BMC Cell Biology
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Open Access
Research article
Multistable and multistep dynamics in neutrophil differentiation
Hannah H Chang1,2, Philmo Y Oh1, Donald E Ingber1 and Sui Huang*1
Address: 1Vascular Biology Program, Department of Pathology and Surgery, Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Massachusetts 02115, USA and 2Program in Biophysics, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA
Email: Hannah H Chang -; Philmo Y Oh -;
Donald E Ingber -; Sui Huang* -
* Corresponding author
Published: 28 February 2006
BMC Cell Biology2006, 7:11
Received: 05 October 2005
Accepted: 28 February 2006
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© 2006Chang et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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Background: Cell differentiation has long been theorized to represent a switch in a bistable
system, and recent experimental work in micro-organisms has revealed bistable dynamics in small
gene regulatory circuits. However, the dynamics of mammalian cell differentiation has not been
analyzed with respect to bistability.
Results: Here we studied how HL60 promyelocytic precursor cells transition to the neutrophil
cell lineage after stimulation with the differentiation inducer, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Single cell
analysis of the expression kinetics of the differentiation marker CD11b (Mac-1) revealed all-ornone switch-like behavior, in contrast to the seemingly graduated change of expression when
measured as a population average. Progression from the precursor to the differentiated state was
detected as a discrete transition between low (CD11bLow) and high (CD11bHigh) expressor
subpopulations distinguishable in a bimodal distribution. Hysteresis in the dependence of CD11b
expression on DMSO dose suggests that this bimodality may reflect a bistable dynamic. But when
an "unswitched" (CD11bLow) subpopulation of cells in the bistable/bimodal regime was isolated and
cultured, these cells were found to differ from undifferentiated precursor cells in that they were
"primed" to differentiate.
Conclusion: These findings indicate that differentiation of human HL60 cells into neutrophils does
not result from a simple state transition of a bistable switch as traditionally modeled. Instead,
mammalian differentiation appears to be a multi-step process in a high-dimensional system, a result
which is consistent with the high connectivity of the cells' complex underlying gene regulatory
During cell differentiation, an immature unspecialized
cell assumes a new, stable and lasting phenotype [1]. Such
a drastic change of cell identity is often considered to be a
continuous process in which a precursor cell appears to
gradually "morph" into a differentiated one. This impression arises in particular when expression of a specific dif-
ferentiation marker is measured in a population of cells
(e.g., using RT-PCR or Western blots) and is observed to
gradually change over time after stimulation or as a function of the doses of the stimulus [2], as shown schematically in Fig. 1A,B. But in reality, the same continuous
population-level change of marker expression can also
arise if individual cells undergo an all-or-none "switch"
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Population Average
Duration or
Concentration of Stimulus
# of Cells
Graded Response
Bistable Response
1 illustration
of cannot
how population
between graded
Schematic illustration of how population measurements, such as Western blotting (A) cannot distinguish between graded (B) versus discrete responses
(C). Sample cell population show gradual increase in marker
expression as indicated by increasing hue (B) or switch-like
response with cells either expressing or not expressing a
marker upon stimulation (C). Flow cytometry histograms
reveal the difference: a graded response would appear as one
peak gradually shifting in intensity (B) whereas a bistable
response would lead to two distinct peaks that alternatively
grow or wane (C). "Stimulus" indicates duration of stimulation or concentration of stimulant.
into the differentiated state that occurs asynchronously
(Fig. 1C). In fact, early developmental biologists recognized that cell phenotype "switches" may be discrete
[3,4], but this perspective was lost as biochemical analysis
of large populations of cultured cells came to dominate
biology. Only with the advent of advanced methods for
monitoring protein expression in individual cells has the
notion of discontinuous switching between cellular states
been revived. In these recent studies, increasing the dose
of a stimulus has in fact been shown to increase the proportion of cells that make the transition from one state to
another [5-9].
Attempts to understand this all-or-none switching
between phenotypes led to the reemergence of the concept of bistability. First proposed by Delbrück in 1948
[10] and later by Monod and Jacob [11] to explain differentiation, bistability describes how certain small regulatory circuits composed of one or two interacting genes can
under certain conditions exhibit two and only two distinct
equilibrium states. In a bistable system, the equilibrium
states are relatively stable with respect to random perturbations imposed on the system [12]. However, conditions
which give the system a large enough "push" can lead to a
transition from one equilibrium state to the other. An
example is the simple regulatory circuit illustrated in Fig.
