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Impact fatigue in adhesive joints
© IMechE / Professional Engineering Publishing
Silberschmidt, Vadim V., Juan P. Casas-Rodriguez, and Ian A. Ashcroft. 2019. “Impact Fatigue in Adhesive
Joints”. figshare.
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Impact fatigue in adhesive joints
V V Silberschmidt∗ , J P Casas-Rodriguez, and I A Ashcroft
Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK
The manuscript was received on 25 October 2007 and was accepted after revision for publication on 15 April 2008.
DOI: 10.1243/09544062JMES924
Abstract: One of the forms of a vibro-impact effect in engineering components is impact fatigue
(IF) caused by a cyclic repetition of low energy, low-velocity impacts, for instance, in aerospace
structures. It can have a highly detrimental impact on performance and reliability of such components, exacerbated by the fact that in many cases it is disguised in loading histories by non-impact
loading cycles with higher amplitudes. Since the latter are traditionally considered as most dangerous in standard fatigue, IF has not yet received deserved attention; it is less studied and
practically unknown to specialists in structural integrity. Though there is a broad understanding of the danger of high-energy single impacts, repetitive impacting of components has been
predominantly studied for very short series. This paper aims at the analysis of IF of adhesively
bonded joints, which are becoming more broadly used in aerospace applications. The study
is implemented for two types of typical adherends – an aluminium alloy and a carbon-fibre
reinforced composite – and an industry-relevant epoxy adhesive. Various stages of fatigue crack
development in adhesively bonded joints are studied for the conditions of standard and IF. The
results obtained – in terms of crack growth rates, fatigue lives, and microstructures of fracture
surfaces – are compared for the two regimes in order to find similarities and specific features.
Keywords: impact fatigue, adhesive, crack growth, adhesively bonded joints
Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK. email:
reliability of components exposed to cyclic loading
(fatigue). Another example is a dynamic overshoot factor, roughly doubling the maximum magnitude of the
load due to the weight if it is suddenly applied to a
Still, one type of the load has not yet obtained the
attention, which it undoubtedly deserves. This is a repetition of low-energy impacts, with each impact being
insufficient to cause the total failure of a structure or
component. This type of loading is known as impact
fatigue (IF) and is in the centre of this study.
It is a well-established fact [1] that research into IF
started effectively at the same time as the one into
standard, non-IF, i.e. in the middle of the nineteenth
century [2]. More than a century ago a ‘shock-fatigue’
test, defined as one ‘involving a large number of relatively small blows’, was used to study a response of
steels to this type of loading in comparison with a static
test and a ‘single-blow’ test [3]. Those tests were performed with specially designed testing machines for
impacts in bending, tension, and compression. The
tests in bending were implemented for loading histories of up to 106 cycles while those for tensile impacts –
‘owing to the relatively slow speed of the direct-impact
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Prediction of performance of various structures and
components under real-life loads is usually based on
the models of material behaviours. These models are
validated by experimental studies performed on specimens of respective materials using various types of
mechanical loads (an isothermal case is considered in
this paper). Such loads are a generalization of loads in
service and normally limited to (quasi) static, cyclic,
dynamic, creep, and relaxation. A need for these various types is linked to different responses of the same
materials to various loading conditions, and there
is a general understanding that results obtained in
experiments of one type can hardly be sufficient to
predict outcomes for other experiments. One of the
obvious examples is a lesson, painfully learned by
the engineering community in the nineteenth century,
that (quasi-static) strength cannot be used to predict
∗ Corresponding
author: Wolfson School of Mechanical and Man-
ufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, Ashby Road,
V V Silberschmidt, J P Casas-Rodriguez, and I A Ashcroft
as compared with adherends – layer of adhesive in
order to preclude multi-mechanism damage evolution. Obviously, another – and a very strong – reason
for this choice was an expanding use of adhesive joints
in the aerospace industry.
Impact events that arise in aerospace structures and
components due to gusts, storms, and landing can
be masked in loading history diagrams, presenting
thousands of loading cycles with various amplitudes.
The existing methods to treat such diagrams, e.g. socalled ‘rainflow technique’ [7], are considered with a
proper way of counting events, making no distinction
between impacts and relatively slow cycles that can
be treated as non-IF events. This can be very dangerous, since impacts with lower amplitude can be
more damaging than non-impact cycles with higher
tester’ – were limited to 50 000 impacts [3]. A difference
between effects due to IF and both single-impact loading and standard fatigue (SF) was apparent at that time
as well as the absence of a durability limit (named
‘limiting resistance’).
Still, more than a 100 years after those conclusions, the area of IF is considerably less studied than
that of the standard, non-impact one, not to mention
any introduction of its notion into design regulations. There are several reasons for such a situation.
One of them is ambiguity in the choice of the loading parameter. For an SF, an obvious parameter is
the stress amplitude that comes back to the notion
of Wöhler’s S–N (i.e. stress versus number of cycles)
diagrams in stress-controlled fatigue [4]. In IF, a maximum stress magnitude can be hardly used as a sole
parameter since – depending on the loading conditions, especially impact velocity – the same level of
this parameter can correspond to different levels of
the applied energy. As a result, different authors have
been using various loading parameters in their studies.
