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2019, ECS Transactions
10 pages
1 file
AI-generated Abstract
This work explores the potential of copper-based coatings for use in intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs). Given the challenges of corrosion in metallic interconnects, particularly the evaporation of chromium, the study investigates the performance of Ce/Cu and Cu coatings that have not been previously studied under IT-SOFC conditions. Results indicate that these coatings may provide advantageous cr retention and electrical conductivity, with implications for cost-effective and efficient interconnect materials.
Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 2008
The development of high-performing planar solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stacks operating at intermediate temperature (700-850°C) is based on thin-electrolyte anode supported cells (ASCs) and interconnects made by ferritic stainless steels. These metallic materials match very well the thermal expansion behavior of the ASCs and can be manufactured and formed using cheaper and easier processes than ceramics or chromium alloys. Nevertheless, some problems remain to be solved with these components as the performance degradation due to the oxide scale growth at the cathodic contact surface and the evaporation of volatile Cr-containing species, which poisons the cathodic materials. Both effects strongly limit the stack performance compared to single cells and increase the degradation rate with time. Providing the steel composition is carefully controlled, the above problems can be limited and some special ferritic stainless steels have been developed in the past years for SOFC application. Unfortunately, no commercial alloy is still able to satisfy the limit in degradation rate required for stationary applications (SECA target is Ͻ0.25% upon 1000 h on a minimum service life of 40,000 h). To achieve these goals a further improvement of composition should be required but this cannot be easily obtained in a cost-effective large-scale metallurgical production. An alternative and probably simpler way is to coat the surface of the steel with a protective layer with the twofold aim to limit Cr evaporation and to develop a conductive scale. In the present work, the effect of different oxide coatings on the chromium evaporation rate and on the contact resistance of ferritic stainless steel has been investigated. To obtain a conductive layer, spinel compositions containing Co, Mn, and Cu have been considered. Steels surfaces have been spray-coated using alcoholic suspensions, and the microstructural evolution of the interface between the metallic substrate and oxide layers has been investigated by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy linescan analysis for exposure at high temperature. The variation with time of the areaspecific resistance at 800°C has been recorded up to 1000 h. The evaporation rate of Cr-containing species has been also evaluated by a qualitative method.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2021
This study aimed to investigate the colloidal stability of (Cu,Mn,Co) 3 O 4 spinel in various suspension media and suitable applied voltage for electrophoretic deposition (EPD). The performance of the coated SUS430 was evaluated in terms of oxidation behaviour, Cr migration and electrical conductivity. The (Cu,Mn,Co) 3 O 4 suspension prepared using a mixture of 50/50 isopropanol and acetylacetone presented the highest zeta potential (41.4 mV), which indicated a stable and well-dispersed suspension. An applied voltage of 80 V is recommended to produce a coating surface with uniform particle arrangement. The electrophoretically deposited (Cu,Mn, Co) 3 O 4 spinel coating could reduce the oxidation kinetics by three orders of magnitude and exhibited stable electrical conductivity during 200 h of oxidation. Cr element was not detected on the surface of the coated SUS430 and LSCF cathode after 200 h of oxidation. Therefore, the electrophoretically deposited (Cu,Mn,Co) 3 O 4 spinel coating could successfully inhibit Cr migration from the stainless steel interconnects to the cathode.
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ECS Transactions, 2013
Ferritic stainless steels such as Crofer 22 H or Sanergy HT have been proven to be effective interconnect materials when additionally coated. These coatings, mainly based on cobalt spinels, successfully prevent chromium evaporation and are stable for long exposure times. A new approach is using copper based spinel coatings which are promising concerning price, conductivity and stability. This investigation is dedicated to a selection of copper spinel conversion coatings, their stability and ability to prevent chromium evaporation. Chromium release was monitored in humidified air (at 850 °C) using the denuder technique. The coatings were post analysed utilizing electron microscopy.
Journal of Power Sources, 2015
h i g h l i g h t s We exposed copper iron coated Sanergy HT in a SOFC cathode side atmosphere. Corrosion, chromium evaporation and ASR evolution were monitored. Copper iron coated Sanergy HT showed lower corrosion and Chromium evaporation. An ASR value of only of 10 mUcm 2 was reached after 1000 h of exposure.
