Newsletter 2013 (33.1)

2013, Feministas Unidas Newsletter

Since 1981, Feministas Unidas has been publishing its newsletter twice a year.

Feministas Unidas, Inc. Newsletter SP13 Vol 33.1 Feministas Unidas, Inc. 1 Newsletter Spring 2013 Volume 33.1 Feministas Unidas, Inc., founded in 1979, is a non-profit Coalition of Feminist Scholars in Spanish, Spanish-American, Luso-Brazilian, Afro-Latin American, and U.S. Hispanic and Latino Studies. The objectives of this coalition are to create and sustain a national network of feminist scholars who join to strengthen the intellectual environment in which they work. ¿Quiénes son estas mujeres? ¿Qué concedió un doctorado en matemáticas, desafíos tanto como oportunidades de tienen en común? ¿Por qué son 1986; Antonia Coello Novello, la mejora para cada una de nosotras, a importantes? Pues, todas ellas han primera mujer y primera hispana en el todos los niveles, personal o sido pioneras en cada uno de sus cargo de U.S. Surgeon General, 1990- profesional. campos profesionales. 1993; Ellen Ochoa, la primera astronauta hispana para ir al espacio, ¿Qué ha hecho Usted como pionera? De izquierda a derecha: Helen Magill 1991; Sonia Sotomayor, la primera ¿Hay otras mujeres a quiénes conozca White, la primera mujer en los EEUU hispana nombrada juez de la Corte que hayan sido las primeras en su área que recibió un doctorado, 1877; Suprema de los EEUU, 2009; y, ¿Usted, de especialización? Sean méritos Martha Bernal, la primera latina en los 2013? grandes o pequeños, todos son logros EEUU que se tituló en la sicología, que merecen nuestro apoyo y nuestro 1962; Joan Baez, la primera cantante No es fácil ser la primera en alcanzar hispana que apareció en la portada de un logro. Al contrario, normalmente TIME, 1962; Ruth Gonazlez, la primera resulta ser un camino lleno de Humildemente a sus órdenes, hispana en los EEUU a la que se le obstáculos, pero éstos pueden ser las editoras EL CONTENIDO reconocimiento. La lista de la Junta Directiva y La información oficial: 2 El mensaje de la Presidenta: 3 El mensaje de la Vice-Presidenta: 4 Feministas Unidas, Inc. Vice-President Self-Nominations: 5 Graduate Student Prize Competition: 6 Ámbitos Feministas: Call for Papers: 7 Feministas Unidas, Inc. en los congresos: 8-9 Call for Papers/Contributions; Membership Renewal Reminder: 10-17 Reseñas críticas: 18-19 Membership Form: 20 Feministas Unidas, Inc. Executive Board, 2011-2013 President Inmaculada Pertusa Western Kentucky University Vice President María G. Calatayud North Georgia College and State University Book Review Editor Carmen de Urioste-Azcorra Arizona State University Secretary Cynthia Margarita Tompkins Arizona State University Treasurer Mayte de Lama Elon University Ámbitos Feministas Inmaculada Pertusa, Editor Western Kentucky University Carmen de Urioste-Azcorra, Associate Editor Arizona State University Magdalena Maiz-Peña, Associate Editor Davidson College Newsletter Dawn Slack, Editor Kutztown University of Pennsylvania María DiFrancesco, Associate Editor Ithaca College ListServ Moderator/News Emma García Colby College Official Web Site and Blog Feministas Unidas, Inc. Founded in 1979, Feministas Unidas, Inc. is a non-profit Coalition of Feminist Scholars in Spanish, Spanish-American, Luso-Brazilian, Afro-Latin American, and US Hispanic/Latin@ Studies. As an allied organization of the Modern Languages Association since 1981, Feministas Unidas, Inc. sponsors panels at the annual convention. As an interdisciplinary alliance, we embrace all fields of study relating to Hispanic women. Feministas Unidas, Inc. Membership: Institutions $25, Individuals $20, Students $10 per year Send the renewal form (follow the link below) along with a check in U.S. funds payable to Feministas Unidas, Inc. to: Mayte de Lama Treasurer and Membership Recorder Elon University 919 Creek Crossing Trail Whitsett NC 27377 Renewal form. Membership also payable on-line at: Ámbitos Feministas is the official critical journal of the coalition Feministas Unidas, Inc.. Peer Reviewed. Printed. Published annually in the fall. Ámbitos Feministas aims to foster critical exchanges on the current status of feminist studies in relationship to creative work (literature, film, plastic arts) by contemporary Hispanic, Iberian, Luso and USA Latino women. For information on contributions go to: Feministas Unidas, Inc. Newsletter is part of the permanent collection of the Library of Congress. ISSN 1933-1479 (print) ISSN 1933-1487 (on-line) It is published biannually (October and February) by Publication on-line. Feministas Unidas, Inc. Newsletter welcomes books for review. Send books and other materials for review to: Carmen de Urioste-Azcorra, Book Review Editor SILC-Spanish Program; Box 870202; Arizona State University; Tempe, AZ 85287-0202 For member-related news and information to be published in the Newsletter, please contact: Dawn Slack, Newsletter Editor: María DiFrancesco, Newsletter Associate Editor: Feministas Unidas, Inc. Newsletter SP13 Vol 33.1 3 Mensaje de la Presidenta Estimad@s colegas, Espero que estos casi dos meses del 2013 os hayan llegado cargados de buenas noticias, nuevos proyectos y renovada energía para seguir haciendo que la voz de todas las mujeres que nos regalan su talento se siga escuchando con fuerza. Este año marca el final de mi término como Presidenta de la coalición, y tras él, el comienzo del de nuestra colega María Calatayud. Les pido a tod@s que consideren presentarse para el puesto de Vice-Presidenta y así asegurarnos que Feministas Unidas, Inc. sigue adelante después del cambio de cargos. Cumpliendo con las