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Fat sexuality is often stigmatised, where fat individuals are culturally viewed as asexual and incapable of arousing sexual desire unless it is fetishistic. This is in contrast to the thin privilege experienced by thin individuals where... more
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      Applied EthicsFat StudiesGender and Sexuality
This article introduces the special issue on religion and fat by providing an overview of the connections between fat studies and religious studies. We identify four areas of potential overlap: religion and the fat body; religion and... more
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      Fat StudiesBody (Religion)Religious Studies
Context: One of the world's most widespread and frequent liver diseases is the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Aims: To evaluate the preventives activities of Ruzu herbal bitters (RHB), which is an anti-obesity therapeutic... more
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      ObesityFat StudiesMedicinal PlantsLiver diseases
Lihavuus on monitahoinen kysymys. Jo lihavuuden määritteleminen on haasteellista. Kasitykset siitä kuka on lihava vaihtelevat, sillä kulttuuris samme vaikuttaa samanaikaisesti useita paallekkaisia ja rinnakkaisia ii havuuden määritelmiäja... more
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      Fat StudiesLiminalityFatness
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      ArtFat Studies
This article is the outcome of the discussion ocurred during the 4th Encounter of Researchers from PostGraduate Programs in Visual-Arts of Rio de Janeiro State. It is about the presence of the fat body as a support in the project of the... more
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      Gender StudiesArt HistoryArtArt Theory
Harjunen, Hannele Women and fat: Approaches to the social study of fatness Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, 2009, 87 p. (Jyväskylä Studies in Education, Psychology, and Social Research ISSN 0075-4625; 379) ISBN 978-951-39-3775-1 (PDF),... more
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      Fat StudiesGenderBodyFat
Traditional narratives about fat experiences often exclude tangible, lived experiences in favor of examining fatness as a social and interpersonal symbol. In order to expand considerations of what it means to literally be fat, I use... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyFat StudiesSociology of the Body
The authors introduce the special issue on fat kids by making the argument that children and childhood need to be more central to the interdisciplinary project of fat studies. The authors discuss existing work on fatness and kids within... more
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    • Fat Studies
This article examines the overlooked market of plus-size fashion and explores the ways in which the fashion industry neglects and marginalizes fat consumers. Faced with limited options in garments colloquially known as “plus-size” or... more
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      Cultural StudiesEthnographyFat StudiesFashion Studies
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      Fat StudiesPublic Health PolicyBody ImageSociology of the Body
Prólogo del libro "Extremos del volumen: poderes y medialidades en torno a la obesidad y la anorexia", por Pilar del Río.
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      Media and Cultural StudiesDigital MediaFat StudiesBody Image
What can be done and what is being done to alter the depictions of fat characters as evil, negligible or comedic in fantasy fiction? Despite being a genre in which almost anything is possible, fantasy fiction is still yet to embrace fat... more
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      Fat StudiesJ. R. R. TolkienCharacter DesignFantasy Literature
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      Gender StudiesFat StudiesThe BodyFatness
Existing literature fails to address bisexual women's experiences at the intersection of fem(me)ininity and fatness. Fat fem(me) inine bisexual women experience hyper-visibility in their fatness and hyper-invisibility in their... more
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    • Fat Studies
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      Sociology of Food and EatingFat StudiesAnthropology of FoodFood Consumption (Anthropology)
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      Critical PedagogyFat StudiesBody ImageFat Activism
This dissertation examines how fashion media discourses created the conditions through which the fat, female body was both known and constructed within the context of the early large-size garment industry in the United States, or what... more
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      American HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesDesign
This paper explores the problems and possibilities of teaching about an identity that the teacher does not share, drawing on Linda Alcoff's arguments about speaking with and speaking about, rather than speaking for a stigmatized or... more
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      Fat StudiesFeminist Pedagogy (Women s Studies)
Discourse about health that focuses predominantly on body weight is referred to as the weight-centered health paradigm (WCHP). In recent years, there has been a significant increase in critical analysis of the WCHP. This has resulted in... more
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      Critical TheoryHealth PromotionPublic Health NutritionFat Studies
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      Sociology of Food and EatingObesityFat StudiesAnthropology of Food
In the 1970s, both West and East Germany increased their efforts to provide education on healthy eating. Based on these findings, this essay argues that the project was not just about the ‘right’ diet. The food education project rather... more
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      Fat StudiesStigmatizationHealth EducationCitizenship
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesFat StudiesPhysical Education
How to make your body a machine to burn fat without Diet.
