sanity, humanity and science
real-world economics review
Formerly the post-autistic economics review
Issue no. 52, 10 March 2010
ISSN 1755-9472
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In this issue:
Pragmatism versus economics ideology: China versus Russia
David Ellerman
Racism and Economics
Free enterprise and the economics of slavery
Marvin Brown
Why some countries are poor and some rich
- a non-Eurocentric view
Deniz Kellecioglu
Declaring victory at half time
Steve Keen
Modern finance, methodology and the Global Crisis
Esteban Pérez Caldentey and Matías Vernengo
A Keynes moment in the Global Financial Collapse
Thodoris Koutsobinas
Tragedy, law, and rethinking our financial markets
David A. Westbrook
Whither economics? What do we tell the students?
Peter Radford
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real-world economics review, issue no. 52
Pragmatism versus economics ideology in the postsocialist transition: China versus Russia
David Ellerman
[University of California at Riverside, USA]
Copyright: David Ellerman, 2010
Table of Contents
Philosophical and Legal Pragmatism
The American Pragmatist Tradition
The Social Engineering Vision of Scientism and Modernism
The Pragmatist Alternative
Social Engineering v. Pragmatism in International Development
Modernization and Development as a Social Engineering Project
The Challenge of the Transition
Shock Therapy versus Pragmatic Social Learning
De Facto Property Rights
"Cargo Cult" Legal Reforms
The Pragmatic Alternative in China
Parallel Experimentation as Pragmatic Social Learning
The Duality Between Series-Oriented and Parallel-Oriented Strategies
The Wright Stuff
Donald Schön and Everett Rogers on Decentralized Social Learning
Charles Sabel and the Revival of Legal Pragmatism
Concluding Remarks
Over a decade has passed since the hey-day of Western assistance to the post-socialist
transition countries. We can now look back and clearly see the role that the ideology of
conventional economics played in the transition. Again and again, pragmatic alternatives were
ignored in favor of an institutional blitzkreg or shock therapy to quickly “install”
textbook/cartoon models of legal and economic institutions with extensive negative
consequences. This history is critically reviewed but, more importantly, we also outline the
intellectual basis for pragmatic approaches to social learning.
Philosophical Pragmatism
The American Pragmatist Tradition
In America, philosophical Pragmatism is usually associated with John Dewey (1859-1952),
William James (1842-1910), and Charles Saunders Peirce (1839-1914). 1 For our purposes,
John Dewey is perhaps the best guide since James wrote mainly about psychology and
Peirce about the philosophy of science. In more recent legal thought, the revival of
Pragmatist themes is mainly associated with the work of Charles Sabel [1994, 1995] and his
associates such as William H. Simon [Simon 2003; Sabel and Simon 2003] and Michael Dorf
[Dorf and Sabel 1998] all at the Columbia Law School.
The Social Engineering Vision of Scientism and Modernism
Pragmatism may be best seen as a reaction to the Enlightenment vision of modernity inspired
largely by the triumphs of Newtonian physics and by the advances in technology and
engineering associated with the Industrial Revolution. This technical engineering vision of the
For representative writings, see Dewey [1927, 1960], James [1963], and Peirce [1958]. Westbrook
[1991] gives an excellent treatment of Dewey's social and political thought.
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world is variously called "modernism" or "scientism." 2 The controversy is not about
mathematics or physics; it is about the extension of that engineering vision of the physical
world to the social world. Just as science and engineering can enable us to solve physical
problems—to dam rivers to control floods or to irrigate deserts to make them bountiful—so,
according to this vision, the social sciences will eventually allow us to engineer solutions to
social problems. This is the vision of social engineering (whether or not that particular phrase
is used).
What are the primary characteristics of the social engineering view of the social world? Just
as a mathematics problem has one correct solution, so a social problem has a best or
"optimal" solution. For instance, Frederick Taylor applied this mentality to the workplace as
"scientific management" [1911], now known as "Taylorism." He was so obsessed with finding
the "One Best Way" that this phase was used as the title for a recent biography of Taylor
[Kanigel 1997].
Regardless of other differences, both neoclassical economics and socialist economics (e.g.,
in the former Soviet Union) agreed on modeling problems mathematically as the maximization
of some objective function subject to various constraints so that problems would have an
"optimal solution" (not necessarily unique). Both the Soviet and the orthodox neoclassical
literature of economics is replete with "optimal solutions" in terms of certain assumed models.
Now that economics has been applied to the law—the "economic analysis of law" [Posner
1972; 1983]—the law and economic journals even have "optimal" solutions to this or that legal
problem based on the maximization of the objective function of social wealth. 3
But the One Best Way mentality predates the invasion of economics into legal studies. There
has always been the analogy between the laws of physics on the one hand and moral or legal
laws on the other hand. In physics, there might be gravitational and electromagnetic forces
both operating on a body but there could never be a "contradiction" between those laws; both
the gravitational and electromagnetic laws would be obeyed. Almost unconsciously, we find
the attitude carried over into moral and legal philosophy that there can be no inherent
contradictions between the most basic laws or norms. Once everyone's rights are fully
articulated, every hard case will have a "correct solution" if only we could find it. There is no
tragedy in the Greek sense of an irreconcilable conflict between basic norms.
Another characteristic of the social engineering vision is the minimal or non-existent role of
any human agency on the part of the beneficiaries of the projects. Human agency plays no
role in the laws of (classical) physics. Scientism carries over a similar viewpoint to the social
world. For instance, the basic normative concept in neoclassical economics is that of
allocative efficiency or "Pareto optimality." An allocation of resources between people is
Pareto optimal if there is no reallocation that will make some better off without hurting others.
The specification is completely silent on the question of how the allocation was obtained—
whether by the free agency of people on a market or by the diktat of an all-seeing planner
who efficiently allocates resources to passive subjects. It is a technocratic end-state vision of
the solution to the social problem of resource allocation where the human agency of the
people has no constitutive role.
See Scott [1998] on modernism and Hayek [1979] on scientism particularly in the thought of Marx,
Saint-Simon, and Comte.
See Chapter 4 "The Ethical and Political Basis of Wealth Maximization" in Posner 1983. The fatal
methodological flaw in the Kaldor-Hicks principle behind the social wealth maximization approach has
been recently pointed out in Ellerman [2009].
real-world economics review, issue no. 52
A similar viewpoint can be found in much legal thought. Where there is a social conflict, rights
can be articulated to define the correct or just solution, a court may be able to find that
solution, and the solution can be implemented in a manner supervised by the courts or other
legal authorities—all independent of the participation of the involved parties by playing a role
in determining a solution to the conflict.
The Pragmatist Alternative
The Pragmatist vision is juxtaposed to the social engineering vision of human society
promoted by scientism and modernism. Pragmatism views the social world as being actively
constructed by people so, at each point in time, it is radically incomplete and in a state of
becoming. People's values and opinions, their preferences and beliefs, are always
incomplete and in a state of changing in a process of probing values and testing beliefs.
Hence the notion of there being some predefined "One Best Way" does not occur, and the
notion of a "solution" to a social problem without the active involvement of the parties seems
out of place. As people find out more about the possible means to their ends in a social
learning process, their conception of the ends may change as well. Hence Pragmatism sees
a unity of knowing and doing giving a two-way interaction betweens means and ends in
contrast to the engineering vision of finding the optimal means to reach the ends given by
some assumed moral consensus.
In view of the incompleteness of values and beliefs, a solution to a social problem or conflict
is something that needs to be constructed by the active involvement of the parties, not
something that can be abstractly determined (e.g., through the articulation of rights or the
maximization of wealth) and then imposed on passive parties. John Dewey was best known
for his active learning (or constructivist) theory of education [Dewey 1916]. His vision of
social problem solving and change was essentially active learning writ large as activist or
constructivist forms of social learning. A solution that arises out of the active involvement of
the parties will be the "fruits of their labor" and thus they will have an "ownership" of the
solution that would otherwise be lacking.
