Distance Education
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Going over the cliff: MOOC dropout behavior at
chapter transition
Chen Chen, Gerhard Sonnert, Philip M. Sadler, Dimitar D. Sasselov, Colin
Fredericks & David J. Malan
To cite this article: Chen Chen, Gerhard Sonnert, Philip M. Sadler, Dimitar D. Sasselov, Colin
Fredericks & David J. Malan (2020) Going over the cliff: MOOC dropout behavior at chapter
transition, Distance Education, 41:1, 6-25, DOI: 10.1080/01587919.2020.1724772
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/01587919.2020.1724772
Published online: 16 Feb 2020.
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2020, VOL. 41, NO. 1, 6–25
Going over the cliff: MOOC dropout behavior at chapter
Chen Chen a, Gerhard Sonnerta, Philip M. Sadlera, Dimitar D. Sasselova,
Colin Fredericksb, and David J. Malanc
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA;
HarvardX, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA; cHarvard John A. Paulson School of
Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Participants’ engagement in massive online open courses (MOOCs) is
highly irregular and self-directed. It is well known in the field of
television media that substantial parts of the audience tend to drop
out at major episodic, or seasonal, closures, which makes creating
cliff-hangers a crucial strategy to retain viewers (Bakker, 1993; Cazani,
2016; Thompson, 2003). Could there be an analogous pattern in
MOOCs—with an elevated probability of dropout at major chapter
transitions? Applying disjoint survival analysis on a sample of 12,913
students in a popular astronomy MOOC that built participants’ cultural capital (hobbyist pursuits), we found a significant increase in
dropout rates at chapter closures. Moreover, the latter the chapter
closure was positioned in the course sequence, the higher the dropout rate became. We found this pattern replicated in a sample of
20,134 students in a popular computer science MOOC that introduced participants to programming.
Received 26 April 2019 Final
version received 30 January
MOOC; learning analytics;
dropout; cliff-hanger;
learning sequence
Within 10 years of development, massive online open courses (MOOCs) have become
a revolutionary and democratizing force in higher education (Belanger & Thornton,
2013; Dillahunt et al., 2014; Dumitrica, 2017; Farrow, 2015; Haggard et al., 2013;
Jacobs, 2013; Rice, 2014; Sanchez-Gordon & Luján-Mora, 2016). The originally economic concept of capital has been expanded and applied in the social sciences
(Bourdieu, 1986; Putnam, 1995) and in education. In our context, it appears useful
to distinguish human capital and cultural capital as desired educational outcomes.
MOOC proponents claim that these courses not only reduce the cost of human capital
training (Jones, 2015) but also transform the goal of higher education toward the
cultivation of cultural capital and the satisfaction of lifelong learning (Baker et al.,
2014; Hall, 2015). However, both academics and the public are concerned about the
challenges that remain to be addressed in MOOCs (Ebben & Murphy, 2014), such as
high dropout rates (Alraimi et al., 2015; Breslow et al., 2013; Coffrin et al., 2012; De
Freitas et al., 2015; Hollands & Tirthali, 2014; Jordan, 2015) and inefficient learning
for Astrophysics, MS-71, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
© 2020 Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia, Inc.
Science Education Department, Harvard-Smithsonian Center
management and support (Eynon, 2017; Fini, 2009; Guo & Renicke, 2014; Kizilcec &
Halawa, 2015; Schophuizen et al., 2018). Despite the skepticism, many MOOC educators remain hopeful that the adoption of new media and technology can improve the
user experience and persistence (Abidi et al., 2017; Bernacki et al., 2011; Kucirkova &
Littleton, 2017; Laurillard, 2002).
It is well known in the field of television media that substantial parts of the
audience tend to drop out at major episodic or seasonal closures, which makes
creating cliff-hangers a crucial strategy to retain viewers (Bakker, 1993; Cazani, 2016;
Thompson, 2003). Could there be an analogous pattern in MOOCs—with an elevated
probability of dropout at major chapter transitions? Applying disjoint survival analysis
on samples of two popular MOOCs (Cox & Oakes, 1984; Kleinbaum & Klein, 2005), we
investigated this particular dropout pattern that would occur when learners finished
the last unit of a chapter and were supposed to start the first unit of the next chapter.
