Recent papers in Microstructures
Field and microstructural analyses of faults with millimeters to hundreds of meters of displacement within welded tuffs at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, has led us to identify four different fault zone architectures. We designate these fault... more
Prematurely born children are at increased risk for cognitive deficits, but the neurobiological basis of these findings remains poorly understood. Since variations in neural circuitry may influence performance on cognitive tasks, recent... more
The main objective of this work is the evaluation, by means of the finite element method (FEM) of the mechanical stability and long-term microstructural modifications in bone induced to three different kinds of fractures of the distal... more
This paper discusses the applicability of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and small angle neutron scattering (SANS) techniques for determining the porosity, pore size distribution and internal specific surface area in coals. The... more
The current state of knowledge of cement hydration mechanisms is reviewed, including the origin of the period of slow reaction in alite and cement, the nature of the acceleration period, the role of calcium sulfate in modifying the... more
In a severe accident of light water reactors, the reactor coolant system (RCS) piping might be subjected to thermal loads caused by the decay heat of the deposited fission products and the heat transfer from the hot gases, with an... more
CdTe/CdS thin £lm solar cells have been grown by closed space sublimation and high vacuum evaporation at different temperatures. After the growth, a standard CdCl 2 treatment was applied for 30 min at 430 • C. The microstructure of the... more
We investigated the wetting behavior and reactions of different metals on Si3N4 using sessile drop measurements, analysis of reaction layers, and measuremeints of strengths of joined bars. Active metals, such as A1 and Ti, and alloys that... more
YbBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−x (YbBCO) thick films were grown on buffered, cube-textured Nickel tapes by sol-gel dip-coating method. Yb-123 films were prepared using solutions of Yb, Ba, and Cu organometallic compounds. A solution-based Gd 2 O 3... more
High-temperature creep tests were conducted on polycrystalline copper of commercial purity in order to investigate the inter-relationship between the extent and the rate of grain boundary sliding (GBS) and the development of internal... more
ZrO 2 hollow microspheres with the average diameter of about 500 nm and the shell thickness of about 50 nm were synthesized by a facile technique using carbon spheres as templates. The corresponding ZrO 2 hollow microspheres were obtained... more
The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of the prostate and to determine normative fractional anisotropy (FA) and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values of healthy prostate with a 3-Tesla... more
The microstructure simulation of spinodal decomposition was carried out in the aged Cu-70 and 90 at.% Ni alloys, based on a solution of the non-linear Cahn-Hilliard partial differential equation by the finite difference method. The... more
A model has been developed for evaluating grain size distributions in primary crystallizations where the grain growth is diffusion controlled. The body of the model is grounded in a recently presented mean-field integration of the... more
The present study concerns laser surface alloying with silicon of mild steel substrate using a high-power continuous wave CO2 laser with an objective to improve wear resistance. The effect of surface remelting using nitrogen as shrouding... more
Understanding coral responses to environmental change is critical to predicting their health and future distribution. While tropical and subtropical corals generally experience limited environmental changes, temperate corals undergo... more
The creep properties of a nuclear-grade type 316 (L) stainless steel (SS) alloyed with nitrogen (316L (N) SS) and its weld metal were studied at 873 and 923 K in the range of applied stresses from 100 to 335 MPa. The results were compared... more
The effect of composition, sintering parameters, frequency and temperature on the dielectric parameters of ZnO-based ceramic semiconductors (cersems) having small amounts of Bi203, Sb203, CoO, MnO 2, La203 and/or Cr20 a has been... more
Crystalline tubes can be produced by immersing certain hydrate crystals in an antisolvent and thereby inducing a phase transformation. The tube diameter as well as the growth rate of the example sodium-2-keto-l-gulonate anhydrate (skga),... more
