Terror in the Tropics: Responding to Militant Islam (A)

The Warriors held a war room. They were preparing a blacklist of the “enemies” of Islam and gathering information about them, for example their addresses. I heard this from a person that actually attended the “war room.” What do they plan to do with this information? Should not these people be banned from Chathouse? Should they be reported to the authorities? For the time being, if a person threatens me, I threaten him or her back. There was a fellow who was assuring me that, “We Muslims are required to wage jihad al-talab against non-Muslims.” He underwent traditional Muslim education. I replied: “Brother, if you talk like that, you could be facing jail-time.” He never showed his face in any of the rooms I held afterwards. Another time, a different person on Chathouse warned me of “consequence” for people like me. “Brother, I’d go easy if I were you. There is a wonderful resort reserved for people just like you. Have you ever heard of Guantanamo Bay?” An eerie silence followed. “People like you can get all expenses vacations there,” I added. “I am not sure if they offer water skiing, but I heard they provide ‘water-boarding.’ Perhaps you would be interested in trying that?” That fellow also never returned to any of my rooms. Jabri obtained the particulars of the person he was to meet in Bangkok. This person would supply him with the explosives as well as a timing mechanism. Jabri walked along a dark lane, off Sukhumvit Road in Bangkok. He picked up the plastic explosives promised to him, and paid for them in cash. He returned to his hotel with his load. He walked past a road crew repairing s stretch of the road. It was hard work, with little pay. The sound of traffic was mixed with the smell of diesel and the rattling of a jackhammer used by the workers. It was a typical night in the city. The Boulevard is a restaurant and bar. It has yuppie clientele and plays trendy music. Upstairs there was an air-conditioned room where I would at times do my work. I reminisced about the past. Memories would take me back on the wings of the imagination to times long gone but not forgotten. What role does music play in my life? Traditional Muslims are taught that entertainment is forbidden. Traditional ulema taught that Muslims have the right to enter private residences and break the instruments used to play music. This is referred to as a part of hisba, commanding what is right and prohibiting what is wrong. I think a more suitable characterisation of breaking into a person’s home would be home invasion. It is vigilantism. This is a flagrant defiance of the ruling in chapter 49 of the Quran. “Do not enter houses other than your own, until you have asked permission.” To enter a dwelling requires greeting the persons inside and asking for permission to enter. To counsel otherwise is to flout the teaching of revelation. It is to practice extremism. Jabri went to the bar that evening with the explosives and a triggering fuse. Music was blasting from the speakers. At the sea, fireworks were in progress. “You will shortly experience bigger fireworks,” Jabri thought to himself as he arrived at the bar and restaurant. Families were strolling on the street. There were a few foreigners with Thai wives. Jabri was planning to put an end to all this. He planned to plant the explosives in the washroom and trigger them with a timer, to allow himself time to escape. However, as he was about to mount the stairs to the upper floor, he was jumped by three undercover agents lurking in the shadows. He was wrestled to the floor and handcuffed. Then he was handed to the Thai police, on standby nearby. They bundled Jabri into a pick-up truck and took him away.

Terror in the Tropics Responding to Militant Islam Leslie Terebessy Revelation ...................................................................... 3 Muslims.......................................................................... 4 West ............................................................................... 5 Bondage ............................................................................. 7 Politics ............................................................................... 8 Relativism.......................................................................... 9 Nihilism ....................................................................... 11 Estrangement .................................................................. 12 Exhaustion ...................................................................... 14 Meeting ............................................................................ 15 Roots ................................................................................ 16 Emigration ...................................................................... 18 Asia............................................................................... 20 Malaysia ........................................................................... 20 Muslims ........................................................................... 21 “Islamic” Scholarship .................................................. 23 Terrorism......................................................................... 24 Irhab ................................................................................ 28 Muslim Brotherhood ...................................................... 28 Terrorists ...................................................................... 28 Mahdi ............................................................................... 29 Tropics ......................................................................... 29 Reggae Resort ................................................................. 30 Yusuf................................................................................ 31 Freedom & Reason ...................................................... 32 Salleh ............................................................................... 32 1 Wes .................................................................................. 33 Suraya .............................................................................. 34 Jabr and Justin ................................................................ 35 Reason and Revelation ................................................... 40 Jihad ................................................................................. 42 Warriors ....................................................................... 43 Vigilantes ......................................................................... 44 Awards ............................................................................. 46 War Room ................................................................... 46 Jabr................................................................................... 47 Boulevard ........................................................................ 47 Mayday ............................................................................ 48 Epilogue ....................................................................... 48 2 Revelation Revelation was “sent down” by Allah. It was recorded in different books. But a few persons warp its teaching in different ways, to make it serve their agendas. A few warp the teaching of revelation to gather power, and entice people to follow them. They do this in different ways, for example by masquerading as “authorities,” and preventing perceived adversaries from even referring to revelation. The arrogance of these persons is boundless. Preventing access to revelation was practiced by the prohibition of translations, as well as by the prohibition of the printing press. Without the printing press, the teaching of revelation could not reach the masses. The ulama did what they could to establish an exclusive right to “comment upon” the sacred text. The ulama also drew up an extensive list of “qualifications” a person must meet before he or she becomes “qualified “ to speak about religion. Even referring to the scared text by lay persons is frowned upon, as if the ulama alone had the right to refer to the sacred book. They also threaten persons that express a different perception with death. This is “intellectual terrorism.” Another way to alter the teaching of revelation is by corrupting the text of the book. Thus, unscrupulous person changed the text. While the text of the Book of Allah remains uncorrupted, there was a corruption of the knowledge of the Book. This was performed by bestowing the rank of revelation to 3 manmade books and the adoption of the teaching of abrogation. Muslims It is necessary to negotiate and resolve differences. This is a necessary skill. It is necessary to resolve differences in an amicable way. We may agree to disagree. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are Abrahamic faiths. They teach monotheism. Yet sectarians treat these religions as enemies. The United Arab Emirates built a center of Abrahamic faiths. There are three buildings, dedicated to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Islam not exclusive. Muslims replaced revelation with tradition. They justify turning from the Book of Allah to traditions with the assertion that tradition, too, is revelation. Ulama with scant regard for reason assert that the verse that says “take whatever the messenger gives you and with hold whatever he keeps from you” refers to the traditions. In fact, the verse refers to the allocation of assets abandoned by a group of fleeing persons. That the perception that the verse refers to traditions became widespread reveals exegesis bereft of reason. This is the result of anti-rationalism and treating reason as an “enemy” rather than an ally in the quest for knowledge. It reflects a failure to make basic distinctions. It reflects a collapse of exegesis. Knowledge of revelation was corrupted in all three faiths, albeit in different ways. What is required to retrieve the uncorrupted teaching of revelation? 4 5