Urban Resilience
for Municipalities
Philip Harrison, Kerry Bobbins, Christina Culwick,Tracy-Lynn Humby,
Costanza La Mantia, Alison Todes and Dylan Weakley
With Contributions from: Olumuyiwa Adegun, Geoffrey Bickford, Gary Bing, Graeme Gotz,
Tamsyn Groesser, Daniel Irurah, Karen Kotschy and Tsepang Leuta
The authors are thankful to the Department of Science and Technology, and the National Research Foundation,
South Africa for funding this work, which does not necessarily represent their views.
We also appreciate the valuable contributions made by to the work by Olumuyiwa Adegun, Geoffrey Bickford,
Gary Bing, Graeme Gotz, Tamsyn Groesser, Daniel Irurah, Karen Kotschy and Tsepang Leuta.
Copy Editing: Karin Pampallis
Report Design and Layout: HotHouse South Africa
© 2014 University of the Witwatersrand, Gauteng City-Region Observatory
Table of contents
Foreword The “Grand Challenge”
Working deinitions
Where does it come from?
South African connections
Thinking intelligently, thinking critically
This report
Resilience Thinking
Guiding Principles
The Capacity to Learn
Redundancy (or Spare/Duplicate Capacity)
Self-Suficiency and Connectedness
Digging Deeper: Learning from Theory
Some Common Questions
The Relationship between Sustainability and Resilience
Bouncing Back or a New State of Being?
Is resilience always positive?
Starting with ecological resilience
Applying the theory to social-ecological systems
Cities as “complex, adaptive [political] socio-ecological systems”
Limits to the theory
Governance for Resilience
Explaining the concepts
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
Adaptive governance
Adaptive Management (and Adaptive Co-management)
Bringing together adaptive goernance and adaptive (co)management
Making governance for resilience real: some guiding principles
Resilience in Urban Form and Fabric
Resilient Urban Form: Responsiveness and Adaptiveness
Resilient Urban Form: Principles and Approaches
Density and Resilience
Resilience, Density and South African Cities
Micro-scale Responses and Market-mediated Transitions to Greener
Urban Areas and Buildings
Enhancing urban resilience through green infrastructure
Rethinking Urban Ecological systems
Green Infrastructure for urban resilience
Multi-functionality of ecosystem services
Planning for resilience in cities using a green infrastructure approach
Urban resilience in city–regions
A green infrastructure approach for the Gauteng City–Region
Green assets of the Gauteng City-Region and existing green
infrastructure networks
Existing and potential green infrastructure projects of the
Gauteng City-Region
Valuing Green Infrastructure
Appendix A: Overview of indicative values per hectare per year for
open space types in the City of Johannesburg
Economic resilience
Bounce-back and adjustment
5.1.1 Deining economic resilience
5.1.2 Differences in economic resilience
5.1.3 Explaining the source of economic resilience
The “Grand Challenge”
This document was prepared as a contribution to the Department of Science and Technology’s (DST’s)
Grand Challenge on Global Change and as a complement to flagship initiatives such as the South
African Risk and Vulnerability Atlas project (Archer, et al., 2010). The Global Change Grand Challenge
is aimed at “supporting knowledge generation and technological innovation that will enable South
Africa, Africa, and the world, to respond to global environmental change, including climate change”
(Archer, et al., 2010, p. ii).
While the Grand Challenge highlights the importance of science in supporting South Africa’s response
to global change, it extends beyond a purely biophysical focus to acknowledge the importance of
the social sciences. There is a clear understanding that the most compelling responses to global
change will come through the combined efforts of the natural and social sciences. The DST therefore
supports a number of research programmes across South Africa that draw on a wide range of scientific
and academic fields in responding to specific challenges of global change across rural and urban
–South Africa.
One of the key thematic areas supported through the Grand Challenge is “urban resilience”. This is not
at the expense of work on rural areas, as there are also a number of research programmes targeting
rural South Africa, but it is recognition of both the threats posed by poorly managed urban areas and
of the opportunities that towns and cities offer for greater resilience and sustainability.
The programmes include “Think Tank on Resilient Urban Systems in Transition”1 at the University of
Pretoria (UP) and “Resilient Cities: Towards a Green Growth Path”2 at the Human Sciences Research
Council (HSRC).
The three-year funded programme at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) was titled “Urban
Resilience Assessment for Sustainable Urban Development” and was developed with the specific
intention of giving support to local government in South Africa. This was done with the recognition that
municipalities have a potentially vital role in proactively managing processes of change.
The programme is a partnership between Wits and the Gauteng City–Region Observatory (GCRO).3 It
is also trans-disciplinary, with a working group that includes researchers in a number of fields including
urban planning, architecture, law and environmental science.4 Research in the programme is divided
into five major thrusts, being:
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
1. Resilience and urban governance
2. Resilience in urban form and fabric
3. Resilience in urban infrastructures
4. Resilience of natural assets and ecological systems
5. Green economies for resilience
In its work, the programme has established an active partnership with the City of Johannesburg, and
collaborates with the West Rand District Municipality. Through the GCRO the programme is also linked
to the work of Gauteng Province. The research programmes in other universities and research institutes
have established similar relationships with their respective municipalities and provincial governments.
The programme has benefitted significantly from its evolving partnership with the Agence Française de
Développement (the French Agency for Development - AFD) and the Institute for Urban Morphology
and Complex Systems in Paris. Municipal officials and academics from France have engaged closely
with counterparts in South Africa, allowing for a constructive transfer of ideas. These collaborations will
expand into the next phase of the research.
Resilient Cities: Towards a Green Growth Path
The GCRO is itself a formal partnership between government (Gauteng Province and municipalities) and universities
(Wits and the University of Johannesburg).
The Working Group includes Professor Philip Harrison (Lead Investigator), Dylan Weakley (Programme
Co-ordinator), Professor Alison Todes, Professor Daniel Irurah, Professor Tracy-Lynne Humby, Graeme Gotz
(Research Director at the GCRO), Christina Culwick, Kerry Bobbins and Dr Costanza La Mantia. Doctoral and
Masters students have also contributed to the programme and their work is acknowledged through the report.
Urban resilience is the “new kid on the block”. Over the past few years the concept has rapidly gained
a central place in spatial and urban planning policy in South Africa.1 The State of South Africa’s Cities
Report, 2011, prepared by the South African Cities Network (SACN, 2011a), for example, was written
under the broad theme of resilient cities, while the SACN’s (2011b) State of Cities Finance Report,
2011, applied ideas of resilience to the financial fortunes of cities.2
The City of Johannesburg (2011) made urban resilience one of the key themes in its new Growth
and Development Strategy, Jo’burg 2040. It refers to social resilience, environmental resilience,
economic resilience and more. EThekwini municipality successfully bid to the Rockefeller Foundation
for recognition of Durban as one of an initial 33 participants world-wide in a resilient cities programme.3
The City of Cape Town uses ideas of urban resilience in a number of policies and plans including, for
example, the Low Carbon Central City Strategy,4 while both Tshwane 2055 (City of Tshwane, 2013) and
Ekurhuleni 2025 (City of Ekuruleni, 2013) make clear reference to resilience. The concept is also used
in the strategies and plans of a growing number of South Africa’s smaller municipalities, including in
their Integrated Development Plans.5
The idea of resilience arguably adds a new and compelling dimension to policy and planning, but
there is also a danger that, as its use multiplies, it will become an increasingly fuzzy, catch-all term
that we pay homage to as a form of lip-service. The specific purpose of this document is to assist
municipalities in South Africa in applying ideas of urban resilience in a thoughtful, intelligent and
critical, way. It is not designed as a “manual” or “tool box”, but rather as a tool to promote urban
resilience thinking.
Working deinitions
It may be useful to begin with some form of working definition, although it is important to remember
that there is no single “truth” about urban resilience. Definitions are created, and change over time,
reflecting evolving understanding or shifting orientation.
The City Resilience Framework, prepared by The Rockefeller Foundation and ARUP for city governments, offers a straightforward definition:
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
City resilience describes the capacity of cities to function so that people living and working
in cities – especially the poor and vulnerable – survive and thrive no matter what shocks and
stresses they encounter (Rockerfeller Foundation & ARUP, 2014, p. 3)
Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality offers an even simpler definition in their long-term strategy, which
refers to a resilient city as one “that can withstand shocks, roll with the punches, and come out stronger”
(City of Tshwane, 2013, p. 1).
It may be helpful to start with these clear, uncomplicated definitions. As we move through this document
and develop our understanding of resilience theory, we may wish to add a little more complexity. There
are many scholars from the academy who have offered definitions, with less or more value for urban
practitioners such as municipal officials who confront the intricacies of applying ideas within real-life
contexts. We have combined two of these attempts to produce the definition below:
Resilience refers to the capability of individuals, social groups, or social-ecological systems
including towns and cities not only to live with changes, disturbances, adversities or disasters
but also to adapt, innovate and transform into new more desirable configurations.6
Where does it come from?
One of the reasons why ideas of urban resilience may seem a little slippery is that they come from
diverse sources. The various conceptual threads have become gradually entangled, but urban
resilience is still used by different individuals with slightly varying meanings.
We know, for example, that psychologists have spoken of resilience for many
years. They tell us that a resilient individual is able to withstand and adapt
a resilient individual is able
to stress and adversity, and has the coping skills to bounce back after or
through a negative experience. Social psychologists have applied the idea
to withstand and adapt to
of resilience to groups in society. In South Africa, for example, there is now
stress and adversity
a large literature on how youth in townships cope with their vulnerability to
multiple threats including crime and violence, loss of employment and HIV/
AIDS. The Pathways to Resilience Project,7 for example, actively assists South
Africa’s youth in dealing with, and overcoming, adversity. South Africa’s Good Governance Learning
Network (GGLN), an alliance of agencies in civil society, has applied ideas of resilience to communities
in a key publication, Community Resilience and Vulnerability in South Africa (GGLN, 2014).
Economists have written of the resilience of national and regional economies. They explore why some
territories bounce back from shocks and others do not. Literature on urban economic resilience
emerged from the 1970s as cities in the North and Europe lost their industries to newly developing
manufacturing economies in East Asia. The 2007–2008 financial crisis has stirred new interest in ideas
of economic resilience. The Brookings Institution and the London School of Economics (LSE) (2010),
for example, published a report in 2010 which reveals major differences between cities across the
world in the bounce-back from this global shock. One of the initiatives of the Obama administration in
the United States (US), for example, was to set up an Office for Economic Resilience which has as its
goal “[helping] communities and regions build diverse, prosperous, resilient economies by enhancing
quality of place; advancing effective job creation strategies; reducing housing, transportation, and
energy consumption costs; promoting clean energy solutions; and creating economic opportunities
for all” (U.S. HUD, 2014, p. 1).
Much of the literature on urban resilience, however, arises from a concern with environmental risk and
vulnerability. There is a vast literature on this subject. At first this literature focused almost exclusively
on natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and health epidemics. Gradually it expanded to
incorporate social vulnerability into the concept of disaster, and to include incremental disasters such
as climate change (UNISDR, 2013). The growing literature on disaster, risk and vulnerability also
incorporates the concept of resilience. The most authoritative body in the field, the Intergovernmental
Brian Boshoff 2014
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has drawn widely on the notion of resilience. The Fifth Report of the
Panel released in 2014 provides a framework of “climate-resilient pathways” (see the Box at the end of
the section).8
There is now a large literature on climate change resilience, and also specifically on urban climate
change resilience. There are also many programmes internationally that offer support to national and
sub-national governments, including municipalities, in building climate change resilience. In 2010,
Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) launched the Annual Global Forum on Urban Resilience
and Adaptation,9 to be hosted each year in Bonn, Germany. The forum connects local government
leaders with experts in the field in an on-going discussion on adaptation to climate change. In 2013,
the Rockefeller Foundation, for example, launched a Resilient Cities Initiative10 with a focus on climate
change, to give support to 100 city governments as they develop strategies for climate resilience.
While ideas of urban resilience have evolved fitfully, there have been attempts to give urban resilience
a coherent theoretical framing. The most influential attempt by far is the work of the Canadian ecologist,
C.S. Holling (1973). He brought together ecology and systems theory in developing the concept of
resilience within socio-ecological systems. Ecologists had long shown how natural species persist by
adapting to, maintaining, modifying or changing their habitats. Ecologists have also shown that species
do not exist in isolation but are interconnected within structured hierarchies11 known as “panarchies”
(explained further in the following chapter). There is a constant state of change, with small changes
at any one scale reverberating with changes across a panarchy. Systems theory, which had been
applied widely to fields including cybernetics and engineering, was also about self-regulation and
adaptation through correcting feedbacks.
Beginning in the early 1970s, Holling (1973) argued that the ability of an ecological system to selfregulate or adapt depended on its underlying resilience. In later work he related the behaviour of
ecological systems to socio-natural systems such as cities (Holling, Gunderson, & Peterson, 2001). In
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
the process he elaborated key concepts such as “adaptive management” and the “adaptive cycle”,
as well as the use of “panarchy” to explain the complex interrelationships within human-dominated
systems that cross geographic scales. Holling’s theory of resilience shows how multiple, complex
systems, both natural and human-created, are tied together in cycles of growth, adaptation and
The work of C.S. Holling remains the touchstone for much of the theorising around urban resilience,
including in the work of the influential Stockholm Resilience Centre in Sweden.12 It has also strongly
influenced thinking on resilience in South Africa, and will be explored in more detail in the next section
of the report.
South African connections
In South Africa, ideas of urban resilience have been taken up in various ways. As already shown, they
are now widely used in policy documents and plans. This use is influenced by scholarly writing in
South Africa.
There have been significant recent contributions on resilience from the South African academy.
Professor Mark Swilling and colleagues at the Sustainability Institute at the University of Stellenbosch,
for example, have written extensively on urban sustainability, referring also to resilience challenges.13
Professor Ivan Turok and his colleagues at the HSRC have written widely on the resilience of South
Africa’s cities, linking ideas of economic resilience with ideas of socio-ecological resilience.14 Professor
Chrisna du Plessis and her colleagues at the University of Pretoria have applied ideas of complex,
adaptive socio-ecological systems to urban study in South Africa, offering an “ecological worldview”
for exploring change.15 Debra Roberts from eThekwini municipality has published widely on climate
change resilience,16 while the African for Centre Cities (ACC) at the University of Cape Town has
collaborated with the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) in India on a report on
climate resilience in Africa17.
There is other work and there will be more, providing an increasingly rich resource of local material on
which to draw.
Thinking intelligently, thinking critically
We must remember that there is no single “truth” about urban resilience. It would be unfortunate if urban
resilience became a new orthodoxy, displacing other helpful and important concepts. We believe that
the idea of urban resilience is a very useful way of thinking about the ability of cities, and the many actors
and structures that make up cities, to respond to the ever-present reality of change. It adds a further
dimension, for example, to the weighty concept of “urban sustainability”, but in itself resilience can only
address a limited spectrum of what we must think about in relation to our urban environment.
We have purposefully avoided calling this work a “manual” or a “tool box” or something similar. If
the concept of urban resilience were reduced to a checklist, for example, then it would surely lose
one of its main messages – that case-specific and changing approaches are needed in response to
the different ways in which urban environments change. Urban resilience must provoke thoughtful
responses and actions from municipalities, responses that relate to the specific circumstances of
each municipality.
Applying the idea of resilience to “cities” in particular, or “urban” areas more generally, can be tricky.
A city is a very complex agglomeration of things, material and intangible. We need to think carefully
and critically about what we mean by resilience in relation to this. When we talk of urban resilience,
for example, we need to clarify whether we are talking about the resilience of the whole agglomeration
of things, or about the resilience of some component of this agglomeration such as the natural
environment, or the resilience of the people who inhabit the cities.
In the following section of the report, we address some of these conceptual issues. At this stage it is
useful to understand the distinction between “resilience in cities” and “resilience of cities” (Ernstson,
et al., 2010). If we are concerned about the resilience of individuals or social groups within the city, we
are concerned about resilience in cities. If, however, we are concerned with the growth and longevity
of cities per se, we are concerned with the resilience of cities. There is a relationship between the two
concepts but they are not the same.
Psychologists and social psychologists have provided a strong indication of what makes individuals
and groups of individuals resilient. Urban theorists are gradually coming to understand what might
make the agglomerations we call towns or cities resilient. Urban areas survive and develop through
multiple processes including economic exchange, human migration, the functioning of natural systems,
and the flow of resources such as energy and water through infrastructure networks.
Most cities in the world are fairly resilient. That is why they have evolved from being small settlements
to large agglomerations. However, cities have varying degrees of resilience. They recover at different
rates from calamities including natural disasters or economic shocks, and adapt more or less
successfully to incremental shifts such as climate change. It is important to understand what accounts
for these differences in resilience between places, and how we might advance the resilience of any
particular place.
Resilience theory does offer some valuable insights as it explores ways to
respond better to change. However, we must understand also that there
are criticisms of resilience theory. These do not necessarily detract from
the value of the theory, but do require us to apply resilience theory with
care. These criticisms are referred to in more detail in the next section of
the report.
Resilience theory does ofer
some valuable insights as
it explores ways to respond
better to change.
This report
In this report we offer municipalities and their officials a set of perspectives on urban resilience that are
alert to the possibilities and limitations of resilience theory, and call on municipalities to use ideas of
urban resilience in a considered, critical way.
Our specific concern in this report is to provoke municipalities to take up and apply ideas of urban
resilience in an informed way. Our intention is to stimulate “resilience thinking” (Walker & Salt, 2006)
rather than to offer a simple “guide for practice”. Our focus is on the municipalities which have the
responsibility of governing urban areas in South Africa, although there is much that could also be
applied in rural contexts.
There are also other agents in government and civil society that could draw meaningfully from the
discussion, but we have deliberately targeted municipal government, recognising the particular role
that municipalities have in building resilience from the ground up. Our message to municipalities is
that the task of building resilience requires them to build strong relationships across all scales of
government, and across the created divides of government and civil society.
The work was prepared through partnerships with local and provincial government in Gauteng, and so
draws mainly from casework from this context, and especially from Johannesburg. However, we offer
it as a resource to all municipalities in South Africa, urging them always to apply ideas with careful
consideration of their own contexts.
Resilience requires us to think in an integrated way rather than in terms of sectors or any particular
scale of government. It is difficult to structure a report that holds this complexity but also applies to
real-world issues. In the next section we present the theory of resilience. In later sections we structure
the discussions around the themes of adaptive governance, resilient urban form, infrastructure
for resilience, ecological resilience and green economies for resilience. Throughout the report we
emphasise the connections between the themes.
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
he IPCC is the international body tasked with the scientiic assessment of climate change.
It was set up in 1988 with the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) as one
of its key sponsors, and it continued to provide vital scientiic support to governmental
policy making and the negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCC).
he ICPCC assessment reports provide a high-level review of the state-of-knowledge
around climate change. hey involve the direct input of hundreds of top-level scientists
from around the world, with comment and review by thousands of others. In short,
the assessment reports are the most authoritative documents on the subject of global
climate change.
he Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC, approved on 1 November 2014, provides the
latest update. he report deals primarily with “risk and the management of an uncertain
future” (IPCC, 2014a, p. 3). It ofers a considered assessment of the probability of
hazardous events arising from climate change, and of the consequence of these events.
he report refers in some detail to observed changes such as the warming atmosphere
and ocean, and sea-level rise. It relates this in large measure to anthropogenic (human)
activities, and especially to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions which are now at their
highest levels in history. he report maintains that “it is extremely likely that more than
half of the observed increase in global average surface temperature from 1951 to 2010
was caused by the anthropogenic increase in greenhouse gas concentrations and other
anthropogenic forcings together” (IPCC, 2014a, p. 12).
he report indicates high conidence that hydrological systems are altering and that many
natural species have shifted their geographic range, activities, and interactions with other
species. here is also: high conidence that there has been an overall negative inluence
on crop yields; medium conidence that human mortality has increased because of the
efects; very high conidence that extreme weather events are related to climate change;
high conidence that extreme sea-levels have increased; and high conidence that direct
and insured losses have increased substantially because of weather related events. here
are some areas however where evidence is still uncertain and where levels of conidence
remain low.
he report recognizes that there are diferential risks between places. Although the natural
efects of climate change may be shared, levels of vulnerability difer because of economic,
institutional, social, cultural and other factors. Furthermore, climate change generally
exacerbates other stressors, especially for people living in poverty.
he report acknowledges that through history people have coped with climate variability
and that currently adaptation is becoming embedded in some planning processes. Attention
is also being given to mitigation but this is inadequate as greenhouse gas emission levels
continue to rise.
here has been signiicant recent advancement in the modelling of climate variability,
and the broad consensus is now that global mean temperature increase by 2035 will be
in the range of 0.3 ˚C to 0.7 ˚C. For most scenarios, by the end of the 21st Century
temperature rises are likely to exceed 1.5 °C, with medium conidence that they will exceed
2 °C. Some regions, however, will warm considerably faster than this. he report provides
detailed projections for what this will mean for sea level, extreme weather events, and
precipitation. he bottom line is that “climate change will amplify existing risks and create
new risks for natural and human systems” (IPCC, 2014a, p. 24).
here is high conidence that extreme weather events and more systemic change will lead to:
risk of severe ill-health and disrupted livelihoods; breakdown of infrastructure networks
and critical services; food and water insecurity and loss of rural livelihoods and income;
and, loss of ecosystems, biodiversity, and ecosystem goods, functions, and services. A large
fraction of natural species face the risk of extinction during and beyond the 21st Century.
here is at least medium risk that “from a poverty perspective, climate change impacts
are projected to slow down economic growth, make poverty reduction more diicult,
further erode food security, and prolong existing poverty traps and create new ones, the
latter particularly in urban areas and emerging hotspots of hunger” (IPCC, 2014a, p. 28).
Other problems around which there is broad agreement on likelihood include: looding,
increased ill health, displacement of people, and increased social conlict.
here is a strong possibility that changes will be irreversible and that over the longer run,
beyond the twenty-irst century, the efects of climate change could be extreme including,
for example, the near total loss of the ice cap and a seven metre rise is sea-level.
Urgent attention to mitigation remains critical. he report states that “limiting warming
with a likely chance to less than 2 °C relative to pre-industrial levels would require
substantial cuts in anthropogenic GHG emissions by mid [twenty irst] century through
large-scale changes in energy systems and possibly land use” (IPCC, 2014a, p. 39).
he report also argues that adaptation measures may reduce the risks of climate change
although the adaptation limits may be exceeded if we are unable to contain increase to
the 2 °C.
Arguments around adaptation and building adaptive capacity bring the Fifth Assessment
Report into close alignment with ideas of resilience. Resilience does feature strongly in the
report, and speciic guidance is provided on ways in which it may be strengthened. here
are key interventions in technological, institutional and social systems that may support
improved resilience or adaptive capacity, and municipalities are encouraged to engage in detail
with these proposals (see, for example, Table 4.2 in the synthesis report). For municipalities
there are implications in terms of the provision of infrastructure, early warning systems,
maintaining wetlands and green space, managing risk areas such as lood plains, ecological
restoration, information systems, regulations, inancial incentives, and more.