Applied to the law, Legal Pragmatism [e.g., Simon 2003] argues that the legal system should
see people not as passive potential victims whose rights need to be protected but as active
citizens who may need to be empowered to better defend their interests and rights. Citizens
act most effectively not as isolated individuals but as active participants in organizations and
associations that can bring civic power to bear on the problems of the day. When there is
conflict, the priority is on constructing a solution through a process of deliberation and social
experimentation. The focus is less on a backward-looking imputation of blame to some for
violating the rights of others—all according to an assumed complete system of given rights
and obligations.
Social Engineering v. Pragmatism in International Development
Modernization and Development as a Social Engineering Project
Prior to the twentieth century, economic development in Europe and North America was seen
as the outcome of a natural process of growth rather than as the result of a massive social
engineering project. But when the lagging countries envisaged their "late industrialization,"
engineering and even military images came to the foreground. Karl Marx had earlier seen
socialism and eventually communism as the final scientific rationalization of society coming
after the irrationality, waste, and chaos of capitalism. But real-existing socialism after the
real-world economics review, issue no. 52
revolution in a Russia barely emerging from feudalism had quite a different goal. Socialism
was then seen as a socially-engineered short-cut directly to modernity and an industrial
society—a means of forced draft industrialization bypassing capitalism to arrive at what Marx
had seen as a post-capitalist society.
In the West, socially engineered visions of development did not take hold until after World
War II. The Marshall Plan was seen as an enormously successful "project" for the
reconstruction of western Europe. 4 With the liberation of the many former European colonies
in the Third World and the advent of the Cold War, the West quickly realized that it needed to
offer a non-communist path to rapid modernization and industrialization. With the newly
created World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) as the lead organizations and
with the Marshall Plan as the mental model, economic development was reconceptualized as
a social engineering megaproject rather than as an evolutionary historical process. The
Soviet Bloc countries were not members of the World Bank or IMF (unlike the United
Nations)—in spite of the adjectives "World" and "International"—so the race was on between
the West and Soviet Bloc to offer the best model to the "Third World." The West and the
Soviet Bloc offered alternative socially-engineered models to the developing world to make a
historical jump to an industrial society.
With the dissolution of the Soviet Bloc and the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, the western
development assistance institutions triumphed as offering the One Best Way. And the
Second World, the formerly socialist countries, became new clients of the international
development agencies. International development is now a huge "industry" in itself. The
World Bank and the IMF are joined by development organizations associated with the UN
(e.g., the UN Development Program and the UN Industrial Development Organization), by the
World Trade Organization, by regional development banks in Africa, East Europe, Latin
America, and Asia, by bilateral foreign aid agencies (such as the US Agency for International
Development), by a panoply of operating foundations working on development issues (e.g.,
the Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Soros foundations), and finally by swarms of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) from both the North (developed countries) and South
(developing countries).
Over the decades, the major development assistance institutions have run through a number
of development foci (or fads). Initially, the focus was on provision of physical infrastructure:
roads, seaports, airports, dams, and power plants. After much expensive disappointment, the
emphasis shifted to education (formation of "human capital"), health, and the satisfaction of
basic necessities.
Under a doctrine called "basic necessities" the bank turned to making lowinterest loans and no-interest loans to poor countries for these purposes.
Meanwhile, in some unspecified way, these basic necessities were supposed
to pay off in development and the ability of development to expand wealth….
In the event, the loans are not repayable. The policy has converted client
countries into vast charity wards. While this may or may not be justifiable as
philanthropy, it is not my definition of meaningful economic development. Nor
is it what was ostensibly offered to poor countries, told as they were that
Nota bene, it was the "reconstruction" of an already developed Europe, not the development of
Europe. Thus the application of the Marshall Plan idea to the Third World was problematic from the
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money they borrowed to carry out World Bank programs was money to buy
development of their economies. [Jacobs 1984, 91-2]
These programs represented a swing of the pendulum away from the engineering-oriented
physical infrastructure programs (the latter being increasingly financed by the private sector
anyway). But as these charity-oriented programs yielded neither the desired developmental
results nor loan repayments, the pendulum swung back to social engineering in the form of
structural adjustment programs. Here the social engineering came more from economics
than civil engineering, and the slogan was "Get the prices right." But since markets require a
reasonably well-functioning set of institutions, the focus on prices and structural adjustment
soon broadened to governance issues including corruption, business climate, and a legal
system to protect property rights and to adjudicate and enforce contracts. The legal system
emerged more into the foreground with the slogan "Get the institutions right." The institutional
focus was particularly prominent in the assistance to the post-socialist transitional countries
(more on this below).
Today the pendulum in the World Bank and many of the other international and bilateral
agencies is starting to swing back in the direction of charitable disaster relief. Development,
where it has occurred, has been a relatively gradual process rather independent of social
engineering projects and programs. Where assistance has been genuinely helpful, it has
been more indirect and enabling rather than direct and controlling. As John Dewey argued
long ago:
The best kind of help to others, whenever possible, is indirect, and consists in
such modifications of the conditions of life, of the general level of
subsistence, as enables them independently to help themselves. [Dewey and
Tufts 1908, 390] 5
But regardless of whether the development assistance programs are a success or failure, the
major assistance bureaucracies will in either case need to reinvent reasons for their continued
existence. The crisis of AIDS and other diseases such as malaria threaten to undo many of
the meager developmental accomplishments of the past. It is likened to a "silent tsunami"
that calls for the development assistance agencies to shift into disaster relief mode to meet
the crisis.
The other major factor today came forcefully into the foreground with the events of September
11, 2001. The War on Terror may eventually replace the Cold War in the rationalization of the
major agencies. Their role is twofold. There is the "camp-following" role of post-conflict
"nation-building" in Afghanistan (and perhaps someday in Iraq) that builds upon earlier postconflict experience in the Balkans and East Timor. And there is the longer term "draining the
swamp" role of fighting the poverty and desperation that supposedly bred terrorism.
After six decades of attempts to socially engineer development, the various efforts cannot be
judged a success. Where development has been most successful in the East Asian
countries, the standard model (e.g., "Washington Consensus") has not been followed and
outside observers do not credit the development agencies with a key role [e.g., Wade 1990].
Where the international agencies have had the freest hand to try to impose solutions, e.g., in
Africa and Latin America, there has been the least success [e.g., Van de Walle 2001 on
Africa]. This was the conclusion of even the World Bank's own respected researcher William
This philosophy of help is developed at book length elsewhere [Ellerman 2005].
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Easterly [2001]. 6 Thomas Dichter [2003] came to similar conclusions after a lifetime working
in some of the large development agencies and NGOs.
The Challenge of the Transition
The transition from communism to a private property market economy presented a unique
challenge to the major development assistance agencies. A new regional development bank,
the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), was also established to
help meet the challenge. It was a new challenge since prior history did not provide examples
of this systemic transition. Since Russia and most of the countries in the Soviet Bloc were
industrialized, the countries were more mis-developed than underdeveloped. China was less
industrialized so it faced the dual challenges of industrialization and systemic transition.
The transition is a wonderful case study for our theme of social engineering versus
pragmatism for two reasons. One reason is that the transition and the role of the major
development agencies in it took place largely in the decade of the 1990s so that we have a
little perspective of history. The other reason is that there was a remarkable natural
experiment in the transition; the two major countries, Russia and China, each used opposite
philosophies. Russia chose the social engineering model of institutional shock therapy
offered by the international development agencies and the most prominent academic
advisors. China chose pragmatism after "learning the hard way" the lessons from using
bolshevik methods to try to engineer social change (e.g., the Great Leap Forward and the
Cultural Revolution).
The difference in results could hardly be more striking. Since the Chinese reforms started
with government support in the early 1980s, China has had around 8 percent per capita
annual growth [McMillan 2002, 204], perhaps the largest growth episode in history.