Factors influencing MOOCs retention
Among the prominent factors that have been found to predict students’ persistence in
MOOCs, many are participant attributes, such as demographic characteristics (van de
Oudeweetering & Agirdag, 2018; Zhu et al., 2018), user viewing history (He et al., 2015;
Jiang et al., 2014; Kloft et al., 2014; Peng & Aggarwal, 2015), interaction (Gregori et al.,
2018; Hone & Said, 2016; Jiang et al., 2014), self-reported motivation, and commitment or
attitudes (Barak et al., 2016; Kizilcec & Halawa, 2015; Shao, 2018; Shapiro et al., 2017; Terras
& Ramsay, 2015; Watted & Barak, 2018’ Xiong et al., 2015). A few factors belong to the area
of MOOC design (Guàrdia et al., 2013), such as the teachers’ presence (Hone & Said, 2016;
Joo et al., 2018) and accessibility (Hew, 2016), social network design (Corneli & Danoff,
2011; Li et al., 2018; Siemens, 2013), connectivist approaches (Bates, 2012; Siemens, 2012;
Z. Wang et al., 2017), and assessment and feedback (Gerdes et al., 2017; Rivers &
Koedinger, 2013, 2014; Vihavainen et al., 2012).
A key factor that has been frequently discussed in the MOOC literature is a learner’s
self-regulation (e.g., Martinez-Lopez et al., 2017; Pellas, 2014). Self-regulated learners are
learners who can make plans, monitor progress, and adjust their engagement to achieve
their learning goals (Carver & Scheier, 2011; Lee, 2018; McCardle & Hadwin, 2015; Reeve
et al., 2008). The open structure in MOOCs affords learners a great degree of autonomy to
self-regulate their course-taking behavior. The rationale behind this openness was
grounded in prior research showing that learners learn the most efficiently when they
achieve self-regulation (Broadbent & Poon, 2015; Pintrich, 2003; Tsay et al., 2011; C. Wang
et al., 2013). Studies have shown that goal-setting (Maldonado-Mahauad et al., 2018) and
time management (Lee, 2018; Lin et al., 2015; Papamitsiou & Economides, 2019)—skills
that are considered easily trainable (Pintrich, 2000; J. C.-Y. Sun & Rueda, 2012)—are
positively associated with students’ engagement behaviors. However, research has also
shown that participants’ learning trajectories and patterns (Cohen et al., 2019; Rieber,
2017) are highly diverse, and that their self-directed learning pace (Cheng & Chau, 2013;
Hood et al., 2015; Littlejohn et al., 2016; Milligan & Littlejohn, 2014) leads to highly
irregular learning trajectories (Fini, 2009; Guo & Reinecke, 2014; Maldonado-Mahauad
et al., 2018; Milligan et al., 2013)—so much so that scholars have cast doubt on the benefit
of infinite freedom and called for restrictions to the open course structure in order to help
students regain self-regulation (Kim et al., 2017; Zheng et al., 2015).
Learning trajectory
Numerous studies about MOOC retention (e.g., Greene et al., 2015; Allione & Stein, 2016;
Wen et al., 2014; Yang et al., 2013) have adopted the survival analysis framework. The
occurrence of an event (a dropout in the case of a MOOC) is the binary outcome variable of
survival analysis, like in a logistic regression. However, different from logistic regression,
which models a binary outcome as a function of time-invariant covariates, survival analysis
models the outcome as a function of time itself (course milestones in the case of a MOOC)
and of other covariates that may be time-invariant (e.g., prior knowledge) or time-variant
(e.g., participation behavior). In MOOC retention studies, some learners drop out at some
point during the course (termed random censoring), and some learners do not drop out by
the end of the course (termed right censoring), that is, they “survive” the course. Including
time in the model, survival analysis enables each participant to have a different duration in
the course; therefore, the model can account for the censoring issues.
All these studies using survival analysis counted the completion of each MOOC unit, or
the submitted response to the quiz of each unit, as surviving a milestone. Despite the
existence of the above-mentioned irregular learning patterns, most of the studies
assumed that the majority of the participants would follow the same sequence designed
by the instructors. Another assumption held by many studies, particularly studies that
adopted the survival analysis approach, is that the course content progresses incrementally unit by unit, without disconnects between the units. Therefore, dropout hazard was
modeled as a linear function of time or milestones, rather than as a discrete function.
This assumption is arguably valid for most courses that aim to train on human capital (labor
skills), in that each skill learned in prior units paves the way for more advanced skills to be
acquired in the following units. Participants can hardly be equipped with sufficient skills or
knowledge to fulfill specific labor market demands without completing a considerable proportion of the course. By contrast, participants who take courses that aim to build cultural
capital (leisure or hobby), such as history or astronomy, might opt out at the junction of
chapters (chapter in this article is defined as a set of units that congruently discusses one
general topic that can be distinguished from other topics) for benchmark closure.
