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Essential Oil Extraction Process
Zoubeida Souiy
Essential oils can be extracted using various methods. Process choice significantly
impacts yield and quality, leading to the development of processes aiming for maximum essential oil (EO) yields in a chemical state close to their native structure. In
this chapter, various extraction techniques, including conventional ones and their
intensification, are discussed along with their respective pros and cons. Additionally,
new eco-friendly extraction methods have been introduced to enhance the conventional production of essential oils. The most traditional, straightforward, and widely
utilized extraction techniques are hydrodistillation and steam extraction. In actuality, steam extraction techniques are used to extract 93% of all essential oils. Other
common extraction techniques include enfleurage (particularly used with roses), cold
pressing (just for citrus peel), and organic solvent extraction. The low yield, loss of
volatile chemicals, lengthy extraction durations, and hazardous solvent residues of
these procedures are its drawbacks. Microwave-assisted extraction and supercritical fluid extraction are two of the latest essential oil extraction techniques that have
received considerable interest.
Keywords: essential oils, hydrodistillation, steam extraction, microwave-assisted
extraction, supercritical fluid extraction
1. Introduction
Essential oil (EO) is a secondary metabolite synthesized by medicinal and aromatic plants. It represents less than 5% of the total plant composition. Over 3000
types of EO have been identified, but only 300 were found to be economical [1, 2].
EO is volatile, generally colorless, and liquid at room temperature. It is highly
soluble in organic solvents, alcohol, and fixed oils but sparingly soluble in water. It
has very high optical activity, a variable refractive index, and sometimes a distinctive
taste. In addition, essential oils have a characteristic odor, that is responsible for the
fragrance specific to the aromatic plant. Chemically, EO components can be divided
into terpene compounds and aromatic compounds. It is a mixture of bi-active chemical components such as terpenoids, terpenes, and phenolic compounds. They are
made up of terpene compounds, acids, alcohols, esters, aldehydes, ketone epoxides,
sulfides, and amines [3, 4].
They are synthesized by the majority of plant organs, in particular flowers, buds,
leaves, seeds, stems, and fruits. These EOs can be stored in epidermal cells, cavities,
and the secretory cells of glandular trichomes.
Essential Oils – Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications
EOs are known for their biological activity, notably their antioxidant, antifungal, antimicrobial, antiviral, antiparasitic, antimycotic, and insecticidal properties
[5, 6].
Several extraction techniques are used; Hydrodistillation and steam extraction are
the oldest, simplest, and most commonly used methods. Other extraction methods
can also be used: cold pressing, especially applied to rose.
The EO extraction method generally depends on the botanical material used. It is
one of the main factors determining EO quality. An inappropriate extraction procedure can damage or alter the chemical composition of EO. This results in a loss of
bio-activity and natural characteristics. In the most serious cases, this is accompanied
by discoloration, an unpleasant odor or flavor, and physical changes such as increased
viscosity [7].
The principle of EO extraction is relatively straightforward. However, the process
chosen can have a significant effect on the yield and quality of the distillate obtained
[8]. Various processes have therefore been developed to obtain maximum yields of EO
with a chemical state as close as possible to their native structure.
According to the European Pharmacopeia, an essential oil can be obtained by
steam distillation, distillation, or a mechanical process. Other processes include
supercritical CO2 extraction, volatile organic solvent extraction, microwave extraction, and ultrasonic extraction. The aim of this chapter is to present an overview of
the various extraction methods.
2. Location and yield of essential oil
Plants have the natural ability to produce volatile compounds in trace amounts.
However, only a small percentage of plant species, around 10%, are considered
“aromatic”. This property of accumulating essential oils is found in specific plant
families distributed throughout the plant kingdom, including Pinacea (pine and
fir), Cupressaceae (cedarwood), and angiosperms. The most significant families are
dicotyledons such as Asteracea (chamomile), Apiaceae (coriander), Geraniaceae
(geranium), Lamiaceae (mint), Illiciaceae (anise), Lauraceae (cinnamon), Rosacea
(rose), Sandatalacea (sandalwood), Myrtaceae (eucalyptus), Myristicaceae (walnut),
Oleacea (jasmine), and Rutacea (lemon). Monocotyledons are mainly represented by
the families Zingiberaceae (ginger), and Poacea (vetiver) [9, 10].
EOs are natural secretions produced by cells and found in plant parts such as
flowers (rose), leaves (lemongrass), flowering tops (lavender), bark (cinnamon),
roots (iris), bulbs (garlic), fruits (vanilla), seeds (nutmeg), or rhizomes (ginger).