Russia using the shock therapy strategy went the other way. In the first year of shock therapy
(1992), production fell by 19 percent with a further 12 percent and 15 percent in the ensuing
two years [McMillan 2002, 202]. In all, the country bottomed out at about a 50 percent drop in
GDP. Experts can argue about the interpretation of the economic statistics, but the
demographic trends tell an even more worrisome story. The population has actually declined
over the 1990s in such a precipitous manner—now for every 100 babies born, 170 Russians
die—that the government projects a 30 to 40 percent drop by 2050 [Feshbach 2003b]. In her
preface to Feshbach [2003a], Laurie Garrett noted that:
There have been few times in human history when a vast region,
encompassing a militarily, if not economically, powerful nation has been
depopulated to the extent Russia has—and will. It is difficult to find a
precedent from which to draw a comparative reckoning about Russia's future.
The causality behind these trends is very hard to disentangle—which is why the side-by-side
comparison with China is so revealing.
Easterly was charged with an "ethical" violation on a technicality (failing to get prior approval from the
Bank's public relations department before publishing an op-ed piece about the book's conclusions) and
was forced out of his tenured position in the World Bank shortly thereafter.
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Shock Therapy versus Pragmatic Social Learning
Since the systemic transition from plan to market had never happened before in history, it
surely called out for a non-dogmatic approach of trial-and-error and experimentalism, i.e., for
pragmatism. Two earlier attempts to socially engineer revolutionary changes in social,
political, and legal institutions—the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution—had led
to disastrous results. The names "Jacobins" and "Bolsheviks" entered history as labels to
describe those who eschew pragmatism and moderation to try to force historical change.
One of the most influential critiques of the Jacobin methods used in the French Revolution
was Edmund Burke's Reflections on the French Revolution: In a letter intended to have been
sent to a gentleman in Paris [1937 (orig. 1790)]. At the beginning of the decade of the
transition (1990s), Ralf Dahrendorf (a political sociologist and head of the London School of
Economics), wrote a book, Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: In a letter intended to
have been sent to a gentleman in Warsaw [1990], updating Burke's message for the coming
post-socialist transition. Dahrendorf argued for the transition "to work by trial and error within
institutions" [1990, 41; quoted in: Sachs 1993, 4]. Neoclassical economics (in contrast, say,
to neo-Austrian economics) has become the primary intellectual framework of today's social
engineering. In the early debates about the transition, a prominent economist and gifted selfpublicist, Jeffrey Sachs (then of Harvard and now at Columbia University), argued that he and
other economists already had the answers. After quoting Dahrendorf, Sachs argued to the
contrary in favor of an economics-inspired crash program of institutional shock therapy. "If
instead the philosophy were one of open experimentation, I doubt that the transformation
would be possible at all, at least without costly and dangerous wrong turns." [Sachs 1993, 5]
The French Revolution was not the only relevant historical example. John Maynard Keynes
described the Russian Revolution and its aftermath in terms that are surprisingly apt to
describe Russia in the 1990s.
We have a fearful example in Russia today of the evils of insane and
unnecessary haste. The sacrifices and losses of transition will be vastly
greater if the pace is forced….For it is of the nature of economic processes to
be rooted in time. A rapid transition will involve so much pure destruction of
wealth that the new state of affairs will be, at first, far worse than the old, and
the grand experiment will be discredited. [Keynes 1933, 245]
Instead of taking these lessons to heart, the Russian reformers of the 1990s became "market
bolsheviks" [Reddaway and Glinski 2001] in their attempt to use the "window of opportunity"
to make the opposite transition from plan to market.
There are a number of factors that combine to yield this view of engineered revolutionary
change. The question is not whether or not to make systemic change. The question is: given
a commitment to basic change—to get to the "other side of an institutional chasm"—how best
to get there? A pragmatic approach would emphasize incremental step-by-step change
starting from where people are. Sachs often used the metaphor "you can't jump over a
chasm in two leaps" but even rather radical pragmatists would argue that people "need a
bridge to cross from their own experience to a new way." [Alinsky 1971, xxi]. The Japanese
have another metaphor to describe how to handle the shock of change.
It is a time-honored Japanese gardening technique to prepare a tree for
transplanting by slowly and carefully binding the roots over a period of time,
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bit by bit, to prepare the tree for the shock of the change it is about to
experience. This process, called nemawashi, takes time and patience, but it
rewards you, if it is done properly, with a healthy transplanted tree. [Morita
1986, 158]
Rather than try to shake off all the old dirt (thus damaging the microstructure of the roots), the
nemawashi technique keeps some of the old dirt on the roots to make a healthy transplant
into new earth.
Perhaps the nemawashi metaphor is particularly apt to illustrate the role of moral fervor in
bolshevik-style social change. The Jacobins, the original Bolsheviks, and the market
bolsheviks all saw themselves are eradicating "evil" so they felt they had to "wipe the slate
clean" and begin anew. All "old dirt" had to be removed regardless of the short-term
consequences in terms of social disorganization and collapse. 7 In the case of the market
bolsheviks in the international agencies, in academia, and in some of the post-socialist
governments, the moral fervor of the cold-warrior pushed to take advantage of the "window of
opportunity" offered by the "fog of transition" to "wipe the slate clean" and to push through the
new laws that would define the novus ordo seclorum.
Another factor leading to social engineering schemes is the use of simplified abstract models
and a lack of experience in the give and take of practical political experience. James Scott's
book Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have
Failed [1998] argues persuasively that states use simplified pictures of static reality to
administer their affairs (e.g., to collect taxes and to staff the army) but that these simplified
pictures lead to disaster when they are the basis for large-scale social engineering schemes
to change societies. 8 Academic economists and global development bureaucrats have little
contact with local realities and thus they tend to be driven by stereotypes or cartoon models.
Exiles who have not participated in the give and take of politics in a country for years if not
decades also tend to have cartoon models. It is the combination of power and highly
simplified models of complex social realities that is particularly lethal. In our case, the power
of the international agencies together with the bureaucratic/academic cartoon models—all
fueled by cold war triumphalism and its good-guy/bad-guy simplicities—led to the debacles of
shock therapy in the former Soviet Union. 9
There is a side-theme that might be explored. Youthful prodigies are typically in activities
based on abstract symbol manipulation (e.g., mathematics, music, and chess) where subtle
and often tacit background knowledge obtained from years of human experience is not so
relevant (see Scott's 1998 wonderfully relevant discussion of pragmatic knowledge or
"metis"). As economic theory has become more mathematical, there is now the phenomenon
of wunderkind professors in economics (e.g., Jeffrey Sachs, Larry Summers, and Andrei
More recent examples of these methods were the decisions of the Coalition Provisional Authority in
Iraq to "cleanse" the government bureaucracies of the Baath Party members and to dismantle the Iraqi
Army—decisions with similar results in terms of social disorganization, dislocation, and collapse.
A tree, unlike a fence post, has an elaborate system of roots out of sight beneath the ground. But
either a tree or a fence post could serve as a static support for a wire fence that borders a field. But if
one decides to move the boundary and treats a tree like a fence post that can simply be ripped out of
one hole and stuck into another (and one has the power to do so), then the transplantation of the tree
will have adverse consequences.
Another cartoon model of academic and bureaucratic economists is seeing the ownership of shares on
a stock market as the "private ownership of productive assets" and the trading of shares as the
"restructuring of private capital." These cartoons lead to voucher privatization and the cargo-cult legal
reforms considered below.
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Shleifer were all prodigy-professors at Harvard) who are then unleashed—with the
compounded arrogance of youth, academic credentials, and elite associations—into the real
world as ersatz "policy experts." Paul Starobin [1999] contrasts the wunderkinder of "Big
Bangery" with the mature pragmatists behind the Marshall Plan, and notes the striking
difference in results. When wunderkinder cast long shadows in the development agencies
that are supposed to represent decades of mature experience, then it must be late in the day
for those agencies.