In this article, we call the increases in the risk of dropout at the junction of chapters the
cliff effect. It has been well studied in the field of television that parts of the audience tend
to drop out at major episodic, or seasonal, closures (Bakker, 1993; Cazani, 2016; Thompson,
2003), which makes cliff-hanger a necessary plot feature to retain viewers. Similarly, as the
open education movement has pushed a coadaptation of education and entertainment to
create something called edutainment (Moe, 2015), researchers have proposed using cliffhanger strategies from entertainment media in informal learning (Fidalgo-Blanco et al.,
2014) and in MOOCs (Lackner et al., 2015; Lackner et al., 2017). For those participants taking
MOOCs as low-stake courses (cultural capital vs. human capital), it is possible that the more
they have finished the course the more satisfied they are with their interim achievement
and the less motivated they are to proceed to new chapters. Alternatively, it is also possible
that the more effort and time participants have invested in a course, the more they may be
motivated to proceed to new chapters in later stages of a course.
Self-determination theory
Self-determination theory (SDT) is among the most popular and empirically supported theories that explain MOOC learners’ motivation and engagement (Durksen et al., 2016; Hartnett
et al., 2014; Jeno et al., 2010; Ryan & Deci, 2000; Y. Sun et al., 2018). As portrayed by Ryan and
Deci (2000), SDT posits that learners’ intrinsic motivation is strengthened when the learning
environment or instruction satisfies learners’ needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Y. Sun et al. (2018) showed empirical support for such a relationship. Furthermore,
researchers have found that MOOC learners’ intrinsic motivation positively influences their
course engagement (Durksen et al., 2016; Xiong et al., 2015; Yang, 2014). In short, SDT predicts
that high intrinsic motivation encourages a learner to engage and persist in a MOOC.
It is important to revisit the definition of intrinsic motivation in the SDT framework. Ryan
and Deci (2000, p. 56) defined intrinsic motivation as the “doing of an activity for its inherent
satisfactions rather than for some separable consequence”. For example, Salmon et al. (2017)
highlighted three intrinsic motivations among MOOC learners: to further existing knowledge,
to acquire skills, and to apply knowledge or skills to practice. By contrast, extrinsic motivation
was defined as “a construct that pertains whenever an activity is done in order to attain some
separable outcome” (Ryan & Deci, 2000, p. 60), such as a certification. Based on this definition,
students who drop out after completing a chapter should be considered to have low external
motivation because they chose not to attain a certification as “separable outcome,” but it can
be argued that such students may have a relatively high intrinsic motivation because they
finished a chapter without dropping out between units within the chapter. This behavior
suggests that these learners were somewhat motivated to understand the complete concept
domain in the chapter, but not interested in the rest of the course content, nor were they
interested in the value of a certificate. In this sense, completing a whole chapter may have
brought inherent satisfaction to the learners. Moreover, participants who drop out at chapter
transitions in the later stages of a course could be considered even more intrinsically
motivated because they have learned a substantial amount of the course content and
could probably have easily obtained the certificate, but still were not motivated to attain
that external reward. Could it be that SDT predicts that students with higher intrinsic
motivation would be more engaged, but also more likely to drop out at chapter transitions
particularly in the later stage of a MOOC, compared with students with lower intrinsic
motivation? That may appear paradoxical because it contradicts the SDT prediction that
highly intrinsically motivated learners should be more persistent. According to the essence
of SDT, however, learners engage in a course to satisfy their inherent psychological need. If
some learners’ need is to learn enough of a specific concept domain, not full completion, and
if they are satisfied with temporal closure, they can dropout at chapter transitions and still be
considered motivated and successful MOOC learners, according to SDT and also according to
many other MOOC advocates (Breslow et al., 2013; DeBoer et al., 2014; Evans & Baker, 2016;
Kizilcec et al., 2013; Whitmer et al., 2014).
Research questions
In this study, we used data on students’ characteristics, activities, and performance in the
two MOOCs from HarvardX (on the EdX platform): “Super-Earths and Life” (SPU30x) and
“Introduction to Computer Science” (CS50x). The courses were taught by a professor of
astronomy and a professor of computer science, respectively, from Harvard University.
The advantage of choosing an astronomy topic for this study was that this course is
a typical MOOC that builds cultural capital (e.g., stimulating intellectual curiosity and
amusement regarding the cosmos) rather than human capital for occupational needs
(e.g., acquiring job-related skills), which we hypothesized to be more susceptible to the
cliff effect (dropout risk at chapter transition). Moreover, this course adopted an interdisciplinary approach that discussed the search of life on exoplanets from the four
perspectives of astronomy (exoplanets), chemistry (chemistry of life), biology (life on
exoplanets), and engineering (the search for life). This course contained four chapters
(each had 3–5 units), one for each of the four perspectives. Thus, there were three
chapter-transitions, which provided opportunities to observe the hypothesized cliff effect.
