Juridiskā zinātne / Law, No. 14, 2021
pp. 129–145
Appointment of the Constitutional Court Justice:
Some Issues
Dr . iur . Anita Rodiņa
Faculty of Law, University of Latvia
Associate Professor of the State Law Department
E-mail: anita .rodina@lu .lv
This article analyses important issues brought up in public regarding one of the constitutional
institutions – formation of the Constitutional Court. At the outset, the article looks at the
models of accessing the position of the Constitutional Court justice, their weaknesses and also
responsibility of persons engaged in the appointment of justices. Challenges of parliamentary
procedures are also discussed, especially considering that the platform e-Saeima was used
as the voting platform to appoint the justice. The article also reflects a debate on whether
a Constitutional Court justice can be appointed only once in a lifetime, keeping in mind the
recent amendments to the Constitutional Court Law, including reappointment mechanism if
the judge has had to leave the position before expiration of 10 years’ mandate. Finally, the article
analyses the role and meaning of decisions made by a special institution – Judicial Council –
when appointing the Constitutional Court justice.
Keywords: justice, appointment, Constitutional Court, Saeima, Judicial Council.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
1 . Appointment of the Constitutional Court Justice: Persons, Decisions and Responsibility . . 130
2 . Restriction on Justice Reappointment: A Myth or Reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
3 . Decision of the Judicial Council or What is Expected from the Judicial Council . . . . . . . . . 138
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Legal Acts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Case Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Other Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
In every society, judges play an important role as they are invited to protect the
Constitution and democracy as such1 and actually “hold mighty power in their
hands”2. The role of a justice has been widely discussed both in doctrine3 and in
Barak, A. The Judge in a Democracy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008, p. 20.
Levits, E. Par dažiem tiesneša neatkarības aspektiem [On some aspects of the independence of
a justice]. Latvijas Republikas Augstākās Tiesas Biļetens, No. 16, 2018, p. 69.
See for instance, Shetreet, Sh., Forsyth, Ch. (eds.). The Culture of Judicial Independence: Conceptual
Foundations and Practical Challenges. Leiden: BRILL, 2011; Barak, A. The Judge in a Democracy.
Juridiskā zinātne / Law, No. 14, 2021
practice.4 No doubt, persons who engage in selection and appointment of the justice
or in process which leads to granting this special status, undertake an immense
Considering the special role of the Constitutional Court in the state, all the
countries with Constitutional Courts employing a special model of European
constitutional control always put great emphasis on appointment of the justice
of that court. Latvia is no exception in this regard, and appointment of the
Constitutional Court justice, particularly considering the entire process, always
entails some “excitement” for persons who are directly involved in the process or
observe it.
Appointment of the Constitutional Court justice, discussions on candidates
and appointment of the justice saw a lot of novelties on the second half of 2020.
Firstly, there were five candidates running for the position of the justice. Almost
each coalition party and opposition members offered their candidates, a move
unprecedented so far. Besides, the Constitutional Court justice failed to be
appointed in seven election rounds. Secondly, appointment of the Constitutional
Court justice allowed returning to an issue debated many years ago, namely, if
a person who had once assumed a position of the Constitutional Court justice can
be reappointed. Thirdly, the Judicial Council for the first time in its history created
a new formula of decision – its opinion – when presenting its point of view on the
candidates of justice.
1. Appointment of the Constitutional Court Justice: Persons,
Decisions and Responsibility
In order to ensure building of competent and independent Constitutional Court,
all countries usually put a lot of effort in formation of corps of the Constitutional
Court judges. It cannot be denied that the Constitutional Court may fulfil its
mission only if the justices are impartial and independent from politicians,
persons who have appointed them, and are free from any external influence.5
An independent court is an essential guarantee of democracy and freedom in each
country.6 Also experience of the European Court of Human Rights recognises the
appointment of the justice as one of the elements of the judge’s independence.7
See for instance, Judgement of 18 January 2010 by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of
Latvia in case No. 2009-11-01. Available: https://www.satv.tiesa.gov.lv/web/viewer.html?file=/
wp-content/uploads/2009/05/2009-11-01_Spriedums_ENG.pdf#search=2009-11-01 [last viewed
28.03.2021]; Judgement of 14 December 2010 by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of
Latvia in case No. 2010-39-01. Available: https://www.satv.tiesa.gov.lv/web/viewer.html?file=/
wp-content/uploads/2010/05/2010-39-01_Spriedums_ENG.pdf#search=2010-39-01 [last viewed
28.03.2021]; Judgement of 26 October 2017 by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia
in case No. 2016-31-01. Available: https://www.satv.tiesa.gov.lv/web/viewer.html?file=/wp-content/
uploads/2016/12/2016-31-01_Judgment_ENG-3.pdf#search=2016-31-01 [last viewed 28.03.2021].
Schwartz, H., Lee, H. P. (eds.). The Struggle for Constitutional Justice in Post-Communist Europe.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000, p. 39.
Shetreet, S. Judicial Independence and Accountability: Core Values in Liberal Democracies. In:
Judiciaries in Comparative Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011, p. 3.
Available: http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/lulv/detail.action?docID=775093 [last viewed
Judgement of the European Court of Human Rights Case of Findlay v. The United (application No.
22107/93), para. 73. Available: http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng?i=001-58016 [last viewed 28.03.2021].
Anita Rodiņa. Appointment of the Constitutional Court Justice: Some Issues
It can be said that a way of appointing the justice, appointment criteria and term of
the mandate are crucial factors behind the court’s independence and autonomy.8
Theoretician A. S. Sweat speaks of two appointment systems for the Constitutional Court judges.9 a study conducted by the Venice Commission “Democracy
Through Law” lists three systems for Constitutional Court justice appointment.10
The first is the co-called nomination or direct appointment system when a person
holding such right chooses a justice nominee and there are no other procedures
required (approval or electing). Nomination system according to Article 56 of
the French Constitution is applied when forming the Constitutional Council of
France.11 It is known that all former presidents of France ex officio are members of
the Constitutional Council of France, as well. In this system, nomination of justice
mostly depends on politics and politicians, because even though a justice must
qualify for certain requirements, political influence cannot be excluded.