Another reason is the specificity of IF realization in
different types of materials. Already in 1908, Stanton
and Bairstow [3] noticed ‘remarkable endurance for
lighter blows’ in brittle specimens. Some authors even
mention a higher resistance of specimens exposed to
impact-fatigue conditions as compared with SF. This
can be explained by linkage between the levels of
impact energy, contact duration, and damping properties resulting in a specific type of spatial localization
of the stresses and their decay with propagation from
the contact area. This linkage can differ with kinematics of impact-induced deformation and the specimen’s
geometry and type of fixture. One extreme example
is shot peening, which is a repetitive impacting with
tiny particles, resulting in improved fatigue performance due to strengthening of a near-surface layer [4].
Another example is repetitive impacting of laminated
composites in drop-weight test systems [5, 6], where
the most affected zone is situated below the contact
area, resulting in delamination initiation in this part of
laminate and its subsequent spreading to other parts
of tested specimens.
Hence, there are many interacting factors affecting
the behaviour of components and structures under
repetitive low-energy impacting. This study, aimed at a
detailed analysis of IF, tries to diminish the extent of its
complexity by eliminating some of these interactions.
For instance, uniaxial impact loading of specimens in
the study, on the one hand, avoids macroscopically
non-uniform stress distributions that are characteristic for bending loading of Izod tests or lateral loading
of laminates. On the other hand, the results obtained
for IF can be directly compared with those for standard tensile fatigue procedures. Adhesively bonded
joints were also chosen in an attempt to reduce
the damage process only to a relatively weaker –
New designs of aeroplanes have an increasing use
of carbon-fibre reinforced (CFRP) composites alongside the continuing application of aluminium alloys.
With a permanent drive to improve a strength-toweight ratio, adhesive jointing of structural materials
becomes an obvious option for parts where it can
eventually replace traditional fastener joints – nuts,
screws, rivets, etc. The latter not only provide a discrete bonding – contrasting to a continuous one in the
case of adhesive joints – and are considerably heavier
but also cause stress concentration due to perforation
of joining components.
Still, application of adhesives is linked with some
challenges with regard to prediction of their performance. This is a result of specific features of their
microstructure as well as mechanical and damage
behaviour. Structural adhesives are typically multicomponent materials and hence can be considered
as nanocomposites [8] with epoxy resins commonly
used as a matrix and rubber particles and/or inorganic
fillers [9] as toughening elements. Extensive research
has been undertaken to study the effect of these
inclusions on the behaviour of adhesives. Three main
mechanisms responsible for this effect were established [10]. The first mechanism is the cavitation of
rubber particles, manifested by voids (holes) in the
fracture surface of the adhesive. The second mechanism is the formation of shear bands that can occur
in areas with a high density of particles, contributing to the onset of plasticity. The third mechanism is
bridging when rubber particles bridge a gap between
crack/delamination faces thus impeding crack propagation. Obviously, the effects due to these mechanisms
depend on the volume fraction and size of rubber
particles [8].
Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science
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Impact fatigue in adhesive joints
Specificity of loading of aerospace structures,
exposed to complex load histories, which are traditionally presented as combinations of blocks of cycles
with different amplitudes and respective stress ratios,
made fatigue in adhesive materials the most studied
loading type. The main emphasis of studies by various
researchers was, in general, on constant-amplitude
blocks [11] and variable-amplitude blocks [12]. In
those tests, the main parameters were the maximum
force or stress and the load ratio; in most cases, a
sinusoidal shape of load cycles has been used. In
this paper, these type of experiments will be referred
to as SF. Two main approaches have been used to
analyse SF in adhesive joints: stress-life analysis and
fatigue crack growth (FCG) studies [13]. The stress-life
approach employs S–N diagrams to present the fatigue
life’s dependence on stress. Its main limitation is the
lack of an explicit account of damage evolution during
fatigue. The FCG approach is used to characterize an
incremental crack growth per cycle (da/dn) linked to
fracture mechanics parameters. Traditionally, a compliance method is used for double-cantilever joints to
determine the strain energy release rate GI in mode
I; this parameter is calculated for the maximum load
magnitude from the sinusoidal load curve.
Research into impact loading of adhesive joints is
mostly limited to single-impact loading. Three main
types of tests are used to analyse the effect of impacts:
(a) experiments with pendulum impact testers with
impact rates below 5 m/s; (b) drop-weight tests, with
rates up to 10 m/s; and (c) a split Hopkinson pressure
bar (SHPB) testing technique for rates up to 100 m/s;
[14]. Two standard tests can be used to evaluate the
impact strength in adhesives: ASTM D950-03 standard
test method for impact strength of adhesive bonds and
ISO 11343:2003 adhesives – determination of dynamic
resistance to cleavage of high-strength adhesive bonds
under impact conditions – wedge impact method. The
first of these standard methods employs two bonded
together blocks; the bottom block is rigidly secured in
the test rig and a pendulum hammer strikes the top
block, generating a shear load in the adhesive layer.
