In this work, exergetic parameters for steam power plant components are established to recognize the impact of those components on the environment during their operation. Beside the exergetic efficiency, other parameters are introduced for the analysis, such as the exergy destruction factor, environmental destruction coefficient, environmental destruction index and environmental benign index. The obtained figures (numbers) of those parameters are significant for the time being when a comparison evaluation is to be made to recognize the impact of those components on the environment, which is the main objective of this work. To highlight the foregoing approach, a steam power plant of 350 MW is selected for the analysis. The main components of the plant are: a steam generator, a re-heater, steam turbines, high and low pressure feed-water heaters, a deaerator, a condenser and pumps. The results show that the steam generator, re-heater and condenser have the largest environmental impacts.

EXERGO-ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS FOR A 350 MW STEAM POWER STATION Giuma Fellah Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli- Libya E-mail: Received 28 January 2024, revised 16 February 2024, accepted 28 February 2024 ‫الملخص‬ ‫ لعناصر محطة قدرة بخارية‬،‫ يتم تقديم بارامترات مبنية على مفهوم اإلكسيرجي‬،‫في هذا العمل‬ ،‫ إلى جانب الكفاءة اإلكسيرجية‬.‫ للتعرف على تأثير هذه العناصر على البيئة أثناء تشغيلها‬،‫كمقاربة‬ ‫ مؤشر التحطيم‬،‫ بارامتر التحطيم البيئي‬،‫ مثل بارامتر تحطيم اإلكسيرجي‬،‫يتم تقديم بارامترات أخرى‬ ‫ النتائج التي تم الحصول عليها من هذه المقاربة مفيدة ومهمة عند‬.‫ والمؤشر الحميد للبيئة‬،‫البيئي‬ ‫ لتسليط الضوء على‬.‫ وهو الهدف الرئيسي لهذا العمل‬،‫مقارنة وتقييم تأثير تلك العناصر على البيئة‬ ‫ متضمنة العناصر الرئيسية‬،‫ ميجاوات للتحليل‬350 ‫ تم اختيار محطة قدرة بخارية بقدرة‬،‫هذه المقاربة‬ ‫ سخانات مياه التغذية ذات الضغط‬،‫ التوربينات البخارية‬،‫ معيد التسخين‬،‫للمحطة وهي مولد البخار‬ ‫ أظهرت النتائج أن مولد البخار‬.‫ والمضخات‬،‫ المكثف‬،‫ جهاز نزع الهواء‬،‫العالي والضغط المنخفض‬ .‫ومعيد التسخين والمكثف لهم التأثير األكبر على البيئة‬ ABSTRACT In this work, exergetic parameters for steam power plant components are established to recognize the impact of those components on the environment during their operation. Beside the exergetic efficiency, other parameters are introduced for the analysis, such as the exergy destruction factor, environmental destruction coefficient, environmental destruction index and environmental benign index. The obtained figures (numbers) of those parameters are significant for the time being when a comparison evaluation is to be made to recognize the impact of those components on the environment, which is the main objective of this work. To highlight the foregoing approach, a steam power plant of 350 MW is selected for the analysis. The main components of the plant are: a steam generator, a re-heater, steam turbines, high and low pressure feed-water heaters, a deaerator, a condenser and pumps. The results show that the steam generator, re-heater and condenser have the largest environmental impacts. KEYWORDS: Exergy; Exergy Destruction; Exergoenvironmental; Environmental Impact. INTRODUCTION The future obligation for the strategy of energy conversion systems is to decrease the environmental effects with restricted drawbacks on expenses, therefore the electrical power must be generated with low environmental impact [1]. The environmental concern is drawing attention due to complications such as environmental acidity, ozone depletion potential and global warming potential [2]. To measure the level of the environmental impact for producing electrical power, exergoenvironmental approach is demonstrated. The approach is an exergy based method, which is utilized to assess the environmental impact of a thermal system or its components during the operation. The negative