International Journal of
Volume: 5, Issue: 3
Page: 204-216
Science and Business
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Impact of Deep Learning on Transfer
Learning : A Review
Mohammed Jameel Barwary & Adnan Mohsin Abdulazeez
Transfer learning and deep learning approaches have been utilised in
several real-world applications and hierarchical systems for pattern
recognition and classification tasks. However, in few of the real-world
machine learning situations, this presumption does not sustain since there
are instances where training data is costly or tough to gather and there is
continually a necessity to produce high-performance learners competent
with more easily attained data from diverse fields. The objective of this
review is to determine more abstract qualities at the greater levels of the
representation, by utilising deep learning to detach the variables in the
outcomes, formally outline transfer learning, provide information on
present solutions, and appraise applications employed in diverse facets of
transfer learning and deep learning. This can be attained by rigorous
literature exploration and discussion on all presently accessible techniques
and prospective research studies on transfer learning solutions of
independent as well as big data scale. The conclusions of this study could be
an effectual platform directed at prospective directions for devising new
deep learning patterns for different applications and dealing with the
challenges concerned.
Literature Review
Accepted 6 February 2021
Published 24 February 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4559668
Keywords: Machine Learning, Transfer Learning, Deep Learning, classifications, Supervised
Learning techniques.
About Author (s)
Mohammed Jameel Barwary (corresponding author), Duhok Polytechnic University,
Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Email:
Professor Adnan Mohsin Abdulazeez, Duhok Polytechnic University, Duhok, Kurdistan
Region, Iraq.
Volume: 5, Issue: 3 Year: 2021 Page: 204-216
There are several applications of Machine Learning (ML), and the most significant one is
predictive data mining. Every instance in a dataset utilised by machine learning algorithms is
signified through the same suite of attributes. These attributes could be categorical,
continuous, or binary. If the correct labels (corresponding output values) are tagged to the
instances, learning is supervised; on the other hand, non-labelled instances comprise
unsupervised learning (Abdulqader et al., 2020; Bargarai et al., 2020; Jahwar & Abdulazeez,
2020; Salaken et al., 2017; Sulaiman, 2020). Different ML applications comprise tasks which
could be established as supervised. The largest advantage of deep learning is its neat
depiction of a broader assortment of functions compared to the shallow networks utilised by
most conventional learning methodologies. A deeper structure provides better descriptivity
compared to a relatively shallow structure comprising identical non-linear units. However,
functions having a compact representation using k layers might need the use of the
exponential scale if there is a need to express using two layers. Therefore, it may be
understood that a network comprising k layers may process functions compactly; however, a
system comprising (k-1) layers cannot because the secret unit number is infinitely large
(Sudre et al., 2017). Several aspects, like parallel CPU architectures, quicker CPUs, and GPU
computing, have facilitated deep network training and turned it computationally viable. It is
typical for neural networks to use a matrix of weight vectors that can be multiplied rapidly
using GPUs because they are designed for such operations (Lane et al., 2016)
Numerous researchers have proposed different solutions over the previous few decades for
automatic screening and classification of cancer using breast cytology images. In view of this,
many academics have been exploring nucleus analysis by mining nucleus features to offer
considerable details for cell categorisation as malignant and benign (Toprak, 2018; Zebari et
al., 2020). Likewise, clustering linked algorithms coupled with circular Hough Transform and
several statistical attributes are frequently utilised for cluster segmentation and
categorisation (Tiwari, Srivastava, & Pant, 2020). Within medical image studies, algorithms
for histopathological images are developing swiftly. Nevertheless, there is a great demand for
an automated technique to attain effectual and extremely dependable outcomes (Kong et al.,
2020; Zebari et al., 2020). Hence, such methods are required so that qualitative diagnostics
are conducted in the precisely to ensure that the results are accurate. The dynamic presence
of activities like segmentation, reprocessing, and mining of attributes in orthodox machine
learning approaches worsens the device’s performance with regards to output and precision.
