence obtain the general
form of conservation of species:
∑ i ( v′′
i ,s
− v′i , s )M i = 0
hence the soichiometric coefficients are negative for all primitive and positive for all
products. State of equilibrium can be interpreted as a situation, in which both the forward as
well as reverse reactions progresses with identical speed.
K p (T ) =
⎛ pi ⎞
∏ i ⎜ p0 ⎟
⎝ ⎠
( v ′′i , s − v ′i , s )
The equilibrium constant Kp now contains the information about the equilibrium material
composition in term of partial pressure pi of the various species i.
5.2 Reaction kinetics
A one step chemical reaction of arbitrary complexity can be represented by the following
stoichiometric equation:
∑v′ M → ∑v′′ M
i =1
i =1
Where v′i are the stoichiometric coefficient of reactions and v′'i representing the
stoichiometric coefficient of products, Mi molecular weight of ith chemical species, and N
total number of component involved. For the chemical reaction species concentration, e.g.
for the [Mi], can be given with empirical formulation:
d [ Mi ]
= k f [ Aa ]va [ Ab ]vb − kr [ Ac ]vc [ Ad ]vd
hence the first term on the right side describes the reaction rate of the forward direction and
the second term the rate of the reverse reaction. kf and kr are thereby the so-called rate
coefficient of the forward and reverse reactions. They must be determined experimentally
for every particular chemical reaction. They are customarily represented with an Arrhenious
formulation form:
K = AT bexp( −EA / RT )
The constant A and the exponent b as well as the so-called activation energy EA are
summarized for many chemical reactions in extensive table.
6. Boundary conditions
Any numerical simulation can consider only a part of the real physical domain or system.
The truncation of the domain leads to artificial boundaries, where we have to prescribe
Numerical Simulations - Examples and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics
values of certain physical quantities. Furthermore, walls which are exposed to the flow
represent natural boundaries of the physical domain. The numerical treatment of the
boundary conditions requires a particular care. An improper implementation can result in
inaccurate simulation of the real system. Additionally, the stability and the convergence
speed of the solution scheme can be negatively influenced. The following types of boundary
conditions are in general encountered in the numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes
1. Solid wall
2. Symmetry
3. Coordinate cut and periodic boundary
4. Boundary between blocks
5. Inflow or out flow
6. Pressure inlet or pressure outlet
7. Axes
7. Numeric
After selecting the mathematical model, suitable discretisation method should be choose, i.e.
a method for approximation differential equations by a system of algebraic equations, for
the variables at some set of discrete locations in space and time. The most important
approaches are finite difference (FD), finite volume (FV) and finite element (FE) methods.
In the following, some basic concepts of numerical fluid mechanics will be explained, in
order to become acquainted with its most essential concepts, which are also of importance
for practical work. The description that follows refers to a so called finite volume procedure,
that is proven be unconditionally stable, as accurate as the accuracy of current state of
physical modeling permits, robust and efficient.
The starting point of the analysis is the set of three dimensional, partial differential
equations that govern the phenomena of interest here. This set consists, in general, of
following equations: the continuity equation; the three momentum equations that govern
the conservation on momentum per unit mass (the velocity) in each three space directions
(the Navier-Stokes equations); the equation for conservation of energy and species
concentration, and the equations for a ''turbulence model''. We shall consider them in their
most general form.
It is generally accepted that the turbulence model flow field in an IC engine strongly
influenced its combustion process, thermal efficiency and emissions. Traditionally,
knowledge of flow field has been extracted from experimental investigations which tend to
costly, lengthy and inflexible. The most wildly used model of turbulence in IC engine
research is the κ-ε model.
7.1 The finite volume method
Customarily, CFD codes work with the finite volume method. This approach guaranties the
numerical preservation of conservative quantities for the incompressible flows. The FV
method uses the integral form of the conservation of equations. The solution domain is
subdivided into a finite number of control volumes, and the conservation equations are
applied to each control volume. At centroid of each CV lie computational nodes at which the
variable values are to be calculated. As result, an algebraic equation for each CV is obtained.
The FV method can accommodates any type of grid, so it is suitable for complex geometries.
Numerical Simulation of Spark Ignition Engines
However, the computational mesh ideally, be built hexahedratically. The conservation law
for transport of a scalar in an unsteady flow has the general form:
( uΦ) designates convection, ( Φ) diffusion flows of and SΦ the corresponding local
source. With the help of Gaussian law follows and by replacing the volume integrals of
convective and diffusion term we obtain:
t + Δt
∫( ∫
t + Δt
( ρΦ ) dt ) dV +
t + Δt
( ∫n. ( Γ∇Φ ) dA) dt +
∫ ( ∫n.( ρ uΦ ) dA) dt
t + Δt
( ∫ SΦ dV ) dt
7.2 The finite volume equations formulation
Finite volume equations are derived by the integration of above differential equations over
finite control volumes that taken together fully cover the entire domain of interest (Fig 3).