impact is due to irreversibilities, rejecting materials and heat to the environment [3]. Reducing the exergy destruction and emission will reduce the environmental impact and increase the sustainability of the process as it extends the Journal of Engineering Research (University of Tripoli) Issue (37) March 2024 63 lives of the present natural resources. Consequently, exergy could be addressed for the best utilization of the natural resources by reducing the exergy destruction and emission, and hence reducing the environmental impact [4]. The utilization of fossil fuel in generating electricity in power plants has a negative impact on the environment, which can be reduced by improving the overall exergetic efficiency [5]. Electrical power generation such as organic Rankine cycle operates on the renewable energy proves to be a promising eco-friendly technology [6]. The benefit of exposing the exergy concept in assessing the performance of thermal systems is to indicate the effect of decreasing the exergy destruction and losses on saving energy, reducing the environmental impact and raising the sustainable development [4], see Figure (1). Figure 1: Confluence triangle exposed the task of the exergy analysis [4] It is very important to realize that the increase in the exergetic efficiency will decrease the exergy destruction, reduce the degradation of the resources, reduce the environmental destruction and increase the sustainability of operation, see Figure (2). Figure 2: The environmental impact of the exergetic efficiency [4] The environmental impact of the industrial processes which are based on exergy has been considered by many authors. An analysis motivated on studying the bottoming power cycles working with CO2-based binary mixture, taking into account exergoenvironmental impact indices was introduced [7]. The goal was to weigh the benefits of using a CO2-based mixture as a working fluid in closed Brayton bottoming power cycles in contrast with pure CO2 working fluid. The environmental impact of heat pumps was studied [8]. The annual environmental impact related with the product was reduced by 9.5 % when the temperature differences in both heat exchangers were decreased. Geothermal water was used as an eco-friendly source of energy to power a Journal of Engineering Research (University of Tripoli) Issue (37) March 2024 64 combined cycle of water and CO2 power cycle [9]. The analysis was based on the concept of exergy where an exergoenvironmental factor was introduced to measure the environmental impact of the proposed power plant. To reduce the environmental damage, it was concluded that the heat exchangers should work at their pinch point. Life Cycle and exergoenvironmental analyses were applied for organic Rankine cycle based on geothermal water as an energy source [10] . The applied approach permitted to recognize the components with the most environmental impact. Integrated arrangements for hydrogen and cooling productions combined with photo voltaic were studied to identify their environmental impacts. Environmental impact factors, such as, exergy destruction factor, environmental destruction coefficient, environmental destruction index and environmental benign index were introduced [5]. The environmental impact of cement production was investigated [3]. The analysis indicated that the exergy destruction caused by process and combustion releases in the kiln was the main cause of environmental impacts. The exergoenvironmental study of 400 MW electrical power plant consists of a combined gas/steam turbine and a solar field was implemented [2]. The results showed that the condenser needed to rise its exergetic efficiency to decrease the environmental impact. An exergoenvironmental analysis for 220 MW steam power plant was performed [11]. It was found that the highest exergy destruction was in the