For addressing the complications of orthodox machine learning methodologies, the deep
learning norm has been fostered so as to obtain the relevant knowledge from raw images and
permit effectual usage for the classification procedure (Affonso et al., 2017; Sulaiman, 2020)
Deep learning requires no modifications of the functions; rather, a general learning process is
employed for processing the data sets (Kim et al., 2019). In the recent past, deep learning that
is focused on multiple algorithms has attained substantial success in the domain of
biomedical image processing, like determination of mitosis cells from microscopic images
(Janowczyk & Madabhushi, 2016; Othman & Zeebaree, 2020), neural membrane
segmentation (Saha & Chakraborty, 2018) and skin ailment categorisation (Sun et al., 2016).
Although the deep learning applications function properly on broad data sets, they do not
attain considerable gains with small data sets.
Deep learning-based neural network frameworks benefit from the transfer learning principle
that may be employed to enhance recognition accuracy and reduce computational
requirements by integrating expertise (Park et al., 2016). In this context, generic image
information is used for gathering feature information. Subsequently, pre-trained deep205
Volume: 5, Issue: 3 Year: 2021 Page: 204-216
learning models are integrated with relatively small and highly specific data sets (Abdulazeez
et al., 2020; Espejo-Garcia et al., 2020) .Context-specific learning provides a different learning
transition path where the CNN is trained in two parts. This processes has produced
acceptable results for overlapping or single patches in identifying and classifying breast
tissue (Jouni et al., 2016). Transfer learning performance can be enhanced by integrated
several CNN architectures; traditional learning methods can be replaced using the updated
technique, as depicted in Figure 1. Along the same lines, cell-specific image classification can
be simplified and enhanced by using a combination of Inception V2, Inception V3, and ResNet
50 models trained using ImageNet (Abdulazeeza et al., 2020; Khan et al., 2019).
Figure 1: Traditional single model CNN architecture in deep learning (H. Chen et al., 2020)
Transfer learning is a specific kind of machine learning wherein just a portion of the test data
is utilised for reproducing the test data. Past studies showed that there are three generic
questions about alterations to visual learning issues: 1) when to transfer, 2) where to
transfer, and 3) how to transfer. Second, it is vital to ascertain if the information transfer is
apt for specific tasks and if the training is pertinent to the new activity. In training
circumstances, outstanding progress could be achieved when satisfactory and remarkable
input is obtainable. Gathering information using source domain descriptors leads to
contrasting information concerning the target (Long et al., 2017). The area where source
instances are distributed with the corresponding labels is preferred first. The second
preference is given to the case where source instances are passed but the source frameworks
that describe information movement concerning instance attributes to the target are used for
enhancing target domain performance.
Transfer learning approaches are a subdivision of the extensive range of methodologies and
are therefore more vital. Different means of transfer learning have been recommended
wherein the process of transfer learning is restricted with regards to dimensionality (Shin et
al., 2016; Zebari et al., 2020; Zeebaree et al.,2020). Conventional machine learning
frameworks and techniques are used for information exchange. It is feasible to use the correct
training data to classify the test sample in the case of conventional machine learning.
Deep learning systems are capable of extracting valuable information from complicated bigdata based solutions (Adeen et al., 2018) The deep learning domain has become an active
research domain recently; it was first presented in 2006 and has since been of much interest
(Shrestha & Solomatine, 2006). The first works on deep learning date as far back as the
1940s. It should be noted that training multi-layer neural networks using conventional
training techniques produces locally optimal results or does not converge. Consequently,
multi-layer neural networks have not been researched immensely even though they have
Volume: 5, Issue: 3 Year: 2021 Page: 204-216
better potential at representation learning and performance requirement. Hinton et al. (Ba et
al., 2016) suggested a two-stage learning technique in 2016. This technique comprised pretraining and fine-turning steps so that effective deep learning can be facilitated; this was one
major breakthrough in the deep learning domain. In this context, the present study also
evaluates the present status of deep transfer learning and suggests directions for additional
research in this domain. Furthermore, there is a mention of the background concerning the
present state-of-the-art research in this area and a mention about the areas where the
literature could be augmented. The discussion also includes the benefits and drawbacks of
deep transfer learning so that we can suggest additional areas for future research.