The second is the election system with the parliament as the last instance
in decision-making. Decision to appoint the judge usually requires a qualified
majority. In this system, the final decision is left to the parliament regardless of
the persons who can nominate the candidates. Even though the studies show that
this system aims at ensuring more democratic representation, it still depends on
agreement in politics and among politicians, especially if a qualified majority is
required to approve the candidate in the position.12 On the other hand, even it is
impossible to avoid political influence on appointment of a justice13, it cannot be
treated as inherently dangerous.14 The main criteria when choosing a justice should
be his/her professional qualities, compliance with certain requirements, not his/her
support for an ideology or lines of some political parties. This is the model pursued
when forming the Constitutional Court in Germany, Lithuania, Slovenia and
Poland.15 The Constitutional Court justice is also appointed based to this system in
Engstad, N. A. (ed.), et al. The Independence of Judges. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing,
2014, p. 67. Available: http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/lulv/detail.action?docID=1922214 [last
viewed 28.03.2021].
Sweet, A. S. Governing with Judges: Constitutional Politics in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2000, p. 46.
The Composition of Constitutional Courts. European Commission for Democracy Through Law,
CDL-STD(1997)020, p. 4. Available: https://www.venice.coe.int/webforms/documents/default.
aspx?pdffile=CDL-STD(1997)020-e [last viewed 28.03.2021].
Three of the 9 members of the French Constitutional Council are nominated by the President, three
by the President of the National Assembly and three by the President of the Senate. See Constitution
of October 4, 1958. Available: https://www.conseil-constitutionnel.fr/sites/default/files/as/root/
bank_mm/anglais/constiution_anglais_oct2009.pdf [last viewed 26.01.2021].
Sadurski, W. Rights Before Courts: A Study of Constitutional Courts in Postcommunist States of
Central and Eastern Europe. The Netherlands: Springer, 2005, p. 15; The Composition of Constitutional
Courts. European Commission for Democracy Through Law, CDL-STD(1997)020, p. 7. Available:
https://www.venice.coe.int/webforms/documents/default.aspx?pdffile=CDL-STD(1997)020-e [last
viewed 26.01.2021].
Ferejohn, J. Judicializing Politics, Politicizing Law. Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol. 65, No. 3,
Summer 2002, p. 43.
Safjan, M. Politics – and Constitutional Courts (Judge’s Personal Perspective). Polish Sociological
Review, Issue 1, January 2009, pp. 3–25.
The Composition of Constitutional Courts. European Commission for Democracy Through Law,
CDL-STD(1997)020, p. 5. Available: https://www.venice.coe.int/webforms/documents/default.
aspx?pdffile=CDL-STD(1997)020-e [last viewed 26.01.2021].
Juridiskā zinātne / Law, No. 14, 2021
Latvia and a decision of the Saeima emphasizes independence of justices.16 That is
to say, regardless of the fact that implementers of all three functions of state power
are involved in nomination of justices, the last word is reserved to politicians – the
parliament; besides, the candidate must win 51 votes of the Saeima members to get
this position.17
The third system, which is a hybrid of both previous systems, must be emphasized,
as well. This system is applied when forming the corps of Constitutional Court in
Austria, Spain, Romania and Italy.18
In doctrine, other division of those systems is also known. For example, M. De
Visser offers three types of systems by considering the institutions involved in
decision making (only parliament (I), parliament and executive power (II), various
institutions (III)).19
In compliance with Article 4(1) of the Constitutional Court Law, three persons
(institutions) are entitled to nominate the Constitutional Court justice: 10 Saeima
deputies, Cabinet of Ministers and plenary meeting of the Supreme Court.20 In
forming the corps of the Constitutional Court, they abide by the principle that the
next candidate is nominated by an entity (person) who previously nominated the
justice whose mandate has expired regardless of the reason (expiration of term, his/
her initiative, reaching of certain age, dismissal or losing of the office). At the end
of 2020, 10 deputies of the Saeima became entitled to nominate the candidate of
the Constitutional Court justice. As already stated, this time five candidates were
running for the justice position.21 Each of the ten Saeima deputies are not prevented
from exercising such rights granted under Article 4(1) of the Constitutional Court
Law. It was nevertheless unusual that coalition parties (union of parties “Jaunā
Vienotība”, political party “KPV LV”, New Conservative Party, union of parties
“Attīstībai/Par!”, National Alliance “Visu Latvijai!” – “Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/
LNNK”) did not manage to agree on one candidate.22 Legally, the majority of the
Saeima is not bound by an obligation to agree on one candidate. Of course, unity
and consolidation of current coalition is another issue which does not pertain to
the law. At the same time, when promoting their nominees, the political parties
must always consider if any of these numerous candidates can obtain the necessary
51 votes.
Judgement of 5 November 2004 by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia in case No.
2004-04-01, para. 10.1. Available: https://www.satv.tiesa.gov.lv/web/viewer.html?file=/wp-content/
uploads/2004/04/2004-04-01_Spriedums_ENG.pdf#search=2004-04-01 [last viewed 28.03.2021].
Latvijas Republikas Satversme [The Constitution of the Republic of Latvia] (15.02.1922), art. 85.
Available: https://likumi.lv/ta/id/57980-latvijas-republikas-satversme [last viewed 28.03.2021].
The Composition of Constitutional Courts. European Commission for Democracy Through Law,
CDL-STD(1997)020, p. 5. Available: https://www.venice.coe.int/webforms/documents/default.
aspx?pdffile=CDL-STD(1997)020-e [last viewed 26.01.2021].
De Visser, M. Constitutional Review in Europe: A Comparative Analysis. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2014,
pp. 206–209.