The second method is an impact wedge-peel test, in
which a wedge loaded by a servo-hydraulic machine
cleaves the joint, producing a peeling stress in the
So far, results of studies of adhesives under impact
loading have been controversial. Some researchers
report similar results for impact and quasi-static conditions, e.g. for a single-lap joint (SLJ) tested in a pendulum impact machine in reference [15]. In reference
[16] higher strength was measured in impact loading;
it was supposed that the result was due to the strainrate sensitivity of the adherends that caused higher
dynamic strength. An analysis of the shear response
of a joint with thick adherends, subjected to various
stress waves generated by impacts, showed that the
Two types of adherends are used in the experimental
studies – an aluminium alloy for fatigue-life experiments and a CFRP composite for FCG experiments.
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type of fracture was associated with the level of the
incident stress [17]. Another study [18] demonstrated
a considerable extent of variability in stress states in
the block-impact test caused by complex dynamic
effects due to uncertainties in conditions at the contact interface between the block and the hammer. It
was suggested that the impact-wedge test should be
used to measure the impact properties of an adhesive.
However, the results obtained in the impact-wedge
test were found to depend strongly on the environmental conditions [19]. Investigations in the area of
single impacts in adhesive joints using the SHPB test
[20, 21] demonstrated a considerable increase in the
tensile strength magnitude with the loading rate; that
also depended on the type of adherends. In that study,
an optimum adhesive thickness was identified when
the effect of the type of adherends vanished. Similar
results were obtained in reference [14] showing that
increases in the energy absorption at higher strain
rates were observed only for some adhesives.
In contrast to the vast body of research into the
single-impact loading of adhesive joints, IF has so
far received very little attention. In many cases, the
analysis of repetitive impacting has been limited to relatively short series of impacts. A representative study
in the area of IF has been dedicated to the analysis
of glass-fibre reinforced polymers (GFRP) SLJs bonded
with an epoxy adhesive and tested using a drop-weight
method [22]. It was demonstrated that IF strength of
the joints depended on the stress magnitude and the
loading time. In addition, a phenomenological model
to predict failure in impact conditions was suggested
based on the cumulative time (Nf T ) and the maximum
stress amplitude in the impact (σmax ) in the following
form [23–26]
σmax (Nf T )m = C
where Nf is the number of cycles to failure and T is the
loading time; C and m are empirical parameters of the
IF model. This model will be referred in this paper as
the accumulated time-stress model.
The aim of this paper is to study the effects of IF in
adhesive joints by analysing the loading parameterlife relation and the FCG using different types of
adherends and modified epoxy rubber structural
adhesives, identifying main mechanisms responsible
for the response of the adhesive to these loading
3.1 Materials
V V Silberschmidt, J P Casas-Rodriguez, and I A Ashcroft
The aluminium alloy is 7075-T6 in clad conditions
with thickness of 2.5 mm. The CFRP composite used
is T800/5245C, supplied by Cytec Limited. The composite’s matrix, Rigidite 5245C, is a modified bismaleimide/epoxy system reinforced with T800 carbon
fibres supplied by Toray Industries Limited. The composite panels are laid-up from a unidirectional prepreg
plies with thickness 0.125 mm and a volume fraction of fibres 0.6; a multi-directional lay-up scheme
[(0/−45/+45/0)2 ]S is also used in experiments. CFRP
panels were cured for 2 h at 182 ◦ C with an initial autoclave pressure of ≈600 kN/m2 ; the cured panels were
ultrasonically scanned to detect defects.
Two various adhesives are used in two types of tests.
The adhesive/primer combination used in fatiguelife specimens with aluminium adherends is an
FM 73M/BR 127 system from Cytec Limited. The film
adhesive FM 73 is a single-part, toughened epoxy film
adhesive supported by non-woven polyester fibres,
which control the glue thickness and flow during
the curing. The primer BR 127 is a modified epoxyphenolic consistent of 10 per cent solids including 2
per cent strontium chromate as a corrosion inhibiting additive. The adhesive used for FCG specimens
is Hysol Dexter’s EA-9628, which was supplied as a
0.2 mm thick film. This adhesive is based on a diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A with a primary amine curing
agent. A reactive liquid polymer, based on carboxyl terminated butadiene acrylonitrile rubber, is used as a
toughening agent.
between these two components [27]. The next stage is
a degreasing process with acetone: aluminium plates
are placed into acetone and exposed to ultrasound
for 5 min. This process is repeated twice before the
last stage – joining. At this stage, a thin film of BR 127
primer is applied to the bond area and dried for 30 min
at room temperature and then cured at 120 ◦ C for
30 min. A sheet of FM 73 M is then cut into pieces
12.5 × 26 mm. One piece of adhesive is placed at the
overlap between the adherends for each sample, and
any excess adhesive is cut off. Bonding is achieved
by fixing the adherends using clamps and curing for
60 min at 120 ◦ C.
3.2.2 FCG specimens
The lap-strap joint (LSJ) specimens (Fig. 1(b)) are
assembled using precured CFRP laminate adherends
and EA-9628 adhesive. Joints are cured in an autoclave
for 60 min at 120 ◦ C. The final shape of specimens is
obtained by cutting the bonded panels using a diamond saw. End tabs for the specimens are made of
7075-T6 aluminium alloy and bonded to specimens
with FM-73 adhesive. Holes were drilled in the specimens used for the IF tests using three drills with
increasing diameters to minimize the possibility of
delamination in the composite.