This analysis aims to address the extensive subject of in-depth learning concerning the
movement of scattered information in one paper. This work is new and it builds upon the
works of leading academicians who have worked on insightful learning. Several studies
emphasise particular domains but omit a comprehensive view of the subject (Weiss et al.,
2016). The evaluation comprises an assessment of several deep learning frameworks,
methods, optimisation schemes, limitations, recent uses, and application areas.
2.1. Interests on Transfer Learning
The deep learning process is explored by presenting the collective opinion expressed by
leading researchers. Evaluating studies (Gao et al., 2014)concerning specific fields allows
addressing only a limited part of this wide market. This discussion comprises deep learning
network structures, techniques, challenges, and optimisation methods. For instance, playing
the keyboard allows an individual to learn from previous experience and apply it to similar
areas. Numerous approaches have been formulated to address transfer learning. Widely-used
approaches comprise correcting conditional source gap, minimal source variance, or both.
Input space alignment pertaining to the source and target domains is used for attempting
training of heterogenous-dataset based frameworks (Fang et al., 2015). It is vital to repeat
domain adaptation so that optimal matching can be ensured. Information sharing is a critical
aspect of the transfer learning scheme, which has four divisions. Group 1 comprises the use of
instances for learning. This can be addressed by re-evaluating elements to provide a more
refined representation of values in the source domain. The target is then trained using the
revised elements (examples in Huang ( Huang et al., 2017; Jiang et al., 2017),. The ideal
situation is when the two domains have similar conditional distribution. Functionality is the
second transformation aspect. Models using features are divided into two classes. The first
step uses the mapping function, also called as the transition function, which changes the input
features to those of the target domain (e.g., pan) (Yang et al., 2020).The second phase
comprises splitting the elements into meaningful groups. The resulting sets are used for
predicting future inputs (Zhuang et al., 2020). Figure 2 depicts successful transfer learning.
The transformation classifier is trained using labelled source input and target. The transfer
learning framework uses unlabelled targets having maximum information; subsequently, the
sample labels are produced as output.
Figure 2: Active transfer learning framework (Zhao et al., 2017)
Volume: 5, Issue: 3 Year: 2021 Page: 204-216
This is stated as the symmetric transformation function and is depicted in Figure 2. The third
transfer variant is the transfer of information by means of common parameters concerning
the learning frameworks of the source and target or using the formulation of several source
learning frameworks followed by an appropriate combination of reweighted (ensemble)
learns to produce a better target learner (examples in ( Chen et al., 2020; Segev et al., 2016;
Wei et al., 2018). The least-used transfer approach is information movement considering a
specified association between the source and target domains (Chen et al., 2020).
2.2. Negative Transfer Learning
Transfer learning is the high-level concept used for improving the formulated learner using
data from as associated source domain. In this scenario, the goal learner would be
unfavourably impacted by this frail interaction, which is called as a negative transition.
Within a big data setting, there could be a huge data gathering wherein just a subset of the
data is pertinent to the intended field of interest. In this instance, it is essential to divide the
dataset into diverse sources and employ negative transfer approaches by utilising a transfer
learning algorithm. In a circumstance wherein many datasets are reachable, which at first
tend to be associated with the target field of interest, it is advisable to select the datasets
which present the highest diffusion of knowledge and remove datasets which cause negative
transfer. This allows total use of the available huge databases. The domain of negative
transition has not been meticulously examined; however, the following papers have started
dealing with this concern. A study by Rosenstein deals with the standard of negative transfer
in transfer learning and recommends that the source domain should be sufficiently linked to
the target domain; else, an attempt to relocate information from the source could exert an
undesirable impact on the target learner. Cases of negative transition was shown by
Rosenstein (Rosenstein et al., 2005) in studies using the hierarchical classifier Naive Bayes.