Satversmes tiesas likums [Constitutional Court Law] (05.06.1996). Available: https://likumi.lv/ta/
id/63354-satversmes-tiesas-likums [last viewed 28.03.2021].
Lēmumprojekta teksts: “Par Satversmes tiesas tiesneša apstiprināšanu” [Text of the draft decision:
On approval of a judge of the Constitutional Court]. Available: https://titania.saeima.lv/LIVS13/
Latvijas Republikas Ministru kabinetu veidojošo 13. Saeimas frakciju sadarbības līgums [Cooperation
Agreement of the 13th Saeima Factions Forming the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia].
Available: https://mk.gov.lv/sites/default/files/editor/sadarbibas_ligums_gala-redakcija_red.pdf [last
viewed 26.01.2021].
Anita Rodiņa. Appointment of the Constitutional Court Justice: Some Issues
Undoubtedly, it is in the best interests of society that the best lawyers work in
the court. The Constitutional Court is an important constitutional institution
which has a power to invalidate a legal provision adopted by the legislator.
Therefore, it is crucial to appoint persons with the highest possible professional
qualification in this very important office – Constitutional Court justice.23
Professional knowledge and personal qualities are recognised as fundamental
prerequisite of justice’s independence.24 For this reason, the legislation has set high
requirements for candidate to the post of justice. Such requirements integrated in
the Constitutional Court Law (Article 4, paragraph 225) match the common trends
in other European countries. They are sufficient and adequate. Experience of the
European countries shows that, for instance, in constitutional courts of Germany,
Italy and Spain justices are law professors followed by justices of other courts, then
lawyers.26 Former politicians may also become justices, it is very common in the
Constitutional Council of France. The former politicians have been seen assuming
Constitutional Court justice office also in Latvia. It was notable in the so-called
first composition of the Constitutional Court, where the court comprised several
ex-politicians (Prof. A. Endziņš, Prof. I. Čepāne, Prof. R. Apsītis). In other words,
it is a duty of all three entities (persons) who participate in candidate nomination
procedure and after – Judicial Council and also the Saeima (Legal Commission
and collegial institution of the Saeima) – to ensure that the best law specialists (or
lawyers) work in the Constitutional Court.
Appointment of the Constitutional Court justice at late 202027 was unique also
because voting took place in a remote Saeima sitting, using the platform e-Saeima.
A need to use such platform was associated with varying restrictions imposed to
limit the spread of COVID-19.28 It must be explained that the Constitution does not
Judgment of 18 October 2007 by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia in case No.
2007-03-01, para. 24.1. Available: https://www.satv.tiesa.gov.lv/web/viewer.html?file=/wp-content/
uploads/2007/01/2007-03-01_Spriedums_ENG.pdf#search=2007-03-01 [last viewed 28.03.2021].
Engstad, N. A. The Independence …, p. 3.
Article 4(2) of the Constitutional Court Law determines that such person may be appointed as
a justice of the Constitutional Court who:
1) is a citizen of the Republic of Latvia;
2) has an impeccable reputation;
3) has reached 40 years of age, on the day when the proposal regarding the confirmation as a justice
of the Constitutional Court was submitted to the Presidium of the Saeima;
4) has acquired a higher professional or academic education (except the first level professional
education) in law science and also a master’s degree (including a higher legal education, which in
regard to rights is equal to a master’s degree) or a doctoral degree;
5) has at least 10 years of service in a law speciality or in a judicial speciality in scientific educational
work at a scientific or higher educational establishment after acquiring a higher professional or
academic education (except the first level professional education) in law science.
Paragraph 2.1 of the same Article, in turn, stipulates that a person who cannot be a candidate for
the position of a justice in accordance with Art. 55 of the Law “On Judicial Power” may not be
appointed as a justice of the Constitutional Court. Satversmes tiesas likums [Constitutional Court
Law] (05.06.1996). Available: https://likumi.lv/ta/id/63354-satversmes-tiesas-likums [last viewed
Sweet, A. S. Governing with Judges, p. 48.
Latvijas Republikas 13. Saeimas rudens sesijas četrdesmit trešā (attālinātā ārkārtas) sēde 2020. gada
21. decembrī [Forty-third (remote extraordinary) sitting of the 13th autumn session of the Saeima
of the Republic of Latvia on 21 December 2020]. Available: https://www.saeima.lv/steno/Saeima10/
Skana/1221_001-1200.htm [last viewed 26.01.2021].
Ministru kabineta 2020. gada 6. novembra rīkojums Nr. 655 “Par ārkārtējās situācijas izsludināšanu”
[Cabinet of Ministers Order of 6 November 2020 No. 655 “On the declaration of extraordinary
situation”]. Latvijas Vēstnesis, No. 216A, 06.11.2020.