Municipalities are referred to the Synthesis Report but also the reports of the three working
groups and especially the report of Working Group III on Mitigation (IPCC, 2014b).
Chapter 12 of this report deals with “Human Settlement, Infrastructure and Spatial
Planning” but there are other chapters dealing with critical issues for municipalities such
as transport, buildings and energy systems. hese Chapters and wider reports provide
an important resource for municipalities in addressing the risks of climate change by
building adaptive capacity.
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
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Turok, I. (2014). The resilience of South African cities a decade after local democracy. Environment and Planning, 46, 749
– 769.
U.S. HUD. (2014). About the Office of Economic Resilience. Retrieved September 5, 2014, from U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/economic_resilience/
UNISDR. (2013). Making cities resilient summary for policymakers: a global snapshot of how local governments reduce
risk. Retrieved September 5, 2014, from http://www.unisdr.org/we/inform/publications/33059
Walker, B., & Salt, D. (2006). Chapter 1: Living in a Complex World: An introduction to Resilience Thinking . In B. Walker, &
D. Salt, Resilience thinking: sustaining ecosystems and people in a changing world. Washington DC: Island Press.
Weakley, D. (2013). Recognising Vulnerability and Resilience in Informal Settlements: The Case of Kya Sands,
Johannesburg, South Africa. Research Report, MSc Town Planning. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
The profile of “urban resilience” in current thought is new but we must acknowledge earlier uses of the term in South
Africa, including by Professor David Dewar et al. (1977)
See http://www.100resilientcities.org/cities/entry/durbans-resilience-challenge
Municipalities which refer to resilience in their plans, especially, IDPs now include Matzikama, Stellenbosch,
Newcastle, KwaDukuza and The Msunduzi.
This is a combination of definitions from Obrist, Pheiffer, & Henley (2010) and Folke (2006), presented in Weakley
(2013, p. 49).
The hierarchy ranges through a vast spectrum of scales – genes, cells, tissues, organs, organisms, species,
populations, communities, ecosystems, biomes, biosphere.
See for example: (Swilling & Annecke, 2012), (Schaffler & Swilling, 2013),(Peter & Swilling, 2014)
See For example: (Turok, 2014)
For example: (Du Plessis, 2008),(Peres & Du Plessis, 2013)
For example: (Roberts, 2010)
For Example: (Taylor & Peter, 2014)
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
Resilience Thinking
1.1 Introduction
In an excellent book published in 2006, Brian Walker and David Salt introduce the term “resilience
thinking” (Walker & Salt, 2006). They offer a way of understanding resilience as an approach or attitude
rather than as a new doctrine or even as a new theory. Resilience thinking responds to the perpetual
challenges of complexity, uncertainty and change in the environments in which we live and work.
For Walker and Salt, there are three key elements to resilience thinking. First, we must understand that
we live in socio-ecological systems in which human life and nature are never separated. Second is an
awareness that these systems are extremely complex. Third is a willingness to improve the adaptive
capacities of such systems through collaborative, flexible and learning-based approaches.
Following from Walker and Salt, the most important lesson for municipalities is that they should
deliberately and continually foster a way of thinking, and therefore of action, that supports proactive
adaptation to change. This does not mean adaptation for its own sake, but adaptation that expands
the ability of complex systems to deliver on agreed goals such as social equity, growth, job-producing
economies and environmental sustainability.
If resilience thinking becomes a normal part of the way in which municipal government works, and if
adaptation rather than bureaucratic rigidity becomes the behavioural norm, then municipalities will
become agents of positive change rather than the inert structures they are often perceived to be.
The following section provides general guiding principles for making resilience thinking practical
within municipalities. These principles are not intended to be prescriptive, but may assist in clarifying
what resilience thinking involves in various contexts. They are mainly common sense and do not
require a sophisticated theoretical background. In most respects they apply as much to individuals
and households as they do to town or city governments. For example, a resilient municipality, like
a resilient individual, has a strong learning capacity and is well connected to a variety of external
support systems.
The idea of resilience thinking, together with a common-sense approach to building resilience, may be
enough to incorporate resilience into the policies and operations of municipalities. However, municipal
officials who are interested in developing a deeper understanding of resilience may wish to read about
resilience Thinking
theories of resilience. Section 1.3 therefore goes beyond an outline of guiding principles to briefly
explain the theoretical work of scholars who have followed Crawford Stanley (“C.S”) Holling, who
popularised ideas of socio-ecological resilience in the 1970s.
1.2 Guiding Principles
A few simple principles are outlined below that could guide municipalities in building the resilience
of governance systems, and of the physical and social environments for which they are responsible.
All the principles converge on the overall aim of improving adaptive capacity in response to change
which may be sudden and immediately disruptive, but which is more likely to be incremental with
accumulating effects.
The Capacity to Learn
Nothing is more important for improving adaptive capacity than enhancing learning capacity. We
do this by improving our abilities to acquire, absorb, retain and use knowledge. To improve learning
capacity we need to:
• havetheabilitytoidentifyandacquiretheknowledge;
• promoteacultureofexperimentationthatrewardsinnovation;
• collaborate in building knowledge through learning networks (with other municipalities and
government agencies, universities and other research institutions, the private sector, nongovernmental agencies, and more);
• promote a culture of information sharing with open access to information that facilitates
communication and collaboration between entities;
• systematicallyincreasetheskillsofemployeesbysupportingmultiplelearningopportunities;
• createaculturewhichappreciateslearningasacorevalue;
• developthetechnologiesthatsupportlearningcapacity.
In short, municipalities need a culture of learning, a learning
infrastructure and the skills to maximise learning opportunities.
One of the constraints to achieving this is the bureaucratic mindset,
which rewards stability and conformity more than learning and
innovation. Officials are often hesitant to apply new knowledge
in experimental ways, because mistakes may be made, and
systems often punish such mistakes. The learning process
involves trying, learning from doing, and trying again. Mistakes
will be made, but these should be welcomed if they produce new
learning which feeds back into the system. The concept of safe
failure is important here. Some aspects of urban governance
require extreme caution because failure due to experimentation
will have dire consequences. However, there are many aspects of
governance where incremental experimentation will lead to longterm improvement, even if there are slip-ups in the short term.
Redundancy (or Spare/Duplicate Capacity)
The term “redundancy” is used in everyday speech to mean either
an unnecessary repetition or the termination of employment when
a job becomes unnecessary. In engineering, however, the term
refers to the duplication of the critical components of a system to
ensure greater reliability, especially in the case of malfunctions.
Brian Boshoff 2014
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
Redundancy in this latter sense may also be referred to as spare or duplicate capacity. As complex
systems of governance are continually confronted with unpredictable change, pre-emptive planning
– although desirable – is not always possible. There is a need to respond to change as and when it
happens, which may require a rapid deployment of additional resources. In the banking sector, for
example, there is an urgent need for the duplication of critical systems. The destruction of the World
Trade Centre in New York on 11 September 2001 provides an excellent example of how redundant
technologies and information storage allowed firms in the finance service sector headquartered in the
World Trade Centre to survive what could have been a terminal crisis.
Municipalities, too, must allow for redundancy. For example, there must be flexibility in the human
resources system, with staff having the skills to take on different jobs as needed. The overall institutional
architecture must also enable redundancy. A centralised command structure is extremely vulnerable
to failure, or even collapse, if there is a breakdown at the top. A more decentralised system, with a
number of at least partially autonomous governance units at different scales, is far less vulnerable to
sudden change, although it does require mechanisms for co-ordination.
Beyond governance, redundancy must be built into all aspects of the urban system. The economy
requires redundancy. For example, it is very risky for a key sector of production to have only one
supplier of a critical resource, or to be narrowly dependent on a market with only one or a few buyers.
Infrastructure, too, requires redundancy. The need for redundancy in information technology (IT)
infrastructure is the most obvious. Will the systems of a municipality survive, and data be secured,
if there is fire or sabotage or some other major malfunction? Municipalities must work towards fully
redundant IT and related systems.
We also need alternative pathways for energy supply, water supply, waste disposal and transport flows.
A redundant power supply requires that alternative sources of supply and
distribution be in place in the event of a drastic failure in any single system
We also need alternative
component, or even in the case of a minor interruption. An Uninterruptable
Power Supply (UPS) is the objective of a number of cities internationally, and
pathways for energy supply,
involves the introduction of technologies for the storage of power supply.
water supply, waste disposal
Some cities internationally have now introduced redundancy into their
and transport lows.
planning for water supply. Redundant pipe connections and strategically
placed valves allow for temporary connections that bypass areas of damage,
with water storage also helping to deal with temporary losses (Arup, RPA &
Siemens, 2013). Transport infrastructure can also be built with redundancy in mind. A neighbourhood
which is connected to the wider city by only one access point may be isolated if that road is blocked
through accident, flooding or civil unrest. Developing a variety of transport options also improves
redundancy. If the rail network does not work, for example, redundancy will provide other options for
Diversity is related to the idea of redundancy but is worth highlighting as a principle in its own right, as
resilience requires a good measure of both. While redundancy involves having several components
which are able to perform the same function, diversity is about a variety of components performing
different functions, or performing the same functions differently. In general, the more diverse a system
is, the less the risk, and the greater the opportunity for new lines of growth and development.
Diversity has many dimensions. Resilience theory had its initial roots in the science of ecology.
Ecologists have argued that “response diversity” is critical for ecosystem renewal (Elmqvist, et al.,
2003). By this they mean that the greater the variation of responses to change among species of a
particular community, the greater the chance of successful adaptation and survival. Some writers,
including Paul Leslie and J. Terrence McCabe (2013), have made the connection between ecology and
social-ecological systems (SES’s) such as cities. They argue that these systems would be extremely
vulnerable if all actors responded the same way to challenges, opportunities and risks. What makes
resilience Thinking
for resilience is “heterogeneity in human decision and action” (Leslie & McCabe, 2013, p. 114). They
go on to say that:
The range, prevalence and spatial and temporal distributions of different responses may
be crucial to the resilience or transformation of a social-ecological system, and thus have a
bearing on human vulnerability and well-being in the face of environmental, socio-economic
and political change (Leslie & McCabe, 2013, p. 114).
It does not require theory of this sort to understand that within human society, diversity allows for
multiple ways of thinking and doing, spreads the risk, and increases the
chance of finding successful adaptations to change. Social diversity
… diversity allows for multiple
does not ensure greater resilience on its own, but the creative use
ways of thinking and doing,
of diversity for adaptation surely does. In some societies, diversity is
spreads the risk, and increases
feared and suppressed, but successful societies (and successful cities)
are generally those where diversity is embraced and actively harnessed
the chance of inding successful
for the good of all.
adaptations to change.
Resilience also requires diversity in the economy. For a business,
resilience through diversity may mean having multiple sources of
competitive advantage and different markets, so that it can survive the collapse of any one market.
For an economy as a whole, resilience may mean having a diversity of firms and sectors rather than
dependence on a single one. Whether national, regional or local, an economy may grow rapidly on the
back of a single industry or sector, but unless it diversifies and broadens its base it will remain at high
risk. Most area-based mining economies, for example, have gone through boom and bust cycles, but
a few of them – including the City of Johannesburg – have used mining as the initial stimulus but have
gone on to diversify and achieve long-term sustainable growth. The same applies to economies based
on a manufacturing industry such as iron and steel, or on a segment of agriculture.
Self-Suficiency and Connectedness
One of the “productive tensions” in resilience thinking is the need to increase both self-sufficiency
and connectedness. A good way to understand this is through an analogy with personal resilience. A
resilient individual has a degree of emotional and material self-sufficiency, but also has a network of
relationships with family, friends and colleagues to assist when life becomes tough or when tragedy
strikes. Resilience is not achieved through being either socially isolated or overly dependent.
A municipality must also have both an element of self-sufficiency and strong connectedness. Simonsen
et al. (2014, p. 6) write that “well-connected systems can overcome and recover from disturbances
more quickly, but overly connected systems may lead to the rapid spread of disturbances across the
entire system so that all components of the system are impacted”. The balance must be managed in
relation to all elements of urban functioning, including governance, the economy, spatial arrangements
and infrastructure.
In terms of governance, a municipality should not be overly influenced by another sphere of government,
or by any other agency, including large corporations. Its primary line of accountability should be to its
electorate. South Africa’s Constitution does in fact provide for a degree of autonomy for municipalities,
although in practice this is less clear-cut. The internal arrangements of a municipality are also important.
A level of decentralisation to different units and sub-units – also known as modularity – reduces risk
within the system and prevents negative change from flowing too quickly from one component to
At the same time, however, a municipality requires strong supportive relationships with other spheres
of government, with neighbouring municipalities, and with agencies in civil society and the private
sector. The reality is that local development requires integrated action across institutional boundaries,
and municipalities on their own cannot fulfil all the adaptation requirements in a complex and changing
world. Internally, mechanisms are required to ensure integrated planning, operational co-ordination
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
and mutual assistance across the units and sub-units of municipal government. As we will show,
resilience theory clearly points towards the importance of co-ordinated action across the scales
of government.
A further aspect of governance is the flow of ideas and of innovation. Municipalities must support local
innovation, but most also participate in extended learning networks that may extend globally.
A level of self-sufficiency in the economy does reduce risk, but there is also strong historical evidence
that economic isolation, or autarky, leads to eventual stagnation and decline. The most successful
national, regional and local economies are those which are open to global trade, investment and
human migration, and are continually energised by external interactions. The precise balance between
economic openness and self-sufficiency at local level must be debated in context. Not all municipalities,
for example, can serve as a global gateway, with many municipalities better placed to perform a role
within local, regional or national economies. Whether the connections are local or global, investment in
transport infrastructure plays a major role in enhancing connectedness.
Towns and cities need to reduce external dependencies by optimising their use of resources within
systems and networks of infrastructure. Efforts towards water conservation, energy efficiency, local
energy production, waste recycling and urban agriculture are essential to improving resilience. The
reality, of course, is that large urban areas can never be fully self-sufficient, and the challenge is to
manage resource dependencies in a way that reduces risk. Food security
is a good example. Food security will be achieved when all residents
Eforts towards water
have access to secure supplies of affordable, nutritious food. Absolute
conservation, energy eiciency,
self-sufficiency may be impossible, and perhaps not even desirable, as
local production of certain foods is not always economically feasible or the
local energy production,
most sensible use of available land. However, there is a strong argument
waste recycling and urban
to optimise self-reliance by improving local production (within and around
agriculture are essential to
urban areas), and wherever possible to reduce the length of food supply
improving resilience.
chains to lessen vulnerability to supply disruptions.
Brian Boshoff 2014
resilience Thinking
Energy supply is another example of how resilience can be achieved. With their massive demands
for power, it is extremely unlikely that large cities will become self-sufficient in electricity and fuel.
However, there are ways to lessen vulnerability. Significant progress has been made by a number of
cities in improving efficiencies in the use of energy through interventions in the transport, building and
industrial sectors. Some cities are also making progress towards local energy production by using
every possible opportunity to harness local, renewable sources of energy. Some cities are also starting
to produce their own low-carbon or zero-carbon fuels.
The overall lesson is that resilience comes from local knowledge, skills and action, and from a degree
of modularity that prevents negative change from flowing too quickly from one component of a system
to another. However, it also comes from connections with external agents that allow for innovation,
collaboration, mutual learning and assistance.
1.3 Digging Deeper: Learning from Theory
The ideas and principles outlined above are supported by a theory of socio-ecological resilience.
While it is not necessary to grasp the theory to use the ideas of resilience in a practical, common-sense
way, a theoretical understanding will add depth and value to the ways in which municipalities use the
term in their policies and plans.
Before outlining the key theoretical idea of towns and cities as “complex, adaptive socio-ecological
systems”, we will attempt to clarify the use of resilience as a concept in development thought.
Some Common Questions
Among the possible questions you may ask are:
• Whatisthedifferencebetween“sustainability”and“resilience”?
• Doesresiliencemean“bouncingback”afterthedisruptioncausedbychange,andadjustingtoa
“new state of being”?
• Isresiliencealwayspositive?
The Relationship between Sustainability and Resilience
Since the 1970s, the idea of “sustainable development” has been widely used globally in development
thinking and policy. In some ways, it has become a mantra for development policy. The most famous
definition of sustainability was provided by the United Nations World Commission on Environment
and Development (the so-called Brundtland Commission) in its 1987 report Our Common Future. It
was defined as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs” (World Commission on Environment and Development,
1987, p. 39). A key contribution of the idea of sustainability is that our economy and society exist
within the limited spaces and resources of the natural environment. The notion of sustainability also
brings an understanding that the needs of present and future generations cannot be ensured unless a
productive balance is achieved between economic, social and environmental objectives (see Figures
1.1 and 1.2).
While theories of resilience go back to the 1970s, their popularity in policy and planning circles is
more recent. A common misunderstanding is that resilience replaces the idea of sustainability, or that
resilience and sustainability are essentially the same.
It is true that sustainability and resilience are conceptually linked, but they are not equivalent in
meaning. There is no reason why they cannot co-exist as concepts, however. One way of understanding
the relationship between the two terms is to consider sustainability as an essential goal for
development, and resilience as a way of thinking and acting that would lead us towards achieving
sustainability. Walker and Salt (2006, p. 37) write that “resilience is the key to sustainability”. A system
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
is sustainable, even in the face of unpredictable change, when it has achieved a high level of resilience
or adaptive capacity.
Bouncing Back or a New State of Being?
The question could be rephrased in this way: Does resilience mean the ability to change or the ability
to stay the same? There is some difference of opinion in the scholarly literature on this matter.
FigURe 1.1: Nested Sustainability2
FigURe 1.2: The Spheres of Sustainable Development3
resilience Thinking
There are theorists who have emphasised what we may call “equilibrist resilience” (Simmie & Martin,
2010). They believe that systems are in a state of stable balance or equilibrium, and that when they are
disturbed they must find a new equilibrium. In some cases, the system may return to the pre-existing
equilibrium, but in other cases it may evolve into a new state of equilibrium. From this point of view, the
resilience of a system depends on the speed with which it restores equilibrium, or the ability to resist
being knocked off its state of equilibrium in the first place.
The challenge for complex systems such as cities is that change is constant and so a state of steady
equilibrium is hardly attainable. Some theorists respond to this reality by referring to multiple points of
possible equilibrium (Holling, 1973). Increasingly, however, there is recognition that, because of the
constancy of change, systems never achieve a point of stability but are always adapting. With this
understanding, resilience means the capacity for continual adaptation to never-ending disturbance.
There is no complete or end-state to the adaptive process, not even for a short period of time. This
understanding is referred to as “evolutionary resilience” and sometimes as “transformative resilience”
(Gotham & Campanella, 2010; Holling, Gunderson, & Ludwig, 2001).
Figure 1.4 compares “equilibrist resilience” with “evolutionary/transformative resilience”. While it is
clear that ideas of equilibrist resilience are inadequate for explaining change in complex systems,
they should not be entirely rejected. There are sub-systems that may require a state of equilibrium to
function (for example, an infrastructure network), and human life requires a degree of stability in some
areas at the same time as there is constancy of change in others. While change is constant and often
positive if properly embraced, too much change (for example, continual institutional restructuring) may
lead to damaging instability. Figure 1.3 thus suggests that there are positive and negative aspects in
relation to both equilibrist and evolutionary/transformative resilience, and that desired resilience may
be subtle combination of the two.
FigURe 1.3: Equilibrist and Evolutionary Resilience (Weakley, 2013, p. 54)
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
Is resilience always positive?
The term resilience is generally used in a positive sense as a desired state of adaptive capability. We
must add a cautionary note, however, as there are times when system resilience may be negative.
As Heider et al. (2014, p. 1) explain, “many situations have been identified in which social-ecological
systems persist and exhibit short-term resilience, inhibiting efforts to adapt or transform”. For example,
in the face of global climate change, resilience requires a shift away from the use of carbon-based
energy. However, short-term economic or energy security requirements may reinforce the use of
carbon-based energy. In terms of spatial form, long-term resilience may be best ensured by more
compact and integrated forms of development, but in the short term cities may sprawl in response to
the profit-taking imperatives of property developers.
… in the long term an
economically and socially
equal world and greater
tolerance for diversity will
support the sustainability
of human society.
Similarly, in the long term an economically and socially equal world and greater
tolerance for diversity will support the sustainability of human society. However,
in the short term economic structures and political systems which perpetuate
exclusivity or inequality may serve objectives such as economic growth or system
maintenance. In South Africa, for example, the apartheid system proved fairly
resilient, with its effects on our cities and society still clearly visible today.
As Davoudi (2012) advises we do need to ask the question of resilience: for what
end? Resilience may be a powerful state-of-being for an individual, an institution
or a complex system such as a city, but is this resilience supporting endeavours to
create just and sustainable futures?
Starting with ecological resilience
As explained in the introductory section of this report, the idea of resilience is informed by different threads
of thinking. However, there is a specific theory of resilience that comes from the study of ecology.
C.S Holling introduced the term resilience into ecology in 1973. He used it to explain the capacity of
ecological systems – such as lakes, forests and coral reefs – to renew themselves in the context of
disturbance. In explaining how a system self-renews, Holling used two key concepts – the “adaptive
cycle” and the “panarchy” – which are explained below.
The adaptive cycle
Holling (1973) developed the notion of an adaptive cycle. He identified four phases of the cycle: (1)
exploitation; (2) conservation; (3) release or creative destruction; and (4) reorganisation (Figure 1.4). In
the first phase following a disruption, there is a rapid colonisation of a disturbed site by one or more
species best able to exploit the change. This rapid change is followed by a period of slower change
(conservation), as material and energy are accumulated. The system may seem stable but it is “brittle” and
a small disturbance could result in a moment of “release” in which change may suddenly cascade through
the system, leading to a process of reorganisation or productive change. There are different possible
trajectories of changes, and relatively small influences may direct a system onto one path or another.
The resilience of the system has to do with the capacity for reorganisation, and may be measured in
terms of the time it takes for a system to be restored to a new state of equilibrium (Gunderson, 2000).
In Holling’s conception, disturbance is not necessarily negative as it may unleash the forces of
“creative destruction” and lead to new and possibly better states of being. However, Holling does
warn that an adaptive cycle may become maladaptive if resilience potential is destroyed (for example,
if the diversity and connections required for adaptation are removed). This leads to severe system
degradation or what is termed a “rigidity trap” (Holling C. S., 2001).