2 consisting of two cross-inhibiting and spontaneously
decaying genes or proteins, X and Y, which for appropriate
interaction parameters can be mathematically shown to
have only two stable equilibrium states in the two-dimensional X-Y state space: state a where (X>>Y) and state b
where (Y>>X) (Fig. 2B). Since these are the only possible
stable states of the X-Y circuit, the system can exhibit bistability with switch-like transitions between these two
states [12]. These transitions are manifested as all-or-none
switching between relatively persistent phenotypes when
analyzed within single cells (Fig. 2C). Bistability also
implies that under certain conditions, both equilibrium
states are occupied simultaneously by the cells within one
population. This type of behavior has been shown to arise
in a variety of small gene regulatory circuits [12,13] in living organisms, including Escherichia coli [7,8] and Saccharomyces cerevisiae [6], as well as in signal transduction
modules involving MAPK [9] and JNK [5] in Xenopus
It is commonly postulated that bistability governs cellular
differentiation in mammalian cells [14-16] athough the
underlying genetic regulatory networks there are much
more complex, but this has never been demonstrated
experimentally. Instead of constructing artificial networks
to exhibit bistability [6-8,15], we examined the validity of
the bistable model in the context of mammalian differentiation by carrying out single cell analysis of human HL60
promyelocytic cells that are chemically induced to differentiate into neutrophils by treatment with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). These studies show that a surface marker
for differentiated neutrophils, CD11b (Mac-I) [17], is
expressed in an all-or-none manner within individual
cells, whether analyzed over time or in response to different levels of stimulus. However, detailed kinetic studies of
the transition rate suggest that mammalian cell-fate
switching may not simply be a bistable transition. Instead,
differentiation appears to be a more complicated multistep process, a result which is consistent with the complexity of the underlying gene regulatory network which
extends beyond the two-gene circuits used to model bistability.
Results and discussion
Bistability and bimodality
The human promyelocytic HL60 cells robustly differentiate into neutrophils within 6 days in the presence of
1.25% (v/v) DMSO [18], reaching stationarity with 50–
70% of cells in the differentiated state as evaluated by
morphological, biochemical, and molecular markers (see
Material and Methods). We studied differentiation in
HL60 cells by monitoring the expression of CD11b (Mac1), a well-established surface marker for differentiated
neutrophils [17]. Western blotting was used to measure
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# of cells
“ Potential “
Y Expression
Figure 2dynamics in a two-gene system with cross-regulation
Bistable dynamics in a two-gene system with cross-regulation. A. Gene regulatory circuit diagram. Blunt arrows indicate mutual inhibition of genes X and Y. Dashed arrows indicate a basal synthesis (affected by the inhibition) and an independent first-order degradation of the factors. B. Two-dimensional XY phase plane representing the typical dynamics of the circuit.
Every point (X, Y) represents a momentary state defined by the values of the pair X, Y. Red arrows are gradient vectors indicating the direction and extent that the system will move to within a unit time at each of the (X, Y) positions. Collectively, the
vector field gives rise to a "potential landscape", visualized by the colored contour lines (numerical approximation). In this "epigenetic landscape", the stable states (attractors) are in the lowest points in the valleys: a (X>>Y) and b (Y>>X) (gray dots). C.
Schematic representation of the epigenetic landscape as a section through a and b in which every red dot represents a cell.
Experimentally, this bistability is manifested as a bimodal distribution in flow cytometry histograms in which the stable states a
and b appear as peaks at the respective level of marker expression (e.g., Y).
the expression of CD11b as a population average, and in
parallel flow cytometry was used to resolve expression of
CD11b at the level of individual cells in the same population. Although the latter measurements are common
place, a detailed kinetic analysis has not been reported
To determine whether CD11b expression in HL60 cells
stimulated to differentiate into neutrophils by DMSO
undergo discontinuous switching with a bimodal population distribution at intermediate stages that is characteristic of bistability, we monitored the time- and
concentration-dependence of CD11b expression. As
expected, when the whole population was analyzed using
Western blots, CD11b expression appeared to increase
gradually with increasing duration of DMSO treatment as
the stimulated cells differentiated into neutrophils (Fig.
