Open Journal of Energy Efficiency, 2013, 2, 22-28 doi:10.4236/ojee.2013.21004 Published Online March 2013
Energy-Efficiency Economics as a Resource
for Energy Planning
Fabio Correa Leite, Decio Cicone Jr.,
Luiz Claudio Ribeiro Galvão, Miguel Edgar Morales Udaeta
Energy Group of Electric Energy and Automation Engineering Department,
Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Received January 14, 2013; revised February 15, 2013; accepted March 7, 2013
The objective of this work is a multi-criteria decision-making assessment that aims to facilitate the Energy-Efficiency
Economics, introducing the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as part of power-system planning tool for an energyefficiency application. It addresses to include qualitative aspects in the decision-making agendas of energy-efficiency
projects. The manuscript details the limitations of non-rigorous financial analysis and proposes an alternative for
including energy-efficiency measures in discussions pertaining to the financial opportunities available to any investor,
and it presents the methodology that supports the qualitative aspects and the software package used to execute this
methodology. As case study a complete example including a sensitivity analysis is presented.
Keywords: Energy Conservation; Energy Planning; Power Economics; Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
translate business major subjective goals into an organized
1. Introduction
and repeatable decision-making process?
Energy-efficiency projects analyzed exclusively from the
Project managers, capital leaders and engineering mamanagerial perspective tend to make these projects less
nagers have to make project decisions all the time. Some
attractive once their hard benefits that are not trivial to
decisions are as comprehensive as whether to build a
quantify. Energy that is not spent is particularly difficult to
LEED office building or an ordinary one. This could never
measure and investors require a wide range of inforhappen without committed leadership on the part of the
mation to decide where to invest his capital and long- term
organization. Or the simple choice of a high-effi- ciency
benefits are not always represented in the financial
motor rather than a standard one involves an addi- tional
indicators. “The acquisition of resources for investment is
capital investment, which, if not supported by top
often limited, and managers tend to favor a company’s
management, can lead to unpleasant disputes.
core business while deteriorating secondary functions,
The consideration of non-monetary aspects in an
including energy” [1].
investment decision through AHP is a possibility to help
Medium and large companies not rarely have mission
decision-makers choose energy-efficient and environstatements that can be as vague as: operate safely, respect
mentally friendly projects through a standardized process.
the environment and increase shareholder value. This is
In this sense, it is proposed a way of analyzing energytheir way to communicate to the employees, company’s
efficiency projects in terms of similar parameters to any
owners and society what drives their goals. Meanwhile,
other expansion, acquisition or fusion project, including,
investment decisions are still based on traditional methin addition, elements that are not part of the traditional
ods and a subjective ingredient: the decision maker’s own
decision-making process, such as qualitative factors used
beliefs. From that perspective, how does a company decide
in the AHP.
between its environmental footprint or a more attractive
This article aims to discuss certain specifics, which,
IRR? It is a challenging decision because pro- jects can
when added to well-known methods of financial analysis
fulfill regulations and industry standards and still impact
like Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return
the society in different ways. Regulations are not perfect,
(IRR), make energy-efficiency projects more attractive
and one project is supposedly less harmless to the
from the financial perspective and an alternative way to
environment than the other. Then the question is: how to
base decisions with a more comprehensive approach. Ac-
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