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Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental, 2021
Este trabajo aborda un tipo particular de asentamiento urbano que fue excepcional en su área, y constituyó un arquetipo en el centro de México; se trata de un asentamiento que experimentó procesos precoces de cambio en lo que V. Gordon Childe denominó “la revolución urbana”. Cuando se compara Teotihuacan (durante el periodo Clásico de Mesoamérica, 100-650 d.C.) con los primeros asentamientos urbanos de la Baja Mesopotamia durante el periodo Uruk tardío (3500-3100 a.C.), como Uruk-Warka, las respectivas transformaciones cualitativas que implicaron estos procesos crearon formas innovadoras de vida civilizada, un nuevo tipo de sitio en cada región, y novedosas formas de interacciones sociales y especializaciones en la población urbana. Sin embargo, existen diferencias entre estas dos regiones que deben ser enumeradas. La jerarquía desarrollada de asentamientos con cuatro niveles que es característica de la Baja Mesopotamia no está presente en la cuenca de México durante el periodo Clás...
Tenaga kesehatan memiliki peran penting dalam memantau status kesehatan masyarakat, memberdayakan penduduk seputar masalah kesehatan, dan melindungi nyawa masyarakat di tengah konflik atau pandemi. Kesadaran negara melibatkan rasa memiliki kewajiban dan siap mengabdi untuk bangsa dan negara, serta meningkatkan intensi patriotisme dan nasionalisme. Peran tenaga kesehatan masyarakat dalam ketahanan nasional seperti pengembangan kesehatan masyarakat melalui profesi dan keilmuan, jabatan yang diamanahkan baik sebagai pemangku kebijakan di tingkat pemerintah maupun dalam pelayanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat. Sikap bela negara juga memiliki manfaat, di antaranya membentuk sikap disiplin waktu, aktivitas, dan pengaturan kegiatan lain, membentuk jiwa kebersamaan dan solidaritas antar sesama rekan seperjuangan, serta membentuk mental dan fisik yang tangguh.
Does the distinction between international and non-international armed conflicts still exist or has it been virtually eliminated? If there are no distinctions and same set of rules govern both international and non-international armed conflicts, will the international humanitarian law apply as the lex specialis to the exclusion of the international human rights law in all armed conflicts, whether international or non-international in character? This article addresses these issues with the help of legal instruments and case laws.
As the result of archaeometric studies on knives, arrowheads, spearheads, nails and iron smithing finds belonging to Kubad Abad and Samsat, Anatolian Seljuks period, the production methods and materials of these finds have been revealed. The metallographic and chemical analysis show that the smiths' forging materials have got two different technological origins. The first one is the oldest iron production technique; direct production technique. The blooms which were produced with this technique, were used for forging arrowheads, spearheads, nails, and some of the knives. The properties of iron products from blooms were improved by implementation of some metallurgical techniques like carburization, quenching, tempering etc. The other source of iron is crucible steel technology which has got Central and Southern Asia origins. The strong evidences of crucible steel which was used to produce high quality knives and blades, were detected in Samsat knife and two other Kubad Abad knives. It is estimated from the special microstructure of the samples from these knives that they used to have damascene pattern on the surface. In Kubad Abad the intense archaeological evidences of iron forging related findings (scrap metals, iron smithing slags) are proofs of a blacksmith workshop at which not only bloom refining but also iron forging craft operations were done.
İslamiyat, 2002
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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2020
International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences, 2019
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Eri Nofriza, 2024
Majalah Ilmiah Pengkajian Industri, 2018
International Journal of Implant Dentistry, 2021