De Facto Property Rights
The notion of de facto property rights helps to understand why grand social engineering
schemes lead to such social disorganization and dislocation. Even when a legal system (e.g.,
a socialist system) does not recognize classical private property rights, people still act on the
world to create certain "fruits of their labor" and they have socially recognized capabilities and
use rights—all of which might be seen as de facto property rights. It is these de facto rights
that define their competences, their ability to make a living, provide for their family, and
perhaps to realize some of their aspirations. But because these de facto rights are not
formally recognized and enforced by the legal system, people cannot protect them from
arbitrary interference and cannot build upon them (e.g., as security for a loan) in the sense
that one cannot construct a tall building without a sure foundation. It is only a rudimentary
foundation so further development is stunted.
How in such a situation might one make the transition to a private property market economy?
The key to such a transition is start where people are, namely, with their de facto property
rights and to formalize them (or some close approximation to them) in a private property
system. Then the foundation that people have already created would be strengthened and
vouchsafed by the legal system so that people could then build on top of that stabilized
These ideas have been forcefully developed recently in Hernando de Soto's book The
Mystery of Capital [2000]. In the developing world, there is much rural land occupied and
farmed by peasants or urban land occupied and used by slum dwellers all without formal title.
The idea is that by using and improving these assets (formally but absentee owned by
others), people have created (as the fruits of their labor) certain de facto property rights (like
"easements") which give them the capability to sow and reap. Any so-called "reform" that
would take away those de facto property rights (and the capabilities they represent) to assert
absentee formal property rights would in fact be disempowering and anti-development. To
promote market-driven development, the reforms should find out ways to formalize some
socially acceptable approximation to those de facto rights so that the people then encounter
the market and the private property system as something that empowers them—rather than
the opposite.
Now transpose this argument over to the transition economies. In the decentralizing socialist
reforms over the years and decades before 1990, the workers, managers, and local
communities had developed a range of de facto property rights over their enterprises. There
was a self-management system in Yugoslavia, goulash communism with the enterprise
councils in Hungary, Solidarity with the self-management councils in Poland, and perestroika
with the decentralized management, cooperatives, and lease buy-outs in Gorbachev's Soviet
Union. Central planning never worked well and, as it got worse, forms of decentralization
took hold in varying degrees across much of the socialist world. One way or another, in often
bizarre ways, people learned to do things in a twilight half-centralized and half-decentralized
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system. They developed de facto property rights that represented their capabilities to actually
get a few things done and to squeak by.
When the dam finally broke in 1989-90, their was the commitment to systemic change but
what was the best path to the market? The pragmatic route would "start where people are"
and build incrementally on the previous reforms by formalizing the nearest approximation to
the de facto property rights that would accepted as socially fair. Thus it would continue the
decentralizing thrust going "straight to the market." For instance, that might have taken the
form of transforming the quasi-ownership of the workers embodied in the various selfmanagement councils into German-style works councils (co-determination) or into
management and employee buy-outs (MEBOs) perhaps as in the employee stock ownership
plans (ESOPs) of the US and UK or as in the Mondragon cooperatives of the Basque region
in Spain. 10
These points are perhaps easier to understand when applied to dwellings. Here pragmatism
fortunately prevailed over market bolshevik ideology. People also acquired various de facto
property rights over their flats in the socialist countries (analogous to "squatters' rights" in de
Soto's work). Since the distribution of housing also partially reflected the power relationships
under communism, one might pursue the same logic to suggest that the slate should be
wiped clean of the communist past and all apartments should be put on the market and
auctioned off to the highest bidder. Just think of the efficiency gains by jump-starting the
housing market! Instead most of the post-socialist countries figured out ways to arrive at
formal rights that were the closest socially fair approximation to the de facto rights.
But in the economic sphere, the market bolsheviks designed the so-called "market reforms"
with the exact opposite purpose to deny the de facto property rights accumulated during the
"communist past," to righteously wipe the slate clean by re-nationalizing all companies of any
size, and to start afresh with formal property rights deliberately unrelated to the previous
"vestiges of communism." 11 Sometimes these "ideal reforms" were compromised in getting
legislation passed but, by and large, the "reforms" were successful in sabotaging the de facto
property rights acquired during the earlier decentralizing reforms. For instance, outside of a
small elite, most Russians encountered the market not as something that strengthened their
capabilities and empowered them to build upon a sure foundation but as something that took
away what little self-efficacy they might have had. Thus the "market reforms" created social
dislocation on a massive scale—particularly for middle-aged and older people who had welldeveloped "root systems"— and left people in a position where the rational choice was to
grab what they could in the face of a very uncertain and uncontrollable future.
"Cargo Cult" Legal Reforms
There is a certain self-reinforcing vicious circle that leads to attempts to "install" inappropriate
"advanced" institutions in developing and transitional post-socialist countries. Let us begin
with the supply side of this unhappy transaction.
See Oakeshott 2000 or Whyte and Whyte 1991.
The principal method was voucher privatization [see Ellerman 2001; 2003] where people in effect
gave up their de facto rights in return for one or more vouchers (in Russia, worth in the end a few bottles
of vodka) that could be traded for shares on the "stock market" (see next section).
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People from advanced developed countries are, in effect, "born on third base and think they
hit a triple." 12 Often such "natural-born development experts" are graciously disposed to teach
developing countries how to "hit a triple." The developing country should redraft its laws to
describe the institutions seen from the vantage-point of "third base" [e.g., "like in America"]
and then after passing these new laws, everyone should wake up next morning as if they too
were born on third base.
Societies, however, tend to operate on the basis of their de facto institutions, norms, and
social habits, not their formal laws–and particularly not the formal laws "pulled out of the air"
with little relation to past experience. When such a gap between formal and de facto
institutions is introduced, then the bulk of the population can rarely "jump over the chasm" to
suddenly start living according to the new formal laws–so the rule of law is weakened. Semilegal ("gray") and illegal ("black") activities become more prominent as the connection
between legal and actual behavior is strained to and beyond the breaking point. The advice
from the natural-born development experts thus becomes more part of the problem than part
of the solution. More relevant institutional information could be provided by people who were
only on first or second base since they might actually know how to hit a single or a double.
Now consider the demand side—the demand for impossible "overnight" jumps to institutions
copied from technologically advanced developed countries. The people and the politicians of
the developing and the transition economies are constantly bombarded by the mass media
with images of life in the "First World." They want to get there "tomorrow" (if not "yesterday").
Consultants and academics from elite universities with no real development experience
badger the government officials to have the political courage and will to undertake a shocktherapy-style change in institutions, to jump over the chasm in one leap (i.e., jump directly to
third base)—as if such institutional change were actually possible. Those locals who caution
against radical leaps are dismissed as only trying to protect their privileges and "rents" from
the past regime. "How dare you think you know better than professors from Harvard!" 13 The
idea is to "escape the past," not to study the past to better develop incremental change
strategies. If the scientific experts from the First World give this advice, how can the
benighted officials from the Third World or the post-socialist countries resist? All people have
to do when they wake up the next morning is to start behaving according to the new laws
drafted by the experts!
For instance in a southeast European post-socialist country that had been particularly isolated
in the past, government officials wanted to jump to modern corporations "like in Europe." This
was an example of an "iceberg" institutional reform; the "above the water-line" laws could be
quickly changed but the problem was the "below the water-line" long-term changes in
behavior. 14 They located a European foundation that was willing to fund an "adaptation" of
the corporate laws of a west European country. The new draft laws were quickly passed by
The baseball metaphor was used by the Texan populist and political commentator Jim Hightower to
describe the first President George Bush.
See Wedel [1998] and Ellerman [2001, 2003] for more on the role of the Harvard wunderkinder in
Eastern Europe and in Yeltsin's Russia. Jeffrey Sachs was the first young Harvard economics
professor to gain notoriety in this regard, but he was soon eclipsed by his colleagues Lawrence
Summers (who during the early 1990s become Chief Economist of the World Bank and later Secretary
of the Treasury in the U.S. government) and, his protégé, Andrei Shleifer (born in Russia but emigrated
to America as a teenager).