3A). In contrast, analysis of the underlying dynamics of
CD11b expression at the individual cell level using flow
cytometry revealed a bimodal distribution of low
(CD11bLow) and high (CD11bHigh) CD11 expressor cells
(Fig. 3B). As the duration of DMSO treatment increased
from 1 to 7 days, the CD11bHigh subpopulation grew,
while the CD11bLow subpopulation waned. A bimodal
histogram in the flow cytometry signal representing
roughly equal proportions of CD11bHigh and CD11bLow
cells was observed at day 3. These results support a switchlike process in which the probability that individual cells
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0% 0.25% 0.5% 0.75% 1.0%
Number of Cells
Number of Cells
Day 1
Day 3
Day 5
Day 7
Fluorescence Signal
Fluorescence Signal
exhibits bimodal response to both the duration and concentration of stimulant
HL60 differentiation exhibits bimodal response to both the duration and concentration of stimulant. HL60 cells
were cultured in 0.75% DMSO for 1 to 7 days (d) (A,B) or exposed to different doses (0% to 1.1%) of DMSO for 7 days (C,D)
and monitored by Western blotting (A,C) and flow cytometry (B,D). Western blot analysis of whole cell populations revealed a
gradual increase in intensity of the CD11b band both over time (A) and in response to increasing concentrations (C) of DMSO.
In contrast, single cell analysis using flow cytometry demonstrated bimodality, as indicated by a shift of "peak heights" of the
CD11bLow (left arrows) and CD11bHigh (right arrows) subpopulations in the histogram with increasing time of treatment (B) or
dose of DMSO (D).
will transition from the CD11bLow state to the CD11bHigh
state increases upon treatment with DMSO. Even if bimodality was partially concealed by the overlap of the two
subpopulations, the increased spread of the histogram
during intermediate differentiation states, followed by its
subsequent decrease as cells entered the differentiated
state (Table 1) excludes the possibility of gradual differentiation kinetics.
Moreover, when we carried out similar studies in which
we stimulated HL60 precursor cells with different concentrations of DMSO (0% to 1.1%) and analyzed CD11b
expression at the stationary state (7d), we also observed
bimodality (Fig. 3C, D). Again, analysis of the whole population using Western blots showed a gradual increase in
CD11b expression with increasing DMSO concentration
(Fig. 3C), whereas flow cytometry histograms of single
cells demonstrated bimodality of the CD11b signal at
0.9% and 1.1% DMSO (Fig. 3D). Again, if the bell-shaped
histogram of CD11 expression level shifted from low to
high intensity values while maintaining its overall shape,
it would indicate a gradual switching kinetics at the single
cell level (Fig. 1B); however this was not observed (Fig.
3B, D). As in the time-course experiment, the non-monotonic evolution of the spread (Table 1) excludes the possibility of graded differentiation kinetics in individual cells.
The "blurring" of the two peaks that we observed in the
bimodality (Fig. 3B,D) may be due to inherent population heterogeneity (e.g. due to stochasticity of gene
expression [19]) which would lead to partial overlapping
of the CD11bLow and CD11bHigh peaks, but does not invalidate the underlying switch-like kinetics.
To confirm that the observed bimodal response in CD11b
expression was due to switch-like dynamics, rather than
an ultrasensitive transition (i.e., steep step in the doseresponse curve that acts a threshold [20]), we explored
whether HL60 cells exhibit hysteresis in their CD11b
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Table 1: Mean and inter-quartile ratio (IQR) of fluorescence intensities for Fig. 3.
Figure 3B
Day 1
Day 3
Day 5
Day 7
Figure 3D
0.3% DMSO
0.5% DMSO
0.7% DMSO
0.9% DMSO
1.1% DMSO
The inter-quartile ratio was calculated as the ratio of the 75th and 25th percentiles in signal intensity for each time point in Fig. 3B and each DMSO
concentration in Fig. 3D, representing the spread of the histogram.
expression response. Hysteresis implies a history-dependence of the response to the same stimulus and is a unique
characteristic of a bistable system [21]. Here, hysteresis
would manifest in the shape of the dose-response curve
measured at stationary states for each DMSO dose, such
that a stepwise reduction of the stimulus strength would
produce a "lagging" of the corresponding decrease in
response strength when compared to the dose-response
curve obtained by increasing the strength of the stimulus.
Cells were first stimulated with increasing concentrations
of DMSO for 7 days, reaching steady-state ("forward reaction"), and the proportion of cells that became CD11bHigh
was recorded. For the "backward reaction", maximally differentiated cells (treated with 1.25% DMSO for 7 days)
were resuspended with various concentrations of DMSO
for another 7 days to arrive at new stationary states, and
the fraction of CD11bHigh cells was similarly noted. Care
was taken to ensure that the cells were never exposed to
normal medium (except for the 0% DMSO backward
reaction data point), because it cannot be excluded that
such a short pulse of DMSO-free treatment may create
unexpected and lasting effects interfering with hysteresis.