normas de nuestros estatutos, convoqué (auto)nominaciones para poder proceder después a la votación correspondiente, ampliando el plazo hasta el 28 de febrero para dar más tiempo a quienes estén interesad@s en servir en el comité ejecutivo durante los próximos 4 años (dos como Vice-Presidenta y dos como Presidenta). Favor así de mandar sus candidaturas a nuestra secretaria, Cynthia Tompkins para esa fecha. Las votaciones se celebrarán unas semanas después. Quisiera también aprovechar esta ocasión para pedirles que promuevan nuestra revista, Ámbitos Feministas, entre l@s colegas que estén trabajando con algún aspecto feministas de interés para la coalición. Pueden dirigirles al sitio de la revista:, o enviarles la copia del Call for Papers que se encuentra allí. De la misma forma, les animo a enviar sus propios ensayos críticos y/o trabajos creativos (cuento/poesía). Para poder ser considerados para el tercer número (Otoño del 2013) los ensayos deben llegar para el 28 de febrero del 2013. Espero que este semestre sea uno de los mejores para tod@s, Inmaculada Pertusa, Presidenta, Feministas Unidas, Inc. Western Kentucky University, Mensaje de la Vice-Presidenta Uno de las gratificaciones de fungir como Vice-Presidenta de FemUn, Inc. un año más ha sido la oportunidad de solidificar las relaciones profesionales con colegas que cultivan intereses afines a los míos. La creación de un comité evaluador de la décima competencia de trabajos de estudiantes graduados a finales del 2012 me brindó una vez más este placer. He recibido además un refrescante aprendizaje al leer los trabajos enviados. Sé que el comité evaluador tuvo una difícil tarea al tener que elegir a un solo ganador. Este 2013, la ganadora ha sido Alexandra S. Gonzenbach, estudiante de doctorado en Romance Studies de University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida; quien espera recibir su doctorado en mayo del 2014. Su trabajo, “Loose Tongues/ Promiscuous Identities: Linguistic Register and Code-switching as Catalysts of Intersectionality in ‘Pollito Chicken’ and Dominicanish” examina la diaspora, no solamente geográfica sino linguística, examinando el tema del exilio, conectando además otros temas tales como la sexualidad, el género y la política. Su trabajo será publicado en Letras Femeninas con la ayuda de los comentarios y correcciones del comité. Muchas felicidades para Alexandra. Así también para las/os otras/os participantes, a quienes, les hice notar vía email, que tomen en cuenta los comentarios hechos por el comité evaluador y también buscar la publicación de sus ensayos. Muchas críticas positivas se hicieron sobre ellos, muy en particular la solidez de sus argumentos, la originalidad de los acercamientos feministas a los textos y el uso cuidadoso de la crítica de género. Por mi parte, siguiendo la tradición en SAMLA de que FemUn, Inc. tenga una sessión especial, este año he propuesto un tema que vaya ad hoc con el tema del congreso y que a la vez consiga unir fuerza con las propuestas hechas para el número especial de Letras Femeninas del verano 2014. El título de la sessión de SAMLA es ¨Cultures, Literatures, Arts and Politics: Women Artists and Women Writers Making History and Making Meaning in the Spanish Speaking World.” Y como todos sabemos, presentar el ensayo en una conferencia es la mejor manera de recibir retroalimentación inmediata sobre nuestro trabajo. Ojalá que esta idea de tener un tema en SAMLA afín con un número especial de publicación de Letras Femeninas pueda canalizar más esfuerzos y se escriban más ensayos sobre el tema. María G. Calatayud, Vice-Presidenta, Feministas Unidas, Inc. North Georgia College and State University, Feministas Unidas, Inc. Newsletter SP13 Vol 33.1 Feministas Unidas, Inc.: Vice-President Self-Nominations! Dear Feministas Unidas, Inc.: We need to elect a new Vice-President for the term 2014-2015. The Vice-President shall act as president in the absence of the President; shall carry out directive tasks assigned by the President and/or Executive Committee; shall become the President in the year following the two-year term as Vice-President. The President shall preside at the Annual Meeting and shall call meetings of the Executive Committee; shall have the authority to appoint ad hoc committees to carry out specific projects or resolve specific problems; shall delegate the work of the membership body and the Executive Committee. The President shall see that elections are called and carried out according to the provisions of these By-Laws. Self-nominations are due by February 28th, 2013. All active members are invited to consider nominating themselves to serve on the Executive Board. Please send an e-mail message with “Subject: Self-Nomination,” your name, your intention to serve as Vice-President and a statement to: Un saludo, Inma Pertusa President, Feministas Unidas, Inc. 5 11th Annual Graduate Student Essay Prize Competition The Executive Committee of Feministas Unidas, Inc., an allied non-profit organization of the MLA, is pleased to announce a call for papers for the 11th Annual Feministas Unidas, Inc. Essay Prize competition for graduate students. The Feministas Unidas, Inc. Essay Prize is awarded for an outstanding unpublished essay on feminist scholarship on women in the field of literature, the arts, filmmaking, Transatlantic studies or cultural studies in the areas covered by our organization’s mission: Spanish, Spanish-American, Luso-Brazilian, Afro-Latin American, and U.S. Hispanic Studies. The purpose of the essay prize is to promote feminist scholarship by those who are entering our profession