These control volume are called ''cells'' Say P, for which the fluid-property value, are
regarded as representative of the whole cell. It is surrounded by neighboring nodes which
we shall denote by N, S, E, W, B and T. cells and nodes for velocity components are
''staggered'' relative to those for all other variables.
Fig. 3. Computational molecule in 3D domain(Patankar, 2002)
The integration involved is different to the usual Taylor-series expansion used in classical
finite-difference technique, and results in different coefficients of algebraic equations that
are finally obtained. The description that follows refers to a so called finite volume
procedure, that is proven be unconditionally stable, as accurate as the accuracy of current
state of physical modeling permits, robust and efficient.
7.3 Discretisation and numerical solution of the momentum equation
Finally, the momentum equation for the calculation of velocity and pressure by use of
continuity equation should be considered. For numerical reasons, it is recommendable to
resort to so called staggered grid, i.e. pressure and velocity are calculated on computational
grids shifted to each other, the pressure for example in the cells and the velocity on the
Numerical Simulations - Examples and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics
nodes. The calculations of velocity commonly take place iteratively, for which several
algorithms are known (e.g. SIMPLE, PISO, SIMPLER…). In final analysis, all have the fact in
common that is first step the momentum equation is solved for the velocities of momentums
kept constant. In the second step, pressure corrections are then calculated with the help of a
poisson equation. For pressure with these pressure corrections, new velocities are then
calculated again, and thud again, until a pre-given break off threshold for the convergence is
7.3.1 Discretisation of transient convection diffusion equation
Transient three dimensional convection diffusion of a general property Φ in a velocity field
that govern by equation (20). The fully implicit discretisation equation is:
ap Φp = aw Φw + aE ΦE + as Φs + aN ΦN + aB ΦB + aT ΦT + aºpΦºp + Su
ap = aw+ aE + as + aN + aB+ aT + aºp + F- Sp
the neighbor coefficients of this equation for hybrid differencing scheme as follows:
max [Fw , (Dw+Fw/2) , 0]
max [-Fe , (De-Fe/2) , 0]
max [Fs , (Ds+Fs/2) , 0]
max [-Fn , (Dn - Fn/2) , 0]
max [Fb , (Db+Fb/2) , 0]
max [-Ft , (Dt - Ft/2) , 0]
Fe - Fw + Fn - Fs + Ft - Fb
Table 1. The neighbor coefficients of this equation for hybrid differencing scheme
(Patankar, 1980)
In the above expressions the values of F and D are calculated with the following formulae:
( u)w Aw
( u)e Ae
( v)s As
( v)n An
( w)b Ab
( w)t At
7.3.2 Different approach
Employing the governing momentum equation and Poisson equation for the pressure, the
numerical scheme may be based on the primitive variables. A stagger grid is employed, as
shown in Fig.4 for two dimensional flows. The locations for the velocity components are
placed at the faces of the control volume. If a uniform grid is used, the locations are exactly
midway between the grid points. Therefore, the locations for the velocity components are
agreed. Since the pressure difference between two adjacent grid points is the driving force
for the velocity component. Located between these points, the finite difference
Numerical Simulation of Spark Ignition Engines
approximation is physically correct and will accept only reasonable velocity field. Also, the
transport rates across the faces of control volumes can be computed without interpolation of
velocity components. This approach has been adopted for several efficient schemes for flow
computation, such as those discussed by (Patankar, 1980) . If interest lies only in the steady
state flow field and if a steady state is known to exist, the problem may be solved by iterative
procedure, though time marching may also be employed to yield the steady state distribution
at large time. The SIMPLER algorithm, discussed in detail by (Patankar, 1980), and outlined in
the following section, for instance, employs a pressure-correction equation for correcting the
velocities during iteration and a pressure equation for improving the pressure field.
7.3.3 The staggered grid
The finite volume method starts, as always, with discretization of the flow domain and of
the relevant transport equations. First we need to decide where to store the velocities. It
seems logical to define these at the same locations as the scalar variables such as pressure,
Temperature, etc. However, if the velocity and pressure are both defined at the nodes of
ordinary control volume, it is clear that, the influence of pressure is not properly
represented in the discretization momentum equations, For more information (Blazek, 2001).
