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In this short paper we briefly discuss the issue of the theory of general relativity as a supposed generalization of the theory of special relativity to see if general relativity did really generalize special relativity as a relativity theory. The simple conclusion that we reach in this discussion is that the theory of general relativity is not actually a generalization of the theory of special relativity and hence general relativity is neither a general theory nor a relativity theory. In short, the so-called "general theory of relativity” should more appropriately be called the “special theory of general covariance” since it is special in content (as it is essentially a gravitation theory) and it lacks the physical substance of relativity (as it is actually about mathematical artwork of general covariance rather than about physical relativity).
Electrodynamics, 2016
The General Theory of Relativity The general theory of relativity, Einstein's theory of gravitation, has been included as a compulsory subject in undergraduate and graduate courses in Physics and Applied Mathematics all over the world. However, the physics-first approach that is taken by many textbooks is not universally used, as the approach often depends on the instructors' or students' background. Conceived from the lecture notes made by the author over a teaching career spanning 18 years, this book introduces the general theory of relativity for advanced students with a strong mathematical background. The proposed book takes a 'math-first approach', for which the mathematical formalism comes first and is then applied to physics. It presents a concise yet comprehensive and structured understanding of the general theory of relativity. The book discusses the mathematical foundation of the general theory of relativity and focuses heavily on topics such as tensor calculus, geodesics, Einstein field equations, linearized gravity, Lie derivatives and their applications, the causal structure of spacetime, rotating black holes, and basic knowledge of cosmology and astrophysics. All of these are explained through a large number of worked examples and exercises.
What minimum choice can unify special theory of relativity (STR) and general theory of relativity (GTR) without disturbing the already existing mathematics in the contemporary literature on spacetime physics obeying the principle of general covariance. This choice also dispels the debates among the physicists considering lorentz transformation and galilean transformation. We no more need such issues in the presence of arbitrarily moving frame of reference. Incorporation of newer concept leads us to talk theory of relativity as a theory of waves independent of material content as the requirement of kinematics which predicts the physical universe without matter and equally valid to study dynamics in terms of waves. This also lifts the Heisenberg's uncetainty principle imposed on physical measurements as the lowest limit. Numbers and symbols are the dimensionless representatives of time. INTRODUCTION: Einstien's adventure of unification of space and time as single entity changed the minds of centuries and still shaking the minds. His choice of choosing x as a set of 4-dimensional spacetime was the basic idea. His 50% choice of time coordinate as a product of speed of light and coordinate time made the world modern but his remaing choice of space coordinate caused so much confusion that many scientists questioned the validity of relativity but no one dared to remove that paradox.
The General Theory of Relativity (GTR) is essentially a theory of gravitation. It is built on the Principle of Relativity. It is bonafide knowledge, known even to Einstein the founder, that the GTR violates the very principle upon which it is founded i.e., it violates the Principle of Relativity; because a central equation i.e., the geodesic law which emerges from the GTR, is well known to be in conflict with the Principle of Relativity because the geodesic law, must in complete violation of the Principle of Relativity, be formulated in special (or privileged) coordinate systems i.e., Gaussian coordinate systems. The Principle of Relativity clearly and strictly forbids the existence/use of special (or privileged) coordinate systems in the same way the Special Theory of Relativity forbids the existence of privileged and or special reference systems. In the pursuit of a more Generalized Theory of Relativity i.e., an all-encampusing unified field theory to include the Electromagnetic, Weak & the Strong force, Einstein and many other researchers, have successfully failed to resolve this problem. In this reading, we propose a solution to this dilemma faced by Einstein and many other researchers i.e., the dilemma of obtaining a more Generalized Theory of Relativity. Our solution brings together the Gravitational, Electromagnetic, Weak & the Strong force under a single roof via an extension of Riemann geometry to a new hybrid geometry that we have coined the Riemann-Hilbert Space (RHS). This geometry is a fusion of Riemann geometry and the Hilbert space. Unlike Riemann geometry, the RHS preserves both the length and the angle of a vector under parallel transport because the affine connection of this new geometry, is a tensor. This tensorial affine leads us to a geodesic law that truly upholds the Principle of Relativity. It is seen that the unified field equations derived herein are seen to reduce to the well known Maxwell-Procca equation, the non-Abelian nuclear force field equations, the Lorentz equation of motion for charged particles and the Dirac equation.
