Urban Ecology - Urban Metabolism / Resilience
Recent papers in Urban Ecology - Urban Metabolism / Resilience
This working paper examines the concept of metabolism and its potential as a critical analytical lens to study the contemporary city from a political perspective. The paper illustrates how the metabolism concept has been used... more
The importance of urban universities in civic ecology education and the transformation of urban spaces and mindsets has been little explored. With as many as 1475 colleges, universities, and communities colleges in large cities around the... more
The Markov chain, named after A.A. Markov (1856-1922), is a discrete event stochastic process with Markov properties in exponentials. In the process, given the current knowledge or information, the past (ie, the current previous... more
Material flow accounting and analysis (MFA) has been established as an influential framework for quantifying the use of natural resources by modern societies. So far, however, no reference data for overall scale and trends of global... more
The City of Athens, a venerable yet intricate city of near 700.000 residents, part of a 3.75 million people metropolis, is for several years now facing a serious socio-economic crisis. Through concerted e orts, the city has managed to... more
This booklet is the result of a three-year funded programme at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) titled “Urban Resilience Assessment for Sustainable Urban Development”. The Programme was developed with the specific intention of... more
How do the flows of goods, people, waste, biota, energy, food, freshwater, sand and air function in Rotterdam? What influence do these flows have on the quality of life in the city, and how do they relate to spatial developments? Can an... more
Three building analysis software programs, DOE-2 eQUEST, IESVE Revit Plug-in and Autodesk Green Building Studio, are used to quantify the predicted energy savings of a scheduled envelope retrofit on a university dormitory. The study... more
Placemaking is an approach to designing and planning public spaces, including their management, which is becoming widespread not only in the United States but worldwide. The idea of placemaking is revolutionary because of its approach to... more
It is vitally relevant and important that all planning, design, construction, and operation of human environments are conducted in ways to facilitate solutions for environmental issues. Some of the most pressing concerns that need to be... more
Notre objet de recherche se situe à la charnière entre deux champs théorico-pratiques complémentaires : le domaine d'études du métabolisme urbain et de l'écologie territoriale, qui établi le cadre problématique dans lequel notre réflexion... more
This paper explores infrastructure projects that present a conscious merging between urban transformation, community development, culture, and technology through sustainable design. When urban projects successfully and meaningfully... more
Bruxelles, Imaginaires de la ville - 2021.09.12
Centrale for contemporary art
Centrale for contemporary art
IUMAT (Integrated Urban Metabolism Analysis Tool) is a system-based sustainability analysis tool. It quantifies and aggregates the social, economic and environmental capitals of urban activity in an integrated framework focusing on the... more
A Bruxelles, dans le fond de la vallée de la Senne, une dynamique écologique et populaire a mis en échec la dynamique foncière et immobilière. Un marais a surgi, avec ses habitants, sur un site à bâtir. Pourtant la démocratie urbaine... more
Panarchistic Architecture: Building Wildland Urban-Interface Resilience to Wildfire through Design Thinking, Practice, and Building Codes Modelled on Ecological Systems Theory | Chapter 8 [The Panarchic Codex] ebook.
The recent proliferation of resilience discourses invited critical inquiries into the concept and its ability to construct policy narratives of "certainty." Critical works have deconstructed and debated the instrumentalist notions of... more
The process to de-urbanise and restore La Pletera marsh in Torroella de Mongrí (Girona) is a Project that invites reflection on two principles that can govern de-urbanibation processes: metabolic approach and transitional architectural... more
The importance of urban universities in civic ecology education and the transformation of urban spaces and mindsets has been little explored. With as many as 1475 colleges, universities, and communities colleges in large cities around the... more
Panarchistic Architecture proposes that the wildland urban interface is populated by architecture and urban infrastructure which, modelled on fire-adapted flora that is native to the regional fire regimes, coevolves with the 'rhythms' of... more
And interview between Seth Denizen, a researcher and design practitioner trained in landscape architecture and evolutionary biology, and Qui Rongliang, distinguished scholar and dean of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering,... more
Cities embody both networks and physical entities and live on production, consumption and waste rejection. A vital part of their metabolism is how water is managed, to the point that the water cycle develops characteristics that are... more
O desenvolvimento e popularização das tecnologias de informação e comunicação vem modificando as práticas espaciais urbanas, levando a processos decisórios e a modelos de resolução de problemas menos centralizados. É possível observar em... more
Sustainable practices require a controlled setting within an urban system where the practicality present a review by what means integrated carbon footprint and monetary factor may construct an environmental health impact dimension to... more
The City of the Dead is the name of Cairo's historic cemeteries. They are both part of the incredibly rich architectural heritage of the city and one of the most populated informal settlements in a city where 75% of housing is informal.... more
Urban resilience is the "new kid on the block". Over the past few years the concept has rapidly gained a central place in spatial and urban planning policy in South Africa. 1 The State of South Africa's Cities Report, 2011, prepared by... more
The starting point of this paper emanates from Jason Moore’s statement on the binary Nature-Society: “[..] nature is not “just there.” It is historical.” (2015, p.12). In the light of climate change, ecosystem derangement and debasement... more
In Catalogue 17th International Architecture Exhibition. Italian Pavilion. Melis, A. (eds.) Rome: D Editore.
This paper explores infrastructure projects that present a conscious merging between urban transformation, community development, culture, and technology through sustainable design. When urban projects successfully and meaningfully... more
Urban metabolism has been advanced as an approach to quantifying energy and resource use and supply in the modern urban system. It is a multidisciplinary approach focused on providing insight into the behaviour of... more
Viviamo un mondo avendone sfruttato in un secolo più energia e materia di quanto fatto nel resto della presenza dell'uomo sulla terra messa assieme, nei giorni stessi in cui sono a scrivere questo paper l'Italia è in overshoot day (24... more
CIBO "La Pianificazione, essendo una professione, richiede di essere comprensibile negli scopi, orientata al futuro e all'interesse pubblico" e per migliorare la qualità della vita delle persone, una cosa effettivamente non così scontata... more
The process of urbanization throughout the world is advancing at an unprecedented pace and India is not an exception. A number of urban centers have developed on the west bank of the River Hooghly in a narrow elongated strip in Hugli... more
Presentazione introduttiva della prima giornata della conferenza internazionale "Metabolismo urbano: il percorso possibile verso l'ecosostenibilità", tratta dei processi di trasformazione influenti sul metabolismo urbano, offrendo un... more
Solid waste is diverse as any garbage, refuse, slush from waste plant, water supply handling plant, air contamination manage serves and other resources, as well as solid, liquid, mushy, contained gaseous. The aim of the paper is study the... more
Deserosotasuna, egonezina, zalantzak eta "parte hartu" terminoan konfiantza falta hiritarren artean ezarritako komunikazio-formen eta publikoaren gestoreen arteko distantziaren zantzuak baino ez dira. Horri solaskideen identifikazioari... more
Нові підходи до формування фонтанів та зміна обсягів використовуваної води суттєво впливають на клімат міського середовища. Поява нових технологій та раціональне відношення до водних ресурсів - змінили конструктивні особливості... more
A 'Resilient Community' is one that is able to survive and adapt in the face of major disruption - i.e., societal collapse, political instability, climate change - to the grid. Local agriculture (in combination with regional food systems... more
The process to de-urbanise and restore La Pletera marsh in Torroella de Mongrí (Girona) is a Project that invites reflection on two principles that can govern de-urbanibation processes: metabolic approach and transitional architectural... more
In the light of climate change, ecosystem derangement and debasement of local economies in the name of globalisation and free trade, capitalism has almost exhausted its own source of subsistence: Nature. However, going beyond the... more