A remedy for this problem is to use a staggered grid for velocity components (Harlow &
Welch, 1965). The idea is to evaluate scalar variables, such as pressure, density, temperature
etc., at ordinary nodal points but to calculate velocity components at staggered grids
centered on the cell faces. The arrangement for a two dimensional flow calculation is shown
in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Staggered grid (Patankar, 1980)
The scalar variables, including pressure, are stored at nodes marked (•). The velocities are
defined at the cell faces in between the nodes and are indicated by arrows. Horizontal arrow
(→) indicates the locations for u-velocities and vertical (↑) ones denote those for v-velocities.
For the moment we continue to use the original E, W, N, S notation; the u-velocities are
stored at scalar call faces 'e' and 'w' and the v-velocities at faces 'n' and 's'. In a three
dimensional flow the w-component is evaluated cell faces’t’ and 'b'.
8. Simple algorithm
As discussed in the proceeding section, the governing equation for the flow may be solved
in terms of derived variables, or in term of primitive variables consisting of the velocity
components and the pressure.
Numerical Simulations - Examples and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics
Fig. 5. Staggered location for the velocity components in a two dimensional flow(Patankar,
Still, pressure calculation has been major hurdle in, attracting researchers to the stream
function-vorticity approach even for three dimensional flows. However, in the advent of
Simple (Semi Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equations) algorithm, along with its revised
version Simpler and the enhancement such as Simplec (Van Doormaal & Raithby ,1984), the
solution of the equations using primitive variable approach has become very attractive. In fact,
Simple and Simple like algorithms are extremely popular for the solution of problems
involving convective flow and transport. The basic approach involves the control volume
formulation, with the staggered grid, as outlined in the proceeding section. This avoids the
appearance of physically unrealistic wavy velocity fields in the solution to equations. The
pressure difference between two adjacent points in the natural driving force for the velocity
component located between these points and checkerboard pressure fields do not arise as
possible solutions. The pressure at a chosen point is taken at arbitrary value and the pressures
at other points are calculated as differences from the chosen pressure value.
Following (Patankar, 1980), if a guessed pressure field p* is taken, the corresponding velocity
field can be calculated from the discretised equations for the control volume shown in Fig. 6
These equations are of the form:
aeue = ∑anb unb
+ b + pp* − pE* Ae
Where the asterisk on the velocity indicates the erroneous velocity field based on guessed
pressure field. Here, anb is a coefficient that accounts for the combined convection-diffusion
at the faces of the control volume, with nb referring to the neighbors e to the control volume,
b includes the source terms except the pressure gradient, and Ae is the area on which
pressure acts, being Δy*Δz for 3D. The numbers of neighbor terms are 6 for three
dimensional ones. Similar equations can be written for vn* and wt* , where t lies on the zdirection grid line between grid points P and T. p is the correct pressure and p' the pressure
correction, we may write:
p = p*+ p′, u = u*+ u′, v = v*+ v′, w = w*+ w′
Where the prime indicate corrections needed to reach the correct values that satisfy the
continuity equation. Omitting the correction terms due to the neighbors, an iterative
Numerical Simulation of Spark Ignition Engines
solution may be developed to solve for the pressure and the velocity field. Then, the velocity
correction formula becomes:
p′p − p′E
vn = ve* + n p′p − p′N
ue = ue* +
And similarly for wt. From the time dependent continuity equation, the pressure correction
equation in then developed as:
ap p'p = aE p'e + aw p'w + aN p'N + as p's + aT p'T + aB p'B +b
Where b is a mass source which must be eliminated through pressure correction so that
continuity is satisfied. Here, T and B are neighboring grid points on the z direction grid line.
Fig. 6. Control volume for driving the pressure correction equation (Patankar, 1980)
The simple algorithm has the following main steps:
1. Guess the pressure field p*.
2. Solve the momentum equation to obtain u*,v*, and w*.
3. Solve the pressure correction equation to obtain p'.
4. Add p' to p* to obtain the corrected pressure p.
5. Calculate u, v and w from u*, v* and w* using velocity correction equations.
6. Treat the corrected pressure p as the new guess p* and iterate the preceding procedure
to convergence.
The revised version Simpler is quite similar to preceding algorithm and was developed
mainly to improve the rate of convergence. In this case, the mail steps are:
1. Guess the velocity field
2. Solve the pressure equation, which is similar to pressure correction equation, Eq. (26),
to obtain the pressure distribution. In this equation p' is replaced by p and a different
expression arise for b.