The difference was noted by the British economic historian, Richard Tawney, after visiting China in
1930. "To lift the load of the past, China required, not merely new technical devices and new political
forms, but new conceptions of law, administration and political obligations, and new standards of
conduct in governments, administrators, and the society which produced them. The former could be,
and were, borrowed. The latter had to be grown." [Tawney 1966 (orig. 1932), 166]
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the Parliament so that the government officials and legislators could brag that they now had
"European corporate statutes." All they needed now was a few lawyers, a few judges, a few
accountants, a few regulators, a few business people, and a few decades of institutionbuilding experience so that the new statutes could actually be used. Any attempt to get the
country to adopt laws similar to those in neighboring countries that had incrementally evolved
towards a market economy for several decades was angrily rejected. "Why do you try to get
us to use these second-best or third-best laws when we can adopt the best European
statutes?" Surely the natural-born development experts from the First World want to provide
the best laws for their clients?
Thus the government officials demand that they do not want some second-best model; they
want the "very best" for their people—like in the advanced countries. The third-basers in the
international aid bureaucracies then can reap the seeds they have sown by "listening to the
clients" and "responding to the clients' desires" by trying to set up "public joint stock
companies" in Albania, a "stock market" in Mongolia, "defined contribution pension plans" in
Kazakhstan, and "modern self-enforcing corporate laws" in Russia. 15 Thus the circle is
completed; supply responds to demand in a self-reinforcing vicious circle to waste untold aid
resources on the attempted instant gratification of a non-evolutionary "Great Leap Forward" to
First World institutions. 16
The failed attempts at utopian social engineering might be usefully viewed from an
anthropological perspective. Many of the First World institutions such as "The Stock Market"
have a certain totemic or 'religious' significance. The Wall Street mentality found in the postsocialist world is reminiscent of the cargo cults that sprung up in the South Pacific after World
War II. 17 During the war, many of the glories of civilization were brought to the people in the
southern Pacific by "great birds from Heaven" that landed at the new airbases and refueling
stations in the region. After the war, the great birds flew back to Heaven. The people started
"cargo cults" to build mock runways and wooden airplanes in an attempt to coax the great
birds full of cargo to return from Heaven.
Peter Berger has pointed out the cargo cult mentality in development that promises a great
magical leap to modernity. 18
See "Corporate Law from Scratch" [Black, Kraakman, and Hay 1996] for a remarkable example of
trying to etch first-best laws as if on a blank slate in Russia. Even more remarkable is that after much
bitter experience with corporate governance in Russia, Black and Kraakman reversed themselves [Black
et al. 2000] and argued for a more pragmatic "staged" approach to legal and institutional development.
The third author of "Corporate Law from Scratch", Jonathan Hay, was a legal specialist from the Harvard
Law School who worked with Shleifer in Russia on USAID contracts through Harvard. Shleifer and
Harvard were later indicted by the US Department of Justice for alleged corrupt practices in that work—
and later settled by paying fines.
Again Tawney put it well. "What makes modern industry is ultimately not the machine, but the brains
which use it, and the institutional framework which enables it to be used. It is a social product, which
owes as much to the jurist as to the inventor. To regard it as an ingenious contrivance, like a
mechanical toy, or the gilded clocks in the museum at Peiping made by London jewellers for the
amusement of Chinese emperors, which a country can import to suit its fancy, irrespective of the
character of the environment in which the new technique is to function, is naïve to the point of absurdity.
It is like supposing that, in order to acclimatise Chinese script in the West, it would be sufficient to
introduce Chinese brushes and ink." [Tawney 1966 (orig. 1932), 130]
See the chapter on "Cargo Cult Science" in Feynman 1985.
See the Foreword by J. K. McCarthy in Lawrence 1979 for the cargo cult formulation of the question
of development assistance: "Where is the road that leads to cargo?" Jan Knippers Black also uses the
cargo cult metaphor for some recent development thinking [2000, 137 or 280].
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Indeed, one recurrent assertion of revolutionary propaganda is that its
program can deliver the "cargo" more surely or more swiftly than the
gradualistic development models. [Berger 1976, 21]
Post-communist countries, with hardly a banking system worthy of the name, nonetheless
opened up Hollywood storefront "stock exchanges" which were kickstarted by the listing of
shares in almost all companies in a voucher privatization program. Government officials in
East Europe, the former Soviet Union, and even Mongolia proudly showed the mock stock
exchanges, complete with computers screens and "Big Boards," to western delegations (with
enthusiastic coverage from the western business press) in the hope that finally the glories of a
private enterprise economy will descend upon them from Heaven. An earlier generation of
misguided development efforts left Africa dotted with silent "white elephant" factories, and the
present generation of revolutionary reforms in the post-socialist world left the region dotted
with dysfunctional "cargo cult" institutions—the foremost among them being the largely
totemic stock markets.
The Pragmatic Alternative in China
What was the alternative strategy? The reform experience in China—which has never had an
IMF program and which largely ignored the World Bank's advice to transition economies
(such as voucher privatization, shock-therapy price liberalization, and the opening of capital
account)—represents something like a pragmatic approach in practice. Deng Xiaoping used
a variety of metaphors; it is not important if the cat is black or white, but that it catches the
mice or that one should cross the river groping for the stepping stones (rather than trying to
jump over the river in one last "great leap forward"). As Deng put it in 1986: "We are engaged
in an experiment. For us, it [reform] is something new, and we have to grope around to find
our way. ...Our method is to sum up experience from time to time and correct mistakes
whenever they are discovered, so that small errors will not grow into big ones." [see Harding
1987, 87] When experiments had positive results, the idea was to then catalyze the process
so that small successes will "grow into big ones." As Chinese reformer Hu Qili put it at the
same time: "We allow the little streams to flow. We simply watch in which direction the water
flows. When the water flows in the right direction we build channels through which these
streams can lead to the river of socialism." 19
One of the important mis-formulations of the transition question was "Fast versus slow?"
"Incremental" and "pragmatic" might be misleading if they are construed as "gradual" or
"slow." The Chinese reforms were neither gradual nor slow, and the Russians will not soon
climb out of the chasm they failed to jump over in one leap. The point is to find and build stepby-step upon the reform efforts of the past (which requires taking into account past
conditions) rather than trying to wipe the slate clean and legislate ideal institutions in one fell
In Joseph Stiglitz's Whither Reform? [2001], the two "ideal types" were compared in a table as
a "battle of metaphors."
Quoted in: Harding 1987, 318. Thus do Chinese socialists instruct market bolsheviks on the nonbolshevik methods of institutional transformation. A related "pave the paths" metaphor is used by
Christopher Williams [1981, 112]. In a complex of new buildings, let grass grow between them, see
where footpaths develop, and then pave the paths. This illustrates the pragmatic strategy of formalizing
the best approximation to the de facto "paths."
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Table 1: "Battle of Metaphors" [Based on: Stiglitz 2001, 155]
Role of Initial
towards variety
Repairing the
Ship Metaphor
Social Engineering
Discontinuous break or shock—razing
the old social structure in order to
build the new.
The first-best socially engineered
solution that is not "distorted" by the
initial conditions.
Emphasizes explicit or technical
knowledge of end-state blueprint of
the One Best Way.
Why not do everything in the One
Best Way?
Knowing what you are doing. 20
Continuous change—trying to preserve
social capital that cannot be easily
improvements) taking into account initial
Emphasizes local practical knowledge that
only yields local predictability and does not
apply to large or global changes.
"Three cheers for the dogged persistence
and mysterious vitality of diversity."
[Jacobs 1980, 115]
Knowing that you don't know what you are
Jump across the chasm in one leap.