Juridiskā zinātne / Law, No. 14, 2021
allow delegating parliamentary functions to another constitutional body due to an
extraordinary situation. The Saeima was obliged to find a way to continue operating
as a legislator, since the activity of the parliament as the single constitutional body
of the state is essential and indispensable under any circumstances. This principle
was strengthened in the statement of the State President dated 23 March 2020 on
operational principles of the State adopted by the constitutional power entities
to overcome extraordinary situation, stressing that the Saeima should continue
working also remotely, whenever required, to organise work of the Saeima.29
When an extraordinary situation was declared nation-wide, the Saeima started
working in the extraordinary mode, concurrently developing an online platform
e-Saeima. E-Saeima is found to be a modern tool of the 21st century suitable
for work of the Saeima and a custom-made technology for specific procedures,
allowing to implement parliament procedures during physical absence from the
Saeima building.30 Domain of constitutional law of Latvia has seen discussions
on compliance of this platform with Article 15 of the Satversme stating that the
Saeima shall hold its sittings in Riga, and only in extraordinary circumstances may
it convene elsewhere.31 This discussion was actually ended by the judgement of the
Constitutional Court which, among other questions, evaluated compliance of the
e-Saeima platform with the Constitution, stating that “[h]olding of a remote Saeima
sitting is an extraordinary measure enabling continued work of the parliament also
under circumstances where deputies cannot meet in person due to epidemiological
safety and restrictions imposed in this regard. It is crucial to create a mechanism
in the State to allow continuation of the parliament’s activities and deciding on
important issues by the legitimate constitutional body.”32
An interesting procedural issue emerged during appointment (voting) procedure
at the Saeima sitting. Pursuant to the Saeima Rules of Procedure, Article 31(8), if
the number of nominees for a position exceeds the number of officials to be elected,
the voting takes place (may take place) in several rounds.33 In compliance with the
Saeima Rule of Procedures, Article 26(4), if nobody collects the necessary number
of votes in the first round, the voting is repeated for all the candidates. If nobody
is elected then, the elections continue by excluding a candidate who received the
least votes in previous round. The elections continue until one of candidates gets
the necessary number of votes. Voting for the Constitutional Court justice in the
second round of the Saeima sitting of 21 December 2020 led to equal number of
Valsts prezidenta paziņojums Nr. 8 “Valsts konstitucionālo orgānu darbības pamatprincipi ārkārtējā
situācijā” [President Notification No. 8 “Basic Principles of Activity of State Constitutional Bodies
in an Extraordinary Situation”], para. 3. Available: https://likumi.lv/ta/en/en/id/313400 [last viewed
E-Saeima. Available: https://www.saeima.lv/lv/likumdosana/saeimas-sedes/e-saeima/ [last viewed
28.03.2021]; see also Lībiņa-Egnere, I. Par e-Saeimas jauno platformu un tās priekšrocībām [About
the new e-Saeima platform and its advantages]. Jurista Vārds, No. 23(1133), 09.06.2020, pp. 5–6.
See for instance, Pleps, J. Saeima turpina noturēt sēdes attālinātā veidā [The Saeima continues to
hold sittings remotely]. Jurista Vārds, No. 24/25(1134/1135), 16.06.2020, pp. 6–7; Meistare, D. Saeimas
Juridiskā biroja viedoklis par Saeimas attālinātajām sēdēm [Opinion of the Legal Bureau of the Saeima
on remote sittings of the Saeima]. Jurista Vārds, No. 24/25(1134/1135), 16.06.2020, pp. 5–6.
Judgement of 12 March 2021 by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia in case No. 202037-0106, para. 4.2.24. Available: https://www.satv.tiesa.gov.lv/web/viewer.html?file=https://www.
[last viewed 28.03.2021].
Saeimas kārtības rullis [Saeima Rules of Procedure] (28.07.1994). Available: https://likumi.lv/ta/
id/57517-saeimas-kartibas-rullis [last viewed 28.03.2021].
Anita Rodiņa. Appointment of the Constitutional Court Justice: Some Issues
votes for two candidates (Gunārs Kūtris – 13 votes “for” and 80 votes “against” and
Inese Druviete with 13 votes “for” and 80 votes “against”).34 Pursuant to Article
26(4) of the aforementioned law, in the next – third – round, four candidates
would proposed for election. Since the least number of votes was received by two
candidates, the Chair of Saima and Chair of the Saeima sitting found a quick
solution, announcing the third round of elections with all five candidates and laying
down a condition that “[i]f the number of least votes for the candidates will be equal,
we will vote for three candidates in the round four.”35 Nobody was elected as the
Constitutional Court justice in the sitting of 21 December 2020, because also in the
last round Mrs I. Ņikuļceva received only 47 votes of the Saeima deputies.36
Since the parliament did not manage to appoint any of the five nominated justice
candidates at the end of 2020, it does not automatically mean that the procedure of
Constitutional Court justice appointment in Latvia is incorrect and inadequate. It
has been useful and appropriate all the previous years. Obviously, the problem lay
in achieving common ground in the parliament and differing views of the position
members at the parliament, which cannot be affected by the law.
2. Restriction on Justice Reappointment: A Myth or Reality
One of issues brought to light by appointment of the Constitutional Court
justice in 2020 concerned a question whether a person can be appointed as the
Constitutional Court justice for given term only once in a lifetime, or can he/she be
It must be specified that normative regulation in Latvia is not very explicit and
accurate in prohibiting a person to be reappointed to the office of the Constitutional
Court judge as it is, for example, in Poland38, Slovenia39, Slovakia40, Germany41
and a number of other countries.42 The doctrine of Latvia has witnessed contrary
opinions in this regard.43 Author of this article admits that by commenting on
Latvijas Republikas 13. Saeimas rudens sesijas četrdesmit trešā (attālinātā ārkārtas) sēde 2020. gada
21. decembrī [Forty-third (remote extraordinary) sitting of the 13th Saeima autumn session of the
Republic of Latvia on 21 December 2020].
Latvijas Republikas 13. Saeimas rudens sesijas četrdesmit trešā (attālinātā ārkārtas) sēde 2020. gada
21. decembrī [Forty-third (remote extraordinary) sitting of the 13th Saeima autumn session of the
Republic of Latvia on 21 December 2020].
Lēmumprojekta teksts: “Par Satversmes tiesas tiesneša apstiprināšanu” [Text of the draft decision: On
approval of a justice of the Constitutional Court].
The Constitution of The Republic of Poland. Article 194, para. 1. Available: https://trybunal.gov.pl/en/
about-the-tribunal/legal-basis/the-constitution-of-the-republic-of-poland/ [last viewed 28.03.2021].
Constitution of Slovenia. Article 165, para. 1. Available: https://www.us-rs.si/legal-basis/
constitution/?lang=en [last viewed 28.03.2021].
The Constitution of the Slovak Republic. Article 134, para. 3. Available: https://www.prezident.sk/
upload-files/46422.pdf [last viewed 28.03.2021].