The nanoporous nature of the inkjet printed silver nanoparticles entail low hardness and surface effective contact area for being compatible with pads that are suitable for wire-bonding in electronic packaging. Electroless nickel plating... more
The process of indentation of brittle and quasi-brittle materials has been investigated both from the experimental and the theoretical point of view. As far as we know, only a few studies have tried to explain the mechanics of cutting due... more
International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering Vol. 14, No. 4, December 2004 (ISSN 1053-5381) Copyright © by The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers ... A Microstructural Study of Friction Stir Welded Joints of... more
Joining of dissimilar materials is of increasing interest for a wide range of industrial applications. The automotive industry, in particular, views dissimilar materials joining as a gateway for the implementation of lightweight... more
It is generally recognized that proper quantification of microstructural behavior is necessary for the optimization of materials properties. In the specific case of polycrystalline thin films, transmission electron microscopy ͑TEM͒ is... more
Adaptive thin-film nanocomposite coatings comprised of crystalline ductile phases of gold and molybdenum disulfide, and brittle phases of diamond like carbon (DLC) and ytrria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) have been investigated by specialized... more
This paper is devoted to investigation of morphological and physical-mechanical properties of polyethylene (PE)/clay nanocomposites prepared via in situ polymerization method using bi-supported Ziegler-Natta catalyst. Bentonite type clay... more
The on-heating phase transformation temperatures up to the melting regime and the specific heat capacity of a reduced activation ferritic-martensitic steel (RAFM) with a nominal composition (wt%): 9Cr-0.09C-0.56Mn-0.23V-1W-0.063Ta-0.02N,... more
The possibility of producing titanium alloy Ti ? 6Al ? 4V with minimal residual porosity from mixtures of elemental powders by the method of pressing and sintering without hot deformation during or after sintering was investigated.... more
Titanium-zirconium based alloys containing a small amount of niobium were investigated in order to evaluate their possible use as biomedical materials. Zirconium, which belongs to the IVa group, is known to have good corrosion resistance... more
In Part I the chemical and microstructural nature of Cu-K-V catalysts for diesel soot combustion was assessed. In this second communication the reaction mechanism of these catalysts is studied by testing their activity through either... more
This paper presents state-of-the-art micro and nano-fabrication techniques for biodegradable polymers. Replication molding, using a rigid or elastic master, can pattern structures on a polymer surface in a submicron resolution at a low... more
Purpose: This study assessed some microstructural effects of quinine, commonly used in malaria chemotherapy, especially in chloroquine-resistant and cerebral malaria, on the Nissl substance in the cerebellar cortex of adult Wistar rats... more
The exoskeleton of the lobster Homarus americanus is a multiphase biological composite material which consists of an organic matrix (crystalline α-chitin fibers and various types of non-crystalline proteins) and minerals (mainly calcite).... more
The melting behavior of restrained isotactic polypropylene fibers is examined quantitatively in terms of the influence the anisotropic structural state of the polymer has on the observed properties. Two endotherm peaks are observed to... more
The work shows the effect of heat treatment T6 (solution and controlled precipitation of CuAl 2 ) on the microstructure of rheocast Al-4.5wt.% Cu alloy. Rheocast structures were obtained by partial melting to 40% liquid fraction from... more
We have investigated the structure and energies of lithium microclusters containing 3±10 atoms in the fcc(100) and fcc surface symmetries, and the interaction of an oxygen and hydrogen atom with these lithium microclusters for the on-top,... more
The possibilities of a recently proposed (Opt. Express 17, 9323 (2009)) method for generating ter ahertz surface plasmons on a microstructured (comb shaped) metal surface using a nonlinear polarization pulse that moves with a superluminal... more
Conditions during the formation of breccias in the Curnamona Province (eastern South Australia) have been investigated through a detailed fractal, microstructural, structural and fluid inclusion study of the breccias, syn-tectonic quartz... more
a b s t r a c t 22 Artificial neural network analysis was performed to establish a relationship between microstructural 23 characteristics and compressive strength values of cement mortar in this study. Pore properties such 24 as pore... more