community consultation
refereed paper
R Willis, R A Stewart, K Panuwatwanich, B Capati, D Giurco
This paper presents the preliminary
findings of the Gold Coast Watersaver
End Use Project which was conducted in
winter 2008, for 151 homes on the Gold
Coast, Australia. Specifically, the paper
includes a break down of water end use
consumption data, compares this with
results of previous national studies, and
explores the degree of influence of
household socioeconomic regions on end
use. Two highly variable water end use
distributions, namely shower and
irrigation, were examined in detail,
clustered and are discussed herein. The
paper concludes with a brief description
of the greater ongoing research program.
Following a long-standing drought, many
regions in south east Queensland are
experiencing strict water restrictions and
have seen the introduction of a portfolio
of other demand management and
supply initiatives to ensure the provision
of a secure water supply. Residential
water consumption is often dependent on
the fixtures or device stock within a
house, household makeup (e.g. family
structure, household income), region
location and psychosocial influences. A
study of end use water consumption aids
water planners and users to identify
where and when water is used in a
household hence assisting to drive
proactive reductions in consumption (Loh
and Coghlan, 2003).
In Australia, two major end use studies
have been undertaken in Perth (Loh and
Coghlan, 2003) and in Melbourne
(Roberts, 2005). Internationally, several
studies have been conducted in the
United States of America (Mayer and
DeOreo, 1999; Mayer et al., 2004) and
The average winter
consumption was
157 L/pc/d.
recently in New Zealand (Heinrich, 2007).
However, the end use models determined
by these studies differ depending on a
range of factors including the year
conducted, climate, restriction regime,
yard size, water using devices or fixtures
and the household makeup (Roberts,
In addition, it has been acknowledged
that community attitudes and behaviours
can also influence the effectiveness of
water savings resulting from water
demand management strategies (CorralVerdugo et al., 2002). In the USA, Mayer
and DeOreo (1999) explored certain
relationships between water consumption
and demographic variables at the end
use level. Their research suggested that
demographic variables such as family
size and age distribution, wealth or
income, ownership status, and household
attitudes towards using and conserving
water, influence household water
consumption (Mayer and DeOreo, 1999;
Kenney et al., 2008; Turner et al., 2005;
Figure 1. Gold Coast Watersaver End Use Project Schedule.
community consultation
Taverner Research, 2005). However, in
Australia, minimal research has been
undertaken on investigating end use
water consumption with relation to
demographic variables within monitored
The Gold Coast Watersaver End
Use Study
There are no end use water consumption
models currently available for South East
Queensland. This region has a subtropical climate and has recently
experienced severe drought conditions
which forced both State and Local
Governments to develop numerous
strategies to reduce water usage. Griffith
University and Gold Coast Water have
collaborated under an Australian
Research Council (ARC) grant to conduct
an investigation of end use water
consumption in the Gold Coast area.
Other primary objectives of the research
are to examine the effectiveness of dual
reticulation and education as potable
water saving mechanisms. The research
will result in datasets of end use water
consumption, demographic information
and attitudinal data, diurnal patterns for
potable and recycled supplies, and data
on the effective potable water savings
attributed to dual reticulation and
developed education initiatives. As stated
by Kenney et al. (2008, pp. 196), the
collection and integration of such
datasets especially ‘household level
consumption data with demographic data
about the people and house’, rarely
occurs. Figure 1 presents the schedule
and key deliverables for the Gold Coast
Watersaver End Use research project.
This paper only reports findings from the
pre-intervention phase of the study,
which includes the winter 2008 end use
data recorded before the supply of
recycled water to Pimpama Coomera.
Research Method
The selected dual-reticulated region was
segregated into three socioeconomic
categories to assist in obtaining a reliable
overview of the population. A singlereticulated region was selected for
comparison. The date of estate
development of the single-reticulated
region was similar to that of the dualreticulated region (i.e. 5-10 years) to
ensure higher efficiency fixtures were
present in both regions and leakage
within households was comparable.