and are currently graduate students. The prize is the product of collaboration between Feministas Unidas, Inc. and the Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica (AILCFH). The selection committee is drawn from officers and members of Feministas Unidas, Inc. and the editorial board of Letras Femeninas. Feministas Unidas, Inc. reserves the right not to award the prize in a given year. Award: $250 and publication of the essay in the December issue of the journal Letras Femeninas. The author of the winning essay must be a member of the Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica (AILCFH) at the time of publication of the essay. The winning essay will receive corresponding editorial comments from competition readers as well as from Letras Femeninas Editors. Essays will be published one year after acceptance and will be announced at the annual meeting of Feministas Unidas, Inc. at the MLA. Eligibility: Graduate students who are current or new members of Feministas Unidas, Inc. are eligible to submit their original research for the prize. Guidelines: • An unpublished paper, written in Spanish, Portuguese, or English • Length: 18-25 pages, double-spaced, including notes and works cited • Format: MLA style. Prepare the manuscript according to instructions for “Anonymous Submissions” • Deadline for submission: November 15, 2013 Items to be submitted: • 18-25 page essay • 200-word abstract of the essay • Author’s c.v. • Submit all materials in the following way: one hard copy and one electronic copy. Please submit essays without names and add a cover page with the title of your work, your name and institutional affiliation. This will help us ensure adequate refereed procedures. Mail and email to: Professor María G. Calatayud, Vice President Feministas Unidas, Inc. Modern Languages / 322 Dunlap Hall North Georgia College and State University Dahlonega GA 30597 Feministas Unidas, Inc. Newsletter SP13 Vol 33.1 7 Feministas Unidas, Inc. en los congresos Seguimos apoyando la presencia de la coalición en los diferentes congresos académicos que se celebran durante el año. Animamos a quienes estén considerando participar en un congreso que propongan un panel en nombre de Feministas Unidas, Inc. Los participantes del panel tendrán que ser miembros activos de la coalición. Envíen una copia de sus propuestas a nuestra portavoz, Emma García, para que se difunda entre la membresía. 128th Modern Language Association Convention, Boston MA January 3-6, 2013 ( Alternative Feminist Voices: Transatlantic Visions Chair: Sharon Keefe Ugalde, Texas State University - “Multiple Marginalities and Moroccan Migrations: Najat El Hachmi,” Kathleen McNerney, West Virginia University at Morgantown - “Po/ética de alternancias: Autoras miskitas y en euskera,” Tina Escaja, University of Vermont - “From Galicia to Portobello Road: Remembering the Female Migrant’s Experience in A veiga é un tempo distinto by Eva Morales,” Danny Barreto, Vassar College - “Catalan Authors Taking on Hot Issues in Fiction and Social Media,” Melissa Anne Stewart, Western Kentucky University Gender[ed] Performativities in Latin American and Latin@ Graphic Novels Chair: Hilda Chacón, Nazareth College - “Trans-nepantlista Visual Geographies and the Inked Latina Body: Ana Mendieta’s Graphic Lifewriting,” Magdalena Maiz-Peña, Davidson College and Emma García, Colby College - "Unbecoming Cuban-American: Representations of Female Subjetivity in Bad Habits: A Love Story” by Cristy Road," Irune Del Río Gabiola, Butler University - “Ashes and Masks: Gender According to Gilbert Hernandez," Christopher Pizzino, University of Georgia Feministas Unidas, Inc. Newsletter SP13 Vol 33.1 Feministas Unidas, Inc. en los congresos 44th Annual Northeast Modern Language Association Convention, Boston MA March 21-24, 2013 ( Global Spaces of Modernity: Latin Americas at Home and in Displacement Seminar Chair: Hilda Chacón, Nazareth College -“Non-Cities and Global Geographies in Alberto Fuguet’s The Movies of My Life,” Ada Ortúzar-Young, Drew University -“Mundo, mi casa: Flores de un solo día de Anna Kazumi Stahl,” Marta Sierra, Kenyon College -“Reading the Road Trip in the Global Era: Travel and Place in Pablo Soler Frost’s Yerba Americana,” Paul L. Goldberg, Widener University -“Exile as Allegory of Global Subjectivity: A Fallen Dictator in Paris in Carpentier’s Narrative,” Juan Manuel Espinoza, University of Rochester -“[H]oracio, el suspendido: Rayuela,” Dijana Savija, University at Buffalo -“ ‘Casas tomadas’ en la narrativa rioplatense contemporánea,” Graciela Michelotti, Haverford College Food, Nation and Identity in Spnaish Literature and Film Pre-Convention Organizer: María DiFrancesco, Ithaca College; Chair: Dawn Slack - “Consumption and Consummation: Food and Intimate Relationships,” Dawn Slack, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania -“Latin American Women Writers on Homeland and the Art of Cooking,” Rocío del Aguila, University of Calgary -“Nourishment Through Writing in Mi corazón que baila con espigas and Nubosidad variable,” Jeanette Pucheu, University of Wisconsin-Superior 9 Call for Papers and Contributions MLA 2014, Round Table: “New Social Movements” January 9-12, 2014. Chicago IL The Divisions of 20th-Century Latin American Literature and 20th-Century Spanish Literature analyze recent movements (“Yo soy 132,” “Indignados,” etc.) in Latin America, Spain, and/or the US-Latino context. Round table format; comparative perspectives welcome. Send 250-word abstracts by March 1, 2013 to Hilda Chacón ( and Susan MartinMarquez ( MLA 2014, Round Table: “Disability Discourses