Essential oils are extracted from specific parts of plants, such as sage or lavender. The
most concentrated or secretory parts of the plant are harvested at the optimum yield
period, which varies depending on the plant. For example, mints are harvested before
flowering, lavenders during flowering, and seed plants after flowering or after morning dew for fragile flowers. It is important to note that plant growth conditions can
also affect yield and essential oil content. The collection period and drying methods
can also impact the yield. Therefore, it is crucial to choose the right harvesting time
and drying and extraction methods to obtain the maximum yield and quality of
essential oils [8].
This text reviews both traditional and “green” extraction techniques, comparing their performance with conventional methods and emphasizing the benefits of
“green” technology in plant extraction research.
Essential Oil Extraction Process
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.113311
3. Conventional extraction methods
Conventional extraction methods can have some drawbacks, such as the degradation of unsaturated compounds and loss of certain components. It is great to hear
that there are ongoing efforts to improve and optimize extraction techniques and that
these techniques are carefully chosen based on the plant organ and desired product
quality. It is also important to note that the analytical composition of EOs can vary
depending on the extraction technique used and that factors such as distillation duration, temperature, operating pressure, and raw plant material quality can all influence
EO yield [11].
3.1 Steam extraction
Steam extraction (Figure 1) is a widely used and official method for extracting
essential oils from plants. This method accounts for 93% of essential oil extractions
and can take anywhere from 1 to 10 hours depending on factors such as extraction
time, temperature, pressure, and type of material [12].
In this extraction system, plant material is exposed to a stream of steam without
prior maceration. The heat applied breaks down the cells of the plant material, releasing the essential oil. The steam, saturated with volatile compounds, is then condensed, and the essential oil is recovered by decanting the water/oil mixture [13, 14].
One of the advantages of steam extraction is that the absence of direct contact
between water and plant material, and then between water and aromatic molecules,
prevents hydrolysis or degradation of essential oil [15]. The “head” fractions, which
contain the most volatile molecules, can be collected in as little as half an hour, with
95% of the volatile molecules being collected [16].
Figure 1.
A schematic representation of steam extraction of essential oils.
Essential Oils – Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications
The technique works by ensuring that the combined vapor pressure equals the
ambient pressure at about 100°C, allowing volatile components with boiling points
ranging from 150 to 300°C to be evaporated at a temperature close to that of water.
It is also interesting to note that this technique can be carried out under pressure
depending on the extraction difficulty of the EOs [17].
3.2 Hydrodistillation
Hydrodistillation (HD) (Figure 2) is a standard EO extraction method. It enables
the extraction of water-insoluble natural products with a high boiling point. The process involves complete immersion of the plant material in water, followed by boiling.
This operation is generally carried out under atmospheric pressure. The steam formed
is condensed by the refrigeration system at a water flow rate.
This method protects the extracted oils from overheating. The advantage of this
technique is that the required material can be distilled at temperatures below 100°C.
Distillation may seem like a simple process for extracting essential oils, but it
comes with several drawbacks. In developed countries, its use has become outdated
due to the overheating of plant material and the production of burned-smelling oils.
However, this method is still effective for powders and hard materials. It is important
to note that exposure to boiling water for extended periods can cause weathering
reactions and hydrolysis of esters into alcohols and acids, which can have serious
consequences for oils with high ester levels. Rectification is often necessary to remove
unwanted impurities or constituents responsible for unacceptable odor. Distillation
time varies depending on the type of plant material, with woody plant organs requiring longer distillation times than herbaceous plants [18].
3.3 Hydrodiffusion
Hydrodiffusion is another method conventional method for extracting essential
oils from plant materials. It involves the use of steam and water to extract the oils.
Figure 2.
A schematic representation of hydrodistillation of essential oils.
Essential Oil Extraction Process
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.113311
The plant material is placed on a grid above water in a distillation vessel, and steam
is injected into the bottom of the vessel. The steam then passes through the plant
material, carrying the essential oils with it. The steam and oil mixture then condenses
on a cooled surface, with the oil and water separating into two layers. This method is
particularly useful for extracting essential oils from delicate plant materials, as it uses
lower temperatures and less pressure than other methods [19, 20].
3.4 Cold pressing
One of the oldest extraction methods for essential oils from citrus peels such as
lemon, orange, bergamot, and grapefruit is cold pressing. This technique mechanically
tears the peels by simply pressing them to extract the volatile essences contained in the
citrus pericarps. Until the early twentieth century, cold-pressed citrus oils were produced manually. The process produces an aqueous emulsion, which is then centrifuged
to separate the essential oil. This method is preferred for citrus peel essential oil extraction because it avoids thermal alteration of the aldehydes. This process results in the
production of an aqueous emulsion, which is then centrifuged to separate the EO [21].