We observed a lag in cellular response in the backward
versus forward reactions, as delineated by the two nonoverlapping arms in the dose-response curves (Fig. 4)
which is a hallmark of hysteresis [21]. It is important to
note that the "retro-differentiated" cells re-assumed cell
proliferation, hence increasing their proportion in the
population. This effect diminishes the hysteresis loop by
reducing the CD11bHigh fraction in the cell cultures contributing to the backward reaction. Hence, the extent of
the hysteresis loop is likely underestimated. The leftward
shift of the backward dose response curve by approximately 0.2% cannot be explained by residual DMSO since
suspension of the pellet (< 1 ul) into the medium (2 ml)
before the reaction would have diluted the maximal concentration of 1.25% by greater than 1000 fold. Furthermore, the reappearance of the non-differentiated cells
after the "backward reaction" cannot be attributed to
regrowth of a small pool of DMSO-resistant cells because
it was still observed to occur with similar kinetics when
the CD11bHigh subpopulation was isolated by FACS sorting before starting the "backward" treatment (not shown).
In fact, a similar loss of differentiation characteristics (surface marker, enzymatic activity, etc.) has been observed in
HL60 cells induced by 1α, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 into
monocytes that were later removed from treatment [22].
The demonstration of bimodality and hysteresis in
CD11b expression of differentiating HL60 cells is consistent with an underlying gene regulatory network of the
structure shown in Fig. 2 that can give rise to bistable
behavior. Such an architecture has been found in the regulatory circuit of transcription factors implicated in neutrophil differentiation involving the transcription factors
GATA2 (= X) and PU.1 (= Y) which mutually inhibit each
other [23-25]. For this well-studied system, a relatively
broad range of interaction strength and stability of these
factors gives rise to two equilibrium states [7,12,26,27]:
state a in which GATA2 expression is high and PU.1 is
low, and conversely, state b, in which PU.1 is high and
GATA2 is suppressed. Biologically, state b may represent
the differentiated neutrophil state because endogenous or
enforced PU.1 upregulation activates the expression of
many neutrophil specific genes, including the surface
marker CD11b [28,29]. In contrast, state a represents the
progenitor cell with low PU.1 and, in the case of the HL60
cells, higher levels of GATA2 [30]. Although artificially
isolated as a module from a larger network, this small
two-gene circuit captures the observed discreteness of a
cell fate "switch" from the progenitor to the differentiated
state. However, because the molecular targets of DMSO
remain unknown, we cannot formally demonstrate how
the hysteresis with respect to varying doses of DMSO
arose; it only provides phenomenological support for
Multi-step kinetics
Bistability has been proposed as a generic principle that
governs differentiation in higher metazoans. However,
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els, given some architectural constraints of the network,
multiple equilibrium states, or "attractor states" may coexist in high-dimensional state space. Experimental evidence for the existence of such high-dimensional attractor
states that represent differentiated phenotypes has
recently been shown in populations of HL60 cells using
DNA microarray-based dynamic gene expression profiling
[39]. Thus, we next examined whether the dynamics of
switching in individual HL60 cells harbor evidence of
multiple dimensions that could be revealed by monitoring a single variable (CD11b).
CD 11b positive fraction at equilibrium state (7d)
DMSO dose (% v/v)
Figure 4
HL60 differentiation exhibits hysteresis
DMSO-induced HL60 differentiation exhibits hysteresis. HL60 cells were stimulated with 0% to 1.25%v/v DMSO
(solid "forward" curve) for one week, after which cells in the
1.25% sample were washed and restimulated again in 0% to
1.25% DMSO (dashed "backward" curve). For both
responses, differentiation was monitored by flow cytometry
for CD11b after 7 days of stimulation (i.e. at stationary
state). Vertical axis represents the fraction of CD11bHigh cells
relative to that exhibited by maximally differentiated cells
exposed to 1.25% DMSO for 7 days. Note that the proportion of CD11bHigh cells at a given DMSO concentration
depended on the history of previous treatment ("forward"
vs. "backward"). Duplicate results are presented; each data
point represents a flow cytometry measurement obtained
from 10,000 cells.
since mammalian cell differentiation is controlled by regulatory interactions between hundreds, perhaps thousands of genes, and not by isolated one- or two-gene
modules as widely assumed in bistability models [31], the
multi-dimensionality of the switch-dynamics may be concealed by measuring a single variable. Using computational models, it has been previously shown that highdimensional equivalents of bistability can exist in large
genetic networks [32-38]. In these 'multi-stability' mod-
Due to the abundance of mutual feedback regulation
loops in the mammalian gene regulation network [26], it
is possible that cells also undergo switch-like transitions
in state space dimensions other than those linked to the
expression of CD11b. However, the switching events in
these other state space dimensions may not be synchronized. Consequently, a given subpopulation identified
solely as CD11bLow may be expected not only to differ
from other members of the native (untreated) population,
but also to be heterogeneous in composition, perhaps
containing cells in multiple meta-stable states (Fig. 5).
