SYMPHONYA Emerging Issues in Management, 2, 2023
Ouverture de
‘New Global Competitive Landscapes’
Silvio M. Brondoni *, Fabio Musso **
The continuation of the war in Ukraine and the appearance of the BRICS+ have
consolidated some critical issues that appeared at the beginning of the war, including
the rise in the prices of energy and food raw materials. In global markets, companies
are nowadays exposed to a fierce competition and new socio-environmental forces
on a vast scale.
For global companies, the ongoing geopolitical changes increase corporate and
network profit risks, but also represent new, great opportunities for corporate
management on long-term trends.
Keywords: Management; Global Competition; Global Markets; RussianUkrainian War; BRICS+; Global Competitive Horizons
1. Ouverture
The ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war in is undermining the prospects of postpandemic economic recovery in emerging and developing economies in Europe and
Central Asia. Europe and Central Asia (ECA) continues to be negatively impacted
by the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine, tighter global financial conditions,
sticky inflation, and global economic fragmentation. (The World Bank, 2023).
The continuation of the war in Ukraine and the appearance of the BRICS+ have
consolidated some critical issues that appeared at the beginning of the war, including
the rise in the prices of energy and food raw materials, the appearance of new
obstacles to the functioning of value chains and to the supply of numerous raw
materials (Brondoni & Risso, 2023).
Editor-in-Chief Symphonya.Emerging Issues in Management (
Full Professor of Economics and Business Management, Carlo Bo University of Urbino
Edited by: Niccolò Cusano University
ISSN: 1593-0319
Brondoni, S.M., & Musso, F. (2023). Ouverture de ‘New Competitive Landscapes’.
Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management (, (2), 1-6.
SYMPHONYA Emerging Issues in Management, 2, 2023
□“…two events, along with growing tensions with China, have
dominated international relations and the global economy over the
past year and a half: the war in Ukraine and the return of inflation.
These events took policy makers by surprise. We thought that the
institutions we had built, along with economic and trade ties, would
be sufficient to prevent a new war in Europe. And we believed that
independent central banks had acquired the ability to contain
inflation expectations, to the point of fearing secular stagnation…
these two epochal events did not come out of nowhere and are not
disconnected from each other… Rather, they are both the
consequence of a paradigm shift that over the last two and a half
decades has silently shifted global geopolitics from competition to
conflict." (Draghi, 2023).
The most serious consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian war concern, on the one
hand, inflation driven by the increase in agricultural commodities (of which many
European countries are large importers), and on the other by the prolonged increase
in the general average level of prices of goods and services (Figure 1).
In 2022, for example, huge increases in energy prices have brought enormous
profits to energy companies in Western economies. The large Western oil
multinationals (Shell, BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Total Energies), in fact, have
recorded high profits because costs (extraction, refining and sales) have remained
stable, while the price of oil has increased significantly.
Figure 1: % Share of Products in Inflation Basket with a Year Inflation Rate above 4%
Edited by: Niccolò Cusano University
ISSN: 1593-0319
SYMPHONYA Emerging Issues in Management, 2, 2023
The Russian-Ukrainian crisis has called international geopolitics into question,
with consequences and repercussions on African countries. African governments as
a whole, in different ways, are trying to maintain a position that damages their
international profile as little as possible, especially from an economic point of view.
However, African countries and their populations continue to be subject to the usual
vulnerabilities, which worsened first with the enormous external shock represented
by Covid-19 and then subsequently following the Russian-Ukrainian war and more
recently the BRICS+ presence.
□ In late August, the BRICS announced six new members had
been invited to join their group (Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran,
Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates), that became BRIC+.
The new BRICS+ grouping is a good example of a growing trend
over the last two decades: the rise of a multi-polar world that
supplanted both the Cold War era and the unipolar US dominance
in the 1990s. But multi-polar arguably fails to capture what is
happening today. Today, small and middle powers can hold
outsized sway through multiple alliances and partnerships. The
world is living in multi-aligned age (Molavi, 2023).
2. Global Competitive Horizons in the New Geopolitical Framework
The markets do not believe in the end of the conflict in the short term and
hypothesize a war of attrition. The global geopolitical framework has changed for the
largest corporations operating on world markets; in various nations, companies are
faced with greater protectionism (which in practice determines differentiated price
pressures), value chains are shorter, and there is a continuous increase in inflation
(also driven by speculative pressures).
□ WALMART Global Corporate Organization. Walmart
conducts retail and e-commerce operations in 24 countries around
the world and sources products from more than 100 countries, each
with its own unique cultural, economic, social, and political
institutions and practices. Walmart is a global company with
associates from many ethnicities, orientations, backgrounds and
life experiences.
□ AMAZON Global Corporate Organization. Amazon is an
American multinational technology and vast Internet-based
enterprise that sells books, music, movies, housewares, electronics,
toys, and many other goods. More specifically, Amazon is a
company that focuses on e-commerce, cloud computing, digital
streaming, and artificial intelligence. Amazon has earned a
reputation as a disruptor of well-established industries through
Edited by: Niccolò Cusano University
ISSN: 1593-0319
SYMPHONYA Emerging Issues in Management, 2, 2023
technological innovation and mass scale. As of 2021, it is the
world's largest online retailer and marketplace. In 2021, it
surpassed Walmart as the world's largest retailer outside of China.
Corporations swear by hierarchical structures. In the case of, the hierarchy is expressed in terms of a global system
of clear lines of authority that heavily influence the firm’s
For global companies, the ongoing geopolitical changes increase corporate and
network profit risks, but also represent new, great opportunities for corporate
management on long-term trends. For example, with reference to artificial
intelligence, biotechnologies, renewable energies, the diversification of supply
chains and above all the search for new areas of exploitation of raw materials (also
with robust investments in circular economies).
Competitive globalisation and oversize economy produce the crisis of standardized
productions and independent local producers. New conditions of efficiency produced
by 4.0 economy are more open to global ccompetitive policies focused on new
equilibriums between pricing and the reduction of production and sales costs.
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Edited by: Niccolò Cusano University
ISSN: 1593-0319