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      Nutrition and DieteticsFat StudiesPublic HealthWeight Loss
Many scholars assume that industry meddles in scientific research in order to defend their products. But this article shows that industry meddling in science can have a variety of consequences. American food manufacturers long denied that... more
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      SociologySocial MovementsTechnologyFood Science
Stigma against fat people permeates every level of healthcare, yet most attempts to reduce weight stigma among healthcare providers have shown only marginal results. Fat studies, a field that rigorously interrogates negative assumptions... more
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      ObesityFat StudiesNarrative MedicineObesity Stigma
In feminist and other critical media studies, scholars have long been interested in the role that media imagery plays in deeming some bodies desirable, acceptable, or 'normal', others threatening, shameful, or excessive. Most bodies we... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesFat StudiesBody ImageFeminist Media Studies
Spoken word poetry is poetry developed to be performed, and hence the aspect of performance is very crucial to the genre. It is a mixture of theatrics, elocution, recitation, and daily life spoken elements, and hence, it makes for a very... more
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      Performance StudiesFat StudiesResistance (Social)Spoken Word Poetry
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      Nutrition and DieteticsFood ScienceNutritionFat Studies
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      Medical SociologyFat Studies
This paper argues that healthcare professionals have an ethical responsibility to improve the treatment of fat people in medical settings and can do so by changing how they communicate to and about people with fat bodies. A large body of... more
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      Health CommunicationFat StudiesObesity StigmaWhite Paper
Eating is one of the few universal qualities that impacts persons across differences of class, race, gender, ability, size, citizenship status and geographic location. In the contemporary moment of a so-called Obesity Epidemic, it is also... more
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      Fat StudiesEating DisordersRace and EthnicityGender and Sexuality Studies
Moving past conceptualizations of ‘mammy,’ this article discusses fat black female sexuality through experiences of black women in the plus size fashion world. I posit that these women, their clothing, and their bodies’ movement... more
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      SociologyBlack Studies Or African American StudiesFat StudiesSexuality
The existing literature on fatness has critically discussed meanings and morals associated with body weight and explored people’s experiences of weight loss attempts. However, little attention has been paid to the practices of dieting –... more
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      Fat StudiesCalorie restrictionSelf-Tracking
En la actualidad, los cuerpos gordos femeninos son negativizados y desrrepresentados a través del poder discursivo de los medios comunicacionales. De acuerdo a nuestra tesis, la discriminación contra la gordura se basaría en la... more
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      Gender StudiesFat StudiesFeminismSociology of the Body
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      Fat StudiesAutoethnographyComing Out
¿Cómo se ha desarrollado el mercado de talla grande en Chile? ¿Y cómo ha progresado la discusión sobre la aceptación de los gordos? Son preguntas que se resuelven en esta investigación. Se ha reconocido un marcado cambio demográfico en la... more
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      Online CommunitiesFat StudiesStigmaChile
This article argues for a new approach to the intersection of fat/trans identities that moves beyond “additive” accounts or those that simply highlight parallel struggles. The analysis addresses the divergent accounts of the... more
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      Transgender StudiesQueer TheoryFat StudiesGender
La obesidad, a partir de la década de 1980, ha evolucionado hasta convertirse en una de las enfermedades que causan mayor preocupación a nivel mundial. Su incremento constante en las sociedades occidentales afecta principalmente a las... more
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      Political AnthropologyUrban AnthropologyFat StudiesRisk and Vulnerability
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      Nutrition and DieteticsFat StudiesDietPercent body fat (PBF)
Para descargar la revista completa: "Después de haber buceado en nuestros miedos, teníamos ganas de un número más alegre y disfrutón. Decidimos entonces abordar las sexualidades –en plural,... more
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      Fat StudiesCuerpoSexualidadesgordofobia
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      European HistoryCultural HistoryDisability StudiesGender History
Prova orale: Concorso 2022 per l'insegnamento dell'inglese in Scuole Secondarie di Secondo Grado (AB24).
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      Teaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second LanguageTeacher EducationFat Studies
Though the general populace has been introduced to the idea of thin privilege, the fat activist movement has been slow in gaining momentum. This is due, in part, to the symbolic annihilation of “fat” people in media. Within the fat... more
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      Fat StudiesFeminismBlack feminismOnline social networks
Existing studies of the mother–daughter relationship have focused mainly on the transfer of negative body image messages or on risk of eating disorders, and have paid little attention to how this relationship might serve as a resource for... more
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      ResilienceFat StudiesEating DisordersEmbodiment
Fat, Hanne Blank. Bloomsbury Academic, New York (2020). xxii and 122 pp., notes and index. $14.95 cloth, ISBN: 978-1-5013-3328-6 about fatness to those who might otherwise not encounter them, such as pre-medical or pre-health students.
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      Gender StudiesFat StudiesSexualityGender and Sexuality
This article critiques the racist discourses that recast housing crises in Mushkegowuk communities with references to racist, sexist, and fatphobic discourses that insulted the hunger strike or political fast of Chief Theresa Spence of... more
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      Indigenous StudiesFeminist TheoryFat StudiesCritical Race Theory
That contemporary discourses of the ‘obesity epidemic’ are engaged in the construction of fatness as pathological, immoral and socially undesirable has been the subject much recent critical inquiry within Fat Studies. This paper... more
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      Queer TheoryFat StudiesSexualityGender and Sexuality
At its root, this battle to see a wider assortment of types of bodies is about wearing down that kneejerk disgust response. Think of it as a form of mass-media exposure therapy --the more different bodies we see, and the more often we see... more
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      RhetoricFat StudiesRhetorical CriticismJudith Butler
‘I’m not painting disgusting, big women. I am painting women who have been made to think that they are big and disgusting.’
(Saville in Smith, 2001, p.24)
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      Feminist TheoryObesityFat StudiesPainting