Baylor School of Medicine

2020, Academic Medicine

Supplemental digital content for Ismail N, Christner J, Appelbaum N, Monroe A. Baylor School of Medicine. Acad Med. 2020;95(9 suppl). Supplemental Digital Content Supplemental Digital Appendix 1 Curriculum Map……...…………….2 Supplemental Digital Appendix 2 Core Competency Graduation Goals and Mapped Assessment Methods.…………………...……….3 1 Supplemental Digital Appendix 1 Curriculum Map YEAR 1 AUGUST • • • • • • DECEMBER/JANUARY MS1-TERM 1 9 weeks FOUNDATIONAL SCIENCES CURRICULUM MS1-TERM 2 MS1-TERM 3 10 weeks 9 weeks YEAR 2 MS1-TERM 4 10 weeks JUNE MS1-TERM 5 6 weeks Anatomy • Respiratory Cell Biology and Histology • Renal • Immunologic & Pathologic • Nervous System • Nervous System Basis of Disease Physiology • Gastrointestinal • Infectious Disease • Infectious Disease • General Pharmacology Biochemistry • Metabolism/Nutrition • Behavioral Science • Behavioral Science • Head and Neck Genetics • Endocrine • Ethics Cardiovascular • Reproduction CTAPS - Critical Thinking and Problem Solving TRAP - Translational Research and Population Health PPS I & II - Patient, Physician and Society Team Launch Pad aElectives FOUNDATIONAL SCIENCES CURRICULUM MS2-TERM 1 MS2-TERM 2 9 weeks 10 weeks • • • • • MARCH • Gastrointestinal Cardiology • Endocrinology Respiratory • Genitourinary/Gynecology Renal • Genetics Hematology/Oncology • Age Related Topics Patient Safety • Transition to Clinical Rotations PPS III - Patient, Physician and Society CLINICAL SCIENCES CURRICULUM b Core Clerkships Emergency Medicine, Family and Community Medicine, Medicine, Neurology, Ob/Gyn, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Surgery • • • • Clinical Applications of the Basic Sciences Business and Leadership in Medicine Nutrition Dermatology Evidence Based Medicine aElectives YEAR 3 CLINICAL SCIENCES CURRICULUM b Core/Required Clerkships Family and Community Medicine, Medicine, Neurology, Ob/Gyn, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Surgery, Emergency Medicine cSelectives Ophthalmology, Orthopedic Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology, Urology dSub-Internship Experience Family and Community Medicine, General Medicine, Neurology, Ob/Gyn, Pediatrics, Surgery YEAR 4 D-DASH - Determinants, Disparities and Social Health of Populations CLINICAL SCIENCES CURRICULUM b Core/Required Clerkships Family and Community Medicine, Medicine, Neurology, Ob/Gyn, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Surgery, Emergency Medicine cSelectives Ophthalmology, Orthopedic Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology, Urology dSub-Internship Experience Family and Community Medicine, General Medicine, Neurology, Ob/Gyn, Pediatrics, Surgery Transitions to GME Capstone: Advanced Physician Experience aElectives – 16 credits required; bCore Clerkships – 50 weeks required in clinical years; cSelectives – 4 weeks required in clinical years; dSub-Internship Experience – 4 weeks required in clinical years 2 Supplemental Digital Appendix 2 Core Competency Graduation Goals and Mapped Assessment Methods Medical Education Program Objectives/CCGGs 1. Professionalism 1.1. Apply ethical decision making that upholds patient and public trust 1.2. Employ honesty, integrity, and respect in all interactions 1.3. Demonstrate a commitment to advocate for the needs and well-being of patients, colleagues, and self 1.4. Demonstrate caring, compassion, and empathy 1.5. Demonstrate awareness of one’s own biases and sensitivity to diverse patients and colleagues 1.6. Identify and fulfill responsibilities and obligations as a learner and a colleague 1.8. Adhere to patient confidentiality rules and regulations 2. Medical knowledge 2.1. Demonstrate knowledge of established and evolving biomedical, clinical, epidemiological and social-behavioral sciences, as well as the application of this knowledge to diagnose, manage, and prevent disease 2.2. Utilize the principles of public health, epidemiology and biostatistics in identifying and reducing the incidence, prevalence, and severity of disease to improve health 2.3. Interpret diagnostic tests as they relate to common clinical, laboratory, and radiologic findings in the spectrum of health and disease 3. Patient care 3.1. Demonstrate the ability to engage in an interprofessional team in a manner that optimizes safe, effective patient and population-centered care 3.10. Provide timely and accurate documentation of all assessment, plans, interventions, and orders including prescriptions and transfers-of-care between providers or settings Assessment Methods Participation; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based Participation; Self-Assessment; Peer Assessment; Narrative Assessment; Research or Project Assessment; Multisource Assessment; Clinical Performance Rating/Checklist Participation; Self-Assessment; Research or Project Assessment; Portfolio-Based Assessment; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based Participation; Self-Assessment; Research or Project Assessment; Oral Patient Presentation; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based Participation; Self-Assessment; Research or Project Assessment; Portfolio-Based Assessment Participation; Self-Assessment; Peer Assessment; Research or Project Assessment; Multisource Assessment; Clinical Performance Rating/Checklist; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based Participation; Self-Assessment; Peer Assessment; Research or Project Assessment; Multisource Assessment; Clinical Performance Rating/Checklist; Portfolio-Based Assessment; Oral Patient Presentation; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based; Exam Institutionally Developed, Laboratory, Practical; Exam - Nationally Normed/Standardized, Subject; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Clinical Performance; Exam - Licensure, Clinical Performance Participation; Self-Assessment; Peer Assessment; Research or Project Assessment; Multisource Assessment; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based; Exam Nationally Normed/Standardized, Subject Participation; Self-Assessment; Peer Assessment; Research or Project Assessment; Multisource Assessment; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based; Exam