3.3 Testing equipment and procedures
Specimens with aluminium-alloy adherends (shown
in Fig. 1(a)) were manufactured in three stages. At first,
a grit-blasting pretreatment of surfaces of aluminiumalloy plates was carried out, employing alumina particles with dimensions 200 µm under pressure 55 kPa
with a working distance 15–20 cm. Such pretreatment increases the contact area between the adhesive
and adherends, improving a mechanical interaction
A servo-hydraulic fatigue testing machine with digital control and data logging was used in quasi-static
and SF tests. A main loading parameter for quasistatic
static loading conditions is the maximum force Fmax
that was obtained by averaging maximum load values attained by two specimens tested at tension with
a displacement rate of 0.05 mm/s. All the SF tests were
conducted in a force-control regime, with a load ratio
(minimum to maximum load) R = 0.1 and frequency
5 Hz. The maximum load in fatigue-life test varied; in
FCG tests the load amplitude was 60 per cent of Fmax
For IF tests, a modified CEAST RESIL impactor
was used as described in detail in reference [28]. In
these experiments a specimen is fixed at one end to
an instrumented vice and a special impact block is
attached to its free end. The impact by a pendulum
hammer produces a tensile load in the specimen for
a short interval. In the IF test the pendulum hammer
is released from a preselected initial angle; this angle
is kept constant during the entire series of impacts.
Changing this position as well as a mass of the attached
weight, it is possible to attain the magnitudes of the
initial potential energy in the range of 0–4 J and the
impact velocity between 0 and 3.7 m/s. Evolution of
forces, displacements, and the energy during each
impact can be monitored for 5 µs and acquired for
up to 8000 points. Fatigue-life experiments for IF were
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3.2 Preparation of specimens
The main objective of the experimental studies is comparability of the results obtained for two types of
loading conditions – standard (i.e. non-impact) fatigue
and IF. As two types of tests are performed with the use
of two testing machines, each with its own clamping
arrangement, design of specimens should, on the one
hand, account for these differences and, on the other
hand, provide similarity of the major features of specimens, namely, the joint preparation procedure and
length of the adhesive layer. SLJ specimens are used
in the evaluation of SF; they were prepared following
EN ISO 9664:1995 adhesives – test methods for fatigue
properties of structural adhesives in tensile shear.
3.2.1 Fatigue-life specimens
Impact fatigue in adhesive joints
Fig. 1
Specimens for experimental studies: (a) SLJ and (b) LSJ. Dimensions in millimetre
performed using several specimens so that a complete
force-life (i.e. number of impacts to failure) diagram
could be obtained. The process of FCG under IF conditions was studied using a constant initial potential
energy for all tested specimens.
All tests were performed in ambient laboratory
conditions. After mechanical testing, fracture surfaces of failed specimens were examined with an
optical microscope. High-magnification studies were
also performed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). In the latter case, fracture surfaces were
gold-coated prior to SEM examination with a voltage
range 15–25 kV.
The process of FCG in SF was examined by means
of in situ crack measurements. A system of marks
was produced for all specimens with a vernier calliper on the white painted surface of the specimens’
edges as a reference. The crack size was then measured
using portable optical microscopy for both edges in
all specimens. Measurements of crack lengths in the
IF tests were carried out using optical microscopy,
with computer-controlled halting of the test after a
prescribed number of impacts so that the specimen
could be studied. Captured digital images were used
to measure the crack size.
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4.1 Stress-life approach
An obvious starting point of the research into the
response of specimens to cyclic external loads is the
analysis of the effect of the loading factor on the life
of specimens. Though a stress magnitude is a more
convenient loading parameter that provides a measure independent of the specimen’s dimensions (i.e. of
its respective cross-section), it cannot be used for the
V V Silberschmidt, J P Casas-Rodriguez, and I A Ashcroft
types of specimens under study. Previous research into
adhesive joints demonstrated that the shear and peel
stresses in adhesives are distributed non-uniformly
over the bonding area, with peak values near the fillets. In order to exclude an ambiguity in the analysis,
the force magnitude is selected as a loading parameter.
Thus, a force versus number of cycles diagram (Fig. 2)
is used as one of the tools to compare two fatigue
regimes – SF and IF; the maximum load magnitude
is normalized by the quasi-static load Fmax
The experimental results obtained for SF show an
increase in the number of cycles to failure with a
decreasing normalized force. A fatigue limit defined
for 106 cycles is reached when specimens are tested at
30 per cent of their quasi-static strength. Results for IF
conditions demonstrate that load amplitudes for the
same fatigue life parameters are significantly lower, in
most cases they are below the standard-fatigue limit.
An obvious trend of an increasing fatigue life with a
decreasing load parameter is also present in IF.
As was discussed above, the magnitude of the maximum force is not suitable as the only parameter,
characterizing impacts, as it can be the same for
impacts with various durations. Thus, a measure of
energy should be additionally used to characterize the
effect of IF. Figure 3 presents a relationship between
the absorbed energy Ēt per impact in a specimen, averaged over the entire number of N cycles of the loading
history; this type of diagram will be referred to as an
E–N diagram. This diagram has two portions with significantly different slopes: the extent of decrease rate
necessary to increase the fatigue life is considerably
lower for lives more than 103 impacts.
