Reading Teaching Strategies in the Senior High School

Jurnal Pendidikan LLDIKTI Wilayah 1 (JUDIK)

The scholar's capability to understand English the fact veritably low in Indonesia. Not only among newcomers similar as the basic or less high academy degree but the capability to understand introductory reading at the high academy position is inversely worrisome. This has led to a lack of further good mortal resources in recent times. For a long time, we've known that English is a foreign language and unexpectedly indeed introductory reading can not be learned at this position. Not to mention that the after generation of Z has made this language a language that's used every day on every occasion. Not only studying and looking for work, this language and the language used in chatting and it's heartbreaking if the scholars' understanding capability is still veritably low. Several factors greatly impact this disability. The first is the lack of words that they've in interpreting the textbook, the second is the lack of training of the textbook to be read either ...

E-ISSN : 2798-6810 Volume 1 No 02, December 2021 READING TEACHING STRATEGIES IN THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 Winda Yuliani Pardosi, 2Lisma Diana Tarigan, 3Elias Pasaribu, 4Erikson Saragih Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Prima Indonesia Email :,, 3, Received: 12 November 2021 Revised : 28 November 2021 Accepted: 15 Desember 2021 Abstract. The scholar's capability to understand English the fact veritably low in Indonesia. Not only among newcomers similar as the basic or less high academy degree but the capability to understand introductory reading at the high academy position is inversely worrisome. This has led to a lack of further good mortal resources in recent times. For a long time, we've known that English is a foreign language and unexpectedly indeed introductory reading can not be learned at this position. Not to mention that the after generation of Z has made this language a language that's used every day on every occasion. Not only studying and looking for work, this language and the language used in chatting and it's heartbreaking if the scholars' understanding capability is still veritably low. Several factors greatly impact this disability. The first is the lack of words that they've in interpreting the textbook, the second is the lack of training of the textbook to be read either at home or the academy library and the third is the lack of attention of the subject preceptors in the proper wisdom of each scholar who practices at the academy. There is no revealing provocation to make scholars uncommunicative and assume that reading is boring conditioning. Let alone reading foreign readings, reading textbooks in Indonesian itself, indeed lazy to read because of a lack of mindfulness of the significance of reading conditioning. Reading this is to help scholars get the right understanding of important knowledge, and increase their love of reading, and most importantly how do preceptors realize the most applicable strategies in tutoring and literacy handed the schoolteacher knows the background of each scholar. Keywords: Reading Strategy, Comprehension, English Education INTRODUCTION Reading is a cognitive exercise carried out to gain information. Reading can be interpreted as an exertion of reciting, spelling, sounding symbols, the basics to terms to findings that have meaning. D. P Tampubolon (1987) argues that reading is defined as allowing so that understanding written language with the reading system becomes a logical process. Book reading conditioning includes introductory experience. Where introductory reading experience corresponds to 3 basics, videlicet recording ( associating sounds that are in sync with the reading system), decoding (the process of rephrasing what's read), and meaning ( feting words interpretatively, evaluatively, and creatively). Meanwhile, Nurhadi (2008) argues that the meaning of reading is a veritably complex process and involves numerous factors. For illustration, it involves internal factors and external factors of the compilation himself. Factors that have internal factors correspond to interests, intelligence, gift, reading ideas, and provocation. While the external factors of compilations are determined by socioeconomic background, reading installations, and reading traditions. Of these 2 factors alone, if combined, it'll come to a veritably complex value and can not stand alone of course. Jurnal Pendidikan LLDIKTI Wilayah 1 (JUDIK) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) 64 E-ISSN : 2798-6810 Volume 1 No 02, December 2021 This is because reading chops play an important part in colorful aspects of life similar to politics, transnational relations, social relations, economics, wisdom, and technology. And any job in this world requires a good understanding of what they are studying and reading, be it labor work or high paying jobs. In addition, reading is the main shaft of educational media. Those who can understand reading better will be suitable to increase their knowledge and ameliorate their capacities, empowering mortal coffers indeed more. Aulia Tisni A and Celly Casuarina Y’s (2017) QAR strategy in the experimental class improve scholars' reading capability agreement and statistical analysis revealed that there is a significant difference between the trials class performance and control class performance in posttest. This happens because the Question-Answer Relationship strategy (QAR) emphasizes helping scholars understand the handbook by giving instruction. In addition, scholars also get more critical suppose in reading the textbook through making conditioning relationship between question and answer. Hulya K (2012) The conclusions of the reading knowledge scale and my individualized experience indicated that there was a lack of knowledge in the area of reading strategies in my scholars at the launch of the study. The scholars have lower knowledge and practice in reading strategies but after studying systematically, there's an increase in their success. Fitri N (2021) The use of reading appreciation strategies in the tutoring and literacy process. The schoolteacher explains that scholars do not only read the textbook but also answer questions from the textbook so that scholars can