in Latin America: Academy and Activism” January 9-12, 2014. Chicago IL This round table will feature brief position papers of 6-7 minutes in length, exploring current issues and discourses in Latin American disability studies, and identifying particular areas of research and activism. We are especially interested in work that highlights points of contact between academic and activist approaches to disability and disability studies, as well as analyses that consider disability studies in relation to geopolitical diversity. Send 200-word abstracts as well as c.v.’s by March 1, 2013 to ( or ( MLA 2014, Round Table: “Learned Society Journals: Challenges and Opportunities in the Twenty-First Century “ January 9-12, 2014. Chicago IL What challenges and opportunities do learned society journals face in the twenty-first century? The learned society journal is a unique kind of publication. The Doris Lessing Society would like to put forward a proposal for a round table at the MLA Convention in Chicago in 2014 discussing the opportunities and challenges facing learned society journals. We self-publish a peer-reviewed journal and are considering the option of publishing it via our website. We would love to hear from learned journals who are facing similar questions or who have proceeded with electronic publication. We would also welcome discussions about the relationship between your journal and learned society and any other topics that are of particular relevance to learned society journals and newsletters. Send biographies and 250-word abstracts for round table talks by March 11, 2013 to Alice Ridout ( or ( Feministas Unidas, Inc. Newsletter SP13 Vol 33.1 11 Call for Papers and Contributions MLA 2014, Feministas Unidas, Inc. Panel: “¿Terror feminista/feminina?” January 9-12, 2014. Chicago IL From the Conquest narratives of the New World and Spanish Inquisition testimonies to the ravages of the Spanish Civil War, ETA and, most recently, the March 11, 2004 train bombings in Madrid, Spain has struggled with the problem of terrorism. Likewise, Latin America and the Caribbean have seen their share of terrorist activities as dictators and factions as diverse as the FARC and Sendero Luminoso have unleashed their vitriol on citizens. In this panel, we seek to engage the language of violence/terrorism in its diverse forms as it has manifested itself in the works of women writers, film makers and visual artists of the Spanish-speaking and U.S. Latina worlds. We invite proposals for twenty-minute papers from scholars whose work focuses on questions such as: What is terrorism? How is terrorism related to exile? How is violence/terrorism related to women's experience/women's creativity/woman's (in)visibility? To what extent is the rhetoric of a “war on terror” or “horror” gendered and how has this rhetoric changed over time from a feminist perspective? How has “terror” manifested itself, or conversely, remained invisible, in Spanish language literature, film and visual culture by women? From a feminist perspective, what draws the reader’s attention to the “spectacle” of terror? What ethical or moral responsibilities do women have to teach materials to students of Spanish and to what ends? Send 250-word abstracts to María DiFrancesco ( by February 1, 2013. Panelists must be members of Feministas Unidas, Inc. and the MLA to participate. SAMLA 2013, Cultures, Literatures, Arts and Politics: Women Artists and Women Writers Making History and Making Meaning in the Spanish-Speaking World November 8-10, 2013. Atlanta GA This panel provides an opportunity to examine the writing strategies of women writers from different cultural, historical and spatial spectrums and how they advocate reconfigurations of social relations and alternative ethics, politics and aesthetics and challenge the power of official narratives and/or state discourse. We are focusing on interdisciplinary questions of how history is reconstructed in Latin America and Spain through the eyes of women from the Colonial period to the present day. The aim of this forum is to develop discussion with a focus on the art and literature made by women that challenged established aesthetics and confronted the relationship of old and new traditions, changing history. Conference languages are English and Spanish. For a list of potential topics please refer to: application/vnd.openxmlfo~1.docx Send 500-word abstract, a short biographical description, and contact information by May 16, 2013 to: Call for Papers and Contributions, Continued Journal: Special Focus Issue of Hispania dedicated to "The Scholarship of Film and Film Studies" in Spanish and Portuguese The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese and the editors of Hispania invite authors to submit literary, linguistic, and pedagogical manuscripts for a peer-reviewed Special Focus Issue of Hispania dedicated to "The Scholarship of Film and Film Studies" in Spanish and Portuguese. The Scholarship of Film and Film Studies encompasses the teaching of film in the classroom, film as text for language learners of all levels, theory and film, literary works in film, linguistic aspects of film, and related concepts. Distinguished colleagues Bill VanPatten (Michigan State University), David W. Foster (Arizona State University), and Benjamin Fraser (College of Charleston) will curate this issue with the editor. All article manuscripts must be submitted through the online ScholarOne system at Please indicate in your cover letter that your submission is intended for this Special Focus Issue. Articles can be written in Spanish, Portuguese, or