Collectors and Dealers: The Trade of Egyptian Antiquities

Many of the Egyptian objects in Western museums were acquired during the heyday of the antiquities trade market in Egypt from the 1880s to 1930s. The scale of this trade was staggering, but its mechanics and networks are poorly known. Kim Ryholt will discuss his most recent research on the trade's geography, dealers, and legal issues, as well as the role that Egyptian museums and Egyptologists played in the acquisition of objects. He will also highlight how the antiquities trade and acquisition policies have played a decisive role in dictating the research agendas of Egyptologists. (The paper is based on research for the book The Antiquities Trade in Egypt 1880s-1930s, which is co-authored with Fredrik Hagen and to be published by the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences.)

.. B L セ L@ H ARVARD UN IV ERS ITY HARVARD MUSEUMS OF S( IEN(l & CUllURE I HARVARD.EDU Search Harvard Semitic Museum Visit .. Exhibitions " Events Publications " Collections Research Video " Upcom l ng Events HOME I CALENDAR I Collectors and Dealers: The Trade of Egyptian Collect ors and Dealers: The Trade of Egypt ian Ant iquities Antiquities Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 6:00pm The Dog Catacombs of Anubis See also: Lecture 4128/2015 6:00pm 4121/20156:oopm location: Yenchi ng Auditorium, 2 Divi nity Avenue Lectu re with Kim Ryholt. Professor of Egyptology and Director, The Papyrus Carlsberg セ@ Many of the Egyptian objects in Western museums were acquired during the heyday of s I M I T I w the antiq uities trade market in Egypt from t he 18805 to 19305. The scale of this trade was staggering. but its mechan ics and networks are poorly known . Kim Ryholt will d iscuss his セ@ April Collection and Project. University of Copenhagen. Denmark 5 6 7 8 I T I F I s 2 3 4 9 10 11 most recent research on the trade's geography, dea lers, and legal issues, as well as the 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 role that Egyptian museums and Egyptologists played in the acqu isition of objects. He will 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 also highlight how the antiquities trade and acquisition poliCies have played a decisive role in d ictating the research agendas of Egyptologists. From the Nile to the Euphrates: Creating the Harvard Semitic Museum an exhibition at the Harvard Semitic Museum, will be open following the lecture until 9:00 pm. Free event parking available at the 52 Oxford Street Garage • subscribe t!i!l iCal