Data was collected in winter 2008
during which time there were no water
restrictions in place due to the Gold
Coast’s primary water source, the Hinze
80 SEPTEMBER 2009 water
refereed paper
End use analysis process in brief
The reed switch on traditional volumetric water meters is modified to collect a high
resolution record of water use (i.e. from the traditional 2 to 72 pulses per litre or
0.014 litres per pulse) which can then be disaggregated into individual water use
events using a flow trace analysis software tool (e.g. Trace Wizard©). The high
resolution water measurement information from the meter is then captured by
attached high data capacity loggers (i.e. 2 million readings) recording information at
a pre-set time intervals (e.g. 10 seconds). Time scaled flow recording information is
then collected in-situ through infrared cables or wirelessly through a mobile phone
network. Once a representative sample of data is collected the flow trace analysis
software tool is applied to disaggregate flow traces into a list of component events
assigned to a specific end use appliance or fixture (e.g. shower, toilet, washing
machine, etc). Stock and behaviour surveys are typically utilised to help the analyst
develop templates which encapsulate the appliance properties of end use events
and ensure accurate end use categorisation. Once trace analysis is completed and
confirmed, a database registry of all end use events occurring during the sampled
period is established and subsequently utilised for water planning and management
research as demonstrated herein. Readers should refer to the Residential End Use
Measurement Guidebook for further information (Giurco et al., 2008).
Dam, being greater than 95% capacity. In
total, 151 houses were monitored which
included 38 single reticulated and 113
dual reticulated households. No recycled
water (Class A+ is Queensland’s highest
quality for recycled water, not intended
for drinking purposes) was being
supplied as the Pimpama recycled water
treatment plant had not yet been
commissioned. Moreover, no awareness
campaign had been launched to
encourage the uptake of recycled water
in the dual reticulated region. Thus, the
two datasets were treated as one
sample for the purpose of this present
study (Willis et al., 2009). Once recycled
water is commissioned (3rd quarter of
2009), it is expected that a clear
distinction will be present between single
and dual reticulated households,
predominately due to higher irrigation use
within the latter sample. The Future Work
section details consideration of this
Participants were recruited through a
multi-staged process of letters and door
knocking. Selection of participants was
based on criteria which included:
household ownership status
(renting/owning); household makeup;
willingness to be involved in research for
two years; acceptance of multiple water
consumption monitoring periods and
surveys with potential interventions and;
involvement in a water fixture/appliance
stock audit. It should also be noted that
historical household volumetric readings
were analysed for the consenting sample
to ensure that they were representative of
the region and the broader Gold Coast.
Upon recruitment completion, existing
standard residential water meters were
replaced with high resolution water
meters and data loggers to enable
obtainment of end use water
consumption data. The modified Actaris
CTS-5 water meters pulse at a rate of 72
counts per litre of water consumed, this
equates to an individual recording every
0.014L of water use. Aegis DataCell DCZ21020 data loggers were connected to
water meters to record water
consumption. Data loggers were set to
record information every ten seconds
over a two week period which resulted in
fourteen days of end use data for each
household. Figure 2 demonstrates the
equipment configuration and BOX 1
outlines the water end use trace analysis
Basic surveys focusing primarily on
demographic information were distributed
to sample households. Surveys were
conducted to solicit household
demographic information, including: (1)
household address and region; (2)
resident numbers, gender, age,
employment, weekly income, education
status and relationship of people within
the house; and (3) household ownership
status. This paper focuses on analysing
the relationship between water
consumption patterns within the following
socioeconomic regions of the Gold
Coast: (a) Cassia Park: low
socioeconomic group; (b) Mudgeeraba:
low to middle socioeconomic group; (c)
Crystal Creek: middle socioeconomic
group; and (d) Coomera Waters: middle
to high socioeconomic group. The water
end use information for the listed
socioeconomic groups was clustered to
enable comparative analysis to determine
whether relationships between
demographic groupings and water
consumption exist.
community consultation
refereed paper
Figure 3. Average Gold Coast Daily Per Capita
Consumption (L/pc/d): Combined Sample (n=151).
