Food, Gender, Culture
Recent papers in Food, Gender, Culture
Taking an exploration into the gendered politics of food, this dissertation interrogates the intimate and complex relationship between gender and food consumption, a relationship which at first glance seems to be trivial and frivolous,... more
This article analyses the constructions and negotiations of masculine identity in New Nordic Cuisine. It focuses on cookbooks by the leading figures, namely Claus Meyer and René Redzepi. The article argues that Meyer and Redzepi represent... more
In this paper, I examine images of sweets—cakes, cookies, and parfaits—in texts by artists Hagio Moto (b. 1949) and Yoshinaga Fumi (b. 1971) in order to trace an unremarkable history of shōjo manga. My analysis suggests that feminist... more
In this course we seek to co-explore the cultural byways of food, and situate food at center of many core aspects of being human. Thus we will consider food in light of practicing things such as gender, class, labour, nation, state, and... more
The article examines masculinity constructions in European food television in the 21 st century. It is informed by poststructural gender theory and it understands "doing food" and "doing masculinity" as two mutually constituting... more
The styling and online circulation of food photography has become a phenomenon endemic to social media. In this article, I explore this digital “food porn” within the feminized space of food blogs and contextualize it within a... more
In this course we seek to co-explore the cultural byways of food, and situate food at center of many core aspects of being human. Thus we will consider food in light of practicing things such as gender, class, labour, nation, state, and... more
In a radical departure from previous ethnographies of food, this book asks how and why food is pivotal to social relations and forms of identity that emerge as normal and not-normal. It does so by describing the production, consumption,... more
An introduction to anthropology of food, its interests and foci, and to intersections between food and culture(s).
Este texto aborda la cuestión de los TCA como construcción social en España. Se empieza con un análisis de su aparición en prensa y con la presentación de los datos de su prevalencia. Los datos muestran que esta última es mayor en... more
Εισαγωγή-Σκοπός: Η συσχέτιση του βάρους σώματος των ηρώων των παιδικών κινουμένων σχεδίων με τις διατροφικές επιλογές και τα ατομικά χαρακτηριστικά τους. Υλικό-Μέθοδοι: Σε 100 επεισόδια των 10 δημοφιλέστερων παιδικών σειρών της ελληνικής... more
and Keywords This article explores how food and drink in opera convey meaning, define relationships, trigger psychophysical reactions, and denote dramatis and singers' personae. It proposes a basic theoretical foundation of " operatic... more
In this article, Courtney Lee Weida explores art practices of ceramics relating to themes of flesh and consumption. Beyond ceramic sculptures of animals and vessels used to store and serve meat, there are subtle themes and symbols of... more
This publication is based on the five year Nordic discussion dealing with food and its various roles and meanings in the contemporary society. The discussion has mainly been carried out amongst five university departments, their... more
An essay is presented on rhetorical strategies used to create relationships between people. It offers the views of a cultural outsider observing waitresses at a Southern United States Waffle House restaurant, where staff often use the... more
In this course we seek to co-explore the cultural byways of food, and situate food at center of many core aspects of being human. Thus we will consider food in light of practicing things such as gender, class, labour, nation, state, and... more
Processes of food production and consumption have the single largest environmental impact of all human activities. The fact that diets have to change into a more sustainable direction is generally agreed upon. However, a shared vision of... more
Our body compulsory demands food, water and air to keep its vital functions and yet their economic nature is rather diverse with food mostly considered a private good, water suffering an accelerated privatization process and air so far... more
Phone: 383-7533 Office: Grandview 105D Office hours: Recommended Prerequisites: College entry-level reading and writing skills (placement in or completion of WR 121 usually indicates college entry-level skills)
ÖZ Yemek yeme eylemi, insanoğlunun dünyaya gözünü açtığı andan itibaren anne sütü aracılığıyla tanıdığı ve biyolojik ihtiyacını karşıladığı yaşamsal bir zorunluluktan büyük bir kültür biçimine dönüşecek şekilde genişlemiştir. "Coğrafya,... more
Espresso coffee has become synonymous with Italy, as have those beverages which employ this as a base such as cappuccino and caffè latte. This article examines the processes by which espresso became “Itallan” over the course of the... more
Lebensnotdurft dient, muss mehr und mehr zur symbolischen Handlung werden, und ich begreife Zeiten des späteren Mittelalters, in denen der Tafelaufsatz und die Fruchtschalen mehr bedeuteten als das Mahl selbst.