Since the genes spanning these other relevant state space
dimensions are not known, existence of such metastable
states may be detected as intermediate stages in the progression of differentiation. To explore this possibility, we
compared native (untreated) CD11bLow cells to CD11bLow
expressor cells isolated from a bimodal population produced by treatment with a submaximal dose (0.8%) of
DMSO for 7 days. Specifically, we examined their responsiveness to a second-round of stimulation with 0.8%
Seven days of DMSO treatment at 0.8% put the cell population in the bistable regime, in which typically more
than half of the cells are in the CD11bHigh state. The
CD11bLow cells were isolated using FACS, immediately
recultured, and restimulated with 0.8% DMSO for
another 7 days. During this period, flow cytometry analysis was performed daily to monitor the fraction of
CD11bHigh expressing cells (Fig. 6). In parallel, untreated
native cells were mock-sorted and handled in exactly the
same way as the sorted CD11bLow subpopulation for comparison of the kinetics of differentiation into CD11bHigh
Three possible outcomes could be expected. First, the
sorted CD11bLow subpopulation could display a decreased
rate of generating CD11bHigh cells compared to the native
mock-sorted cells. This outcome would indicate that the
CD11bLow subpopulation consisted of cells that were
inherently more resistant to DMSO induction than native
cells. In this case, the coexistence of both states in the
bimodal culture would be due to heterogeneity of intrin-
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Cells #
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Marker X
Cells #
Cell #
CD 11b Expr
Figure 5
in multiple state space dimensions
Multistability in multiple state space dimensions. Subpopulations identified as homogeneous with respect to a single
marker (i.e., CD11b) may be heterogeneous with respect to another, unmeasured marker (e.g., Marker X). The arrows show
a hypothetical path of differentiation whereby cells first change marker X expression (a to b) and then CD11b expression (b to
c). An isolated CD11bLow subpopulation thus may contain two (meta)stable states with respect to marker X (i.e. states a and b)
that project into the same value with respect to CD11b.
sic responsiveness to the differentiation stimulus and
selection, rather than from bistability as proposed in the
bistable switch model of differentiation [6-9]. Second, the
sorted CD11bLow subpopulation could have the same differentiation kinetics upon restimulation with DMSO as the
native cells. This would indicate that the CD11bLow subpopulation of the bimodal distribution consisted of cells
that "by chance" had not yet differentiated [40]. This possibility would not only support a simple bistable switch
but also indicate that the state transition is a purely stochastic process. Stochasticity is often observed in cell fate
choice and transitions in multipotent progenitor cells or
stem cells [41-43], and could be related to the probabilistic manner by which cell type-specific genes are regulated
by cis-regulatory elements [44,45]. The third and last possibility is that the sorted CD11bLow subpopulation exhibits an increased rate of producing CD11bHigh cells. This
result would point to some "additive" effect of the two
rounds of stimulation with DMSO wherein the first stimulation leads to progress in differentiation that is "stored"
in state space dimensions other than CD11b.
We observed the last of the three possibilities: upon restimulation with intermediate-dose DMSO, the cells from
the CD11bLow subpopulation were not only capable of
expressing CD11b, but did so at an accelerated rate compared to the native control population (Fig. 7A,B). It
appears that the first seven days of exposure to intermediate-dose DMSO resulted in the "priming" of the
CD11bLow cells, in fact suggesting a 'metastable' intermediate state on the way to differentiation. Importantly, the
primed status was not manifested in a change of CD11b
(Figure 8A) or other known early markers of progressing
differentiation, including loss of CD71 expression (not
shown), or initial increase followed by loss of intracellular
Erk phosphorylation (Fig. 8B) [46]. The level of phosphorylated-Erk (Fig. 8B) in the "primed" and "native" populations, as measured by flow cytometry immediately after
FACS sorting were indistinguishable, as in the case of
CD11b (Fig. 8A). Thus, Erk-phosphorylation changes cannot be used as a marker to differentiate between the
"primed" and "native" populations. The "priming" process likely affects genes not monitored which in turn, may
influence the rate of switching-on CD11b expression.