The researcher also shows that the likelihood of a detrimental transition decreases as the
quantity of goal training samples is raised. Eaton's paper (Eaton & Lane, 2008) proposes to
create a target learner based on a transferability metric from several linked source domains.
First, the technique builds a logistic regression learner for every source domain. A model
transition graph is constructed for signifying the transferability of every source learner. In
this situation, learner transferability from the first to the second is considered as the second
learner’s performance using learning information from the first minus its performance
without learning from the first learner. Subsequently, the source and target learners are
assessed to extract transferability steps that are used to update the Model Transition Map.
Spectral graph theory (Chen et al., 2020) is applied to the model transfer graph to obtain a
transfer function that retains model transfer graph geometry. The final target learner
employs it to assess source-specific transfer level.
Experiments are conducted in the categorisation of records and alphabets. Source domains
are outlined, which are either associated or not associated with the target domain. The Eaton
technique (Eaton & Lane, 2008) is assessed using a custom method with manually-selected
source domains related to the target. A technique uses the average of all present sources and
a baseline technique free of transfer learning. Experiments are evaluated using the
classification accuracy metric. A function describing a homogenous input space are used to
depict the source and destination domains. The results of the tests are pooled together.
Generally, the Eaton (Eaton & Lane, 2008) approach performs the best; however, there are
instances performed worse than the handpicked, average, and baseline approaches. When
deploying the algorithm, the transferability computation between two sources should be the
same; furthermore, the transferability from source 1 to source 2 is not essentially equivalent
to the transferability from source 2 to source 1. We suggest that future works use directed
Volume: 5, Issue: 3 Year: 2021 Page: 204-216
graphs to ascertain if bidirectional transferability exists between the two outlets. It is
indicated that source data accuracy, target data quality, choice of deep learning technique,
and domain divergence are critical factors for addressing negative transition.
2.3. Transfer Learning Applications
The review indicates that the transfer of learning has been applied to several real-world
structures. Natural language processing has many applications like document classification,
multi-language text classification, feeling classification, and spam email detection. These
processes comprise classifying films, photographs, documents, and other artefacts.
Applications deliberated earlier comprise muscle fatigue classification, Wi-Fi position
classification, human behaviour classification, medication effectiveness classification,
machine defect classification, and heart arrhythmia classification ( Shao et al., 2014). Most
solutions reviewed were general, i.e., the technique could be swiftly applied to a wider
assortment of applications. Application-oriented technologies usually focus on image
processing and natural language processing. There are a variety of transfer learning solutions
relevant to the application of the suggestion systems. Recommendation platforms offer users
grades or ratings for a particular field (e.g., books, movies). Nonetheless, with only limited
historical instances (epidemiological data) to establish its forecasts, the algorithm lacks
dependency. In case there is no adequate domain data for dependable forecasts (for instance,
a movie released recently), utilise information from the other domain (for instance, using
books). Concerns were presented by utilising transfer learning methodologies and papers (Li
et al., 2019).