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2014
As part of an effort to develop cost-effective ferritic stainless steel-based interconnects for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stacks, both bare and spinel coated AISI 441 were studied in terms of metallurgical characteristics, oxidation behavior, and electrical performance. The conventional melt metallurgy used for the bulk alloy fabrication leads to significant processing cost reduction and the alloy chemistry with the presence of minor alloying additions of Nb and Ti facilitate the strengthening by precipitation and formation of Laves phase both inside grains and along grain boundaries during exposure in the intermediate SOFC operating temperature range. The Laves phase formed along the grain boundaries also ties up Si and prevents the formation of an insulating silica layer at the scale/metal interface during prolonged exposure. The substantial increase in ASR during long term oxidation due to oxide scale growth suggested the need for a conductive protection layer, which could also minimize Cr evaporation. In particular, Mn 1.5 Co 1.5 O 4 based surface coatings on planar coupons drastically improved the electrical performance of the 441, yielding stable ASR values at 800ºC for over 5,000 hours. Ce-modified spinel coatings retained the advantages of the unmodified spinel coatings, and also appeared to alter the scale growth behavior beneath the coating, leading to a more adherent scale. The spinel protection layers appeared also to improve the surface stability of 441 against the anomalous oxidation that has been observed for ferritic stainless steels exposed to dual atmosphere conditions similar to SOFC interconnect environments. Hence, it is anticipated that, compared to unmodified spinel coatings, the Ce-modified coatings may lead to superior structural stability and electrical performance. There is, however, a need to develop and validate the coating for larger, shaped interconnects. It should also be noted that the alloy oxidation and corrosion resistance in fuel compositions (syn gas, hydrocarbons, etc) and fuel utilizations (up to 85%, for example) of practical interest have not yet been studied. I.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017
One of challenges in improving the performance and cost-effectiveness of SOFCs (solid oxide fuel cells) is the development of suitable interconnects materials. Chromia-forming alloys and especially ferritic stainless steels, like Crofer22APU, are considered to be among the most promising candidate materials as interconnects in SOFC stacks. However, the performance of chromia-forming materials can be limited by the low electronic conductivity of the oxide scale (high ASR-area specific resistance-value). Such degradation are unacceptable regarding the long-term operation (>40 000 h). A previous study [1] demonstrated that in air, the addition of a nanometric reactive element oxide (La 2 O 3) layer applied by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) drastically improved both corrosion rate and electrical properties of Crofer22APU and Haynes230 alloys for 100 h at 800 8C. In this present study coating performances were checked after 10 months (7500 h) and 20 months (15 000 h) at 800 8C in air. The corrosion products were carefully analyzed by SEM, EDX, and XRD. ASR measurements are realized after long time exposure. This study demonstrates that the Crofer22APU alloy has a good oxidation resistance after 15 000 h in air but this alloy has an ASR value equal to 0.370 V cm 2. The coatings composed of a thin reactive element oxide such as La 2 O 3 resulted in an important improvement in the high temperature oxidation resistance; the ASR values are equal to 0.154 V cm 2. Haynes230 alloy has a better oxidation resistance but the formation of an insulating Al 2 O 3 /SiO 2 layer could be detrimental.
Bulletin of Materials Science, 2017
Manganese-cobalt coatings are promising candidates for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) interconnection applications because of their high conductivity and good oxidation resistance. In the present study, manganese and cobalt are electrodeposited on Crofer 22 APU ferritic stainless steel. The effects of current density, pH, sodium gluconate (NaC 6 H 11 O 7) concentration, cobalt sulphate concentration (CoSO 4 •7H 2 O) and deposition duration on the microstructure and cathodic efficiency are characterized by means of scanning electron microscopy, weight gain measurements and energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry, respectively. Results show that increases in current density and deposition duration lead to decrease in current efficiency and deposition rate. Increasing the pH to 2.5 causes an initial rise of current efficiency and deposition rate, followed by subsequent decline. In addition, the increases in sodium gluconate and cobalt sulphate concentrations in the electrolyte solution result in an increase in current efficiency and deposition rate. Moreover, the results demonstrate that the variations in the current density, pH, sodium gluconate (NaC 6 H 11 O 7) concentration, cobalt sulphate concentration (CoSO 4 •7H 2 O) and duration have a significant effect on grain size, uniformity and the adherence of the coating.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2004
The requirements of low-cost and high-temperature corrosion resistance for bipolar interconnect plates in solid oxide fuel cell stacks has directed attention to the use of metal plates with oxidation resistant coatings. The performance of steel plates with multilayer coatings, consisting of CrN for electrical conductivity and CrAlN for oxidation resistance, was investigated. The coatings were deposited using large area filtered arc deposition technology, and subsequently annealed in air for up to 25 hours at 800 °C. The composition, structure, and morphology of the coated plates were characterized using Rutherford backscattering, nuclear reaction analysis, atomic force microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy techniques. By altering the architecture of the layers within the coatings, the rate of oxidation was reduced by more than an order of magnitude. Electrical resistance was measured at room temperature.
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Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy, 2021
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