The idea of panarchy is a central concept in resilience theory, and has been used to represent dynamic
interactions across scales. In ecology, a panarchy is an overlapping hierarchical structure ranging
resilience Thinking
FigURe 1.4: The Adaptive Cycle (Holling C. S., 2001, p. 394)
from a single-cell organism to an entire biosphere. It is not a traditionally defined hierarchy as there is
no form of authoritative control from one level to the next, but rather a complex set of interconnections
and influences.4
The complexity emerges because the adaptive cycles at each level of the hierarchy operate at different
speeds, in periods that may span days or epochs lasting billions of years. The large components of
the hierarchy tend to transform more slowly than the smaller components which have shorter adaptive
cycles, and this provides continuity and memory for the system as a whole. The panarchy thus has an
intricate mix of change and continuity.
Dramatic, far-reaching change may come if tipping points are reached in the wider levels of the
system, while a collapse (referred to in the theory as “a revolt”) at one level may trigger a crisis
in another. Holling (2001, p. 399) acknowledges that “extremely large events can overwhelm the
sustaining properties of panarchies, destroying levels, and triggering destructive cascades down the
successive levels of a panarchy”.
FigURe 1.5: Panarchy (Holling C. S., 2001, p. 397)
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
Applying the theory to social-ecological systems
Although Holling began with a study of ecology, he went on to argue that the patterns and processes
he identified in natural systems could be applied to socio-ecological systems, and that the human
adaptive cycle follows the same broad trajectory as that of other species. However, Holling (2001)
does identify three features that distinguish human systems from others. First, there is human foresight
and intentionality, which may spare human systems from catastrophic change. Second, there is the
human ability to communicate ideas and experiences over time and place, which permits informed and
co-ordinated action, and allows us to preserve accumulated experience. Third, technology massively
amplifies the scale of influence of human action (for better and worse). It is for these reasons that
human systems are more unpredictable and complex than natural systems, but also more amenable
to active management.
The additional complexity is the integration of human and natural systems. Holling argues that
because nature and humanity are co-evolving, their adaptations must be discussed within a single
conceptual framework. He describes the combination of social and ecological systems in terms of a
mega panarchy:
Panarchy is the term we use to describe a concept that explains the evolving nature of
complex adaptive systems. Panarchy is the hierarchical structure in which systems of
nature (for example, forests, grasslands, lakes, rivers and seas) and humans (for example,
structures of governance, settlements and cultures), as well as combined human-nature
systems (for example, agencies that control natural resource use) and social-ecological
systems (for instance, co-evolved systems of management) are interlinked in never-ending
adaptive cycles of growth, accumulation, restructuring, and renewal. These transformational
cycles take place in nested sets at scales ranging from a leaf to the biosphere, at periods
from days to a geologic epoch and from the scale of a family to a socio political region at
periods from years to centuries (Holling C. S., 2001, p. 392).
As with ecological panarchy, this socio-ecological panarchy exhibits a combination of change and
continuity, with the built-in resilience coming from the partial separateness of the different levels.
However, Holling and others also warn of the potential for major disruption across the levels (Folke,
Hahn, Olsson, & Norberg, 2005; Abel, Cumming, & Anderies, 2006; Gunderson & Holling, 2002a).
Despite the human capability for foresight and intentionality, a long view of human history reveals a
number of calamitous events. Holling states that these are not always sudden events, but can be slow
changes that allow stress to accumulate: “Organizations and institutions often fail to cope with these
slow changes either because the changes are invisible to them, either or because they are so complex
and highly contested that no action can be agreed on” (Holling C. S., 2001, p. 399). Climate change
is an obvious example of a possible creeping disaster.
Cities as “complex, adaptive [political] socio-ecological systems”
Following the introduction of resilience theory to systems that include human life, a number of scholars
have identified cities as examples of complex, adaptive socio-ecological systems. A city may be
regarded as a panarchy of sorts, with a nested set of neighbourhoods, suburbs, urban nodes and
metropolitan regions. It may also be regarded as a level within a mega-settlement panarchy that
extends from small villages to a global urban network.5 As with other forms of panarchy, there are
complex cross-scale relationships with an intricate mixture of change and continuity.
The city as a socio-ecological system, or as a panarchy, is “complex” rather than “complicated”. A
machine such as a computer or the engine of a motor vehicle is complicated. An ordinary person
may not understand how they work but IT specialists, system engineers or motor mechanics can fully
comprehend them. They can isolate the component parts, and predict the resultant outputs when
inputs are added. They know how a change to one part of the system will affect the way in which the
entire system will operate.
resilience Thinking
A socio-ecological system, on the other hand, is complex. The operation of the system is nonlinear and mainly unpredictable. The human element adds considerably to the unpredictability, as
individuals and collections of individuals act in a tangled mix of rational and irrational ways (Walker &
Salt, 2006). There is a nesting of scales and components, but they cannot be separated in the way that
a component of a machine can.
The interactions across scales are often extremely difficult to comprehend. In general, the larger
systems change more slowly and show more continuity, while smaller systems may change very
quickly. An example might be the almost overnight development of an informal settlement in a city that
is growing incrementally. The change in the smaller system may add some disturbance to the larger
system but the effects will be quickly absorbed.
Even within the same level of an urban panarchy, the knock-on effects of change in one local system
on change elsewhere may not be initially apparent. For example, paved roads might be installed in
a particular neighbourhood, which adds to the quality of life of its residents. However, the increased
water run-off that results might cause erosion and flooding in a downstream neighbourhood.
There are also enormously complex interactions between different (non-scalar) components of a socioecological system including governance networks, economic systems, resource flows, social dynamics
and the structure of the built environment (Figure 1.6). There is a mix of gradual, incremental change
and sudden disturbance, with climate change as an example of the former and an unanticipated
collapse of a stock exchange the latter. The agents of change may be relatively minor, such as a
thunderstorm or the closure of a firm; or they may be far-reaching and major, such as a change of
government or a global economic depression.
It is because of their complexity that cities can never be fully understood, controlled, planned or
predicted. Instead of the traditional paradigm of planning for a predictable future, resilience theorists
call for “diversifying preparedness in anticipation and acceptance of the unknown” (Weakley, 2013, p.
47). While it is difficult to predict change, including the effects of development decisions and actions,
accumulated experience does gradually allow for an increased general understanding of these trends.
FigURe 1.6: Four interconnected research themes for prioritising urban resilience research (Resilience
Aliance, 2007, p. 10)
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
Limits to the theory
Davoudi (2012) advises that as notions of resilience are popularised they might lose their force and
clarity and become yet another buzzword to justify all sorts of practices. This is a danger and does
require us to think carefully about precisely what we mean when we use the term in our policies and
plans. Resilience cannot mean everything. More than this, as indicated previously, resilience may not
always be positive and may serve unjust ends.
There are some cautionary notes about the theoretical construct outlined above. We must be aware
of how ideas of resilience have been translated from ecology to the human world. Davoudi (2012)
reminds us that, in the human context, the adaptive cycles of nature do not work in any deterministic or
inevitable way. Human foresight and intelligence, and the application of technology, can significantly
alter the nature and speed of adaptation. Holling, of course, did recognise this, but in the work of some
theorists the translation is overly simplistic.
… in the human world
resilience for some may
mean a lack of resilience
for others and so we must
give attention to question
of justice and fairness,
and to the distribution of
beneits and rewards.
Davoudi (2012, p. 306) also points out that resilience theory tends to be “almost
power blind and a-political”. She suggests that this is a consequence of the
ecological origins of the idea, as ecologists working with the natural world tend
to look neutrally at the consequences of disturbance and change, and not
the human world of intrigue and power relations. Davoudi reminds us that in
the human world resilience for some may mean a lack of resilience for others
and so we must give attention to question of justice and fairness, and to the
distribution of benefits and rewards.
Fortunately, there are scholars who draw on theories of resilience who do pay
attention to these issues. Ernstson et al. (2010, p. 531), for example, recognise
how “ecological processes in the city are … modified and entangled in social
and therefore political processes (most obviously through competing land
uses)”. They refer to cities as “complex, adaptive political socio-ecological
systems” [our emphasis] (Ernstson, et al., 2010, p. 531). In the South African literature, Turok (2014, p.
5) writes that “resilience is not a neutral attribute of a social system, affecting all groups the same way.
It is necessary to discuss ‘for whom’ it applies and not assume homogeneous interests”.
In the GGLN publication, Community Resilience and Vulnerability in South Africa, an additional key point
is raised. We are reminded that many people in South Africa live in an existing state of “generalized
precariousness”. Severe stress and risks are part of everyday life and there is no normality to return to.
Our theory should respond to the conditions which have led to this present situation as well as to the
need to adapt to current and future change (GGLN, 2014).
Davoudi (2012) offers a sympathetic critique of resilience theory. She argues that resilience theory
provides a useful framework for understanding “the complex interplays between persistence, adaptability
and transformability” and “has the potential to become a bridging concept between the natural and
social sciences”. However, she concludes by saying that “in applying an ecologically rooted concept
to the social setting, we need to tread carefully and ensure that in trying to understand society through
the lens of ecology we do not lose the insights from critical social science” (Davoudi, 2012, p. 306).
1.4 Conclusion
Ideas of resilience do not offer a simple panacea for municipal governments. They provide a way
of thinking and require intelligent application. They are rooted in an understanding that change and
disturbance are inevitable, and often unpredictable, and so building adaptive capacity is critical.
Fortunately, there are useful principles to assist in doing so. We know, for example, that the learning
capacity of our institutions, together with diversity, redundancy, self-sufficiency and connectedness
are key ingredients. What this means practically in the context of each municipality must be worked
out locally.
resilience Thinking
We also have the benefit of a theory of resilience which has its roots in ecological study but which has
been applied to socio-ecological systems, including cities. This theory points towards an understanding
of the interactions across scales; the position of cities within wider systems; the interdependencies
between natural, technical and social networks; and the importance of learning and innovation. The
theory shows that large cities have a high degree of resilience, as adaptive cycles in a nested hierarchy
(from neighbourhoods upwards) allows for change and continuity to co-exist. However, there is also
a sobering warning that the slow changes which may go largely unnoticed could take a city to an
irreversible tipping point.
We must also take account of an important critique of resilience theories which points to the role of
power and politics in shaping the way in which resilience is produced. We are reminded that resilience
theory is partial and must be informed by theories from the social sciences that offer critical insights
into the ways in which human society works.
There is of course much substantive detail that is missing from this broad description of resilience
thinking, resilience principles and resilience theory. In the chapters that follow we fill in some of the
gaps in relation to the key components of urban functioning.
Abel, N., Cumming, D. H., & Anderies, J. M. (2006). Collapse and reorganization in social-ecological systems: questions,
some ideas, and policy implications. Ecology and Society, 11(1), 17.
Arup, RPA & Siemens. (2013). Toolkit for Resilient Cities: Infrastructure, Technology and Urban Planning. New York.
Carpenter, S. R., Arrow, K. J., Barrett, S., Biggs, R., Brock, W. A., Crépin, A.-S., et al. (2012). General Resilience to Cope
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Churchill, S. (2003). Resilience not resistance: A contribution to an expanded urban conversation. City, 7(3), 349-360.
Davoudi, S. (2012). Resilience: A Bridging Concept or a Dead End? Planning Theory and Practice, 13(2), 299-307.
Du Plessis, C. (2008, September 21-25). Understanding Cities as Social-Ecological Systems. World Sustainable Building.
Melbourne, Australia.
Elmqvist, T., Folke, C., Nyström, M., Peterson, G., Bengtsson, J., Walker, B., et al. (2003). Response Diversity, Ecosystem
Change, and Resilience. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 1(9), 488-494.
Ernstson, H., van der Leeuw, S., Redman, C., Meffert, D., Davis, G., Alfsen, C., et al. (2010). Urban Transitions: On Urban
Resilience and Human-Dominated Ecosystems. AMBIO, 39, 531–545.
Folke, C. (2006). Resilience: the emergence of a perspective for social-ecological systems analyses. Global Environmental
Change, 16(3), 253–267.
Folke, C., Hahn, T., Olsson, P., & Norberg, J. (2005). Adaptive governance of social-ecological systems. Annual Review of
Environment and Resources, 30, 441-473.
GGLN. (2014). Community Resilience and Vulnerability in South Africa. Retrieved August 19, 2014, from www.ggln.org.
Gotham, K. F., & Campanella, R. (2010). Toward a Research Agenda on Transformative Resilience: Challenges and
Opportunities for Post-Trauma Urban Ecosystems. Critical Planning, 17, 9-23.
Gunderson, L. (2000). Ecological resilience – in theory and application. Annual Review of Ecological Systems, 31,
Gunderson, L. H., & Holling, C. S. (Eds.). (2002a). Panarchy: understanding transformations in human and natural
systems. Washington, D.C.: Island Press.
Heider, J., Wijermans, N., Peterson, G., & Schlüte, S. M. (2014). Perverse resilience: A systematic review of traps in
social-ecological systems. Retrieved September 8, 2014, from Stockholm Resilience Centre: http://resilience2014.
Holling, C. (1973). Resilience and Stability of Ecological Systems. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 1-23.
Holling, C. S. (2001). Understanding the Complexity of Economic, Ecological, and Social Systems. Ecosystems, 4(4), 390405.
Holling, C., Gunderson, L., & Ludwig, D. (2001). In Quest of a Theory of Adaptive Change. In C. Holling, & Gunderson
(Eds.), Panarchy: Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems (pp. 3-25). Washington, DC:
Island Press.
Holling, C., Gunderson, L., & Peterson, L. (2001). Suatainability and Panarchies. In L. Gunderson, & C. Holling (Eds.),
Panarchy: Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems. Washington DC: Island Press.
IUCN, UNEP & WWF. (1991). Caring for the Earth: A Strategy for Sustainable Living. London: Earthscan.
Karkkainen, B. C. (2005). Panarchy and Adaptive Change: Around the Loop and Back Again. Minnesota Journal of Law,
Science and Technology, 59-77.
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
Leslie, P., & McCabe, J. (2013). Response diversity and resilience in social-ecological systems. Current Anthropology,
54(2), 114-143.
Obrist, B., Pheiffer, C., & Henley, R. (2010). Multi-layered social Resilience: a new approach in mitigation research.
Progress in Development Studies, 10(4), 283-93.
Oxford English Dictionary. (2013a). pan-, comb. form. Retrieved August 16, 2013, from Oxford English Dictionary Online:
Resilience Aliance. (2007, February). Urban Resilience Research Prospectus: A Resilience Alliance Initiative for
Transitioning Urban Systems towards Sustainable Futures. Retrieved October 10, 2014, from http://bit.ly/
Sarkissian, W., Hofer, N., Vajda, S., & Shore, Y. (2009). Kitchen Table Sustainability: Practical Recipes for Community
Engagement with Sustainability. London: Earthscan.
Simmie, J., & Martin, R. (2010). The economic resilience of regions: towards and evolutionary approach. Cambridge
Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 3(1), 27-43.
Simonsen, S. H., Biggs, R. (., Schlüter, M., Schoon, M., Bohensky, E., Cundill, G., et al. (2014). Applying resilience
thinking: Seven principles for building resilience in social-ecological systems. Stockholm: Stockholm Resilience
Turok, I. (2014). The resilience of South African cities a decade after local democracy. Environment and Planning, 46,
749 – 769.
van der Leeuw, S., & Aschan-Leygonie, C. (2000). A long-term perspective on resilience in socio-natural systems.
Retrieved August 17, 2010, from Santa Fe Institute: http://bit.ly/hj0hCt
Walker, B., & Salt, D. (2006). Resilience thinking: sustaining ecosystems and people in a changing world. Washington DC:
Island Press.
Weakley, D. (2013). Recognising Vulnerability and Resilience in Informal Settlements: The Case of Kya Sands,
Johannesburg, South Africa. Research Report, MSc Town Planning. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
World Commission on Environment and Development. (1987). Our Common Future. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
“Nested sustainability-v2” by K. Tucker - Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike
3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nested_sustainability-v2.svg#mediaviewer/
“Sustainable development” by original: Johann Dréo (talk · contribs) translation: Pro bug catcher (talk · contribs)
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Holling has tried to avoid the term “hierarchy”, referring rather to systems that are nested within each other.
For the use of resilience and panarchy in relation to urban settlements, see Churchill (2003)
Governance for Resilience
2.1 Introduction
In recent times much has been said about the shortcomings of government administration in South
Africa. Chapter Thirteen of the National Development Plan (NDP), for example, provides a sobering
account of what is required for “building a capable and developmental state” (NPC, 2012: 407). There
is an international literature that points more broadly to governance failure as a major contribution to
many challenges that currently confront us – from the failure to ensure the provision of basic human
needs to our struggles to respond adequately to the looming prospects of climate change. The literature
shows that systems of governance are too often still constrained by rigid hierarchies, institutional selfinterest, corruption, short-term thinking and planning horizons, sector divides and fragmentation, overregulation, poor engagement between governmental and non-governmental actors, and low learning
and innovation capacities (Pahl-Wostl, 2009).
In many instances it is not deficiencies in the resource base which is the source of our problems but
rather failures in governance (Pahl-Wostl, 2009). The effects are felt from the neighbourhood to the
global level. Within a neighbourhood, a lack of collaborative engagement by local actors may leave
a children’s park badly maintained. At the city-scale, a shortage of water may have more to do with a
breakdown in administration than a drought. Nationally, a power deficit may be traced to poor planning
and regulatory deficiencies rather than a shortage of natural resources. At the global level, we may be
losing the battle to contain climate change because of the failure of multi-lateral institutions to broker
an agreement between squabbling nation states. To ensure long-term resilience we must find ways
to build systems of governance that can both absorb change and use change proactively to move
towards higher levels of long-term sustainability.
A resilience perspective places “adaptability” at the heart of successful governance. Notions of
governance are now well established. While “government” refers generally to the agents charged with
governing and to the structures within which they operate, “governance” refers more broadly to the
enormously variant arrangements, processes and relationships through which social co-ordination
and collective action takes place (Jessop, 1998; Folke et al., 2005). The specific idea of “adaptive
governance” is more recent, having been introduced into the literature on resilience around 2004 (see,
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
for example, Anderies, Janssen and Ostrom, 2004; Walker et al., 2004; Folke et al., 2005). The related
idea of “adaptive management” goes back a little further, as there were studies in the 1990s which
challenged traditional approaches to resource management which failed to recognise the human
element and the extent of environmental change (Walters, 1997).
If resilience is about capacities to respond meaningfully to change, then systems of governance and
management must clearly be adaptive. However, change is a vast, embracing category. It includes
many shades of the negative and the positive, and ranges from the sudden, unexpected shock to
slow, incremental, almost imperceptible processes. The idea of adaptive governance is therefore not a
simple one. At times adaptation may require the ability to absorb or bounce back from a major shock,
but it often involves the capacity to adapt over time to a changing environment, and to use change
constructively for positive transformation. Resilience in governance and management thus requires a
mix of persistence, adaptability and transformability. In most cases resilience in governance requires
the balancing of persistence and change, being decisive yet flexible, stable yet adaptive.
he main contribution of
this chapter of the booklet
is to ofer a cognitive frame
– that is, a way of thinking –
about governance that draws
on resilience theory
The main contribution of this chapter of the booklet is to offer a cognitive
frame – that is, a way of thinking – about governance that draws on
resilience theory. It begins by showing how resilience theory can assist
us to understand process of change and adaptation. It briefly introduces
the two key concepts – adaptive governance and adaptive management.
It then brings these concepts together in a single framework and offers
municipal officials practical guidance in the form of a set of broad principles
for adaptive governance and management. It also provides illustrative case
studies drawn from the Johannesburg context.
The task of local officials is to think practically of what these concepts and
principles may mean within the particular context of their municipality. Resilience thinking is a significant
challenge to the conventional approaches to governance common in South Africa’s municipalities, which
Brian Boshoff 2014
governance for resilience
mainly involve a focus on the internal organisation of bureaucracies, the exercise of hierarchical authority,
compliance with legislative and policy frameworks, and skills development within individual components
of government. A resilience approach, as we will see, focuses on such factors as the multiple scales of
governance, links and interactions across these scales, networks of learning and innovation, the relationships
between formal and informal processes, and the role of elements such as leadership, values and degrees
of trust.
We move now to the two concepts of adaptive governance and adaptive management, and provide a
brief account of their theoretical or conceptual roots.
2.2 Explaining the concepts
The concepts of adaptive governance and adaptive management are related but are not the
same. Governance is a wide-ranging term that refers to the full network of actors, relationships and
processes across scales that help co-ordinate or influence action in society. Management refers more
specifically to processes of monitoring, analysis, supervision, organisation and resource deployment
that are necessary to achieve agreed goals. The idea of adaptive governance comes directly from the
application of ecological theory to the context of complex socio-ecological systems (SES). Ideas of
adaptive management, on the other hand, developed from attempts to apply resilience theory to the
management of natural resources such as watersheds, forests, coastal ecosystems and fisheries; that
tended to be concerned with the use of management processes to keep the use of natural resources
within bounds (Pahl-Wostl, 2009).
2.3 Adaptive governance
As we know from Chapter 1 of the booklet, the key framing concepts in the underlying theory are “the
adaptive cycle” and “panarchy”. These concepts allow us to think about the complexity of change and
adaptation in a way that is very different from the conventional approach.
We know that a socio-ecological system is strongly influenced by human intention, organisation and
power relations, and so will not necessarily follow the process of adaptation observed in an ecological
system. However, there are insights that may be carried over from ecology. As with ecological systems,
our governance arrangements may be caught in a “rigidity trap”. They may seem stable and able
to control change, but this very stability may ultimately be the greatest threat to long-term adaptive
capacity. Governance systems that lack accountability, are inwardly focused, have authoritarian
leadership, and are structured in tight hierarchies are often extremely brittle. They lack the elasticity
that allows for long-term adaptation. If a point is reached where the pressures of change exceed
the ability of the system to contain change, even a minor pressure may trigger a downward and
degenerative cycle. The real strength of a governance system comes from such factors as learning
capacity, accountability, responsiveness, relational strengths, and multi-layered and multi-modal
The notion of panarchy provides us with a way to think of governance as a multiplicity of adaptive cycles
operating at different scales and at different speeds, with an intricate set of connections between them
(Holling, Carpenter, Brock, & Gunderson, 2002). The resilience of the system as a whole is related to
the individual cycles, but comes largely from the fact that that there are these different cycles which
are connected to, but also partially insulated from, each other. The overall resilience of a governance
panarchy is shaped by:
• therateandnatureofadaptationofeachscaleofgovernance,and
• thenatureofformalandinformalinteractionswithinandacrossthescales.
Elements which influence these two factors include:
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
• leadership,
• levels of trust,
• social and institutional norms,
• capacities within and across scales, and
• institutional learning
In this conception, adaptation cannot be understood only in terms of organisational change within a
stand-alone institution. It has to be understood in terms of a broader system where many processes
of adaptive change evolve at the same time. A governance system may be viewed as panarchy in
itself, but ultimately it forms part of the integrated panarchy in a socio-ecological system where nature,
governance, space, economy and society do not exist as separate domains. We cannot pretend to
grasp this complexity, but thinking of change in this way is helpful. It directs us towards “trigger points”
where we are best able to influence the nature and direction of change. We know, for example, that it is
the relational elements of a system – the connections across scales, between actors, and across cycles
– that are crucial in supporting overall resilience. And yet, we also know that it is the relational issues
that often receive the least attention within our institutional processes.