Build a bridge across the chasm.
Rebuilding the ship in dry dock. The
dry dock provides the Archimedean
point outside the water so the ship
can be engineered to blueprint
without being disturbed by the
conditions at sea.
All at once transplantation in a
decisive manner to seize the benefits
and get over the shock as quickly as
possible. Almost like moving fence
Repairing the ship at sea. There is no "dry
dock" or Archimedean fulcrum for changing
social institutions from outside of society.
Change always starts with the given
historical institutions. 21
Preparing and wrapping the major roots
one at a time (nemawashi) to prevent
shock to the whole system and improve
chances of successful transplantation.
Another part of the pragmatic approach, also evident in China, is the willingness to allow
parallel experiments in different parts of the country and then foster horizontal learning and
the propagation of the successful experiments. This is an important part of the alternative to
the bolshevik/jacobin approach of legislating the brave new world from the capital city to be
applied uniformly across the country. Indeed, parallel experimentation schemes are so
important to pragmatic social learning that we will close the case study on the transition and
turn to that topic.
The final word on the transition case study will be given to Gregory Mankiw, a Harvard
economics professor not involved with advice to Russia and who was head of George W.
Bush's Council of Economic Advisors in the While House.
Albert Hirschman has often noted the problems created in developing countries by the tendency that
Flaubert ridiculed as la rage de vouloir conclure or the rage to conclude [see Hirschman 1973, 238-40].
Advisors from elite institutions or universities are particularly under pressure to "have the answers"
rather than display Socratic ignorance or a pragmatic bent for multiple experiments. After all, what are
"experts" for?
See Benziger 1996 on the Chinese knowing they didn't know "what they were doing" and Elster et al.
1998 for the use of Otto Neurath's "rebuilding the ship at sea" metaphor in this context.
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According to the 2002 World Development Report, from 1990 to 2000,
China's real GDP grew at an amazing 10.3 percent per year. Meanwhile,
Russia's output fell at a rate of 4.8 percent per year. Such a shocking
contrast cries out for an explanation. [Mankiw 2003, 256-7]
The explanation given here, like the explanation given in the book by John McMillan [2002]
being reviewed by Mankiw, is based on the different philosophies, institutional shock therapy
and market bolshevism in the case of Russia in contrast to pragmatism and incrementalism in
the case of China. The international development agencies and the neoclassical economic
advisors lined up behind the Russian strategy; the Chinese went their own way—having
already learned the hard way about bolshevik-style social engineering.
Russia leaned on lawyers, economists, and bankers from the West for advice
on how to privatize state firms, develop capital markets, and reform the legal
system… China by contrast called little on foreign consultants. [McMillan
2002, 207-8; quoted in Mankiw 2003, 257]
Professor Mankiw spells out the stakes in this natural experiment.
If McMillan is right that shock therapy was the problem, then the economics
profession must accept some of the blame. Our profession lent some of its
best and brightest to the transition effort, such as my former colleague Jeffrey
Sachs. 22 Most of these advisors pushed Russia to embrace a rapid transition
to capitalism. If this was a mistake, as McMillan suggests, its enormity makes
it one of the greatest blunders in world history. [Mankiw 2003, 257]
The greatest institutional responsibility must lie with the major development agencies, the
World Bank and the IMF, which gave the advice and funds that underwrote the Russian
McMillan doesn't come right out and tell foreign governments to ignore the
experts from the IMF and other first-world institutions, but it would an easy
inference to draw. [Mankiw 2003, 257]
And our case study indicates that the inference would be correct.
Parallel Experimentation as Pragmatic Social Learning
The Duality Between Series-Oriented and Parallel-Oriented Strategies
There is a duality—series-parallel duality 23 —that runs throughout mathematics, engineering,
and human affairs. Many problems can be conceptualized as searching over a tree (starting
at the root). At each point, we have two options: to continue searching to greater depth along
a branch of the tree, or to broaden the search to include one or more other branches of the
tree. For instance, Albert Hirschman explored this duality in his treatment of exit-voice
The other two Harvard wunderkinder, Larry Summers and Andrei Shleifer, made more direct
contributions to the Russian debacle than Jeffrey Sachs (now with a reinvented persona at Columbia
University) but Shleifer was still a colleague of Mankiw's at Harvard and Summers was then the
President of Harvard University.
See chapter 12 "Parallel Addition, Series-Parallel Duality, and Financial Mathematics" in Ellerman
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dynamics [Hirschman 1970]. If you are dissatisfied with your position on a branch of a search
tree, then you have the basic choice to exit the branch to try other branches (e.g., buy
products from another company) or to stay loyal to the branch and exercise voice to try to
improve your position along the branch.
Suppose one is facing a search tree in trying to find a solution to a problem. If one is quite
sure that the solution lies along the branch that one is on, then a strategy of series
experimentation is appropriate. Test the current proposed solution and then move along that
branch, as it were, by improving that proposal. But if there is genuine uncertainty as to which
branch may contain "the" solution or even "a" solution, then a strategy of parallel
experimentation would be more appropriate. Try several options, prototype quickly to test the
options, and communicate between the experiments since improvements in one option might
also benefit other options. Eventually a clear winner might emerge so that resources could
then be concentrated on that option.
One might imagine a "series advocate" and a "parallel advocate" giving arguments for and
against each strategy. For the series proponent, a multiplicity of experiments is wasteful
duplication. Isn't it rational to put one's resources on the best option? Why not do everything
in the One Best Way? Large prideful organizations tend to favor this reasoning. The
organization's experts will decide on the best experiment or approach—otherwise the
organization would appear "not to know what it's doing." It is safer to put one's resources on
the knowledgeable choice rather than waste anything on what the authorities do not support.
Scattering our resources among less-promising options will detract from our best chance of
getting the breakthrough by putting all our resources on the most promising option. Applied to
the social world, this is the viewpoint of the social engineer. As Jeffrey Sachs put it, why
undertake "open experimentation" which could lead to "costly and dangerous wrong turns"
when the experts already knew the One Best Path?
Parallel experimentation is based on the opposite knowledge, the pragmatic or Socratic
knowledge that one does not know—acknowledged ignorance. There is an old distinction
between risk, where rough probabilities are known, and genuine uncertainty, where the
probabilities are unknown and where one has only conflicting hunches.
experimentation is based on genuine uncertainty.
The use of a parallel-path strategy for the solution of difficult development
problems is standard practice in several of our outstanding industrial
laboratories. It is extremely common in agricultural and medical research.
And in the atomic-bomb project, one of the most spectacularly successful
military projects the United States has ever undertaken, the parallel-path
strategy was employed. [Nelson 1961, 353]
A sober reading of the history of science and engineering shows that experts are often rather
myopic; they see only a few steps ahead on the usual path. But the disruptive paradigmshifting discoveries tend to come "out of left field"—from outside the conventional framework
that is the stock in trade of the experts. This sort of known-ignorance pushes for the "waste
and duplication" of a parallel approach.
Development work is a messy, time-, and energy-consuming business of trial,
error and failure. The only certainties in it are trial and error…. Indeed,
development work is inherently so chancy that by the law of averages,
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chances of success are greatly improved if there is much duplication of
effort….Just so, when Pasteur, that wise old man, begged for enlarged
support of the biological sciences, he begged for multiplication of
laboratories. [Jacobs 1969, 90-1]
The Wright Stuff
A certain schema—parallel experimentation—has emerged from a remarkable variety of
sources as the best means of learning and development under conditions of genuine
uncertainty. But one of the most basic examples is the process of biological evolution itself.
Evolutionary change involves the interplay between two processes: variation and selection
(along with the transmission of the selected variants to the next generation). Variation
expands the range of possibilities and selection narrows it. Charles Darwin's theory of
evolution was a theory about selection, the theory of natural selection. Darwin and Darwinism
have had relatively little to say about the structure of variation aside from the fundamental
contra-Lamarckian point that variation is "blind" in the sense of being independent of learning
during the lifetime of an organism.