Act on the Federal Constitutional Court. Article 4, para. 2. Available: https://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/EN/Gesetze/BVerfGG.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=10
[last viewed 28.03.2021].
See The Composition of Constitutional Courts. European Commission for Democracy Through Law,
CDL-STD (1997)020, pp. 13–15. Available: https://www.venice.coe.int/webforms/documents/default.
aspx?pdffile=CDL-STD(1997)020-e [last viewed 28.03.2021].
See Neimanis, J. Tiesneša atkārtotas apstiprināšanas aizliegums Satversmes tiesā [Prohibition of reappointment of a justice in the Constitutional Court]. Jurista Vārds, No. 4(1166), 26.01.2021 and also
Priekulis, J. Par tiesībām atkārtoti ieņemt Satversmes tiesas tiesneša amatu [On the right to re-hold the
position of a justice of the Constitutional Court]. Jurista Vārds, No. 4(1166), 26.01.2021.
Juridiskā zinātne / Law, No. 14, 2021
Article 85 of the Constitution, which is the basis of the Constitutional Court’s
legitimacy, both debates on this issue when elaborating the Constitutional Court
Law in the Saeima and arguments stating that regardless of revising the provision
(Article 7(3) of the Constitutional Court Law) “[o]ne and the same person may not
hold the position of a Constitutional Court judge for longer than ten consecutive
years”, the person should be appointed as Constitutional Court justice only once in
a lifetime.44
In order to understand this issue, it must be analysed in context of recent
developments associated with the appointment of Mrs. I. Ziemele as a justice of
the Court of Justice of the European Union and amendments to the Constitutional
Court Law.45 Actually, the mandate term of Mrs. I. Ziemele as the Constitutional
Court justice, i.e., 10 years, had not expired when she assumed the new position
(in Court of Justice of the European Union). In order to allow Mrs. I. Ziemele to
return to the Constitutional Court at a later point, the Constitutional Court Law
was amended. Analysis of Saeima materials reveals that a proposal to include
the following provision in first sentence of Article 7 of the Constitutional Court
Law: “[i]f a person has left the position of the Constitutional Court justice to assume
a position in international court or to represent the State of Latvia by assuming
a position in an international institution and no more than 10 years have elapsed
since leaving the position of Constitutional Court justice, this person may be
reappointed for the remaining mandate period” was submitted by the Minister
for Justice, J. Bordāns and it was supported also by the Legal Commission of the
Saeima.46 J. Bordāns wrote a letter to the Legal Commission where he elaborated on
the main arguments of his proposal: to promote the best professionals to work in
international institutions, also keeping the door open for their returning to Latvia
and provide an opportunity to work as the Constitutional Court justice for the
intended 10 years once in a lifetime, and to split this period, if necessary, taking
into account interests of the State (best representation).47 Besides, the minister
based his proposal on what the doctrine said about Article 7(3) of the Constitutional
Court Law and that it “is interpreted to mean that a person can be a Constitutional
Court justice only once in a lifetime and not more than for 10 years altogether.”48
Rodiņa, A., Spale, A. Satversmes 85. panta komentārs [Commentary to Article 85 of the Constitution].
In: Latvijas Republikas Satversmes komentāri. VI nodaļa. Tiesa. VII nodaļa. Valsts kontrole
[Comments on the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia. Chapter VI. The Court. Chapter VII.
State Control]. Collective of authors, scientific ed. Prof. Balodis, R. Rīga: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2013, pp.
Sāks pildīt EST tiesneša pienākumus [Will start the duties of a judge of the CJEU]. Jurista Vārds,
No. 39(1149), 29.09.2020.
Latvijas Republikas 13. Saeimas ārkārtas sesijas attālinātā sēde 2020. gada 2. jūlijā [13th Saeima of
the Republic of Latvia, remote sitting of an extraordinary session on 2 July 2020]. Available: http://
ment [last viewed 26.01.2021]; Latvijas Republikas 13. Saeimas rudens sesijas pirmā (ārkārtas) sēde
2020. gada 3. septembrī [The first (emergency) sitting of the autumn session of the 13th Saeima of the
Republic of Latvia on 3 September 2020]. Available: http://titania.saeima.lv/LIVS13/saeimalivs13.nsf
/0/27CBAA76F2E67346C22585DE0022D824?OpenDocument [last viewed 26.01.2021].
Ministru prezidenta biedra, Tieslietu ministra J. Bordāna 18.05.2020. vēstule Nr. 1-11/1636 Latvijas
Republikas Saeimas Juridiskās komisijas priekšsēdētājam J. Jurašam [Deputy Prime Minister,
Minister of Justice J. Bordans 18.05.2020. letter No. 1-11/1636 to the Chairman of the Legal
Commission of the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia J. Jurass]. Available: http://titania.saeima.lv/
viewed 26.01.2021].
Anita Rodiņa. Appointment of the Constitutional Court Justice: Some Issues
Amendments to the Constitutional Court Law were adopted in the Saeima on
3 September 2020 and they came in force on 29 September 2020.49
This time the mechanism integrated in this new paragraph 1 of Article 7 is not
so important. A special emphasis must be placed on a fact that the new provision
does not guarantee justice’s (for example, for Mrs. I. Ziemele) returning for the
remaining mandate term, but to participate in justice selection from the very
beginning, in line with the justice nomination procedure. In the author’s opinion,
it is important that “returning mechanism” included in paragraph 1 of Article 7
reflected an understanding of the Saeima’s composition of that time of Article 7(3)
of the Constitutional Court Law: A person may assume Constitutional Court justice
position for full 10 years, including also breaks in between, which is stipulated
in the new paragraph 1 of Article 7, only once in a lifetime. If this provision
were understood differently, there would be no sense whatsoever to amend the
Constitutional Court Law and add this new “returning mechanism” of a justice,
since then, for example, Mrs. I. Ziemele could again become the Constitutional
Court justice for a new 10-year term instead of the remaining term stipulated in
Article 7(1).