Both S–N and E–N diagrams vividly justify that a
decrease of the respective maximum loading parameter for quasi-static (or single-impact) loading conditions, even by an order of magnitude, which is more
than enough for SF, does not guarantee safety for a
Fig. 3
E–N diagram for IF
component or structure in the repetitive impacting
4.2 Fatigue crack growth
Fig. 2 F–N diagrams for aluminium joints for impact
and SF
The study of the FCG behaviour in adhesively bonded
joints demonstrates a pronounced variability of crack
growth scenarios in specimens, prepared in the same
way from the same materials and loaded under similar conditions. This variability is known to the fatigue
community to be responsible for a large scatter in the
fatigue life.
LSJs were used in this study; failure in LSJ specimens (Fig. 1(b)) is defined as the moment when the
crack reaches a length of 40 mm, measured from the
fillet. The necessity to introduce such definition is due
to clamping of the edge, opposite to the fillet. In SF, two
main kinds of FCG behaviour are observed: slow and
accelerated crack (delamination) propagation (Fig. 4).
A traditional diagram relating the crack length to the
respective number of cycles (Fig. 4(a)) is insufficient
for an adequate analysis, as fracture evolves differently
in various specimens, and stress concentrations can
vary considerably for the same number of cycles due
to different crack lengths in specimens. To overcome
this, another diagram visualizing the crack growth
rate at different stages of FCG (in terms of the crack
length) is introduced (Fig. 4(b)). In this diagram, it
is apparent that the initial stage of different types of
FCG is similar when the crack propagates with the
rate around 3 × 10−4 mm/cycle and maintains a continuing decreasing trend until it reaches a length of
20 mm. After this, an increase in the crack growth rate
is observed in the accumulated FCG while the decreasing trend continues, practically with the same slope,
for the slow FCG (Fig. 4(b)). As a result, the difference
in the crack growth rate for these two types reaches
nearly two orders of magnitude before failure.
The same graphic tools are used to analyse the crack
growth process in LSJ in IF conditions (Fig. 5). Though
Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science
JMES924 © IMechE 2008
Impact fatigue in adhesive joints
Fig. 4
Fatigue behaviour in LSJs tested in SF: (a) crack
growth and (b) crack growth rate
the scatter here is considerably higher, the obtained
results can also be divided into two main groups based
on the FCG behaviour. In the rapid FCG found in two
specimens – IF6 and IF7 – the entire specimens’ lives
are comparable – and even shorter – than a crack initiation stage for other specimens (Fig. 5(a)). The crack
growth rate in this case is above 10−2 mm/cycle over
the entire fatigue life (Fig. 5(b)). On the other hand,
the slow FCG behaviour is found in other specimens.
This behaviour has some general features – the initial stage of crack propagation in these specimens,
which lasts until a crack length of 15 mm is reached,
is characterized by a nearly constant crack speed at
the level somewhat below 10−2 mm/cycle. After this
stage, a decrease in the crack growth rate is noticeable. This decelerating FCG changes when the crack
reaches a length of ≈27 mm, when a constant-rate
plateau is attained (though one specimen demonstrated an accelerated crack growth instead). The crack
rates magnitudes at this stage can vary considerably –
from 10−4 to 2 × 10−5 mm/cycle.
The pronounced variability of the obtained crack
growth scenarios in IF vividly manifests a multimechanism character of damage in adhesively bonded
joints. The behaviour is by no means chaotic –
the same levels of instantaneous crack growth rates
JMES924 © IMechE 2008
Fig. 5
Fatigue behaviour in LSJs tested in IF: (a) crack
growth and (b) crack growth rate
are continuously reproduced during thousands of
impacts and in various specimens.
An additional parameter is used to characterize the
FCG in IF tests – energy En∗ accumulated over the nth
En∗ =
Fn (t)vn (t)dt
where tns and tne are moments of the start and end of
the nth cycle, respectively; Fn is the force and vn is
the velocity. A graph of the change of En∗ normalized
by the initial potential energy of the hammer E0 with
the number of cycles (impacts) is shown in Fig. 6. It
is apparent that at the first stage below 1000 cycles
the introduced parameter is effectively constant. However, En∗ /E0 decreases rapidly between 1000th and
3000th cycles, which is consistent with the onset of
macrodamage propagation in the joint. It should be
Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science
V V Silberschmidt, J P Casas-Rodriguez, and I A Ashcroft
Fig. 6 Changes in the normalized accumulated energy
during crack growth in IF
noted that the difference between E0 and En∗ cannot be
used to calculate directly the energy used to create new
fracture surfaces, as additional sources of energy dissipation are present in the system. Nevertheless, this
difference can still be employed as a useful reference
value of the energy associated with the crack growth
process as this is considered the principal source of
energy consumption.
Mechanical and energy considerations cannot provide an unambiguous explanation of the reasons for
the observed variety of crack-growth behaviours in
bonded joints due to the interaction of multiple factors
involved in the process of damage growth. Hence, they
should be accompanied by a microstructural analysis
of fracture surfaces in order to obtain an additional
insight into the process.