more understand and the moral value of the reading textbook, and the operation of reading appreciation strategies can help upgrade scholars' capacities. Both preceptors agree with this statement because applying schoolteacher strategies can help scholars to upgrade their capability in reading appreciation and can also affect pupil exertion. Tutoring reading in the Indonesian class is integrated with other language chops and factors similar as jotting, speaking, harkening, alphabet, pronunciation, and vocabulary. In tutoring English in the classroom, the time allocation for reading is indeed lesser than others. Proper tutoring, will affect pupil achievement. In addition, numerous preceptors don't use tutoring media in their reading classes. However, their media isn't intriguing and doesn't help scholars to understand the content of the reading, If they've used it. Another factor that makes it delicate for scholars to read is a veritably low mastery of the alphabet and words. Scholars can not understand the reading textbook because of grammatical particulars. The judgment structure in the textbook is frequently delicate for scholars to reach. Scholars will be suitable to read and understand reading textbooks easily if they can prognosticate what they will read. Unfortunately, in ultramodern times like the moment, we infrequently find teenagers who like to read. Utmost of them prefer to play games, play the internet to play social media, hang out with musketeers, or just go for a useless walk with musketeers outside the house. Still, some of them inseminate a station and love to read, for illustration reading novels. It does not count as long as they can still take advantage of their free time by doing useful effects. Like reading or studying. But in the reality, and immature people's interest in reading is presently truly low. Numerous factors beget a low interest in reading in adolescents. One of them is because of technological developments. For this reason, it's necessary to do colorful ways to overcome this problem. This can be done through the academic terrain or by the scholars themselves. Thus, we as preceptors were assigned to introduce the Reading the program to scholars, explaining that a broad reading helps them learn new English vocabulary and upgrade their line, spelling, and ABC experience indeed when their reading isn't delicate. the schedule informal literature exchanges, so scholars can partake in their favorite books and talk about their favorite authors. This strategy will help scholars to motivate scholars to read. This will help scholars in presenting their players in the class. Jurnal Pendidikan LLDIKTI Wilayah 1 (JUDIK) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) 65 E-ISSN : 2798-6810 Volume 1 No 02, December 2021 METHOD In this study, we as researchers collected data through the check system because it only concentrated on training and learning English exertion in seminaries. The data collection fashion we used was a questionnaire and the results were generalizations. The instructors filled out the questionnaire after making obediences throughout their history in the training and knowledge process. The variables we use are dynamic, presenting data as fluently as possible without any manipulation. The design that we did only go through one stage, videlicet to 10 instructors who educate English at the high academe position. Ten (10) teachers are actors from various schools in Medan City, North Sumatra, Indonesia with an unidentified age ( arbitrary). Given the outbreak of COVID-19 and the performance of PPKM in the municipality of Medan, we only made these obediences to instructors and indeed also through the operation online to maintain government regulations and stop the transmission of the contagion. Taking into account all the being conditions and the regulations contained in the Instruction of the Governor of North SumatraNo.188.54/ 34/ INST/ 2021 concerning the performance of PPKM position 4 in Medan City to apply remote training and knowledge exertion and gratuitous sector exertion Work From Home (WFH) which must be executed 100. And by considering the important goods over without reducing the effectiveness and delicacy of our disquisition, we decided to only observe instructors through a questionnaire instrument that was filled out predicated on experience and history throughout the training and knowledge exertion of each English teacher. We present 10 questions in English which of course must be filled in by several English instructors, who are presently training English assignments at the high academe position in Medan City. Previously, we did not determine how old each of our actors was and how long he would tutor as a teacher, and how long they had tutored at the academe. From the 10 question handbooks of the questionnaire we collected in 1 google form link which we distributed via WA, and they also helped distribute it in the English teacher group at the academe where they educate. The questions we ask include 3 important corridors, videlicet The Preparation, The Practice, and The Evaluation. For illustration, what media do they generally use to read, the reading system they use almost constantly in training, and so on? Consists of 5 multiple choice questions, and 5 text essays. These questions include what strategies are most used by instructors in training reading and which strategies are most successful in pressing their reading appreciation chops, as well as which strategies can increase their interest in reading. We created 10 questions taking into account what aspects were most applicable to our disquisition. While conducting this disquisition, we assured that we transferred as multitudinous links to our questionnaire as possible to various seminaries for the delicacy of our disquisition results. We realized that the weakness of this study could not be headed exactly on the 10 instructors we chose, because some of them forgot to fill out this questionnaire, so we took the step of spreading the link as much as possible and concluding for 10 of our actors' answers and also drawing conclusions from the results of 10 questions. A questionnaire on strategies for training English reading at the high academe position. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The lack of interest in reading for moment's scholars can affect unborn generations. Thus, the experimenter conducted a study of 10 high academy preceptors to find out how to educate them how to educate reading. There are also exploration results of experimenters are as follows: 1. Abrita Rasmi Siregar, S.Pd. (Sma Negeri 1 Pancur Batu) 2. Risma Simanjuntak S.Pd (Sma Negeri 1 Pancur Batu) 3. Corry Sinaga S.Pd (Sma Negeri 1 Pancur Batu) 4. Anisa Rachman S.Pd. (Smk Kesehatan Ganda Husada) 5. Verawaty Simanjuntak S. Pd (Smk Negeri 1 Cipanas) Jurnal Pendidikan LLDIKTI Wilayah 1 (JUDIK) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) 66 E-ISSN : 2798-6810 Volume 1 No 02, December 2021 6. Riris Naibaho S.Pd (Sman 1 Pagaran) 7. Terkelin Ginting M.Pd. (Sma Negeri 1 Sunggal) 8. Noviantika Ginting S.Pd (Smas Valentine) 9. Elida Pakpahan S.Pd (Sma Negeri 1 Garoga) 10. Risma Simanjuntak S. Pd (Smk Negeri 1 Siatas Barita) The Preparation. Table 1 at this stage, teachers are required to have thorough preparation before teaching, so that students are more interested in reading material. Preparations On Teaching Reading Comprehension: In this study, the research team divided the questions into 3 parts, namely: The Preparation, The Practice, and The Evaluation. No Participant The Preparations 1 Abrita Rasmi When teaching Siregar S.Pd reading, I usually hand out individual worksheets or use some texts in the textbook with a breakdown of important terms and definitions. When the students read, I ask them to identify as many different parts of 2 Risma the story as they can. Simanjuntak S.Pd 3 Lesson plan, textbook Corry Sinaga reading, exercise. S.Pd I usually prepare some reading materials to be read by the students, and then I motivate them to read more because reading is the key to knowledge. After that, I ask them to read and comprehend the text. 4 Anisa Prepare the Text Rachman (stories) from the S.Pd. internet or the textbook, vocabulary, and the dictionary. 5 Verawaty The textbook for the Simanjuntak media 6 S. P Jurnal Pendidikan LLDIKTI Wilayah 1 (JUDIK) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) 67 E-ISSN : 2798-6810 Volume 1 No 02, December 2021 7 8 9 10 Riris Naibaho I prefer to teach S.Pd reading comprehension by watching movies, reading song lyrics, and reading short stories Terkelin My preparation is that Ginting M.Pd students understand clearly what I will teach (the goal) and what media we will use to study Noviantika Ginting S.Pd The paper of teaching plan Elida Pakpahan My preparation is to S.Pd understand what I will teach suitably and attract students' attention to focus Risma more. Simanjuntak S. Pd The comfortable class atmosphere and the media you want to learn Sources of Reading Materials Textbook reading Book internet Other media Figure 1. Sources of Reading Materials For Sources of Reading Material data, the researcher found that 64.7% of teachers used Textbook Reading in learning, 11.8% used Internet Books and 23.5% used Other Media. Jurnal Pendidikan LLDIKTI Wilayah 1 (JUDIK) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) 68 E-ISSN : 2798-6810 Volume 1 No 02, December 2021 Relevance Material Not relevant Relevant Very relevant 0% 18% 82% Figure 2: Relevance Material From the results of Sources of Reading Materials, 82% stated that this method was relevant for use in learning and 18% stated that it was very relevant to be used in Reading learning. The Practice At this stage, the teacher must make reading practices. Here the teachers must be able to determine the method in reading comprehension and determine what method is most appropriate to be taught so that students are interested in reading enthusiastically. Method In Teaching Reading Comprehension 2% 39% 39% 20% Direct… Figure 1: Method in Teaching Reading Comprehension 1. Direct method (20%) 2. Grammar translation method (2%) 3. Contextual teaching and learning method (39%) 4. Combination method (39%) We can see from the results of the research above that the most frequently used methods in teaching reading comprehension are the Contextual Teaching And Learning Method and the Combination method, which is 39%. Then followed by the Direct method as much as 20% and the last one is the Grammar translation method which is 2% of the number of people studied. The Evaluation At this evaluation stage, the teacher can review the performance that has been obtained from the previously selected methods. And here the teachers can correct the mistakes that occur so that they don't happen again in the next meeting. Errors can make students less interested in reading. Evaluation Always 41% Never 0% Seldom Someti 0% mes 30% Usually 29% Jurnal Pendidikan LLDIKTI Wilayah 1 (JUDIK) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) 69 E-ISSN : 2798-6810 Volume 1 No 02, December 2021 Figure 1: evaluate students' reading competence at each meeting. The data above shows that the average teacher evaluates after carrying out learning. The benefits of the results of this study are: 1. To find out what are the ways to increase reading interest in the students. 2. To find out whether students' reading comprehension can increase students' knowledge at school 3. To find out what strategy is most appropriate for high school students. CONCLUSION From the investigation, we've done we conclude that: 1. The Preparation shows that there needs to be readiness between scholars and preceptors before the tutoring and the literacy process takes a place. The way to increase they intend to use a variety of media in reading and not only concentrate on the media which is also boring. Although text reading attained 64.7 results for the most extensively used accouterments/ media, we also can not deny that other media (other media) attained 23.5, which is a fairly rapid-fire number that can not be ruled out. So other media are veritably important to increase the compilation's intention in understanding the contents of the reading. 2. Reading appreciation is still number one in perfecting scholars' knowledge, piecemeal because reading media is easier to gain and use. All seminaries in Indonesia still use books that are the number one source of knowledge that applies in Indonesia and can still be a source of knowledge, with a note that colorful strategies and other media are demanded. 3. 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