English. For more information, please contact: Sheri Spaine Long, Editor, Hispania United States Air Force Academy University of Alabama at Birmingham, Revista: La manzana de la discordia, Número 14 El Centro de Estudios de Género, Mujer y Sociedad, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia dedicará su próxima edición a mujeres, hombres, y personas de géneros diversos, como víctimas, combatientes y sobrevivientes: actoras y actores de conflictos en la trinchera, la plaza pública, la casa y la cama. Este dossier incluirá artículos que indaguen sobre los múltiples roles que juegan hombres y mujeres en todo tipo de conflictos, desde los militares, los políticos, hasta todos los que conciernen tanto al rol reproductivo de las mujeres como a las diversas sexualidades. Al mismo tiempo, las temáticas pueden ir desde las causas estructurales y manifestaciones de los conflictos, hasta las respuestas y búsquedas de soluciones que pueden presentarse, sin desconocer las múltiples intersecciones entre raza, género, clase social, nación, generación, etc. Para mayor información y envío de manuscritos comunicarse con: Gabriela Castellanos, Directora del Centro de Estudios de Género, Mujer y Sociedad / Feministas Unidas, Inc. Newsletter SP13 Vol 33.1 13 Call for Papers and Contributions, Continued IX Coloquio sobre las Mujeres: “¡Ya es Tiempo!: Desarrollo, Paz, y Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres” March 5-7, 2013. Universidad de Puerto Rico en Cayey El equipo coordinador del IX Coloquio sobre las Mujeres invita a la comunidad en general a someter propuestas para participar u organizar dinámicas que promuevan el diálogo y la interacción entre las y los participantes sobre temas relacionados a las mujeres en y fuera de Puerto Rico. Se considerarán propuestas para actividades tales como: ponencias, talleres, mesas de información o exhibición, tableros, actividades teatrales y performeras, películas y documentales, y participaciones musicales. Las propuestas pueden ser para participar indivdidualmente en alguna de las actividades antes mencionadas o para organizar una de ellas. Exhortamos a que las propuestas promuevan la interacción entre las y los participantes y propongan iniciativas para impulsar política pública. La extension maxima de la propuesta son 250 palabras. Las propuestas deben enviarse electónicamente en o antes del 25 de enero de 2013 a la siguiente dirección electronic: Para más información pueden comunicarse con la Dra. Sarah Malavé Lebrón ( Book: Local Cities, Global Spaces: Towards a Multicultural Configuration of Spain Submissions are invited for an edited book on literary and film representations of the multicultural configuration(s) of Spain. While all abstracts treating multiculturalism in Spain are welcomed, papers that focus on reconfigured Spanish cities and neighborhoods through Latin American, African, and Eastern European cultures are particularly encouraged. Areas of cultural impact may include urban space and access to resources, responses to the economic crisis, emerging family portraits, public versus private spaces, the local and the global, marginalities, migrations, and public expression of human and civil rights. Send 300-word abstracts (English or Spanish) to Ana Corbalán ( and to Ellen Mayock ( by March 15, 2013. If requested, full articles due by October 31, 2013. NEH Summer Seminar for College and University Teachers: Brazilian Literature: Contemporary Urban Fiction. Hosted by Arizona State University, on location in Sao Paulo, June 17-July 12, 2013 This seminar will focus on five major works of Brazilian urban fiction, basically from the twentieth century. Through a detailed examination of these works as literary texts that interpret the urban experience in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Curitiba, and Porto Alegre, the seminar will provide 16 participants (14 professors/2 advanced doctoral students) with an important grounding in Brazilian literature. Participants will be college and university professors of Latin American studies, some of whom may have some familiarity with Brazil. The latter will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of Brazilian literature, while other participants will receive a solid introduction to Brazilian culture through major literary texts. Portuguese stays a critical language in the U.S., and both the seminar proper and the language workshop that will be an auxiliary part of the program will contribute toward addressing the critical lack of trained scholars in the field. Prof. David William Foster (; Call for Papers and Contributions, Continued Journal: Mirada de Mujer: Narrativas visuales femeninas y narraciones femeninas de lo visual en el mundo luso-hispánico Se hace un llamado de colaboraciones para un número monográfico de Letras Femeninas (Verano 2014) dedicado al tema “Mirada de Mujer: Narrativas visuales femeninas y narraciones femeninas de lo visual en el mundo luso-hispánico.” Algunos temas a considerar en esta línea de reflexión: El retrato literario y el retrato visual/artístico; La iconografía de lo femenino luso-hispánico en literatura; (Auto)biografías visuales y literarias; Consumo de arte visual y escritura; Visiones del inconsiente: sueños y pesadillas; Mujeres artistas y escritoras en contacto; Escritura, pintura y la subjetividad femeninas; Experiencias de escritura visual; Escritura literaria como texto visual; Experiences visuales y subjetividad femenina; Esteriotipos visuales y literarios acerca de la mujer luso-hispana; Mujer artista y escritora como agente de eventos visuales; lo invisible