The CS50x course contained three chapters: the first chapter (primarily using the C
language) contained four units, the second chapter (primarily using the Python and SQL
language) contained three units, and the third chapter (primarily using JavaScript) contained only one unit. Therefore, there are two chapter-transitions, which makes CS50x less
ideal than SPU30x to investigate the change of the cliff effect over time. We used CS50x as
a validation (model checking) of the model we developed based on SPU30x to examine if
the cliff effect and its interaction with time still hold in a MOOC of a different topic. We did
not start our analysis with a strong expectation that the cliff effect should manifest itself in
the same form in both SPU30x and CS50x. Computer science skills are typically considered
human capital in the labor market (as opposed to cultural capital obtained by learning
about super-earths). We therefore expected that, in a computer science MOOC, the cliff
effect should be minimal; and that, if there was a cliff effect, it should not increase in later
chapters. If, however, a computer science MOOC demonstrated a similar cliff effect
pattern to an astronomy MOOC, we would revise our expectation and argue that the
cliff effect may be a more general dropout pattern applicable to different types of MOOCs.
Formally, our research questions were:
(a) Does a cliff effect exist? In other words, do MOOCs participants have higher risks of
dropout at the chapter transitions (after finishing the last unit of a chapter)?
(b) Does such an effect increase or decrease at later chapters?
(c) Does an astronomy MOOC that builds cultural capital exhibit a different pattern of
the cliff effect from a computer science MOOC that builds human capital?
We hypothesized that (a) A cliff effect exists; (b1) The effect increases over chapters (an
interaction between the size of the cliff effect and the position of the chapter in the course
sequence), which would result in participants’ increased dropout after achieving intermediate benchmark closure; or (b2) The effect decreases over chapters, which would
indicate that the more participants have invested in the MOOC, the higher their likelihood
to proceed to a new chapter; (c1) The cliff effect is more pronounced in the astronomy
MOOC than in the computer science MOOC, which would suggest that the cliff effect is
specific to the topic and function of the MOOC; or, alternatively, (c2) Both MOOCs
demonstrate similar patterns of the cliff effect, which would suggest it to be a more
general effect in MOOCs.
Data and methods
A total of 12,913 participants enrolled in the MOOC SPU30x on HarvardX. Around 9% of
the participants skipped at least one milestone in the sequence. The survival analysis is
not applicable to irregular patterns. Therefore, we retained only the 11,721 regular
participants. Similarly, for the MOOC CS50x, 20,134 participants finished the pre-survey,
and 18,925 remained in the analytic sample after excluding irregular participants.
In the SPU30x sample, there were 40% males and 60% females, with an overall average
age of 29.5 years (SD = 11.2). Of the sample, 37% were living in the United States of
America; 53% had a college or higher degree; 23% reported to be somewhat or very
familiar with the topic; and 52% reported to be somewhat or strongly motivated to finish
the course.
The pre-survey consisted of 12 items selected from the Astronomy and Space
Science Concept Inventory Project (Sadler et al., 2010) to measure students’ preconceptions about spatial science (the pre-test). On average, participants answered 7.95
items correctly (SD = 2.28).
SPU30x contained four chapters: Chapter 1 had four milestones, Chapter 2 had four
milestones, Chapter 3 had five milestones, and Chapter 4 had three milestones. By the end
of each milestone, participants were required to respond to a problem set (pset) as a marker
of completion of the respective milestone. On average, participants finished 7.5 psets and
spent 47 min on each milestone. A total of 3051 participants) (23%) completed all psets.
The CS50x sample had 20,134 participants. There were 78% males and 12% females, with
an overall average age of 28.8 years (SD = 9.88). Of the sample, 58% were living in the
United States of America; 43% had a college degree as their highest educational level;
57% reported to be somewhat or very familiar with computer programming; and 67%
reported to be somewhat or strongly motivated to finish the course.
Similar to SPU30x, the pre-survey in CS50x also included a pre-test. It contained 12
items testing pre-computational skills by posing logic, algorithmic, and pattern recognition questions. None of the items probed specific computer programming knowledge.
These items were selected and adapted from the following:
● the University of Kent Computer Programming Aptitude Test, with the authors’ kind
permission (https://www.kent.ac.uk/ces/tests/computer-test.html)
● Tukiainen and Mönkkönen (2002)
● sample AP Computer Science A exam questions released by the College Board (see
https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/pdf/ap-computer-science-a-course-and-examdescription.pdf for the current brochure)
● the American Computer Science League contests (https://www.acsl.org/samples.htm).
We selected 12 out of 31 questions, based on a pilot psychometric study with 911 Amazon
Mechanical Turk participants. On average, CS50x participants answered nine items correctly (SD = 1.90).