2.4. Recurring Themes of Deep Learning for Supervised
Dynamic Programming (DP) was introduced in 1957, and it has been consistently associated
with deep learning. It can facilitate the enhancement of credit assignment considering specific
presuppositions (O’Donoghue, Osband, Munos, & Mnih, 2018). Considering the case of neural
networks trained using supervised learning, backpropagation may be employed as a process
stemming from deep learning. Traditional RLs emphasising strict Markovian presuppositions
benefit from techniques derived using deep learning. These techniques facilitate a
noteworthy reduction in deep learning algorithm complexity. Such algorithms are significant
for processes or graphics frameworks based on NN fundamentals, such as Secret Markov
Models (HMMs) (Ghosh-Dastidar & Adeli, 2009; Hastie et al.,2009; Hinton et al., 2012; Yu et
al., 2012). Transfer learning may also be used for classifying aerosol particles suspended in
air; this classification facilitates the betterment of global environmental frameworks. The Tr
AdaBoost technique is employed and used with SVM classifiers to build upon classification
success. Ascertaining low-income areas of emerging nations is vital to food security,
humanitarian endeavours, and sustainable progress. Wang et al. formulated a technique
(Wang & Saligrama, 2012) matching that of Ribeiro (Ribeiro et al., 2016). The technique
proposes the use of convolutional neural networks to estimate poverty. The first prediction
framework is trained to forecast light from night-based images. Subsequently, night-time light
intensity data is mapped at the source. A deep learning algorithm is utilised for enhancing
diagnostics. The rule-dependent learning scheme is prepared to utilise abstract source
domain information for modelling distinct types of data pertaining to gene expression.
Video advertisements displayed online are forecast using transfer learning methods; this
rapidly growing industry relies on such techniques. A transfer learning technique proposed
by (Oquab et al., 2014)) has several source classifiers having weighted outputs to obtain an
augmented aim classifier trained to forecast the results of targeted online advertisements.
Kan et al. researched facial recognition, where face data belonging to one set is utilised to
Volume: 5, Issue: 3 Year: 2021 Page: 204-216
prepare a classifier for other classifications (Khan et al., 2019). The paper describes a system
formulated for recognising sign language. The technique comprises training to identify
several signs captured from different angles. The Widmer study evaluates the use of transfer
learning in the genetics domain (Widmer & Rätsch, 2012). Genome splicing sites are modelled
using multi-task learning techniques. In another case, data gathered from several hospitals
are used to model the infection rate for other hospitals. Romera-Paredes researched a multitask transfer learning approach that aimed to determine pain level using facial expressions
processed using a system trained by labelled facial data of other people (Romera-Paredes,
Aung, Bianchi-Berthouze, & Pontil, 2013). Furthermore, Deng et al. used transition learning to
identify emotion using speech by employing labelled speech data (Deng et al., 2018). Zhang
worked a model that determines wine quality by processing data using a multi-task transfer
learning scheme (Ying, Zhang, Huang, & Yang, 2018). The Cook Survey study (Zhang et al.,
2020)evaluates the use of transfer learning for behaviour recognition. Shao (Shao et al.,
2018)and Patel (Perera & Patel, 2019)researched the use of transfer learning in the image
recognition domain. The current study assesses several developments related to transfer
learning based on computational deep-learning. We assert that the computational deep
learning techniques utilised for transfer learning have real-world applications. Table 1
presents a summary of transfer learning based on computational deep-learning.
Table 1: : Review of previous studies on deep learning in transfer learning
Prediction of Burn
Depth using Deep
Neural Networks
Uses deep learning models to assess
given Colour images of four types of
burn depth injured in first few days,
including normal skin and background,
acquired by a TiVi camera using four
pretrained deep CNNs: VGG-16,
Google Net, ResNet-50, and ResNet101.
The finest 10-fold cross-validation outcomes
attained from ResNet-101 with an average,
minimum, and maximum precision are 81.66%,
72.06%, and 88.06%, respectively; and the
average accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity
for the four diverse kinds of burn depth are
90.54%, 74.35%, and 94.25%, respectively.
Deep Neural
Networks for
Uses Bi-Transferring Deep Neural
Networks (BTDNNs) to transfer the
source domain examples to the target
domain, and also transfer the target
domain examples to the source
considerably outclasses the numerous
baseline approaches and attains a precision
that is competitive with the state-of-the-art
technique for domain adaptation.
Adaptation for
Classification: A
Deep Learning
Recommends a deep learning
methodology that learns to mine a
meaningful depiction for every
review in an unsupervised manner.