When the previously mentioned amendments to the Constitutional Court Law
came in force, a person who had been a justice for entire 10 years was nominated
as the candidate after all. This issue appeared in the Judicial Council in a section
of questions and answers, however, nothing was said about it in a decision on this
Constitutional Court justice’s candidate. It is possible that this issue was debated
among the members of the Judicial Council, but it was not reflected in the available
decision. It is also possible that debates were not held (on this issue) in the Judicial
Council and it did not even notice any obstacles in this aspect. More accurately,
this assumption is only a probability, since materials of the Judicial Council which
would reflect this discussion is not publicly available.
The Saeima Legal Commission (as revealed in the minutes of the sitting) decided
that “all nominated Constitutional Court justice candidates meet all the criteria and
all candidates are suitable for a position of the Constitutional Court justice.”50 In
this case, one Commission member voted against, since she believed that not all
candidates qualified for the criteria, however, she did not specify which criterion
exactly or which candidate or candidates did not qualify. The decision of the Saeima
Legal Commission certainly raises a question as to what an opinion of the Saeima
Commission was regarding this so-called “second chance issue”, because the
opinion of the Legal Commission stated on 27 October 2020 did not match or it was
contrary to the one expressed when supporting amendments of the Constitutional
Court Law integrating “returning mechanism” of the Constitutional Court justice
(Article 7(1)).
Ideally, candidate nominators, i.e., 10 Saeima deputies, Cabinet of Ministers and
plenary meeting of the Supreme Court, first of all, are responsible for nominating
a person as the Constitutional Court justice once in a lifetime. Afterwards, other
persons involved – Judicial Council and the Saeima – may express their opinions in
Grozījumi Satversmes tiesas likumā [Amendments to the Constitutional Court Law] (03.09.2020).
Available: https://www.vestnesis.lv/op/2020/178.5 [last viewed 28.03.2021].
Saeimas Juridiskās komisijas 2020. gada 27. oktobra sēdes protokols Nr. 151 [Minutes of the sitting
of the Saeima Legal Commission of 27 October 2020 No. 151]. Available: http://titania.saeima.lv/
JK.pdf [last viewed 26.01.2021].
Juridiskā zinātne / Law, No. 14, 2021
this regard. This time, the persons involved remained silent, obviously believing that
there are no obstacles for a person to assume the position repeatedly.
3. Decision of the Judicial Council or What is Expected
from the Judicial Council
Article 4(5) of the Constitutional Court Law states that “The Presidium
of the Saeima shall inform the Judicial Council regarding the candidacies for
Constitutional Court justice position, inviting to provide an opinion on them.”
This provision was included in the Constitutional Court Law on 19 May 2011
when adopting the law “Amendments to the Constitutional Court Law”51 – after
a similar provision was already integrated in another law. Paragraph 3 of Article
8911 of the Law “On Judicial Power” (amendments of 3 June 2010) stated that
“The Judicial Council shall hear the candidates for the office of a justice of the
Constitutional Court and provide an opinion on them to the Saeima.”52 Annotation
of the amendments to Article 4(5) of the Constitutional Court Law reveals
a remark that “[a]mendments to the Constitutional Court Law must be made in
a way to harmonise its wording also with other laws already in force.”53 Provisions
included in these two normative acts are complementary, not mutually excluding,
creating a mechanism for the Judicial Council to engage in the appointment of the
Constitutional Court justice.
Involvement of the Judicial Council in this procedure is rather unique, since
usually other persons/institutions comprising professionals or public representatives
are not engaged in appointment of the Constitutional Court justice.54 Transcript
of the Saeima sittings shows that this provision was not particularly debated.55
However, it is most likely that the legislator wanted to involve the Judicial Council
in forming of the corps of Constitutional Court judges, considering its composition
and also the tasks56, in order to evaluate the candidate professionally and
The Judicial Council must, firstly, hear out the candidate and, secondly, present
its opinion on them. Hearing obligation allows a candidate to speak about their
suitability for this position, to answer the questions. Meanwhile, a phrase “to present
its opinion on them” which is integrated in the law means providing a substantiated
and understandable opinion adopted by a collegial institution regarding a particular
person. The legislator, most probably, expected to hear an opinion from the Judicial
Grozījumi Satversmes tiesas likumā [Amendments to the Constitutional Court Law] (19.05.2011).
Available: https://likumi.lv/ta/id/230990-grozijumi-satversmes-tiesas-likuma [last viewed
Grozījumi likumā “Par tiesu varu” [Amendments to the Law “On Judicial Power”] (03.06.2010).
Available: https://likumi.lv/ta/id/212199-grozijumi-likuma-par-tiesu-varu- [last viewed 28.03.2021].
Likumprojekta “Grozījumi Satversmes tiesas likumā” anotācija [Annotation of the draft law
“Amendments to the Constitutional Court Law”]. Available: http://titania.saeima.lv/LIVS10/
SaeimaLIVS10.nsf/0/A8825E46508D27C4C22577D80024DB17?OpenDocument [last viewed
Schwartz, H., Lee, H. P. The Struggle …, p. 42.
See Materiāli likumprojektu reģistrā likumprojektam “Grozījumi likumā “Par tiesu varu”” Nr. 165
[Materials in the Saeima draft law register No. 165. Amendments to the Law “On Judicial Power”],
p. 9. Available: http://titania.saeima.lv/LIVS/SaeimaLIVS.nsf/webSasaiste?OpenView&restrictto
category=1657/Lp9 [last viewed 26.01.2021].
Bičkovičs, I. Tieslietu padome ir tiesu neatkarības stiprināšanas garants [The Judicial Council is
a guarantor of strengthening the independence of the judiciary]. Latvijas Republikas Augstākās Tiesas
Biļetens, No. 16, 2018, p. 97.