Intriguingly, culturing these "primed" cells in normal
(DMSO-free) medium for up to four days did not abolish
the accelerated CD11b expression kinetics observed upon
re-stimulation (Fig. 7C,D). This increased kinetics could
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Cell #
7 7Days
4 Days
CD 11b
Twice Restimulated
7 Days
7 Days
Figure 6
design for analyzing multi-dimensional dynamics of differentiation
Experimental design for analyzing multi-dimensional dynamics of differentiation. Shaded block arrows represent
cells exposed to 0.8% DMSO for the indicated durations while open arrows indicate "untreated" cell cultures. Brackets indicate
subpopulations sorted with FACS. The fraction of CD11bHigh cells was monitored by flow cytometry daily for 7 days for the
"restimulated", "native" (mock-sorted and restimulated) and "untreated" groups. A CD11bLow fraction that was re-established
upon restimulation with 0.8% DMSO for 4 days was also sorted, restimulated a second time ("twice restimulated"), and monitored by flow cytometry for 6 days.
not be attributed to the effects of residual intracellular
DMSO since no increase in spontaneous differentiation
was observed when the "primed" cells were placed in normal medium ("0 day" point in Fig. 7C,D). However, this
memory was gradually lost with increasing time (> 4d) of
culture in the absence of DMSO (Fig. 7C,D), supporting
the metastable character of the primed state.
Interestingly, even after restimulating these cells (i.e., two
rounds of DMSO in total), a CD11bLow subpopulation
was still observable. We thus asked the same question for
the priming process as we originally did for the differentiation process: does the heterogeneity in the priming process result from the existence of other metastable "preprimed" states or do the unprimed cells represent a resistant sub-population? To address this question, the
CD11bLow subpopulation that appeared after one round
of re-stimulation with DMSO was FACS sorted and restimulated for a second time with 0.8% DMSO for another
seven days (three rounds of DMSO treatment in total)
(Fig. 6). Surprisingly, this subpopulation again showed
accelerated CD11b expression kinetics upon restimulation when compared to the native control population
(Fig. 7A), but had a rate of generating CD11bHigh cells
comparable to that exhibited by the subpopulation that
was only exposed to DMSO for two rounds of stimulation
(Fig. 7A). These results rule out the preexistence of a resistant subpopulation, and suggest that no additional intermediate steps between the CD11bLow and the CD11bHigh
states can be discerned with the stimulation scheme used
Taken together, these results indicate that human HL60
cell differentiation is a multi-step process, consisting of at
least two steps: (1) an initial transition step from the
native CD11bLow state to the "primed" CD11bLow state
and (2) a second step from the "primed" state to the
CD11bHigh state. The observation that a second round of
sorting and restimulation did not alter the rate of
CD11bHigh cell production indicates that the process of
"priming" (step 1) went through to completion (e.g. all
"primed" cells are in the same state) at the perturbation
strength conferred by 0.8% DMSO for 7 days. In contrast,
the second step leading to the high expression of CD11b
appeared to be a switch that only partially ran to completion in 0.8% DMSO, hence exposing not only the existence of a "primed" undifferentiated state, but also the
stochastic nature of its transition to the differentiated
CD11bHigh state [47]. Given the design of our experiments, however, it was not possible to determine whether
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CD 11b High Fraction
CD 11b High Fraction
Days After Restimulation
Days After Restimulation
in Fig.
6 revealed that CD11b expression in DMSO-treated HL60 cells is a multi-step process involvThe experiments outlined in Fig. 6 revealed that CD11b expression in DMSO-treated HL60 cells is a multistep process involving an intermediate "primed" state. (A,B). The "restimulated" (solid diamonds) and "twice restimulated" (solid circles) cells both showed a similar increased rate of CD11b expression (fraction of CD11bHigh cells) relative to
the "native" (open triangles) or "untreated" (open squares) groups. (C,D). This accelerated kinetics was sustained for up to four
days in DMSO-free medium but was gradually lost beyond four days. Duplicates are presented, where solid circles, open diamonds, open triangles, solid squares, and solid triangles (--) represent cells cultured for 1, 2(for C)/4(for D), 5, 6, and 7 days in
control medium before restimulation with 0.8% DMSO, respectively. Open squares indicate cells of the native population that
have never been previously treated with DMSO nor FACS sorted. Each data point represents a flow cytometry measurement
obtained from 10,000 cells.