This high-level feature delineation used for
training sentiment classifiers provides
superior performance than the present
state-of-the-art. Four different types of
products from Amazon were benchmarked
for the test. Moreover, this method has
superior scalability that allows successful
adaptation on an industry-scale dataset
comprising twenty-two domains.
neural networks
with transfer
learning for
automated brain
A negative
transfers learning
method for fault
Recommends a deep learning
framework which pools residual
thought and dilated convolution to
diagnose and identify childhood
Experimental data specific to the test set for
pneumonia classification in children
indicates a recall of 96.7% and an F1-score
of 92.7%
HE, 2016)
This study used a novel negative
The KAT Bearing Dataset is used for testing
correlation ensemble transfer
the prediction accuracy using for NCTE; the
learning technique (NCTE) on the
accuracy was 98.73%. These results show
ResNet-50 and to formulate a deep
that NCTE has achieved a good result
learning model comprising 50 layers. compared with other machine learning and
Volume: 5, Issue: 3 Year: 2021 Page: 204-216
ZHU, 2019)
(Jiao ET
AL., 2020)
CHU, &
AL., 2018)
diagnosis based on Cross-validation is used to ascertain
deep learning method.
the hyper-parameters of the NCTE.
neural network
Suggests a deep learning technique Tests indicate classification accuracy as high
prediction of weld
that has an end-to-end flow for
as 92.70%. A residual neural network
penetration: A
forecasting weld penetration using
(ResNet) based transfer learning method
deep learning and top-side weld pictures. The top and
was used to enhance training speed and
transfer learning
back-bead are concurrently
accuracy. Empirical data suggests that
based method
monitored using two cameras that
prediction accuracy can be enhanced to
feed a passive vision sensing
96.35% while effecting a decrease in
training time.
Transfer learning
Numerous transfer learning
Genetic programming techniques
in genetic
techniques were suggested using the
augmented using transfer learning
foundation of genetic programming techniques can have reduced training errors.
(GP). The techniques were executed GP using transfer learning provided better
by moving several good elements and real-world results on new data. Moreover,
sub-elements from source to target the effect of transfer learning for assessing
GP code bloat indicated that code growth
could be regulated by capping the upper
limit of transferred individual size.
Assessment of
Human Skin
Burns: A Deep
Transfer Learning
Employs deep-learning-based
The recommended methodology yields
maximum prediction precision of 95.43%
transfer learning using the VGG16
and ResNet50 frameworks. Image
using ResFeat50 and 85.67%
using VggFeat16. The average recall,
patterns were extracted from a
precision and F1-score are 95.50%, 95.50%,
dataset comprising 2080 RGB
95.50% and 85.75%, 86.25%, 85.75% for
uniformly distributed pictures
depicting healthy skin, first, second, both ResFeat50 and VggFeat16, respectively.
and third-degree burns.
Employs the novel Hybrid
More layers are associated with higher
Heterogeneous Transfer Learning
performance. The results provided by SVMTransfer Learning
(HHTL) for processing source- or
SC are comparable to single-layer HHTL,
through Deep target-biased instances across several where high-level learning does not provide
domains. Explicitly, the study
adequate usefulness. Nevertheless, the
suggests a deep learning technique
multiple-language classification
for learning to map heterogeneous
performance of HHTL can be enhanced by
features from several domains.
increasing the number of layers. The
Additionally, the study aims to have
resulting framework can reduce bias and
improved feature representation of
provide higher-level features.
the mapped instances to lessen the
bias arising due to multiple domains.