y el silencio en arte visual y literatura. Enviar las propuestas a las editoras antes del 15 de marzo 2013: Maria Claudia André, Hope College ( y Rocío Quispe-Agnoli, Michigan State University ( Journal: Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies: Women of Color & Gender Equity Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies invites submissions for a special issue on women of color and gender equity. With this special issue, we commemorate the 40th anniversary of the 1974 Women’s Educational Equity Act, which provided funds for Title IX and codified women’s equality under the law in the U.S., setting forth a foundation for antidiscrimination policies and remedies as well as cultivating a language and rhetoric for gender equity. For this issue, we will explore the nexus between the enactment of gender equity policies, rhetorical and political strategies for empowerment, and the lives of women of color. Date of receipt of papers is May 15, 2013. All special issue submissions and questions should be directed to For submission guide-lines, please consult the Ohio State University Frontiers website: Feministas Unidas, Inc. Newsletter SP13 Vol 33.1 15 Call for Papers and Contributions, Continued Revista: Cadáver exquisito: un panorama actual de la novela y el cine negro en el mundo hispano El Consejo Editorial de Polifonía: Revista académica de estudios hispánicos se complace en hacer pública la convocatoria a ensayos para su tercer número dedicado exclusivamente al estudio de la novela negra. El género negro sigue proliferando en los países hispanohablantes pese a los cuestionamientos sobre la pertenencia de este tipo de literatura al canon literario. Así lo demuestran los numerosos encuentros y congresos dedicados a su estudio: Festival Azabache (Argentina), Medellín Negro (Colombia), Santiago Negro (Chile), Semana Negra de Gijón (España), Getafe Negro de Madrid (España), Congreso de novela negra de León (España) y Congreso del género negro de Salamanca (España). Los críticos literarios, los escritores y los lectores del género negro coinciden que la vertiente negra es la mejor manera de reflejar los problemas que se materializan en la sociedad actual, tales como la violencia, la corrupción o las crisis socioeconómicas y políticas, entre otros. Para el escritor Juan Sasturain, la novela negra es “una literatura de la crisis de la sociedad contemporánea […] porque en cada una de éstas existe una minuciosa construcción que describe el mundo a partir de sus más destructivas contradicciones” (citado en Laforgue 223). A su vez, para Juan Martini es imposible no detectar los conflictos que “acechan y perturban al hombre de hoy: al hombre que vive y padece un ordenamiento social regido por el despotismo de los intereses económicos y por la violencia como expresión más obvia—y más dramática—de las luchas por el poder en cualquiera de sus formas” (222). Polifonía busca compilar artículos que exploren los siguientes temas con un enfoque novedoso para su publicación impresa y electrónica: Diferencias y similitudes del género negro en los países hispanos; Nuevos conceptos teóricos sobre el género negro; Hibridez genérica en la novela negra; Periodismo y novela negra; El rol editorial en la proliferación, distribución y publicidad del género negro; Tendencias de la novela negra en el nuevo milenio; El detective del siglo XXI; Representación de ciudades en la novela negra; Globalización y género negro; Marginalización y crimen en la sociedad actual; Cine negro en Latinoamérica y España; Indagaciones sobre el lector de novela negra; Géneros populares; Feminismo y género negro; El terrorismo en la novela negra; Crímenes urbanos y rurales; Realidad y ficción en el género; Trauma y memoria histórica en la novela negra; Series de televisión y novela negra en Hispanoamérica; Ruptura del policial clásico y surgimiento de la novela negra en el mundo hispano. Para más detalles consultar el siguiente enlace: Nadina Olmedo, Ph.D.; Campbellsville University; Associate Editor, Polifonía: Revista académica de estudios hispánicos Call for Papers and Contributions, Continued Journal: Teaching the Works of Elena Poniatowska (in XXI Frames) Diálogo, an interdisciplinary, refereed journal by the Center for Latino Research at DePaul University (Chicago IL) invites submissions of 5,000-7,000 word essays that are pedagogically and philosophically oriented to the teaching of undergraduate and graduate courses, in English or Spanish, from an interdisciplinary studies approach, including media studies, cultural studies, popular culture studies, digital humanities, urban studies, environmental studies, gender and sexualities studies, graphic narrative studies, visual studies, topics or original approaches to a specific work, topic, or issue to be taught in specific disciplines. Also of interest are book reviews and short interpretative essays (2,000-3,000 words) on the impact of Poniatowska’s work. Submit materials by April 15, 2013 to Direct questions to: or Journal: Latin American and Latina/o Poetry in the 21st Century Diálogo, an interdisciplinary, refereed journal by the Center for Latino Research at DePaul University (Chicago IL) invites submissions of critical essays in English or Spanish on the state of Latin American and Latina/o poetry in the 21st century, as well as creative work produced in Spanish, English, Portuguese, and indigenous languages. We are also interested in interviews with poets and poetry reviews, and reviews of books and film/media. This special issue of Diálogo 17:2 has a release date of February 2014. Submit 150-word