We also know that
governance is not limited
to formal systems but
embraces a variety of
informal processes.
We also know that governance is not limited to formal systems but embraces
a variety of informal processes. Yet our attention and knowledge is largely
directed to the formal aspects. We have formal legal structures, regulative
frameworks and professional codes. But we also have a variety of normative,
cognitive and cultural codes which shape practices, which in turn shape
idea around what is or is not permitted, what is or is not thinkable, and what
is or is not judged to be wrong. In our interventions to support governance
we may give a lot of attention to the reform of formal systems, but we may
have little understanding of the ways in which informal codes and practices
shape outcomes in our towns and cities.
As we develop our understanding of the complexity of governance we need to expand our conception
beyond the cycles of adaptation across the scales of government, to include cycles of change that
operate across our artificially conceived boundaries between the public and private spheres. We
must ask, for example, how the adaptive cycles within all levels of government relate to behavioural
changes among households at the neighbourhood level. Take, for example, policy and behavioural
changes at neighbourhood, city and national levels. In some cases change happens more quickly at
the national level, and this gradually influences a slower pace of change at a lower level. But often
people’s behaviours at neighbourhood level change more rapidly than systems of government at
city or national level because they are affected by daily pressures. These “spontaneous” changes
become new system dynamics, which in turn produce behavioural changes in the system at large,
often affecting policy-making. In the field of energy efficiency, for example, how much of the change
is resulting from national actions such as new legislation and publicity campaigns, and how much
from household response to factors such as rising energy costs? In reality, there are influences from
above and from below but the interactions of these streams of influence, and their relative contribution,
requires careful consideration.
This understanding of change reveals the enormous complexity of governance and raises the legitimate
question of whether change can ever be “governed”. In the following section we ask the question of
what governing for resilience actually means, and how it might happen.
South Africa’s Constitution provides a strong framework for adaptive governance. It avoids an overly
hierarchical structure, distributing power across three spheres of government and separating legislative,
executive and judicial responsibilities. The notion of co-operative governance (between spheres)
expresses a key principle of adaptive governance, as does the idea of participatory governance. In
governance for resilience
South Africa’s complex governance system, we have a form of panarchy with co-evolving spheres and
porous boundaries between government and society.
The real experience of government in post-apartheid South Africa, however, reveals the considerable
challenges involved in achieving the constitutional ideals of adaptive governance. The formal mechanisms
governing relationships between the spheres of government are provided for in the Intergovernmental
Relations Framework Act, 2005. However, in practice, insufficient attention has been paid to developing
the network of formal and informal relationships across the spheres, and finding mechanisms which
allow the panarchy to work on a day-to-day basis. The capacities for handling the complex nature of
governance have lagged behind the challenges. More seriously, the attention given to participatory
processes has not translated into active governance partnerships. While many South African residents
are active in the public space, the form of interaction between social actors is often destructive.
The South African experience reveals both the importance and limitations of formal (constitutional
and legal) arrangements. They may be enabling, but they do not translate automatically into forms of
adaptive governance unless attention is paid to a range of “softer” issues such as norms, relationships
and leadership.
Brian Boshoff 2014
2.4 Adaptive Management (and Adaptive Co-management)
Recently cities all over the world have seized upon ideas of adaptive management to deal with complex
problems such as reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, managing sewer overflow, maintaining
urban waterways, and alleviating traffic congestion.
The traditional management approach assumes a system operating around a stable equilibrium,
and focuses management interventions on one or a few variables. Adaptive management, on the
other hand, proceeds from an assumption of radical uncertainty and from an understanding that
social dynamics and relationships are as important as the traditional variables. For example, in the
traditional management approach, a national or municipal roads agency dealing with storm-water in
an informal settlement might construct a number of culverts along major transport routes. The design
and placement of the culverts could be influenced by the slope of the land and the amount of rainfall in
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
that vicinity. However, this approach might not take account of the real waste management strategies
of people living in informal settlements, where there are infrequent or no waste management services.
In dealing with this deficiency, community members might drop a small bag of solid waste at the
place where they wait for taxis to transport them to work in the morning. The nearby culverts quickly
become blocked, increasing the risk of flooding from only a small amount of water. In order to ensure
the effective and efficient functioning of such basic urban infrastructure, the management approach
that recognises the complex interactions among a diverse array of physical and social forces –
including the waste management strategies of individuals within the informal settlement – is likely to
be more successful.
Adaptive management is also an advancement on traditional systems of management in seeking to
apply scientific knowledge to the design, implementation and evaluation of management strategies.
Although adaptive management is more than “learning by doing”, it is underpinned by a desire
to undertake the management of a socio-ecological system in a way that progressively improves
the understanding of the complex, changing variables that make up the system. It is therefore as
much a social as it is a scientific process, and requires the creation of new and flexible institutions
and institutional strategies by present and future stakeholders (Resilience Alliance, n.d.). In this
process, traditional institutional divides may need to be breached. Box 2.1 looks at the merger of the
Infrastructure and Environment Departments in the City of Johannesburg which was an experiment
with breaching these divides. Beyond the internal workings of government, new institutional linkages
may need to be forged with a range of other actors including private sector and community agencies,
as well as academic institutions.
Within the resilience literature, a distinction is made between passive and active adaptive management.
Passive adaptive management (often referred to as the adaptive management cycle) involves increased
monitoring of key indicators, and feeding data into a planning-implementation-evaluation loop that
allows for policies to be adjusted in the light of what has been learned. The cycle begins with planning,
target-setting, prioritisation and decision-making, and proceeds to implementation and on-the-ground
works. Monitoring, investigations and research determine the extent to which implementation conforms
to plans, targets and priorities. Results are then evaluated and reported to a range of stakeholders with
the aim of informing the next cycle of co-ordinated and collaborative planning.
To what extent has South African legislation incorporated passive adaptive management in regulatory
regimes that are binding upon local governments? The national framework for the management of air
quality, for instance, positions compliance monitoring as an integral component of the environmental
governance cycle. Compliance monitoring informs enforcement but also influences problem
identification, prioritisation and strategy development (Republic of South Africa, 2007). By establishing
the South African Air Quality Information System (SAAQIS), the framework provides a common platform
for monitoring to influence policy-making and strategy development, and for national, provincial and
local spheres of government to co-ordinate their air quality management interventions. In a similar
fashion, the manner of setting and monitoring key performance indicators for the development
priorities and objectives of integrated development plans under the Local Government: Municipal
Systems Act 32 of 2000, together with the requirement of annual review of such plans, could be
seen as a form of passive adaptive management. On its own, however, monitoring of indicators is
not sufficient to constitute passive adaptive management. Monitoring should instead be leading to
increased understanding of the relationships among the complex, interacting set of variables involved
in the delivery of any social good.
Active adaptive management, on the other hand, involves a conscious effort to tailor management
interventions so as to test scientific hypotheses. Instead of a single design or operational plan for
implementation, monitoring and adjustment, active adaptive management uses multiple designs or
operational criteria to test competing hypotheses. Thus several possible management alternatives are
tested at the same time in order to determine which of them produces the best results. For example,
in the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Project in the United States, reservoir test cells were
governance for resilience
Box 2.1: The Complexities of Adaptation: Planning in South Africa as a Case-in-point
he primary mechanism the Constitution uses to share powers among the three spheres
of government is the lists of functional areas in Schedules 4 and 5. he complex mixture
of exclusive and overlapping powers listed in these schedules gives efect to the Constitution’s notion of co-operative governance, which captures the idea of the diferent spheres
of government (and the diferent divisions in each sphere) functioning in co-operative and
not competitive relationships with one another. he complexity of the power-sharing in
the Constitution is aptly captured by the various ways in which “planning” features in the
lists: “Municipal planning”, listed in Part B of Schedule 4, is a functional area over which
national and provincial spheres of government exercise concurrent legislative and executive
competence, and in respect of which municipalities have executive authority and the power
to make and administer by-laws. “Regional planning and development” and “Urban and
rural development”, situated in Part A of Schedule 4, are constituted as functional areas of
concurrent national and provincial legislative and executive competence. “Provincial planning” in Part A of Schedule 5 is a functional area of exclusive provincial competence. hese
constitutional mandates have allowed for the development of laws that spell out the powers
and obligations of agencies within each sphere of government and their relationships with
agencies in other spheres. hese have included the (now defunct) Development Facilitation
Act (DFA) of 1995 and, more recently, the (not yet in force) Spatial Planning and Land
Use Management Act of 2013.
he confusion and litigation that emerged during the early 2000s regarding the meaning
of “municipal planning” and the scope of local authorities’ powers over municipal planning
is illustrative of the limits of tools of governance, which can create conditions for disorder
and lack of social co-ordination at one scale, just as much as they attempt to resolve problems at another scale. he Development Facilitation Act, for instance, was conceived as a
stop-gap, providing a parallel land-use management regulatory system for the approval of
much-needed reconstruction and development projects while the transformation of the local government sphere was being achieved and a longer-term vision for urban and planning
regulatory reform was being worked out (Berrisford, 2011). he structures and processes
created by the DFA, however, became problematic when they began to be used to subvert
the existing local land use management procedures and when attempts at co-ordination
failed. Ultimately local authorities had to resort to the courts for clarity. Following decisions in City of Johannesburg v Gauteng Development Tribunal and Minister of Local
Government, Environmental Afairs and Development Planning, Western Cape v Habitat
Council local authorities have been able to exert near exclusive control over municipal planning. his points to how even highlevel governance frames may shift
and change. hey are in themselves
adaptive – whether through dispute
resolution or other modalities of
change. Governance structures may
adapt in diferent ways and at different scales.his adaption and experimentation should be on-going
to continually address limitations
of process and structures.
Brian Boshoff 2014
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
Box 2.2: Bruma Lake Project
A good example of how a lexible, adaptive governance system can help overcome complex
socio-environmental issues – by improving coherence and co-ordination among diferent
Institutional entities – is the Bruma Lake Project in Johannesburg.
Bruma Lake was an artiicially constructed waterfront that sufered from a number of
environmental problems. he impoundment was constructed in-stream, to intercept the
natural watercourse, but the concrete channels that lead water into Bruma caused an
increase in water low. his, together with a lack of vegetation resulted in the erosion of
riverbanks and deteriorated water quality in the lake. Bruma Lake has been subject to
pollution and siltation for many years, resulting in complaints from residents and users of
the surrounding shopping area. For a long time the lake was neglected. he City wanted
to address the issue but it was not clear how to proceed, neither in technical terms nor in
delegating responsibility for the project.
In 2011 the City of Johannesburg made an important adjustment to its governance
structure, merging two formerly separate departments – Infrastructure and Environment
(see box 2.3). he new Environment and Infrastructure Services Department had an
extended scope and important co-ordination functions. With the new setting, the newly
formed Department took the lead at Bruma Lake. A lagship project was developed where
the dam would be closed and drained. Afterwards there would be a re-naturalization
process to turn the area in an ecological park. he rehabilitation project foresees an
improvement in water low; increased natural aeration; natural water iltration by plants
along vegetated banks; improved access for removing debris; reduced sediment build
up; restoration of the ecological linkages between upstream and downstream areas; and
restored habitat opportunities for birdlife.
he project, supported by key stakeholders around the lake, is part of the integrated eforts
of the City to address upstream sources of water quality problems through the reinstatement
of natural wetland bio-ilters, improving sewer and storm-water infrastructure, by-law
enforcement, litter management, river clean ups and inner city upgrading projects. he
City approved R60 million over two inancial years for the engineering works followed
by landscaping of the modiied site into a park and vegetated channel, with the project
starting in 2014.
While previous frameworks merely allowed the City to temporarily clean the dam, under
the new strategic framework and related operational setting there has been the chance to
make (relatively) long-term plans to improve the dam.
Dylan Weakley 2014
governance for resilience
constructed in various locations to test competing hypotheses relating to subsurface seepage
and embankment durability (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers & South Florida Water Management
District, 2011).
Active adaptive management is frequently revealed in partnerships between government and research
and academic institutions, and may generate important new scientific knowledge. For example, in order
to establish a climate action plan, the city of Santa Cruz in California followed the conventional route of
quantifying its greenhouse gas emissions in a series of GHG emissions inventories. This has enabled
the city to track net carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, identify key emissions sectors, prioritise reduction
strategies and track progress in emissions reduction over time. Following the establishment of a Climate
Action Compact with the County of Santa Cruz and the University of California, the city is also working
with academics on how to measure the real-time production of urban greenhouse gas emissions by
transportation, air-conditioning and industry, as well as the absorption of such emissions by trees,
greenways, gardens, parks and agricultural zones. This information will enable policy-makers to know
how much CO2 people are actually generating before some of it becomes absorbed by plant life. Armed
with this information, city planners might be better informed about the relative advantages of investing
in an urban light rail system over improving the city’s green infrastructure. The scientific gains of the
project to date have included: the adaptation of existing scientific instruments to sense carbonyl sulfide;
an innovative method for measuring carbon-absorbing photosynthetic activity (by tracking carbonyl
sulfide); methodologies for deploying sensor networks across the CO2 dome produced by the city; and
data assimilation models for the processing of sensor results so as to calculate how much CO2 is being
emitted (CITRIS, 2014).
The term adaptive co-management is used to denote a distinct approach that combines adaptive
and collaborative aspects in resource management. The social learning that takes place in both
passive and active adaptive management is horizontal in nature, centring on the managers, their
relationships, requirements and capacities. Co-management, on the other hand, focuses on vertical
relationships between managers, other state entities, and resource users and communities. Adaptive
co-management attempts to forge both horizontal and vertical links for shared learning-by-doing
between various actors over a medium- to long-term timescale. It tends to be multi-scale in scope,
and is concerned with enhancing the capacity of all actors who have a stake in sustainably managing
the resource at hand (Plummer et al., 2012). Plummer et al. (2012) list some of the enduring themes
discussed in the adaptive co-management literature include:
• the inluence of learning on adaptive co-management and its interaction with variables such as
leadership, incentives and trust;
• the knowledge (information, skills, expertise, experiences and world views) that individuals and
organisations bring to adaptive co-management, their types and combination, as well as knowledge
communication and control;
• thestructuralandfunctionalconnectionsconstitutingthenetworksamongentities;
• themannerinwhichentitiesinvolvedinadaptiveco-managementareabletosharepower;and
• theformalandinformallinksbetweenandamongorganisations.
Adaptive co-management is not equivalent to enabling public participation in regulatory decisionmaking. In South Africa public participation is mandatory in the development of an integrated
development plan and in many of the prescribed processes for obtaining various environmental
licences. Two common forms of stakeholder engagement do not meet the criteria for adaptive comanagement: The first is processes that are “cobbled together” to allow participation by more or less
diverse parties. The second is “naked deal-making” among a select group of local parties (Karkkainen,
2002). Many participatory processes in South Africa either fall within these categories or do not involve
the genuine openness to learning and on-going redefinition of self-interest by all parties involved that
is required in successful adaptive co-management (Karkkainen, 2002).
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
Box 2.3: The Merger of the Infrastructure and Environmental Departments in the City
of Johannesburg
his chapter of the booklet shows how multi-dimensional governance is essential for
resilience. It requires attention to formal and informal processes and relationships and to
actions and interactions that cross scales and cross the boundaries between government and
other stakeholders in society. Adaptive governance cannot ever be reduced to institutional
organisation within government. However, there is a place for institutional reform, and it
is useful to consider diferent instances where institutional reform has taken place.
Johannesburg is an interesting case-in-point. It has a history of institutional experimentation.
he creation of city-owned corporate entities (for example, Joburg Water, Pikitup, City
Power, Johannesburg Road Agency) was an example of experimentation in the early
2000s. he jury is still out as to whether or not this form of reorganisation has added to
the resilience of the city. In some cases services may have been delivered more eiciently,
but the system has added some challenges of institutional co-ordination.
Here, however, we report on a more recent and limited experiment with institutional
form that attempts to bring the delivery of infrastructure in line with the City’s
commitment to environmental sustainability. With the advent of the 2011 Growth and
Development Strategy (GDS) known as Jo’burg 2040, concerns with resource eiciency
and sustainability were elevated to the level of key priority for the city government. One of
the key challenges was to re-orient the activities of major infrastructure agencies towards
sustainability objectives. his was diicult as these corporate entities were concerned with
the inancial bottom-line and were hardly incentivised to support demand management
in the use of resources such as energy and power.
he question of how to re-incentivise entities delivering infrastructure remains, but some
progress has been made in the reform of institutional structures to bring infrastructure
delivery into a closer policy and environmental relationship with sustainability and
environmental management functions. An infrastructure department was set up in the
City in 2006 to provide policy oversight and guidance to a number of the corporate
entities. At the same time an environmental department was established to guide the city
in its response to a range of environmental concerns including climate change. In 2011,
the infrastructure and environmental departments were merged in an unusual institutional
manoeuvre which highlighted the critical link between these two sectors. At the time of
writing, it was diicult to assess the efectiveness of the reform as it has taken time for
the operational functions of the new department to merge in actual practice but it is an
experiment worth following. he challenge will be to follow the institutional change with
adequate attention to the range of other factors necessary for adaptive governance which
are discussed in this booklet.
he City of Johannesburg has also attempted to cluster its departments around the
key priorities of the GDS. his follows similar experiments in national and provincial
governments. he role of the clusters was to bring diferent departments together to facilitate
discussion and co-ordination in decision-making, service, and project management and
delivery in the context of the GDS’ strategic goals of resource sustainability, liveability
and resilience.
his is a signiicant step towards alignment of strategic goals and operational structures
but may require on-going adaptation as it raises new questions of co-ordination (i.e.
governance for resilience
between clusters) and of the required capacity to make the clusters work. It is arguably
only a beginning as this internal reorganisation needs to be carried through into efective
multi-scalar governance and into new relationships with actors outside government.
2.5 Bringing together adaptive governance and adaptive (co)management
Although there are some differences in focus between the concepts, the application of one does not
preclude the other, and we encourage municipal officials to engage with both (Gunderson & Holling,
2002). It is possible to draw the concepts together into a single combined Framework for a Resiliencebased Urban Governance (Gamestani and Benson, 2013). In the framework illustrated in Figure 1,
multiple characteristics contributing to governance for resilience are presented which draw from the
insights of writers using both concepts.
2.6 Making governance for resilience real: some guiding principles
How do we make adaptive governance and management real? This is an enormous topic given the
relationship of governance to both government and non-governmental sectors, and the interaction
across these barriers. Since this report is geared towards municipalities, we focus on the extent to
which the institutions of government can effectively adapt their governance approaches, systems
and structures. How can institutions, which are fundamentally administrative bodies, keep “working”,
delivering services, maintaining the machine that lets our cities operate on a daily basis, while learning
to be flexible and adaptive? How can an institution be more decisive in moving towards sustainable
and resilient development patterns, without being undemocratic?
FigURe 1: Conceptual framework to examine forms of adaptive management and adaptive governance
(Graphic re-elaboration from Armitage, 2006)
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
Numerous worldwide case studies have found that many successful practices of adaptive management
and flexible governance are characterised by a certain “messiness” or “unplanned incrementalism”
(Brunner et al., 2005). However, they also point at a series of critical factors that shape the extent to
which adaptive governance is realisable as an ideal (Allan and Curtis, 2005; Armitage, 2006). This
suggests that we can intentionally improve the adaptive capabilities of governance systems.
These factors are outlined below in the form of proposed actions for strengthening adaptability.
Move from the “logic of governing” to a focus on interacting with change.
The “logic of governing” is primarily about the exercise of authority and power. “Adaptive
governance” may also involve power and authority but not in a straightforward way, as power is
more diffuse and is often shared across institutional barriers. In terms of traditional logic this may
mean that government is weak, but in terms of resilience thinking this suggests greater strength as
the system is less dependent on single actors and there is less risk of major failure (Armitage, 2006).
A preoccupation with governing undermines the flexibility of systems as the focus is on control
rather than on adaptability, including both the capacity to reorganise the system in response to a
sudden shock and the capacity to adapt on an on-going basis to the contingencies necessitated
by change.
ii. Support multi-nodal but integrated systems of governance (polycentric governance).
One of the “productive tensions” in resilience thinking relates to both the need for multiple centres of
activity to reduce risk and increase opportunities for innovation and for strong linkages across these
diffuse centres to ensure synergy and co-ordination. In resilience thinking we need “structurally
adaptable” governance systems which combine traditional and new (even informal) institutional
relationships in a way that allows new approaches to evolve. The idea of “polycentric governance”
is based on recognition that in modern, complex society there are multiple centres of power with
degrees of independence from each other, but also with multiple links to each other. These may
include the bureaucracies of government, special governmental agencies, organisations of civil
societies, the firms and organisations within the private sector, the media, and so forth. A view of
governance that is overly focused on the hierarchies of government will fail to appreciate the ways
in which the system really works, and may end in frustration as the action of government alone
flounders in this complexity. A resilience perspective involves both acknowledging and embracing
polycentric government. At the same time, however, it also involves a commitment to developing
greater coherence in the system by developing formal and informal linkages and mechanisms of
co-ordination between the multiple actors.
iii. embrace the multi-scalar nature of governance.
It is almost impossible to address the complex problems of the current age within any single scale
of governance (neighbourhood, city, city-region, province, country, global). Instead, solutions for
many of our problems are to be found in collaborative action across spheres of government.
While there may be a limited number of issues that could be addressed within a single scale of
governance, most issues require actions that cross scales. While our institutions are generally
structured in a way that directs attention inwardly within a single scale, resilience thinking requires
us to think simultaneously across the scales. It requires an acknowledgement that institutional
processes at one level influence processes at another, and within complex systems of governance
flows of authority may be both top-down and bottom-up.
iv. Focus on relational aspects (and especially on building trust).
Traditionally the focus has been on the functioning of each component of a governance system
but a resilience perspective, which directs attention to multi-nodal and multi-scalar forms of
governance, requires a strong focus on the relational elements of governance. Instead of
encouraging competition between the various components, and the emergence of embedded
governance for resilience
institutional self-interest, the focus should be on building mutually supportive inter-linkages. There
are formal mechanisms of linkage such as the service delivery agreement and the governance
contract, but there are also multiple forms of informal connections which may be even more
important. Many studies show that trust is the key ingredient which facilitates information-sharing,
reduces system risk, and makes the formal mechanisms of interaction actually work. Quite simply,
building successful relationships is essential for the functioning of complex socio-economic
systems. However, in practice, governance reform or development is overwhelmingly associated
with changes to formal structures.
v. Build learning institutions and networks.