Anita Rodiņa. Appointment of the Constitutional Court Justice: Some Issues
Council on suitability of the candidate for given position covering two important
aspects. Firstly, the Council should evaluate what the candidate has achieved and
done before in his/her professional carrier. Secondly, the Council should evaluate
whether the candidate is able to deliver what is expected from the Constitutional
Court justice, taking into account his/her professional and personal qualities. The
Judicial Council can, of course, define and come up with their own evaluation
Decisions of the Judicial Council regarding the Constitutional Court justice
candidates can be divided in two groups.
Decisions of the Judicial Council regarding the Constitutional Court justice
candidates were concise and constructive until 26 October 2020. They expressed
support for appointing a relevant candidate to this position. It was the case with
candidates S. Osipovs57, I. Ziemele58, A. Laviņš59, G. Kusiņš60, D. Rezevska61,
A. Kučs62, J. Neimanis63. It is noteworthy that in these cases the Judicial Council had
to express an opinion only about one nominee.
The second period outlines another reality since on 26 October 2020 when
Judicial Council had to state its opinion on several candidates for this office.
For the first time, the Judicial Council had defined exact criteria which it took
into consideration when providing its opinion on them. Namely, evaluation was
aimed at: professional authority and professional performance; contribution to
development of the legal system; professional and private reputation within the
framework of available data; perspective on the place and role of the Constitutional
Tieslietu padomes 04.07.2011. lēmums Nr. 50. Par Satversmes tiesas tiesneša amata kandidāti
S. Osipovu [Judicial Council’s decision of 04.07.2011 No. 50. On the candidate for the position of
a justice of the Constitutional Court S. Osipova]. Available:
http://www.at.gov.lv/files/uploads/files/docs/nr50.pdf [last viewed 26.01.2021].
Tieslietu padomes 18.08.2014. lēmums Nr. 48. Par Satversmes tiesas tiesneša amata kandidātu
[Judicial Council’s decision of 18.08.2014 No. 48. On a candidate for the position of a justice of
the Constitutional Court]. Available: http://at.gov.lv/files/uploads/files/9_Tieslietu_padome/
Lemumi/2014/Nr.48-2014.PDF [last viewed 26.01.2021].
Tieslietu padomes 10.03.2014. lēmums Nr. 10. Par Satversmes tiesas tiesneša amata kandidātu
[Judicial Council’s decision of 10.03.2014 No. 10. On a candidate for the position of a justice of
the Constitutional Court]. Available: http://at.gov.lv/files/uploads/files/9_Tieslietu_padome/
Lemumi/2014/Lemums%20Nr.10-2014.PDF [last viewed 26.01.2021].
Tieslietu padomes 27.01.2014. lēmums Nr. 1. Par Satversmes tiesas tiesneša amata kandidātu [Judicial
Council’s decision of 27.01.2014 No. 1. On a candidate for the position of a justice of the Constitutional
Court]. Available: http://at.gov.lv/files/uploads/files/9_Tieslietu_padome/Lemumi/2014/1_2014.PDF
[last viewed 26.01.2021].
Tieslietu padomes 06.10.2015. lēmums Nr. 91. Par Satversmes tiesas tiesneša amata kandidātu
[Judicial Council’s decision of 06.10.2015 No. 91. On a candidate for the position of a justice of
the Constitutional Court]. Available: http://at.gov.lv/files/uploads/files/9_Tieslietu_padome/
Lemumi/2015/Lemums%20Nr.%2091-2015.pdf [last viewed 26.01.2021].
Tieslietu padomes 15.12.2016. lēmums Nr. 87. Par Satversmes tiesas tiesneša amata kandidātu A. Kuču
[Judicial Council’s decision of 15.12.2016 No. 87. On the candidate for the position of a justice of
the Constitutional Court A. Kučs]. Available: http://at.gov.lv/files/uploads/files/9_Tieslietu_padome/
Lemumi/2016/LemumsNr_87-2016.pdf [last viewed 26.01.2021].
Tieslietu padomes 28.11.2016. lēmums Nr. 81. Par Satversmes tiesas tiesneša amata kandidātu
J. Neimani [Judicial Council’s decision of 28.11.2016 No. 81. On the candidate for the position of
a justice of the Constitutional Court J. Neimanis]. Available: http://at.gov.lv/files/uploads/files/9_
Tieslietu_padome/Lemumi/2016/Lemusm%20Nr_%2081-2016.pdf [last viewed 26.01.2021].
Juridiskā zinātne / Law, No. 14, 2021
Court in country.64 It can be concluded that three capacities of a candidate were
subject to evaluation: evaluation of current activity (achievements), evaluation
of reputation and evaluation of knowledge about the place and role of the
Constitutional Court in a state.
In general, setting of precise criteria of candidate evaluation is a positive
sign. They clearly indicate that Judicial Council has set high standards for the
Constitutional Court justice candidates. Such criteria, most likely, will be applied
also to next prospective Constitutional Court justice candidates, without ruling out
a possibility to specify, redefine and change such criteria. In terms of content, the
Judicial Council has taken a big step forward when evaluating the Constitutional
Court justice candidates according to content and essence. It can be acknowledged
as a very good practice.
In the meantime, three decisions of the Judicial Council dated 26 October
2020 revealed a brand new and unprecedented formula. Namely, on the one hand,
the Judicial Council approved candidates of the Constitutional Court justice as
suitable, yet expressed remarks or commentaries, for instance, “the candidate
lacks wider up-to-date perspective on the place of the Constitutional Court in the
State”.65 If one takes into account criteria set by the Judicial Council – a perspective
on place and role of the Constitutional Court in the State – such decision made by
the Judicial Council may lead to think that given candidate has a perspective of the
Constitutional Court concerning this criteria, but it is not wide and up-to-date,
yet it has not affected the final decision. An even broader formula was included in
other decision, where it was admitted that a person is a suitable candidate for the
Constitutional Court justice position, nevertheless, a remark was made on lack of
authority, practical experience and wider perspective on constitutional issues.66
Furthermore, here it is possible to conclude that the said shortcomings have not
interfered with making the final decision and they have remained insignificant,
because they have not influenced the central formula that the candidate is suitable
for the position.