3.5 Enfleurage
Enfleurage is another conventional extraction method that dates back to antiquity.
It is based on the affinity of fragrances for fats, and concerns plants that retain their
fragrance after being picked (such as jasmine or tuberose). The flowers are spread
out on frames coated with odorless grease. The flowers’ fragrance is absorbed by the
grease until saturation. The flowers are changed regularly (e.g., every 24 hours for jasmine). When the fat is saturated by the flowers, the operation is complete. Saturation
can last up to a month. The resulting pomade is then melted. After decanting, the
mixture is cold-treated with alcohol. The alcohol draws out the fragrance on its own,
without taking on the fats. This extraction technique is virtually dying out due to its
high cost, and the extracted oils have no applications in the food industry [14, 22, 23].
3.6 Organic solvent extraction
Solvent extraction is commonly employed to extract EOs that exhibit thermal
labile properties, such as those extracted from flowers. The plant material is placed in
a solvent bath. Successive washings charge the solvent with aromatic molecules. After
separation by filtration, the emulsion is distilled to extract the EO.
Solvent extraction has been used for fragile or delicate floral materials, which
cannot withstand the temperature of distillation. Various solvents, including hexane,
acetone, petroleum ether, ethanol, or methanol, can be used for extraction [7].
Solvent extraction is relatively fast and inexpensive. The chosen solvent must be
permissible, inert, and stable to heat, light, or oxygen. Its boiling temperature should
preferably be low to facilitate elimination.
The produced EO contains a small amount of solvent residue, making it unsuitable
for food applications. However, if alcohol is used as the solvent, it is considered “foodgrade” and safe for consumption. This method is commonly used in the perfume
industry [24].
In practice, the solvent is mixed with the plant material, heated to extract the EO,
and then filtered. The filtrate is then concentrated through solvent evaporation. It is
later mixed with pure alcohol to extract the oil and distilled at low temperature.
Essential Oils – Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications
However, this method is relatively time-consuming, making the oils more expensive than other methods. Additionally, solvent residues in the final product can cause
allergies, toxicity, and affect the immune system [25].
The limited use of this extraction method is justified by its cost, toxicity and safety
issues, and environmental protection regulations. However, HE yields are generally
higher than with distillation. What is more, this technique avoids the hydrolyzing
action of water vapor.
4. New “green” extraction methods
4.1 Microwave-assisted extraction
Since 1986, microwave energy has been widely used in chemistry laboratories.
Researchers have studied the potential of this unconventional energy source for
synthetic, analytical, and processing applications. Currently, there are over 3000
articles documenting the use of dielectric heating in synthesis and over 1000 articles
documenting its use in extraction.
Microwave-assisted extraction is a revolutionary technology that has garnered a
lot of interest. It has a distinctive friction-based heating mechanism. It is inexpensive,
and performs well under atmospheric conditions.
Microwave-assisted extraction achieves higher extraction yields, shorter extraction times, and improved selectivity as compared to traditional extraction techniques.
This process is also less complicated and expensive than supercritical fluid extraction.
However, it usually requires for more organic solvent, which makes it less environmentally friendly [26].
Recent methods of microwave-assisted extraction include microwave-assisted
vacuum hydrodistillation, compressed air distillation, and microwave-assisted
accelerated steam distillation [27].
4.1.1 Dielectric heating and fundamentals of microwave extraction
Microwave irradiation utilizes a specific electromagnetic field frequency, similar
to activated photochemical reactions. The frequency range is vast, extending from
300 MHz to 300 GHz, but only certain frequencies are authorized for industrial, scientific, and medical use. These include frequencies of 0.915 and 2.45 GHz. The magnetron, found in domestic and laboratory microwave furnaces, is a typical microwave
generator for such frequencies. Industrial magnetrons can reach powers of several
tens of kilowatts, while laboratory devices generally have powers of less than 1 kW.
Solid-state generators have recently been introduced, which narrow the microwave
generator’s emission band, allowing the user to vary the system’s frequency within
the range of authorized industrial, scientific, and medical frequencies. This variation
can play a crucial role in chemical synthesis, particularly with regard to selectivity
and efficiency. However, solid-state generators operating at 2.45 GHz typically have a
power rating of 100 W, which is also frequently used in medical applications [28].
Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) is a process that removes solutes from a
solid matrix into a solvent. The process involves complex phenomena such as heat
transfer electromagnetic transfer, mass transfer, and momentum transfer [29].
