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18 pages
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Citation: Duncan, N. J. & Hutchinson, T. (2012). Defining and describing what we do:
Matemática e ensino: propostas para professores que atuam na educação infantil e nos anos iniciais, 2021
Goya, 2024
With the increase in population and rapid urbanization, there has been a drastic increase in demand for resources which has not only resulted in depleting amounts of non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels but also this excessive use has been negatively affecting the environment. The field of construction has been largely responsible for causing this ecological disturbance, mainly due to the ways of procurement and prepping of land by cutting down trees and forests to make space for built projects. Thus, to overcome such problems, we need to practice the art of sustainability. Sustainability refers to the ability to meet our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. With the advancement of technology and experimentation, we have discovered sustainable materials that can be used on large scale construction projects like institutional design, hospitals, shopping malls, etc. It is thus possible to incorporate these materials as well as energy saving techniques that depend on renewable resources such solar heat, wind, etc. to construct the built environment.
Islam and the Contemporary World, 2024
There have been many epistemological challenges about the justification of belief in God over the past three centuries, so that some, such as Plantinga, have merely proposed warranted belief rather than justifying an argument in this regard and showed the belief in God's existence as a basic belief. But regardless of these challenges, millions believe in God's existence as justified for themselves without being a fideist. Where does this justification come from? Can their justification be explained epistemologically? This article aims to elucidate the new currents in social epistemology and "testimony," demonstrating the significance of epistemology based on trusted hearings. It will then argue that our trusted hearings about the existence of God and His attributes traced back to the prophets and ultimately to God's affirmation and explanation can serve as the best justification for our beliefs. Finally, the question of how God's testimony to His existence and attributes, which has come to us through the prophets, can be one of the best epistemological justifications for believing in the existence and attributes of God. And what advantages can this type of religious epistemology have over evidentialism or various forms of arguing for the existence of God and his attributes?
Archäologische Denkmalpflege, 2021
Die Genehmigungsvorschrift des § 11 Abs. 1 DMSG hat in den letzten Jahren bereits mehrfach die Verwaltungsgerichte beschäftigt, obwohl die Rechtslage eigentlich als eindeutig zu bezeichnen ist. Die fortgesetzte Weigerung des BDA, seine Spruchpraxis gesetzeskonform zu gestalten, hat nun dazu geführt, dass sich ein weiteres Erkenntnis des BVwG (vom 23.11.2021, W183 2245662-1/3E) zu den bereits vorhandenen Erkenntnissen (VwGH 23.2.2017, Ro 2016/09/0008; LVwG Steiermark 22.1.2018, LVwG 30.37-3312/2015-44; BVwG 11.9.2017, W183 2168814-1/2E; 19.9.2018, W 195 2197506-1/11E) hinzugesellt, das in diesem Beitrag genauer besprochen wird. Im gegenständlichen Fall ging es um eine geplante bauvorbereitende archäologische Untersuchung meines Grundstückes in Wien 13 vor Beginn der Errichtung eines Einfamilienhauses. Obgleich ich bei der geplanten archäologischen Nachforschung weder subjektiv die Entdeckung bzw. Untersuchung von Denkmalen bezweckt hatte noch objektiv-auch nach Ansicht des BDA-konkrete Hinweise auf das dortige Vorkommen irgendwelcher denkmalschutzrelevanten Gegenstände vorlagen, hat das BDA meinen Antrag auf Erteilung einer Bewilligung gem. § 11 Abs. 1 DMSG abgewiesen statt-wie es das tun hätte müssen-ihn wegen Unzuständigkeit der Behörde zurückzuweisen. Das BVwG hat in seinem hier besprochenen Erkenntnis die rechtswidrige Abweisung meines Antrags korrigiert und diesen unter der expliziten Feststellung zurückgewiesen, dass für die von mir geplante Maßnahme eine Grabungsgenehmigungspflicht nach § 11 Abs. 1 DMSG nicht besteht. In diesem Beitrag wird diskutiert, wie und warum es zu diesem Erkenntnis gekommen ist, weshalb die Zurückweisung der einzig mögliche Ausgang des Verfahrens gewesen ist, und was die Konsequenzen dieses Erkenntnis für archäologische Forschung und archäologischen Denkmalschutz in Österreich sind.
Troianalexandrina, 8, 2008, p. 59-71., 2008
The anonymous author of Libro de Alexandre presents himself as a cleric. He is even proud of being a member of this sacerdotal and cultured category, which he considers for far superior to the entertainers (joglaría). The difference between the two classes is both moral and literary : the anonymous can use sophisticated rimes, which depend necessarily upon writing and reading. On contrast, the culture of entertainers is only oral. The clerics share their academic knowledge with some erudite knights or milites literati, knowing Latin. These mutual interests for classical authors are related with an elitist conception of mater of Rome, as expressed in the beginning of Roman de Thebes, excluding all but clerics and knights of its listeners. Alexander the Great is the perfect model of miles literatus, dubbed and educated, as good in war than in academia, in particular for quadrivium sciences. This model of fortitudo and sapientia in the same person appears in letters praising several princes at the end of twelfth century, such as Henry of Champaign or Philip of Flanders. The Libro de Alexandre is thus a typical work of cultural Renaissance and of royal courts around 1200. In this period, clerics and knights work together to build modern State.
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Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
European Journal of Biochemistry, 1980
Proceedings of the workshop on Speech and Natural Language - HLT '91, 1991
Physics Letters B, 2003
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2016
Roczniki Humanistyczne, 2024
Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología, 2004
Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 2010
Jurnal Kedokteran STM (Sains dan Teknologi Medik), 2023