abstract and a short author’s biography by October 1, 2013 to: Direct questions to: Feministas Unidas, Inc. Newsletter SP13 Vol 33.1 17 Call for Papers and Contributions, Continued Revista: Pasavento: Revista de estudios hipánicos Número 2 Nos complace hacerles llegar la convocatoria del próximo número de Pasavento: Revista de estudios hispánicos. Se trata de una revista digital dirigida al lector e investigador especializado, y abierta a las diversas manifestaciones artísticas (narrativa, poesía, teatro, cine, cómic) que se han producido en España e Hispanoamérica a partir de 1975. Pasavento aspira a convertirse en una revista de referencia en su campo, por lo que hemos tratado de responder a los criterios de calidad exigidos por las distintas agencias de evaluación. Les invitamos a participar en nuestra sección de miscelánea (convocatoria abierta todo el año) y en el monográfico coordinado por la Prof. Teresa López Pellisa sobre “Realidad virtual y Cibercultura” (convocatoria abierta hasta el 31 de enero de 2013), así como en nuestra sección de reseñas. Encontrarán toda la información detallada en nuestra web: Membership in Feministas Unidas, Inc. December 31, 2012 / January 1, 2013 The end of a year? Most certainly. The promise of new beginnings? Of course. A good time for making resolutions? Naturally. Do you still want a resolution you’ll keep? Then, resolve to pay your dues! Membership in Feministas Unidas, Inc. runs from January to December of each year, which means that December 31st marks the end of your old membership! So, for 2013, resolve to pay your dues: Here’s another resolution: Let’s share our organization, its activities, and its goals with others! Recruit a new member today! Reseña crítica Habra, Hedy. Flying Carpets. Greensboro (NC): March Street Press, 2012. 203 pp. Hedy Habra’s Flying Carpets (2012), a diverse and exotic collection of stories, is an enjoyable read. Habra, a professor of Spanish at Western Michigan University who specializes in Spanish American Literature, particularly the writings of Peruvian writer and Nobel Prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa, draws on her own unusual roots to inform her writing. Although Habra was born in Egypt, she is of Lebanese descent, and it is no surprise that her tales are steeped in the language and rich cultures of the Middle East. The book is divided into four parts, and while each has a distinctive mood and feeling, the stories are stylistically similar in scope and vision. The first part of Flying Carpets contains four short narratives, “Al Kasdir,” “The Green Book,” “Mariam” and “12 Rushdy Street.” While the reader cannot mistake the nostalgic quality of these stories, one cannot ignore a certain magical quality that invites the reader, especially a Western reader, to experience a completely foreign world. The unnamed narrator of “Al Kasdir” fondly reminisces of an earlier time in her childhood when she watched a ceremony in which a soothsayer named Salma performed a ritualistic reading on her mother and aunts. The narrator seductively entreats the reader to enter a world in which the mundane mixes with the extraordinary. Indeed, Salma is not only the neighborhood manicurist who dotes on her clients’ nails and performs halawa—a skin treatment that rids the women of unwanted body hair—but also a trusted friend and confidante who serves as an oracle. The narrator tells how Salam, inspired by both traditional Coptic prayers and what appear to be occult Egyptian practices, reads the women’s futures, foretelling what love has in store. And while one might assume from this first story that all the narratives contained in this section might evoke a time when women languished and waited to be told what their romantic futures had in store, others depict women who act either as agents of their own destiny, or as agents who wish to enable change for other women seemingly trapped in subservient roles. For instance, while the narrator of “The Green Book” manipulates her patriarchal husband’s financial situation to suit her own whims and desires, the narrator or “12 Rushdy Street” speaks of wanting to aid a young woman to fulfill her own educational goals by leaving Egypt to study in Paris. Five stories comprise the second section, and in each of these the distinctive narrators entice their readers to experience an amalgamation of languages and cultures. What is different about this section is that these stories seem darker, more bittersweet than those found in the first section. Almost all allude to the painful dynamics that divide friends and families. The narrator of “Green Figs and Cherries” recounts the painful experience of becoming a mother. Unfortunately for the narrator, the scenario described includes a rushed marriage, an unhappy family situation and the decision to remain with a husband with whom she is not in love in order to be close to the son she has just delivered. “Distances,” for its part, evokes haunting parallels between the lives of parents and their children. The narrator recalls how her mother forbid her from having a relationship with a young man when she was growing up because he was Muslim. As an adult, the friendship her son forges with a Muslim boy reminds her of her own past and what could have been. Another unique story, “Perspectives,” tells the sad story of a painter, professor of art and soon-to-be father who has fallen out of love with a critical wife who is expecting their first child. The tale is particularly interesting because the author chooses to recount the story from a male perspective. The narrator talks of falling