Fig. 7
Detail of the failure in mixed fracture path in SF:
(a) schematic and (b) SEM
In SLJ specimens with aluminium-alloy adherends
tested in SF and IF, SEM analysis of fractured surfaces shows two main failure scenarios: cohesive failure and mixed-mechanism fracture paths. However,
quasi-similar fracture surfaces are found for principally different levels of loading conditions for these
two types of fatigue. For instance, cohesive fractures in
SF specimens are observed when the maximum force
magnitude of the sinusoidal load graph is above 65
per cent of the quasi-static strength Fmax
. This type
of fracture behaviour is present in IF when the average absorbed energy per impact is higher than 0.5 J (it
corresponds to the slope change in Fig. 3) that is equivalent to the maximum load force of approximately 20
per cent of Fmax
On the other hand, the mixed-mechanism fracture path is observed in specimens tested at medium
force levels in SF conditions and low-energy impacts.
Three zones can be detected and differentiated by the
fracture mechanisms responsible for them (Fig. 7(a)).
In general, an interface failure of zone 1 is followed
by predominantly cohesive failure that characterizes
zone 2 (Fig. 7(b)). Finally, zone 3 is identified and
related to as an interface failure but near another
adherend. The presence of these macroscopic zones
representing various failure mechanisms signifies
variability of FCG regimes with different crack growth
rates measured in mechanical tests. An even better
insight into failure development can be provided by
a microscale analysis.
This analysis shows that, in general, SF voids on the
surface are present in most parts of the area including
small cavities – the product of the rubber cavitation process (Fig. 8). However, in IF conditions the
cavitated fracture surface is sometimes interrupted
by areas of a brittle adhesive failure having a relatively smooth surface due to a lack of void formation
process. Previous studies [29] found that in unstable regions (fast FCG) rubber particles can remain
intact, resulting in an indistinct difference between
the epoxy matrix and the rubber. It was shown in
reference [30] that under certain load conditions
the cavitation process can be suppressed; no differences in the fracture toughness between modified
and unmodified epoxy were found in that case. That
behaviour was explained as a consequence of the
decrease of the shear banding effect due to insufficient levels of plastic deformation caused by rubber
Additional analyses of fracture surfaces in specimens exposed to two different types of fatigue show
differences of failure in the carrier fibres in the adhesive (Fig. 9). It was mentioned before that carrier fibres
are not a structurally important element of the adhesive, however, the type of their failure provides an
additional insight into the character of failure that happens in the adhesive. It is found that in SF fibres have
oblique planes of fracture with high deformations of
some fibres; in contrast, a transverse fracture in planes
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5.1 Fatigue-life tests
Impact fatigue in adhesive joints
Fig. 8
Comparison of cohesive failure in SLJs: (a) SF,
SF = 5 kN and (b) IF F̄
max = 1.8 kN
Fig. 9
Cohesive fracture paths in SLJs in SF (a) and IF (b)
Microstructural analysis of the fracture surfaces of
LSJs with CFRP adherends demonstrates even more
complex types of fracture than aluminium alloy-based
adhesive joints. This is naturally explained by the fact
that the failure in this system is not entirely limited to
the adhesive layer and its interfaces, as in joins with
aluminium-alloy adherends.
LSJ specimens tested under SF conditions demonstrate the presence of two main macro-mechanisms
of failure. The first is cohesive failure in the adhesive
layer over the entire fracture surface and related with
the slow FCG (specimen SF1 in Fig. 5). The second is a
mixed-mechanism fracture path, related with the fast
FCG (specimen SF2 in Fig. 5). In this type of fracture,
three different regions are vivid on fracture surfaces of
the failed specimen (Fig. 10). The first region (region
I in Fig. 10) corresponds to cohesive failure in the
adhesive layer in the area close to the delamination
initiation site. A second region (region II) is a transition region, in which a combination of failures both
in the adhesive and in the 0◦ ply of CFRP, adjacent to
the adhesive, is seen. In region III, the failure process
is dominated by fracture in the CFRP ply adjacent to
the adhesive.
Specimens, exposed to IF conditions, predominantly demonstrate the mixed-mechanism fracture
paths quasi-similar to those found for SF conditions
for the fast FCG. However, it should be emphasized
that IF specimens are tested with peak loads of approximately 11 per cent of the quasi-static failure load of
the joint as compared with 60 per cent for SF. It is
seen that even at this low-load level a considerable
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nearly perpendicular to the axis of fibres is observed
for specimens tested in IF. These differences can be
explained by varying levels of crack propagation rates:
the slow FCG is determined by plastic deformation,
whereas a rapid FCG is linked with a brittle response
of the adhesive.
5.2 FCG tests
V V Silberschmidt, J P Casas-Rodriguez, and I A Ashcroft
Fig. 10
Crack propagation in LSJ in SF
amount of damage occurs in the joint after relatively
few cycles. The respective regions on the fracture surfaces for the mixed-mechanism fracture path in LSJ
specimens with CFRP adherents are denominated A,
B, and C (Fig. 11). These regions correspond to different interacting damage mechanisms and represent
cohesive, combined adhesive/composite, and composite fracture regions, respectively. Though a similar
transition from cohesive fracture to composite one
is observed in specimens exposed to SF, realization
of damage/fracture mechanisms in them is different
under IF conditions. Hence, another notation – A,
B, and C instead of I, II, and III – is introduced to
emphasize the differences. Below, respective regions
of specimens exposed to SF and IF are compared pairwise in order to elucidate the specificity of the effects
due to IF.