HL60 cells that are in the CD11bHigh state must also pass
through multiple sequential states to be fully differentiated with respect to all state space dimensions. Nevertheless, the existence of two discernible states (native and
"primed") among the CD11bLow subpopulation supports
the existence of "deterministic heterogeneity" within this
population as a result of multistability within the
genome-wide regulatory network. This heterogeneity does
not measurably contribute to additional population dispersion of CD11b expression levels in the CD11bLow population. Instead, it represents an additional state in which
the cells exhibit an increased readiness to express CD11b
upon restimulation.
Our results may also explain why cellular differentiation
processes often take as long as several days to weeks to
complete, although molecularly, they essentially consist
of a change in gene expression profile which could be
completed in a day at the level of individual genes. Specifically, the results also explain why, despite hysteresis, prolonged exposure (> 3 days) to the stimulating agents
DMSO and all-trans-retinoic acid is necessary to achieve
maximal neutrophil differentiation in HL60 cells
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reflect a state in which such intermediate regulatory proteins have become available. Moreover, remodeling of
chromatin to make loci of differentiation-specific genes
accessible for transcription may contribute to the multistep characteristics of differentiation with kinetically identifiable intermediate states [50].
Number of Cells
CD 11b
Fluorescence Signal
Number of Cells
Fluorescence Signal
8 phosphorylated-Erk
and native populations
are indistinguishable
The "primed" and native populations are indistinguishable by CD11b or phosphorylated-Erk expression levels. A. The "primed" (green) and "native" (red)
populations were measured for CD11b expression immediately after FACS sorting and found to be indistinguishable.
For comparison, CD11b signal from the treated population
before sorting is presented (black) showing a combination of
CD11bLow and CD11bHigh cells. B. Similarly, intracellular
phosphorylated-Erk (Erk-P) expression for "primed" (green)
and "native" (red) populations as monitored by flow cytometry gave nearly identical results. In comparison, a sample
treated with 1.3% DMSO for 7 days (black) revealed much
larger variations in Erk-P expression.
([18,48]; H.H.C. and S.H., unpublished observations).
This is in contrast to other HL60 differentiation processes,
such as macrophage differentiation, for which brief exposure to TPA of a few hours is sufficient [49].
At the moment, the molecular mechanisms that establish
the primed state are not known. It is likely that in order to
switch the transcriptome to that of the differentiated state,
multiple waves of transcriptional activation must occur in
which newly synthesized transcription factors regulate
other (transcription) factors. Thus, the primed state may
In this study, we examined the dynamics of mammalian
cell differentiation by studying the expression kinetics of
the differentiation marker CD11b during neutrophil differentiation in DMSO-treated HL60 cells. Although the
behavior of this marker is in agreement with simple bistability models [10,11], our detailed analysis revealed that
differentiation is actually a multi-step process consistent
with a model in which multiple coupled switches along
various state space dimensions give rise to multistable
states that represent high-dimensional attractors in the
genome-wide cell regulatory network [33,39]. Based on a
purely dynamical and phenomenological analysis, we
were able to identify a "primed" state in HL60 differentiation characteristic of cells that had not made the all-ornone phenotypic switch, but had proceeded partially along
the path of differentiation. Although we were unable to
take a "bottom-up" approach as in the studies of wellcharacterized microorganisms [8] or engineered gene networks [7], our treatment strategy and sorting scheme
allowed us to study mammalian cell differentiation without knowing the underlying gene regulatory network
beyond the GATA2/PU.1 switch. This approach opens a
new way of dissecting the multi-step process of cellular
differentiation into a sequence of discrete metastable
intermediate states that evade conventional time-course
analysis of entire populations. Specifically, our results
suggest that the regulation of differentiation may involve
"unanticipated" gene dimensions which do not directly
affect the expression of a measured marker. The existence
of multi-dimensional, multistable behavior during cell
fate switching in mammalian cells has important implications in the way differentiation is viewed and ultimately,
in how processes such as lineage commitment of stem
cells during tissue development can be explained and controlled.
Cell culture and differentiation
HL60 cells (ATCC) were cultured in IMDM medium
(ATCC) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and
1% glutamine plus penicillin and streptomycin. Cells of
passage 7 (after receipt from ATCC) at a density of 1.0 ×
106 cells/ml and growing at a basal rate of 1.3–1.7 day -1
were treated with variable concentrations of DMSO
(Sigma) ranging from 0.3% to 1.25% (v/v) to induce differentiation. At each time point, cells were harvested from
the suspension culture, pelleted, and processed for either
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Western blot and/or flow cytometry analysis (see below).