Essential Oil Extraction Process
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.113311
4.1.2 Microwave solvent-assisted extraction
Microwave solvent-assisted extraction (Figure 3) have revolutionized the field of bioactive compound extraction. This technique has significantly reduced extraction times,
minimized organic solvent consumption, and resulted in energy and cost savings [30].
Moreover, microwave solvent-assisted extraction is an environmentally friendly
and sustainable method that contributes to the development of “green” procedures.
A new and efficient method for extracting essential oils from Angelica sinensis
root has been developed using a microwave-assisted deep eutectic natural solvent
(NADES). The study found that NADES based on choline chloride and citric acid
were more effective in extracting essential oils [31].
4.1.3 Compressed air microwave distillation (CAMD)
This method (Figure 4) uses the principle of steam entrainment, with compressed
air instead of steam, to extract the essential oil. The extraction process consists of a
compressor, a microwave oven and a refrigeration system. Compressed air is injected
into the reactor, where the matrix is heated by microwaves and immersed in water.
The steam, saturated with volatile molecules, is directed to a recovery container
located outside the microwave oven and cooled by a refrigeration system. In just a few
minutes, the water and aromatic molecules are condensed and recovered [30, 32].
A similar method using a condenser to cool the extraction gas (temperatures
ranging from −20 to −15°C) has also been patented [33]. This extraction method is
environmentally friendly, as no organic solvents or artificial chemical compounds are
Figure 3.
Experimental set-up for microwave solvent-assisted extraction.
Essential Oils – Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications
Figure 4.
A schematic representation compressed air microwave distillation.
4.1.4 Microwave hydrodistillation (MWHD)
The MWHD (Figure 5) was developed by Stashenko et al., in 2004. It is based on
the classic hydrodistillation principle. The process consists of a hydrodistillation unit
placed inside a domestic microwave oven with a side port, through which an external
glass condenser is connected to the round filter containing the matrix and water [34].
Microwave hydrodistillation is a widely used technique for extracting essential oils
from various aromatic plants and spices, with examples such as Thymus vulgaris L.,
Zataria multiflora Boiss., and Satureja montana.
Figure 5.
Microwave hydrodistillation.
Essential Oil Extraction Process
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.113311
An improved version of this technique was developed in 2007, which involves
introducing a microwave coaxial antenna insulated inside a glass flask containing the
matrix and water [35]. This in situ microwave heating offers advantages in terms of
time and energy savings and can be useful for industrial applications.
Microwave Steam Distillation (MSD) (Figure 6) is another innovative technique
that was developed. It is based on the conventional steam distillation principle and has
been successfully used for the extraction of essential oil from Lavender flowers [30].
4.1.5 Solvent-free microwave extraction (SFME)
This is one of the most recent techniques for the microwave-assisted extraction of
essential oils, without solvents and using water at atmospheric pressure. The SFME
process consists mainly of four parts: a reactor where the matrix to be treated is
placed, a microwave oven, a cooling system, and an essential oil container where the
oil is collected (Figure 7).
The process is based on a relatively simple principle, described as microwaveassisted dry distillation; the fresh matrix is placed in a microwave reactor without
the addition of water or organic solvent. Heating the raw material with water breaks
down the glands containing the essential oil. This phase releases the essential oil,
which is then carried away by the steam produced by the water in the matrix. A
cooling system located outside the microwave oven enables continuous condensation
of the distillate, composed of water and essential oil, and the return of excess water
Figure 6.
Microwave steam distillation (MSD).
Essential Oils – Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications
Figure 7.
Improved solvent-free microwave extraction (improved SFME).
to the bottle, thus maintaining the appropriate moisture content of the matrix. For
example, Milestone’s “DryDist” laboratory microwave oven makes it easy and efficient to extract high-quality essential oils.
Wang et al. in 2006 proposed an improved SFME extraction method. The method
is based on the addition and mixing of carbonylated iron powder with the dry matrix.
Spherical particles of carbonylated iron are capable of absorbing part of the energy
emitted by microwaves and returning it to the medium in the form of heat. In this way,
the matrix can be heated by simple conduction without any auxiliary energy. Various
types of materials such as activated carbon, graphite powders, and ionic liquid (1-hexyl3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate) can absorb microwave radiation [36].
4.1.6 Microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity (MHG)
The Microwave Hydrodiffusion and Gravity (MHG) process was invented by a
team of researchers led by Dr. Farid Chemat at the University of Avignon in France
[37]. The team developed the MHG process as an alternative to traditional methods of
essential oil extraction, which can be time-consuming and require large amounts of
energy. The MHG process was first introduced in 2004 and has since gained popularity in the essential oil industry due to its efficiency and effectiveness.