Unfortunately, there are no other publicly available materials to understand what
considerations have given rise to such remarks. Yet, it is clear that the Judicial
Tieslietu padomes 26.10.2020. lēmums Nr. 61. Par Satversmes tiesas tiesneša amata kandidāti Inesi
Nikuļcevu [Judicial Council’s decision of 26.10.2020 No. 61. On the candidate for the position of
a justice of the Constitutional Court Inese Nikuļceva]. Available: http://at.gov.lv/files/uploads/
files/9_Tieslietu_padome/Lemumi/2020/TP_lemums_nr_61_2020.pdf [last viewed 12.04.2021];
Tieslietu padomes 26.10.2020. lēmums Nr. 60. Par Satversmes tiesas tiesneša amata kandidāti Inesi
Lībiņu-Egneri [Judicial Council’s decision of 26.10.2020 No. 60. On the candidate for the position of
a justice of the Constitutional Court Inese Lībiņa-Egnere]. Available: http://at.gov.lv/files/uploads/
files/9_Tieslietu_padome/Lemumi/2020/TP_lemums_nr_60_2020.pdf [last viewed 26.01.2021].
Tieslietu padomes 26.10.2020. lēmums Nr. 62. Par Satversmes tiesas tiesneša amata kandidātu
Gunāru Kūtri [Judicial Council’s decision of 26.10.2020 No. 62. On the candidate for the position
of a justice of the Constitutional Court Gunārs Kūtris]. Available: http://at.gov.lv/files/uploads/
files/9_Tieslietu_padome/Lemumi/2020/TP_lemums_nr_62_2020.pdf [last viewed 26.01.2021];
Tieslietu padomes 26.10.2020. lēmums Nr. 58. Par Satversmes tiesas tiesneša amata kandidātu
Ringoldu Balodi [Judicial Council’s decision of 26.10.2020 No. 58. On the candidate for the
position of a justice of the Constitutional Court Ringolds Balodis]. Available: http://at.gov.lv/files/
uploads/files/9_Tieslietu_padome/Lemumi/2020/TP_lemums_nr_58_2020.pdf [last viewed
Tieslietu padomes 26.10.2020. lēmums Nr. 59. Par Satversmes tiesas tiesneša amata kandidāti
Inesi Druvieti [Judicial Council’s decision of 26.10.2020 No. 59. On the candidate for the position
of a justice of the Constitutional Court Inese Druviete]. Available: http://at.gov.lv/files/uploads/
files/9_Tieslietu_padome/Lemumi/2020/TP_lemums_nr_59_2020.pdf [last viewed 26.01.2021].
Anita Rodiņa. Appointment of the Constitutional Court Justice: Some Issues
Council is not merely a formal institution engaged in appointment of the Constitutional Court justice and all the future candidates of the Constitutional Court
justice must take into account the named criteria.
1. It is in the interests of the society if the best lawyers work in the Constitutional Court. A prerequisite of justice’s independence and impartiality is also
his/her professional competence and personal qualities. Therefore, the legislation has set a high standards and requirements for a justice candidate. Such
requirements integrated in the Constitutional Court Law (Article 4, Paragraph 2) match the common trends in other European countries. They are
sufficient and adequate.
2. Appointment of the Constitutional Court justice at the end of 2020 in Latvia
was unique also because the voting for the Constitutional Court justice took
place in a remote Saeima sitting, in platform e-Saeima. Furthermore, the
Chair of the Saeima sitting had to quickly resolve an adequate application
of Article 26(4) of the Saeima Rules of Procedure ensuring a proper voting
3. Even if the parliament did not manage to appoint any of 5 nominated justice
candidates at the end of 2020, it does not automatically mean that the
procedure of Constitutional Court justice appointment in Latvia is not good
and appropriate. It was useful and correct throughout all the previous years.
The problem was obviously in finding compromises in the parliament which
is outside the scope of law.
4. Provision of the so-called “returning option” integrated in Article 7(1) of the
Constitutional Court Law does not promise a safe return of the justice in his/
her position for the remaining mandate term; instead, it offers participation
in the justice selection process from the start, in line with the nomination
procedure in place.
5. Amendments to the Constitutional Court whereby the law offers a possibility
for the Constitutional Court justice to return in his/her position for the
remaining term reflects an understanding of current Saeima composition
on Article 7(3) of the Constitutional Court Law that a person can assume
a position of Constitutional Court justice for 10 years only once in a lifetime.
If this provision were understood differently, there would be no need to
amend the Constitutional Court Law and supplement this new “returning
mechanism” of the justice.
6. Involvement of the Judicial Council in appointing of Constitutional Court
justice is quite unique. The Judicial Council must, firstly, hear out the
candidate and secondly, – present its opinion on him/her. Hearing obligation
allows a candidate to speak about his/her suitability for this position,
to answer the questions. Meanwhile, a phrase “to present its opinion on
them” which is integrated in the law means providing a substantiated
and understandable opinion adopted by a collegial institution regarding
suitability of particular person for the position.
7. Opinion of the Judicial Council on suitability of a candidate for given
position can cover two important aspects. Firstly, the Council should
evaluate what the candidate has achieved and done before in his/her
Juridiskā zinātne / Law, No. 14, 2021
professional life (career). Secondly, the Council should evaluate whether the
candidate will be able to perform what is expected from the Constitutional
Court justice, by considering his or her professional and personal qualities.
8. Determination of evaluation criteria for the candidate by the Judicial Council
is a good practice, and the criteria already defined clearly shows that the
Judicial Council has set high standards for Constitutional Court justice
candidates. The Judicial Council is not merely a formal institution engaged
in appointment procedure to the Constitutional Court justice office, and all
future candidates must take into account the named criteria.
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Juridiskā zinātne / Law, No. 14, 2021
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