CS50x contained three chapters: Chapter 1 had 4 milestones, Chapter 2 had 3 milestones, and Chapter 3 had only one milestone. Similar to SPU30x, CS50x required participants to respond to a problem set (pset) by the end of each milestone as a marker of
completion of the milestone. On average, participants finished 1.5 psets and made 320
clicks in each milestone. A total of 996 participants) (4.8%) finished all 8 psets.
The survival analysis model we specified was in many ways similar to a logistic regression
model, except for allowing the outcome variable—hazard of dropout—to vary with
milestones and including a time variable—milestone—and time-variant variables as
predictors. The hazard was the number of dropouts at each milestone interval divided
by the sample counted in that interval—similar to odds in logistic regression, except that
at each milestone, both numerator (number of dropouts) and denominator (remaining
sample) changed. The model was specified as:
logit h mij ¼ α1 þ β1 Mij þ β2 Mij 2 þ β3 Covariate1ij þ . . . þ β4 Cliffij þ β5 Mij Cliffij
Numerous covariates were included in this model; most of them were time-invariant
variables. They include students’ age, gender, motivation, familiarity, pre-test score, foreign
status, and self-described extrovert personality. Such variables were measured only in the
initial questionnaire. There was one time-varying covariate, which was activity in the
previous milestone (for milestone 1, activity in the previous milestone was defined as
activities in the course introduction session before starting milestone 1). In SPU30x, the
activity was measured by active time spent (standardized within milestone) by the participants; in CS50x, the activity was measured by clicks (standardized within milestone) made
by the participants. We used activity measures as proxies for students’ engagement, though
the validity of such usage is arguable (Holmes et al., 2019). All of the covariates were
included to control for prominent predictors of MOOC retention that had been identified
by previous literature. They were, nevertheless, not the primary interest of our study.
The key predictor in our model was the variable cliff, which was a time-varying
predictor (1 if a milestone was the first unit of a chapter; 0 if a milestone was not the
first unit of a chapter, so that we could account for the participants who finished the last
unit of the previous milestone, but did not proceed to the new chapter). For SPU30x, there
were 16 milestones, and three of the milestone locations had cliff = 1 (milestones = 5, 9,
14). For CS50x, there was a total number of 8 milestones, and there were two milestone
locations where cliff = 1 (milestones = 5, 8). If the parameter for cliff was positive, it would
indicate that the likelihood of dropout increased at the chapter transition, compared with
the predicted baseline at that milestone (as specified by Mij and Mij2 explained below). We
also specified an interaction effect between cliff and milestone (hereafter cliff × M).
A significant interaction effect would indicate that the cliff effect changes over the
duration of the course.
Mij and Mij2 were linear and quadratic specifications of the baseline effect of milestone
on logit hazard at milestone j for individual i. They represented the “natural” curve of logit
hazard over the milestones if there were not any chapter transition. There were other
possible specifications of the milestone effect (e.g., as dummy variables or as a linear
effect only). Upon inspection of the logit hazard function, we noticed that the logit
hazards did not exhibit a linear trend; there was indeed a decreasing trend, but
a nonlinear one with a flat tail. The flat tail could be the result of an increasing cliff effect
by the end of the course (interaction between cliff and linear effect of milestone).
However, this could potentially lead to an over-interpretation of the flatness, as it might
be attributable to the possibility that students lost stamina and became more likely to
drop out by the later stages, even at regular (non-cliff) milestones, which can be modeled
as simply a quadratic specification of milestone, hence the term Mij2 (it can also be
understood as an interaction effect of milestone with itself, that is, that the milestone
effect became modified by the later milestones). We decided that a quadratic specification would parsimoniously reflect the hazard function in our case and control for the
natural increase of dropout during the later regular milestones. We also preferred this
specification because it gave us a conservative estimate of the interaction effect between
the cliff and milestone (cliff × M), which was one of the key parameters of interest: if we
adopted a linear specification (which we report as an add-on at the end of the Results
section), the main effect of milestone would predict a linear downward trend without
a tail. Therefore, the upward “force” that lifted the flat tail would be fully attributed to cliff
× M, which potentially overestimates this interaction effect. By including a quadratic term,
part of the “lifting force” would be explained by the effect of milestone alone, rendering
our estimation of cliff × M conservative.
For each sample, we built survival models separately. We first built models without the
interaction effect, then added models with interaction effects included. The CS50x had
fewer chapters, and the last chapter had only one milestone. Thus, it was not an ideal
setting to test the cliff effect. For this reason, we focussed our interpretation on the
parameters of the SPU30x models and used the CS50x models as a validation check for
possible generalizability.
Table 1 presents the parameters for the fitted models. It does not include the parameters
for the controlled variables, however, although these variables have been controlled for.