Figure 2. Data Loggers and Collection.
Results and Discussion
End use comparison with
previous studies
Water end use on the Gold Coast
The break down of water end use
consumption, on a per capita basis, for
the sampled households in the Gold
Coast (n=151) is presented in Figure 3.
The average consumption for sampled
Gold Coast households is 157.2 litres per
capita per day (L/pc/day). The highest
end use is showering with each person
consuming almost 50 litres of water a
day equating to 33% of total use.
Clothes washing follows equating for
19% of total consumption or 30L/pc/d.
Tap use, toilet flushing and irrigation
account for end use percentages of 17%,
13% and 12%, respectively. Bath use,
dishwashing and leaks make up a small
component of water end use with
percentages ranging from 1% to 4%.
Table 1 shows a comparative summary
of Australian and Pacific end use studies
including the Gold Coast results.
Table 1 demonstrates that total
consumption and certain end use
percentages vary between regions. Gold
Coast consumption is the lowest
recorded consumption of all studies
being 157.2L/pc/d. The general trend is a
reduction in total water consumption
over time (i.e. 2003 to 2008). This
reduction is probably due to the
mounting intensity of water restrictions
and increasingly frequent exposure to
information on sustainable water
consumption. This paradigm shift of
societal water values has influenced
water consumption, though elasticity will
tighten in the future.
Irrigation end use percentages and
volume vary significantly between each
study. Perth recorded the highest
irrigation volumes of up to 54% or
180L/pc/d. Auckland recorded the lowest
irrigation consumption due to winter data
collection, followed by the Gold Coast.
Gold Coast irrigation is low as data was
recorded during a winter with
unseasonably high rainfall; recording and
analysis of summer data will assist in
verifying this deduction. Evidently,
irrigation volumes play a key role in
altering end use percentages.
Generally, leakage makes up a very
small component of water end use.
Melbourne recorded the highest leakage
factor of 6% (15.9L/pc/d), whilst leakage
at the Gold Coast only made up 1%
(1.4L/pc/d). This should be due to the
fact that monitored Gold Coast
households were all constructed in the
last five years, whereas Melbourne’s
housing stock is much older.
Table 1. Comparison between National and Pacific Water End Use Consumption Studies.
Previous studies
Perth (2003)
Per cent
Melbourne (2005)
Per cent
Present study
Auckland (2007)
Gold Coast (2008)
Per cent
Per cent
Clothes washer
Toilet (total)
Irrigation (total)
Leak (total)
Total Consumption
†Note: Irrigation volume per person calculated from provided volumes per household and end use break downs.
community consultation
refereed paper
Figure 4. Household Daily Per Capita Consumption: Activity Break Down.
End use comparison: percentage
or volume?
On first inspection of Table 1, with the
exception of Perth (due to high irrigation
volumes), the percentage break down for
end uses appear relatively similar for
clothes washing, tap use, dishwashers
and toilets whilst variation of end use
percentages are evident for showers,
irrigation and leakage. Recorded shower
consumption was the highest in the Gold
Coast (2008) at 33% and the lowest in
Perth (2003) at 15%. However, on closer
inspection, shower volumetric
consumption was relatively equal being
51.0L/pc/d in Perth and 49.7L/pc/d in the
Gold Coast. This raises contention of
simply using percentage figures for
comparison. The variability between
volumetric and percentage consumption
observed for showers is repeated for
clothes washing which, makes up 13 to
19% of end use in Perth, Melbourne and
the Gold Coast. On closer examination,
the actual volume of consumption for
clothes washing is quite varied. A similar
trend exists for toilet flushing with end
use percentages being relatively
comparable ranging between 10 to 14%
of end use but when comparing
volumetric rates, the Perth study
recorded 33L/pc/d and the Gold Coast
study found toilet consumption at
21.1L/pc/d. Again this reinforces the
concept that volumetric consumption
should be utilised as a basis of
comparison rather than end use
The key contributor to the reduction in
volumes evident in the more recent Gold
Coast study would be the installation of
82 SEPTEMBER 2009 water
modern efficient toilets and washing
machines, largely driven by recently
ceased State and local government
rebate schemes for efficient fixtures and
appliances. As a final note, tap and
dishwasher percentages and volumetric
consumption were relatively comparable
across the studies.