In region A, in IF specimens the failure is ductile
tearing with void formation by cavitation of rubber particles. In addition, a ‘wavy’ fracture surface is
detected being a result of the mixed-mode fracture
process. In contrast, the corresponding region I in SF
specimens is characterized by a lack of cavitating rubber particles. Previous research in this area [30] shows
that under certain load conditions the cavitation process can be suppressed, and no difference in the levels
of fracture toughness can be found for modified and
unmodified epoxies. Such behaviour was explained as
a consequence of the decrease of the shear banding
effect due to an insufficient level of plastic deformation caused by rubber particles for an instable crack
Analysis of region B in the fast FCG process
in IF specimens shows that this region exhibits a
non-homogenous fracture behaviour (Fig. 12). This
behaviour is characterized by the presence of ‘islands’
caused by changes in the fracture path, when the crack
enters the adjacent composite with a fracture mechanism transition from cohesive failure to damage in
CFRP, and later returns to the adhesive (i.e. reverting to
the cohesive failure mode). One of the explanations for
this behaviour is nucleation of microcracks in front of
the main crack front (also known as secondary delamination zones in adhesive layers [31]), generating a local
pattern of failure that could later merge with the main
crack after it deviates into the composite. The presence
of such distinct islands makes region B different from
its counterpart – region II – in SF specimens (see an
inset in Fig. 10).
Finally, a comparison between regions III in SF and
C in IF is undertaken, demonstrating specific features
of fracture development. Failure in SF is characterized
by the presence of rollers and deformed shear cusps of
the matrix (Fig. 10). Shear cusps are related to mode-II
load that can be transformed into matrix rollers during the continuous fretting of surfaces in fatigue. Some
fibre breakages are also present in region III. However,
the main crack front does not break through the fibres
and, hence, remains in the plane parallel to the interface between the adhesive and adherend. On the other
hand, micrographs from region C of specimens tested
under IF conditions show that the fracture of fibres is
more common in this case (Fig. 13(b)). In contrast to
SF, the shear cusps are more randomly distributed in
the matrix and have, in general, signs of a more brittle
behaviour, as apparent in Fig. 13.
Fig. 12
Fig. 11
Fracture surface of a specimen tested in IF
Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science
Details of failure in region B for IF specimens
with fast FCG behaviour
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Impact fatigue in adhesive joints
One of the main features of crack propagation under
IF conditions is a significant level of scatter even
for similar specimens exposed to the same loading
conditions. It is well known that the FCG is highly sensitive to geometric parameters, material’s properties,
local stress, and strain fields, among others factors.
It is stated in reference [32] that the time and size
scales also affect this process and, hence, should be
included into the analysis of cracks that are initiated
at the microscopic scale but later extended to the
macroscopic one. The SEM studies of fracture surfaces of specimens failed in IF conditions demonstrate
drastic differences in the type of adhesives fracture
surfaces, mixed composite-matrix at the microscale,
that could be responsible for higher FCG rates at the
macroscale than that in specimens failed in SF conditions. It should be emphasized that the accelerated
crack growth in IF is observed for levels of loads
(in terms of the maximum load magnitude of the
cycle) that are significantly lower than the respective
parameters for SF.
SEM shows that the structure of adhesives, which are
nanocomposite materials, also affects the character of
crack propagation.
A starting point to consider the specificity of the
effect of IF could be its comparison with highfrequency SF – the loading time for a single cycle
of fatigue with a positive stress ratio and frequencies around 500 Hz (some 2 ms) would correspond to
the respective parameter at IF loading (the SF experiments were performed at 5 Hz). It was shown in
studies of SF at variable frequencies (between 0.25
and 25 Hz) [33] that a decrease in the frequency
reduces the threshold value of Gmax and accelerates
the crack growth in toughened adhesive joints. This
behaviour is attributed to visco-elasticity of polymer materials that are susceptible to creep. This
is additionally justified by an increase in the load
application time in experiments performed at positive load ratios and low frequency, making the effect
of creep behaviour more prominent. The results on
IF demonstrate that the FCG in adhesive joints is
higher than for tests carried out in SF conditions,
notwithstanding a considerably lower magnitude of
the force reached in each impact. This behaviour contradicts the conclusions of reference [33]; the effect of
accumulated creep in IF would have a smaller effect
than in SF.
Another mechanism that can be responsible for specific features of cracking in adhesives was suggested
in reference [34]. It is hysteretic heating during the
loading–unloading cycle in fatigue testing of toughened adhesive joints that can affect the adhesive
properties around the crack tip. It is well known that
increases in temperature, especially near the glass
transition range, can significantly change the mechanical behaviour of epoxy materials. Still, temperature
measurements performed on the surface of specimens
using thermocouples do not show considerable differences during their fatigue life. This demonstrates
that hysteretic heating cannot be one of the main
mechanisms affecting the character of failure in tested
adhesively bonded joints.