Interpretation of the parameters is analogous to the interpretation of a logistic model:
The coefficient (β) corresponded to the amount of change in logit hazard associated to
one unit of change in the predictor. The logit hazard can be further converted to an odds
ratio. For example, in M1.1, the main effect of chapter transition (βcliff = 0.645) indicated
that the logit hazard at a chapter transition was larger than the logit hazard for the same
milestone if it was not a chapter transition by 0.645, controlling for other covariates. This
could further translate to an odds ratio of 1.906 (e°.645 = 1.906), which means that the
odds of dropping out at a chapter junction were 1.906 times that of the odds of dropping
out when there was no chapter junction. Similarly, in M2.1, the logit hazard of chapter
transition was 0.654, which corresponded to an odds ratio of 1.923. In short, the main
effects of chapter transition were nearly the same (roughly an odds ratio of 1.9) between
Table 1. Survival analysis predicting dropout from SUP30x and CS50.
milestone x unitfirst
Controlling for:
gender, age, pre-test, familiar, motivation,
time spent in the previous milestone
gender, age, pre-test, experience, motivation,
clicks made in the previous milestone
Notes. ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, after false discovery rate adjustment.
the two MOOCs. Interpreting the recent activity terms in the same fashion, we concluded
that, for both MOOCs, the more activity (in terms of time duration for SPU30x and number
of clicking for CS50x) students engaged in at the previous milestone, the less likely were
they to drop out.
Next, focussing on the interaction effect of cliff × M (M1.2) for SPU30x, we found
that the interaction term was positive and statistically significant, which suggested
that the logit hazard of dropout at cliffs increased over milestones. For example, in
M1.2, at the first chapter transition (milestone = 5), the logit hazard increased by
βcliff + 5 × βcliff = -1.064 + 5 × 0.252 = 0.196, which translated to an odds ratio of
1.217. This effect increased as the number of milestones increased to 9 (the second
transition) and 14 (the third transition), where the logit hazards were 1.204 and
2.464 respectively, and the corresponding odd ratios were 3.333 and 11.751. We
further calculated the estimated marginal probability of dropping out (comparing
the probability of dropout at a given milestone when cliff = 1 against when cliff
= 0) at milestones 5, 9 and 14, while controlling the other covariates at their means.
We estimated that the probability of dropping out increased by 2, 2.5, and 3.6 percentage points. As illustrated in Figure 1, the dropout rate (decreasing in general
with a flat tail) was bumped up by the chapter transition (counted at the first
milestone of a new chapter), and this bump increased in magnitude as the course
proceeded to latter stages.
Lastly, focussing on M2.2, we found the interaction effect of cliff × M to be
statistically non-significant for CS50x. Using an analogous approach as above, we
illustrated the cliff effect in CS50x in Figure 2. The probability of dropping increased
by 14% at the first transition and 15% at the second transition. Visually, it appeared
that the cliff effect at the second transition was larger than at the first transition.
However, the interaction effect was not statistically significant, mainly because the
overshoot at the second transition was partially explained by the quadratic term of
the milestone effect. When we specified a linear model without the quadratic term,
we detected both a significant main effect of transition (β = -0.938, i = 0.200, p <
0.001) and a significant interaction effect of cliff × M (β = 0.297, SE = 0.034, p <
0.001). For consistency, we also tested a linear model for SPU30x, which yielded
a significant effect of milestone (β = 0.420, SE = 0.030, p < 0.001). The linear models
excluded the possibility that the nonlinear upward-trending tail shown in Figure 1
and Figure 2 might be partially explained by the milestone itself. Rather, they
attributed all nonlinearity to the interaction effect of cliff × M. We report the linear
Figure 1. Plotting M1.2 fitted probability of dropout at each milestone, taking cliffs into consideration
and controlling other covariates at their means.
models to demonstrate that the conclusion could vary depending on the model
specification. However, we would like to focus on the quadratic models because they
were less restricted and provided a more conservative estimation of the cliff ×
M term.
Discussion and conclusion
The most important finding of this study is the detection of a cliff effect, namely the
overshooting of the dropout rate at chapter transitions. Cliff effects were defined as
participants finishing the last unit of the previous chapter and not returning to the
upcoming new chapter. The fact that the cliff effect increased across milestones, at least
for SPU30x, suggests that the more participants had learned, the less motivated they were
to learn a new topic. This result overturned our alternative hypothesis that the more
participants had already invested and learned in the course, the more motivated they
would be to finish the course. Whereas, in general, the latter appeared true and was
captured in the typically falling dropout rates over time, the cliff effect might be explained
by a fatigue factor in conjunction with a sense of accomplishment or closure by finishing
a major milestone, which may have led to a reluctance to start a new chapter.