There are multiple “lock-ins” in our governance systems. These are established ways of doing
things that persist despite their inferior performance within changing contexts. The lock-ins may
derive from legislation or regulation, but are often the result of an internal logic or tradition. Adaptive
governance requires a willingness to assess and reform (even radically reconstitute) practices on
an on-going basis and an openness to new ways of thinking and doing. There are many factors
which support or impede the development of learning institutions. They include access to and
sharing of information, appropriate use of technology, the connections between government and
teaching/research institutions, and the ethos promoted by leadership. With our context of pervasive
change we need deep and collaborative learning. The literature usefully distinguishes between
three levels of learning in governance networks (see Pahl-Wostl, 2009, for a summary):
Single-loop learning – or the refinement of behaviour without a change of assumptions
or fundamental routine (e.g. an improvement to climate change adaptation policies)
Double-loop-learning – a change in the frame of reference and a rethinking of
assumptions (e.g. a shift from increasing the capacity of the existing system to using
natural retention when dealing with storm water)
Triple-loop-learning – a transformation of the structural contexts which shape the
frame of reference (e.g. the overhaul of regulatory frameworks, dominant practices
and even value systems in response to a perceived threat such as climate change).
The process may begin with single loop learning but move on to double and triple loop learning.
For example, effective double loop learning may have its limits, requiring and prompting triple loop
learning. Moving towards triple loop learning requires the formation of strong learning networks.
Within single loop learning, actors may remain within their individual institutions or communities
of practice. With a transition to double loop learning, they may search for advice from outside the
institution or community, but triple loop learning generally requires changes in the configuration of
network boundaries and connections. New actor groups are formed with significant shifts in roles
and power relations.
vi. Build mutual accountability in governance.
Accountability may be defined as “a relationship in which one party, the holder of accountability,
has the right to seek information about, to investigate and to scrutinise the actions of another
party, the giver of accountability” (Mulgan, 2002). As governance systems become increasingly
complex – multi-nodal and multi-layered – a difficult questions of accountability arises. While
there may be mechanisms of accountability within components of the governance system, it may
become increasingly difficult to ensure overall accountability. A complicating factor is that there
are many directions of accountability. And yet, accountability is the critical check in a complex,
evolving system. We need to strengthen accountability within each component of the system – for
example, to the electorate, shareholders or residents. However, within the complex system there
needs to be mutual accountability across agencies and actors. The institutions and systems which
ensure formal accountability need to be protected; mechanisms such as compacts, contracts and
partnerships should be developed in a way that builds multi-directional accountability across the
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
system; and normative commitments and levels of trust should be developed that build an innate
sense of co-ownership and shared accountability.
vii. Promote adaptive leadership.
The success of all the above is largely dependent on the effectiveness of leadership across
complex governance systems, as it is leadership that motivates or inspires people to change. In
conventional approaches, leadership is often conflated with hierarchical supervision, regarded as
one-directional (i.e. leaders with followers), depicted as a personal attribute, and seen as something
apart from the environment within which it happens. The idea of adaptive leadership challenges
these assumptions. Du Rue (2011) argues that leadership is in fact a complex, adaptive process.
All members of a group may have “leader” and “follower” attributes, and in adaptive systems the
pattern of leading and following within a group may change depending on the demands of the
context. A fluid pattern of leadership and following allows a system to adapt more effectively over
time. Stable patterns of leadership may emerge given specific attributes of individuals which may
be partly defined by formal authority structures, but the systems should have the flexibility to allow
variability and recognise the potential leadership role of all.
2.7 Conclusion
It is impossible to deal substantively with every element that shapes the resilience of an urban
system. However, if we focus on improving the adaptive capacity of our governance systems we
are significantly increasing the chances of current and future decision-making and action that will
support urban resilience. There is now a wide literature that provides valuable guidance on how to
improve adaptive capacities. It draws on concepts and theories that are still developing through
debate, learning-by-doing and case-study. Municipal officials are encouraged to read this material.
What is most important, however, is to develop a way of thinking that embraces change and actively
supports arrangements and processes of governance that adapt proactively to this change. There
is no definitive answer as to how this can be done, but we can conclude with certainty that the key
element in all of this is the capacity for on-going learning.
Allan, C., Curtis, A., (2005), Nipped in the Bud: Why regional scale adaptive management is not blooming, Environmental
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(2013), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Papers. Paper 201.
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governance for resilience
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Pahl-Wostl C., (2009), A conceptual framework for analysing adaptive capacity and multi-level learning processes in
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Resilience in Urban Form
and Fabric
3.1 Introduction
This section explores aspects of the relationship between resilience and urban form and fabric. We
first discuss resilient urban form in general, focusing on the contrasting ideas of adaptability and
stability in the face of change, and how spatial planning has attempted to use strategic planning
to respond to a constantly changing environment. We then discuss some of the physical planning
principles that spatial planners and urban designers suggest will result in more resilient urban
environments, questioning how new some of these ideas might be. Both sustainability and resilience
thinking emphasise compact cities and the shift towards public transport. Some South African cities
such as Johannesburg are attempting to improve public transport through the introduction of Bus
Rapid Transit (BRT). We examine how the early introduction of BRT is affecting an area around a
station, and whether it is helping the shift towards greater resilience.
The major part of this chapter focuses on density and its relationship to resilience, a major theme of
our research. We discuss this relationship and the concepts that have been put forward to think about
it, focusing on the idea of “resilient densities”. We then draw from our research on Johannesburg
to understand this more fully. South African urban spatial policies generally promote the idea of
densification and, as we show, densification is happening in our cities but not necessarily in the ways
planned for in city policies. We show that higher densities do appear to be associated with greater use
of public transport, as theory would suggest. However, densification is occurring in very different ways
in various parts of cities. We examine cases in four areas, and look at both advantages and challenges
associated with processes of change in each area. This suggests that densification is a complex
process that is context-specific, and it requires contextually appropriate policy responses. Too often,
it is used in a broad and ambiguous way. Densification, if it is to make our cities more sustainable and
resilient, needs to be more than just an increase in people or buildings per square kilometre. It needs
to be accompanied by, for example, a diversification of land uses, increased access to both social and
physical infrastructure, better links to public transport, and integration with public and green spaces.
The final part of this section briefly introduces “micro-scale” responses at the level of green buildings,
and how households and businesses, driven by market pressures, new technology and planning
policy, are moving towards more sustainable practices with regard to the use and design of buildings
and associated infrastructure.
resilience in Urban form and fabric
Brian Boshoff 2014
3.2 Resilient Urban Form: Responsiveness and Adaptiveness
The notion of urban form and fabric includes the physical components and layout of towns and cities, and should be considered across different spatial scales. This includes everything from individual
buildings to neighbourhoods, streets and street networks, public and open space, to the entire city. As
cities are systems, the resilience of the components and the connectedness between different parts
of the city affects the resilience of the entire system. This connectedness does not only refer to the
physical urban structures, but includes the society that lives in and uses the city as well as the natural
environment in which it exists. These factors cannot be considered in isolation from one another.
Urban form can be resilient in both senses of the concept, as outlined in chapter 2 of this report. Over
time and through change, urban form can maintain structure and stability, and at the same time morph
and adapt to accommodate different needs and circumstances. Change and adaption of urban form
can be through physical change and growth (such as changes to road networks, city expansion,
replacing low-density with high-density buildings, or the introduction of new public space), or it can
change in the way it functions. For example, while a neighbourhood’s buildings, road network and
public space may remain fairly unchanged over time, the income and demographics of groups who
live there may diversify and certain land uses may change. “Soft” changes can thus change how
“hard” urban form performs. For example, changing land use regulations or introducing police patrols
could transform the way in which a neighbourhood performs without changing its form physically.
Urban form is in a process of continuous change that is the result of a constant stream of exchanges
and processes of restructuring. This includes: shifts in the way space, land and buildings are used;
changes of the people who inhabit the city; the fluxes and movements of people and goods; and
how all of these are shaped by economic, social and cultural dimensions, formal and informal forces,
and more. Transformation can sometimes be aimless, sometimes ad hoc and sometimes consciously
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
planned towards immediate or distant goals. At times, informal, organic behaviours and mechanisms
overcome rigid plans, radically transforming urban spaces at an unexpected pace. However, the
spatial structure and character of the built environment are in many ways related to the needs and
aspirations of an ever-changing society, living in and modifying its space over various historic periods
during which different modes of development are prevalent.
Resilience thinking highlights the capacity of a system to deal with change while continuing to
develop and thrive. This is achieved through responding to unexpected change, and (where possible)
through anticipating change and restructuring for slow, positive evolution. Society is key in the process
of structural change; human beings are active agents, driving change at the physical and nonphysical levels.
Planning to avoid change, therefore, seems not just useless, but harmful (Ernstson, et al., 2010, p.
531). Rather, embracing change, adaptation and flexibility in our cities is the key. This requires a
deep conceptual shift, re-centring the planning profession on a paradigm of unpredictability and
abandoning the logic of “control” in favour of a more strategic dimension. This has already been seen
to an extent in the shift from “master planning” to new forms of strategic spatial planning specifically
aimed at taking on this challenge, as Box 3.1 shows.
Observing and decrypting spontaneous changes is also important. In order to be able to trigger and
drive change, it is necessary to read the current system’s behaviours and to decipher their spontaneous
dynamics of change. This reading is fundamental in determining how to interact with change dynamics,
by promoting positive streams of change and addressing or managing negative ones.
Embracing change and fluidity leads to a more positive perspective on informality, one which sees
“incrementality” and self-organising dynamics as strengths, and where acupunctural interventions
could interact with progressive systems of spatial change and social empowerment. Box 3.2 on the
Kya Sands informal settlement in Johannesburg shows the advantages offered by the settlement from
a resilience perspective, but also the challenges that need to be addressed by appropriate planning
and development.
3.3 Resilient Urban Form: Principles and Approaches
Box 3.1: Resilience and Strategic Spatial Planning
Strategic spatial planning can be described as a mode of planning that works with multiple
possible futures – the idea that change is inevitable and plans should accommodate
lexibility, exploration and experimentation (Albrechts, 2006; Balducci, Boelens, Hilleir,
Nyseth, & Wilkinson, 2011; Healey, 2009). he approach attempts to integrate a variety
of actors providing a means for achieving long term goals while incorporating short
term actions. here are some similarities between resilience thinking and strategic spatial
planning. Each approach attempts to work with a dynamic world while acknowledging
that cities are spaces of change and disturbance which cannot always be controlled or
anticipated. he more recent emergence of evolutionary (or socio-ecological) resilience
does indeed resonate with the principles behind strategic spatial planning. It is argued that
both put an emphasis on the “luidity, relexivity, contingency, connectivity, multiplicity
and polyvocality” of urban systems (Davoudi & Strange, 2009, p. 37). he socioecological view of resilience proposed by Walker & Salt (2006) sees the key to becoming
more resilient as irst being able to embrace change, a notion also held by strategic spatial
planners (Balducci, Boelens, Hilleir, Nyseth, & Wilkinson, 2011).
resilience in Urban form and fabric
Box 3.2: Kya Sands – A Resilient Informal Settlement?
It may be argued that informality and informal settlements represent a strong form of
urban resilience since people have adapted to the limited work and housing opportunities
in South African cities by building their own houses and generating their own incomes.
Weakley’s (2013) research in Kya Sands found that while the residents of the settlement
are vulnerable to a number of hazards, and that living conditions are far from ideal, the
settlement provides some valuable services to its inhabitants, and to the city as a whole.
he irst of these is actually afordable housing, which is either free, around R200 a
month when rented, or around R2000 to purchase a stand. Second is access to jobs. As
informal settlements are based on (informal) markets, where possible they locate close to
work opportunities. Kya Sands lies directly adjacent to two industrial areas – Kya Sand
and Hoogland – which provide many work opportunities; it is also near to a number of
formal residential areas such as Bloubosrand and Northriding, where many people work
as domestic workers or security guards. hird is access to city services such as schooling
and healthcare, which is limited in residents’ rural or foreign places of origin.
Beneits of informality and informal settlements also exist for the wider city. For example,
it may be argued that they take some pressure of government in providing housing and
jobs in the short term. As they are also so afordable and even sometimes free to live in,
they provide surrounding areas with afordable labour. his is partly because, in welllocated informal settlements like Kya Sands, people can walk to work and hence have
limited or no transport costs.
At the same time, residents do report that crime, ire, lack of city services (most notably
electricity and sewage systems) and poor living conditions are major problems with living in
the settlement. However, if informal settlements are relocated, the beneits that people enjoy
in the area would be eliminated, even if physical conditions were better in the new area.
Hence it is important, when intervening in informal settlements, to address the negative
aspects that they represent to their inhabitants and the city at large, but in doing this to
promote the resilience shown in the settlements and by the people living there. In Kya
Sands, this suggests the need for an in-situ upgrade, as the living conditions are clearly
sub-standard, but the settlement is well located in relation to jobs and wider city beneits.
Dylan Weakley 2012
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
Conceiving cities as socio-ecological systems implies understanding them in a complex, holistic way.
It allows us to consider the many interactions among physical and non-physical aspects which shape
systemic behaviours and the capacity of a city to adapt, evolve and thrive. The structural order of a
complex system is always the result of a process, forcing us to think in terms of relationships and
patterns. In every complex system, including cities, these processes operate in both directions: the
urban form and spatial structure of cities influences where and how people live in the city, the way
economic activity occurs, and the resources used (such as energy and
water), but these elements also shape the spatial organisation of cities.
Planning and designing for
resilience aims to address the
increasing environmental,
social and economic stresses
associated with the impacts
of climate change, resource
scarcity and other unexpected
future shocks, including
economic ones.
Planning and designing for resilience aims to address the increasing
environmental, social and economic stresses associated with the impacts
of climate change, resource scarcity and other unexpected future shocks,
including economic ones. As a consequence, in a resilient city, the physical,
social, ecological and economic health of its citizens is directly connected to
the way in which urban structures deal with the relationship between spatial
forms and processes, balancing redundancy and durability, persistence
and change. In many cases, however, the built environment needs to adapt
in order to function better.
One of our studies explored the way writers have linked resilience to
urban form and the spatial organisation of cities (Groesser, 2013). Salat
et al (2011) studied numerous cities in Europe, North America and the Far
East, and has developed an argument based on “the resilience of fractal urban forms”. Similar to the
perspective of evolutionary resilience, the argument is that the urban form of a city must adapt over
time, transforming from state to state if it is to be a “resilient living city”. Complexity is also crucial to the
resilience of a city. The more structured and multi-connected the form of a city, the better it will absorb
disturbance and modify its structure. Drawing from Christopher Alexander’s A City is not a Tree (1965),
Salat and Bourdic (2012a) state that, like the veins on a leaf, a resilient city has street networks that are
connected in a “semi-lattice” structure. Here, as in a panarchy, roads should be connected across all
levels, instead of in a hierarchical way where roads only connect to levels immediately above or below
them in the hierarchical pyramid. In a tree, for example, cutting a branch would also cut off all smaller
branches and twigs along that branch from the main system of the tree. However, if the branches were
interconnected as are the veins in a leaf, cutting one artery would not exclude all smaller arteries from
the wider system due to their connection across scales and levels.
Newman (2011) argues that a resilient city is one that is carbon neutral, has a well-distributed
infrastructure, utilises renewable energy, contains a biophillic landscape, is place-based and ecoefficient, and uses sustainable transport. He also argues in his book Resilient Cities: Responding to
Peak Oil and Climate Change (2009) that compaction is the key to making cities more adaptable to the
increase in fuel prices and to mitigating climate change. ResilientCity.org (2014) proposes a number
of principles for resilient urban planning and design in what, they argue, means a shift away from
traditional ideas of single-use zoning and privatised transportation. These include: density, diversity
and mix; pedestrians first; transit-supportive, place-making, complete communities; integrated natural
systems; integrated technical and industrial systems; local sources; engaged communities; redundant
and durable-life safety and critical infrastructure systems; and resilient operations. However, not all of
these ideas are new to planning. Some are similar to or the same as principles and approaches that
emerged with the critique of modernist planning, such as new urbanism. In the South African context,
several of these ideas have long been promoted by academics such as Dewar and Uytenbogaardt
(1991; 1995) and have been influential in policy for many years. This may be why some ideas
seem similar to those often contained in municipal policy documents, as the following box on the
Johannesburg’s Spatial Development Framework shows.
One of the key elements of a more resilient urban form is a shift towards public transport and away
from reliance on the car. This would enable a reduction in the use of energy, making the city less
resilience in Urban form and fabric
Box 3.3: Urban Form and Resilience: City of Johannesburg’s Spatial Development Framework
In Johannesburg, many of the spatial principles associated with resilience thinking are
already imprinted in the City of Johannesburg’s approach to future spatial development,
even if it is not recognised by the spatial planners (Groesser, 2013). Perhaps the reason for
this is that spatial planners in the City have not yet developed their own understanding
of what resilience looks like in space. Nevertheless, the Spatial Development Framework
itself has built on new urbanist ideas (such as compaction, mixed-use, transit-oriented
development) for a number of years. his begs the question: is resilience planning really
a paradigm shift (especially in spatial planning), or merely a new concept to describe the
same principles that planning policy has been promoting for years?
Box 3.4: The Impact of BRT at a neighbourhood level: Diepkloof, Soweto
BRT has become a leading public transport investment strategy in South Africa. Two broad
objectives of the investment include improving the service quality of public transport as
well as providing a catalyst to drive spatial transformation. It is widely understood that
public transport stations can generate signiicant land development investment due to the
accessibility beneits they present. In the case of Diepkloof, the station had been in place
for about two years at the time of the study. Researchers found that:
• BRT users said that the system had a positive impact on their travel and lifestyle.
• he introduction of the system reduced the local taxi activity in the area.
• Although there has been relatively signiicant development activity in Diepkloof
over the past decade, the impact of the BRT on building intensiication is less clear.
• here is a limited indication that the BRT has beneited businesses located in close
proximity to the station.
• A major private-sector development, the Diepkloof Square shopping complex,
which was built on municipal land in 2012 about 1 km from the station, shares no
clear connection to the BRT investment but has had a number of signiicant impacts
on the area:
− an overall reduction in population density (the land previously accommodated
a densely populated informal settlement);
− improved access to a range of goods and services which previously were not
available in the area;
− negative impact on small local retail businesses in informal shops and market
stalls south of the shopping centre.
hese indings highlight the current institutional division between the development of
land use and transport, and the lack of co-ordination between the two initiatives. While
the mall has some beneits for residents, it is not strongly oriented to public transport.
Seeking to combine the beneits ofered by both the BRT and the shopping mall through
improved integration would arguably support the growth of a more sustainable and
resilient urban landscape. Furthermore, the access and mobility beneits presented by the
BRT system provide a compelling case for densiication around the station to ensure that
more people are able to access the system.
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
vulnerable to declining oil resources and rising prices, and would improve everyone’s accessibility
to the benefits of the city. In theory, improved public transport systems should make possible dense,
mixed-use development close to stations, thus increasing convenience and improving access to
services and facilities. Several South African cities, including Johannesburg, have invested in Bus
Rapid Transit systems as a way to improve public transport in the city. Our research investigated
how the introduction of the BRT affected neighbourhood development in Diepkloof, Soweto. Box 3.4
provides a summary of the findings; it shows that while the BRT did have some positive effects, more
co-ordinated efforts with other initiatives in the area could have enabled a stronger movement towards
sustainability and a more resilient city.
3.4 Density and Resilience
For many years, increasing density has been seen as key to urban sustainability. While density is an
important dimension of resilient cities, a resilience perspective helps to unpack the complexities of
density and enables us to develop a more nuanced policy approach, moving beyond quantitative
calculations of built or population densities, to looking also at qualitative dimensions. Increasing
people or buildings per square kilometre will not result in greater resilience on its own, and has to be
accompanied by a number of other changes.
There are many links between a more dense system and resilience ideas. A dense urban system is
consistent with the resilience principles of redundancy, diversity and vibrancy, among others. Resilient
cities would be characterised by diversity, density and mix of uses/users, building types and public
spaces. Dense mixed-use neighbourhoods allow for the effective functioning of all types of business,
social and cultural activities, and at the same time require relatively low
inputs of energy for transportation (of goods, services and people). In a
Resilient cities would be
resilient city, every neighbourhood would be able to provide the needs of
characterised by diversity,
daily living within walking distance, underlining that resilience requires us
density and mix of uses/
to maximise the active use of space and land, and to reduce the carbon
users, building types and
footprint of urban development (for instance by enabling people to walk or
cycle, instead of using a car). Our research on Johannesburg shows that
public spaces.
there is a clear link between the use of public transport and density, even in
higher income areas, as Box 3.5 shows.
Still, there are risks associated with higher density linked to the amplified effects of negative behaviours;
hence the concept needs to be seen in a complex way.
We cannot just think about urban density in terms of quantitative measures such as the number of
inhabitants per square meter, or the measures of physical elements like buildings, streets, public
space and infrastructures. We need to understand the context and the qualitative dimensions too (see
Figure 3.2). We have to recognise that the way that people live in, use and move in the city is highly
influenced by social and cultural beliefs, economic status and habits, specific social dynamics and so
on. In turn, this influences the way in which the built environment is perceived, used and transformed
by people. Social elements therefore impact strongly on uses of space/activities/amenities and
vice versa.
We need to incorporate the complexity of everyday living into the “hard” dimension of density (i.e.
the quantitative calculations of spatial elements), so the “soft” dimension becomes fundamental
(i.e., aesthetic or symbolic qualities of the physical environment, people’s behaviours, needs and
perceptions, social networks and dynamics, patterns of usage, and so on).
The picture surrounding density is therefore fuzzy. However, resilience theory helps us to understand
that in reframing density, we first need to talk about “densities” rather than just “density”. By enlarging
scope and definition of the concept, resilience theory helps us to include (and impact on) quality of
life, liveability, perceived equity and sustainability, and other non-physical but crucial factors that
are needed to raise decision-makers’ awareness of the wider impact of density on the design of
resilience in Urban form and fabric
Box 3.5: Urban Density and Public Transport Use in Johannesburg
One of the reported beneits of increased density is making public transport more viable.
Weakley (Forthcoming) uses transport and density data for Johannesburg to show that this
relationship does exist. Results show that people living in lower-density areas are more likely
to use private, motorised transport while higher-density urban dwellers are more likely to
use public transport, walk or cycle. Further, while household income correlates to the use of
diferent modes of transport (with higher-income households more likely to use cars, and
lower-income households to use public transport), across all income categories in the data,
those who use public transport live in higher densities than those who do not. his shows
that even within the highest income category in the census, those who use public transport
live, on average, in higher densities than those who do not.
he data highlights two main reasons for this correlation. he irst is cost, with households
who use public transport spending on average R679 on transport a month, while those
who do not spend on average R1042 a month. Added to this is the fact that household
income and density are inversely proportional. his means that, on average, higher-density
urban dwellers earn less than those living in lower-density areas. A second reason relates
to the walking time to public transport. Here density and walking time are also indirectly
proportionate: the average walking time to the nearest public transport is shorter in highdensity areas, and vice versa.