Institutionally Developed, Laboratory, Practical Participation; Narrative Assessment; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Clinical Performance; Participation; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based 3 3.2. Develop and implement patient evaluation and management plans appropriate to all levels of patient acuity 3.3. Develop a prioritized problem list and differential diagnosis using patient s biopsychosocial history, medical records, physical exam findings, and diagnostic studies 3.4. Obtain consent for and perform basic technical procedures competently 3.5. Perform comprehensive and focused biopsychosocial exams in a variety of patient care settings and recognize when each is indicated 3.6. Assess health risks using gender- and ageappropriate criteria and recommend potential preventive and therapeutic interventions 3.7. Select and interpret diagnostic tests accurately 3.8. Interpret physical findings accurately 3.9. Utilize critical thinking to provide appropriate evidence or support for clinical decisions and management of diseases 4. Interpersonal and communication skills 4.1. Demonstrate patient-centered interview skills in order to create and sustain a supportive and therapeutic relationship with patients and families 4.2. Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively, efficiently, and accurately as a member or leader of a health care team 4.3. Demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate and collaborate with colleagues, other health care professionals, or health related agencies 4.4. Apply verbal and written medical communication skills to basic and advanced medical scenarios 5. Practice-based learning and improvement 5.1. Identify personal strengths and deficiencies in one’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes to integrate feedback and set personal improvement goals 5.2. Use and manage technology to access medical information resources to expand personal knowledge and make effective decisions Participation; Oral Patient Presentation; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Oral Participation; Narrative Assessment; Multisource Assessment; Clinical Performance Rating/Checklist; Oral Patient Presentation; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Clinical Performance; Exam - Licensure, Clinical Performance Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Clinical Performance; Exam - Licensure, Clinical Performance Participation; Narrative Assessment; Clinical Performance Rating/Checklist; Exam Institutionally Developed, Laboratory, Practical; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Clinical Performance; Exam - Licensure, Clinical Performance; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Oral Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Laboratory, Practical Participation; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based Participation; Narrative Assessment; Clinical Performance Rating/Checklist; Exam Institutionally Developed, Clinical Performance; Exam - Licensure, Clinical Performance Participation; Self-Assessment; Peer Assessment; Research or Project Assessment; Exam Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based Participation; Clinical Performance Rating/Checklist; Oral Patient Presentation; Exam Institutionally Developed, Clinical Performance Participation; Self-Assessment; Peer Assessment; Narrative Assessment; Research or Project Assessment; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Clinical Performance; Exam - Licensure, Clinical Performance Participation; Self-Assessment; Peer Assessment; Narrative Assessment; Research or Project Assessment; Clinical Performance Rating/Checklist; Oral Patient Presentation; Exam Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Clinical Performance Participation; Self-Assessment; Peer Assessment; Narrative Assessment; Research or Project Assessment; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based Participation; Self-Assessment; Narrative Assessment; Research or Project Assessment; Multisource Assessment; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based Participation; Self-Assessment; Peer Assessment; Narrative Assessment; Research or Project Assessment; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based 4 5.3. Apply principles and practices of evidence-based medicine (EBM) in making decisions about prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease 6. Systems-based practice 6.1. Analyze the roles insurance plans and health care providers play in the health care system and how they affect providers' and patients' behavior 6.2. Provide appropriate referral of patients, including ensuring continuity of care throughout transitions between providers or settings, and following up on patient progress and outcomes 6.3. Examine the role of quality improvement and clinical pathways in optimizing health systems 6.4. Demonstrate the rationale for reporting and addressing events that could affect patient safety 7. Leadership 7.1. Demonstrate the ability to work effectively as a member of an interprofessional health care team 7.2. Demonstrate the ability to give and receive behaviorally-specific feedback 7.3. Utilize skills that enhance the learning environment and team functioning Participation; Self-Assessment; Peer Assessment; Research or Project Assessment; Multisource Assessment; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based; Exam Institutionally Developed, Clinical Performance Participation; Self-Assessment; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based Participation; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based Participation; Narrative Assessment; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based Participation; Narrative Assessment; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based Participation Participation; Self-Assessment; Peer Assessment; Narrative Assessment; Research or Project Assessment; Multisource Assessment; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computerbased Participation; Self-Assessment; Peer Assessment; Narrative Assessment; Research or Project Assessment; Exam - Institutionally Developed, Written/ Computer-based 5