If we consider the total number of milestones completed to reflect commitment or
motivation at the macro level, we can consider the time spent or clicks made at the
Figure 2. Plotting M2.2 fitted probability of dropout at each milestone, taking cliff into consideration
and controlling other covariates at their means.
previous unit as the commitment or motivation at the micro level. We found an interesting
contrast between the two levels. At the macro level, as discussed above, the more milestones participants had invested in learning the less likely they were to start a new chapter,
whereas at the micro level, as suggested by the effect of recent activity, the more time
participants spent, or the more clicks participants made, in the most recent unit, the more
likely they were to remain in the upcoming unit. In other words, our alternative hypothesis
of the positive impact of time investment on attrition was partially supported, except that it
was not applicable at major chapter transitions. This pattern may partially resolve the
paradox of SDT (Ryan & Deci, 2000) introduced earlier. Intrinsic motivation or inherent
satisfaction pushes a student to complete a chapter in order to understand a coherent
concept domain, but such a satisfaction may also provide the learner a psychological
closure that reduces the likelihood of initiating a new concept domain.
When scholars consider motivations in an online course, they often talk about
a learner’s motivation to start a course and the motivation to complete a course.
Seldom do they describe the decision of a learner who drops out in the middle of
a course to be motivational. However, findings in this study inspired us to reflect upon
the concept of learner motivation and contemplate a smaller ‘grain size” of motivation. It
is possible that a learner is motivated to finish a chapter to acquire the complete chapter
of knowledge of interest, but drops out immediately after finishing the chapter. We can
still consider such learners as intrinsically motivated in that they know what they need,
retrieve what they need, and ignore the value added in completing the whole course.
Prior studies categorized such learners as samplers (Coffrin et al., 2014; DeBoer et al.,
2014). Our result show that samplers do not have to be irregular learners. Motivated
samplers might also sample by chapters (clusters of units) rather than by single units.
We used the data from CS50x as a model check to either validate the result of the SPU30x
analysis, or to discover that the pattern is highly course specific. We originally hypothesized
that the cliff effect would be stronger for SPU30x, a course that built cultural capital, than for
CS50x, a course that built human capital. Our reasoning was that cultural capital acquisition
is subject to relatively unrestricted free choice, whereas human capital acquisition places
a heavier weight on mastering a complete skillset. Nevertheless, our result from the CS50x
sample largely replicated, and thus reinforced, the result from the SPU30x sample: there was
a strong cliff effect at chapter transitions, and there was a positive effect of recent activity on
attrition. The hypothesized effect of the type of capital was not detected. Therefore, we had
stronger evidence to argue the cliff effect was a MOOC general phenomenon. Whereas,
admittedly, a study of two MOOCs is still a rather shaky basis for generalization, the fact that
a cliff effect of almost identical magnitude was found in two quite dissimilar MOOCs
encourages further examination of the cliff effect across varying types of MOOCs.
We found only partial evidence of the interaction effect between cliff and milestones. The
cliff effect increased by the latter stages of the course SPU30x. However, the effect did not
increase, nor did it decrease, by the latter stages of the course CS50x. We argue that the
reasons behind not detecting a significant interaction effect in CS50x were that we used
a quadratic model that provided a conservative estimation of the interaction effect, as
explained above, and relatedly, that the last chapter in CS50x had only one milestone, so
that the overshoot of dropout rate at this milestone put a strong weight on the quadratic
term. Had we had one additional milestone for the last chapter, we would be able to better
estimate the quadratic term and parse out its effect from the interaction effect of cliff × M.
One clear takeaway from the analysis of CS50x, though, is that the cliff effect did not
diminish over time. Even if we used the more conservative estimation, it stayed strong.
Findings in this study have strategic policy implications: If the goal of the MOOCs
providers is to encourage participants to complete greater rather than lesser amounts of
a course, these providers need to find strategies for preventing dropout at the moment of
topic transitions. The general accepted principle to counteract the cliff effect is to implement cliff-hangers. Specifically, the guiding strategies might consider downplaying the
distinction between chapters, overviewing the big picture at the beginning of the course
so that participants understand that each chapter is only one piece of the puzzle, building
suspension (e.g., raising new questions, discovering new confusions) by the end of
a chapter, previewing of the upcoming chapter and explaining its connection and importance to what had been learned in previous chapters, embedding extra motivational work
(e.g., extra doses of the abovementioned strategies) to the transitions at latter chapters, and
explicitly asking learners about their chapters of interests and their sense of learning closure
(which does not have to equate to full course completion) to have a fuller understanding of
learners’ motivation and a better anticipation of learners’ completion. In fact, both SPU30x
and CS50x have implemented some of the above mentioned strategies. This suggests that,
without these implementations, the dropout at chapter transitions might have been even
higher. Future studies and practices should experiment with enhanced cliff-hangers to
chapter transitions in MOOCs and evaluate the effectiveness of such an intervention, and
the effectiveness of different components of the intervention, in dropout prevention.