High density urban areas seem to provide a good market for public transport (see Figure
3.1). his is so because public transport is generally cheaper than the use of private cars.
In the South African context this is important; data from the study shows higher densities
generally mean lower incomes. A second and probably more prevalent factor is the simple
fact that if public transport infrastructure is installed in a high-density area more people
will have walking access to it than if it were installed in a lower-density area. his means
that there is a bigger market in higher-density areas, which in turn means that public
transport investments are more likely to be successful there.
FigURe 3.1: Main Mode of Transport by Mean Residential Density in the City of Johannesburg
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
urban environments. As we show below, a simple increase in density as measured by quantitative
methods does not in its own right lead to greater resilience. Rather, the way this occurs and whether
it is appropriately managed is important. Therefore, urban density must be defined and managed in
relation to a series of general principles to enhance systemic resilience. However, while the principles
are general, the management of density (meaning both the way to conceptualise and address density)
must be case-specific.
FigURe 3.2: Conceptual Diagram of the Aspects of ‘Resilient Densities’
3.5 Resilience, Density and South African Cities
South African cities have been heavily shaped by apartheid spatial policies, which sprawled and
fragmented the cities’ fabric. In the post-apartheid era, sprawl and low-quality, mono-functional
environments have been extended through state-driven RDP housing developments on the outskirts of
cities where land is cheaper (Charlton & Kihato, 2006). At the same time, the private property market
has continued to develop sprawling townhouse complexes and new economic nodes in other parts
of the urban periphery, often contrary to formal policy (Todes, 2006). New forms of spatial inequality
and division have emerged. Although post-apartheid policies talk about compaction, integration, and
a more sustainable and equitable urban environment, these policies have had limited impact in the
desired direction. Spatial plans frequently advocate densification – especially residential densification,
often tied to transit-oriented development policies, as in the case of Johannesburg.
The relationship between planned and “real” densities, however, is complex. While the city of
Johannesburg was planning for densification around new public transportation corridors, densification
was happening spontaneously in other parts of the city and in very different ways. Backyard units
emerged in former townships and RDP housing projects; townhouses replaced detached houses in
other areas; occupancy levels rose in flats and houses in inner city areas; and growth on the outskirts
resilience in Urban form and fabric
of the city in the form of both swathes of townhouse complexes and RDP housing projects was denser
than in old suburban areas. Figure 3.3 shows the changing density in Johannesburg. In the map,
green areas show those of highest densification, with orange and red showing those areas in which
densities have declined.
The city of Johannesburg has indeed become denser, but not always due to direct government
intervention and not always with positive effects on its functioning, its sustainability or the quality
of life of its inhabitants. Rather, some of those spontaneous dynamics caused negative feedback
since the municipality had not been ready to deal with rising densities in those areas. For instance, in
the absence of planning for increased densities, infrastructure and services became overloaded in
some of these areas, resulting in problems such as traffic congestion and waste in streets. In higherincome areas where densification took the form of townhouse complexes, density levels were still too
low to facilitate a move towards public transport, with the result that densification has exacerbated
traffic congestion.
FigURe 3.3: Density Change in the city of Johannesburg
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
Brian Boshoff 2014
Box 3.6 provides a summary of our four case studies, and points to the very different and diverse
outcomes of densification. There are both positive and negative dimensions of densification in the four
areas, as well as varying needs for management of and response to these processes.
The influence of these kinds of spontaneous dynamics in an area is substantial, as it is often associated
with new patterns of occupation and usage. All this clarifies even more how complex it is to engage
with a substantial and structural change in urban density.
As we have stated above, densification is a complex, multi-layered notion. Residential densification
should be seen in a developmental way, and should contribute to improved environmental quality
involving a diverse and mixed built environment, promoting social mixing and producing chances for
social empowerment by enhancing economic vibrancy.
A density strategy should
provide the means to shift
the growth trajectory of a
city towards a more eicient,
equitable, environmentally
sound and therefore
sustainable direction.
A density strategy should provide the means to shift the growth trajectory
of a city towards a more efficient, equitable, environmentally sound and
therefore sustainable direction. It needs to be developed at a range of
scales, from the site-specific and neighbourhood scales to the urban
and city scale, where wider actions and interventions support those at
more local scales. We need to look for opportunities to create better
spaces in the existing urban fabric, but also look for patterns of change
occurring spontaneously in various areas and across the urban system.
Beyond simply density, a variety of patterns of change are occurring at
the level of the micro-urban fabric, as the following section shows.
resilience in Urban form and fabric
Box 3.6: Densiication Case Studies from Johannesburg
Houghton estate
Density (people/
Density (people/km2)
62 240
74 131
57 443
68 418
6 641
7 866
1 134
sharing rooms and flats with little change to exterior built form.
and developed into townhouse units.
are limited, they are provided for informally.
remains an upper income and fairly exclusive area.
official standards.
subsidised by informal ones.
income), racial and religious groups.
Northriding and Bellairs Park
Bram Fischerville
Density (people/
Density (people/km2)
19 827
91 403
1 504
6 933
1 638
9 034
3 081
transformed into large, gated townhouse complexes.
RDP settlement into a diverse, mixed use one, with
much of this development being informal.
high rent, so there is a good return on investment.
owners, and affordable access to the city for tenants.
regulation and thus living conditions are sometimes
informal backyard houses and extensions.
can be improved; this could be addressed by municipal
not having been upgraded with development).
townhouse complexes and malls.
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
3.6 Micro-scale Responses and Market-mediated Transitions to
Greener Urban Areas and Buildings
Analytical concepts such as the ecological footprint and urban materials flow can be used to study
the decoupling of urban systems from current excessive resource and environmental impact. The
critical resource indicators for ecological footprint (EF), urban materials flow analysis (EMFA) and
decoupling studies are land, energy, water, waste, food and materials. Decoupling strategies also
focus on demand-side management interventions such as densification, improved energy efficiency,
renewable energy for distributed generation, and the three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle). Behaviour
change is key in driving through these changes.
At the micro-scale, the strategies translate into interventions which can be implemented at the buildingscale together with the associated behavioural change. Escalation in cost of optimally located land (in
terms of purchase and municipal rates), construction materials, electricity and gas as well as water
has started to insert market-related influence on people’s choice and behaviour in relation to critical
decisions such as location of homes or office space, the size of the built area versus open spaces
(including landscaped yards with service requirements).
Through such market-mediated behaviour change, there has been voluntary scaling down of spatial
consumption in key urban areas which is characterised by the following:
• Householdsoptforsmallerandmorecompacthomes(withinthe100m2 range). This translates to
reduction in both the land-take as well as materials consumed in construction and maintenance/
servicing of such properties.
• Businesses and organisations opt for lexible/reduced workspace per worker (including ICTmediated work patterns) which has similar spatial/resource implications as the household
responses above.
• Therehasbeenaprioritisationofvoluntaryandmandatoryadoptionofgreenbuildingpractices,
with energy and water efficiency as well as renewable energy as the key interventions. The
voluntary green buildings rating tool of the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) and
the mandatory Energy Efficiency Regulations for new buildings (SANS10400-XA) are some of the
examples in practice so far. Mandatory water efficiency regulations are expected within the next
two years.
• ThishasnowgonetotheextentwheremunicipalitiessuchasCapeTownallowforgrid-interactive
connections for properties through which surplus power from roof-top photovoltaics or other
technologies can be fed to grid at an agreed tariff to the property owner. Mandatory water efficiency
regulations are expected within the next two years.
• There is increasing adoption of extended life of buildings (such as conversion and upgrades
of inner-city buildings rather than demolitions), as well as reusing and recycling construction
materials into new building components.
• Measuresinurbanagricultureatvariousscalesarealsostartingtoemergeinresponsetofood
insecurity and as a measure of trying to close the water-waste-water resource loop.
Although such market-mediated micro-scale interventions are crucial in urban decoupling pathways
for sustainability transitions, they also highlight the significant risk of exclusionary green urbanism.
In that scenario, households and businesses who can afford to do so buffer themselves with green
technologies while the poor continue to be subjected to unreliable, low-quality services as the related
infrastructure weakens and deteriorates.
resilience in Urban form and fabric
Albrechts, L. (2006). Shifts in strategic spatial planning? Some evidence from Europe and Australia. Environment and
Planning, 36(6), 1149-1170.
Alexander, C. (1965). A city is not a tree. Design, 206, 46-55.
Balducci, A., Boelens, L., Hilleir, J., Nyseth, T., & Wilkinson, C. (2011). Introduction Strategic spatial planning in
uncertainty: theory and exploratory practice. Town Planning Review, Special issue, 83(5), 481-501.
Charlton, S., & Kihato, C. (2006). Reaching the poor? An analysis of the influences on the evolution of South Africa’s
housing programme. In U. Pillay, R. Tomlinson, & J. du Toit (Eds.), Democracy and Delivery: Urban Policy in South
Africa. Pretoria: HSRC Press.
Davoudi, S., & Strange, I. (2009). Space and place in the twentieth century planning: An analytical framework and an
historical review. In S. Davoudi, & I. Strange (Eds.), Conceptions of Space and Place in Strategic Spatial Planning.
London: Routledge.
Department of Human Settlements. (2004). Breaking New Ground’ A Comprehensive Plan for the Development of
Sustainable Human Settlements. Pretoria: Department of Human Settlements.
Dewer, D., & Uytenbogaardt. (1991). South African Cities: A Manifesto for Change. Cape Town: University Of Cape Town,
Urban Problems Research Unit.
Dewer, D., & Uytenbogaardt. (1995). Places to Live: A Guide. Cape Town: University Of Cape Town.
Ernstson, H., van der Leeuw, S., Redman, C., Meffert, D., Davis, G., Alfsen, C., et al. (2010). Urban Transitions: On Urban
Resilience and Human-Dominated Ecosystems. AMBIO, 39, 531–545.
GCRO. (2011). Gauteng City-Region Observatory. Retrieved October 24, 2012, from 2011 Quality of Life Survey Viewer:
Groesser, T. (2013, October). Resilience Planning in City Spatial Policy: A Johannesburg case Study. BSc Hons
Dissertation. Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand.
Healey, P. (2009). In search of the ‘strategic’ in spatial strategy making. Planning Theory and Practice, 10, 439–57.
Newman, P. (2009). Resilient Cities: Responding to Peak Oil and Climate Change. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Newman, P. (2011). Land Use and Urban Planning for Resilient Cities: The Pacific Rim Urban Revolution. Retrieved
October 14, 2014, from Pacific Economic Cooperation Council: http://www.pecc.org/resources/1622-land-use-andurban-planning-for-resilient-cities-the-pacific-rim-urban-revolution?path=
Quantec. (2013). EasyData. Retrieved March 26, 2014, from Census 1996, 2001 & 2011 (2011 census demarcation, sub
place level): http://www.easydata.co.za/
ResilientCity.org. (2014). Urban Design Principles. Retrieved October 12, 2014, from ResilientCity.org: http://www.
Salat, S., & Bourdic, L. (2012). Urban Complexity, Efficiency and Resilience, Energy Efficiency - A Bridge to Low Carbon
Economy. (Z. Morvaj, Ed.) Shanghai, InTech: InTech.
Salat, S., & Bourdic, L. (2012a). Systemic Resilience of Complex. On Trees and Leaves. Journal of Land Use, Mobility and
Environment, 2, 55-69.
South African Cities Network. (2004). State of the Cities Report. Retrieved March 19, 2014, from http://bit.ly/sacn2004
Todes, A. (2006). Urban Spatial Policy. In U. Pillay, R. Tomlinson, & J. Du Toit (Eds.), Democracy and Delivery: Urban
Policy in South Africa (pp. 50-76). Cape Town: HSRC Press.
Walker, B., & Salt, D. (2006). Chapter 1: Living in a Complex World: An introduction to Resilience Thinking . In B. Walker, &
D. Salt, Resilience thinking: sustaining ecosystems and people in a changing world. Washington DC: Island Press.
Weakley, D. (2013). Recognising Vulnerability and Resilience in Informal Settlements: The Case of Kya Sands,
Johannesburg, South Africa. Research Report, MSc Town Planning. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
Weakley, D. (Forthcoming). Population Density and Transport in the City of Johannesburg: Results from the Gauteng City
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Using data from the Gauteng City Region Observatory’s Quality of Life Survey data, 2011 (GCRO, 2011)
Using the census 2011 sub-place layer (Quantec, 2013)
Enhancing urban resilience
through green infrastructure1
4.1 Rethinking Urban Ecological systems
The concept of green infrastructure has emerged internationally as a way of understanding how green
assets and ecological systems function as part of the infrastructural fabric that supports and sustains
society. Green infrastructure refers to the interconnected set of natural and man-made ecological
systems, green spaces and other landscape features. It includes green assets – networks of planted
and indigenous trees, wetlands, parks, green open spaces, original grassland and woodlands – as
well as building and street-level design interventions, incorporating vegetation such as green roofs
(Schaffler, et al., 2013).
“For many decision makers the environment remains a luxury good, deserving of
attention and budget resources only once more pressing needs with regards to housing
and basic services have been satisfied, or in order to prevent or respond to a natural
catastrophe. It is a view that fails to acknowledge the important linkages between
human well-being, development and the health of the natural environment (Cooke et al,
2010), but which remains prevalent due to the systematic discounting of environmental
value and the perceived lags between environmental investments and human benefit.”
(Cartwright & Oeloffse, 2014:14)
The functioning of green assets has assumed an infrastructural role through the idea that ecosystem
services can serve similar purposes to traditional grey infrastructure. The rationale behind this approach
is that green assets and green infrastructure deliver ecosystem services which can provide more
sustainable infrastructure alternatives for cities in the future (The URBES project, 2013a). Ecosystem
services are defined as the benefits supplied to humans by nature (Bolund & Hunhammar, 1999).
Urban ecosystem services can range from air purification, water flow regulation, erosion reduction and
disaster risk mitigation (The URBES project, 2013a). Other services provided by green infrastructure
include the provision of recreational and cultural space and green space, for urban food production.
Cities have become a central nexus in the relationship between people and nature as they have become
sites for both the demand and use of ecosystem services (Elmqvist, 2014). Ecosystem services typically
found in cities include food, water, construction material and waste assimilation, and the source of many
environmental impacts.The close relationship that exists between human and natural systems implies
that cities can neither become sustainable nor resilient until they have acknowledged their dependence
enhancing urban resilience through green infrastructure
on ecosystems (Elmqvist, 2014), and the value of their green assets. It is therefore necessary to start
considering the importance of managing green infrastructure in urban contexts (Elmqvist, 2014) and
its benefits for city-level planning and management. This is through its profound impacts on land use,
human welfare, social equity and sustainability in urban contexts (Ahern, 2011).
Brian Boshoff 2014
4.2 Green Infrastructure for urban resilience
Multi-functionality of ecosystem services
Walker et al. (2004) define urban resilience as the capacity of a system to absorb disturbance and
to reorganise while undergoing change, to retain similar function, structure, identity and feedbacks.
Creating urban resilience is a complex and multi-dimensional challenge for urban sustainability
planning and design (Ahern, 2011; The URBES project, 2013b). This is because it requires a proactive
and deliberate response to urban challenges or risks (Folke, 2006; Pelling, 2003). Ahern (2011) outlines
key design principles for building urban resilience and addressing resilience challenges faced by
cities. These principles present a way forward for considering the uptake of resilience programmes
on the ground. The principles include multi-functionality, redundancy and modularisation, biological
and social diversity, multi-scale networks and connectivity, and adaptive planning and design
(Ahern, 2011).
A key challenge for addressing the resilience of cities is that many urban problems are locally generated
(Bolund & Hunhammar, 1999). The best way to deal with these problems is through local-based
solutions that can offset the impacts in situ (Bolund & Hunhammar, 1999). An alternative solution for
addressing key resilience challenges faced by cities is through the uptake of an ecosystems approach
and through the implementation of green infrastructure. This allows for urban-based problems to be
addressed in situ, and allows for the uptake of all the design principles defined by Ahern (2011).
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
“Green infrastructure provides a space for habitat and biodiversity, which in turn provide
services to the urban environment that are not available through traditional grey infrastructure…
the provision of services is therefore an important aspect of green infrastructure” (Dunsmore,
Bolund and Hunhammar (1999) define a handful of urban green assets and the multi-functional services
that they provide in the urban context. The multi-functional characteristics provided by ecosystems
and their services are critical in understanding how green assets and infrastructure can create more
resilient cities. Focusing on trees (including street trees) as one example of urban green assets that
provide ecosystem services, Bolund and Hunhammar (1999) state that they provide air filtering, microclimate regulation, noise reduction, rainwater drainage (urban forest) and create recreational and
cultural values (see Table 4.1 for other examples).
In contrast to many grey
assets, which are typically
geared towards a single
purpose, natural systems
perform a range of functions.
In contrast to many grey assets, which are typically geared towards a single
purpose, natural systems perform a range of functions. Utility networks
in conventional infrastructure tend to remain dormant due to their monofunctional design, unless their specific service is required; this means
that they draw on vast resources to perform a single function (Belanger,
2009; Egyedi & Spirco, 2011). Ecological systems, on the other hand, are
naturally multi-functional, simultaneously providing a suite of services such
as flood alleviation, cooling heat islands, carbon capture, water filtration,
local food production and the provision of spaces for people and nature to
reconnect (Roe & Mell, 2012).
TABle 4.1: Urban ecosystems generating direct services
Air filtering
Micro-climate regulation
Noise reduction
Rainwater drainage
Sewerage treatment
Recreational/cultural values
Source: (Bolund & Hunhammar, 1999)
Based on Ahern’s (2011) resilience principles, when a function or service is provided by a central entity
of urban infrastructure it is more vulnerable and likely to fail. When the same function is provided by
a distributed or decentralised system it becomes more resistant to disturbance. Green infrastructure
allows for redundancy and modularisation – that is, spreading risks across geographical areas,
time and multiple systems. This is a result of the social, physical and economic diversity of green
infrastructure that forms part of an effective strategy for supporting urban resilience (Ahern, 2011).
In urban environments, the connectivity of built systems is generally robust and often over-designed.
However this is not necessarily the case for natural systems (Ahern, 2011). The fragmentation of
natural systems can lead to the vulnerability of urban landscape elements, creating significant impacts
on ecological processes. Connected natural systems networks are thus critical for building resilience
capacity as this maintains functional connectivity despite disturbances to the network.
enhancing urban resilience through green infrastructure
Planning for resilience in cities using a green infrastructure approach
Developing urban resilience through green infrastructure planning involves understanding the
functionality of ecosystems and how they can be used to benefit society. The importance of
ecosystem valuation is emphasised in developing a business case for planning and investing in green
infrastructure (De Wit et al., 2009).
From a strategic planning perspective, green infrastructure offers a unique opportunity for adaptive
planning and design through natural resource management (Ahern, 2011). The multiple services
provided by ecological assets can maximise the delivery of services and address critical infrastructure
backlogs. This shift in thinking involves incorporating the multifunctional services that could be
provided by one ecological asset in planning. This includes examining the interactions between
different ecological assets, and evaluating how they interact with grey infrastructure. Box 4.1. Briefly
discusses the consideration of cemeteries as green infrastructure, outlining the many environmental
services they can provide for cities.
Box 4.1: Cemeteries as Green Infrastructure
Cemeteries can be viewed as elements of green infrastructure, and can be planned and
designed so that they provide both social and ecological services. hose that have reached
full capacity and are either not well-maintained or have been abandoned can be rejuvenated
by including green infrastructure elements within them. Being planned as part of the
green infrastructure network automatically strengthens their ability to deliver ecosystem
services that contribute to the resilience of urban spaces. his goes beyond viewing them
as spaces that only provide the unique function of burial and the spiritual and social
aspects associated with it. For instance, cemeteries can provide ecosystem services such as
water retention, reducing urban heat-island, lood and soil erosion control and preserving
biodiversity. In this way, they can help conserve, protect and restore natural resources so
as to inluence adequate land-use and development practices and contributes to increased
urban resilience.
Brian Boshoff 2014
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
The premise of green infrastructure planning is that if ecosystem services are valued and systematically
planned alongside the services produced by conventional infrastructure, they can contribute to
society’s everyday functioning and build urban resilience at the same time. (The URBES Project,
2013c). This rationale encourages the extension and maintenance of existing green networks, and the
implementation of green-grey engineered solutions. A combined green-grey approach is a specialist
form of engineering infrastructure that replaces conventional elements for green assets, using a green
infrastructure approach (Pitman & Ely, n.d.).
Natural and engineered green infrastructure solutions can create unprecedented opportunities for
building resilient cities for the future. These green alternatives are explored through two examples that
address storm-water challenges – a natural approach, and an engineered approach. An example of
a natural green infrastructure option would be to design and develop a park using sustainable design
principles so that it provides both recreation and flood attenuation services. In this way, a park can
provide both recreational and storm-water management services (Sustainable Cities Institute, 2012).
An engineered green infrastructure approach could use vegetated swales, storm-water planters, rain
gardens, vegetated curb extensions, and green gutters and roofs, which act as combined grey-green
infrastructure to attenuate storm-water (Figure 4.1). Through pairing the correct green asset design
with the grey infrastructure in localised areas, the lifecycle costs associated with implementation and
maintenance of the overall solution can be reduced over the long term. In addition to the ecosystem
services that are provided, the maintenance of these networks can provide place-based jobs that can
absorb unskilled workers into the workforce and thus enhance livelihoods. At the same time, green
assets developed to extend grey networks can assist with water purification or storm-water attenuation.
Additional benefits include increased infiltration, which can reduce short-term drought impacts, as well
as erosion control and shade, which can prolong the lifespan of existing grey infrastructure.
FigURe 4.1: Green infrastructure has been used to alleviate the effects of storm-water on grey infrastructure. These images indicate methods of incorporating grey and green infrastructure to meet stormwater challenges. (Source: Bioform et al., 2011.)
enhancing urban resilience through green infrastructure
4.3 Urban resilience in city–regions
Co-ordinated green infrastructure efforts require the input and involvement of multi-level and multistakeholder actors to support the uptake, planning and management of green networks across
administrative boundaries. Thus city–regions create an opportune governance space to begin to
address green infrastructure interventions. Transitions in the planning, management and budgeting
of related green infrastructure programmes, using a multi-scalar approach, can allow for maximum
benefits provided by green infrastructure over the long term.
Table 4.2 highlights key examples of green infrastructure plans that address challenges, and provides
an existing evidence base for the uptake of a green infrastructure approach for increased urban
The following section reflects on some aspects of green infrastructure in the Gauteng City-Region.
TABle 4.2: Overview of green infrastructure plans and guidelines and how they have been design to
address key issues in cities and city-regions around the world.
Name of green
City /
Key focus
The All London
Green Grid
London, United
Kingdom (UK)
Greening urban environments to conserve nature,
increase access to nature, adapt to the impacts of
climate change and encourage healthy living.