End use comparison for
individual households
Figure 4 demonstrates the end use water
consumption break down for each of the
measured 151 households. It also
illustrates the proportion of sampled
households within each of the
Queensland Water Commission (QWC)
restriction regime categories, upon which
the Gold Coast Local Government Area
must conform (i.e. Target 140: Extreme
Level; Target 170: High Level; Target
200: Medium Level; and Target 230:
Permanent Water Conservation
While there were no restrictions during
data collection on the Gold Coast, Figure
4 demonstrates that almost half of the
research population (46%) consumed
less than 140.0L/pc/d. Water
consumption is highly varied between
individual households with the highest
per capita use equating to 390.0L/pc/d
whilst the lowest use was as little as
38.4L/pc/d. The substantial difference
between the highest and lowest per
capita consumption volumes
demonstrates that a range of water users
are present in the research sample.
Considerable variation between individual
end use is also demonstrated in Figure 4.
The variation in clothes washer use
between individual households seen in
Figure 4 is largely due to the diversity of
clothes washing machines within homes,
as established through stock surveys.
The water volume consumed by a single
load of clothes washing can vary from
42L/wash to 176L/wash (Commonwealth
of Australia, 2008b) this obviously has a
significant impact on resulting
consumption. Water use for bathtubs
appears to be minimal and scattered
across the sample. Generally, baths were
taken in houses with young children
whereas older children and adults
typically showered. Toilet and tap
consumption varies and does not seem
to be dependent on other end uses.
Dishwasher use varies between individual
households, as it is highly dependent on
residential behaviours. No visible
reduction in tap use is present in
households that have dishwashers
although this is a trend to investigate
further. Figure 4 illustrates that the more
discretionary shower and irrigation end
uses can be core contributors to the total
consumption level of households. The
water use patterns of these two activities
are further explored in Figures 5 and 6,
Figure 5 shows that 13% of
households consumed 30% of the total
water utilised for showering. This
highlighted sub-sample (13%) constitutes
a non-linear shower use pattern as
opposed to the remaining research
population (87%) which shows a
relatively linear rate of change in
consumption. The distribution of shower
use, as illustrated in the Figure 5 insert,
demonstrates that half of the population
used less than 40L/pc/d of water for
community consultation
refereed paper
Figure 5. Household Daily Per Capita Consumption: Shower Only.
showering which is equivalent to a 5
minute shower at 8L/min. For the
remaining categories, 37% of households
use between 41 to 80L/pc/d with the
high user group (13%) consuming more
than 80L/pc/d in the shower.
Figure 6 demonstrates that 24% of the
sampled households contribute to an
exponential rate of change in water
consumption for irrigation. This
represents a group of high users
consuming 80% of the total irrigation
water of the entire sample, with the
maximum consumption level as high as
225.9L/pc/d. In addition, the per capita
distribution presented in the inset of
Figure 6 shows that the majority of
households (76%) used less than
20L/pc/d of water for irrigation.
End use comparison: households
from different socioeconomic
For the purpose of this study, four
socioeconomic regions were selected
and compared, namely: (a) low (Cassia
Park: n=42); (b) low to middle
(Mudgeeraba: n=36); (c) middle (Crystal
Creek: n=38); and (d) middle to high
(Coomera Waters: n=35). Figure 7
displays the end use values for these
four socioeconomic regions.