3. Treating the pressure field as p*, solve the momentum equations to obtain u*, v* and w*.
4. Solve the pressure correction equation to obtain p'.
5. Correct the velocity field but not the pressure.
6. Use the velocity field as the guessed distribution and iterate the preceding procedure to
Numerical Simulations - Examples and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics
The pressure at any arbitrary point in the computational domain is specified and pressure
differentials from this value are computed. The boundary condition may be a given
pressure, which makes p' = 0, or a given normal velocity which makes the velocity a known
quantity at the boundary and not a quality to be corrected so that p' at the boundary is not
needed. For further details, (Ptankar, 1980) may be consulted.
10. Example
In the following simulation of SI internal combustion is discussed. We consider the intake,
compression, combustion and exhaust process in an engine but only the results of mesh
preparation and heat flux are discussed.
10.1 Grid generation
Prior to CFD simulation, computational mesh was generated for the engine using ICEM CFD
scheme. The geometry of a mesh is composed of any arbitrary number of logical blocks that
are patched together in a seamless fashion. Patching allows complex geometries to be created,
block by block while minimizing the number of deactivated zones that surround the final
mesh. The movement of piston/flow domain was resolved using the boundary motion feature
of available code. During the solution process, as the piston moves, the internal mesh structure
deforms automatically to optimize the mesh. The distortion of each individual cell occurs
when the generated cell distortion reaches a certain level, and the solution is re-zoned onto
new mesh. Mesh size ranged from about 90000 at BDC to about 46000 at TDC for
computational studies.
10.2 Initial and boundary conditions
Computation starts at TDC. Initial charge densities were calculated based on ambient
pressure of 0.85 bar and temperature of 300K at inlet valves opening. The standard κ − ε
turbulence model in the code was used with an initial value of turbulent kinetic energy k,
assumed 10 percent of the total kinetic energy based on the mean piston speed that
supposed to be uniform. Radial velocity is initialized assuming a swirl ratio 0. Temperature
was taken as 485K for liner, 600K for cylinder head and piston, 550K for intake valves, and
800K for exhaust valves.
Fig. 7. Computational mesh at bottom dead center (Mohammadi et.al, 2009)
Numerical Simulation of Spark Ignition Engines
Heat transfer coefficient (kW/m2.K) Heat flux (MW/m2)
10.3 Discussion
In Figs. 8-a and b variations of heat flux and heat transfer coefficient on the cylinder head,
liner, piston, intake and exhaust valves versus crank angle are illustrated. Heat flux has very
low value in the intake and most part of compression process relative to the value of heat
flux after combustion. Such quantities of heat transfer are usually negligible in experimental
measurements. After combustion and release of chemical energy, heat flux rises rapidly
when the flame arrives at each location, and it has maximum value at about 20 ATDC for all
parts of the cylinder. Maximum heat flux and heat transfer coefficient are at intake valves
that reach to 5.4 MW/m2 and 3.82 kW/m2 and the minimum value is on the cylinder wall
with 1.18 MW/m2 and 0.96 kW/m2 respectively. Heat flux through combustion chamber
walls is mainly due to gas-phase convection, fuel film conduction and chemical reactions.
From Fig. 8-a it can be seen that the peak heat flux take places on the intake valves because
the gradient of temperature between gas and the valves surface are higher than other
locations. Heat flux on the cylinder head is more than piston because flame initiate near
head (spark plug is between inlet and exhaust valves) and arrives sooner to the surface of
cylinder head relative to the surface of piston. Liner heat flux has lower value than other
places because its location is further from flame than other locations and temperature of the
wall is lower than other locations and flame is quenched near it.
Fig. 8-b shows that heat transfer coefficient on the intake and exhaust valves is almost equal
and is the highest value, because the gas velocity (or Reynolds number) in this region is
highest. Heat transfer coefficient on the cylinder head is more than piston and on the liner it
has the lowest value where the temperature gradient and gas velocity are lowest.
After 60 degree, ATDC expansion cools the burned gases and heat flux decay to relatively
low level.
Intake valve
Exhaust valve
Intake valve
Exhaust valve
Crank angle, deg
Fig. 8. Variation of: a) surface heat flux at various locations with crank angle, b) heat
transfer coefficient at various locations with crank angle (Mohammadi et.al, 2009)
Numerical Simulations - Examples and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics
11. Conclusion
In this chapter CFD simulation of spark ignition engine was discussed. Fundamental of
structured mesh generation, governing equation for Fluid mechanics, include, mass,
momentum and energy equations, turbulence model and law of the wall, principle of
equilibrium and kinetics reaction equation for combustion simulation were discussed. For
numerical simulation of system of equations finite volume method for discretization of the
equations was used, simple algorithm for solving the equations were discussed and in final
one example of numerical simulation of heat flux and heat transfer coefficient in a spark
ignition was discussed.
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