Sewall Wright (1889-1988) together with Ronald A. Fisher and J. B. S. Haldane were the
three progenitors of one of the revolutions in modern biology, the mathematical theory of
population genetics [see Provine 1971; 1986]. In the recent complexity science literature,
Wright is more often mentioned as the inventor of the "fitness landscape" to represent
optimization on a very rugged and cloudy landscape. Yet the fitness landscape was only a
tool Wright used to expound his shifting balance theory of evolution. 24
Natural selection is a mechanism to push a population up a fitness hill—but it may be a very
low hill. "The problem of evolution as I see it is that of a mechanism by which the species
may continually find its way from lower to higher peaks in such a field." [Wright 1932;
reprinted in Wright 1986, 163-4] How does evolution ever get the population back down a hill
and across a valley of low fitness to climb a much higher hill? If selection operates to cut
down variety to the survival of the fittest, what is the mechanism to increase variety in order to
find a path from low to higher hills?
Like Darwin, Wright thought it relevant to carefully observe artificial selection. Wright found
that breeders do not keep all their animals together in one interbreeding herd. They
deliberately break the herd up into subherds, subpopulations, "races," or 'demes' (as in
demography). It is a question of balance. The subherds should be small enough so that the
variety found in the subherd (through sampling error) or created through mutation, sexual
reproduction, and genetic drift will be emphasized through inbreeding. But the subherd
should not be so small that inbreeding leads to the quick fixation of ill-adapted genes and the
deterioration or demise of the subherd. When a clearly superior example is produced in a
subherd, then the seed is crossbred into the other subherds to give them the benefit of the
innovation. But seeds could not be constantly crossbred between the subherds as that would
defeat the benefits of their semi-isolation. Shifting balances were involved. How small to
make the subherds and how much cross-breeding between the subherds?
The tool was rather misleading if taken to imply some scalar measure of "fitness" (like altitude above
sea-level) so that there would be one highest peak, a "Mount Everest of fitness."
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Seeing these processes at work in artificial breeding and selection, Wright reasoned that
Nature might have found some version of parallel experimentation with naturally forming
subpopulations and cross-fertilization by migration.
In the shifting balance theory, a large population that is subdivided into a set
of small, semi-isolated subpopulations (demes) has the best chance for the
subpopulations to explore the full range of the adaptive topography and to
find the highest fitness peak on a convoluted adaptive surface. If the
subpopulations are sufficiently small, and the migration rate between them is
sufficiently small, then the subpopulations are susceptible to random genetic
drift of allele frequencies, which allows them to explore their adaptive
topography more or less independently. In any subpopulation, random
genetic drift can result in a temporary reduction in fitness that would be
prevented by selection in a larger population, and so a subpopulation can
pass through a "valley" of reduced fitness and possibly end up "climbing" a
peak of fitness higher than the original. Any lucky subpopulation that reaches
a higher adaptive peak on the fitness surface increases in size and sends out
more migrants to nearby subpopulations, and the favorable gene
combinations are gradually spread throughout the entire set of
subpopulations by means of interdeme selection. [Hartl and Clark 1997, 259]
From the shifting balance theory and other examples, we might outline a general pragmatic
schema—"the Wright stuff"—for experimentation and learning in the context of uncertainty
and known ignorance:
different experiments ("demes") running concurrently with some common goal,
with some semi-isolation from immediate competitive pressures,
with benchmarking comparisons made between the experiments, and
with the "migration" of discoveries between experiments wherever possible to ratchet up
the performance of the whole population.
Perhaps the purest example of parallel experimentation as a scheme for collective innovation
and learning is provided by the communities of scientific researchers working in a field. They
also work in small semi-independent groups who constantly face the same shifting balance
real-world economics review, issue no. 52
decisions about working in bigger or smaller groups, or closely following what others are
doing versus striking off in new directions. Innovations are quickly transmitted via the
scientific literature to the other groups for intersubjective verification and cross-learning. The
knowledge available to all the groups is ratcheted up.
The series advocate would again like to use "what we know" to cut down on the wasteful
exploration of discredited ideas. The experts should be able to broadly agree on the best
path of research and then centrally controlled resources should allocated along that path.
Perhaps the most famous example in recent history in the life sciences was the Soviet
experts' decision that Lysenkoism represented the path for Soviet genetics to take. The other
branches on the tree were pruned away.
Another major example is the pluralism of political parties or organizations (e.g., cities or
states in a federation) taking different positions and performing different experiments
addressing common social problems. The rivalry between political parties is immediate and
direct while the rivalry between diverse cities or states is more indirect. But in all cases, the
idea is to have within the whole polity a number of positions being articulated and a number of
parallel experiments going on with some form of benchmarking and cross-learning so that
innovations will serve to ratchet up performance across the polity.
Here again, the series advocate is well-represented by "scientific socialism." When one has
access to the "science" of the "innermost workings of history" then parallel experimentation is
only a waste of resources. John Dewey quotes the English Communist John Strachey's
statement that the communist parties' "refusal to tolerate the existence of incompatible
opinions ... [is] simply asserting the claim that Socialism is scientific." Dewey goes on to
comment that it "would be difficult, probably impossible, to find a more direct and elegantly
finished denial of all the qualities that make ideas and theories either scientific or democratic
than is contained in this statement." [1939, 96] With "scientific socialism" now in the dustbin
of history, the spirit of the "scientific" organization and control of society lives on in the
application of orthodox economics as if the communist social engineers just had the wrong
But antipathy to parallel experimentation comes not only out of ideologies which already know
One Best Way; it comes even more often from authoritarian regimes or organizations who
have no interest in sponsoring a genuine alternative. It may be a low hill but they are on top
of it and any parallel experimentation would be downhill for them. 25
Donald Schön and Everett Rogers on Decentralized Social Learning
How can a society learn to make legal and institutional reforms? The default theory of social
learning is that the center makes policy innovations—series experimentation—which are then
transmitted to the periphery.
[The standard approach] treats government as center, the rest of society as
periphery. Central has responsibility for the formation of new policy and for
its imposition on localities at the periphery. Central attempts to ‘train'
agencies at the periphery. In spite of the language of experimentation,
See Sabel and Simon 2003 for a theory about using public law litigation to destabilize low-level
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government-initiated learning tends to be confined to efforts to induce
localities to behave in conformity with central policy. [Schön, 1971, 177]
But social learning can take place in a decentralized bottom-up manner with centralized
coordination. In large multi-plant companies, innovation may take the form of new ways of
socially organizing and structuring productive processes, e.g., quality circles or self-managed
work teams. Separate plants might perform pilot experiments to find out "what works and
what doesn't." The headquarters office frames the experiments, detects the successes, and
plays the knowledge-broker to help other plants cross-learn from the successful ones. In the
Japanese system of just-in-time inventories, there is local problem-solving by teams,
benchmarking between teams, and continuous improvement ratcheting up the performance of
the teams.
Schön described a similar process involving the government and the periphery of local units
trying to carry out a certain social reform.
Government cannot play the role of 'experimenter for the nation', seeking first
to identify the correct solution, then to train society at large in its adaptation.
The opportunity for learning is primarily in discovered systems at the
periphery, not in the nexus of official policies at the center. Central's role is to
detect significant shifts at the periphery, to pay explicit attention to the
emergence of ideas in good currency, and to derive themes of policy by
induction. The movement of learning is as much from periphery to periphery,
or periphery to center, as from center to periphery. Central comes to function
as facilitator of society's learning, rather than as society's trainer. [Schön,
1971, 177-8]
Decentralized parallel experimentation with centrally-sponsored framing and benchmarking
followed by peer-to-peer cross-learning in the periphery (like deme-to-deme cross-learning in
Wright's theory) is a more appropriate model than research at a central facility followed by the
teaching-dissemination of the results.
