What is enlightenment?

2024, Here the Waking

What is enlightenment and how do we realise it?

What is enlightenment and how do we realise it? I first had a go at this topic back in April 2023 (in, where I was mainly concerned with encouraging people away from the idea that it is very difficult, if not impossible, for ordinary people to attain enlightenment. In that blog I referred to it as ‘awakening’ because it is easier to get one’s head around the idea of having awakening experiences or being somewhat awake than of being a bit enlightened! Although I don’t identify as a Buddhist I appreciate a lot of its ideas and Buddhism has a formal way of describing enlightenment. An enlightened person is often described as someone who has extinguished the three defilements, which are, according to Doug’s Dharma (Smith, 2024), which is a reliable source on secular Buddhism: Greed Hatred Delusion I can see that and yet I prefer to think of it in more positive terms. So, although I see the absence of the defilements as the manifestation of someone who is enlightened, I see the positive core of enlightenment or awakening, as the realisation that one is conscious awareness itself, as well as all that appears within consciousness (and without wanting to complicate things too much, there are some within Buddhism and Hinduism who would substitute ‘rather than’ for ‘as well as’ in this sentence). Does it matter which way we think about enlightenment? I think it does because, if you put most emphasis on extinguishing the three defilements, for example if you aim at actively trying to get rid of greed (“I am greedy because I had that extra cake so I will resist harder in future!”), you are building a negative judgement of yourself as a greedy person, which is actually more likely to sustain greed rather than diminish it. By putting the emphasis more on non-judgemental awareness and just noticing the times when any of the defilements arise, we can treat them in the same way as we treat the thoughts that arise while meditating and simply note that defilements happen (just as thoughts happen) and then let go of them without judging or evaluating ourselves in any way. Or, to put it another way, just as thoughts eventually fade away and one’s inner life becomes quieter and more peaceful if we don’t engage with thoughts but simply let them go when we notice them, so too do the defilements gradually fade, leaving one’s inner enlightenment, which was there all along, but not noticed! Sources Smith, D. (2024). Doug’s Dharma. Uploaded 13th May 2024. Is enlightenment possible? [video] YouTube Key words enlightenment, awakening, awareness, consciousness, defilements, meditation, practice, Image ‘Hiding in plain sight.’ The crypt beneath Hereford Cathedral Link