Previous studies have suggested that
high volume water consumers are
wealthier, older and live in new and larger
homes (Kim et al., 2007; Kenney et al.,
2008). Residents in Coomera Waters
(higher socioeconomic region) were the
largest consumers per capita, using
165.8L/pc/d with Crystal Creek residents
(middle socioeconomic region) following
consuming 156.2L/pc/d. Water
consumption of Mudgeeraba residents
(low to middle socioeconomic region)
was 155.6L/pc/d while Cassia Park
residents (lower socioeconomic region)
consumed the least being 152.2L/pc/d.
While these differences are not
significant, they support previous
The volume of water used for clothes
washing is lowest in Coomera Waters
and Mudgeeraba being 28.5L/pc/d and
27.3L/pc/d respectively. Cassia Park
recorded the highest clothes washing
consumption at 32.2L/pc/d whilst Crystal
Creek residents consumed 31.4L/pc/d for
clothes washing. It is suggested that
households with higher income levels are
Figure 6. Household Daily Per Capita Consumption: Irrigation Only.
community consultation
refereed paper
single and dual (i.e. recycled water also
supplied) reticulated homes will also be
explored. This data will provide a
comprehensive understanding of water
consumption at a given time providing
greater understanding on the individual
end uses affecting peak loads.
The impact of a range of education or
awareness demand management
interventions will also be tested. One
such intervention program includes the
evaluation of an alarming visual display
monitor device on shower event
durations, flow rates and volumes, thus
providing quantitative evidence on the
influence of this initiative on shower
water conservation behaviours. Other
programs will involve the provision of
detailed end use information to users and
the effect this has on consumption.
Figure 7. Average Daily Per Capita Water Consumption: Socioeconomic Regions.
more likely to purchase higher efficiency
washing machines hence the differences
in consumption.
Shower consumption seems to oppose
this trend, although not significantly. The
lower socioeconomic regions (Cassia
Park and Mudgeeraba) showed higher
consumption. This trend may be
attributed to lower efficiency of shower
roses or variations in shower behaviour.
The trend of lower shower consumption
volumes with more efficient devices has
previously been established (Mayer et al.,
Irrigation usage is notably lower in
Cassia Park with only 12.1L/pc/d being
consumed compared with 14.5L/pc/d in
Mudgeeraba, 21.1L/pc/d in Crystal
Creek, and 27.8L/pc/d in Coomera
Waters. This could be attributed to the
fact that lower socioeconomic groups
tend to have smaller lot and garden sizes
and minimal ownership of pools. Finally,
there is no significant difference in bath
and toilet consumption among the four
suburbs, suggesting no relationship
between this particular water use activity
and the change in socioeconomic
This paper presented initial findings from
the Gold Coast Watersaver End Use
Study based on data collected in winter
2008. It was established that end use
water consumption varies significantly
84 SEPTEMBER 2009 water
between individual households and
noticeably between socioeconomic
regions. The data demonstrates the
lowest recorded end use water
consumption per person in comparison
to previous national and pacific end use
studies. Future data collection periods
over summer aim to capture increased
consumption attributed to seasonal use.
Overall, the data provided confirmation
that high socioeconomic regions
consume more water per capita than
lower socioeconomic regions. Details of
ongoing and planned research activities
are briefly discussed below.
The above stated components of the
end use study will culminate in the
development of a comprehensive
domestic end use model for the Gold
Coast as well as evidence that supports,
or otherwise, the effect of water demand
management measures, principally dual
reticulation and awareness/education
programs, for conserving precious
potable water supplies.
For further information on the Gold
Coast Watersaver End Use Study please
visit either:
au/engineering-informationtechnology/centre-infrastructureengineering-management/gold-coastwatersaver-end-use-project or
The Authors
Future Work
Figure 1 detailed the numerous
components of the Gold Coast
Watersaver End Use Study to be
undertaken over the coming year.
Recycled water (Class A+ is
Queensland’s highest quality for recycled
water, not intended for drinking
purposes) will be supplied to the
Pimpama Coomera region in 2009.
Summer end use data collection will be
completed to ascertain the end use
uptake of recycled water. This data will
assist in verifying end use assumptions
made in the planning phases of the
Pimpama Coomera development.