New York City
Sustainable Storm
Water Management Plan
New York,
United States of
America (USA)
Create combined green-grey engineering to address
storm-water overflow challenges in the city.
NYC (2007)
Ecological Region
Decision-making tool for the acquisition, development
and management of green spaces to ensure the inclusion of biodiversity in planning and management, the
provision of urban food production, and climate change
Green: using local
spaces to tackle
inequality and
improve health
West Midlands
and Greater
The significance of urban green space on human health
and the well-being of different socio-economic and
ethnic communities, the impact of varying urban green
space quality on health and well-being, and how green
space can successfully be used to target inequality.
Commission for
and the Built
(CABE), (2010)
The value of
green infrastructure: a guide to
recognising its
economic, environmental and
social benefits
Mixed benefits of green infrastructure in urban contexts.
Generally refers to economic, environmental and social
benefits, but more specifically to the reduction of stormwater runoff, energy use, improved air quality, reduced
CO2, urban heat island effect, community liveability and
improved habitat.
Center for
Neighbourhood Technology & American Rivers
Green City Clean
Waters: The city
of Philadelphia’s
programme for
combined sewer
overflow control
Enhance watersheds and catchment areas by managing storm-water with innovative green infrastructure to
meet urban demands in a cost-effective manner.
Life: building up
Europe’s green
connectivity and
enhancing ecosystem functions
Combat biodiversity loss through increasing the connectivity of green networks, strengthening the functionality of ecosystems for delivering services to mitigate
and adapt to the effects of climate change, increasing
resilience of natural systems, promoting integrated
planning, and contributing to a greener economy.
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
4.4 A green infrastructure approach for the Gauteng City–Region
The GCR attracts people because of its relative success in creating job opportunities, the greater
availability of basic services such as water, housing and sanitation compared to other parts of South
Africa, its proximity to urban amenities, and higher standards of living (Schaffler, et al., 2013). As a
result, Gauteng’s population has grown faster than that of all other provinces, at an annual rate of 2.7%
between 2001 and 2011 (GCRO, 2012). These growth rates mean that Gauteng may have to meet the
needs of 16 million people by 2025, and 20 million people by 2050 (Schaffler, et al., 2013). The current
population densities are likely to increase from an estimated 672 to 859 people per square kilometre
by 2020 (GCRO, 2012).
he need to stretch resources
to meet the increased demand
for shelter, water, food, energy
and waste removal creates
compounded challenges for
the city–region.
Rapid population growth and increased population densities create challenges for
Gauteng amid existing service delivery and equity concerns. The need to stretch
resources to meet the increased demand for shelter, water, food, energy and
waste removal creates compounded challenges for the city–region. Added to this
are waste and pollution, and the fragmentation of natural and green spaces. While
the provision of infrastructure meets developmental and social agendas, the use
of traditional infrastructure “blankets” Gauteng’s land with impervious surfaces.
This once again compounds challenges related to storm-water runoff and heatisland effects, and impairs the functioning of natural systems that provide air and
water filtering services and regulate natural cycles (The URBES project, 2013b).
The following priorities have been identified in the Gauteng Provincial Government’s (GPG) Programme
of Action (2009–2014): creating decent work, promoting quality education, prioritising health care,
food security, reducing crime, building sustainable communities, and developing good governance. In
an attempt to address these key priorities, the GPG aims to invest in public infrastructure, encourage
the sustainable use and management of natural resources, and address inequality in the access to
basic services (GPG, 2009).
Green assets of the GCR and existing green infrastructure networks
Existing green infrastructure networks of the GCR include a combination of indigenous grassland,
mixed indigenous–exotic urban forest areas, as well as mix of planted vegetation found in private and
public green spaces. The latter also includes agricultural lands located on the outer urban edges of the
region. The networks of natural and planted green infrastructure connect across the GCR and spread
over internal and external administrative boundaries. These networks create living corridors in built-up
areas and urban nodes, providing a wide range of services to residents of the GCR.
Spatial datasets collected for the city–region reveal the mixed nature of the Gauteng landscape,
where naturally occurring vegetation is interspersed with planted vegetation. Figure 4.2 provides some
insight on the complexities of land transformation in the GCR. The following components are included
in the map: dense trees, woodland and grassland (“untransformed”); man-made green space, urban
trees, urban grass and cultivated land (“transformed”), and built-up areas (“urban”). Applying a green
infrastructure approach in Gauteng includes the appreciation of both transformed and untransformed
green features, including those located within the urban core.
The data illustrate that while some municipalities appear to be more urbanised than others, the share
of green assets per municipality is shown to be largely dominated by planted and natural grassland
and commercial agriculture (Figure 4.3).
An important component of green infrastructure is the interconnectedness of the green assets in an
integrated network – different forms of natural and planted vegetation, agricultural land, constructed
recreation places, protected areas and hydrological networks (Figure 4.4).The idea of connectivity
is important in understanding the role of planning an integrated green infrastructure network that
provides necessary services and builds urban resilience.
enhancing urban resilience through green infrastructure
A prominent green asset in the GCR is the large forested expanse which extends across the city–region.
It is evident that tree coverage is more concentrated in the urban core than the outer edges of the
province, and in overall terms, non-indigenous trees dominate the Gauteng landscape (Figure 4.5). The
greatest density of trees in the province is found in the City of Johannesburg (CoJ). The forest is not
uniformly distributed; there are distinct differences in coverage between north and south, and between
different areas. Many of the trees in the urban forest are between 50 and 100 years old, and date back
to tree-planting schemes that accompanied the mining boom in the late nineteenth century.
The striking socio-spatial differences in tree coverage in the CoJ are depicted in Figure 4.6, where high
tree concentrations are evident in historically wealthy areas and tree coverage is sparse in informal
settlements. The uneven share of green space in Gauteng has fuelled the drive to readdress the
ecological disparities that were inherited from the apartheid era. Green infrastructure planning in this
regard not only provides an opportunity to equalise the access to green spaces across the province,
but also creates an opportunity to serve those who have been historically under-served by ecosystem
services. In this way, green assets can be linked to the discourse on the rights to services and the
inequality in infrastructure coverage. The obligation to improve access to green space for all individuals
in Gauteng has generated strategic dialogues about relative shares of green space for a particular
population group and standards for maximising access (Schaffler, et al., 2013).
FigURe 4.2: Landscape transformation status in Gauteng
(Source: GTI 10m LandCover data, 2009)
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
FigURe 4.3: Percentage of selected land-cover classes of each municipality in Gauteng
(source: GTI 2,5m urban land cover, 2012)
FigURe 4.4: Overview of the multi-layered and connected green infrastructure networks of the GCR
(Source: A merger of green datasets from 1) municipalities of Gauteng (City of Johannesburg, City of Tshwane,
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, West Rand District Municipality, Mogale City Local Municipality, Randfontein
Local Municipality, Midvaal Local Municipality and Merafong Local Municipality); 2) Gauteng Provincial departments
(Gauteng Department of Agricultural and Rural Development, Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport); 3) National departments (South African National Defence Force, South African National Biodiversity Institute, National Geo
Spatial Information, Department of Environmental Affairs, Council for Scientiic Research) and 4) Purchased datasets
(GTI 2,5m urban land cover, 2012).
enhancing urban resilience through green infrastructure
FigURe 4.5: Indigenous and non-natural trees in Gauteng
(Source: GTI 2,5m urban land cover, 2012 and AfriGIS suburbs layer)
FigURe 4.6: Tree coverage in Bryanston (left) and Alexandra (right)
(Source: GTI 2.5m urban land cover, 2012 and AfriGIS Suburbs Layer)
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
FigURe 4.7A AND B a) Wards above or below 2ha parks per 1000 individuals; b) The total population per
SAL that fall within and outside a 750m buffer of parks.
(Source: Johannesburg City Parks, 2013 and StatsSA Census 2011)
Figure 4.7a represents wards in the CoJ that fall above (green) and below (black) the City’s “two
hectare” target of quality parks per 1000 people. It is clear from this analysis that the majority of wards
in the City are below the target, and those wards that either meet or exceed the target are concentrated
in historically wealthy parts of the city. It is important to note that this analysis fails to reveal that those
wards below the two-hectare target are not necessarily underserved in terms of public parks. Figure
4.7b indicates an alternative measure of access – the total population per small area layer (SAL) that
falls within and beyond a 750 metre buffer of a public park (i.e. an average walking time of 15 minutes).
Based on this analysis, 93% of the City’s population (in SALs) falls within a 750 metre buffer. There are,
however, many concentrations of people without immediate access to parks. The deficit in parks is
significant, as the largest gaps in access are located in the poorer southern parts of the city. There is
also a clear deficit of parks in the far north, which has seen extensive urban growth in recent years. The
comparison between the two means of assessing park access and provision illustrates the complexity
of measuring and providing useful information for planning and policy-making.
Existing and potential green infrastructure projects of the GCR
From an engineered perspective, green assets perform better as part of a larger network of assets
and can provide a range of services that contribute to the overall resilience of a system (Dunsmore,
2014). There is a range of current municipal projects that already link with the aims and objectives of
a green infrastructure approach (Dunsmore, 2014). Some of these include vegetation along powerline corridors, rooftop gardens, swales for storm-water attenuation and constructing new wetlands
(Dunsmore, 2014). Despite this, there is no co-ordinated approach to introducing and developing
enhancing urban resilience through green infrastructure
green assets, and attention is mainly given to site-specific opportunities (Dunsmore, 2014). While
international best practice provides a good base from which to implement grey-green design solutions
on the ground (see Table 4.2), it is necessary to develop locally adapted standards. In Gauteng, the
Highveld conditions present challenges for the direct uptake of these guidelines; more research and
development is needed.
4.5 Valuing Green Infrastructure
Globally, innovative urban solutions such as green infrastructure have had to mobilise funding
through alternative instruments and programmes. A range of public and private instruments exist for
funding resilience projects at the local level, including local taxes, user charges, concessions for key
infrastructure, commercial loans and municipal bonds (Kidney, 2014). All
of these instruments rely on placing a value on green infrastructure.
A key consideration in valuation is appreciation or depreciation over time,
and the associated ability to provide services, and to build or reduce
resilience. The value of green assets is understood to appreciate in
value over time, unlike traditional grey infrastructure which depreciates
over time. In South African municipal accounting practices, time-based
depreciation rates are applied to fixed infrastructure assets (SPAID, 2010).
Because green infrastructure grows in value over time, and increases the
ability to provide benefits and services, investing in and maintaining green
infrastructure leads to compounded benefits over time.
he value of green assets is
understood to appreciate
in value over time, unlike
traditional grey infrastructure
which depreciates over time.
Green infrastructure and ecosystems can be attributed multiple values including economic, ecological,
socio-cultural, health and insurance values (Table 4.3) (The URBES Project, 2013c). Despite the
significant value of ecosystem services, these values are seldom recognised by urban planners and
decision-makers, and the impacts of their loss are consequently invisible to these processes (The
URBES Project, 2013c).
“Most people do not know that they rely on ecosystem services, and so they need to develop
an understanding of what services they use, how they access it, what habitat produces it,
where in the landscape does it come from, who owns the land that produces it, and what the
owners are doing to that landscape” (Mander, 2014:9).
Incorporating green infrastructure values into public planning and budgeting requires an understanding
of the potential role of the monetary valuation of ecosystem goods and services. Through monetary
valuation, the economic multipliers of investing in ecosystems become evident. The value derived from
ecosystems in terms of the return on public investment in green infrastructure is significantly better
than traditional returns. This shows the value of using public funds to sustain and invest in ecological
assets (De Wit et al., 2013).
In an attempt to map the value of green networks in the CoJ, De Wit, Van Zyl and Crookes (2013)
conducted a study to estimate the total economic value of green infrastructure. The benefits transfer
technique was used to generate preliminary indicative values, and it relied on valuation findings from
an analysis conducted for the City of Cape Town.3
The share of green assets in the CoJ was calculated according to value estimates (low, medium
and high) in South African Rand per hectare per year (R/Ha/Yr). The study reveals that values vary
according to the type and area of the green asset. Figure 4.8 indicates the medium estimate calculated
in 2013 for all green asset types recorded in the City.4 Broad-scale trends across the CoJ regions
depict that open space values correspond with total area of open space (Figure 4.9). There are some
exceptions, such as Region D, which has a concentration of higher value open space types compared
to other regions. The high value in Region D is a result of the large number of municipal sports grounds
located in this region.
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
There is increasing evidence that investment in green infrastructure will have cost-saving benefits
for municipalities (NYC, 2007). As such, green infrastructure as a framework for planning is gaining
momentum worldwide in various urban and regional strategies, plans, policies and projects (e.g. Table
4.2). Many valuation exercises are aimed at demonstrating the value of green space, to encourage the
maintenance and extension of these networks for the services they provide.
Measuring and accounting for the resources consumed in cities and is also important when considering
the value that the wider environment provides for urban inhabitants. This is explored through the notion
of “ecological footprints” in Box 4.2.
TABle 4.3: Overview of the multiple values that can be attributed to green infrastructure and the ecosystem services they provide (extracted from The URBES Project, 2013c).
Types of value that can be
attributed to ecosystem
Direct or indirect monetary values. An example of this can include costs
avoided for property damage as a result of environmental extremes.
Environmental outputs that have value for human beings. An example of this
is water filtration.
Moral, spiritual, aesthetic, ethics and values associated with biodiversity
and ecosystem services. This can include emotional, affective and symbolic
The health benefits for humans obtained from green spaces. This can include
mental health.
The contribution of ecosystems and ecosystem services to increased resilience and reduced vulnerability due to shocks, such as flooding.
Brian Boshoff 2014
enhancing urban resilience through green infrastructure
Box 4.2: Natural assets and ecosystems beyond the city boundaries
Most cities are unable to meet the needs of their populations from within the city
boundaries, but must rely on resources (food, water, energy, material goods) imported
from elsewhere. While some of these resources may be obtained from the surrounding
region, they are increasingly being drawn from distant areas across the globe, as supply
chains become more and more globalised. his means that cities are embedded in a much
larger system. he resilience of a city cannot be assessed without considering this larger
system and the dependencies and feedbacks it introduces. he more dependent a city is on
the natural assets and ecosystems beyond its boundaries, the more strongly its resilience
will be determined by factors beyond the control of city authorities.
Ecological footprint analysis is a resource accounting tool which uses economic data to
illustrate the demand made by cities (or countries or regions or households) on the natural
environment. he ecological footprint for a particular human population is deined as the
total area of productive land and water ecosystems required to produce the resources that
the population consumes and assimilate the wastes the population produces, wherever
on earth that land and water may be located (Rees, 1995, p. 200). he human demand
on natural resources is measured in relation to “biocapacity”, or the overall capacity of
ecosystems to produce materials useful to the economy and to absorb waste, using current
management schemes and extraction technologies. When a city’s demand on nature
exceeds the regenerative capacity of the relevant ecosystems, “overshoot” occurs, leading
to a depletion of natural assets and a build-up of waste.
he ecological footprint is useful for assessing resilience because it helps to capture the
connections between the city and the larger system. Dependence on distant ecosystems
is not necessarily a bad thing, but a city whose inhabitants are consuming more than
their fair share of resources has compromised its long-term resilience. Recognising this, a
number of cities have adopted the ecological footprint as an indicator of progress towards
sustainability. hese cities include San Francisco, Vancouver, Quito, Hong Kong, London,
Cape Town and Johannesburg.
Calculating ecological footprints at city level is challenging due to the complexity of the
interactions between cities and the larger system, as well as the lack of data. However,
several new methods have been developed recently which overcome these obstacles
and allow ecological footprints to be calculated for diferent socio-economic groups,
neighbourhoods, households and even products. hese methods can help city authorities
to develop strategies to increase their resilience, within the context of the larger system.
4.6 Conclusion
Green Infrastructure – the interconnected set of natural and man-made ecological systems,
green spaces, and other landscape features – presents an unprecedented opportunity for the
uptake of alternative approaches to city planning and management in the future. The concept of
green infrastructure has emerged internationally as a way of understanding how green assets and
ecological systems can work as part of the infrastructural fabric that supports and sustains society and
builds resilience.
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
FigURe 4.8: Overview of indicative values (R/ha/yr) for open space types in the City of Johannesburg
FigURe 4.9: Overview of indicative values (R/ha/yr) for all open space types in the City of
Johannesburg across low, medium and high scenarios
enhancing urban resilience through green infrastructure
Green assets have assumed an infrastructural role through the idea of ecosystem services and the
promotion of these to meet key challenges faced by cities and city-regions around the world. Green
Infrastructure is a multi-functional alternative to traditional grey infrastructure. It appreciates in value
over time, and offers cities a more sustainable option for meeting increasing service delivery demands.
At the same time, it creates a more resilient urban form that can mitigate the effects of natural shocks
and climate change.
Green infrastructure boasts benefits that are not always appreciated in valuation approaches and
techniques. Thus, incorporating it into public planning and budgeting requires an understanding of the
potential role of the monetary valuation of ecosystem goods and services. However, monetary valuation
alone has proved insufficient to transform municipal planning and decision-making processes. Cities
around the world are grappling with how to incorporate the true value of green assets and ecosystem
services into local government accounting and decision-making. Until the value (both monetary and
non-monetary) of green assets is understood and incorporated into municipal systems, the ecosystems
approach that underpins the concept of green infrastructure will not be adequately included the in the
planning and developmental mandates of cities.
The scope and potential for the uptake of a green infrastructure approach in the GCR is extensive.
The vast wealth of green spaces, both natural and man-made, together with the green corridors, inject
life into urban nodes and create a prime canvas for the implementation of alternative infrastructure for
building resilience. Through maintaining and/or extending green networks in the GCR, using natural
systems or combined grey-green engineered solutions, the direct benefits and cost savings can work
to direct resources and funds into achieve the GPG’s Programme of Action. In the context of growing
demand for services and development in the GCR, planners and policy makers are under pressure
to ensure development and service provision at the lowest cost to people and the environment.
Green infrastructure provides a unique and multi-functional solution for short-term problems with longterm benefits.
Box 4.3. Complex-adaptive infrastructure systems
here is growing use of the term “resilient infrastructure” but variance in the way it is
understood. he most common use refers to the extent to which infrastructure is protected
from disruptive events and/or is able to recover from these events. One deinition of
resilient infrastructure is “the infrastructure’s ability to continue to provide critical
services eiciently following a disruptive event” (Sandia National Laboratories, 2014,
p. 1). In the United States, for example, this understanding of resilient infrastructure
is commonly referred to in relation to concerns with national and “homeland security”
(U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 2013).
here are arguably three key principles in relation to this understanding of infrastructural
When one element of a network fails, the total system should be protected;
When the total system fails, critical individual elements of the system should be
protected; and
Where failure happens, it should be a “safe-failure” (meaning that failure should not
result in catastrophe as may happen when a levee breaks during a lood or the single
source of water for a municipality fails).
here is growing attention to the technical capabilities required to achieve this by applying
concepts of redundancy, coupling, and decoupling. Redundancy requires alternative
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
means of providing an infrastructural service if there is a disruption. Coupling means
joining systems together so that there are more options when a disruption does occur. In
some parts of the world, for example, countries are linking their energy grids to reduce
the risk of failure in any one country. Decoupling, in contrast, refers to the ability to
delink rapidly from a larger system to protect a critical component of infrastructure from
cascading failure. So, for example, hospitals, critical communication facilities, and water
treatment plants, need to be decoupled in the event of a power failure.
In terms of power supply, for example, a more complex system of distributed generation
and storage will allow for higher levels of redundancy, coupling, and decoupling. Reliance
however on a few large power stations, and on a simple distribution network, leaves a
country or city highly vulnerable to disruption.
New York is an example of a city that has been struck by multiple disasters in recent years
that have afected the power grid. here has been a tornado, blizzard, tidal surge, heat
wave, and also the infamous Superstorm Sandy. he results have been damages, outages,
and the temporary loss of the subway service. here is now a strong recognition that
resilience of electricity infrastructure is critical, and the city has prepared a strategy for a
range of investments to protect and strengthen the grid. here are investments to make
infrastructure more robust (e.g. water prooing of sub-stations), to reduce peak demand
and network congestion, and to develop a smart grid for greater responsiveness (e.g. smart
meters which communicate reliable information on performance and use of the network)
(Arup, RPA & Siemens, 2013).
he idea of infrastructural resilience as avoiding or coping with disruption is important.
With greater concentration of people in urban areas, and increased dependence on large
infrastructure networks, vulnerabilities have increased, and we do need to mitigate this.
To some extent we can achieve this by applying the sort of technical solutions that are
being introduced in New York City (recognising, of course, that many municipalities in
South Africa face resource and capacity challenges and will need to ind locally appropriate
We also need to understand that dealing with disruption to infrastructure is not only a
technical matter. As one commentator observed:
“When dealing with severe weather events, the type that climate change is
making more common, improved infrastructure is important. But the social ties
of a neighborhood – the kind of relationships that are nurtured by trips to the
corner cofee shop and chats on the sidewalk – might prove equally important
when it comes to saving lives” (Goodyear, 2013, p. 1).
We do however need to go beyond this broadly “equilibrist” approach to infrastructure
resilience with its emphasis on response to disruption (as important as this is). Investments
in infrastructure produce assets that shape development patterns for decades, and so
the long-term efects must always be considered. A key consideration is how current
investment in infrastructure will support the transition to a low-carbon economy, and
how it will assist in mitigating, and adapting to, climate change.
Municipalities need to invest in low-carbon infrastructure. hey need to consider direct
support for the production of electricity from renewables; energy storage; retroitting of
buildings for energy eiciency; use of green assets (e.g. green roofs, rainwater harvesting,
urban forests and wetlands); low-carbon transport solutions including non-motorised
enhancing urban resilience through green infrastructure
transport; and more. Direct investment by municipalities is important but will have a
limited impact, and so attention should also be given to inluencing the behaviour of
irms and individual households through regulation, targeted incentives and subsidies,
mobilizing private resources (e.g. green bonds), tarif structures, and so on. All i
nfrastructure and related decisions must be made with direct consideration of the longterm impact and of its contribution to sustainability goals. (As a resource, see for example,
ADEPT, 2011).
Fortunately, there are now many examples we can draw on for guidance. he City of Toronto,
for example, has a low carbon infrastructure plan which provides a comprehensive set of
interventions to change the growth path of the city (Sugar & Kennedy, 2013). hese include:
Bold interventions to reduce use of energy and emissions from buildings including:
designing all post-2012 buildings to consume 60 percent less energy than standard;
retroitting all pre-2012 buildings; solar air heating and green roofs on commercial
buildings; designing post-2012 buildings with borehole thermal energy storage
(BTES); and, solar water heating and ground-source heat pumps in pre-2012 homes.
Signiicant interventions in the transportation sector including: improved public
transit infrastructure; a complete shift to electric vehicles; improved bicycle
infrastructure; increased parking prices; and, taxes and tolls on private vehicles.