As mentioned above, modified epoxy adhesives are
visco-elastic materials, and in bulk specimens, they
demonstrate a weak load-rate dependence of the
Young’s modulus at room temperature. This causes
increase both in the yield point and maximum strength
found when the loading rate grows, resulting in a
diminishment of a plastic zone. It is explained in
reference [25] that this decrease of the plastic zone
is because the shear-band formation mechanism is
affected by the loading rate. This means that in the
case of toughening by rubber particles, an incubation
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Fig. 13
SEM of fracture surfaces in samples tested in IF:
(a) region A and (b) region C
V V Silberschmidt, J P Casas-Rodriguez, and I A Ashcroft
time is needed for an onset of the plastic behaviour.
Hence, at very high loading rates, the adhesive will
behave in a way similar to a pure epoxy adhesive.
Effects of the plastic zone size on the FCG in adhesives
were analysed in reference [35], and it was concluded
that the decrease in that parameter causes a decline in
material’s resistance to the FCG. This effect explains
the observed accelerated crack growth in adhesives
in IF – as compared with SF – though their dynamic
strength can be higher (in single-impact tests) than
quasi-static strength.
Still, the significant decline in the dangerous loading
factors (levels of applied stresses or energy), accelerating the failure process in IF as compared with
standard-fatigue conditions, can hardly be explained
in terms of a single-factor effect. An interaction of several mechanisms, acting at various time and space
scales, is responsible for this. A high-strain-rate loading regime, characteristic to impacting, results in a
more brittle response of the adhesive (and adherends),
increasing its propensity to generation of microdefects
– microcracks and secondary delamination zones.
These defects, though being predominantly limited to
the process zone within the vicinity of the propagating crack front, are randomly distributed and can be
initiated both in the volume of the adhesive layer, at
– or near to – adhesive–adherend interfaces and even
inside the adherends – in the case of CFRP ones. Each
impact within a series causes propagation of a rapidly
decaying stress wave that interacts with (i.e. reflects
from and/or propagates through) these defects as well
as with the existing macroscopic crack. These complex interactions affect dynamics of the FCG and can
be responsible for ‘switching’ between various damage mechanisms, depending on their respective state
of development.
A relatively short range of these mechanisms, which
are mostly limited to the process zone, result in a
quasi-stable propagation of delamination at some
stages (where there is no changes between mechanisms) with a practically constant crack growth rate
for thousands of impacts.
Another important factor that causes a more rapid
failure process under conditions of IF than in SF and
quasi-static loading is a more effective use of energy in
dynamic fracture processes. It is well known [36] that
while in quasi-static loading a large part of energy is
used to stretch the entire specimen, in dynamic loading it is effectively concentrated near the crack tip,
making it easier for a crack to propagate.
A detailed comparative analysis of SF and IF in adhesively bonded joints has vividly demonstrated that the
latter loading regime is considerably more dangerous.
One of the most prominent features of IF is its potential
to initiate a crack – and to cause its rapid propagation
– at the levels of loading factors that are significantly lower than quasi-static and dynamic strengths
and even the durability limit of joints. It is especially
important as this range of loads is considered as safe
for components exposed to cycles with varying load
amplitude. These features can be visualized by means
of load–number of cycles (S–N) or energy–number
of cycles (E–N) diagrams that can play an important
part in design of components exposed to repetitive
A large scatter in the experimental data on the crack
growth in specimens tested in IF is naturally explained
by multi-mechanism damage/failure scenarios, typical for adhesive joints (especially, with composite
adherends). It may be noted here that high variability can also be observed in non-IF of such joints. The
ways to deal with this seemingly chaotic data are suggested. First, the respective experimental data can be
divided into two main groups for specimens with slow
or rapid FCG resulting in a considerably lower scatter within the groups. Second, combining this analysis
with, on the one hand, the crack growth rate versus
crack length data and, on the other hand, detailed
microstructural studies, provides an important insight
into the reasons for this scatter. Microstructural analysis vividly demonstrates a diversity of microscopic
features, involved in damage and failure processes.
Obvious multiple ‘islands’ present on the fracture
surfaces signify results of ‘switching’ damage mechanisms, when the crack propagation deviates from the
adhesive layer, ‘diving’ into adjacent composite and
returning back.
Such developments are possible due to the spatially random distributions of microdefects that make
some paths more preferable for crack growth, or due to
development of a larger defect in front of the crack and
its merge with the propagating discontinuity. In the latter case, when secondary defects are initiated inside
composite adherends, this can even cause breakage
of fibres separating two defects that – under different conditions (quasi-static or non-impact cycling) –
could have probably remained intact.
Attributing specific parts of the fracture surfaces
to the respective stages and/or mechanisms of damage and crack growth as well as to specific portions of crack growth or crack rate diagrams provides
researchers with a possibility to better understand single mechanisms as well as transitions between them.
This knowledge could be invaluable for the design
of safe components that are exposed to repetitive
impacting during their life in service. This can be
achieved not only by means of respective adjustments
to safety factors but also by affecting the inherent properties of the adhesive bonds in the course
of their manufacturing, e.g. changing the interface
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Impact fatigue in adhesive joints
by premanufacturing surface treatment, improving
toughening mechanisms, and choice of more suitable
combinations of mechanical properties of adhesives
and adherends.
The authors are very grateful for a partial financial support by the Royal Society within the framework of its
International Joint Projects scheme.
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