Moreover, a world first dual reticulation
end use model including diurnal patterns
in both the potable and recycled water
supply pipelines will be completed.
Variation in diurnal patterns between
Rachelle Willis is PhD candidate at
Griffith University and a Research and
Planning Engineer with Gold Coast
Rodney A Stewart (r.stewart@ is Deputy Director of the
Centre for Infrastructure Engineering and
Management located at Griffith
University, Queensland and Kriengsak
Panuwatwanich is a Lecturer. Bill
Capati is the Manager of Infrastructure
refereed paper
Planning at Gold Coast Water. Damien
Giurco is a Research Director at the
Institute for Sustainable Futures (UTS),
Commonwealth of Australia (2008a) Living
with Drought. online article, available at
livedrought.shtml Accessed 14/03/08.
Bureau of Meteorology.
Commonwealth of Australia (2008b) Water
Efficiency Labelling and Standards
Scheme: Product Search (Clothes
Washing Machine). Available online:
public/, accessed
Corral-Verdugo, Bechtel, R. & Fraijo-Sing, B.
(2002) Environmental beliefs and water
conservation: An empirical study.
Environmental Psychology, 23, pp
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Household Water Attitudes. Surry Hills,
NSW, Taverner Research.
Turner, A., White, S., Beatty, K. & Gregory,
A. (2005) Results of the largest residential
demand management program in
Australia. Institute for Sustainable
Futures, University of Technology,
Sydney. Sydney Water Corporation, Level
16, 115-123 Bathurst Street, Sydney,
Water Services Association of Australia
(WSAA) (2002) MRWA WSA 03 Dual
Water Supply Systems: Version 1.1.
WSAA, Melbourne Retail Water Agencies
Edition of the Water Supply Code of
Willis, R., Stewart, R., Chen, L. & Rutherford,
L. (2009) Water end use consumption
analysis into Gold Coast dual reticulated
households: Pilot.: OzWater’09,
Melbourne Convention & Exhibition
Centre, Melbourne, March 16-18, 2009.
Giurco, D. Carrard, N. McFallan, S.
Nalbantoglu, M. Inman, M. Thornton, N.
White, S. (2008) Residential End Use
Measurement Guidebook: A Guide to
Study Design, Sampling and Technology,
Prepared by UTS and CSIRO for the
Victorian Smart Water Fund.
Heinrich, M. (2007) Water End Use and
Efficiency Project (WEEP) - Final Report.
BRANZ Study Report 159. Judgeford,
New Zealand, Branz.
Inman, D. & Jeffrey, P. (2006) A review of
residential water conservation tool
performance and influences on
implementation effectiveness. Urban
Water Journal, 3:3, 127 - 143.
Kenney, D., Goemans, C., Klein, R., Lowrey,
J. & Reidy, K. (2008) Residential water
demand management: lessons from
Aurora, Colorado. Journal of the
American Water Resources Association,
Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 192 - 207.
Kim, S. H., Choi, S. H., Koo, J. K., Choi, S. I.
& Hyun, I. H. (2007) Trend analysis of
domestic water consumption depending
upon social, cultural, economic
parameters. Water Science and
Technology: Water Supply, Vol 7, No 5-6,
pp. 61-68.
Loh, M. & Coghlan, P. (2003) Domestic
Water Use Study. Perth, Water
Mayer, P., DeOreo, W., Towler, E., Martien,
L. & Lewis, D. (2004) Tampa Water
Department residential water
conservation study: The impacts of high
efficiency plumbing fixture retrofits in
single-family homes. Tampa, Aquacraft,
Inc Water Engineering and Management.
Mayer, P. W. & DeOreo, W. B. (1999)
Residential End Uses of Water. Boulder,
CO, Aquacraft, Inc. Water Engineering
and Management.
Roberts, P. (2005) Yarra Valley Water 2004
Residential End Use Measurement Study.
Melbourne, Yarra Valley Water.
Taverner Research (2005) Survey of