Advice need not only come from the global North however. Across the BRICS countries, for
example, there are a range of innovative low carbon solutions. here are big investments in
public transit infrastructure across almost all large BRICS cities, and also signiicant gains
in terms of energy eiciency. here are especially innovative examples from cities such as
Sao Paulo and Shanghai. In Sao Paulo, for instance, an elevated freeway is being closed to
create a linear public park while in Shanghai petroleum-based fuels are being replaced with
green alternatives. In Shanghai, the municipality has an ambitious programme for generating
electricity through ofshore wind farms and is investing heavily in intermodal transport hubs.
Although there is guidance, there are critical challenges and choices. he key emerging
debate over the long-term future is whether resilience and sustainability may be best
achieved through more eicient integration into “smart grids” or whether the most secure
long term solution is to reduce dependence on these systems through of-grid solutions.
Municipalities need to think intelligently about this, understanding that decisions do
need to be made, but that the long term solutions may not be either-or. It is possible to
conceive of smarter networks but also of fail-safe alternatives to these networks. Smaller
cities and towns are also making progress across the BRICS countries, although with
scaled down programmes.
As a conclusion, we reproduce below the advice ofered by Her Majesty’s Treasury to
organisations concerned with carbon reduction. his is advice that could be taken up by
municipalities in South Africa who are using the provision of infrastructure as one of the
paths towards long term sustainability (H.M. Treasury, 2013, pp. 19-20).
Efective leadership
Vision – Provide the highest-level sponsorship, vision and commitment
Values – Embed carbon reduction as a core organisational value – make it part of the
Policy – Deliver clear and consistent policies on carbon reduction
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
Communication and culture
Behaviour – Be clear what carbon behaviours are wanted and reward them
Communication – Share carbon knowledge efectively within your organisation, your
supply chain and the wider industry
Skills – Develop carbon skills at all levels through education and training
Metrics and governance
Baselines – Know where you’re starting from; establish a baseline against which to measure
Targets – Set stretching carbon targets and strive to beat them
Tools – Put appropriate carbon modelling tools into the hands of those that need them
Visibility – Shine a light on carbon performance
Governance – Build clear and efective carbon control into the delivery process
Innovation and standards
Innovation – Unleash new thinking across the supply chain
Standards – Enable existing standards and speciications to be challenged; set new
standards for carbon best practice
Commercial solutions
Procurement – Bake carbon into commercial and contractual solutions; create a
commercial environment in which innovation can thrive
Reward – Align supply chain objectives with reducing carbon; support positive carbon
behaviours through long-term incentives; equitably share risk and reward
Integration – Remove blockers in the value chain
ADEPT. (2011, February). Building a low-carbon Britain. Retrieved November 7, 2014, from The Association of Directors
of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport: http://www.forumforthefuture.org/sites/default/files/project/
Ahern, J. (2011). From fail-safe to safe-to-fail: sustainability and resilience in the new urban world. Landscape and Urban
Planning, 314 -343.
Arup, RPA & Siemens. (2013). Toolkit for Resilient Cities: Infrastructure, Technology and Urban Planning. New York.
Belanger, P. (2009). Landscape as Infrastructure. Landscape Journal, 28(1).
BioForm, Greening Virginia’s Capitol, Department of Conservation and Recreation, United State Environmental Protection
Agency, & Nevue Ngan Associates. (2011). Green Capitols Programme: Green Infrastructure at All 50 State Capitols.
Bolund, P., & Hunhammar, S. (1999). Ecosystem services in urban areas. Ecological Economics, 293 - 301.
Brugmann, J. (2014, May). Founder of ICLEI. Resilient Cities Conference 2014. Quote from plenary session. Bonn,
Cartwright, A., & Oeloffse, G. (2014). Scoping a process for conducting ecosystem services valuation as part of a green
infrastructure plan for the Gauteng City-Region. Cape Town: Expert commisisoned work completed for the Gauteng
City - Region Observatory. Not published.
enhancing urban resilience through green infrastructure
Center for Neighbourhood Technology, & American Rivers. (2010). The Value of Green Infrastructure: a guide to
recognising its economic, environmental and social benefits. Retrieved October 15, 2014, from Center for
Neighbourhood Technology: http://www.cnt.org/repository/gi-values-guide.pdf
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inequality and improve health. Retrieved October 15, 2014, from Open Space: http://www.openspace.eca.ac.uk/pdf/
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Poverty and the Environment: Co-publication of the World Bank, WWF and Edward Elgar.
de Wit, M., van Zyl, H., & Crookes, D. J. (2013). Techniques for valuing green infrastructure. In A. Shaffler, N. Christopher,
K. Bobbins, E. Otto, M. Nhlozi, M. de Wit, et al., State of Green Infrastructure in the Gauteng City-Region, 1 -196.
Dunsmore, S. (2014). Scoping a process for the design and uptake of combined grey - green engineered solutions, as
part of a green infrastructure plan. Johannesburg: Expert Commissioned piece completed for the Gauteng City Region Observatory (GCRO). Not published.
Egyedi, T., & Spirco, J. (2011). Standards in transitions: Catalyzing infrastructure change. Futures, 1-14.
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Folke, C. (2006). Resilience: The emergence of a perspective for social–ecological systems analyses. Global
Environmental Change, 16, 253-267.
Gauteng Provincial Government. (2009). Programme of Action 2009 - 2014. Retrieved July 24, 2014, from Gauteng
Provincial Government: file:///C:/Users/a0031073/Downloads/Gauteng%20Provincial%20Government%20
GCRO. (2012). GCRO Data Brief: No.1 of 2012: Key findings from statistics South Africa’a 2011 National Census for
Gauteng. 31 October.
Goodyear, S. (2013, January 3). Resilience Is About Relationships, Not Just Infrastructure. Retrieved November 7, 2014,
from CityLab: http://www.citylab.com/weather/2013/01/resilience-about-relationships-not-just-infrastructure/4305/
Greater London Authority. (2011). The All London Green Grid. London: Greater London Authority Printer.
H.M. Treasury. (2013, November). Infrastructure Carbon Review. Retrieved November 7, 2014, from Gov.uk: https://www.
Kidney, S. (Presenter). (2014, May 31). Climate Bonds Initiative. Resilient Cities Congress 2014, 5th Global Forum on
Urban Resilience and Adaptation, Bonn, Germany.
Mander, M. (2014). Valuing green assets in Gauteng. Knysna: Expert Commissioned written piece for the Gauteng CityRegion Observatory (GCRO). Completed by FutureWorks. Not published.
Metropolis. (2011). Ecological Region: Commission 1. Retrieved October 15, 2014, from Metropolis: http://www.
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NYC (2007). NYC Green Infrastructure Plan: A sustainable strategy for clean waterways. New York City: PlaNYC & NYC
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Pitman, S., & Ely, M. (n.d.). From grey to green: life support for human habitats. Retrieved July 23, 2014, from Adeiade
Government documents: https://www.google.co.za/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=
Rees, W. (1995). Revisiting Carrying Capacity: Area-Based Indicators of Sustainability. Population and Environment, 7(3),
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Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-12.
Sandia National Laboratories. (2014). Application: Resilient Design / Infrastructure Resilience. Retrieved November 7,
2014, from Complex Adaptive Systems of Systems Engineering: http://www.sandia.gov/casosengineering/resilience.
Schaffler, A., Natasha , C., Bobbins, K., Emmarie, O., Nhlozi, M., de Wit, M., et al. (2013). State of Green Infrastructure in
the Gauteng City-Region. Johannesburg: Gauteng City Region Observatory.
SPAID. (2010). The State of Municipal Infrastructure. Retrived November 20, 2013, from cidb: http://www.cidb.org.za/
Sugar, L., & Kennedy, C. (2013). A low carbon infrastructure plan for Toronto, Canada. Canadian Journal of Civil
Engineering, 40, 86-96.
Sustainable Cities Institute. (2012). Green infrastructure: Overview. Retrived June 6, 2013, http://www.
The URBES project. (2013a). Urban biodiveristy and ecosystem services. Factsheet 1. Stockholm: URBES Printer.
The URBES project. (2013b). Biodoveristy and ecosystem services: the foundation for human health and well-being.
Factsheet 2. Stockholm: Urbes Printer.
The URBES Project. (2013c). Valuing ecosystem services in urban areas. Factsheet 3. Stockholm: URBES Printer.
Turpie, J., Joubert, A., Van Zyl, H., Harding, B., & Leiman, A. (2001). Valuation of open space in the Cape Metropolitian
Area. A report to the City of Cape Town: City of Cape Town.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (2013). National Infrastructure Protection Plan: Partnering for Critical Infrastructure
Security and Resilience. Retrieved November 7, 2014, from U.S. Department of Homeland Security: http://www.dhs.
Walker, B., Holling, C. S., Carpenter, S. R., & Kinzig, A. (2004). Resilience, adaptability and transformability in social–
ecological systems. Ecology and Society, 9(2), 5.
This piece is based on the Gauteng City–Region Observatory’s (GCRO) multi-year Green Assets and Infrastructure
project. The aim of the project is to produce a Green Infrastructure Guideline Plan for the Gauteng City–Region
(GCR). The insights of this written contribution are drawn from the “State of Green Infrastructure in the GCR” Report,
published by the GCRO in 2013, and commissioned work on green infrastructure across South Africa, specifically
on valuation and grey-green engineering. These insights sum up the role of green infrastructure in building urban
resilience, and piece together a critical reflection for the uptake of a green infrastructure approach for the GCR.
More information on this study can be found in Turpie et al. (2001).
For a more detailed overview of values calculated for the CoJ, see Appendix A.
APPeNDix A: Overview of indicative values per hectare per year for open space types in the City of
Johannesburg (source Schafler et al., 2013).
Economic resilience
In recent years there has been a growing use of the term resilience in relation to national, regional and
local economies. This relates in part to concerns in the wake of the 2008 global economic crisis and
in part to a growing understanding that long term resilience requires more sustainable resource use
and less carbon dependency.
This section of the report deals with both aspects of economic resilience. First, it addresses the ability
of local economies to bounce-back after an economic shock and, more importantly, to adjust to
continually changing economic realities. Secondly, it addresses the transition of economies towards
resource sustainability and green production for long-term resilience.1
5.1 Bounce-back and adjustment
5.1.1 Deining economic resilience
Briguglio et al (2009) define a resilient economy as one that is able to:
This notion of resilience is strongly present in a literature which deals with both the effects of an
economic recession (or shock such as the collapse of a property or stock market bubble) and the
economic impact of an unexpected natural disaster such as a flood, earthquake or drought (Park, Cho,
& Rose, 2011; Hallegatte, 2014).
This understanding draws exclusively on an equilibrist notion of resilience (See Chapter 1). While it
is important for a local economy to recover from a major disturbance, resilience should not only be
understood in relation to big and sudden events. An evolutionary or transformative notion of resilience
would appreciate that the wider economy (up to the global scale) is in a constant state of change and
that local economic resilience must involve the capacity for on-going successful adaptations. It must
also involve adaptation to anticipated future conditions such as resource scarcity and climate change.
Simmie and Martin (2010) take the evolutionary view of economic resilience. They warn that short-term
resilience (that is, the ability to withstand shock) does not necessarily indicate long-term resilience.
economic resilience
Indeed, it may even suggest a long-term lack of resilience. An economy that is unresponsive to change
may in fact indicate functional and structural rigidity. Hassink (2010) advises that it is “lock-ins” or
“path-dependencies” that are the real impediment to long-term resilience. Raco and Street (2012)
warn that an equilibrist approach to resilience could support very conservative politics that direct us
towards ‘more of the same’. It may simply return us to a previously unacceptable state in terms of
resource use or socio-economic exclusion.
A transformative approach suggests that crisis may in fact lead us towards a more desirable state. As
Schumpeter (1943) famously suggested with his theory of “creative destruction”, turbulence can be a
driver of positive change. We do need to recover from shock but a long-term perspective on resilience
may require economic re-orientation rather than a return to a pre-existing condition. Resilience is
however not just about the threats and opportunities of an unexpected shock but also adaptation
to an on-going state of change that supports evolution towards more inclusive and sustainable
economic forms.
5.1.2 Differences in economic resilience
The difficulty here is that, as far as we are aware, there is no empirical data that provides an account of
evolutionary or transformative resilience in cities. The evolutionary perspective on economic resilience
is relatively new and a methodology of assessing and measuring the ability of a local economy to
adapt in response to on-going change is not adequately developed.
What we do have however is a number of studies which show the bounce-back of economies from
the global crisis of 2008. As discussed above, bounce-back is a measurement of equilibrist resilience
rather than evolutionary or transformative resilience. While we are wary of using this data to generate
conclusions on resilience, the data is helpful in making the simple point that there are significant
differentials between cities in economic responsiveness and performance. It raises the vexing question
of why the difference?
The Global Metro Monitor (Berube, et al., 2010) provides a comparative account of the extent to which
150 major cities coped with the global economic crisis. The overall picture is of strong performance
in cities in East Asia (with the exception of Japan and Thailand), weak performance in Europe and
mixed performance in North and Latin America. South Africa’s three largest metropolitan cities proved
relatively resilient compared with many cities in Europe and North America, and even compared with
some of the larger cities in Latin America. The global-regional or national location of cities did make
a difference but there are also considerable differences within regions and nations which require
close attention.
The report revealed the following:
35 of the 150 cities experienced no recession and continued to grow despite the crisis (for
example, Beijing, Sydney, New Delhi and Bogota)
Montreal and Tokyo)
77 had made an at least partial recovery from recession losses (for example, Berlin, London,
Johannesburg, New York, Vienna and Copenhagen);
al., 2010)
There have also been some regional and local studies. Forbes and Brookings2 analyse the relative
performance of cities in the USA on an on-going basis, and show considerable variation in performance
across the country. Cities like Denver, Dallas and Minneapolis have done well while others including
Las Vegas, Detroit and Cincinnati have performed poorly.
Cox et al (2014) reveal, for example, the differential impacts of the 2008 crisis on regions in England in
the United Kingdom. London held its own with a zero change in employment between 2008 and 2013;
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
most regions experienced negative change; but a few enjoyed continued growth despite the national
recession (for example, Liverpool City Region, Nottingham and Worcestershire). In South Africa we still
lack reliable economic data at municipal scale but our preliminary analysis does reveal considerable
difference in the level of recovery from the economic shock.
The key analytical challenge is how to explain these differences. Why are some places worse hit than
others during economic shock? Why do some places continue to flourish despite an overall crisis?
5.1.3 Explaining the source of economic resilience
The Brookings Institution (Berube, et al., 2010) provides some indication of why there has been
differential performance (over and above the clearly significant effects of national differences). Industry
specialization and differences in human capital stock were among the key factors identified.
Brookings concluded that:
during and immediately after the recession (not surprising given the sensitivity of property and
construction to economic change);
bounce-back after the recession;
Cities with non-market services as a signiicant component of the economy (government,
education, health etc.) tended to weather the storm better.
Industrial structure is certainly important. If a local economy is highly dependent on a sector which
is under stress globally or nationally, it is likely to be adversely affected (although local factors may
mitigate this). It does not follow however that the focus of a municipality should be on matching the local
industrial structure to global trends. What may be an ingredient of success today may not be tomorrow
and given global economic volatility it is highly unlikely that even the best minds will successfully
predict the best industrial structure for a local economy in the future. In 2008, cities with a large nonmarket service sector were apparently more resilient than those more dependent on consumers, yet it
is not guaranteed that this will be the case in the future. Having said this, however, there are industries
which are threatened by market or technological trends, and we may need to ask whether they can
be renewed or whether workers should be reskilled and firms supported in making a transition to new
industries? The flexibility of the human capital stock – in terms of both capability and willingness to
restructure – is clearly critical to the resilience of a local economy.
Although some intervention may be required to support particular sectors (for example, manufacturing
or tourism) the most effective way to promote local economic resilience is to support critical resiliencesupporting factors across sectors, industries and firms.
We have consolidated below a list of critical factors drawn from the work of a number of scholars
(Voss, Bauknecht, & Kemp, 2006; Simmie & Martin, 2010; Wolfe, 2010; Greenham, Cox, & RyanCollins, 2013; Cox, Broadbridge, & Raikes, 2014).
Strong intelligence capacity within local government structures to ensure a good on-going
understanding of the nature of the local economies and of external trends;
economic resilience
business, labour, civil society, higher education & research) in support of common visions and
actions to promote inclusive economic growth3;
in relation to attitudes, skills and knowledge;
Local innovative capacity supported by factors such as entrepreneurial ability, access to
venture capital, local networks of trust, investment in research and development, and knowledge
A municipality may be fortunate to have many of these capabilities in place but a lack of these
conditions for resilience does not mean invariable failure. A number of writers have referred to “selfmade economic resilience” (for example, Cordina, 2004). The research has been conducted in
relation to national economies but is equally applicable to regional or local economies. The so-called
“Singapore paradox” refers to the way in which a small and vulnerable economy with few internal
resources achieved rapid sustainable growth through careful nurturing.4
It is important to note that a locality may withstand a shock or bounce-back rapidly from the disturbance
but not prove resilient in the long-term. Cox et al (2014) are critical of the approaches taken in the UK to
support local economic recovery after the 2008 economic crisis. They warn that the focus is primarily
on short term recovery rather than on building long-term resilience and sustainability with preparing for
a future of natural resource scarcity and rapid climate change a key element in this.
Box 5.1 The New Climate Economy Report
he New Climate Economy Report in (World Resources Institute, 2014a) marks a
key moment in the long standing debate on the relationship between environmental
sustainability and economic growth. It argues strongly that “countries at all income levels
have the opportunity to build lasting economic growth and at the same time reduce the
immense risk of climate change” (World Resources Institute, 2014a, p. 1).
he report was prepared by a Commission led by a previous President of Mexico, Felipe
Calderón, and advised by some of the world’s leading economists. It was established as a
partnership between a number of the world’s leading research institutions. he report of
the Commission ofers a strong narrative on the relationship between the economy and
climate resilience and sets out a ten-point Global Action Plan to achieve robust economic
development within a low-carbon economy.
he message of the report is timely and critical. he next two decades or so can be a period
of great progress and growth even as we make the necessary transition to a low-carbon
path. his challenges the idea that there is a necessary trade-of between the two.
he report argues that the transition to a low-carbon economy provides numerous
opportunities for growth and development, and will also assist in removing rigidities and
ineiciencies in the economy that are bad for both growth and the environment. hese
include, for example, the wasteful use of resources such as energy, water and land. An
Urban resilience Thinking for MUnicipaliTies
example of a bad practice is the fossil fuel subsidy which is bad for the environment and,
in the long run, for sustainable economic growth. he report advises the elimination of
this form of subsidy and the introduction of “a strong, predictable and rising carbon tax”.
At the municipal level, the report proposes regulatory incentives that reward households
that are becoming more energy eicient.
Importantly the report recognizes that cities are crucial to this transition as they account
for 80 percent of global economic output and 70 percent of global energy use. Also,
almost all of the world’s net increase in population will happen in cities. he report
reminds city-builders that “the structures we build now, including roads and buildings,
could last for a century or more, setting the trajectory for greenhouse gas emissions at a
critical time for reining these in” (World Resources Institute, 2014b, p. 3). Importantly,
the report includes as one of its ten proposals “making connected and compact cities the
preferred form of urban development”.
Berube, A., Friedhoff, A., Nadeau, C., Rode, P., Paccoud, A., Kandt, J., et al. (2010). Global Metro Monitor: The Path to
Economic Recovery. The Brookings Institution, London School of Economics, Deutsche Bank Research.
Briguglio, L., Cordina, G., Farrugia, N., & Vella, S. (2009). Economic Vulnerability and Resilience: Concepts and
Measurements. Oxford Development Studies, 37(3), 229-247.
Cordina, G. (2004). Economic Vulnerability, Resilience and Capital Formation. In L. Briguglio, & E. Kisanga (Eds.),
Economic Vulnerability and Resilience of Small States. Islands and Small States Institute, Commonwealth
Cox, E., Broadbridge, A., & Raikes, L. (2014). Building Economic Resilience? An Analysis of Local Enterprise
Partnerships’ Plans. Retrieved November 11, 2014, from IPPP North: http://www.ippr.org/assets/media/publications/
Greenham, T., Cox, E., & Ryan-Collins, J. (2013). Mapping Economic Resilience. York: Friends Provident Foundation.
Hallegatte, S. (2014, May 1). Economic Resilience Definition and Measurement. Retrieved November 10, 2014, from Social
Science Research Network: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2432352
Hassink, R. (2010). Regional resilience: a promising concept to explain differences in regional economic adaptability?
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 3, 45-58.
Park, J., Cho, J., & Rose, A. (2011). Modeling a major source of economic resilience to disasters: recapturing lost
production. Natural Hazards, 58, 163-182.
Raco, M., & Street, E. (2012). Resilience Planning, Economic Change and The Politics of Post-recession Development in
London and Hong Kong. Urban Studies, 49(5), 1065–1087.
Schumpeter, J. A. (1943). Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (1 ed.). London: George Allen & Unwin.
Simmie, J., & Martin, R. (2010). The economic resilience of regions: towards and evolutionary approach. Cambridge
Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 3(1), 27-43.
Voss, J., Bauknecht, D., & Kemp, R. (2006). Reflexive Governance for Sustainable Development. Cheltenham &
Northampton: Edward Algar Publishing.
Wolfe, D. (2010). The strategic management of core cities: Path dependence and economic adjustment in resilient
regions. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 3, 139-152.
World Resources Institute. (2014a). The New Climate Economy: Better Growth, Better Climate. Retrieved November 7,
2014, from http://newclimateeconomy.report/
World Resources Institute. (2014b). Chapter 2: Cities. In The New Climate Economy: Better Growth, Better Climate. World
Resources Institute.
The increasing influence of this idea is illustrated for example by the establishment of an Office for Economic
Resilience by the Obama Administration in the USA. See the website of the Office for Economic Resilience on http://
See http://www.brookings.edu/research/interactives/metromonitor#/M10420
The quality and density of networks within and between segments of society may be referred to as “civic capital”
(Cox et al, 2014).
This included, for example, government support for savings and capital formation, and high levels of investment
in growth-creating infrastructure. Apart from Singapore other countries with similar constraints and similar levels of
success include Estonia, Kuwait, Mauritius and Luxembourg.
Urban Resilience Research Programme
This programme is part of the Global Change, Society and Sustainability
Research Programme (GCSSRP). It is funded by the Department of Science and
Technology, South Africa through a National Research Council administered
grant (NRF Grant Number: 78645)
South African Research Chair in Spatial Analysis and City Planning
School of Architecture and Planning
University of the Witwatersrand
Private Bag 3, Wits, 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa
Gauteng City-Region Observatory
Private Bag 3, Wits, 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa
Oliver Schreiner School of Law
University of the Witwatersrand
Private Bag 3, Wits, 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa
(from HotHouse)
Funded by the Department of Science and Technology,
and the National Research Foundation South Africa