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics (IJTAP), Vol. 4, No. I , pp. 9-26, 2014
The axiomatization of general theory of relativity (GR) is done. The axioms of GR are compared with the axioms of the metric theory of relativity and the covariant theory of gravitation. The need to use the covariant form of the total derivative with respect to the proper time of the invariant quantities, the 4-vectors and tensors is indicated. The definition of the 4-vector of force density in Riemannian spacetime is deduced.
Arabian Journal of Mathematics, 2019
We develop a generic spacetime model in general relativity which can be used to build any gravitational model within general relativity. The generic model uses two types of assumptions: (a) geometric assumptions in addition to the inherent geometric identities of the Riemannian geometry of spacetime and (b) assumptions defining a class of observers by means of their four-velocity u a which is a unit timelike vector field. The geometric assumptions as a rule concern symmetry assumptions (the so called collineations). The latter introduces the 1 + 3 decomposition of tensor fields in spacetime. The 1 + 3 decomposition results in two major results. The 1 + 3 decomposition of u a;b defines the kinematic variables of the model (expansion, rotation, shear and four-acceleration) and defines the kinematics of the gravitational model. The 1 + 3 decomposition of the energy momentum tensor representing all gravitating matter introduces the dynamic variables of the model (energy density, the isotropic pressure, the momentum transfer or heat flux vector and the traceless tensor of the anisotropic pressure) as measured by the defined observers and defines the dynamics of the model. The symmetries assumed by the model act as constraints on both the kinematical and the dynamical variables of the model. As a second further development of the generic model we assume that in addition to the four-velocity of the observers u a there exists a second universal vector field n a in spacetime so that one has a so-called double congruence (u a , n a) which can be used to define the 1 + 1 + 2 decomposition of tensor fields. The 1 + 1 + 2 decomposition leads to an extended kinematics concerning both fields building the double congruence and to a finer dynamics involving more physical variables. After presenting and discussing the results in their full generality we show how they are applied in practice by considering in a step by step approach the case of a string fluid in Bianchi I spacetime for the comoving observers. Mathematics Subject Classification 83C15 • 83C20 • 17B66 1 Introduction General relativity (GR) is the first theory of Physics which uses geometry to such a great extent [6-9]. Newtonian Physics is also a geometric theory of Physics but the difference is that it uses the 3-D Euclidian geometry which
La República es una representación que intenta explicar la verdad que existe
Geopolitics, 2024
This forum discusses the concept of ‘total peace’ (paz total) and the notion of ‘peace regions’ (regiones de paz) recently coined by the government of Colombia to advance in the implementation of the Peace Accords signed back in 2016 with the guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces FARC. Broadly drawing on a radical and critical geopolitics perspective, the forum’s contri butions offer a set of interpretations, exploring a wide range of different aspects, such as the relations with the previous concept of ‘territorial peace’ (paz territorial), the changing geographical dynamics of the armed conflict, the proliferation of unlawful armed structures and drug trafficking, and violent processes of capital accumulation. Moreover, specific themes such as environ mental conflict, the political reintegration of the guerrillas, gen der and differential approaches, and ethnic and peasant communities’ perspectives are also addressed, without losing sight of the more general question of the country’s territorial reordering.
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 2003
1 A autora agradece a Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos o apoio para a realização da pesquisa que deu origem a este artigo. 2 Endereço para correspondência: Av. Carlos Gomes 911, 201, 90480 004,
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering, 2018
Revista Justicia Electoral , 2013
European Scientific Journal ESJ, 2020
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2022
অপরজন Aparjan—Bengali Webzine on Social, Cultural & Literary Issues | ISSN 2582-3701
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009
Sociological Research Online, 2019
Environmental Science & Technology, 2005
2015 31st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops, 2015
Moscow University Anthropology Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seria XXIII. Antropologia)
2007 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, 2007
International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy and Biotechnology, 2020
Retratos del genio. El culto a la personalidad artística en el siglo XIX, 2007