The study proposes Clean Net. It is a
Clean Net:
Clean Net can facilitate 41.5% label noise
Transfer Learning joint embedding neural network that error reduction concerning held-out classes
for Scalable Image produces information concerning label devoid of human supervision as compared to
noise that can be applied to other
the presently available weakly-supervised
Classifier Training
techniques. Image verification performance
with Label Noise
is enhanced by 47%; approximately 3.2% of
the images were considered classification
3. Discussion
In terms of the data and model perspectives, the processes and methodologies implemented
for the transition of learning have been summarised. Transfer learning applications have
since been executed and put to test in several research projects. It was obvious that transfer
learning had made noteworthy advances in varied implementations and explorations in an
assortment of domains and activities. Although in the face of real research assignments,
specific challenges or issues may have possibly been resolved. Some of these concerns might
have been mended or alleviated, even though others might not have been addressed. Of late, a
Volume: 5, Issue: 3 Year: 2021 Page: 204-216
new method known as self-supervised learning has surfaced. Self-supervised learning has the
potential to create labels from scratch with non-labelled original data without any human
annotation through the design and execution of certain artificial tasks that do not have actual
use. For instance, in the case of self-supervised learning, comparative location of patches and
prediction of the rotation angle in the picture are the two most common and purposeful tasks
(Huang et al., 2020). The automatically generated labels that do not require any human
intervention can be acquired using this contrived learning process. Moreover, smart imagery
is another methodology that has been used to acquire improved quality image data. It can
enable reduction of noise and artefacts, improvement of image resolution, and detection of
shadows (Huang et al., 2019). All these influences allow deep learning algorithms to deliver
greater precision and swifter procedures.
For many years, a pre-trained coevolutionary neural network has been used in several
experiments as a feature extractor for transfer learning, along with the inclusion of other
deep learning approaches. Adversarial network and training processes were implemented for
adversarial-based unsupervised domain adaptation, which eventually evolved to be a
generative adversarial network (GAN). This serves as a characteristic example of the
combination of the deep learning models and transfer learning. In reality, many researchers
have attempted to execute a transfer learning strategy in order to enhance learning (C. Huang
et al., 2018). It is the same that though few papers of medical image on this field have been
published, we believe they will be in near future. As highlighted in the earlier relevant works,
it is important to note that the efficacy of specific applications and algorithms is not optimal.
One of the explanations for this specifies that the default parameter settings present in the
original algorithms could possibly not be adequate for the data set that is selected. For
example, GFK was originally developed for usage in object recognition, so that it could enable
direct integration into the text classification (Jiao et al., 2020), which eventually resulted in an
unsatisfactory result (with an average accuracy of 62%). These outcomes indicate that
particular algorithms might not be applicable for data sets in such domains. Hence, it is
essential to select the appropriate algorithms as the foundation for the research process.
Additionally, for functional applications, it is further necessary to identify an effectual
4. Conclusion
The inference is that for the diagnosis of machine learning, the impact of deep learning in
deep transfer learning has been recorded. Both the academia and the industry have expressed
increased interest in intelligent data-driven diagnostic approaches. Several machine learning
algorithms have been applied to forecast machine life, track condition, and detect defects.
Based on these milestones, deep transfer learning has become the central theme of deep
learning diagnostics science. Transfer learning techniques, for example, feature-based, mutual
parameter-based, and instance-based have been applied frequently for deep learning
diagnostics. Different transfer learning architectures have been created for a range of
applications. This paper has focused on the recent advances and various other criteria in deep
transfer learning. While the efficacy of these approaches has not been adequately tested, it is
still valid to conclude that deep-seated learning has already attained the testing limits of
deep-seated learning diagnostics.
The diverse range of data collection makes it more necessary for heterogeneous transfer
learning solutions to upgrade. Larger data collection sizes indicate the potential for massive
data systems to be applied along with the existing transfer learning solutions. A vital area for
potential study includes the variety and scale of data sets that are used to migrate learning
Volume: 5, Issue: 3 Year: 2021 Page: 204-216
systems. Another field of study involves a scenario where the performance label space differs
across realms. As new data sets are being recorded and made accessible, this topic could be
an important field of study in the future. To summarise, there are comparatively few transfer
learning strategies captured in literature that elaborate the unlabelled source and unmarked
goal data situation, and this area holds a lot of potential for extended study.
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