boiler. Moreover, sustainability indicators such as environmental destruction factor, waste exergy ratio and sustainability index factors had been calculated. The environmental impact of hydrogen production by reforming of methane was investigated [12]. The study was based on combining the exergy and life cycle evaluation. It was concluded that the environmental impact could be reduced by improving the exergetic efficiency. Reducing the environmental impact by capturing carbon dioxide emitted by a combined power plant was introduced [13]. The analysis which was based on chemical looping combustion approach showed a decrease on the environmental impact. The effect of temperature variations in the high climate regions from environmental view point was investigated [14]. It was found that the environmental impact was much less for the combined cycle than that for the conventional gas turbine cycle. A combined of exergy analysis with life cycle evaluation to examine the thermodynamic effectiveness and development of environmental impacts on plant components was introduced [15]. The method was used to allocate the environmental influences to the energy and material flows, besides the thermodynamic inefficiencies inside each component. The analysis exposed the dependence between thermodynamic performance and environmental impacts and among process components for a high-temperature solid oxide fuel cell with a combined biomass gasification process. In this work, an exergoenvironmental analysis is performed for 350 MW steam power plant. The plant is proposed to be installed in west Tripoli-Libya. The analysis is based on the design data. Parameters such as exergy destruction factor, environmental destruction coefficient, environmental destruction and benign indices will be estimated. MATERIALS AND METHODS Figure (3) shows the selected steam power plant for the analysis. The software “Thermax” is used to generate the thermodynamic properties [16]. The Excel software is used to solve the linear equations to obtain the mass flow rates which are extracted to feed the feed-water heaters [17]. The design data for the selected power plant is shown in Table (1). Journal of Engineering Research (University of Tripoli) Issue (37) March 2024 65 Figure 3: The selected steam power unit The thermodynamic model The details of the thermodynamic model can be found in [17]. Steady-state, steadyflow processes are assumed for the analysis. By neglecting the pressure drop, heat loss to the environment, and the change in the kinetic and potential energies, then: The mass balance can be expressed as: ∑(𝑚̇𝑖 )𝑘 = ∑(𝑚̇𝑒 )𝑘 (1) The first law of thermodynamic: ∑ 𝑄̇𝑘 + ∑(𝑚̇𝑖 ℎ𝑖 )𝑘 = ∑(𝑚̇𝑒 ℎ𝑒 )𝑘 + 𝑊̇𝑘 (2𝑎) 𝑘 The mass flow rate for the power cycle can be found as: 𝑊̇ (𝑘𝑊) 𝑘𝐽 𝑤( ) 𝑘𝑔 The first law efficiency is: 𝑚̇𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 = 𝜂= (2𝑏) 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 (𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑) 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦(𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡) The physical exergy can be expressed as: 𝛹̇ = 𝑚̇[(ℎ − ℎ0 ) − 𝑇0 (𝑠 − 𝑠0 )] (3) (4) o Where T0 is the environmental temperature and taken as 25 C. The exergy balance for the component “k” is expressed as” 𝑁 𝑁 𝑁 𝑖 𝑖 𝑒 𝑇0 ∑ (1 − ) 𝑄̇𝑘 + ∑ 𝛹̇𝑖,𝑘 = ∑ 𝛹̇𝑒,𝑘 + 𝑊̇𝑘 + 𝐼𝑘̇ 𝑇 Journal of Engineering Research (University of Tripoli) (5) Issue (37) March 2024 66 Table 1: Design data of the selected steam power unit [17] High pressure turbine Drain cooler approach o Inlet temperature, T11 [ C] 538 All heaters [oC] 5.6 HPT inlet pressure, P11 [kPa] 17490 Extracting pressures [kPa] Extracting (1), P12 4350 Reheater o Inlet temperature, T14 [ C] 538 Extracting (2), P15 2030 Inlet pressure, P14 [kPa] 4350 Extracting (3), P16 977 Extracting (4), P18 549 Efficiency Pumps [%] 75 Extracting (5), P19 298 Turbines [%] 85 Extracting (6), P20 161 Generator [%] 93.5 Extracting (7), P21 69 Terminal temperatura difference High pressure heaters [oC] 2.8 o Low pressure heaters [ C] 0.0 The Fuel-Product-Loss concept is applied (F-P-L). For a component (k) the exergy balance is written as: 𝛹̇̇ 𝐹 = 𝛹̇̇ 𝑃 + 𝛹̇̇ 𝐷 (6) The second-law efficiency (effectiveness) of every single component (k) is given by: 𝛹̇𝑃 𝛹̇𝐷 𝜀𝑘 = = 1− (7) 𝛹̇𝐹 𝛹̇𝐹 The second-law efficiency (effectiveness) of the power cycle is given as: 𝑊̇𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝜀= 𝑚̇𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 × 𝜓𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 The exergy of the hydrocarbon fuel is obtained by: 𝐿𝐻𝑉 ≈ 1.00565 𝜓𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 The Fuel-Product definitions for the selected power plant are shown in Table (2). (8) (9) Exergoenvironmental analysis The exergy destruction for a component “k” is given by: Ψ̇𝐷,𝑘 = Ψ̇𝐹,𝑘 − Ψ̇𝑃,𝑘 − Ψ̇𝐿,𝑘 By rearranging we get: Ψ̇𝑃,𝑘 + Ψ̇𝐿,𝑘 Ψ̇𝐷,𝑘 = Ψ̇𝐹,𝑘 (1 − ) Ψ̇𝐹,𝑘 Then: Ψ̇𝐷,𝑘 = Ψ̇𝐹,𝑘 (1 − 𝜀𝑘 − 𝑟𝐿,𝑘 ) And: Ψ̇𝑃,𝑘 𝜀𝑘 = Ψ̇𝐹,𝑘 Exergy loss factor is defined as: Ψ̇𝐿,𝑘 𝑟𝐿,𝑘 = 0 ≤ 𝑟𝐿,𝑘 ≤ 1 Ψ̇𝐹,𝑘 Journal of Engineering Research (University of Tripoli) Issue (37) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) March 2024 67 Table 2: Fuel-Product exergy designations Comp. Fuel SG RH HPT IPT LPT Cond HPH1 Product Comp. Fuel Ψ̇𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙_𝑆𝐺 Ψ̇11 − Ψ̇10 HPH2 Ψ̇11 − Ψ̇12 − Ψ̇13 𝑊̇𝐻𝑃𝑇 LPH1 Ψ̇𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙_𝑅𝐻 Ψ̇14 − Ψ̇15 − Ψ̇16 − Ψ̇17 Ψ̇17 − Ψ̇18 − Ψ̇19 − Ψ̇20 − Ψ̇21 − Ψ̇22 Ψ̇22 − Ψ̇34 − Ψ̇1 Ψ̇12 − Ψ̇23 Ψ̇14 − Ψ̇13 DEA 𝑊̇𝐼𝑃𝑇 LPH2 𝑊̇𝐿𝑃𝑇 LPH3 Ψ̇𝑐𝑤2 − Ψ̇𝑐𝑤1 Ψ̇10 − Ψ̇9 LPH4 CEP FP Exergy destruction factor () Product Ψ̇15 + Ψ̇24 − Ψ̇25 Ψ̇6 + Ψ̇16 + Ψ̇26 Ψ̇18 − Ψ̇27 Ψ̇19 + Ψ̇28 − Ψ̇29 Ψ̇20 + Ψ̇30 − Ψ̇31 Ψ̇21 + Ψ̇32 − Ψ̇33 𝑊̇𝐶𝐸𝑃 𝑊̇𝐹𝑃 Ψ̇9 − Ψ̇8 Ψ̇7 Ψ̇6 − Ψ̇5 Ψ̇5 − Ψ̇4 Ψ̇4 − Ψ̇3 Ψ̇3 − Ψ̇2 Ψ̇2 − Ψ̇1 Ψ̇8 − Ψ̇7 Exergy destruction factor is considered as an exergy-based sustainability factor for a component in operation. It designates the reduction of the constructive impact of the component on the exergy-based sustainability. The constructive role of the component implies supplying more anticipated exergy output and lessening the irreversibilities and reducing the discarded exergy outputs throughout the component operation. The exergy destruction factor “"𝜎𝑘 ” is then defined as: 𝜎𝑘 = Ψ̇𝐷,𝑘 Ψ̇𝐹,𝑘 0 ≤ 𝜎𝑘 ≤ 1 (15) Environmental destruction coefficient () The environmental destruction coefficient of a component denotes its potential on the environmental destruction during its operation. To explore the constructive role of a component on exergy-bases sustainability, this coefficient should be defined on the exergy basis. A component with high exergetic efficiency has low potential in destroying the environment, and vice versa, a component with low exergetic efficiency has high potential in destroying the environment, because of that, it is proposed to define the environmental destruction coefficient as the inverse of the exergetic efficiency, such that, the environmental destruction coefficient of a component ”𝛽𝑘 " is given as: 𝛽𝑘 = 1 Ψ̇𝐹,𝑘 = 𝜀𝑘 Ψ̇𝑃,𝑘 1 ≤ 𝛽𝑘 ≤ ∞ (16) In real life applications, this coefficient should be near to ‘‘1’’ to specify that the component is environmentally friendly during the operation. Journal of Engineering Research (University of Tripoli) Issue (37) March 2024 68 Environmental destruction index () Environmental destruction index “𝛿𝑘 of a component is a significant parameter to denote whether or not the component harms the environment owing to its exergy destruction. The index might be given as: Ψ̇ Ψ̇ Ψ̇ 𝛿𝑘 = (𝜎𝑘 + 𝑟𝐿,𝑘 ) × 𝛽𝑘 = ( Ψ̇𝐷,𝑘 + Ψ̇𝐿,𝑘 ) × Ψ̇𝐹,𝑘 = 𝐹,𝑘 Environmental benign index “𝜇𝑘 " 𝐹,𝑘 𝑃,𝑘 ̇ 𝐿,𝑘 Ψ̇𝐷,𝑘 +Ψ Ψ̇𝑃,𝑘 0 ≤ 𝛿𝑘 ≤ ∞ (17) Environmental benign index specifies the environmental suitability of a component. If so, in order to improve the environmental suitability of a component, its environmental destruction index should be lessened to be nearer to the finest reference value. The exergy destruction and exergy waste should be minimized, and the input exergy should be optimized for maximizing the useful product of the component. It is proposed to define the environmental benign index as the reverse of the environmental destruction index, that is: 𝜇𝑘 = 1 Ψ̇𝑃,𝑘 = 𝛿𝑘 Ψ̇𝐷,𝑘 + Ψ̇𝐿,𝑘 0 ≤ 𝜇𝑘 ≤ ∞ (18) Higher values indicate that the component operation is friendlier to the environment. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table (3) shows the exergy destruction in each component of the steam power plant. As expected the largest destructions are in the steam generator and the re-heater. Item SG RH HPT IPT LPT CEP FP HPH1 HPH2 FWH Table 3: Fuel, Product and exergy destruction Ψ̇𝐷,𝑘 (𝑀𝑊) Ψ̇𝐷,𝑘 (𝑀𝑊) F (MW) P (MW) F (MW) P (MW) Item 412.532 757.934 345.402 LPH1 0.603 6.898 6.295 70.976 141.590 70.614 LPH2 0.438 5.286 4.848 8.282 104.166 95.885 LPH3 0.582 5.362 4.780 8.021 108.666 100.645 LPH4 2.625 8.273 5.648 21.589 182.268 160.679 Cond. 13.732 18.789 5.057 0.086 0.302 0.216 Trap1 0.043 4.800 4.757 1.161 6.907 5.746 Trap2 0.038 5.330 5.292 1.633 23.674 22.041 Trap3 0.002 0.669 0.666 1.353 13.778 12.425 Trap4 0.004 0.876 0.873 0.754 14.380 13.626 Trap5 0.006 0.779 0.773 Trap6 0.009 0.110 0.101 Total Exergy destruction (MW) 544.4674082 Figure (4) shows the exergetic efficiency of the plant’s components. As can be seen, the lowest exergetic efficiency belongs to the steam generator, re-heater and condenser. The exergetic efficiency is a significant parameter for exergy-based sustainability of the plant’s components. The exergetic efficiency is expressed as the ratio between the product and the fuel on exergy basis it must be maximized for a sustainable operation. Journal of Engineering Research (University of Tripoli) Issue (37) March 2024 69 Figure 4: The exergetic efficiency of the plant components The exergy destruction factor for the plant components is shown in Figure (5). The exergy destruction in a component reduces its sustainability of operation and can be represented by the exergy destruction factor. It is the ratio between the exergy destruction and the fuel exergy, for sustainable operation its value must be close to zero. Large exergy destruction factors such as for the steam generator, re-heater and condenser indicates low sustainability of operation. Figure 5: The exergy destruction factor The large exergy destruction factor of the condenser is due to the large quantity of water (14951 kg/s) which is rejected to the environment with moderate temperature of 32oC. Furthermore, the large exergy destruction factors in the steam generator and the reheater are due to the large exergy destruction and loss (483.5 MW) in these two components. Journal of Engineering Research (University of Tripoli) Issue (37) March 2024 70 The environmental destruction coefficients for the plant components are shown in Figure (6). It is the reciprocal of the exergetic efficiency, and hence its value should be close to unity for sustainable operation. Large values such as for the condenser, steam generator and re-heater indicate unsustainable operation. The negative environmental impact of the condenser is also reported [2] Sustainable operations are found for turbines and heaters where the environmental destruction coefficients are close to unity. Figure 6: The environmental destruction coefficient The environmental destruction indices are shown in Figure (7). Figure 7: The environmental destruction index As stated before, it is the ratio of the exergy destruction and loss to the exergy of the product. Exergy destruction and loss to the