Differentiation was monitored primarily with CD11b
expression by flow cytometry, but morphology by Giemsa
stain and nitroblue tetrazolium-reducing activities were
also utilized. A stationary state was reached at day 6 since
the fraction of differentiated cells and the level of expression of CD11b did not further increase when cells were
monitored up to day 12 after induction of differentiation.
Western blot analysis
1 × 106 cells were pelleted and directly lysed with 20%
sample-loading buffer for SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immediately boiled for 5 min
at 95°C. 30–50 µl of total cell lysate were fractionated on
SDS-PAGE gel and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes. Following blocking with 5% milk/PBST (phosphate buffered saline with Tween 20), the membrane was
probed with a 1:500 dilution of CD11b/Mac-1 antibody
(BD Pharmingen). Antibody binding was detected with a
1:5000 dilution of peroxidase labeled anti-mouse IgG
(Vector) and luminescence was detected with Supersignal
West Dura Signal reagents (Pierce).
orescence activated cell sorting was performed with either
a Becton Dickinson FACSVantage (Becton Dickinson) or a
Becton Dickinson FACSAria (Becton Dickinson) flow
cytometer. Data analysis was done with either CytoSoft™
2.1.1. (GuavaTechnologies, Inc) or WinMDI software. For
cell sorting, starting cell number ranged between 40–80 ×
106 cells, and cells were sorted into ice-cold medium for a
maximum of 3 hours. Gates for sorting the CD11bLow subpopulation in the 0.8% DMSO-treated samples were set
relative to an untreated, native population. The latter was
also mock sorted and processed in exactly the same way as
the former to control for the effects of FACS sorting on cellular expression of CD11b. To remove the staining antibody before reculturing, pelleted cells were suspended in
pH.2.25 MES (morpholinoethanesulfonic acid)/Tris
buffer for 30 s. A 10-fold volume of pH 7.4 PBS was
immediately added for neutralization and the cells were
pelleted and resuspended in culture medium. After antibody removal the cells had fluorescence signal intensities
on par with unstained HL60 cells and exhibited normal
viability for future immunofluorescence staining.
Authors' contributions
Immunofluorescence staining of live cells for flow
For the Guava- PCA system (see below) 200,000 cells were
pelleted and incubated in 7 µl of CD11b/MAC-I R-PE conjugated fluorescence antibody (BD Pharmingen) on ice
for 30 min, washed with ice-cold 1% fetal calf serum/PBS/
0.01% NaN3 (NaN3 is left out in sorting experiments), and
resuspended in the same buffer at 106 cells/ml density for
analysis. Intracellular phosphorylated-Erk levels were
detected using the BD PhosFlow kit (BD Pharmingen) and
the protocol provided. Briefly, 200,000 cells were fixed
with BD PhosFlow Fix Buffer (BD Pharmingen) at 37°C
for 10 min, pelleted, washed with BD PhosFlow Perm/
Wash Buffer (BD Pharmingen) twice, incubated with 5 µl
of a 1:5 dilution of Anti-Phospho-ERK1/2:PE conjugated
fluorescence antibody (BD Pharmingen) in the dark at
room temperature for 1 hour, washed again with Perm/
Wash Buffer, and resuspended in the same buffer at 106
cells/ml density for analysis. For fluorescence-activated
cell sorting, staining was scaled up 10-fold to 50 µl of
CD11b/MAC-I R-PE conjugated fluorescence antibody
(BD Pharmingen) per 106 cells and cells were resuspended
at 8–10 × 106 cells/ml. Pilot antibody titration experiments were performed to ensure that staining occurred at
least at 2-fold saturation. Ice-cold 1% fetal calf serum/
PBS/0.01% NaN3 was used to establish background signal
with unstained cells.
H.H.C. participated in the design of the study, performed
the experiments, and drafted the manuscript. P.Y.O.
established the antibody-removal protocol. D.E.I. supervised the work and revised the manuscript. S.H. conceived
of the study, participated in the experiments, and drafted
the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final
This work was funded by grants to S.H. from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49550-05-1-0078) and the Patterson Trust, and to D.E.I.
from the National Institutes of Health (CA55833) and the Army Research
Office (W911NF-04-1-0273). H.H.C. is supported by the Presidential
Scholarship and the Ashford Fellowship of Harvard University. H.H.C.
would like to thank K. Farh for critical reading of the manuscript.
Flow cytometry and Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting
Flow cytometry was performed on a Guava-PCA microfluidic-based flow cytometer (GuavaTechnologies, Inc). Flu-
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