Garreta-Domingo et al. (2018) proposed the “teachers as designers” approach in MOOC
development. According to their proposal, teachers should not only design the pedagogy
for teaching the content knowledge but also take a learner-centered perspective through
which they may capitalize on the students’ experience and shape the design of the MOOC
structure, interface, and workflow to hold students’ attention. As noted by Terras and
Ramsay (2015), the greater autonomy that MOOCs provide presents greater challenges
because the burden of learning regulation shifts from the instructors to the learners.
Nevertheless, instructors who have a design mindset and take a learner-centered perspective should partially share the burden of learning regulation. For example, instructors
should take the cliff effect into consideration and make chapter transitions not only
smooth in terms of the content, but also less segmented with regard to the interface.
Future replication studies should make amendments to avoid the limitations of this
study. One major limitation is the small numbers of chapter transitions in the MOOCs,
especially in CS50x. To make a more accurate estimation of the cliff effect and its
interaction with milestones, we recommend analyzing MOOCs data that contain at least
four chapters, and at least two milestones per chapter. Another limitation of the study was
the small sample of MOOCs. In our case, there were only two MOOCs that had two
different topics. Although we argued that the astronomy MOOC was tailored for cultural
capital training and the computer science MOOC was tailored for human capital training,
the division was not precise. A substantial proportion of computer science MOOC participants took the course for hobby and not professional development (67% of CS50x vs.
34% of SPUX30x participants reported that they were interested in obtaining certificates),
which could explain the striking similarity in the cliff effects between the two MOOCs. We
suggest a systematic survey of available MOOCs data to examine how widespread the cliff
effect is across on different topics, pedagogies and platforms of MOOCs.
Whereas college education has traditionally dealt with a captive audience, where
students face stiff penalties for dropping out during a course (e.g., the loss of tuition
money and educational credits), the MOOC format has an extremely volatile audience.
The makers of MOOCs, therefore, should consider adapting techniques from the entertainment and other leisure industries, intended to maximize the retention of their audience. In our study, for example, the discovery of a cliff effect calls for techniques such as
the cliff-hangers to mitigate its effects on student dropout.
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under the grant titled Outcome
Predictions of Students in Massive Open Online Courses (OPSMOOC) (grant number DRL-1337166)
and EAGER: Student Outcomes in a Computer Science MOOC (SOCSMOOC) (grant number DUE1352696). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions in this article are the authors’ and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. We thank Glenn B. Lopez for
transmitting, and Alaalden Ibrahim and John Murray for processing, the MOOC data. We also thank
those who gave us additional support and direction: Charles Alcock, Lori Breslow, Andrew Ho, Annie
Valva, Rob Lue, and Wendy Berland.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
Notes on contributors
Chen Chen is a postdoctoral fellow in the Science Education Department of the HarvardSmithsonian Center for Astrophysics. He studies the MOOC retention problem, misconceptions in
science learning, and media technology in education.
Gerhard Sonnert is a research associate in the Science Education Department of the HarvardSmithsonian Center for Astrophysics, where he has worked on several large empirical studies in
science, technology, mathematics, and engineering education, with a particular focus on gender
aspects in STEM. He teaches a course on astrosociology in the Harvard Astronomy Department.
Philip M. Sadler is director of the Science Education Department of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics. He is the F. W. Wright Senior Lecturer on Navigation in the Department of
Astronomy. His research includes assessment of students’ scientific misconceptions and how
these change as a result of instruction or pedagogic techniques.
Dimitar D. Sasselov is professor of astronomy at Harvard University and Director of the Harvard
Origins of Life Initiative. He is also a co-investigator on NASA’s Kepler mission, searching for
exoplanets the size of Earth. He teaches the MOOC “Super-Earths and Life” on HarvardX.
Colin Fredericks is senior project lead at HarvardX, where he helps to create MOOCS and advance
the use of pedagogically driven technology. He was the course coordinator for the examined
instance of the Super-Earths and Life MOOC.
David J. Malan is Gordon McKay Professor of the Practice of Computer Science in the School of
Engineering and Applied Sciences and a Member of the Faculty of Education in the Harvard
Graduate School of Education. He teaches “Computer Science 50,” otherwise known as CS50,
which is Harvard University’s largest courses, one of Yale University’s largest courses, and edX’s
largest MOOC.
Chen Chen
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