environment create entropy and hence destroy the environment. The environmental destruction index should be close to zero for Journal of Engineering Research (University of Tripoli) Issue (37) March 2024 71 environment friendly components such as turbines, heaters and pumps. As can be seen the index is relatively high for the steam generator, re-heater and condenser due irreversibilities and due to large release of cooling water in the condenser, and due to exhaust gases and heat rejection in the steam generator and re-heater. The largest environmental impact indices for the condenser and the boiler are also reported [18]. Figure (8) shows the benign index. It is the inverse of the environmental destruction factor. Eco-friendly components such as heaters and turbines have relatively large benign index, while extremely low values such as for the steam generator, re-heater and condenser indicate environmental unfriendly components. Figure 8: The environmental benign index The analysis is extended to explore the environmental impact of the whole plant. The exergetic efficiency of the steam power plant is found equal to38.91% and hence the environmental destruction coefficient is 2.57, this value should be close to unity for sustainable operation of the plant. Environmental destruction coefficient of 1.2853 were reported.[11]. The exergy destruction factor is found as 0.6052, by reducing the exergy destruction this value could be reduced to become close to zero for sustainable operation of the whole plant. The environmental destruction index is found equal to 1.57. The index should be close to zero for eco-friendly operation. The inverse of the environmental destruction index is the benign index with value of 0.6369, this value is too low for ecofriendly operation of the power plant. CONCLUSIONS To measure the level of the environmental impact of the components of a steam power plant, sustainability parameters based on the concept of exergy are highlighted. Eco-friendly components determine their sustainability of operation. Exergy based parameters such as exergetic efficiency, exergy destruction factor environmental destruction coefficient environmental destruction index and benign index are introduced. Low sustainable operations for the steam generator, re-heater and condenser as the exergy destruction factor, environmental destruction coefficient and environmental destruction index are relatively high. Besides, the analysis shows a high harmful impact of the steam Journal of Engineering Research (University of Tripoli) Issue (37) March 2024 72 generator, re-heater, and condenser on the environment, where the environmental benign indices are relatively low compared to other plant components. The sustainability of the whole plant based on the exergy concept is checked. The overall exergetic efficiency should be improved for sustainable operation of the steam power plant. This goal can be achieved by operating the condenser near the pinch point and by improving the exergetic efficiency of the steam generator and the re-heater. NOMENCLATURE Symbol Symbol 𝑘𝑔 𝑚̇ ( ) 𝑠 𝑄̇ (𝑘𝑊) 𝑊̇ (𝑘𝑊) 𝐼 ̇ (𝑘𝑊) h (kJ/kg) s (kJ/kg.K) T (K) mass flow rate IPT heat rate power irreversibility enthalpy entropy SG RH HPT CEP FP temperature w (kJ/kg) LHV (kJ/kg) LPT specific work lower heating value low pressure turbine high pressure heater Greek letters   HPH LPH low pressure heater    intermediate pressure turbine steam generator re-heater high pressure turbine condensate pump feed pump thermal efficiency exergetic efficiency Greek letters  environmental destruction index Subscripts i e o F inlet exit ambient fuel P product D destruction exergy destruction factor environmental destruction coefficient environmental destruction benign REFERENCES [1] G. Bonforte, J. Buchgeister, G. Manfrida, and K. 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