out of love with his wife almost as unwillingly as he fell in love with one of his students, a girl named Michelle. The story ends not only with the married couple’s child being born and Michelle’s leaving Paris for her native Beirut, but with Paul’s decision to name the baby girl after his love interest. The tales contained in the third and fourth sections of the book seem most influenced by the author’s own interest in Latin American literature and magical realism. While each of the twelve stories in the second half of the book has individual merit, two stand out. The first is “Anemone’s Fingers.” In this surreal story, the life of a young girl and her mother, Lina and Elham, come together with the life of a young couple, Sonia and Tony, who Feministas Unidas, Inc. Newsletter SP13 Vol 33.1 19 Reseña crítica, continuada live in the same apartment building. Each day, Lina goes to visit Sonia so that she can feed the fish in her aquarium. Lina takes special interest in a small, silver fish that hides when the others come out to feed. She saves this fish a flake of food and waits until the rest have gone away to make sure this special fish gets his share. The narrator tells how Lina unwittingly fills a gap in the lives of Sonia and Tony, who wish to have a baby, and who have filled a nursery with all the needs a child might have, even an aquarium. When Elham gets sick with cancer, she looks to Sonia for help, and Sonia complies. Rather than explain the grave nature of her health to Lina, the mother tells the girl that she will have to spend some nights with Sonia and Tony. When the girl’s mother dies, however, and Sonia is forced to reveal the truth, she is stunned and panicked to find she cannot find her. The tale ends, as one familiar with magical realism might expect, with Sonia feeding the fish in her aquarium and noticing that now, rather than one little silver fish, there are two. The second story of note in this second half of the book is “Succession.” This narrative is reminiscent of both the Alaskan frontier evoked by Jack London’s tales and the magical realism so familiar to the author. The unnamed protagonist ventures forth into a snowy landscape of dense woods in the dead of winter, presumably to hunt game for his wife and young son. He recalls that his father went on a similar trip when he was young, and that he never returned. While one would assume that the narrator’s father’s disappearance would compel him to quickly return, the man repeatedly meets with frustration, and is constantly troubled by dreams in which white wolves surround and prey on him. Over time, the man gives up on the notion of returning home, convinced his wife and son have forgotten about him, and he begins to grow grey. As the story concludes, the reader comes to the startling r realization that the man has himself become what he so feared: one of the white wolves he so dreaded in life. Hedy Habra’s Flying Carpet promises to magically transport any willing reader from the suburbs of Cairo to the most elegant cafes of Paris. The stories are poignant and her characters are endearing. Any reader should consider herself lucky to be given the gift of this magical literary ride. María DiFrancesco Ithaca College ¿Hay publicaciones nuevas para reseñar? Manden libros para reseñar a: Carmen de Urioste-Azcarra SILC-Spanish Program Box 870202 Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287-0202 Membership Form Membership form Feministas Unidas, Inc. Founded in 1979, Feministas Unidas, Inc. is a non-profit Coalition of Feminist Scholars in Spanish, Spanish-American, LusoBrazilian, Afro-Latin American, and U.S. Hispanic and Latino Studies. Our Coalition publishes an enewsletter in the spring and fall, and an annual critical peer-reviewed journal, Ámbitos Feministas, in the Fall. As an allied organization of the MLA, Feministas Unidas Inc. sponsors several panels at the annual convention, as well as at other academic meetings (SAMLA, NeMLA, etc.). As an interdisciplinary alliance, we embrace all fields of studies and culture relating to Hispanic women. To renew on-line, go to: To pay by check print this form and mail it with check payable to: Feministas Unidas, Inc. Membership is for JAN-DEC of each Calendar Year Year(s) for which you are renewing/joining JAN-DEC 2013 JAN-DEC 2014 Professor ($20) $________ $ ________ Associate Professor ($20) $ ________ $ ________ Assistant Professor ($15) $ ________ $ ________ Instructor ($10) $ ________ $ ________ Graduate Student ($10) $ ________ $ ________ Other ($10) $ ________ $ ________ Institution ($25) $ ________ $ ________ For all International Airmail Postage, please add $5 $ ________ $ ________ Sponsor a Graduate Student ($10) $________ $________ Contribution to Scholar Funds (any amount) $________ Yearly Dues TOTAL $________ NAME _______________________________________ (NEW or UPDATED ONLY) E-Mail (please print clearly) _______________________________________ (NEW or UPDATED ONLY) Preferred mailing address _________________________________________ If you are sponsoring a young scholar or graduate student with membership in Feministas Unidas, Inc: Individual that you are sponsoring _______________________________________ E-Mail address (please print clearly) _______________________________________ Preferred mailing address: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Send this form with a check in U.S. funds payable to Feministas Unidas, Inc. to: Prof. Mayte de Lama 919 Creek Crossing Trail Whitsett, NC 27377 (inquiries or e-mail corrections to: Change or update your personal/professional data at