The process of Microwave Hydrodiffusion and Gravity (MHG) involves the following steps:
• Preparation: The plant material, such as herbs or flowers, is first cleaned and
dried to remove any impurities.
• Loading: The dried plant material is placed in a vessel that is suitable for microwave heating, such as a glass container or a microwave-safe bag.
Essential Oil Extraction Process
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.113311
• Microwave Heating: The vessel containing the plant material is exposed to
microwave radiation. The microwaves generate heat, causing the essential oil
compounds within the plant material to vaporize.
• Hydrodiffusion: As the plant material is heated, water molecules present in the
plant cells also vaporize. This creates a hydrodiffusion effect, where the vaporized water carries the essential oil compounds with it.
• Condensation: The vapor containing the essential oil compounds and water is
then cooled down, causing it to condense. The condensation occurs in a separate
container or condenser unit.
• Separation: The condensed mixture of essential oil and water is then separated.
This can be done using techniques such as decantation or using a separating
• Collection: The essential oil, which is lighter than water, floats on top and can be
collected from the separated mixture.
• Analysis and Storage: The collected essential oil can be analyzed for quality and
stored in suitable containers to preserve its aroma and therapeutic properties.
4.2 Supercritical fluid extraction
Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) is a separation technique that utilizes supercritical fluids as the extracting solvent. A supercritical fluid is a substance that is
above its critical temperature and pressure, which results in unique properties that
make it an effective solvent for extraction.
The principle of SFE is based on the fact that the solubility of a substance in a
supercritical fluid increases with pressure, while the density of the fluid increases
with pressure and temperature. By adjusting the temperature and pressure, the
solubility of the substance can be controlled and optimized for extraction.
In SFE, the supercritical fluid is pumped into a vessel containing the sample to be
extracted. As the fluid passes through the sample, it dissolves the target compounds,
which are then carried out of the vessel and into a collection vessel by depressurization or by lowering the temperature. The extracted compounds can then be separated
from the supercritical fluid by condensation or by other means.
SFE has several advantages over traditional extraction methods, including reduced
solvent use, shorter extraction times, and higher yields of target compounds.
Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) can be performed in a variety of ways: batch,
semi-batch, or continuous. Plant material is placed in a container and supercritical
fluid is added at a specific flow rate until the appropriate extraction conditions are
reached. Compared with conventional solvent extraction methods, supercritical fluid
extraction offers several advantages, including a lower temperature suitable for thermosensitive compounds and a solvation power that can be controlled by modifying
pressure and/or temperature, enabling high selectivity. Supercritical fluids are more
effective than liquid solvents in penetrating porous materials and extracting compounds, resulting in faster extraction and a more environmentally friendly process.
CO2 and small amounts of organic solvents can be used as nontoxic fluids, and this
method can be used on an industrial scale [38].
Essential Oils – Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications
However, high pressures should be avoided when extracting essential oils to
prevent the extraction of undesirable compounds.
To ensure the success of EFS, various factors need to be taken into account, such
as sample type, preparation, fluid type, delivery method, and extraction conditions.
CO2 is commonly used due to its low critical temperature, cost-effectiveness, nontoxicity, absence of odor and taste, and ease of disposal. Adjusting the process conditions
makes it possible to selectively extract the desired components. Compared with steam
distillation, EFS has shorter extraction times, lower energy costs, and greater selectivity. The EFS method also makes it easier to manipulate oil composition by modifying
extraction parameters [39].
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, there are multiple methods for extracting essential oils, and the
process chosen can greatly affect the amount and quality of the oil produced. To
maximize yields and maintain the natural structure of the oils, extraction processes
have been developed. This chapter explores different extraction techniques, both
conventional and intensified, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages. It is
improved that new techniques have been proven to produce higher quality extracts
in a shorter time compared to traditional techniques. However, regulatory standards
do not list these extracts derived from innovative techniques as essential oils due to
the narrow definition of essential oils based solely on conventional extraction methods. Furthermore, new environmentally friendly methods have been introduced to
improve traditional essential oil production. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly
crucial to modify or re-establish industry standards to encompass a broader range of
extraction techniques.
Author details
Zoubeida Souiy1,2
1 Biochemistry Laboratory, LR12ES05 “Nutrition-Functional Foods and Vascular
Health”, Faculty of Medicine, University of Monastir, Tunisia
2 Higher Institute of Technology Studies ISET (Ksar Hellal), Tunisia
*Address all correspondence to: souiyzoubeida@gmail.com
© 2023 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0),
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
Essential Oil Extraction Process
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.113311
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