In Everett Rogers' early work on the diffusion of innovations he focused on the classical huband-spokes or center-periphery model of diffusion.
In this classical diffusion model, an innovation originates from some expert
source (often an R&D organization). This source then diffuses the innovation
as a uniform package to potential adopters who accept or reject the
innovation. The role of the adopter of the innovation is that of a passive
accepter. [Rogers 1983, 333]
Spurred on by Schön's work [1971], he became aware of decentralized diffusion systems with
horizontal diffusion between peers (which might involve partial re-invention of the model)
rather than vertical transmission from experts to adopters.
During the late 1970s I gradually became aware of diffusion systems that
did not operate at all like the relatively centralized diffusion systems that I had
described in my previous books. Instead of coming out of formal R&D
systems, innovations often bubbled up from the operational levels of a
system, with the inventing done by certain users. Then the new ideas spread
real-world economics review, issue no. 52
horizontally via peer networks, with a high degree of re-invention occurring as
the innovations are modified by users to fit their particular conditions. ...
Gradually, I began to realize that the centralized diffusion model was not
the only wheel in town. [Rogers 1983, 334]
Perhaps the best example of a parallel system of decentralized innovation and diffusion in a
developing country is in China over the last quarter of a century. The Chinese recognized
local reform models which could be in a region, county, commune, or even brigade, and could
be in any sector or area such as administration, health, education, or industry. The center
would recognize a "model" which could then be visited by groups from all over China who
want to make a similar reform in their locality.
The diffusion of innovations in China is distinctive in that it is (1) more
horizontal in nature, (2) less dependent upon scientific and technical
expertise, and (3) more flexible in allowing re-invention of the innovation as it
is implemented by local units. These aspects of decentralized diffusion are
facilitated by China's use of such diffusion strategies as models and on-thespot conferences. The "learning from others" approach to decentralized
diffusion in China was adopted officially as a national policy in the national
constitution in 1978. [Rogers 1983, 340-1]
The same period marks the beginning of China's historic record of growth and development at
the end of the twentieth century that was considered above.
Charles Sabel and the Revival of Legal Pragmatism
The Japanese system of just-in-time inventories, local problem-solving by teams,
benchmarking between teams, and continuous improvement (kaizen) can be seen as a
system of parallel experimentation and social learning in production that induces problemsolving and ownership by the participants. Charles Sabel developed this and other examples
in his theory of social learning [1994] and theory of rolling rules and ratcheting standards
regimes [Dorf and Sabel 1998; Sabel et al. 2000] that, in turn, have spawned a new school of
Legal Pragmatism. 26
Often legal and institutional development strategies are flawed by implicitly assuming that
which needs to be created. This often takes the form of assuming an effective governance
system is in place so that a development advisor simply has to pour some new wine into the
sound bottle, e.g., design a comprehensive set of new laws to be passed in a developing
country. In contrast, Sabel asks how collective action problems are solved in the small and
how change does take place—without assuming an effective fiat from the center.
In Sabel's treatment of collective action problems, individuals are assumed to have some
sociability, some powers of reflection and discussion, and incomplete identities always in the
process of formation and change. They are often in problematic situations where some
collective action would benefit the group but where each may be vulnerable to the noncooperation of others (which could be defection or simply error). The problem being
discussed is the group members' own common problem so that they would be involved in
implementing any proposed solution (the "learning") and will thereby be monitoring the
actions of others and hence the description "learning by monitoring." The discussion to arrive
Hence William H. Simon gave a recent paper the provocative title "Toyota Jurisprudence" [2004].
real-world economics review, issue no. 52
at a collective action plan must also include discussion of how to apportion the gains from
cooperation and how to adjudicate differences that will arise.
So far the description of learning by monitoring is consistent with the repeated games
treatment of the evolution of "cooperation" [e.g., Axelrod 1984]. Sabel goes beyond the
game-theoretic treatment by assuming that the self-definitions and identities of the
participants are changed by the discussion and cooperative efforts. Part of the discussion is
to reinterpret and reframe their past, to discover and clarify their interests, and to establish a
group identity with which the members can start to identify so that the cooperation is based
more and more on "who they are" than on a tenuous game-theoretic modus vivendi
(cooperating today only to avoid retaliation tomorrow). The reciprocal belief that others also
cooperate partly on the basis of identification (rather than strategy and guile) will lead to
giving others some "benefit of the doubt" by interpreting occasional non-cooperation by
members as error rather than betrayal. In such a manner, trust and the norms of reciprocity
(social capital) can be developed.
Central managers or coordinators, instead of being assumed as a deus ex machina, can be
seen as agents of the group facilitating the "government by discussion" 27 within the group and
helping to minimize the vulnerabilities of cooperative action—while through benchmarking and
other means of competitive stimulus helping to insure that the group continues to face the
problems that come to light. Where a set of people have interdependent opportunities and
fates, the group members through initial problem-solving discussion and action accompanied
by mutual monitoring can start to "bootstrap" [Sabel 1995] a new collective identity that can
help to stabilize future cooperative problem-solving and learning.
Sabel's treatment of solving collective action problems illustrates the pragmatic themes of the
incompleteness of the social world (people's values and beliefs), the constructive nature of
social solutions, and the constitutive role of people's active involvement. Sabel and
colleagues have also elaborated a remarkable range of what we termed "parallel
experimentation schemes" in legal and institutional development, e.g., regimes of rolling rules
and ratcheting standards.
Since my goal is more to give background and context to this school of Legal Pragmatism
with a focus on international development—rather than a comprehensive survey— I will only
outline one application of importance to international development, i.e., ratcheting labor
The problem is not simply "enforcing" some given set of international labor standards for
multinational companies but also to foster a social learning process to improve labor
conditions and ratchet up the public expectations about these companies. Putting the theory
in the mold of a parallel experimentation scheme, the parallel experiments are being
conducted by multinational firms who have made some minimal public commitment to socially
responsible behavior on their part and on the part of their subcontractors. The firms need to
spell out their own claims about humane treatment of workers in concrete terms (wages,
hours, safety record, and other working conditions) that can be benchmarked between the
parallel firms.
This tradition would include the work of John Stuart Mill, Walter Bagehot, James Bryce, John Dewey,
Ernest Barker, Frank Knight, James Buchanan, Bernard Crick, Charles Lindblom, Jurgen Habermas,
Jon Elster, Amy Gutmann, and Dennis Thompson.
real-world economics review, issue no. 52
Monitoring of the companies for compliance would be performed by NGOs. As NGOs are
themselves vulnerable to cooption, the accuracy and independence of their monitoring would
monitored by competing public activist groups and perhaps by a second-tier monitor. In the
absence of effective international law, the principal mechanism to discipline the laggards is
public shaming and the boycotts (or threats thereof) of activist groups. A company's selfesteem and pride in its public image will plan a role in addition to any impact on the bottom
The labor standards emerging from this process are not handed down by a committee of
experts in an international agency; they are set by the actual experiences of companies.
Laggards have little leg to stand on since the best or even average practices are based on the
practices of comparable companies. Since the best practices would be publicly documented
by the monitoring companies, the laggards can learn through the monitors or directly from
other companies. As companies learn, the best and average practices would improve so that
the emergent standards would be ratcheted up.
Concluding Remarks
I have tried to cover too much ground to attempt a summary. The overarching theme is that
legal and institutional development is not just one big dam engineering project. The
philosophical alternative to social engineering is Pragmatism. Within recent memory, we
have had one of the most remarkable natural experiments in the history of development, the
contrast between the Russian and Chinese strategies for making the transition to the market.
The contrast in outcomes is stunning and it casts grave doubt on the development institutions
that try to socially engineer development. Out of the whole analysis, one grand scheme for
development emerged, decentralized social learning through parallel experimentation. 28
Such a pragmatic experimentalist methodology does not require any global social engineering
institution at the center to determine "the solution"—and given the track record of such
institutions, that is for the good.
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